`DOCKET NO. 6:10CV417
`Tyler, Texas
`9:00 a.m.
`January 5, 2012
`A,P P E A R A N C E S
`211 West Ferguson
`Tyler, Texas
`Proceedings taken by Machine Stenotype;
`produced by a Computer.
`transcript was
`8 9
`Page 1 0f 10 '
`Apple V. VimetX
`Trial IPR2015-00812
`Apple v. VirnetX
`Trial IPR2015-00812
`What is next?
`Thank you, Your Honor, it is John
`Desmarais for Cisco. We will handle the "secure domain name
`service." Counsel‘s comments just then is actually a good
`entree because he just said that the patent doesn't deal with
`a conventional or standard DNS service, and that is one of the
`grappling issues here because we want to actually put that in
`the construction.
`So if we look at Slide 84.
`This is one of those situations that after your
`prior Markman,
`in the reexam virnetX told the Patent Office
`that the prior construction was,
`in fact, a faulty position
`because the "secure domain name service" is not a conventional
`DNS server. Your can see your construction versus what they
`told the PTO right there on Slide 84.
`So both sides here agree that the construction
`should be redone, and you see that on Slide 85 right from
`VirnetX's opening brief. Both of us are proposing a brand new
`When you look at what the issue is on the next
`slide, here are the two competing constructions, Your Honor,
`presented on Slide 86. What I put
`in red—underline the
`parties have both added,
`so we agree on that. And that was
`added by both of us.
`What is in yellow under defendants' proposed
`Page 2 of 10
`construction are the two things we are still disputing. And
`that first point is it needs to be a nonstandard look—up, as
`Counsel for virnetX just said, because the conventional is not
`what this patent is about.
`I will show you why.
`And then in the second part,
`"and performs its
`services accordingly," are the exact words that VirnetX told
`the Patent Office at the same time they told them that part
`which is in red.
`So Virnetx changed their construction to add
`what is in redsunderlining, as we did, based on a sentence
`they said to the Patent Office. But they left out the second
`half of the sentence, which is what we show in yellow, and I
`can show you that.
`The first issue,
`the nonstandard, if you look on
`Slide 88,
`time and time again through the reexam this was
`highlighted to the Patent Examiner. This is excerpts from
`VirnetX's response to the Patent Office.
`The specification of
`the '180 patent clearly teaches that the claim "secure domain
`name service" is unlike the conventional domain name service.
`They go on.
`It is in contrast to a conventional.
`It is a
`nonstandard domain name.
`It is not available with the
`traditional systems. There are drawbacks to the conventional
`'Every time they spoke about it,
`including just a few
`moments ago,
`they said it is nonstandard. All we are doing is
`trying to put that into the construction to differentiate it
`from standard.
`And if you look at the parties' construction of
`"secure domain name,” they have already agreed to that for
`”secure domain name." Their proposed construction has
`nonstandard domain name. Ours does too. This term is "secure
`domain name service."
`It should be likewise.
`The second part of what we wanted to add is the rest
`of the statement that they left off. And this is on Slide 91.
`To support the language that both parties have added, we both
`cited to this excerpt here, which is Paragraph 12. That is
`from what VirnetX told the Patent Office.
`And you can see they said:
`A secure domain name
`service of
`the '180 patent instead recognizes that a query
`message is requesting a secure network address.
`That first part they put
`into their construction,
`and so did we.
`Then they left off the second part,
`performs its services accordingly." We would submit that if
`you are going to put in the first part, you need the second
`The omission that they took out puts ambiguity into
`the construction, and they have got no basis for putting half
`of the argument in and half out.
`They told the Patent Office
`that this is what their domain name service was. That is what
`they should be held to.
`The patent issued as a result of
`this, and they need to take account of what
`they said to the
`Page 4 of 10
`Patent Office to get the patent issued.
`They should not be
`taking a different position here in Federal Court.
`Mr. McLeroy?
`MR. McLEROY: Your Honor, first of all,
`I would like
`to correct one thing Mr. Desmarais said. During reexamination
`virnetx never argued that this Court got a claim construction
`Instead, Your Honor, we simply explained to the
`Examiner that his application of the construction was wrong,
`and we clarified that.
`On Slide 44 here, we see the parties' competing
`constructions. And we submit, Your Honor,
`that the
`defendants' additions of "nonstandard" and "performs its
`services accordingly" are just unnecessary because we
`explicitly state what makes the lookeup service nonstandard,
`and we explicitly state what services are performed by the
`secure DNS.
`So let's look at "nonstandard" a little bit closer.
`included, Your Honor,
`in the construction the two
`characteristics of a "secure domain name service" that make it
`nonstandard. First, we say that the "secure domain name
`service” recognizes that a query message is requesting a
`secure computer address. And, second, it returns a secure
`computer network address for a requested secure domain name.
`Rather than using the ambiguity of what is standard
`or not standard, we explicitly point out what makes a secure
`DNS a secure DNS and not a conventional domain name server.
`I think, Your Honor, we make a very similar argument
`as to why you shouldn't
`include the language "perform its
`services accordingly." Rather than ambiguously referencing
`what its services may or may not be and maybe it is something
`beyond what is in the construction, we explicitly state what
`service the secure domain name service provides; and that is
`returning a secure it excuse me, secure computer network
`address for a requested secure domain name.
`If we adopt the defendants‘ construction with the
`language "performs its services accordingly," that leaves the
`defendants with leeway down the road to argue what other
`services may be required by a secure DNS, and it is going to
`leave the jury confused as to what services the Court's
`construction refers to that aren't explicitly stated in the
`Thank you.
`MR. DESMARAIS: Slide 84, please.
`Your Honor,
`just two brief points in response to
`On Slide 84, Counsel said that they did not tell the
`Patent Office that the Court's construction was wrong.
`think we can look at what the Court said in the prior Markman
`is on the first cuteout.
`The Court construes "secure domain name service" as
`Page 6 of 10
`”a look—up service that returns a secure network address for a
`requested secure domain name." That was this Court‘s
`Subsequent to that in the reexam, VirnetX said what
`is in the second cut—out, which is, similarly the request and
`Office action rely on the faulty position that a secure domain
`name service is nothing more than a conventional DNS server
`that happens to resolve the domain names of the secure
`The words speak for themselves.
`They said what this
`Court construed was a faulty position. Whether they
`attributed that position to the Court or not is a
`hypertechnical understanding of what actually happened there.
`Secondly, what Counsel is trying to do yet again is
`run away from the things that they told the Patent Office to
`get these patents issued. We can't lose focus on the fact
`that we wouldn't be here today if they didn't say these things
`to the Patent Office.
`When we look on Slide 88 they told the Patent Office
`time and time again their system is not a conventional
`system. Their system is not the standard DNS. Their system
`is not the traditional DNS. Those are their words. And now
`they are telling this Court that they can say that in the
`Patent Office but come here to Federal Court litigation and
`all bets are off,
`these are broad claims, That is just not
`Page 7 of 10
`fair, and it is not how the system works.
`It is exactly the same for the next issue, which is
`on Slide 91.
`They have taken As this is the statement they
`made to the Patent Office to get this patent issued.
`have taken half of it and stuffed it into their construction.
`All we are saying is in for a penny,
`in for a pound.
`If you
`are talking half, put the whole thing in.
`They haven't given
`you a reason why only half of it is relevant. They didn't say
`they shouldn't have said all of it.
`They said all of it.
`Patent Office relied on that and issued the patent. You can't
`have it both ways.
`The patent
`issued because of it. We are here
`because the patent issued.
`The patent means what they told
`the Patent Office the patent means.
`Thank you, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: All right.
`Thank you.
`MR. McLEROY: Brief response?
`MR. McLEROY: Your Honor, we believe we have
`captured everything that "secure domain name service" is in
`our proposed construction.
`The defendants say we need these
`additional words added to the construction because we said
`them in the prosecution. But
`they haven‘t told us what
`additional words mean beyond what is in VirnetX's proposed
`Page 8 of 10
`We are very concerned that down the road at a trial
`later in this case,
`the defendants will add additional
`meanings into nonstandard,
`into its services, and we will have
`to deal with those at that point. Your Honor, VirnetX's
`construction captures everything that we argued to the Patent
`Office in reexamination.
`Thank you.
`What is next?
`MR. CREMEN: Your Honor, we have "DNS proxy" and
`"domain name service system" left under the DNS terms group.
`Depending on how much you would like MW at what
`time you would
`like to get out of here, we can just go directly to
`"indicating" now,
`if both sides want to argue that and just
`leave the rest for briefs or we can do a really short talk
`"DNS proxy" and "domain name service system."
`THE COURT: Your choice, whichever you would rather
`MR. CREMEN: Okay.
`How about I just point out one
`thing about domain name —— or,
`I'm sorry,
`"DNS proxy server.“
`The biggest disagreement A~ or the only disagreement
`between the parties on this term is the added portion in
`defendants' proposed construction of "preventing destination
`servers from determining the identity of the entity sending
`the domain name inquiry.“
`Now, Your Honor, you construed this term in the
`Page 9 of 10
`1 with respect to SAIC, an issue that was filed some time ago
`that it would probably be a good idea at some point to put at
`the top of your list.
`I will try to work it up there.
`Anything further?
`MR. CAWLEY: No, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. Y‘all have a good day, Hearing
`is adjourned.
`(Hearing concluded.)
`C E R T I F I C A,T I O N
`I certify that the foregoing is a correct transcript from the
`record of proceedings in the above—entitled matter.
`/s/ Shea Sloan
`Page 10 0f10