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`Moving Uncompressed Video Faster than Real Time
`Don Deel, Marc Friedmann and Howard Green
`1996, 105:751-759.
`doi: 10.5594/J06423
`The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
`located on the World Wide Web at:
` http://journal.smpte.org/content/105/12/751
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`When translated to digital format.
`the video images used in studio appli-
`cations are among the most data inten-
`sive. At 1 to 40 Mbyteslframe, even a
`clip of a few seconds in length rapidly
`grows to more than a gigabyte file
`(Fig. l). Moving files this size from
`central storage or to a collaborator
`using traditional networks can take 10
`min or more. and real-time viewing of
`rmnlnm-r m
`It \Ilh-r
`\\ ..rk~r..tmrh
`Figure 3. IP-based NFS protocol stack.
`Table 1 — Network Line Rate vs. Throughput
`Line Rate
`1 55
`uncompressed digital video stored on
`remote servers has not been possible.
`Production and post-production
`requirements are rapidly exceeding the
`limits of traditional network approach-
`es and are driving the need for new
`network solutions. These solutions
`must address both hardware and soft-
`ware performance bottlenecks in com-
`puter-to-computer and computer-to-
`disk communications.
`Traditional Network Approaches
`Faster—than-real-time access to
`uncompressed digital video data stored
`in large disk-based files is becoming a
`key objective in today's studios. Using
`either the traditional computer or
`video server approach. many studios
`have adopted the popular client-server
`architecture. which centralizes storage
`access through a large, high-speed
`processor (Fig. 2). Local workstations
`access files through the server, which
`delivers them to local memory or disk.
`Centralized storage attached to the
`server can be quite large. frequently
`exceeding one terabyte, while local
`storage may be a few gigabytes.
`Interface from the server-to-storage
`must be as rapid as possible and is
`therefore generally in the form of
`striped disks or a redundant array of
`inexpensive drives (RAID). To maxi-
`mize performance, fast/wide SCSI is
`used for the server to storage connec-
`tion. This yields transfer rates
`approaching 20 Mbytes/sec. which is
`well below the 34 Mbytes/sec required
`for uncompressed real-time digital
`file access across the network is in
`a packetized format using Internet pro-
`tocol (IP)-based file transfer protocol
`(FTP) or network file system (NFS)
`(Fig. 3). While the use of NFS is
`straightforward and offers flexible file
`access, its small packet sizes (typically
`less than 8 kbytes) and the consider-
`able management of each packet by
`the operating system significantly
`reduces data throughput rates. Since
`FI'P procedures are disk-todisk trans-
`fers, they are limited to the throughput
`rate of the slowest disk interface
`involved. Applications seeking perfor-
`mance higher than NFS or FTP may
`use the UNIX remote procedure call
`(RPC) directly. which operates as a
`much faster computer memory-to-
`SMPTE Journal, December 1996
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`Dot Hill Systems Corp., Exhibit 1030
`Page 4
`Table 3 — Fibre Channel Modll
`Data Rate
`Single mode fiber
`SO-um multimode fiber
`67-pm multimode fiber
`Video coax
`Miniature coax
`Shielded twisted pair
`10 km
`2 km
`1.5 km
`100 m
`35 m
`100 rn
`266. 531, 1062
`266. 531 , 1062
`133. 266, 531, 1062
`133, 266, 531, 1062
`133. 266. 531. 1062
`133. 266
`Long-wave laser
`Short-wave laser
`Long-wave LED
` pet-Iowasumsnvataws@zzvz0;::91d]mosOl'LO'HOZWW18Mparmrumoa
`Fibre Channel combines the best
`attributes of a Chm?“ With those ofa
`network through a Simple technique: it
`provides a means to transfer data
`between a buffer at the source device
`(e.g., a video server drive) and another
`buffer at the destination device (e.g., a
`workstation or frame buffer). Fibre
`Channel ignores the data itself and
`bow is formatted. and simply takes
`what is in the sending buffer and
`transports it to the receiving buffer at
`the full bandwidth of the channel.
`After initial handshaking, control of
`the rate of data flow is handled by the
`receiving device indicating the amount
`of available memory buffer available.
`This low-level flow control allows
`Fibre Channel to avoid any data loss
`due to congestion. Simple error cor-
`recu'on is handled in hardware, much
`like a channel. If a data transfer fails
`due to an error, then a retry occurs
`immediately without consulting sys—
`tem software. thus maintaining above
`real-time performance.
`Fibre Channel has four levels of
`communication across the links (Fig.
`5). Signaling occurs via ordered sets,
`which are sets of four lO—bit characters
`used for such functions as start-of-
`frame, end-of-frame, link start-up, and
`Figure 5_ Fibre Channel mmmuom am".
`m, N.
`“ k .~ I,
`‘ " """
`R “I, ”rm
`y ( LN:
`, In“ I “r ,
`- “m”
`Figure 6. Fibre Channslclassos of sen/ice.
`I special user-defined commands. A
`frame is the smallest undivided packet
`0f data sent over the connection. Each
`frame consists of a start-of-frame
`delimiter, a frame header, an optional
`payload header, a data payload hold-
`ing up to 2048 bytes. a 32—bit CRC,
`and an end-of-frame delimiter. A
`sequence is composed of one or more
`related frames flowing in the same
`direction on a link. Sequences consti—
`tute the key unit of transfer between
`SMPTE Journal, December 1996
`Dot Hill Systems Corp., Exhibit 1030
`Page 5
`Dot Hill Systems Corp., Exhibit 1030
`Page 5
`ports that have negotiated available
`buffers. Each sequence is identified
`uniquely. and every frame within each
`sequence is individually numbered to
`facilitate error detection and reassem-
`bly upon arriving at its destination. An
`exchange consists of one or more non-
`concurrent sequences in a series of
`communications between two devices.
`Several exchanges between the same
`two devices may be occurring at the
`same time, with each exchange in a
`different phase of progress (e.g.. initial
`handshake, data transfer. close of
`transfer. etc.).
`To accommodate on-line, off-line,
`II \ l'atpr Drin-.-
`\ *‘ln-r
`R \II) llriu-s
`Figure 7. Fibre Channel arbitrated loop topology.
`video, and computer needs. Fibre
`Channel defines four different classes
`of service (Fig. 6). Class I, a circuit-
`switched connection. functions much
`in the same way as today's SDI physi-
`cal channels. No other devices can
`share the engaged link when a Class I
`connection has been established
`between two devices. Class 2 is a con-
`nectionless, frame-switched link that
`provides guaranteed delivery with
`acknowledgment of receipt. As with
`traditional packet-switched networks.
`the path between two ports is not dedi-
`cated. allowing for shared use of the
`link‘s bandwidth. Class 3 is a connec-
`tionless “datagram” service that allows
`data to be sent rapidly to multiple
`devices attached to the fabric. but no
`confirmation of receipt is given. By
`not having to wait for confirmation,
`Class 3 service speeds up the time of
`transmission. However, if a single
`user's link is busy. the hardware will
`not immediately know to retransmit
`the data. Class 4 offers constant avail-
`able minimum bandwidth or guaran-
`teed latency and is useful for isochro-
`nous applications such as single or
`multiple streams of real-time digital
`Fibre Channel supports a variety of
`fabric topologies. It is a closed system
`BiDi FIFO and
`BiDi FIFO and
`BiDi Register
`BiDi Register
`Host Bus
`interface Logic
`Figure 8. NetFX hardware block diagram.
`SMPTE Journal, December 1996
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`I’I )I)I
`SI )I
`H \tlzililu‘
`ll'l'ulnl} pm
`H \ililpll'l
`il' \pu'li-(lt
`Figure 12. Heletlve throughpute.
`operation system to communicate with
`attached Fibre Channel devices.
`Facilities for SNMP-based network
`managers are supported, as are diag-
`nostics, to maintain the network and
`verify the correct operation of the
`Hardware driver software generates
`commands and responds to interrupts
`and status from the Fibre Channel
`adapter hardware. N_Port driver soft-
`ware coordinates interactions with the
`hardware to implement Fibre Channel
`FC-Z functions including link manage-
`fabric and N_Port
`exchange resource allocation. sequence
`sending and receiving. acknowledg-
`merit handling. and input stream
`demultiplexing. These functions per-
`form essential services and handshake
`functions for FC—4 protocols.
`NetFX I/O and network software
`facilities are made available to the
`operating system and to user-level
`applications by the FC-4 protocols
`above the N_Port driver. l/O-oriented
`FC-4 protocols for encapsulating SCSI
`traffic are provided for communicating
`with attached Fibre Channel [/0
`devices, such as disk drives. Both
`SCSI initiator and SCSI target mode
`operations enable software to initiate
`or receive SCSI commands, perform
`data transfers. and receive or return
`responses. These FC«4 protocols com-
`ply with the interoperability require-
`ments set forth in the Fibre Channel
`Systems Initiative (FCSI) SCSI Profile
`A network-oriented FC-4 protocol
`for encapsulating Internet protocol
`(IP) is also made available to the oper-
`ating system. This software allows the
`operating system to send and receive
`lP traffic over Fibre Channel for stan-
`dard data communications protocols.
`such as TCP. UDP. NFS, SNMP, and
`Telnet. This FC-4 protocol supports
`functionality specified in the FCSI [P
`Profile document.
`NetFX Transporter and IOFS
`A proprietary FC-4 called the
`“Transporter" protocol has been devel-
`oped that optimizes transfers of large
`blocks of data between computers that
`are connected by Fibre Channel. This
`FC-4 protocol is ideal for moving digi-
`tized film and uncompressed digital
`video data between different comput-
`ers very quickly; in the case of digital
`video data, it can make these transfers
`happen faster than real time.
`Transporter treats data transfers
`between computer systems as memory-
`to-memory IIO operations, rather than
`as the more traditional data communi-
`cations networking operations used in
`conventional local area networks, such
`as Ethernet and FDDI. It avoids many
`of the software overheads and ineffi-
`ciencies associated with standard IP-
`based data communications protocols
`by utilizing the “native" capabilities of
`Fibre Channel, most of which are
`implemented in hardware for maxi-
`mum throughput efficiency.
`Fibre Channel has the ability to
`interconnect multiple systems, as do
`conventional networks. It also allows
`large data transfers to proceed at near-
`ly the full speed of the communica-
`tions media and incorporates hard-
`ware-level flow control and error-
`detection capabilities. These character-
`istics are typical of conventional 110
`channels. Transporter takes advantage
`of these capabilities by implementing
`network-style functions in an IIO-style
`The Transporter software supports a
`new file access protocol called
`“IOFS." Offering a client-server func-
`tionality very similar to NFS, IOFS
`uses Transporter to send large blocks
`of data between machines at very high
`data transfer rates. This allows it to
`bypass many of the software-level
`flow control and en'or-detection proto-
`cols used in conventional networks
`(Fig. 10). IOFS does not require
`changes to either application files or
`program because it allows files to be
`manipulated in the same ways as NFS
`does. Additionally. IOFS can coexist
`with NFS to provide parallel access
`paths to the same files.
`IOFS makes files accessible to
`remote systems in a manner similar to
`NFS. IOFS server software “exports."
`or makes available, any of the file sys—
`tems that are local to the server sys-
`tem. IOFS client software “mounts,"
`or locally attaches. any remote file
`system that it is authorized to use.
`Once an IOFS client has mounted a
`remote file system, it accepts file
`access requests from its local applica-
`tions programs. The UNIX system
`directs requests to the IOFS client
`based upon the name of the file being
`accessed. Requests are for any of the
`standard kinds of file-related opera-
`tions, such as reading, writing, creat-
`ing, renaming, deleting, or inquiring
`about files.
`IOFS clients communicate requests
`to the server. IOFS servers process
`each request by referring it to the local
`file system: in the case of IRIX. this
`would typically be an EFS or XFS file
`system. The local file system is
`responsible for actually carrying out
`the request. When the local file system
`completes a request, the IOFS sewer
`returns a reply to the client. The reply
`not only provides the client — and
`SMPTE Journal, December 1996
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