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`flare" ‘
`v. flared, flar-ing, flares
`1. To flame up with a bright, wavering light.
`2. To burst into intense, sudden flame.
`a. To erupt or intensify suddenly: Tempersflared at the meeting. His allergiesflared up.
`b. To become suddenly angry. Used with up: Heflared up when she alluded to hisfinancial difliculties.
`c. To make a sudden angry verbal attack. Used with out: flared out at his accusers.
`4. To expand or open outward in shape: a skirt thatflaresfrom the waist; nostrils thatflared with anger.
`v. tr.
`1. To cause to flame up.
`2. To signal with a blaze of light.
`1. A brief wavering blaze of light.
`2. A device that produces a bright light for signaling, illumination, or identification.
`3. An outbreak, as of emotion or activity.
`4. An expanding or opening outward.
`5. An unwanted reflection within an optical system or the resultant fogging of the image.
`6. A solar flare.
`7 a
`: Football A short pass to a back running toward the sideline.
`b. Baseball A fly ball hit a short distance into the outfield.
`8. Medicine An area of redness on the skin surrounding the primary site of infection or irritation.
`[Origin unknown.]
`The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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