Docket N o. 67467-009 PRV
`Cheong Choon Ng
`Group Art Unit:
`Serial No.:
`Confirmation No.:
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`On July 15, 2013, Applicant paid the small entity provisional filing fee, electronically. The
`large entity provisional filing fee was also charged on July 19, 2013 and then $130 was credited to
`the deposit account. Therefore, since the small entity provisional filing fee was charged twice,
`Applicant requests that Deposit Account No. 50-1482, in the name of Carlson, Gaskey & Olds,
`P.C., be credited for the small entity provisional filing fee in the amount of $130.
`Consideration is respectfully requested.
`Dated: August 6, 2013
`Respectfully Submitted,
`/John M. Siragusal
`John M. Siragusa
`Registration N 0. 46,174
`400 West Maple, Suite 350
`Birmingham, MI 48009
`Telephone: (248) 988-8360
`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 1

`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
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`Title of Invention:
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Cheong Choon Ng
`Customer Number:
`Filer Authorized By:
`John M. Siragusa
`Attorney Docket Number:
`67467-009 PRV
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`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 2

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`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 3

`U\'T'I‘F'.T‘I STATES T)F'.PAR'I'\IF'.\I'I‘ OF (‘,Ol\’|'lVIF‘.R(“,Fl
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`Cheong Choon Ng, Novi, MI;
`Cheong Choon Ng, Novi, MI;
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`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 4

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`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 5

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`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 6

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`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 9

`67467-001 PRV
`This disclosure generally relates to method and device for creating a linked
`item. More particularly, this disclosure relates to a method and device for creating a linked
`wearable item from elastic bands.
`Kits that include materials for making a uniquely colored bracelet or necklace
`have always enjoyed some popularity. However such kits usually just include the raw materials
`such as different colored threads and beads and rely on the individual’s skill and talent to
`construct a usable and desirable item. Accordingly there is a need and desire for a kit that
`provides not only the materials for creating a unique wearable item, but also that simplifies
`construction to make it easy for people of many skill and artistic levels to successfully create a
`desirable and durable wearable item.
`A Brunnian link is a link formed from a closed loop doubled over itself to
`capture another closed loop to form a chain. Elastic bands can be utilized to form such links in a
`desired manner. The example kit and device provides for creation of Brunnian and other linked
`articles. Moreover, the example kit provides for the successful creation of unique wearable
`articles using Brunnian and other link assembly techniques.
`The example kit includes a template for mounting an initial band and a hook
`utilized for attaching additional bands to the initial bands placed on the template. The template
`includes pins that hold the initial band in place while additional bands are linked onto each other.
`The kit further includes a clip utilized to attach ends once the desired length is formed.
`These and other features disclosed herein can be best understood from the
`following specification and drawings, the following of which is a brief description.
`Figure l perspective view of an example kit for creating a linked article.
`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 10

`67467-001 PRV
`Figure 2 is schematic View of link article.
`Figure 3 is a schematic View of a series of a series of Brunnian links.
`Figure 4 is a side View of an example template.
`Figure 5 is an end View of the example template.
`Figure 6 is a top View of the example template.
`Figure 7 is a plan View of an example clip for securing loose ends of a
`Brunnian linked article.
`Figure 8 is perspective View illustrating elastic bands secured with the
`example clip.
`Figures 9A—9M are Views of an example method of creating a linked article
`using the example template and kit.
`Referring to Figures 1 and 2, an example kit is indicated at 10 for creating
`linked items such as bracelets, necklaces and other wearable or decorative article as generally
`indicated in Figure 2. The example kit 10 includes a template 12, a clip 16 and a hook 14. The
`example kit 10 also includes a number of elastic members 18 that are used with the kit 10 to
`form links for the resulting wearable article. The elastic members 18 are consumed as articles
`are fabricated, and are replaced and replenished with additional elastic members. Moreover, the
`example elastic members 18 are of a size corresponding with the example template 12. Further,
`although a single clip 16 is illustrated, the example kit 10 will include many clips 16 to provide
`for the fabrication of many articles 26.
`Referring to Figure 3, a Brunnian link 20 is formed from a continuous looped
`structure without forming an actual knot. Several links 20 are formed in a chain to form a
`circular structure. Ends 22 of each elastic member 18 are secured and a durable wearable article
`is created.
`In this example three links 20 fonning a single chain. Each link 20 is formed by
`capturing the ends 22 of one loop structure with a mid portion 24 of another loop structure in
`series. Each link 20 depends on the previous and subsequent links 20 to maintain the desired
`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 11

`67467-001 PRV
`shape and integrity. Removing one link 20 results in all of the links becoming loose from each
`Referring to Figures 4, 5 and 6, the example template 12 includes two posts
`28A, 28B spaced a distance 30 apart from each other. Each of the pins 28A, 28B includes a first
`arm 32a—b and second arm 34a—b supported on a base 36. The arms 32a—b, 34a—b defines an
`access slot 38 that extends across both of the posts 28A, 28B. The base 36 includes a link
`opening 40 for completed links of a linked article during fabrication.
`Each of the first and
`second arms 32a—b, 34a—b include upper and lower tabs 42 that maintain a linked article within a
`center section 44.
`Referring to Figures 7 and 8, the example clip 16 is generally C—shaped with
`inwardly facing ends 48. The inwardly facing ends 48 point inwardly to an open space 50 where
`parts of the elastic members are kept 18. The inwardly facing ends 48 prevent ends 22 from
`sliding out from the inner area 50 off of the clip 16.
`Referring to Figures 9A—M,
`the example template 12 is utilized for the
`formation of a linked article. As appreciated, elastic bands 18 can be difficult to manipulate and
`hold during the construction of a desired article. The example template 12 provides for holding
`of an initial number of links 20 connection of each link in the linked article. The template 12
`includes the first and second posts 28A, 28B along with the access slot 38 across both of the
`posts 28A—B. The specific linked configuration can be a simple Brunnian link, but may also be
`more complex and intricate link structures such as a fishbone type link structure. The template
`12 includes the link opening 40 to facilitate the fishbone link structure where the linked article
`grows and is extends form the template 12 through the link opening 40.
`The Figures illustrate formation of a fishbone linked structure utilizing the
`example template 12. The initial step illustrated in Figure 9A includes assembling a first elastic
`band 18A by crossing over itself to form a figure 8 pattern across the posts 28a—b. A second
`elastic band 18B and third elastic band 18C is then assembled over the first elastic band l8A
`without crossing over as is shown in Figure 9B. Three elastic bands are therefore supported
`across the posts 28a—b with the first band 18A on the bottom below the second and third elastic
`bands 18B, 18C.
`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 12

`67467-001 PRV
`Utilizing the hook tool l4, the bottom, lower most, or first elastic band l8A is
`pulled off of the posts 28A—B and looped over the second and third elastic bands 18B, 18C as is
`shown in Figures 9C and 9D. The first elastic band 18A is positioned to loop around each of the
`second and third elastic bands 18B, 18C and is not supported directly by the posts 28a—b.
`An additional elastic band ISD is then added above the second and third
`elastic bands 18B, 18C such that the second elastic band 18B is now the lower most elastic band
`as is shown in Figure 9E. The lower most elastic band l8B is then grasped with the hook tool 14
`(Figure 9F) by extending the hook tool 14 into the access slot 38 and grasping ends of the elastic
`band in sequence, pulling the ends away from the corresponding post (Figure 9G) and looping
`each end over onto the and around the other links supported between the first and second posts as
`is shown in Figure 9H.
`An additional link is added above the two remaining links 18C, 18D across
`the two posts 28a—b as is shown in Figure 91 and the process shown in Figures 9F through 9H is
`repeated with additional links to grow the length of the linked structure as is shown in Figures 9J
`and 9K until a desire length or number of links are connected to each other as is illustrated in
`Figure 9L.
`Once the desired length is achieved, as the example in Figure 9L illustrates a
`clip 16 is attached to the end elastic link. The remaining links on the posts 28a—b can be removed
`at attached to the clip l6 to form the completed linked article as is shown in Figure 9M. As
`appreciated although the ends are connected to form the example linked article. The linked
`article may have terminal ends that are separately terminated to provide a length of a linked
`Accordingly, the example kit and method provide for the creation of many
`different combinations and configurations of Brunnian links for the creation of bracelets,
`necklaces, and other wearable items. Moreover, the example kit is expandable to further create
`and expand the capabilities of potential Brunnian link creations.
`the example kit
`provides for the creation of such links and items in an easy manner allowing persons of varying
`skill levels to be successful in creating unique wearable items.
`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 13

`Although an example embodiment has been disclosed, a worker of ordinary
`skill in this art would recognize that certain modifications would come within the scope of this
`disclosure. For that reason, the following claims should be studied to determine the scope and
`content of this invention.
`67467-001 PRV
`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 14

`What is claimed is:
`67467-001 PRV
`A device for creating an item consisting of a series of links,
`the device
`at least two posts spaced part from each other in a first direction, wherein each of the
`posts including a first arm and a second arm and an access slot disposed therebetween.
`The device as recited in claim 1, including a base supporting the at least two
`The device as recited in claim 1, including a link opening disposed within the
`base and between the at least two posts providing a space for completed links to during
`fabrication of a linked article.
`A method of creating a linked item comprising the steps of:
`assembling a first elastic band across at least two posts of a template;
`assembling at least one additional elastic band across the at least two posts above the first
`elastic band;
`looping a first and second ends of the first elastic band over the at least one additional
`elastic band and off of the at least two posts;
`adding at least one additional elastic band;
`looping first and second ends of the bottom elastic band and over the added elastic band;
`repeating adding additional elastic bands and looping first and second ends of the bottom
`band over the added elastic bands to obtain a desired number of links.
`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 15

`The method as recited in claim 4, wherein looping comprises grasping one of the
`first and second ends of the elastic bands with a hook tool and pulling the end over additional
`elastic bands.
`67467-001 PRV
`The method as recited in claim 5, including securing ends of the linked article
`with a clip by inserting ends of the elastic bands into a clip to form the linked item.
`A kit for creating an item consisting of a series of links, the kit comprising:
`a template at least two posts spaced part from each other in a first direction, wherein each
`of the posts including a first arm and a second arm and an access slot disposed therebetween; and
`at least one clip including inward facing ends disposed on each side of an opening for
`securing ends of the series of links together.
`The device as recited in claim 7, including a base supporting the at least two
`The device as recited in claim 7, including a link opening disposed within the
`base and between the at least two posts providing a space for completed links to during
`fabrication of a linked article.
`The kit as recited in claim 7, wherein the clip comprises a C— shape and the inward
`facing ends extend in a direction perpendicular to the opening.
`The kit as recited in claim 7, including a hook for manipulating elastic members
`relative to each other.
`The kit as recited in claim 7, including a plurality of elastic members for forming
`the series of links.
`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 16

`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 17

`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 18

`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 19

`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 20

`Tristar Ex. 1003, pg. 21

`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Title of Invention:
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Cheong Choon Ng
`John M. Siragusa/laura combs

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