
`Tristar’s Answer to Choon’s
`Second Amended Complaint


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`Case No. 14-10848
`Honorable Victoria A. Roberts
`Maglstrate Judge Dav1d R. Grand
`Defendant Tristar Products, Inc. (“Tristar”), by and through its attorneys
`King & Murray PLLC and Bakos & Kritzer, hereby answers the First Amended
`Complaint (the “Complaint”) filed by Plaintiff Choon’s Design LLC (“Plaintiff”).
`Upon information and belief, Plaintiff does not own the patents-in—suit, as Plaintiff
`has changed its name to Choon’s Design, Inc. For purposes of answering the
`Complaint, Tristar has answered as if Choon’s Design, Inc. was properly identified
`as the asserting party. To the extent not specifically admitted, Tristar denies each
`and every allegation in the Complaint. Tristar incorporates the heading used by
`Plaintiff in the Complaint for convenience and ease of reference, and denies any
`allegations, assertions or inferences associated with same.


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`Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief
`about the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 1 of the Complaint, and therefore
`denies same.
`Tristar admits its primary place of business is at 492 U.S. 46,
`Fairfield, New Jersey, 07004.
`Tristar admits only that this Court has jurisdiction over the subject
`matter of this action pursuant to at least 28 U.S.C. § 133 8(a), in that it may involve
`claims arising under the Patent Act, 35 U.S.C. § 271.
`Tristar admits that this Court has personal jurisdiction over Tristar.
`Tristar denies all other allegations set forth in Paragraph 4 of the Complaint.
`Tristar admits that venue is legally proper in this Court, but believes
`that venue is more appropriate in the United States District Court for the District of
`New Jersey. Tristar has filed a Brief in Support of its Motion to Transfer under 28
`U.S.C. § 1404(a) detailing the reasons it believes transfer is warranted.
`(Doc. 12).
`Tristar’s Motion to Transfer is currently pending.
`In addition, an action between
`Plaintiff and Tristar is currently pending before the United States District Court for
`the District of New Jersey. Plaintiff has filed an Answer and Affirmative Defenses
`in the New Jersey action.


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`Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief
`about the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 6 of the Complaint, and therefore
`denies same.
`Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief
`about the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 7 of the Complaint, and therefore
`denies same.
`Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief
`about the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 8 of the Complaint, and therefore
`denies same.
`Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief
`about the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 9 of the Complaint, and therefore
`denies same.
`Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief
`about the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 10 of the Complaint, and therefore
`denies same.
`Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief
`about the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 11 of the Complaint, and therefore
`denies same.


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`Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief
`about the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 12 of the Complaint, and therefore
`denies same.
`Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief
`about the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 13 of the Complaint, and therefore
`denies same.
`Tristar admits it sells a loom kit under the trademark “Bandaloom,”
`including loom, mini loom, hook, rubber bands and clips. Tristar admits it sells
`rubber bands separately from the loom kit. Tristar denies all other allegations set
`forth in Paragraph 14 of the Complaint.
`Tristar admits it sells certain BandaloomTM products, including rubber
`bands, on its website (wwwbandaloomcom). Tristar denies all other allegations
`set forth in Paragraph 15 of the Complaint.
`16. Admitted.
`Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief
`about the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 20 of the Complaint, and therefore
`denies same.
`Tristar admits that Exhibit 5 purports to be a copy of United States
`Patent Number 8,485,565 (the “‘565 patent”) which is entitled “Brunnian Link
`Making Device and Kit.” Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to


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`form a belief about the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 18 of the
`Complaint and therefore denies same.
`Tristar admits that Cheong Choon Ng is listed as the inventor on
`Exhibit 5. Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief
`about the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 18 of the Complaint and
`therefore denies same.
`Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief
`about the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 20 of the Complaint, and therefore
`denies same.
`Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief
`about the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 21 of the Complaint and therefore
`denies same.
`Paragraph 22 of the Complaint states a legal conclusion and therefore
`does not require a response from Tristar. To the extent Paragraph 22 contains any
`factual allegation, Tristar denies same.
`Tristar admits that Exhibit 6 purports to be a copy of United States
`Patent Number 8,622,441 (the “‘441 patent”) which is entitled “Hand Held Link
`Making Device and Kit.” Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to
`form a belief about the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 23 of the
`Complaint and therefore denies same.


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`Tristar admits that Cheong Choon Ng is listed as the inventor on
`Exhibit 6. Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief
`about the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 18 of the Complaint and
`therefore denies same.
`Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief
`about the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 25 of the Complaint, and therefore
`denies same.
`Tristar lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief
`about the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 26 of the Complaint and therefore
`denies same.
`Tristar repeats and reiterates the responses to the allegations set forth
`in Paragraphs 1 through 26 as if each was set forth fully herein.
`Paragraph 28 of the Complaint states a legal conclusion and therefore
`does not require a response from Tristar. To the extent Paragraph 28 contains any
`factual allegation, Tristar denies same.
`Paragraph 29 of the Complaint states a legal conclusion and therefore
`does not require a response from Tristar. To the extent Paragraph 29 contains any
`factual allegation, Tristar denies same.


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`Paragraph 30 of the Complaint states a legal conclusion and therefore
`does not require a response from Tristar. To the extent Paragraph 30 contains any
`factual allegation, Tristar denies same.
`Paragraph 31 of the Complaint states a legal conclusion and therefore
`does not require a response from Tristar. To the extent Paragraph 31 contains any
`factual allegation, Tristar denies same.
`Paragraph 32 of the Complaint states a legal conclusion and therefore
`does not require a response from Tristar. To the extent Paragraph 32 contains any
`factual allegation, Tristar denies same.
`Tristar repeats and reiterates the responses to the allegations set forth
`in Paragraphs 1 through 32 as if each was set forth fully herein.
`Paragraph 34 of the Complaint states a legal conclusion and therefore
`does not require a response from Tristar. To the extent Paragraph 34 contains any
`factual allegation, Tristar denies same.
`Paragraph 35 of the Complaint states a legal conclusion and therefore
`does not require a response from Tristar. To the extent Paragraph 35 contains any
`factual allegation, Tristar denies same.


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`Paragraph 36 of the Complaint states a legal conclusion and therefore
`does not require a response from Tristar. To the extent Paragraph 36 contains any
`factual allegation, Tristar denies same.
`Paragraph 37 of the Complaint states a legal conclusion and therefore
`does not require a response from Tristar. To the extent Paragraph 37 contains any
`factual allegation, Tristar denies same.
`Paragraph 38 of the Complaint states a legal conclusion and therefore
`does not require a response fi'om Tristar. To the extent Paragraph 38 contains any
`factual allegation, Tristar denies same.
`Tristar denies that Plaintiff is entitled to any relief whatsoever, including the
`relief requested by Plaintiff in its prayer for relief and subparagraphs A through I.
`WHEREFORE, and especially in light of the fact that Plaintiff does not
`maintain any right,
`title or interest
`in the patents-in-suit, Tristar respectfully
`requests that
`this Court dismiss Plaintiffs Complaint with prejudice, enter
`judgment as a matter of law on behalf of Tristar, and award Tristar such other
`relief as the Court deems just and proper.


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`The First Amended Complaint fails to state a claim upon which relief
`can be granted.
`Plaintiff is not entitled to the relief it seeks because Defendants have
`not directly infringed, have not contributed to the infiingement of, and have not
`actively induced infringement of, any claim of the patents-in-suit, either literally or
`under the doctrine of equivalents.
`The ‘565 patent is invalid under pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. §§ 101, 102, 103
`and/or 112.
`The ‘441 patent is invalid under pre—AIA 35 U.S.C. §§ 101, 102, 103
`and/or 112.
`The ‘5 65 patent is unenforceable due to misrepresentations to the
`United States Patent and Trademark Office and/or violations of an inventor’s
`duties during prosecution of the ‘565 patent.
`The ‘441 patent is unenforceable due to misrepresentations to the
`United States Patent and Trademark Office and/or violations of an inventor’s
`duties during prosecution of the ‘441 patent.
`Defendants reserve the right to assert other defenses, cross-claims and
`third-party claims if and when they become appropriate in this action.


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`Plaintiff Tristar Products is a Pennsylvania corporation having its
`corporate headquarters and principal place of business at 492 Route 46 East,
`Fairfield, New Jersey 07004.
`Upon information and belief, Choon’s Design Inc.
`is a Michigan
`limited liability company with its principal place of business at 48813 West Road,
`Wixom, Michigan 48393.
`This is a civil action for declaratory judgment brought under the
`Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201 and 2202, and arises under the
`Patent Laws of the United States, Title 35 of the United States Code (35 U.S.C. §§
`100 et seq.). This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over the action pursuant to
`28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(a), as it involves substantial claims arising under the
`Patent Laws of the United States together with related claims for patent
`Upon information and belief, personal jurisdiction is proper in this
`Court as to Defendant Choon’s Design because Choon’s Design maintains its
`principal place of business within this district. Counterclaim Plaintiff asserts that
`venue is legally proper in this judicial district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(c) but


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`believes that venue is more appropriate in the United States District Court for the
`District of New Jersey under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1400(b) (patent infringement action
`brought where defendant resides or where defendant’s infringement is alleged to
`have occurred). Tristar has filed a Brief in Support of its Motion to Transfer under
`28 U.S.C. § 1404(a) detailing the reasons it believes transfer is warranted.
`12). Tristar’s Motion to Transfer is currently pending.
`In addition, an action
`between Plaintiff and Tristar is currently pending before the United States District
`Court for the District of New Jersey. Plaintiff has filed an Answer and Affirmative
`Defenses in the New Jersey action.
`Tristar Products is a New Jersey resident and is alleged to have
`committed the allegedly infringing activities at issue within the District of New
`Tristar Products is a developer, manufacturer, and marketer of various
`consumer products including, but not
`limited to, home appliances,
`equipment, health and beauty articles, and hardware.
`Among the products sold by Tristar Products is the “Bandaloom,”
`“Bandaloom Mini Loom,” and “Bandaloom Hook” (hereinafter the “Accused


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`Upon information and belief, Choon’s Design markets and offers for
`sale a rubber band bracelet making kit named the “Rainbow Loom.”
`Upon information and belief, Choon’s Design is the owner of Ng US.
`Patent No. 8,485,565 issued July 16, 2013 and entitled “Brunnian link making
`device and kit” (hereinafter “the ‘565 Patent”), a true and correct copy of which is
`attached hereto as Exhibit A.
`The ‘565 Patent claims priority to US. Provisional Application No.
`61/410,399, filed on November 5, 2010.
`In the first substantive Office Action of the ‘565 Patent, a true and
`correct copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B,
`the Examiner stated:
`“Claims 1 and 12 .
`. are found to be allowable because the prior art of record
`neither teaches nor reasonably suggests the recitations found therein, including
`pins having a top flared portion and opening in the front as well as the method of
`using the pin bars/base to stretch, capture and pull elastic bands.” (EX. B, at 115).
`12. When the Examiner made this statement, the Examiner was not aware
`of multiple prior art references which anticipate or make obvious the point of
`novelty of the ‘565 Patent.
`13. Upon information and belief, Choon’s Design is the owner of Ng US.
`Patent No. 8,622,441 issued January 04, 2013 and entitled “Hand Held Link


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`Making Device and Kit” (hereinafter “the ‘44] Patent”), 3 true and correct copy of
`which is attached hereto as Exhibit C.
`The ‘441 Patent claims priority to US. Patent Application No.
`13/626,057, filed on September 25, 2012, and US. Provisional Application No.
`61/846,270, filed on July 15, 2013.
`15. Upon information and belief, Choon’s Design is the owner and/or
`licensee of the ‘565 Patent and ‘44] Patent (hereinafter “Patents-in—suit”), with the
`ability to enforce the Patents-in-suit.
`16. Without prior warning or notice, Choon’s Design, LLC filed a
`Complaint in the present action against Tristar Products on February 24, 2014
`alleging that Tristar Products’ manufacture, use,
`sale, offer to sell, and/or
`importation of the Accused Products in the United States infiinge the Patents-in-
`suit. On February 25, 2014, Tristar Products filed a Declaratory Judgment Action
`in the District of New Jersey (Case 2: 14-cv-0 1254-JLL—JAD).
`17. Upon information and belief, even though Choon’s Design, LLC
`assigned its rights to Choons’ Design Inc. prior to initiation of the present action,
`Choon’s Design, Inc. did not correct the defect until it filed a First Amended
`Complaint on March 24, 2014. Tristar Products filed an Amended Complaint in
`the New Jersey Action on March 27, 2014.


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`Tristar Products has been injured and damaged by Defendant filing a
`Complaint asserting infiingement against the Accused Products, which do not
`contain each and every element of the Patents-in-suit.
`Counterclaim Defendant,
`through its actions, has
`impeded the
`activities of Tristar Products and Tristar Products has been injured and damaged by
`Counterclaim Defendant filing a Complaint asserting infringement of invalid
`patent claims. Under the circumstances, there is a substantial controversy over
`infringement of the Patents—in-suit by the Accused Products, between Tristar
`Products and the Counterclaim Defendant, parties having adverse legal interests, of
`sufficient immediacy to warrant the issuance of a declaratory judgment.
`Declaration of Non-Infringement
`(‘565 Patent)
`Tristar Products
`repeats and realleges each of the foregoing
`paragraphs by reference as if fully set forth herein.
`21. An actual case or controversy exists between Tristar Products and
`Counterclaim Defendant, based on Counterclaim Defendant’s claim that Tristar
`Products allegedly infringes one or more claims of the ‘5 65 patent.
`Tristar Products does not infringe,
`induce infringement of, and/or
`contributorily infringe, and has not
`induced infringement of, and/or


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`23. Without declaratory relief, Tristar Products will be irreparably harmed
`and damaged.
`Declaration of Invalidity
`[‘565 Patent!
`Tristar Products
`and realleges each of the foregoing
`paragraphs by reference as if fully set forth herein.
`25. Upon information and belief, the ‘565 Patent is invalid and void for
`failure to comply with one or more sections of Title 35 of the United States Code,
`including, without limitation, 35 U.S.C. §§ 101, 102, 103, and/or 112, and/or for
`failure to comply with 37 CPR. § 1.56.
`26. An actual controversy exists between Tristar Products and Choon’s
`Design regarding whether or not each claim of the ‘565 Patent is valid.
`27. Without declaratory relief, Tristar Products will be irreparably harmed
`and damaged.
`Tristar Products is entitled to a judgment declaring that each claim of
`the ‘565 Patent
`is invalid for failure to satisfy one or more conditions of
`patentability set forth in 35 U.S.C. §§ 101, 102, 103, and/or 112.


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`Declaration of Unenforceability
`1‘565 Patent)
`Tristar Products
`and realleges each of the foregoing
`paragraphs by reference as if fully set forth herein.
`30. An actual controversy exists between Tristar Products and Choon’s
`Design regarding whether or not each claim of the ‘565 Patent is enforceable.
`Tristar Products is entitled to a judgment declaring that each claim of
`the ‘565 Patent is unenforceable.
`Declaration of Non-Infringement
`(‘441 Patent!
`Tristar Products
`and realleges
`each of the foregoing
`paragraphs by reference as if fully set forth herein.
`33. An actual case or controversy exists between Tristar Products and
`Defendant, based on Defendant’s claim that Tristar Products allegedly infringes
`one or more claims of the ‘441 patent.
`Tristar Products does not infringe,
`induce infringement of, and/or
`contributorily infringe, and has not
`induced infringement of, and/or
`contributorily infringed any valid and enforceable claim of the ‘441 Patent.


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`35. Without declaratory relief, Tristar Products will be irreparably harmed
`and damaged.
`Declaration of Invalidifl
`[‘44] Patent)
`Tristar Products
`repeats and realleges each of the foregoing
`paragraphs by reference as if fully set forth herein.
`37. Upon information and belief, the ‘441 Patent is invalid and void for
`failure to comply with one or more sections of Title 35 of the United States Code,
`including, without limitation, 35 U.S.C. §§ 101, 102, 103, and/or 112, and/or for
`failure to comply with 37 CPR. § 1.56.
`38. An actual controversy exists between Tristar Products and Choon’s
`Design regarding whether or not each claim of the ‘441 Patent is valid.
`39. Without declaratory relief, Tristar Products will be irreparably harmed
`and damaged.
`Tristar Products is entitled to a judgment declaring that each claim of
`the ‘441 Patent
`is invalid for failure to satisfy one or more conditions of
`patentability set forth in 35 U.S.C. §§ 101, 102, 103, and/or 112.


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`Declaration of Unenforceabiligj
`[‘441 Patent!
`Tristar Products
`and realleges each of the foregoing
`paragraphs by reference as if fully set forth herein.
`42. An actual controversy exists between Tristar Products and Choon’s
`Design regarding Whether or not each claim of the ‘441 Patent is enforceable.
`Tristar Products is entitled to a judgment declaring that each claim of
`the ‘441 Patent is unenforceable.
`WHEREFORE, Tristar Products prays that the Court enter judgment
`against Choon’s Design as follows:
`A declaration that Tristar Products has not
`infringement of, or contributorily infringed, and does not
`infringement of, and/or contributorily infringe, any valid or enforceable claim of
`Ng U.S. Patent No. 8,485,565 and Ng U.S. Patent No. 8,622,441;
`A declaration that Ng U.S. Patent No. 8,485,565 and Ng U.S. Patent
`No. 8,622,441 are unenforceable and/or invalid and void for failure to comply with
`one or more sections of Title 35 of the United States Code, including, without
`limitation, 35 U.S.C. §§ 101, 102, 103, and/or 112, and/or failure to comply with


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`A declaration that this case is “exceptiona ” within the meaning of 35
`U.S.C. § 285;
`An award to Tristar Products of its costs, attorney fees, and expenses
`pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 285; and
`That Tristar Products be awarded such other and further relief as this
`Court deems proper and just.
`Dated: April 7, 2014
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Thomas J. Murray
`Thomas J. Murray (P56331)
`King and Murray PLLC
`355 S. Old Woodward, Suite 100
`Birmingham, Michigan 48009
`Telephone: (248) 792-2396
`Telefacsimile: (248) 646-8747
`Noam J. Kritzer
`Edward P. Bakos
`Bakos & Kritzer
`147 Columbia Turnpike
`Suite 102
`Florham Park, New Jersey 07932
`Telephone: (908) 273-0770
`Telefacsimile: (973) 520-8260
`Counselfor Defendant
`Tristar Products, Inc.


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`Tristar Products hereby demands a trial by jury of all issues properly
`triable to a jury in this case.
`Dated: April 7, 2014
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Thomas J. Murray
`Thomas J. Murray (P56331)
`King and Murray PLLC
`355 S. Old Woodward, Suite 100
`Birmingham, Michigan 48009
`Telephone: (248) 792-2396
`Telefacsirnile: (248) 646-8747
`Noam J. Kritzer
`Edward P. Bakos
`Bakos & Kritzer
`147 Columbia Turnpike
`Suite 102
`Florham Park, New Jersey 07932
`Telephone: (908) 273-0770
`Telefacsimile: (973) 520-8260
`Counselfor Defendant
`Tristar Products, Inc.


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`Proof of Service
`I certify that on April 7, 2014, I electronically filed the foregoing
`paper with the Clerk ofthe Court using the ECF system which will send
`notification of such filing to all attorneys of record herein at their
`respective addresses as disclosed on the pleadings, and I hereby certify that
`I have mailed by United States Postal Service the papa" to the following
`non-ECF participants:
`Signature: .'s’Catherinc A. Conti
`Catherine A. Conti
`355 S. Old Woodward, Ste. 100
`Birmingham, MI 48009
`(248) 723-1276


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`Filed 04/07/14 Pg 23 of 53
`Pg ID 259
`(12) United States Patent
`US 8,485,565 B2
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent: Jul. 16, 2013
`Inventor: Cheong Choon Ng, Novi, NH (US)
`( *) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, theterm ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 98 days.
`(21) Appl.No.: 13/227,638
`(22) Filed:
`8911.8, 2011
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2012/0112457A1
`May 10, 2012
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 61/410,399, filed on Nov.
`5, 2010.
`Int. Cl.
`3651‘! 69/04
`(52) U.S.Cl.
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`254,258 A *
`2/1882 Barbour
`254,288 A "‘
`2/1882 Dimmick
`782,657 A "
`51/1905 Hubert
`843,495 A *
`2’1907 Sande
`1,073,226 A “
`9/1913 Freeman
`1,366,212 A "
`1/1921 Pollard ..
`1,375,119 A ‘
`4/1921 Stephen .
`8/1922 Fleisher .
`1,424,458 A ‘1‘
`1,599,040 A "‘
`9/1926 Clisby
`1,994,659 A "‘
`2/1938 Bakely
`2,108,424 A "
`2,360,416 A "‘ 10/1944 Gray
`2,703,482 A “
`3/1955 Auran
`.. 66/4
`3,069,739 A "‘ 12/1962 Jorgenso
`3,438,098 A "
`4/1969 Grabncr
`3,476,423 A " 11/1969 Kenlfield
`3,636,987 A *
`1/1972 Forhy
`.. 28/151
`3,672,679 A "'
`6/1972 Bums
`3,688,357 A *
`9/1972 Nielsenetai.
`....... 289/17
`3,728,762 A *
`4/1973 Hogs .......................... 24/129C
`International Search Report &Written Opinion for PCT Application
`No. PCT/[15201 1/041553 mailed on Feb 23, 2012.
`Primary Examiner — Shaun R Hurley
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Finn — Carlson, Gaskey & Olds,
`A Brunnian link is a link formed from a closed loop doubled
`over itselfto capture another closed loop to form a chain. The
`example kit provides for the successful creation of unique
`wearable articles using annian link assembly techniques
`and includes several pin bars that are supported in a desired
`special orientation by at least one base. The desired special
`orientation is dependent on the desired linked configuration
`of the completed article. The base and pin bars may be
`assembled invarious combination and orientations to providc
`endless variation of completed link orientations. Additional
`bases and pin bars can be to fin‘lhcr expand possible com-
`pleted article creation.
`18 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets


`2:14-cv-10848-VAR-DRG Doc # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 24 of 53 Pg ID 260
`2:14-CV-10848—VAR-DRG DOC # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 24 0f 53
`Pg ID 260
`US 8,485,565 B2
`3,748,706 A *
`711973 Doyel
`.......................... 281150
`. _
`3,305,345 A +
`411914 Anlm .
`.. 28/149
`4,032,179 A
`611977 Goss
`911973 (396151 .
`4114892 A 7
`4379329 A . 1211979 Loom
`211986 Schwab ..
`__ 24,117]!
`4:569,108 A 41
`511987 Helmer. ..
`4,667,965 A *
`D330,668 s * 1111992 Nagamatsu
`5,163,946 A * 1111992 Li
`.. 151222
`5,295,280 A 9
`311994 Hudsonetal
`5,328,374 A 7
`5,437,459 A *
`5.459905 A ‘
`5,577,299 A 7 1111996
`. 24/131c
`5,639,090 A *
`611997 Stevens ......................... 2731287
`5,713,094 A *
`5’927'764 A 4
`6,065,968 A
`6,12,359 A
`51129-551 A
`6,146,144 A 9
`6,171,317 131*
`61330354 31
`6,923,026 131*
`D570.923 S *
`7,909,609 32'
`200910215013 Al“
`201010019495 Al"
`201110152946 A1*
`*c1ted byexaminer
`2/1998 Markeyeta]
`7,1999 Han-1m“
`912000 Lam .....
`1012000 Mm“ -
`1112000 FQWIBI'EtflL .
`.. 434131
`Jackspnetal. ................ 606/148
`419005 “(bimetal-
`8/2005 Clarke
`6/2008 VazquezGastallu.
`312011 Molin ................
`1112009 M61111
`112010 Oliveto ........... 28911.5
`612011 Friggetal.


`2:14-cv-10848-VAR-DRG Doc # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 25 of 53 Pg ID 261
`2:14-CV-10848—VAR-DRG DOC # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 25 0f 53
`Pg ID 261
`U. S. Patent
`Jul. 16,2013
`Sheet 1 0110
`US 8,485,565 B2


`2:14-cv-10848-VAR-DRG Doc # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 26 of 53 Pg ID 262
`2:14-CV-10848—VAR-DRG DOC # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 26 0f 53
`Pg ID 262
`US. Patent
`Jul. 16, 2013
`Sheet 2 of 10
`US 8,485,565 B2


`2:14-cv-10848-VAR-DRG Doc # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 27 of 53 Pg ID 263
`2:14-CV-10848—VAR-DRG DOC # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 27 0f 53
`Pg ID 263
`US. Patent
`Jul. 16, 2013
`Sheet 3 of 10
`US 8,485,565 32


`2:14-cv-10848-VAR-DRG Doc # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 28 of 53 Pg ID 264
`2:14-CV-10848—VAR-DRG DOC # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 28 0f 53
`Pg ID 264
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 16,2013
`Sheet 4 of 10
`US 8,485,565 B2


`2:14-cv-10848-VAR-DRG Doc # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 29 of 53 Pg ID 265
`2:14-CV-10848—VAR-DRG DOC # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 29 0f 53
`Pg ID 265
`US. Patent
`Jul. 16, 2013
`Sheet 5 of 10
`US 8,485,565 B2


`2:14-cv-10848-VAR-DRG Doc # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 30 of 53 Pg ID 266
`2:14-CV-10848—VAR-DRG DOC # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 30 0f 53
`Pg ID 266
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 16, 2013
`Sheet 6 of 10
`US 8,485,565 B2
`FIG. 1 OB


`2:14-cv-10848-VAR-DRG Doc # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 31 of 53 Pg ID 267
`2:14-CV-10848—VAR-DRG DOC # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 31 0f 53
`Pg ID 267
`US. Patent
`Jul. 16, 2013
`Sheet 7 of 10
`US 8,485,565 B2


`2:14-cv-10848-VAR-DRG Doc # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 32 of 53 Pg ID 268
`2:14-CV-10848—VAR-DRG DOC # 13 Filed 04/07/14 Pg 32 0f 53
`Pg ID 268
`U. S. Patent
`Jul. 16, 2013

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