
`Ninth Edition
`Alan Freedman
`NewYork Chicago San Francisco
`Lisbon London Madrid Mexlchily Milan
`NeWDeihi Sanjuun Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto
`Page 1 0f9
`Apple V. VimetX
`Trial IPR2015-0081 1
`Page 1 of 9
`Apple v. VirnetX
`Trial IPR2015-00811


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`Computer Desktop Encyclopedia, Nlnth Edition
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`ma Rateand
`uulean nrnahlm
`Although there an: clients: anti servers in this
`scenario. this 35 not “irUEl” clicwaewar.
`because the server is naming more than a
`remote dluit drllm, and tht:_cllent dries at} the
`procesalng. Lengthy searches can bog down the
`network. because each client has it: zead ma
`entire (intubasa. At 1.000 bytes par record.
`a databaue with 100.000 records senr'fis
`100MB aver the LAN.
`[1} Is workstation or pursnmli compular in a client/fierver
`environment. Sac client/server andfiét client.
`(a) One and of the spectrum in a request/suppiy relationship
`between program. See X Wfirduw and OLE.
`An apgiicariun running in a workstation or
`client applicatlon
`pemnnal computeron a network. Sec also OLE.
`Refers in hardware or sell-ware that runs in the user's
`client based
`machine (client). Cuntrnst with server based.
`A user's workstation that is attached to a network.
`client machine
`The term can also refer to A portable computer that is plugged into the
`network. See client and L‘Hflfl/fi‘flmfl‘.M
`client program Software that runs in the user's PC tar Workstation.
`Contrast with server program, which realities in a server in the network.
`client/server Annruhllcclure in which the user‘s PC (the client) is
`the requesting machine and the sen! er in the supplying mnchlno. bot-ix of
`which are connected via a local nrua network (TAN) or with: area network
`(W-AN}. 'I‘iu-uuglmua the late 1980:: and early 19903. client/servm' want
`the lmtbuwwurcl as applications were migrnled {mm centralized
`mlnicnmpulets turd mahtfrnmua to networks of pm‘mmfl computers.
`In client/saver, the client prmessw the user interfacn (Windows, Mac,
`etc.) {Hid can parfomx mm or all of [he nppiimtjon processing. Servers range
`in ra'pncéty from Ngi’Halu‘i PCs tn mninz’mmm. A dninlmse smvcr maintaim
`the databases and processes rcqumtza from the client to extract data irom or
`to update lha database. An nppliurtion newer pmvides add illumlbusinea
`procefising for the cliurils. 3m: L'iiuni/mwcr rim-clapmmrt system.
`Client/server Versus the: Wet}
`limnuse of the lmernut, terms such
`as "Web lxasefi" and ”Web mutated“ have [spirited the cilnnt/EervL-r
`bumsword, yet tim dim-\t/Buvver m'chl ll‘il'lllifl is; mncuptualiy tilt! aamu.
`timer-9' PCs are still clients, and there nru term uf thousands of Web servers
`throughout the inlurxml delivering Web pages. Nevertheless. div—11V
`server is moslly uaed to refer in "legacy," flint-Web based systems.
`On the Web, the dient rum: tho browum- and just like legacy client!
`unrunr can perform liltienra lot nf processing: simple diapiaying of
`HTML pages, 19mm processing with umbedduci scripts or conslcieruhle
`prncussiug wlth Jnva applets. A myriad of browser piugdm provide all
`990119 of client processing.
`The surver side of the Web is a muillrtier Server arcitilucturc with
`interlinked Web :‘ervcrs, application schers, database servers and
`caching servers. Sue application say-var.
` i
`A perSun responsible tar performing
`client/server analyst
`analysis and design of a ctient/server system. A knowledge nf two-tier amt
`three-tier ciiuntiscrver architectures is required. See systems mmiysr and liil'tmf/se'rwr.
`client/server architecture
`An envimrxmenk in which the application prunesslng is divided between client
`workstations and sewers. it implies the use of desktop computers interacting with nervers in a network. in conlmst to
`processing everything in it large cunlmiized mainframe. Sue client/server.
`Brmvuler Desktop Encyclopedia
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`Computer Desktop Encyclopedia
`PC (3) (Printed Circuit) See printed circuit board.
`(2) (Personal Computer) Any laptop or desktop
`computer such as Windowe machine or a Macintosh.
`(1) (Personal Computer) A standalone laptop or
`desktop computer running Windows {or DOS for earlier
`applications). PC hardware and operating systems are
`primarily gayerned by Intel and Microsoft respectively.
`The PC is the world’s largest computer base.
`PCs are also widely used as clients and. servers in a local
`area network (LAN). PC clients predominantly run under
`Windows, but PC servers (x86—based servers) run under
`Windows, Nethre or a variation of UNIX such as Linux
`or Unistre. PC servers may use Windows 95/98, but
`Windows NT and 2000 are more likely choices.
`Although there are literally thousands of PC vendors,
`from mom and pop shops to large mail order houses (Dell.
`Gateway, etc.) to the major computer companies (Compaq,
`HP, etc). and of course IBM, still one of the world’s largest
`PC makers, all PCB use an intel x86 or compatible CPU.
`After IBM introduced the R3 in 1981., the first attempts at
`cloning it Were mostly unsuccesshll. Except for Compaq‘s first
`PC, from 1982 to 1985. there were a lot of ”slrnost compatible” PCs. However, as soon as the part of the operating system
`known as the BIOS was successfully cloned and made commercially available, true compaflbles appeared in abundance.
`Before Windows 95, adding another peripheral device to a PC was often an exercise in trial and error. Modifying
`DOS’s infamous configuration files (AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIGSYS) caused many a user to give up. Windows 95.
`98 and 2000 added Plug and Play, which means for the most part, you can replace hard disks and display adapters, as
`well as add a scanner, CD-ROM or other device without difficulty.
`The PC has become a commodity item, winding its way onto the shelves of retail outlets worldwide. This is a
`testimonial to the power of a computer standard, even one fraught with loopholes and inconsistencies.
`2 lll|i
`An Early PBX
`This PBX began operstlon in Bangor. Maine in
`1883. (Image courtesy of AT&T.)
`What’s Inside a PC?
`PATROL An application management suite from BMC that uses agents to report on software activities on all the
`servers within the enterprise. Using the information in "knowledge modules" (me) about each system component.
`agents detect events, collect information and notify system and network administrators to take corrective action.
`PAX (1) (Prints Automatic Exchange) An inhouse intercom systems.
`(2) (Parallel Architecture Extended) A parallel processing environment standard based on Intel’s 1860 RISC chip,
`UNIX System V and Alliant Computer’s parallel and 3—D graphics technologies.
`The data—carrying capacity of some structure. It typically refers to a part of a packet or frame in a
`commtmications system that holds the message date. in contrast to the headers, which are considered overhead.
`payment service
`See Web payment service.
`Software distributed for money. Contrast withfreeware.
`PB See PowerBuildsr.
`PBX (Private Branch eXchange) An inhouse telephone switching
`system that interconnects telephone extensions to each other, as well as
`to the outside telephone network. It may include functions such as least
`cost routing for outside calls, call forwarding, conference calling and Call
`accounting. Modern PBXs use all-digital methods for switching and may
`supportboth digital terminals and telephones along with analog
`telephones. See ‘WI’BX.
`(sound. dam-I)
`Ira Gunlrnller
`(hard disk.
`nappy. Inrlsl.
`Slots (bu!) /Motherboard
`Page 4 of 9
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` personal computer
`(Practical Extraction Report Language) A programming language written by Larry Wail that combines syntax
`from several UNIX utilities and languages. introduced in 1987, Part is designed to handle a variety of system
`administrator functions and provides comprehorualve string handling functions. it iswlilcly ttBEl'l in wrttn Wish mum
`synchronixing statzibusus and generating regurts. Perl has also been adapted to non-UNlX platforms. See nlao PUliL.
`programs t'orsucti tasks as nulnmaticalty updating usu: accounts and nuwagmup pct-things, cramming removal t'cqueais,
`Data that exists from 58551011 to session. Persistent data lat stared Ina database on disk or tape.
`persistent data
`Contrast with lransleht data.
` persistent link
`See hat lint
`persistent object
`An object that continues to exist alter the program that created it has been unloaded. An
`object’s class and currentataie must be suited for use to subsequent sessions‘ in object technology, persistence means
`storing the object for later use.
`personal agent
`persona! communicator
`Sco FDA.
`Syt‘tunymoufl with "microcomputer,” "desktop computer,” and "laptop computer," it is a
`personal computor
`computer that serves one user in the office or home. A complete personal computor system with printer can cost as
`little as $1,000 or as much as $8,030 or mom Size 2'5 based on n‘geznory nnd disk capacil‘yfipeetl is based on the CPU
`that runs it, and output qtiaitty in bamd. on the type and resolution of itzt monitor and printer.
`Major Supptlers of Forsonal Computors
`The personal computer World is ctcmlnalcct by Wlnclowswtiuscd PCs:
`There one thousands of vendors that make them, from mom and imp shops to huge companies auch as Compact. i-ll’
`und IBM. The alternate parfionat computer staminrd is Applfl’ti Macintorrli, which is uuly made by Apple. Aim amt
`Commodore ‘om-e carved out that: ruspuctive nicheaz but Atnti returned. to its ginning roots and Commodore has since
`closeti its doom
`The industry began in 1977, when Appln, Radio Shack and Commodom
`The History Of Personal Computers
`introduced this tirut ulf—thc-sihelf computers “5 consumer products. The first mtichtnus used 6m. Batch micropmccnsor
`with n mmlmum of 66K at memory and floppy disks {or atoragc. The Apple ll, Atari 500, and Commodore 64 became
`popular home computvw, and Apple was successful in companies alter the thtCatcspt-eadshcct was intruttuc'cci.
`However, the buainess world was soon dominated by the 28%} processor and (TIP/M operating system, used by
` computer Desktop Encyclspotla
`Page 5 of 9
`(It A soil [out lhal is kept in the printer’s memory until the printer is turncé off.
`permanent ftmt
`(2} Same as iniermalfonlc
`permanent memory
`Stunt: as non-wirm'lemcmnry.
`One possible combination of items out of a larger set of items. For example, with the set of numbers
`1, 2 and 3, there are six possiblo pcrmutntionst 124 21, 13, 31, 23 and 32.
`perpendicular recording
`fly workstation. See per seat licensing.
`Stir: vertical recording.
`per seat
`our seat Ilcenslng
`Software licensing based on a per m3 basis, For example, it lUD-uset ltcer‘iSE means that up
`to $00 RPUClllCally'Ithed users have access to this program. For scat licensing is administered by providing usorrlevel
`security to the directory can training the program. Contrast with amcmrmt licensing.
`(‘1) in a CRT, the time a phosphor clot remains tllumlzwuci. after being energized. Long—persistence
`phosphors reduce flicker, but generate ghost-like Images that linger on screen {or a fraction of a second.
`(2} In ot2§cct technology, the storage of an otytect on a dlsk or other permanent storage device.
`Page 5 of 9


`we t
`protocol stack The hierarchy of protocols used in a communications network. Network architectures desi
`in layers, such as TCP/IP, OS! and SNA, are referred to as stacks. See 051'.
`protocol suite
`Same as protocol stack.
`(1) Creating a demo of a new system. Prototyping is essential for clarifying information requirmmms
`The design of a system (functional specs) must be finalizedbefore the system can be built. While analytically-oriented .
`people may have a clear picture of requirements, others may not.
`Using fourth—generation languages, systems analysts and users can develop the new system together. Databases Can
`be created and manipulated while the user monitors the progress. Once users see tangibie output on Screen or Paper
`they can figure out what's missing or what the next question might be if this were a production system. if prototypiég
`is carefully done, the end result can be a working system.
`Even if the final system is reprogrammed in other languages for standardization or machine efficiency, prototyping
`has served to provide specifications for a working system rather than a theoretical one.
`(2) Seefimction prototyping.
`Set up for a particular type of telecommunications service. See provisioning.
`Setting up a telecommunications service for a particular customer. Common carriers provision
`circuits by programming their computers to switch customer lines into the appropriate networks.
`See proxy server.
`proxy cache
`A facility in a proxy server that caches incoming Web pages on the hard disk. If the next page
`requested by a broWSer is already in the proxy cache, the page is retrieved locally instead of from the Internet. With
`proxy caches, the browsers mustbe configured to use the proxy server. See proxy server, reverse proxy cache, transparent
`cache and Web cache.
`proxy sewer
`Also called a "proxy” or ”application level gateway,” it is an application that breaks the connection
`between sender and receiver. All input is forwarded out a different port, closing a straight path between two networks
`and preventing a hacker from obtaining internal addresses and details of a private network.
`Proxy servers are available for common Internet services; for example, an HTTP proxy is used for Web access, and
`an SMTP proxy is used for e-mail. Proxies generally employ network address translation (NAT), whichpresents one
`organization—wide IP address to the Internet. It funnels all user requests to the [ntemet and fans responses back out to
`the appropriate users. Proxies may also cache Web pages, so that the next request can be obtained locally. Proxies are
`only one tool that can be used tobuild a firewall. See LAN,firewall, proxy cache and SOCKS sewer.
`PR/SM {Processor Resource/Systems Manager) Hardware circuits and microcode built into IBM System/390
`mainframes that support logical partitions (LPARs). LPARs allow the running of multiple system images on a single
`processor complex. Each such image has a full complement of CPUs (dedicated or shared), central storage, expanded
`storage and channels. ESCON and FICON channels may be shared across images using the MIF feature. Pronounced
`"pristh," PR/SM was derived from VM, the IBM operating system that provides multiple system images in software.
`See LPAR, MIF and VM.
`See print screen.
`(1) (PicoSecond) See space/time.
`(2) (PS—~Personal Services) IBM office automation software for PCs, minis and mainframes, whichincludes word
`processing, electronic mail and library services.
`(3) (PostScrlpt) See PostScript.
`PS/1 An early IBM home computer series introduced in 1990. The original models featured an integrated monitor
`and easy—to—open case. The first 98/ 1 was a 286 with an ISA bus. See PC.
`protocol stack
`Enmpuier Desktop Encyclopedia
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`T8 0 P
`(Thin Small Outline Package) A veryrthin, plastic, rectangular surface mount chip package with gull»wing
`pins on its two short sides. TSOPs are about a third as thick as 50} chips. See gull-wing lead, SOP, SO] and chip package.
`A 24-channel group, which makes up one T1 line. See TI.
`(Terminate and. Stay Resident) Refers to a program that remains in memory when the user exits it in order
`that it be immediately available at the press of a hotkey. TSRs were popular under DOS to quickly pop up a calendar,
`calculator or other utility, because DOS did not have built-in task switching. Standards for writing TSRs were not
`codified early on, and TSRs often conflicted with each other and regular applications. After Windows 3.0, TSRs became
`moot, since any DOS or Windows application could be conveniently task switched in a separate window.
`See ITU.
`(Tree and Tabular Combined Notation) A programming language endorsed by 180 that is used towrite test
`suites for telecommunications systems. TTCN is used for "black box testing," which means that all interaction to the
`system is via messages, rather than by a user with a mouse. Test suites are built in a hierarchical and modular manner,
`allowing many programmers to be involved in the project. Numerous telecorn vendors use TICN for their products, and
`organizations such as the ITU, ATM Forum and E'ISi, provide TTCN confounance'tests for new standards.
`TTFN Digispeak for goodbye (“ta ta for now").
`TT font
`See True'i‘ype.
`l ,
`(1) (Transistor Transistor Logic) A digital circuit composed of bipolar transistors wired in a certain manner.
`'ITL logic has been widely used since the early days of digital circuitry. ’I'EL designations may appear on input or
`‘ output ports of various devices, which indicates a digital circuit in contrast to an analog circuit.
`(2) (Time To Live) A set maximum amount of time a packet is allowed to propagate through the network before it
`is discarded.
`(3) (Through The Lens) Refers to a single-lens reflex camera that lets the photographer view the scene through the
`same lens that captures the image.
`T.TUD See T120.
`(TeleTYpewriter protocol) A low-speed asynchronous communications protocol with limited or no
`TTY protocol
`error checking. See telctypewriter.
`See CRT and vacuum tube.
`A laser that can change its frequency over a given range. In time, tunable lasers are expected to be
`tunable laser
`capable of switching frequencies on a packet-by—packet basis.
`A -
`tuner An electronic part of a radio or TV that locks on to a selected carrier frequency (station, channel) and filters
`out the audio and video signals for amplification and display.
`Transmitting data'structured in one protocol format within the format of another protocol. Twmeling
`allows other types of transmission streams to be carried within the prevailing protocol. See iP tunneling and LZTP.
`in relational database management, a record, or row, See relational database.
`A C compiler from Borland used to create a wide variety of commercial products. It is known for its
`Turbo C
`well-designed debugger. Borland's objectoriented versions of C are Turbo C++ and Borland C++.
`The DOS version of this database is written in Turbo C. The Windowa version is written in Microsoft C.
`A type of channel coding that uses a convolutional code and a type of Viterbi decoder that outputs a
`turbo code
`continuous value rather than a 0 or 1. See convolutionnl code and Vilerbl dEcnder.
`Gomputar flesktap Encyclopedia
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`Page 7 of 9


` usenis a quantity offi-D data just as :1 pixel rupruaenia
`liuee~dimertsional pixel. A voxei rapt
`cni applications that process 3~D images.
`(Volume pithL) A
`a pointer cluster of points in 2—D data. it is used in scientific and medi
`“Ch. il\c., Yonkers. NY.www.tiaeaci\.L-om) A mmmincturcr oi sound cards and mum
`Beach Syalama. Voyotm was founded
`(Voyetru 't‘miiu Be
`rottwnru that it: u rrnuit of .1 late—i996 merger oi Voyelrii Tcuiuirziogtes and 'l‘urtie
`in 1975 as UcinvP Electronics, 0synthesizerand repairfacilityin minim-:1 New York ataxia. it introduced tiwVoyetra
`synthesizer and inter morn-ti into software Ior MiDi titit§uultcmrand nmsiMeZatcd applications. Voyetru uiiiitiesart;
`wn Ear its award—winning Muitiaounrl line of
`iiundicri with numerous round curds.
`Turtle ticnrti was founded in 1935 in York, PA,anci'titrame km:
`r beaches {turn around the world
`high-anti uounri cards. its consumer iirnntia are also popular (mil are named atte
`uucit an Malibu, Moniego and Dayton“.
`VPG {VirtualProcessorCorn
`thatusesseveral compuiersunrier tight
`pleat) An IBM mainframe mutilprncesning
`central control
`ontigured within in public nutwork. For years, common
`tionui networks to iiw. customer, but physically alum-c
`VPN (Virtual Private Network) A privntciwti‘vurk that is c
`etwm'lc via armies control and enoryjption,
`cmrlem have built VPNs that appear ma prtwiu mtlamil or iniema
`backbone trunks with other custamertLVl’Na enloy the security of it private rt
`clitiica of large public networks. V?N5 have
`while taking advantnge at the economies of antenna built-in management it:
`thorn is tremendous. interest in VPNS over
`and ti huge
`1mm built over X.25,Switched 56, frame relay and ATM tucimoingiéa. Tori-.531,
`tin:inlomct, especiallytl
`rim TheVFN acid» thatextra inycrofseuurity',_
`no to the constant threat of hncimr nitn
`growth inVPN use is cxpectud.Fm:'t‘iii‘P. Lut’, Lil‘i’, tPscc. PVC,srrr1trtiy and transparent LAN fiufliic‘e.
`physical processor is simulating.
`VP ratio
`(Vlrwnli’mceasorrniéo) The number of virtual processors that a
`(Vectors Pet Second) The measurement of the speed of a vector or array processor.
`VRAM see video RAM.
`(VerticalRedundancy Check) Anerrorcheckingmethod thatgeneratesandtestsaparitybitforeachbyteof
`data that is moved or transmitted.
`D graphics lungungc used on the Wat). After downloading a
`ipulmcd. Simulated rooms earth: "walked into." The VRML
`(Virtual Reality Mociuitng Language) A3-
`VRMLpage, its contentscanbeviewml. rotated andmart
`1119firstVRMLviewerwasWebSpuce fromStilt, whoseOpeninvasitorgrnpilicalibrarywas thebarrioiordeveloping
`viewm' is'tauncheri from within Pm:Wei: browser.
`VRML. WebFX,WoridVicw nm-lFountain areotherWindows UieWers,andWhm‘iwindand Voyagerore Macviewers.
`introduced in 19?7, which use virtual memory techniques.
`(ii (Virtual Storage] Same as virtual memory.
`i2] (Virtual Storage) ftiamtiy of minicompuiersfromWang
`aia, widely used in IBM mainframes.
`VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method) An[BMaccessmethodforstoringd
`it uses the iii-tree method for organizing data.
`ansmiauion that itnmiies Lip to 56
`i) A small earth station for satellite tr
`) are called "‘I‘SATH."
`(Very Small Aperlure saileiliie Turminnrile the’i‘i data rate (up tol.54!l Mbiisfsec
`KNEE/SEC of digital transmission. VSA’i‘s that han
`iary "backdoor" protocol on the VME bus that allows high-speed transfer
`(1) (VME Subsystem liusi An uuxii
`tore the Ediblt implementation smitteci.
`between devices. it was faster than the main bus be
`had developed by Zenith {or cable modems an
`t2) [Vesilgial Siriciinndi A digital modulation met
`transmizmion for l'i‘l'V. Sec- 8435!}.
`See nor/var.
`I 5
`computer Desktop Enrycluuetiia
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`work function
`l __________________-____.——————-———-—’—'+'—‘-
`betiom of the in basket. Automating workfiow sets timers that ensure that documents move along at a prescribed pace and
`that the appropriate person immortal-:9 them in the correct order.
`integrating workilow ‘Lnto existing software applications may require extensive reprogramming, because although
`indepcmiettt workflow software can launch a witolu application, a workilow system :thuni be able to invoke individual
`routines willtln 1112 application. An :1 result, vendors of rtpptication software have teamed up with workflew vendors to
`prnvide the upprnprtnte interfaces and/or they have developed their own workflow capabiilty. Werkfiow standards
`developed by the Workfiow thagtsuent Coalition (WFMCJ are expected to provicte interoperability between wprkflow
`anftmu'é and the applications :15 well as between different workilow systems.
`Workfiow software is not the some as workgmup‘ anfiwnre, otherwise known as groupware. Workfiow deals with
`the step-by—step processes, whereas workgroup systems are concerned with information sharing and threaded
`discussions among users.
`For an excellent book on the subject ot’Wnrkilow written by l’liB guru in this iisict, read The Workfiew Impamttm: by
`Thomas M. Koulopoulus, published by Van Nash-and Reinhold, ISBN 0-442-01975-3.
`work functlon
`The amount of photon energy required to cause an electron to be emitted from a material.
`'i‘wn or more individuals that at film files and databases. LAN: deslgnecl around workgmups provide
`wurkgrou p
`electronic sharing of requircti data. in generni, pmductttdestgnecl for wot'ltgroups support up to 50 people, whereof
`ctupartmentnl dovlceu stlpporl novel‘al hunclmé. and enterprise devices serve several thousand. Sea groupware mid workjlots.
`werkgroup switch
`A networkswitch designed for LAN truffle within an enterprise. Contrast with mister—class switch.
`Working directory See currenttdt‘rrclow.
`The user interface in 06/2 introduced with Versicm 2.0. The Workplace Shell is extensible and
`Workplace Shell
`application developers can use Workplace Shoil library hmetions when developing programs.
`worksheet Sumo as spreadsheet.
`worksheet compiler
`Same as spreadsheet cotttpilsr.
`('i) A high-performance, singlevuser computer used for graphics. CAD, CAB. simuiattoo anti scientific
`applications. it is typically a RISE-based Computer llml runs under some variation of Drum The tmttur vent-lots of
`workstations are Sun, l-ll’, lBM, Compaq and SGL iligh-nnd Pentium PCu lncrcitaingiy provide workstation performttnce.
`(2) A terminal or desktop computer in a network. in this context, workstation is just .1 generic term for a user’s
`machine (client machine). Contrast with server anti host.
`is) In the telecom industry, a combined teiephono and computer.
`WoridCom (WorltiCom, tnc.,lncltson, MSf wwwmenmcorn) A mattininiemutinnal telecommunications carrier
`founded in 1983 as Long Distance Dtsmuitt Service (LDDS). a reseller of A'l'tiiri‘ WATS lines to small businesses. it grew
`by acquiring; many small, and eventually, large long distance tutti nehwotinlng organizations, including [DB WorldCes-u,
`u leading iniernatlottnl carrierf Wii'i‘ei, t1 mnior telecem carrier, and MI‘S Communications. an lIlTEl‘r‘ti‘Ellut'tHl phone
`company and recent parent of UUNE‘I“, u prominent inlet-net provider.
`in 1997, the netwarkopemtionu of America Ctntine- and CompuServe became part eiWnrldCem. it also merged
`with llrooks Film: and then acquired MCiin 1998 toh'ecomethe MCI Worlthnm powerhouse. While Worlchom may
`have been a pretentious name for rather modest bcgtrmings, it was very prophetic, because the MCI name was inter
`dropped. leaving Worlthom as the name of the company.
`Wmld Wide Wait What many have called the. Web while waiting patiently for the next page in download. The
`World Wide Wall is caused by any aombinnlion of a slow modem, overloaded Web server at the site you are accessing
`or any clog In one of the routers or switches at A national, regional or local IST’. Set.- intame! scrvt'cepruuitiet‘.
`World Wide Web An Internet facility ihntlinks documents locally and remotely. The Web document. otWei-t
`page. conlalns text! graphics. animations and videos as wall as hypertext lint-:9. The links in the page iet users temp
`Computer Desktnp {ncvciopadla
`Page 9 of 9
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