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`Posaeselon ou1slde tha U.S. Patent & Tradam&rk Oflloe Is restrlctad to &uthorlzed employees ~~nd oontraotors only.
`Form PT0·436A
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`Oracle/Dot Hill Ex. 1002, pg. 1

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`Oracle/Dot Hill Ex. 1002, pg. 4

`------ · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`- - - - - · - - - · · - · - - - - · -
`l0/02/2001 ABDDNEl 00000024 099&5335
`710.00 OP
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`'U.S. GPO: 2000-468-987/395g5
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`Oracle/Dot Hill Ex. 1002, pg. 5

`Pag<.e 1 of 1
`www. uspl<;>.gov
`I~~~ IIIII~IIRIIIIIIIIU ~~ 1111 ~ll~~ ~~ ~10 i Ul
`Bib Data Sheet
`. ..-Oti"offrey B. Hoese, Austin, TX;
`Jeffry T. Russell, Cibolo, TX;
`i"* CONTINUING DATA************~*"'
`"FOREIGN APPLICATIONS********************
`THIS APPLICATION IS A CON OF 09/354,682 07/15/1999
`WHICH IS A CON OF 09/001,79912/31/1997 P.AtT 5,941,972
`•• 10/11/2001
`orelgn Priority claimed
`yes~ ·
`~5 USC 119 (a-d) conditions ~DMetafter
`ilferified and
`Examiner's Signature
`s-t.&'~~e router and method for providing virtu~llocal storage
`FILING FEE FEES: Authority has been given in Paper
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`PTO/SD/05 (2/98) A
`Attorney Docket No .
`First Inventor or App/icetlon Identifier
`Geoffrey B. Hoese, et Clb
`Storage Router and Method for Providing Vlrtuat:~
`Express Mail Labs/ No .
`Box Patent Application
`Assistant Commissioner for Patent~U
`Washlna:ton, D.C. 20231
`l EL911432960US
`6. O Microfiche Computer Program (Appendix)
`I 7.
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`- Descriptive Title of the Invention
`-Technical Field of the Invention
`- Background of the Invention
`- Summary of the Invention
`I 28
`- Brief Description of the Drawings
`- Brief Description of the Drawings
`- Claim(s)
`- Abstract of the Disclosure
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`IQ"j 0 Drawlng(s) (315 usc 113) [Total Sheets] I 2
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`see 37 CFR 1.63(d)(2) and 1.33(b)
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`D Claims the benefit of Provisional Application No.
`Customer 10 No. 25094
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`(512) 457-7001 fax
`(512) 457-7016 phone
`TYPED oc PR~ Mark L Borrloc
`111111111~ Ill~ 1111 ~~~ lllllll
`Oracle/Dot Hill Ex. 1002, pg. 7

`for FY 2001
`1 ~ 11o.oo
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`Examiner Name
`Group I Art Unit
`Attorney Docket No.
`te if Known
`September 27, 2001
`Geoffrey B. Hoese, et al.
`PTO/SB/ 17 ( 11/00)
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`130 Multiple dependent claim
`Other fee (specify)
`MarW, l}errier
`f<-/'d/7 :1-
`Registration No.
`Complete (If a JPiicabie)
`(512) 457-7016
`September 27,2001
`Oracle/Dot Hill Ex. 1002, pg. 8

`As-Filed N w A plication
`Version 1.1
`Updated - 8/01/01
`I '
`Oracle/Dot Hill Ex. 1002, pg. 9

`This invention relates in general to network storage
`devices, and more particularly to a storage router and
`method for providing virtual local storage on remote SCSI
`storage devices to Fibre Channel devices.
`~,o m
`Oracle/Dot Hill Ex. 1002, pg. 10

`I":J "
`J • .A.
`Typical storage transport mediums provide for a
`relatively small number of devices to be attached over
`relatively short distances. One such transport medium 1s
`a Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) protocol, the
`structure and operation of which is generally well known
`as is described, for example, in the SCSI-1, SCSI-2 and
`SCSI-3 specifications. High speed serial interconnects
`provide enhanced capability to attach a large number of
`high speed devices to a common storage transport medium
`over large distances. One such serial interconnect 1s
`Fibre Channel, the structure and operation of which is
`described, for example, in Fibre Channel Physical and
`Signaling Interface (FC-PH), ANSI X3.230 Fibre Channel
`Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL), and ANSI X3.272 Fibre Channel
`Private Loop Direct Attach (FC-PLDA).
`Conventional computing devices, such as computer
`workstations, generally access storage locally or through
`network interconnects. Local storage typically consists
`of a disk drive, tape drive, CD-ROM drive or other
`storage device contained within, or locally connected to
`the workstation. The workstation provides a file system
`structure, that includes security controls, with access
`to the local storage device through native low level,
`block protocols. These protocols map directly to the
`mechanisms used by the storage device and consist of data
`requests without security controls. Network interconnects
`typically provide access for a large number of computing
`Oracle/Dot Hill Ex. 1002, pg. 11

`devices to data storage on a remote network server. The
`remote network server provides file system structure,
`access control/ and other miscellaneous capabilities that
`include the network interface. Access to data through
`the network server is through network protocols that the
`server must translate into low level requests to the
`storage device. A workstation with access to the server
`storage must translate its file system protocols into
`network protocols that are used to communicate with the
`server. Consequently/ from the perspective of a
`workstation/ or other computing device, seeking to access
`such server data 1
`the access is much slower than access
`to data on a local storage device.
`~o m
`~ w
`~~o ru
`r .~
`Oracle/Dot Hill Ex. 1002, pg. 12

`·r .• :.,
`l'~l " ~~o
`In accordance with the present invention, a storage
`router and method for providing virtual local storage on
`remote SCSI storage devices to Fibre Channel devices are
`disclosed that provide advantages over conventional
`network storage devices and methods.
`According to one aspect of the present invention, a
`storage router and storage network provide virtual local
`storage on remote SCSI storage devices to Fibre Channel
`devices. A plurality of Fibre Channel devices, such as
`workstations, are connected to a Fibre Channel transport
`m~dium, and a plurality of SCSI strirage devices are
`connected to a SCSI bus transport medium. The storqge
`router interfaces between the Fibre channel transport
`medium and the SCSI bus transport medium. The storage
`router maps between the workstations and the SCSI storage
`devices and implements access controls for storage space
`on the SCSI storage devices. The storage router then
`allows access from the workstations to the SCSI storage
`devices using native low level, block piot?col in
`accordance with the mapping and the access controls.
`According to another aspect of the present
`invention, virtual local storage on remote SCSI storage
`devices is provided to Fibre Channel devices. A Fibre
`Channel transport medium and a SCSI nus transport medium
`are interfaced with. A configuration is maintained for
`SCSI storage devices connected to the SCSI bus transport
`medium. The configuration maps between Fibre Channel
`Oracle/Dot Hill Ex. 1002, pg. 13

`devices and the SCSI storage devices and implements
`access controls for storage space on the SCSI storage
`devices. Access is then allowed from Fibre Channel
`initiator devices to SCSI storage devices using native
`low level, block protocol in accordance with the
`A technical advantage of the present invention is
`the ability to centralize local storage for networked
`workstations without any cost of speed or overhead. Each
`workstation access its virtual local storage as if it
`work locally connected. Further, the centralized storage
`devices can be located in a significantly remote position
`even in excess of ten kilometers as defined by Fibre
`Channel standards.
`Another technical advantage of the present invention
`is the ability to centrally control and administer
`storage space for connected users without limiting the
`speed with which the users can access local data.
`addition, global access to data, backups, virus scanning
`and redundancy can be more easily accomplished by
`centrally located storage devices.
`A further technical advantage of the p~esent
`invention is providing support for SCSI storage devices
`as local storage for Fibre Channel hosts.
`In addition,
`the present invention helps to provide extended
`capabilities for Fibre Channel and for management of
`storage subsystems.
`( /\
`I '
`Oracle/Dot Hill Ex. 1002, pg. 14

`A more complete understanding of the present
`invention and the advantages thereof may be acquired by
`referring to the following description taken in
`conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which like
`reference numbers indicate like features, and wherein:
`FIGURE 1 is a block diagram of a conventional
`network that provides storage through a network server;
`FIGURE 2 is a block diagram of one embodiment of a
`storage network with a storage router that provides
`global access and routing;
`FIGURE 3 is a block diagram of one embodiment of a
`storage network with a storage router that provides,,
`virtual local storage;
`FIGURE 4 is a block diagram of one embodiment of the
`storage router of FIGURE 3; and
`FIGURE 5 is a block diagram of one embodiment of
`data flow within the storage router of FIGURE 4.
`Oracle/Dot Hill Ex. 1002, pg. 15

`F~GURE 1 is a block diagram of a conventional
`network, indicated generally at 10, that provides access
`to storage through a network server. As shown, network
`10 includes a plurality of workstations 12 interconnected
`with a network server 14 via a network transport medium
`16. Each workstation 12 can generally comprise a
`processor, memory, input/output devices, storage devices
`and a network adapter as well as other common computer
`components. Network server 14 uses a SCSI bus 18 as a
`storage transport medium to interconnect with a plurality
`of storage devices 20 (tape drives, disk drives, etc.).
`In the embodiment of FIGURE 1, network transport medium
`16 is an network connection and storage devices 20
`comprise hard disk drives, although there are numerous
`alternate transport mediums and storage devices.
`In network 10, each workstation 12 has access to its
`local storage device as well as network access to data on
`storage devices 20. The access to a local storage device
`110 15
`is typically through native low level, block protocols.
`On the other hand, access by a workstation~12 to storage
`devices 20 requires the participation of network server
`14 which implements a file system and transfers data to
`workstations 12 only through high level file system
`protocols. Only network server 14 communicates with
`storage devices 20 via native low level, block protocols.
`Consequently, the network access by workstations 12
`through network server 14 is slow with respect to their
`Oracle/Dot Hill Ex. 1002, pg. 16

`access to local storage.
`In network 10, it can Also be a
`logistical problem to centrally manage and administer
`local data distributed across an organization, including
`accompli~hing tasks such as backups, virus scanning and
`FIGURE 2 is a block diagram of one embodiment of a
`storage network, indicated generally at 30, with a
`storage router that provides global access and routing.
`This environment is significantly different from that of
`FIGURE 1 in that there is no network server involved.
`FIGURE 2, a Fibre Channel high speed serial transport 32
`interconnects a plurality of workstations 36 and storage
`devices 38. A SCSI bus storage transport medium
`interconnects workstations 40 and storage devices 42. A
`storage router 44 then serves to interconnect these
`mediums and provide devices on either medium global,
`transparent access to devices on the other medium.
`Storage router 44 routes requests from initiator devices
`on one medium to target devices on the other medium and
`routes data between the target and the initiator.
`'I J
`Storage router 44 can allow initiators and targets to be
`on either side.
`In this manner, storage router 44
`enhances the functionality of Fibre Channel 3~ by
`providing access, for example, to leQacy SCSI storage
`devices on SCSI bus 34.
`In the embodiment of FIGURE 2,
`.. :-__ ,·
`the operation of storage router 44 can be managed by a
`management station 46 connected to the storage router via
`a direct serial connection.
`Oracle/Dot Hill Ex. 1002, pg. 17

`In storage network 30, any workstation 36 or
`workst~tion 40 can access any storage device 38 or
`storage device 42 through native low level, block
`protocols, and vice versa. This functionality 1s enabled
`by storage router 44 which routes requests and data as a
`generic transport between Fibre Channel 32 and SCSI bus
`34. Storage router 44 uses tables to map devices from
`one medium to the other and distributes requests and data
`across Fibre Channel 32 and SCSI bus 34 without any
`security access controls. Although this extension of the
`high speed serial interconnect provided by Fibre Channel
`32 is beneficial, it is desirable to provide security
`controls in addition to extended access to storage
`devices through a native low level, block protocol.
`FIGURE 3 is a block diagram of one embodiment of a
`storage network, indicated generally at 50, with a
`stoiage router that provides virtual local storage.
`Similar to that of FIGURE 2, storage network 50 includes
`a Fibre Channel high speed serial interconnect 52 and a
`SCSI bus 54 bridged by a storage router 56. Storage
`router 56 of FIGURE 3 provides for a large number of
`workstations 58 to be interconnected on a common storage
`transport and to access common storage devices 60, 62 and
`64 through native low level, block protocols.
`According to the present invention, storage router
`56 has enhanced functionality to implement security
`controls and routing such that each workstation 58 can
`have access to a specific subset of the overall data
`Oracle/Dot Hill Ex. 1002, pg. 18

`stored ln storage devices 60, 62 and 64. This specific
`subset of data has the appearance and characteristics of
`local storage and is referred to herein as virtual local
`storage. Storage router 56 allows the configuration and
`modifica~ion of the storage allocated to each attached
`workstation 58 through the use of mapping tables or other
`mapping techniques.
`As shown in FIGURE 3, for example, storage device 60
`can be configured to provide global dat~ 65 which can be
`accessed by all workstations 58. Storage device 62 can
`be configured to provide partitioned subsets 66, 68, 70
`and 72, where each partition is allocated to one of the
`workstations 58 (workstations A, B, c and D). These
`subsets 66, 68, 70 and 72 can only be accessed by the
`associated workstation 58 and appear to the associated
`workstation 58 as local storage accessed using native low
`level, block protocols. Similarly, storage device 64 can
`be allocated as storage for the remaining workstation 58
`(workstation E) .
`Storage router 56 combines access control with
`routing such that each workstation 58 has tontrolled
`access to only the specified partition of storage device
`62 which forms virtual local storage for the workstation
`58. This access control allows security control for the
`specified data partitions. Storage router 56 allows this
`allocation of storage devices 60, 62 and 64 to be managed
`by a management station 76. Management station 76 can
`connect directly to storage router 56 via a direct
`Oracle/Dot Hill Ex. 1002, pg. 19

`connection or, alternately, can interface with storage
`router 56 through either Fibre Channel 52 or SCSI bus 54.
`In the latter case, management station 76 can be a
`workstation or other computing device with special rights
`such that storage router 56 allows access to mapping
`tables and shows storage devices 60, 62 and 64 as they
`exist physically rather than as they have been allocated.
`The environment of FIGURE 3 extends the concept of a
`single workstation having locally connected storage
`devices to a storage network 50 in which workstations 58
`are provided virtual local storage in a manner
`transparent to workstations 58. Storage router 56
`provides centralized control of what each workstati9n 58
`sees as its local drive, as well as what data it sees as
`global data accessible by other workstations 58.
`Consequently, the storage space considered by the
`workstation 58 to be its local storage is actually a
`partition (i.e., logical storage definition) of a
`physically remote storage device 60, 62 or 64 connected
`through storage router 56. This means that similar
`1,~ ::i
`requests from workstations 58 for acce

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