Components for R-OADMs- 2005
`6 & C Consulting Sen-ices Report
`From the
`"'Lighh\'3\'e Se1ies"
`JGI Consulting, Inc.
`March 2005
`Capella 2008
`Ciena/Coriant/Fujitsu v. Capella

`Components for R-OA OMs - 2005
`Table of Contents
`TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... 2
`TABLE OF FIGURES .......................................................................................... 6
`THE LIGHlWAVE NElWORK SERIES OF REPORTS ...................................... 7
`EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................... 11
`INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 13
`TECHNOLOGIES ............................................................................................... 15
`Switchrs and Blodsrr ....... ,,, ........ ,,,,,., ......................................... ,,,,, ....................................................... l6
`MEMS ..................... ............................................................................................. 17
`......................... • .................... 18
`Aonroochcs ro f\1l!t\1S ........... ''"'""""
`Di!!itaJ Approach ......... ·-····· .. ···-··· ..... ,,,, __ ,,, .,, .. _ .. ,, .. ,,_ ......... , .. _ .. ,, IS
`Analog Aonroach.,,,,,,,,, .. .,,,,,,,,, ........... ,,,,, .. ,,,,.,, ...... _,,,,,,,,
`.,,,,,,,,, ........ 19
`One Dimension rvU::MS.....
`. ................. 20
`Gmting Liuht Valve ((iLV) ........... .............. .
`. ....•••.•••... ..•...•••...•......•••.•.•... 2 1
`Liquid Crystal .
`. .............. .. 2 1
`............... .. 22
`LOUses ......
`Fiber Bragg Grnting .....
`i\1 u..:l!'!trn u !tt .......................................................................................... - .......................... __ .............. 2.3
`A WG Devices
`.. ............. .. 23
`Etched Waveguide Devices CPianar Wavc.-suide Devices) ........ .
`. ...........•...... 24
`Tunable l411ffti ................... ~ ................................................ - ....................... - ......................... - .. - .... 25
`1\!ctp jtur Cojnl :;, ........ , ............................. , ............................. , ............................... , ................................. lS
`'r « hnolooy Sum man· ........................................................................................................................ 26
`MARKET DRIVERS AND FORECASTS ........................................................... 28
`() 2005 B & C Consulting Services
`2 Components Fo!'ecast- ROADT\•Is, Vel'. 3
`and JGJ Consulting In<:.

`1\1 arket Ori\'ti'S ......................... - ........................... - ..................................................................... ~ .... 28
`Opex Sa\'ings _
`.. .. 28
`Wave.length Services .....
`.. ... 29
`1\l arkeJ Foreta§t .......................................................................................... - ..................................... 32
`Forecast Methodology...
`.. .. 32
`f!.·1odel fot Forecast ....
`. ... 32
`Assumptions of Model ......
`. .... 33
`. ... 33
`.. .. 35
`Assumptions fo1· Component Forecasts ....
`. 35
`..... 37
`US Forecast....
`. ... 37
`lllo.clw.IJS Ma~~~ ....
`. ... 38
`MurJI)emu;< US Matket F01'ect~St
`.... 39
`Tuoable Laser US Mad.;el Forecasl
`.. 40
`I uoahJe Fjlteu us M!)tket Focwst
`.. .. 41
`Swjtcb Points I JS Forecast....... ................
`. 42
`Monitor Pqjms US f~Jnrke• ForeCMl
`. .... 43
`!mal Com ponents I JS Mad;et forgcast .. ...............
`... 4-4
`Global Foregl$( .
`.. 45
`.. ........ _ ..
`......... ...
`Blockers Glnhal NlarkeJ Forecast ...... .............................................................. -16
`tylux/Demux Glohal Market Forec..'}Sl....... .................
`. .............................. 46
`Tun.~th1e Laser (jlobal f\1arkct J'orccast
`............................................................. 47
`Tunable Fjher ( ilohal Markm fo.recaSJ
`.......... -............................................
`.. ... ~18
`Swirc h PoinL'I Global ~tartct Forcca~t ............................................................. 49
`Mnnjror l' oints Global f'orec.a$t .........
`............. .............. ........................
`. ...... 50
`... 5 I
`C'omponcnts Total Global F'
`.......... _...
`VENDORS ..................................................................•...................................... 53
`Cq-ntoonr ntJSub::\ssrmbtr Ytn d9rl! ............................................................................................ _,.,. $)
`Cgrnoonf nt1Subnssrn1bly Vrndor kis!;ing .... ,,,,,,,,,,, .................................... ,.,,.,,,,, .. , ................. ,,,,.56
`AC Phgtonjcs lne .................... .•.........
`.. ......................... - ................................. 56
`, ............ ............................................................... 56
`Active O ntical Nctv.:orl<s Inc
`Aesis $e~njconducaor Inc ....................................................................................... 57
`At.riltron Inc .. ............. , ............................................ , ......
`................................... 57
`Alliance Fiber Ontic Products.. ............................. ............... ............. .........
`. ...... 58
`ANdcviccs ....................................................................................... , .... _.,.,,,, ............. 58
`AOC 'fcchnologics ........................................................................ ~ .................... 59
`Auxora. Inc ......
`. 59
`A van ex C..orporation ........ ...............
`.. 60
`Avo Photonics........... ...
`Cnpdln Photonics
`.......... ....
`..6 1
`CoAdna Photonics
`. ... 6 1
`.. ........ - ..
`I> 2005 B & C Consulting. Services
`:u1d IGJ Consul ting Inc..
`3 Components Focecast . ROADMs, Vet. 3

`.. ...... --..
`..... 62
`Cooigent ..
`. ... 63
`Cube Optics AG
`.... 63
`... 63
`DiCon fibetoptks .
`.. .. 64
`DuPom Phoconjcs Tech1lologies...
`. ... 64
`Emil Technology Co Ltd.
`.. .. 65
`Engana PW. Ltd.
`.. 65
`. .... ····-····
`........ • ...
`fil1.mi.W..&g.J.Jll. ···•······
`.. .. 66
`fi nisar Comoratioo ...... ...............
`.. .. 66
`FOCI f iber Omic (omm~1 nic.ujpns In ~ .... ...............
`.. .. 67
`GuarHt?.llou Yoo_gda Optical Comm .. Iech. Oev
`.. ... 67
`Hltachj CherojCtJI Co Amerjca Ltd
`. ... 68
`tlll!l~WA•Mli~ .......
`lofioeoo Tecbnoloajes_ ........... -........
`.. ... - ........ 68
`In plane Pbotoojcs. Inc ......................
`... 69
`. ............................................................................... 69
`(ole! Corpqrntion ..... ,
`. .. 70
`~ptjca! Systems I nc,,,,., ................................................................................ 71
`KanJcljan ............................................................................. ..................................... 71
`Lan1hda t)prical Systems,,,,,,,, ....... ,,,,,,,, ....... ,,,,,,,., .•• ,,,,,,,,, ....... ,,,,,,,,, ...... ,,,,,,,, ... .,,,,, 72
`Ligh!Conlm TcchnnloSY .......................
`.. ........................................................... 72
`LIGH'fCON~Tf.:C't Inc .. , .......................................................................................... 73
`Lighl\VR\'(;8 1020 Inc
`................. ,,,,,,,,
`.... ,,,,, .. , .. .,.,,,,,, ... .... , .. ,,,,, ..... ,,,,,,,,,, ......... 73
`Lynx Photonic Nct\vt)rks ............... ,,,,,,._,,,,,,,,,,,,._,,,,,,,, .............. , .... _,,,,,,,, .. , ....... 74
`t\-tahi Nct\vorks ........
`.. ................................................................................. , 75
`.. ............. ................ 15
`t\-iecc.onnex: ..... ..................................... _, . ...............
`NeoPhotonic,'i ............................................... .......................................................... 76
`Ne1wurk Photonics CNot in Operation) -----·
`. 76
`0 -Net Communications Ltd ...........
`. 77
`Oplink Communicaticms Inc........
`. ... 78
`Optiviva Inc... ................
`.. 78
`OpTun Inc. .....
`.. .. 79
`.. ... 79
`Osaki Elect1i<:: Co .. Ltd..
`.. ... 80
`Paxe~a CofP....
`.. .. 8 1
`. ... 8 1
`,Bedt'etn OP-tical Compcme11t:S Ph· Ltd
`..... 82
`SDO Commul\iCJU.iOJJU:OrJl........
`. ... 82
`She02hen Hj-Opte! Technology Co Led. .....
`................. ...............
`.. .. 83
`Sinclair Manufaclurjo~ Compan~.
`.. 83
`Si 1 ioonJ..igliJ.lllru;J>io.-...
`. . . . . . . .. .. ... .
`. .. 84
`SpectmSwitch ... ................ ~~ ...... _....
`" ""'""""'
`. 84
`SJGUQS lnJernatjona! Inc .............. ........ - -.. ........................ - .. .............................. 86
`J eraXjon Inc .................................................................................................... 86
`Tbefjbers Inc ... ............................. .... ~ ........................ -~ .............................. 87
`.................... ,
`............. ............
`............. ..........
`l 'opfjher ·rwhnolngy ,
`. ..... 87
`Cl 2005 B &. C Cousuhing Sel'vices
`4 CompOJlents Forecast - ROADf!.·ls, Vt:r. 3
`and IGJ Consul ting Ju<:.

`TtansOptix ......
`Valdot Fibe:.· OOlics ....... .
`Xtellus ........... ..
`. ... 88
`............... ... 88
`. ... 89
`... 89
`APPENDIX 1- USTING OF ACRONYMS ........................................................• 91
`£l 2005 B & C Consuhiflg Se•vices
`and IGI Consulting Jnc~
`5 C..)mpo.~ents Fotecast- ROADMs., Ver. :1

`Components for R-OADIVIs- 2005
`The Lightwave Network Series of Reports
`This report is part of the Lightwave Netv ... ork series offered b)' IGI Consulting, Inc. and
`prepared by B & C Consuhing Services. The-Lightwave. Ne:~wotk series of reports is an
`intcgmtcd, consistent approach to developing an understanding of the entire optict~l
`net wort as well as of the major S)'Stc:ms comprising thilt network. Each of the-individual
`reports offers: a discussion of the technologies involved in the-primary system of the
`report; an applications revie.,~ a detailed analysis of the market drivers impacting the
`subject system; a listing. of all of the major vendors of the subjec-t systems as well as a
`discussion of their products.: tlJld forecasts of market results as well as prices for the
`subject systems.
`These re-ports are de.veloped in suc.h a manner so that each one is a complete standalone
`document 10•· its primary subject. but tile)' are also co•lsistent across the emire netwo•'k to
`allow a broader understanding of the overall necw01k
`The lOll owing are the tepotu of the Lightwave. Netwotk series. They are all available
`throug.h www iaiaroun com.
`General Mar);e1 Repons
`''Telecom f\·larkd in Transition - 2005, The Lightwave is Going to Shine
`Again!" This report forecasts the-capital expenditures fbr tdecommunic~•tions
`through 2009, as well as fbrecasts the-nature of the coming industry.
`"The Telecom Market: A Delayed Recovery ... This repon is an updateof" Tile
`Retum of the Telco Marke•," including all of the unanticipated factors from the
`earlier repon. This repon provides a new forecast for high·speed aocess lines. new
`network traftlc fotecasts, and new capital forecasts for major carriers.
`" Recovery from the Edge - Lightwave Seg.meot Forecasts.'' This report provides
`mali.:et forecasts for each of the nine segments of the Lightwave~ It is also a
`companion report to " Return of the Telc-O Market - When?"
`.. The WinJlets and Losets - The Coming Landscape of the Lightwave ... This
`repo11 is intended to forecast the stn•crure of the new (post recession) telecom
`market It is a companion repo11 to "The RelUrn of the Telco Market - When?''
`.. The Return of the Te-lco Market- When?'' This report deals exclusivel)' with the
`question of when the telecom recession will end and provides a methodology of
`anaJysis of the recession.
`tO 2005 B & C Consulting Sei'Vices
`and JGJ Consulting Inc ..
`7 Components Fo(ecast - ROADf>.·ls, Vet. 3

`Tel. 2 15-441-0107
`Fax 2 15-441-92 19
`Avo Photo•li<:s is on"ering cost-etfective design and manufacturi ng solutions fot phmonic
`and microelectronic packaging applications in the communications. mi lital) '. aerospace.
`medical and industrial markets. With a oootplete suite of modeling tools. including RF,
`optical. thennal and mechanical analysis. the company ensures that prodt•cts are ready for
`prototyping and low· volume production. and that the transition to h.igh-volume
`produ~ioo can be made without retooling or re.qualif)'i ng the design. This allows OEMs
`to focus Oil non-manufacturing issues. Custom and standa•·d package desig•lS, such as
`buttertly and TO can. are supported.
`19 Great Oaks Blvd. Suite20
`San Jose. CA 95 119
`Tel· + I (408)360 -4240
`fax· + I (408) 225-6248
`sslcs@canellsnhotonics com
`Loc~1ted in San Jose, Califbrnia, Capella Photonic.s was founded in December 2000. The
`W!l\•cPath family concept is based on an exte-nsion of free-sp.1cc- optics tcchnolosy
`proven b)' lhc founders' work in the fields of optical and maJ;.llctic data storage. Capella's
`Wavc:Path produc-t line enables system arc-hitects to dc:sisn optical platforms that offer
`dynamic and remote reconfigurability, thus sreatJy simplifying the engineering and
`provisionin£ of optical networks.
`The Capella desisn team has been granted six patents with another 45 applications
`The Capella WavePath family a high level of functional integration resulting in
`an e.xttemel)• oost effective subsystem solution. WavePath, which opetates m eithet 2.5
`Gbps, 10 Gbp~ or 40 Gbps ttansmission rotes. integrates ten cypicall)• discTete functions
`into a single module making reconfigurnbilily essentially free. Capella is the only
`company to olle( a 10-libe( po••t solution, i.e .• one input, one exptess output a•ld S
`service pons. The se1vice pons may be configured as ei111er drop or add dependins on tlle
`applicatio•l. Any service pon can be reserved as an in-seNice expansion pon.
`90 Great Oaks 61vd., #203
`San Jose. CA 951 19
`Tel. 408-360-8600
`6:1 2005 8 & C COfiSuhing Se1vices
`and IGJ Consulting Inc ..
`6 1 Components Forecast- ROADf>.·ls, Vet. 3

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