Virtual Private Networks over the Internet
`Manuel Günter (
`August 3, 1998
`This working paper is a surveys of current activities in the development of solutions for virtual
`private networks over the Internet. The paper is related to the CATI project (WP2T1 and WP2T2)
`which is founded by the Swiss National Foundation.
`1 Introduction
`The essence of a virtual private network (VPN) is a temporary, secure connection over a public net-
`work. In this paper we are interested in IP-VPNs. These are virtual private networks using the Internet
`as public network. In order to save growing telecommunication costs, companies recently started to
`replace expensive leased lines and dial-up remote access by IP-VPN solutions which are cheaper, be-
`cause they only use a local link to the company’s Internet service provider (ISP). A further advantage
`of IP-VPN solutions is the global reach of the Internet. Some IP-VPN solutions even claim to be more
`secure than the traditional telecommunication approaches.
`The main goal of companies adapting IP-VPN solutions is to minimize telecommunication costs.
`A 1997 VPN Research Report by Infonetics Research Inc. estimates savings from 20% to 47% of
`wide area network costs by replacing leased lines to remote sites with VPNs. And, for remote access
`VPNs, savings can be 60% to 80% of corporate remote access dial-up costs [IBM98].
`Many companies are currently evaluating the deployment of a VPN over the Internet. According
`to a 1997 Forrester survey, more than half of the 50 fortune 1000 companies interviewed said within
`two years they expected to use the Internet to communicate with partners. Two-thirds said they intend
`to execute transactions with customers over the Internet [Ave98a].
`A vast variety of VPN solution vendors target the new market. ISPs provide solutions to their
`customers, while hardware vendors (e.g. Cisco and IBM) and Software vendors (Microsoft, Shiva,
`Aventail, 3com) sell solutions to the companies and ISPs as well. The bigger vendors also try to
`establish their own standards. This is not surprising, since the VPN market is expected to reach at
`least several billion dollars by the year 2001 [Ave98b]. IDC and Link Research forecast that VPNs
`will continue to grow at an annual rate of 45 percent through 1999 [Ave98a].
`In the rest of this paper we will discuss what the advantage and disadvantages of IP-VPNS are,
`what different VPN types there are and what protocols they use. Then we conclude.
`2 Pros and Cons of IP-VPNs
`VPNs as well as the traditional telecommunication approaches are aimed to boost productivity by
`extending the reach of the companies resources. This includes hardware (computers, LANs) electronic
`services (file service, database access) as well as human resources (voice mail).
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1025, p. 1

`In order to extend the reach of a company’s Intranet(s) a VPN over the Internet promises two
`benefits: cost efficiency and global reachability. However there are three major concerns about VPN
`technology: security, managability and performance.
`Security. In order for Virtual Private Networks to be private the transmitted data must be encrypted
`before entering the Internet, since the Internet is considered an untrusted network. Everybody
`can connect to the Internet and there is no guaranty that participants stick to any policy or rule.
`However, protecting the traveling data will not protect the information inside the Intranet from
`unauthorized access. Therefore, more elaborate VPN architectures must include additional
`protection such as firewalls and user authentication mechanisms.
`Managability. The companies telecommunication requirements and equipments evolve at a high
`speed. The VPN management must be able to cope with these changes avoiding high expenses.
`VPNs are connected to many different entities that even by themselves are hard to manage
`and that constantly evolve. Such entities include the companies physical network (eventually
`featuring unregistered IP addresses), the companies security policy, the companies electronic
`services, the companies ISP(s) to mention but a few. The VPN solution vendor Cisco considers
`the managability of VPNs to be the key to profitably deploying VPN service [Sag98].
`Performance. Since ISPs deliver IP packets still on a "best effort" basis, the transport performance
`of a VPN over the Internet cannot be predicted, it is variable. Current research is focusing on
`easing this situation [FBH98]. Furthermore, security measures (encryption and authentication)
`can decrease transport performance significantly. This also points out two management prob-
`lems: The clients must be enabled to (1) measure the performance and (2) customize the VPN
`(e.g. the security options) in order to optimize it [BS97].
`3 Different Types of VPN Solutions
`We differ between two main types of VPN solutions: the ones that target an ISP who wants to offer
`VPN services and the ones that target a company who wants to use a VPN.
`Products for ISPs (like offered by Cisco) usually include software for the ISP’s customer, too.
`Such products are more extensive since they manage several VPNs, the ISP’s physical network and
`they provide charging and accounting facilities. In this model, ISP clients outsource most of the VPN
`management and only manage the IP services they want to offer over their VPN.
`"Big" IT companies that also act as ISPs (IBM, Microsoft) use their own solutions on their net-
`works and try to sell VPN hard- and software to their Internet service customers. Microsoft’s VPN
`security choice PPTP (point-to-point tunneling protocol) which is embedded in Windows NT v4.0 is
`even free.
`"Small" VPN solution vendors (e.g. Shiva) try to sell provider independent products. Advantages
`of such approaches are improved security (data is protected from the ISP), company internal network
`equipment optimization, reduced dependence (protection from changes at the ISP) and reduced time-
`to-deployment. These client side solutions often use open standards (IPsec, ISAKMP, Socks v.5)
`and are open for the use of different protocols (e.g. encryption with DES, IDEA, etc). Provider
`independent VPN solutions come with the inconvenience of having to manage the VPN and its client
`software as well as additional hardware (tunnel terminating device). Furthermore, there is no mean of
`monitoring and configuration of the transport performance outside of the own Intranet.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1025, p. 2

`3.1 Different VPNs for Different Purpose
`Beside of the overall benefits of VPNs a company may want to use VPNs for different kinds of tasks
`which require different solutions. Here are the three most common scenarios [IBM98, Ave98b]:
`Remote access network. A remote user that is at home or on the road needs access to his/her com-
`pany’s electronic resources. An ideal VPN enables the remote user to work as if (s)he was at a
`workstation in the office. Authentication, transparency and ease of use for the remote user are
`crucial factors for this scenario.
`Branch office connection network. Here, two or more trusted Intranets are connected. Usually the
`Intranets are protected by firewalls which are the ideal location to deploy VPN software. Thus,
`the client workstations do not have to worry about the VPN. Problems arise from managing
`unregistered (private) IP addresses and shielded DNS entries [Mos97b], managing access rights
`and possibly from transport performance.
`Business partner/supplier networks. This scenario (also called Extranet) represents the most recent
`trend for VPN usage and also the least mature field. Companies can grant their partners temporal
`and limited access to their Intranet. The wide availability of the Internet and its relatively
`small costs together with mature IP-VPN technology shall allow fully functional e-business
`applications including initial contact of customer, sales negotiation, order fulfillment and on-
`going support. Furthermore such a solution allows to automate the supply chain and facilitate
`collaborative projects with partners [Ave98a].
`However, Extranet are exposed to the most severe management problems of the three kinds of
`VPNs. It is the fast pace of evolution and the dynamics of interacting with partners that cause
`problems in the following areas: security (e.g. key management), fine grained access control
`(company wide access policies needed), consistency and possibly charging and accounting.
`4 VPN Protocols
`We said that "private" in "Virtual Private Network" means encryption and authentication but what
`about "virtual"? A network is virtual when a protocol makes a physically discontinuous system appear
`as one network to the higher protocols. Note that it seems to be the first choice to place such a VPN
`protocol at the lower layers in the ISO-OSI reference model, namely at the data link layer and the
`network layer. However, as we will see, higher protocol layers can be an option, too.
`4.1 VPN Protocols in the OSI Reference Model
`Here is a list of the common VPN protocols starting from OSI layer 2 (data link) along with the
`protocols’ key features.
`Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP). Microsoft extended the ubiquitous Point-to-Point Pro-
`tocol (PPP) by running it as the inner protocol with the Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) proto-
`col (RFC 1701, 1702). PPTP emerged of Microsoft’s client/server-LAN experience. Thus it uses the
`Remote Access Services (RAS) of the client for user authentication.
`It does not support
`PPTP is limited in usage.
`It offers remote connections to a single point.
`multiple connections nor does it easily support network-to-network connections. PPTP’s security is
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1025, p. 3

`also limited. It does not offer protection from substitution- or playback attacks, nor does it provide
`perfect forward secrecy. PPTP has no clear mechanism for renegotiation if connectivity to the server
`is lost [Mos97a].
`Level 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP). This protocol also guides PPP over an IP network, but is a
`simpler version of GRE. L2TP came out of the router-ISP-engineering community. Thus it uses the
`Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) at the ISP. L2TP is similar to PPTP and they
`both target the remote access scenario. L2TP delegates security features toward IP Security (IPsec)
`which we present next. Beside of that it suffers from the same drawbacks as PPTP [Mos97a].
`Internet Protocol Security (IPsec).
`IPsec evolved from the IPv6 movement and is promoted as a
`standard by the IETF. It is located in OSI-layer 3. IPsec is a broad-based open solution for encryption
`and authentication on a per-packet basis.
`IPsec can securely encapsulate IPv4 packets and tunnel
`them from one firewall to another. Thus it is an optimum solution for trusted LAN-to-LAN VPNs (the
`branch office connection network scenario presented in section 3). IPsec can ensure authentication,
`privacy and data integrity. It is open to a wide variety of encryption mechanisms. IPsec is application
`transparent and a natural IP extension, thus ensuring interoperability among VPNs over the Internet.
`Router vendors and VPN hardware vendors support IPsec. Commercial implementations start to be
`introduced to the market in 1998.
`Nevertheless, there are disadvantages of IPsec. IPsec is bound to the TCP/IP stack1. IP addressing
`is part of IPsec’s authentication algorithm. This is less secure than higher layered approaches and it
`is a problem in dynamic address environments which are common to ISPs. IPsec requires a public
`key infrastructure which is still subject to current research. IPsec does not specify a methodology
`for access control beyond simple packet filtering. Furthermore, IPsec’s development is delayed by
`ongoing IETF committee infighting and is not explicitly supported by Microsoft [Ave98b].
`SOCKS v5 and SSL. SOCKS v5 was originally approved by the IETF as a standard protocol for
`authenticated firewall traversal. When combined with the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) it provides the
`foundation for building highly secure VPNs that are compatible with any firewall. SOCKS v5 strength
`is access control.
`SOCKS v5 controls the flow of data at the session layer (OSI-layer 5). It establishes a circuit
`between a client and a host on a session-by-session basis. Thus it can provide more detailed access
`control than protocols in the lower layers without the need to reconfigure each application. SOCKS v5
`and SSL can interoperate on top of IPv4, IPsec, PPTP, L2TP or any other lower level VPN protocol.
`A session layer solution does not have to interfere with the networking transport components, thus
`the clients are non-intrusive. SOCKS v5 provides plug-and-play capabilities including access control,
`protocol filtering, content filtering, traffic monitoring, reporting and administration applications.
`On the minus side, SOCKS v5 decreases performance. Also, client software is required to build a
`connection through the firewall to transmit all TCP/IP data through the proxy server [Ave98b].
`The discussion of these three protocols indicates what VPN purpose (see section 3.1) their are
`best used for. The result is shown in the following table. An architecture is sketched in figure 1
`1Since here we are dealing with IP-VPNs the limitation to TCP/IP is not a real disadvantage.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1025, p. 4

`VPN type
`Branch office connection network
`Basic remote access
`Secure remote access
`Business partner networks
`OSI Layer
`1 and 3
`SOCKS v5 and SSL 5 (ev. 3)
`SOCKS v5 and SSL 5 (ev. 3)
`Branch Office Intranet
`Branch office connection
`VPN with IPsec
`Home PC
`Remote access
`VPN with PPTP, L2TP
`VPN Clients
`VPN Clients
`Partner/Supplier Intranet
`Business partner network
`VPN with SOCKS v5/SSL
`VPN Server
`Corporate Office Intranet
`Figure 1: Client based VPN scenarios.
`The four presented VPN protocols operate at the borders of the Internet. However, there are also
`VPN protocols for Internet backbone routers.
`4.2 VPN Backbone Protocols
`As mentioned in section 3 network hardware vendors like Cisco offer VPN solutions that target ISPs.
`The solutions enable the ISPs to configure their network in order to offer diversified services to their
`customers. This includes quality of service and availability guarantees which the Internet cannot give.
`Therefore, solutions proposed by Cisco [Sag98] or Ericsson [HW98] implement the Multiprotocol
`Label Switching (MPLS) technology for the ISP’s backbone routers. MPLS forwards IP packets over
`an ATM network. It is being standardized by the IETF.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1025, p. 5

`Multiprotocol Label Switching MPLS is deployed in a ISP’s IP backbone network that uses IP
`routers at the edges of the network and ATM switches controlled by a MPLS component in the inside.
`The basic idea is to do (intelligent) layer 3 routing at the edges of the backbone network and to do fast
`layer 2 forwarding inside the backbone network. Incoming IP packets get a MPLS header attached,
`they are labeled according to IP header information (mainly the target address, but also type of service
`and other fields). A label switched path is set up for each route or path through the network. Once this
`is done, all subsequent nodes may simply forward the packet along the label-switched path identified
`by the label at the front of the packet. Negotiations of labels between nodes is done by the label-
`distribution protocol of MPLS. An ATM connection is set up for each label-switched path. Thus,
`MPLS can support quality of service. MPLS makes the underlying backbone infrastructure invisible
`to the layer 3 mechanisms. This light-weighted tunneling provides an extendible foundation that
`provides VPN and other service capabilities. Furthermore, the MPLS architecture enables network
`operators to define explicit routes. Note that there is ongoing research on multicast functions in order
`to improve the scalability of MPLS.
`MPLS technologies are useful for ISPs that want to offer their customers a wide band of IP ser-
`vices. The ISPs add value to their service e.g. by offering the complete management of the customers
`VPN. Obviously, the more the customers outsource their VPN management, the more crucial network
`management becomes to the ISP. The OSI reference model does not support network management.
`Therefore, for example Cisco bases its IP-VPN solution on the ITU’s Telecommunication Manage-
`ment Network (TMN) reference model.
`The Telecommunication Management Network Reference Model. Figure 2 shows the five layer
`hierarchy of the model as presented in [Sag98]. The element layer covers embedded technologies
`Business Layer
`Service Layer
`End-to-End Layer
`Network Layer
`Element Layer
`Figure 2: The TMN Five-Layer Model
`that manage the individual element (router, gateway etc.) to monitor performance and detect faults.
`The network layer controls the elements on a device-by-device or domain basis. The end-to-end layer
`connects the domains together to provide an integrated view across different equipment and protocol
`types. The service layer supports the management of services and service-to-service interaction. Fi-
`nally, the business layer supports the driving of the customer relationship, such as sales, ordering, and
`billing, in addition to customer reporting and other customer network management applications.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1025, p. 6

`5 Summary
`In todays global market the availability of the companies electronic resources to the authorized per-
`sonnel, customers and partners is believed to be a major competitive factor. However, remote dial-up
`and leased lines are expensive. Many companies therefore evaluate the deployment of virtual private
`networks over the Internet. Such solutions are price-effective and have a wide reach. Problems of such
`IP-VPNs are security, managability and performance. For the simple VPN scenarios (remote access
`and trusted LAN-to-LAN networks) good protocols and solution exists and are in use. Nevertheless,
`there are still topics that need future work:
`(cid:15) In the security area the IETF working group is still arguing over scalable key distribution solu-
`(cid:15) Managing methodologies and tools for more complicated VPNs (Extranet scenario) with a com-
`(cid:15) ISPs offering diversified services (e.g. outsourced VPN) not only have to manage their network,
`(cid:15) Finally scalable quality-of-service solutions for the Internet remain a research topic.
`pany wide security policy and fine grained resource access control are still incomplete or miss-
`but they must charge and account the use of their service and allow their customers to control
`or even configure their VPN transport performance.
`[Ave98a] Aventail.
`, 1998.
`[Ave98b] Aventail.
`, 1998.
`Gordon Burnes and Greg Stoller. Virtual private networking: The next revolution in cor-
`porate productivity., 1997.
`[FBH98] T. Braun F. Baumgartner and P. Habegger. Differentiated services: A new approach for
`quality of service in the internet. Working paper, 1998.
`[HW98] Boran Hagard and Mikael Wolf. Multiprotocol label switching in ATM networks. The
`Telecommunications Technoloty Journal, 1998.
`eNetworks VPNs
`, 1998.
`[Mos97a] Robert Moskowitz.
`, 1997.
`[Mos97b] Robert Moskowitz.
`, 1997.
`IP-VPN service.
`Network management
`[Sag98] Karen M. Sage.
`, 1998.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1025, p. 7

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