` __________
` Petitioners
` v.
` Patent Owner
` _________
` Case IPR2015-00851
` Patent 5,902,347
` __________
` APRIL 14TH, 2016
`PAGES 1 - 156
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
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`Exhibit 1022
`Google et al. v. American Navigation
`Jay Bhatia
` taken on behalf of Petitioners
` DATE: April 14th, 2016
` TIME: 9:02 a.m. to 3:08 p.m.
` PLACE: Fee & Jeffries
` 1227 North Franklin Street
` Tampa, Florida 33602
` BEFORE: Dawn A. Hillier, RMR, CRR, CLR
` Notary Public - State of
` Florida, at Large
`1 2 3
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
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`A P P E A R A N C E S :
`Jay Bhatia
`A T T O R N E Y S F O R P E T I T I O N E R S
` D A V I D S . A L M E L I N G , E S Q U I R E
` O ' M E L V E N Y & M Y E R S , L L P
` T w o E m b a r c a d e r o C e n t e r , 2 8 t h F l o o r
` S a n F r a n c i s c o , C a l i f o r n i a 9 4 1 1 1 - 3 8 2 3
` ( 4 1 5 ) 9 8 4 - 8 9 5 9
` d a l m e l i n g @ o m m . c o m
` M I C H A E L H A W K I N S , E S Q U I R E
` F I S H & R I C H A R D S O N
` 3 2 0 0 R B C P l a z a
` 6 0 S o u t h S i x t h S t r e e t
` M i n n e a p o l i s , M i n n e s o t a 5 5 4 0 2
` ( 6 1 2 ) 3 3 7 - 2 5 6 9
` h a w k i n s @ f r . c o m
` M I C H A E L D . J A Y , E S Q U I R E
` B O I E S , S C H I L L E R & F L E X N E R , L L P
` 4 0 1 W i l s h i r e B o u l e v a r d , S u i t e 8 5 0
` S a n t a M o n i c a , C a l i f o r n i a 9 0 4 0 1
` ( 3 1 0 ) 7 5 2 - 2 4 0 0
` m j a y @ b s f l l p . c o m
`A T T O R N E Y S F O R P A T E N T O W N E R
` A N T O N H O P E N , E S Q U I R E
` A U B R I Y L Y T V Y N , E S Q U I R E
` N I C H O L A S R . P F E I F E R , E S Q U I R E
` S M I T H & H O P E N
` 1 8 0 P i n e A v e n u e N o r t h
` O l d s m a r , F l o r i d a 3 4 6 7 7
` ( 8 0 0 ) 8 0 7 - 3 5 3 1
`2 3
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`Jay Bhatia
`Exhibit 1018 Workshare Comparison, 43
` Muller/Bhatia
`Exhibit 1019 Workshare Comparison 45
` Israni/Bhatia
`Exhibit 1020 Webster's Encyclopedic 85
` Unabridged Dictionary, definition of
` project
`Exhibit 1021 The American Heritage 86
` Dictionary, definition of project
`7 8 9
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`Jay Bhatia
`was called as a witness and having first been duly
`sworn, was examined and testified as follows:
` Q Per agreement between the parties, there will 09:02:42
`be one transcript today. And that transcript will be 09:02:44
`applicable in both IPR2015-00849 and 2015-00851, will 09:02:48
`apply to both of those as if it was taken in them. 09:03:01
` Please state your full name, sir. 09:03:04
` A My name is Jay Bhatia, B as in boy, h-a-t, as 09:03:05
`in Tom, i-a. 09:03:09
` Q Please state your home address. 09:03:11
` A 311 Depot Road, D-e-p-o-t, Boxborough, 09:03:13
`B-o-x-b-o-r-o-u-g-h, Massachusetts, 01719. 09:03:18
` Q Please state your work address. 09:03:24
` A 311 Depot Road, Boxborough, Massachusetts, 09:03:26
`01719. 09:03:29
` Q Do you understand that you're under oath? 09:03:32
` A Yes, sir. 09:03:33
` Q Is there any reason that you cannot give 09:03:34
`truthful and accurate testimony today? 09:03:35
` A No, sir. 09:03:37
` Q To ensure clarity throughout the deposition, I 09:03:38
`want to define several terms upfront that I will use. 09:03:40
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`Jay Bhatia
`When I use the term "patent owner" or "AmNav," I'm 09:03:44
`referring to American Navigation Systems, Inc. 09:03:48
` Do you understand? 09:03:51
` A I do. 09:03:51
` Q When I use the term "Samsung," I'm referring 09:03:55
`to Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., and Samsung 09:03:57
`Electronics America, Incorporated. 09:04:00
` Do you understand? 09:04:02
` A Yes, I do. 09:04:03
` Q When I use the term "Google," I'm referring to 09:04:05
`Google, Inc. 09:04:08
` Do you understand? 09:04:09
` A Yes, sir. 09:04:10
` Q When I use the term "Apple," I'm referring to 09:04:10
`Apple, Inc. 09:04:13
` Do you understand? 09:04:14
` A Yes. 09:04:14
` Q When I use the term "petitioners," I'm 09:04:15
`referring to Samsung, Google, and Apple. 09:04:16
` Do you understand? 09:04:20
` A Yes. 09:04:20
` Q When I use the term "these IPRs," I'm 09:04:20
`referring to both IPRs that petitioner filed regarding 09:04:23
`the '347 patent. 09:04:28
` Do you understand? 09:04:30
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`Jay Bhatia
` A Yes. 09:04:30
` Q When I use the acronym "POSITA," I'm referring 09:04:32
`to a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of 09:04:36
`the alleged invention. 09:04:39
` Do you understand? 09:04:40
` A Yes. 09:04:41
` Q POSITA is spelled P-o-s-i-t-a. 09:04:42
` Please describe how you prepared for today's 09:04:49
`deposition. 09:04:51
` A So, I read all the documents that are in 09:04:51
`question. I met with the counsels. And we had 09:04:55
`discussions yesterday. 09:05:03
` Q Approximately how long did you meet with 09:05:04
`counsel? 09:05:06
` A Seven or eight hours. 09:05:08
` Q And you said you reviewed the documents in 09:05:11
`question. Are you referring to the documents you've 09:05:14
`identified in your materials-considered list or any 09:05:17
`other documents? 09:05:20
` A At least the materials-considered list. 09:05:21
` Q What additional materials did you review 09:05:24
`yesterday that are not identified on the 09:05:27
`materials-considered list in your declarations in these 09:05:28
`IPRs? 09:05:32
` A Yesterday? None. 09:05:33
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`Jay Bhatia
` Q Not limiting my answer to yesterday, what 09:05:34
`materials have you reviewed, either for purposes of 09:05:39
`preparing your deposition or preparing your testimony 09:05:42
`today, that are not included within the 09:05:46
`materials-considered list of your two declarations? 09:05:49
` A I looked at my resume, and I also looked at 09:05:53
`the cases that I have worked with. And I looked at some 09:05:57
`of the invoices that I have raised for the case. 09:06:00
` Q Anything else? 09:06:07
` A That's it. 09:06:07
` Q When you say "the cases that I've worked 09:06:09
`with," you're referring to previous cases on which you 09:06:11
`have served as an expert? 09:06:14
` A That is correct. 09:06:15
` Q As part of your preparation to testify today, 09:06:16
`did you do any independent searches such as online 09:06:23
`searches? 09:06:27
` A As part of the -- I had looked at for the, you 09:06:29
`know, definitions, and yes, I did. 09:06:31
` Q And can you please describe what searches you 09:06:34
`performed in order to prepare to testify today? 09:06:37
` A As I sit here today? At least the one that I 09:06:40
`recall were the -- as part of preparing my declaration, 09:06:42
`I had looked at various terms that I used, so I referred 09:06:47
`to dictionaries available. 09:06:53
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`Jay Bhatia
` Q Did you review any dictionary definitions that 09:06:57
`you did not subsequently cite in either of your 09:06:59
`two declarations? 09:07:03
` A Not that I sit here, can I recall. 09:07:04
` Q You are not named on any patents regarding 09:07:07
`navigation systems; correct? 09:07:18
` A That is correct. 09:07:20
` Q You have not worked at a company that has 09:07:21
`manufactured navigation systems; correct? 09:07:23
` A That is correct. 09:07:26
` Q You have not received any formal training 09:07:27
`regarding navigation systems; correct? 09:07:30
` A I wouldn't say that -- 09:07:33
` Q What -- 09:07:36
` A -- because navigation is a broad material. It 09:07:36
`includes indexing. It includes retrieving data. So the 09:07:39
`underlying technologies in navigation is to seek data, 09:07:45
`to seek specific amount of data, to identify a location, 09:07:51
`and then display that. 09:07:55
` So I have worked on several individual 09:07:58
`projects that use those technologies. 09:08:02
` Q You understand that the '347 patent relates to 09:08:10
`a particular navigation system; correct? 09:08:13
` A '347 describes a way of using, in a displaying 09:08:16
`map that includes the -- some of the technologies that I 09:08:23
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`Jay Bhatia
`referenced before. 09:08:26
` Q And I want to talk about those technologies 09:08:27
`because you seem to make a distinction between 09:08:29
`technologies for navigation and underlying technologies 09:08:32
`that enable technologies for navigation. 09:08:35
` Focusing just on technologies for navigation, 09:08:38
`have you received any formal training regarding 09:08:41
`navigation systems? 09:08:44
` A I will say yes, because I have worked on, you 09:08:45
`know, computer graphics, the indexing. I have worked 09:08:48
`with -- I have had the formal training in my master's 09:08:50
`degree for, you know, how to index a file and how to 09:08:55
`optimally compress and how to display. 09:08:58
` So those are the technologies. Whether you 09:09:01
`call them as underlying or related, they are the one 09:09:04
`that are used in navigation. 09:09:07
` Q Please provide your understanding of what 09:09:20
`qualifies as a navigation system. 09:09:22
` A So, again, it's a broad term. So navigation 09:09:26
`typically to me would mean that it could have the 09:09:30
`ability to identify a location, ability to then access 09:09:34
`the data related to that location. 09:09:41
` That could include cartographic maps. It 09:09:45
`could include the places of interest. So various 09:09:49
`related data needs to be accessed. 09:09:52
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`Jay Bhatia
` And it also includes identifying, you know, 09:09:54
`understanding the routing and the optimal place of -- 09:10:00
`optimal way of routing the -- from the point from A to 09:10:02
`B. 09:10:10
` Q Are you familiar with various routing 09:10:10
`algorithms in the art? 09:10:12
` A I'm generally familiar with the routing 09:10:16
`algorithms. 09:10:16
` Q Please identify each routing algorithm of 09:10:18
`which you're aware. 09:10:22
` A So what you could do is you could identify 09:10:22
`your source to destination and then look at all the 09:10:24
`available alternatives and find the optimal path. And 09:10:28
`within that -- that's the overall intent. 09:10:31
` And then within that, there are several 09:10:34
`different ways that you could do. You could find, you 09:10:36
`know, predetermined paths that are far well known and 09:10:39
`then build around it for the end miles, the last twins. 09:10:43
` You could also take the two points and find 09:10:49
`all the port possible -- that's the worst case -- all 09:10:54
`possible opportunities to traverse from A to B, and then 09:10:58
`look at what is the most optimal. 09:11:00
` Or as I said, that, you know, you look at 09:11:04
`segments that are predetermined that if I'm going from A 09:11:09
`to B, I would take this, and then you can categorize or 09:11:15
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`Jay Bhatia
`identify within those segments. 09:11:18
` Q You identified three elements of a navigation 09:11:20
`system: One, identifying location; two, accessing data 09:11:22
`for the location; and three, optimal routing. 09:11:25
` You've given me examples of optimal routing. 09:11:28
`I would now like for you to give me examples of 09:11:31
`identifying a location. Please identify each example 09:11:33
`that you know of for identifying a location for an 09:11:36
`entity or a person. 09:11:39
` A Okay. So there are at least three I will 09:11:40
`describe that come to my mind as I sit here. 09:11:46
` One is essentially seeking fixed -- so at the 09:11:50
`highest level, identifying fixed points, and then two or 09:11:52
`more fixed points and then triangulate to identify a 09:11:57
`location. And then depending on the accuracy that you 09:12:00
`would want, you would seek out more points, fixed 09:12:06
`points. 09:12:08
` So that is the underlying concept. That is 09:12:10
`one concept that you could use. 09:12:14
` In that, you could have things like what the 09:12:15
`cell phone would do, like you have a cell phone 09:12:17
`stations, base stations that are known to be in a fixed 09:12:21
`place, you know, that coordinates. And then you figure 09:12:24
`out the time for the cell phone data to come to -- or 09:12:27
`the signal to come to you, and then you triangulate and 09:12:29
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`Jay Bhatia
`identify. 09:12:32
` The second is in the airplane, there were 09:12:33
`beacons that were laid out all over the world. And then 09:12:35
`you would -- and each beacon had a unique identifier 09:12:38
`that you would associate with. And then you would look 09:12:41
`at the time signal that is received from that with the 09:12:43
`time stamp. 09:12:49
` The third is the United States Department of 09:12:49
`Defense, the GPS system that you all are familiar with. 09:12:52
`The GPS system has 24 satellites, and then you will use 09:12:57
`the same, essentially the technology. Each one will 09:13:01
`identify what -- each one will identify which particular 09:13:03
`satellite it is and what the time stamp is, and then you 09:13:08
`triangulate based on that. 09:13:12
` And then, of course, there is a Russian 09:13:14
`satellite, and now there are a lot of other countries 09:13:15
`that are putting up their satellite-based navigation 09:13:20
`system. 09:13:22
` Q Are you familiar with inertial navigation 09:13:23
`systems? 09:13:26
` A Inertial? I-n-i -- inertial? Inertial, yes? 09:13:26
` Q Correct. 09:13:34
` A No. 09:13:34
` Q Okay. Using your definition of a navigation 09:13:35
`system as something that identifies a location, access 09:13:38
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`Jay Bhatia
`the data for the location, and has an optimal routing 09:13:40
`element -- 09:13:43
` A There's one other thing. We have not 09:13:43
`finished. 09:13:45
` Q Oh. I apologize. I didn't mean to -- 09:13:46
` A It's all right. And then -- 09:13:49
` Q In order to ensure a clear transcript, it's 09:13:49
`helpful if I have a clear question and you have a clear 09:13:52
`answer. So I will stop talking when you do, and I 09:13:54
`appreciate the reciprocal courtesy. 09:13:56
` A I will try. 09:14:01
` Q You said there was a fourth part that you 09:14:02
`would like to add to your definition of a navigation 09:14:03
`system. What is that fourth one? 09:14:06
` A The fourth one would be the display of the 09:14:08
`actual maps that is to be shown to the user. Thank you. 09:14:09
` Q Using that four-part definition of what 09:14:19
`qualifies as a navigation system -- you have never -- 09:14:21
`I'm going to ask you a series of questions. You have 09:14:24
`never been a member of an organization that was 09:14:26
`dedicated to navigation systems; correct? 09:14:29
` A It's a broad question. But as I sit here 09:14:38
`today, I can't think of... 09:14:40
` Q You never wrote source code for a navigation 09:14:42
`system; correct? 09:14:45
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`Jay Bhatia
` A I have written several source code for 09:14:47
`indexing part. I have written several source code 09:14:50
`examples of how to display the part -- display the 09:14:54
`image. 09:14:59
` I have written several programs that would 09:15:00
`relate to each of those individual piece of taking the 09:15:04
`data from a serial port and then making sure you find 09:15:09
`the data stream and then projecting it onto a display. 09:15:12
` Q For what navigation system did you write 09:15:17
`source code? 09:15:20
` A Again, I'm going to say it works -- it relates 09:15:23
`to the individual underlying systems. So we have -- I 09:15:26
`have written code that would take huge amount of data, 09:15:31
`put it into a separate file. Then you go and identify 09:15:35
`the right file to be displayed. 09:15:38
` Akin to the navigation system which you are 09:15:40
`just identifying, that's the part of identifying the 09:15:43
`optimal -- optimally identifying the data. 09:15:47
` I have done the graphics display of, you know, 09:15:49
`both the ASCII characters as well as the CRT, as well as 09:15:53
`the LCD. 09:15:57
` I go back to those days where I have done and 09:16:00
`used the displays of various kinds and then deciding 09:16:02
`which kind of a display, push the data accordingly. 09:16:04
` I have worked on determining what is the best 09:16:09
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`Jay Bhatia
`way to identify how to look for a specific data that 09:16:11
`relates, so indexing it. So remember that -- 09:16:20
` Q So I understand that you can write a storage 09:16:29
`program and formulate an array. And I understand that 09:16:31
`you can write various graphic elements that are going to 09:16:33
`a graphics card, all of which could subsequently be used 09:16:37
`in a navigation system. 09:16:40
` My question is, what navigation system itself, 09:16:41
`using your four-part definition of what qualifies as a 09:16:44
`navigation system, have you written source code for? 09:16:48
` A I have -- if you're asking about written, no. 09:16:51
`But I have reviewed individual components of the -- see, 09:16:54
`I think -- I don't know what the underlying question is. 09:16:59
`But I think if you have done -- you know, we wouldn't 09:17:03
`have all done math, addition of 468 plus 273. But we 09:17:08
`know how to get there if we had to. In past, if you ask 09:17:13
`me a particular mathematical problem, I may not have 09:17:16
`solved that particular math problem. 09:17:19
` Q And I'm asking you today the particular math 09:17:23
`problem of a navigation system. 09:17:25
` A All right. 09:17:26
` Q So I understand that you may have done 09:17:26
`graphics, but I'm saying graphics in a navigation 09:17:27
`system. I understand you may have done various storage 09:17:30
`systems in your life, but I'm saying storage in 09:17:36
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`Jay Bhatia
`navigation systems. 09:17:39
` You have never taught a class in navigation 09:17:41
`systems; correct? 09:17:43
` A That is correct. 09:17:44
` Q You have never authored a publication in 09:17:45
`navigation systems; correct? 09:17:47
` A Correct. 09:17:48
` Q You have never attended a conference 09:17:49
`explicitly on navigation systems; correct? 09:17:51
` A As I sit here, I have attended, in younger 09:17:55
`days, several conferences. And there may have been 09:17:59
`paper related to navigation system because I worked in 09:18:03
`the IEEE. So I'm not going to say yes or no to that. 09:18:06
`And I'm going to say that I don't know, as I sit here 09:18:11
`today. I cannot recall. 09:18:13
` Q Have you ever attended as ESRI conference? 09:18:14
` A Sorry. E-S-R-I? 09:18:18
` Q Yes. 09:18:21
` A No. 09:18:21
` Q Do you know what ESRI is? 09:18:22
` A Yes, I do. 09:18:24
` Q What is it? 09:18:25
` A ESRI is the one that guides the standards 09:18:25
`for -- by the way, we have -- and we can talk about when 09:18:27
`we -- you'll ask appropriate question about they have 09:18:29
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`Jay Bhatia
`a -- ArcGIS related standards. I've worked on that. 09:18:34
` Q You're familiar with the term GIS? 09:18:39
` A Yes, I am. 09:18:41
` Q You have? 09:18:42
` A Yes. 09:18:42
` Q GIS stands for what, sir? 09:18:42
` A Geographical information system. 09:18:44
` Q Have you ever attended a conference on GIS? 09:18:46
` A Actually, quite interestingly, yes. I have 09:18:49
`attended, in either 2007 or 2008, a conference on the 09:18:51
`vendors of GIS in the State of -- Commonwealth of 09:19:02
`Massachusetts. 09:19:05
` Q What was the name of that conference? 09:19:08
` A It was a vendor -- it was arranged by the 09:19:13
`State from the vendors who are providing the GIS data -- 09:19:14
`GIS services or products. 09:19:17
` Q Before this case, you have never served as an 09:19:21
`expert before in a case on navigation systems; correct? 09:19:24
` A That is correct. 09:19:29
` Q You do not consider yourself an expert on the 09:19:33
`state of navigation systems in the mid 1990s; correct? 09:19:36
` A No, I wouldn't think so. 09:19:41
` Q You also do not consider yourself -- 09:19:43
` A I'm sorry, by the way. I'm denying your -- 09:19:44
`just so to be clear. 09:19:47
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`Jay Bhatia
` Q Oh. 09:19:49
` A I'm saying, No, I do not agree with your 09:19:49
`statement. Because your question was, Do you agree 09:19:53
`that -- 09:19:54
` Q I see. 09:19:54
` A -- you are not an expert. So I just want to 09:19:54
`clarify, and it could be so. Sorry. Thank you. 09:19:56
` Q In your opinion, you are an expert on the 09:20:01
`state of navigation systems, as such, in the mid 1990s; 09:20:02
`correct? 09:20:07
` A Can you repeat that? Because the correct 09:20:09
`emphasis was strong, so I want to make sure of that. 09:20:11
` Q In your opinion, you are an expert on the 09:20:14
`state of navigation systems, as such, in the mid 1990s; 09:20:17
`correct? 09:20:22
` A No. So... 09:20:23
` I consider myself an expert or you don't 09:20:27
`consider yourself -- can you please? Sorry. Could you 09:20:29
`please repeat that question? 09:20:32
` Q I'll make this easy. Are you or are you not 09:20:33
`an expert on the state of navigation systems, as such, 09:20:37
`in the mid 1990s? 09:20:42
` A I believe that I am very familiar with the 09:20:44
`state of navigation systems in the mid '90s for various 09:20:47
`reasons. A definition of "expert" is a relative term, 09:20:50
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`Jay Bhatia
`but I consider myself to be quite knowledgeable about 09:20:54
`what were the prevailing alternatives available. I 09:20:58
`am -- I'm quite familiar with the underlying 09:21:01
`technologies. And I'm quite familiar with the products 09:21:04
`that were being offered at that time. 09:21:09
` Q Please identify each person that you consider 09:21:12
`to be an expert in the state of navigation technologies 09:21:15
`in the 1990s. 09:21:19
` A As I sit here now? I wouldn't -- I mean, why 09:21:21
`would I want to know the experts? So it's a relative 09:21:25
`term, again. I know several people who are very 09:21:29
`familiar with navigation systems such as myself. 09:21:32
` Q Can you identify any that you consider to be 09:21:36
`an expert in those technologies, navigation systems, as 09:21:38
`such, in the mid 1990s? 09:21:42
` A So I'm trying to recall the name, but I don't 09:21:57
`now. I'll come back to you on that. 09:22:05
` Q Who is the father of GIS? 09:22:07
` A As I sit