Case 6:07-cv-00080-LED Document 398 Filed 04/05/10 Page 1 of 153 PageID #: 21466
`VIRNETX * Civil Docket No.
` * 6:07-CV-80.
` * Tyler, Texas
` *
` * March 15, 2010.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
` McKool-Smith
` 300 Crescent Court
` Suite 1500
`Dallas, TX 75201
`Parker, Bunt & Ainsworth
`100 East Ferguson
`Suite 1114
`Tyler, TX 75702.
`Ms. Judith Werlinger, CSR
`Official Court Reporters
` 100 East Houston, Suite 125
` Marshall, TX 75670
`(Proceedings recorded by mechanical stenography,
`transcript produced on CAT system.)
`Sunbelt Reporting & Litigation Services
`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 1

`Case 6:07-cv-00080-LED Document 398 Filed 04/05/10 Page 2 of 153 PageID #: 21467
`Weil Gotshal & Manges
`201 Redwood Shores Parkway
`5th Floor
`Redwood City, CA 94065
`Weil Gotshal & Manges
`767 Fifth Avenue
`New York, NY 10153
`Weil Gotshal & Manges
`700 Louisiana
`Suite 1600
`Houston, TX 77002
`Sayles Werbner
`1201 Elm Street
`4400 Renaissance Tower
`Dallas, TX 75270
`Findlay Craft
`6760 Old Jacksonville Highway
`Suite 101
`Tyler, TX 75703
`* * * * * *
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`(Jury out.)
`THE COURT: Please be seated.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`All right. Do the parties have anything before we bring
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`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 2

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`the jury in?
`MR. POWERS: A couple of matters, Your
`One is an issue that came up at the
`pretrial conference, and it was VirnetX's motion in
`limine regarding our evidence that they had earlier
`accused of infringement, PPTP, which is now being
`asserted to be prior art.
`And Your Honor granted that motion in
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`limine. At Page 7, you said, I'll look at it closer
`between now and then. Bring it back up with me prior to
`trial. I think you're zeroing in on something that
`would probably be an admission. So if you want to use
`it to impeach their expert, to raise it now, and that's
`what we're doing now.
`So the basic --
`THE COURT: So you want to raise -- oh,
`yeah. Go ahead. Explain it to me a little further.
`MR. POWERS: So the basic issue is this:
`As Your Honor knows, we're relying on PPTP to be a piece
`of prior art in the case. It's a Microsoft product that
`was done in 1996.
`We believe that the fact that VirnetX's
`lawyers originally accused it of infringement and
`withdrew it only when they learned of the date is
`Sunbelt Reporting & Litigation Services
`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 3

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`evidence that should be allowed to be used in
`cross-examination of their validity expert on the
`question of whether PPTP does, in fact, come within the
`scope of the claims.
`THE COURT: Response?
`MR. McLEROY: Yes, Your Honor.
`The short answer is, we never accused it
`of infringement. PPTP is not mentioned in our
`infringement contentions. I believe what Counsel is
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`referring to is a letter that VirnetX's lawyers --
`former lawyers sent to Microsoft clarifying the
`definition of accused features in an interrogatory we
`propounded to Microsoft.
`And as you can see from the context of the
`letter, as well as the interrogatories themselves, it's
`a broad definition of accused features that VirnetX used
`at the very beginning of the case, in November of 2007,
`to identify every possible infringing feature to do our
`analysis to see which infringed and which did not.
`THE COURT: Okay. Is there a document or
`something that you would rely on, Mr. Powers?
`MR. POWERS: There is, Your Honor. It's
`Exhibit 3252. I can hand up my copy, if you'd like.
`THE COURT: All right. Bring up a copy of
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`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 4

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`And specifically --
`MR. POWERS: The specific portion I
`believe is highlighted in that copy, Your Honor. And it
`is exactly as Counsel has characterized it. It's their
`lawyers saying, yes, the accused functionality includes
`PPTP and L2TP.
`THE COURT: And let me see the
`MR. McLEROY: May I approach?
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`THE COURT: Okay. When do you need to get
`into this with him?
`MR. POWERS: It would be with their
`invalidity expert, who will be on this morning.
`THE COURT: Next or --
`MR. POWERS: No. It will be in their
`rebuttal case.
`THE COURT: Right.
`MR. POWERS: So we have -- it will be an
`hour and a half at least.
`THE COURT: All right. Let me study on it
`a little bit.
`What else?
`MR. POWERS: Understood.
`Your Honor, there were two offers of proof
`filed late last night on issues that have been
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`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 5

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`previously raised and subject of motions in limine, and
`we wanted to make those offers of proof and obtain
`indictment rulings from the Court on them.
`The two issues are, I know, familiar to
`the Court from the motions in limine.
`One is the question of the reexaminations.
`And that, of course, is relevant also to the witness
`coming up. It's relevant to various issues in the case
`and -- including, particularly, willfulness.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`And so we wanted to obtain a definitive
`ruling from the Court on that issue.
`THE COURT: It's overruled.
`MR. POWERS: Understood.
`MR. POWERS: And the second one on which
`we wanted a definitive ruling is the question of
`Microsoft patents which are covering the accused
`functionality. On that one, Your Honor had earlier
`ruled as well. There is one change that has happened
`during the trial that does affect that issue.
`The change is that their damages expert
`testified on direct examination that one of the reasons
`he believed some of the licenses he was relying upon
`were particularly relevant was that they included PNRP
`patents owned by Microsoft.
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`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 6

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`So this is now a situation that is
`different from how it was presented to Your Honor in the
`motions in limine, because now VirnetX has made -- has
`affirmatively opened the door to the relevance and
`relied upon the relevance of Microsoft's patents on the
`accused functionality.
`And, therefore, we think that that opening
`of the door should allow Microsoft to introduce those
`patents into evidence.
`THE COURT: All right. Response?
`MR. CASSADY: Your Honor, I don't think
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`it's actually a fair representation to say that we've
`done anything outside of what we've always intended for
`these licenses.
`When Mr. Sayles and I argued the
`admissibility of the MCPP and WSPP licenses, I
`specifically referred to the PNRP-related technologies
`that has to go into those licenses. That was Wednesday.
`Here we are Monday morning. That never got brought up
`for five days that somehow that opened the door to any
`issue related to these patents.
`Furthermore, Dr. Ugone --
`THE COURT: So what are you raising,
`untimeliness in their --
`MR. CASSADY: Well, that's one, Your
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`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 7

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`Honor, or this is just a hail Mary at the end, that they
`never thought it was relevant, and they're bringing it
`in now. That's one.
`Number two, Your Honor, Dr. Ugone never
`talked about these patents in his report. He doesn't
`specifically refer to these patent numbers. He doesn't
`specifically refer to the Microsoft technology patents.
`Three, Dr. Johnson, who he has to rely on
`for the technical knowledge of these patents, didn't
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`refer to these patents either with regards to the
`technology in this case.
`THE COURT: But Mr. Reed did.
`MR. CASSADY: Mr. Reed said that these
`patents are related to technologies that Microsoft
`licenses out.
`Now what the Defendant's trying to do is
`come in and say that these patents are for Microsoft
`Windows products. So if the Windows product is
`accused -- or is covered by one of our patents, then it
`can't possibly infringe this patent.
`They're trying to bring in or backdoor in
`an inadmissible argument based on their own patents.
`MR. POWERS: May I respond briefly, Your
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`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 8

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`MR. POWERS: Mr. Reed went beyond merely
`saying these are patents that Microsoft licenses out.
`Mr. Reed attempted to increase the relevance of those
`licenses in the eyes of the jury by saying that these
`patents related to the accused functionality, and it was
`that link that clearly opened the door.
`THE COURT: Okay. And for what purpose do
`you want to introduce these patents?
`MR. POWERS: As evidence of Microsoft's
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`patents on its own functionality.
`If he's relying on them and introducing
`them and affirmatively relying on them, the patents
`themselves should be in evidence before the jury.
`THE COURT: But are you -- are you wanting
`to use them to rebut his testimony regarding the damages
`MR. POWERS: In part, yes, but in part,
`they should be admissible now that he's opened the door.
`He's opened the door to the relevance of those patents.
`THE COURT: But --
`MR. POWERS: And one purpose would be to
`rebut his testimony. One purpose would be that
`Microsoft --
`THE COURT: And what would you rebut about
`his testimony?
`Sunbelt Reporting & Litigation Services
`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 9

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`MR. POWERS: The relevance in relationship
`between those patents and the accused functionality, and
`to the extent they actually do cover the accused
`functionality, that's relevant to the jury as well.
`MR. CASSADY: Your Honor, the only
`question that these go to is comparability of the
`licenses. Mr. Reed testified about the comparability of
`the MCPP and WSPP license programs.
`And he said, one reason they're comparable
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`is they include PNRP-related patents and other
`technologies. He specifically said that this is what
`Windows -- or this is what Microsoft uses to license
`that technology out.
`He did not say they're related to Windows.
`He did not say they're related to server. He did not go
`into that detail.
`Dr. Ugone can easily get on the stand and
`say that these licenses are not comparable without those
`patents in his hand, as evidenced by the fact that he
`never referred to those patents --
`THE COURT: I'm not going to allow the
`patents to be introduced. I will allow Dr. Ugone to
`testify as to the damages aspect with regard to the
`MR. CASSADY: And, so, Your Honor, just so
`Sunbelt Reporting & Litigation Services
`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 10

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`we're clear, you mean he can get up and say that these
`cover the Windows products, and they cover the products
`in this case, those patents?
`MR. CASSADY: Okay. Thank you, Your
`MR. POWERS: One housekeeping matter, Your
`Honor. I think there's an agreement between the
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`parties. In that large list of exhibits that we offered
`on the first day, Microsoft inadvertently included
`DX3455, which is a physical hard drive of the source
`And so the parties have agreed that we'll
`have a placeholder for that where there will be a
`picture of the hard drive, and Microsoft will retain the
`physical hard drive in case it's needed for anything.
`THE COURT: Yes. And that should be the
`practice with any physical objects. Substitute a
`photograph for it.
`MR. POWERS: The last thing, Your Honor,
`on the housekeeping side, I thought Your Honor might
`want the times for the depositions that are going to be
`read today, so you'll have that in advance.
`Sunbelt Reporting & Litigation Services
`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 11

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`MR. POWERS: I'll give you the sequence,
`if you like. There's going to be four depositions
`played before Mr. Ugone goes on. Those will be Becker,
`Hopen, Sterne, and then Kindred, and then Dr. Ugone will
`go on.
`And then the final two witnesses will also
`be by deposition. That will be Victor Larson with an O
`and then Kindell Larsen with an E. And the times for
`all of those depositions are 50 minutes for Microsoft,
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`5-0, and 17 and a half minutes for VirnetX.
`THE COURT: Okay. Very good.
`All right.
`MR. POWERS: I understand that VirnetX's
`rebuttal case includes two depositions, which as I
`understand it, are about four and a half minutes.
`So the total -- and I think almost none
`for Microsoft. So the totals for all the depositions
`will be 50 for Microsoft and about 22 for VirnetX.
`THE COURT: Is that correct?
`MR. CALDWELL: I think it actually is
`correct, with the exception of the part that VernetX
`will not play in its rebuttal case. I think we will
`play that by ear. So 50 and 17.
`THE COURT: Okay. We'll go --
`MR. CASSADY: 50 minutes and 17 and a
`Sunbelt Reporting & Litigation Services
`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 12

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`THE COURT: Yeah. We'll do the 50 and the
`17 and a half, and you remind me if you put in those two
`later depositions.
`MR. CALDWELL: Yes, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: All right. Anything further?
`MR. POWERS: Nothing further, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: All right. Bring the jury in.
`(Jury in.)
`THE COURT: Please be seated.
`Good morning, Ladies of the Jury.
`Did you like your flowers?
`JUROR: Yes. Very good. Thank you.
`THE COURT: Well, that's complement of
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`both parties. I told them of your desire to have a --
`after such a pretty week, to be locked up in here with
`no windows all week, I think those flowers are very
`appropriate, and both Plaintiff and Defendant split the
`cost of those, and we hope that you like them.
`JUROR: Thank you.
`THE COURT: All right. Very good then.
`Thank you for your jury service last week
`again. And today is, hopefully, our final day, if we --
`we're going to try to work very hard and move through
`the evidence.
`Sunbelt Reporting & Litigation Services
`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 13

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`We have about a little less than three
`hours of testimony to hear this morning, so we're going
`to get started.
`With that, Mr. Powers, you may call your
`first witness.
`MR. McLEROY: Your Honor, may we handle a
`couple of exhibits?
`THE COURT: Certainly, uh-huh.
`MR. McLEROY: There are two exhibits. We
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`move to admit Plaintiff's Exhibits 985 and 1034. I do
`not believe there are any objections.
`MR. POWERS: No objection, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Be admitted.
`MR. McLEROY: And, Your Honor, may I also
`bring to the front a copy of our exhibits -- list of
`exhibits admitted Friday?
`THE COURT: All right. You certainly may.
`That will be accepted without objection.
`MR. POWERS: And similarly, Your Honor, we
`have a list of exhibits to be admitted today as to which
`there's no objection and a cumulative list of exhibits
`admitted through Friday, including the list to be
`admitted today.
`THE COURT: Any objection to those to be
`admitted today?
`Sunbelt Reporting & Litigation Services
`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 14

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`MR. McLEROY: No, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: All right. Be admitted, and
`the other list is accepted without objection.
`All right. Who will be your first witness
`MR. POWERS: Our first witness, Your
`Honor, will be Mr. Becker from SafeNet by video
`THE COURT: Okay. Thank you.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`I'll tell the ladies of the jury, we have
`four depositions, I'm advised, of four different
`witnesses coming up, and the runtime on them is going to
`be a little over an hour, about an hour and ten minutes.
`So just sit back and enjoy.
`(Video playing.)
`QUESTION: Good morning, Mr. Becker. You
`are Mr. Bill Becker?
`QUESTION: Okay. Thank you very much.
`Mr. Becker, where are you currently
`ANSWER: I work at SafeNet, Incorporated.
`QUESTION: And what is SafeNet,
`ANSWER: It's an information security
`Sunbelt Reporting & Litigation Services
`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 15

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`company located on -- headquartered in Belcamp,
`QUESTION: Okay. How long have you been
`an employee of SafeNet?
`ANSWER: Since July 1996, 13 years.
`QUESTION: Do you recall that at some
`period in time, you met with individuals from a company
`called SAIC?
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`QUESTION: What -- what do you
`specifically recall about the technology that you were
`ANSWER: It was a -- it was a solution
`to -- they called it EasyVPN. It was a solution to have
`their software distribute policy to an IP SEC client and
`IP SEC gateway, and they were trying to make it easier
`and more intuitive for the end user.
`QUESTION: Was SAIC trying to get you at
`SafeNet interested in their technology?
`ANSWER: In some degree, yeah.
`QUESTION: Do you recall -- I'm going to
`show you, in connection with that evaluation, a document
`bearing Bates No. SAFE-0006. I'm going to mark it as
`Exhibit 371.
`And I'd like to know if this refreshes
`Sunbelt Reporting & Litigation Services
`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 16

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`your recollection of your conclusions about the EasyVPN
`ANSWER: It's an accurate summary.
`QUESTION: Does this document, Mr. Becker,
`appear to be an accurate summary of SafeNet's evaluation
`of the EasyVPN technology that would have been created
`in the ordinary course of its business?
`QUESTION: And what was your conclusion as
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`to whether the EasyVPN technology would actually
`accomplish the simplicity that it was trying to
`ANSWER: The concept of -- for the users,
`it might be simpler, but there was a lot of complexity
`in the software in actually implementing it, especially
`with trying to load stuff into a router.
`QUESTION: So in your view, would the
`technology that SAIC had shown you actually accomplish,
`ultimately, any real simplicity?
`ANSWER: No, not really.
`QUESTION: Is it accurate, as this memo
`says, that it seemed that the -- that the complexity it
`was trying to eliminate had simply been moved from one
`place to another?
`ANSWER: That's accurate, yes.
`Sunbelt Reporting & Litigation Services
`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 17

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`QUESTION: What exactly does it mean that
`the complexity that they were trying to eliminate had
`simply been moved from one place to another?
`ANSWER: Their -- the complexity at the
`time of VPNs was configuring policy of who could talk to
`who, what different gateways and clients could talk to
`each other.
`So they were trying to simplify it from
`the user's perspective in that they could just use .scom
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`extensions, and if something was .scom, it would go
`secure there.
`But the complexity would get moved from
`the user's interface now into their software, and from
`their software, it would be complex to get it -- to get
`the keys derived and load it into like a Cisco router or
`a VPN client.
`So they were moving the complexity kind of
`from the user interface down further into the -- into
`the networking stack.
`QUESTION: So would you call this solution
`that SAIC claimed to have, would you call it really just
`something that was, in reality, complex?
`ANSWER: Yeah. The implementation was
`complex, yes.
`QUESTION: And do you know whether
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`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 18

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`SafeNet, in fact, ultimately adopted this EasyVPN
`ANSWER: We did not.
`QUESTION: Okay. Can you name some VPN
`companies that have failed?
`ANSWER: There's a company called Open
`Reach that failed. I remember the -- there were -- I
`don't remember the names of them all. There are a
`number of them that have disappeared over the years.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`QUESTION: Can you estimate how many VPN
`companies have failed in the market?
`ANSWER: A guess is maybe ten.
`QUESTION: Is setting up a VPN a hard
`ANSWER: It -- it can be.
`QUESTION: How can setting up a VPN be a
`hard problem?
`ANSWER: If -- if a user interface or the
`rules are -- are complex for a -- for a system, it could
`be hard to -- hard to set up and hard to get
`QUESTION: Did you think VirnetX's EasyVPN
`technology was a bad idea?
`ANSWER: No. I didn't -- I didn't think
`it was a bad idea.
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`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 19

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`QUESTION: Just hard to implement?
`ANSWER: It's hard to implement, yes.
`QUESTION: And I think you said that
`moving the complexity from one place to another -- what
`did you mean by that?
`ANSWER: I was referring to moving the --
`the complexity from -- from the user to the -- to the
`software that interfaces to load keys into the gateway
`and into the client.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`QUESTION: So would you agree that EasyVPN
`technology, once implemented, would make it easier for a
`user to set up or create a VPN?
`ANSWER: It might compared to certain
`products, and it might not compared to other products.
`(End of video clip.)
`MR. POWERS: Your Honor, the next witness
`will be Mr. Hopen from Aventail, and the total time will
`be 14 minutes.
`THE COURT: All right. You've already
`given me the times, haven't you?
`MR. POWERS: I've given you the cumulative
`times, yes.
`THE COURT: All right.
`(Video playing.)
`QUESTION: Can you please introduce
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1059, p. 20

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`ANSWER: I'm Chris Hopen. I was a
`cofounder of Aventail Corporation back in 1996.
`QUESTION: Okay. What were your job
`titles while at Aventail?
`ANSWER: I ran engineering, so I was Vice
`President of engineering and Chief Technology Officer.
`QUESTION: What was Aventail Connect
`Version 3.1?
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`ANSWER: Aventail connect 3.1 was a piece
`of software that would run on an end user's PC that
`would provide additional secure communications services
`to applications running on that PC. It would -- it was
`a client in a pair of a client/server solutions that we
`So it was one component of what we
`referred to as Aventail ExtraNet Center. And so
`Aventail Connect was the component that was the
`client-side software that would be distributed and run
`on individual users' systems.
`QUESTION: What was the name of the other
`component of the -- of the Aventail ExtraNet Center?
`ANSWER: Yeah. So, typically, ExtraNet
`Center was sort of the umbrella name, if you will, for
`the entire product. The -- I believe at that point in
`Sunbelt Reporting & Litigation Services
`Apple v. VirnetX, IPR2015-00811
`Petitioner Apple In

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