`·4· · · · · · · · ·GOOGLE, INC.,
`· · · · · · · · · · Petitioner,
`·5· · · · · · · · · · · ·v.
`· · · · · · · · · ·SUMMIT 6, LLC,
`·6· · · · · · · · · Patent Owner
`· · · · · · · · ·Case IPR2015-00806
`·8· · · · · · · Patent No. 7,765,482
`·9· · Title:· Web-Based Media Submission Tool
`14· · · · · · · HTC AMERICA, INC.
`· · · · · · · · · · Petitioner,
`15· · · · · · · · · · · ·v.
`· · · · · · · · · ·SUMMIT 6, LLC,
`16· · · · · · · · · Patent Owner
`· · · · · · · · ·Case IPR2015-00807
`18· · · · · · · Patent No. 8,612,515
`19· · Title:· Web-Based Media Submission Tool
`22· · · · · · · · ·April 13, 2016
`· · · · · · ·11:02 a.m. to 11:27 a.m.
`24· · · · Yolanda R. Narcisse, CCR-B-2445
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
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`· · ·On behalf of Petitioner Google, Inc.:
`· · · · · JOHN C. ALEMANNI, Esq.
`·4· · · · MICHAEL MORLOCK, Esq.
`· · · · · Kilpatrick Townsend & Stock, LLP
`·5· · · · 1001 West Fourth Street
`· · · · · Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 27101
`·6· · · · (336) 607-7391
`· · · · ·
`·7· · · ·
`· · ·On behalf of Patent Owner:
`· · · · · PETER AYERS, Esq.
`10· · · · JOHN SHUMAKER, Esq.
`· · · · · Lee & Hayes, PLLC
`11· · · · 11501 Alterra Parkway
`· · · · · Suite 450
`12· · · · Austin, Texas 78758
`· · · · · (512) 505-8162
`13· · · ·
`· · · · ·
`· · · · · REID JOHNSON, Esq.
`15· · · · Lee & Hayes, PLLC
`· · · · · 601 West Riverside Avenue
`16· · · · Suite 1400
`· · · · · Spokane, Washington 99201
`17· · · · (509) 324-9256
`· · · · ·
`19· ·On behalf of Samsung Electronics Company, Limited
`· · ·(Joined Action IPR2016-00029)
`· · · · · JAMES HEINTZ, Esq.
`21· · · · DLA Piper, LLP
`· · · · · One Fountain Square
`22· · · · 11911 Freedom Drive
`· · · · · Suite 300
`23· · · · Reston, Virginia 20190
`· · · · · (703) 773-4000
`24· · · ·
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·P R O C E E D I N G S
`·2· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· Good morning.· This is a
`·3· ·conference call for IPR2015-00806 and IPR2015-00807.
`·4· ·This is Judge Begley.· With me on the line is Judge
`·5· ·Braden.· Who do we have on the line for Petitioners?
`·6· · · · · · · MR. MORLOCK:· Yes, Your Honor, this is
`·7· ·Michael Morlock and John Alemanni for Petitioner
`·8· ·Google.
`·9· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· Thank you.· And do we have
`10· ·someone on the line for Samsung?
`11· · · · · · · MR. HEINTZ:· Yes, Your Honor, James Heintz.
`12· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· Good morning.· And who is on
`13· ·the line for Patent Owner Summit 6?
`14· · · · · · · MR. AYERS:· Peter Ayers, Your Honor.
`15· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· Is there anyone else on the
`16· ·line?
`17· · · · · · · MR. AYERS:· Yes.· With me is John Shumaker
`18· ·and Reid Johnson also of Lee & Hayes.
`19· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· Thank you.· And I believe we
`20· ·have a court reporter on the line.· Which party
`21· ·provided the court reporter?
`22· · · · · · · MR. MORLOCK:· Your Honor, that was
`23· ·Petitioner Google.· We provided the court reporter.
`24· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· Mr. Morlock, can I have a
`25· ·copy of the transcript filed when it becomes
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
`Page 3 of 26

`·1· ·available, please.
`·2· · · · · · · MR. MORLOCK:· Yes, Your Honor
`·3· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· Thank you.· We scheduled the
`·4· ·call to discuss Petitioner's request to have Patent
`·5· ·Owner's motions for observation expunged.· Because
`·6· ·Petitioner requested the call and is seeking the
`·7· ·relief, we'll start by hearing from Petitioner.
`·8· · · · · · · Petitioner, can you begin by explaining
`·9· ·your position regarding why the motions should be
`10· ·expunged.
`11· · · · · · · MR. MORLOCK:· Yes, Your Honor.· This is
`12· ·Michael Morlock for Petitioner Google.
`13· · · · · · · Our reason that these motions for
`14· ·observation should be expunged is that they're not in
`15· ·compliance with the Board's guidelines.
`16· · · · · · · Outlined in Polaris Wireless v.
`17· ·TruePosition, IPR 2013-00323, motions for observation
`18· ·should not contain arguments.· They're not an
`19· ·opportunity to raise new issues or re-argue issues.
`20· ·The explanation of relevance should not be an
`21· ·elaborator argumentative.· In most instances, the
`22· ·pertinent cross-examination should be reproduced.
`23· · · · · · · Here, we think, on its face, these two
`24· ·motions for observation are noncompliant.· There is
`25· ·repeated arguments throughout, including headings that
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
`Page 4 of 26

`·1· ·are argumentative, summaries of relevance that are
`·2· ·argumentative, and multiple pages of transcripts that
`·3· ·are paraphrased.· And we believe that while that's
`·4· ·improper, the paraphrasing also mischaracterizes the
`·5· ·testimony which is improper.
`·6· · · · · · · Your Honor, I have provided a couple of
`·7· ·examples to Patent Owner, and I'm happy to walk
`·8· ·through those specific examples if that will be
`·9· ·helpful to the Board.
`10· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· That would be helpful.
`11· · · · · · · MR. MORLOCK:· Okay.· The first example is
`12· ·paragraph 11 of the motions for observation.· The
`13· ·statement of relevance here is, and I quote:· It is
`14· ·relevant because Dr. Frazier misinterpreted the
`15· ·figures used to form the basis of his opinion
`16· ·rendering his opinion illusory.
`17· · · · · · · Your Honor, we think that stating that this
`18· ·witness misinterpreted figures and that his opinion is
`19· ·illusory is, on its face, argumentative.· And that is
`20· ·improper under the Board's rule.
`21· · · · · · · Further, on paragraph 11, this paragraph
`22· ·paraphrases five pages of deposition transcript.
`23· ·Those are pages 95, line 5, through page 99, line 4.
`24· ·I invite the Board to review those pages of testimony.
`25· · · · · · · And what I think you will see is that in
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
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`·1· ·those pages there's very little testimony from Dr.
`·2· ·Frazier.· There is quite a bit of statements from the
`·3· ·taking attorney to which Dr. Frazier responds with
`·4· ·something to the effect of, Okay, or, All right.
`·5· · · · · · · And while, you know, the relevance of that
`·6· ·is up for debate, our position is it's improper to
`·7· ·paraphrase that or characterize that as saying that
`·8· ·Dr. Frazier confirmed something as the paraphrasing
`·9· ·provided in the motions for observation --
`10· · · · · · · THE COURT:· ·Well, doesn't this
`11· ·observation -- it begins with a cite that's five
`12· ·pages, but then it includes a more specific cite for
`13· ·the second sentence, which you seem to be objecting
`14· ·to.
`15· · · · · · · How does the more specific cite not cure
`16· ·the deficiencies that you're arguing regarding the
`17· ·broad citation?
`18· · · · · · · MR. MORLOCK:· Certainly, Your Honor.· I'm
`19· ·going to turn to that page in my transcript.· So, Your
`20· ·Honor, that's a perfect example of what I just said.
`21· · · · · · · What you see is testimony where the taking
`22· ·attorney states:· So you can see that they actually
`23· ·calculate what they consider their market share?· The
`24· ·witness says:· Uh-huh.
`25· · · · · · · I mean, there is no question asked.· It is
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
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`·1· ·simply a statement followed by an answer, uh-huh.
`·2· · · · · · · The next question asked is something very
`·3· ·similar.· I mean, that's not, as it's characterized,
`·4· ·as -- Admission to market share thus equates to its
`·5· ·percentage of the total 1.2 million.
`·6· · · · · · · That's not testimony provided by the
`·7· ·witness.· That is, at best, a statement provided by
`·8· ·the taking attorney.· Further, that's, you know, a
`·9· ·very short or relatively short stretch of testimony
`10· ·nine lines long that, under a prior precedence, that
`11· ·could easily have been pasted into the motions for
`12· ·observation.· And we wouldn't need to discuss whether
`13· ·or not it was properly characterized or not because
`14· ·it's just nine lines.
`15· · · · · · · And, you know, in this instance, these
`16· ·motions for observation are only nine pages long.· So
`17· ·there's six additional pages that could have been used
`18· ·to include these four quotes.
`19· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· Do you have any other
`20· ·examples?
`21· · · · · · · MR. MORLOCK:· Sure.· Your Honor, if you
`22· ·turn to paragraph 2, this is another example of
`23· ·mischaracterization.· Early on, there's a citation to
`24· ·15 or 16 pages.· It starts on second page of the
`25· ·motion.
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
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`·1· · · · · · · There is also a statement that Dr. Frazier
`·2· ·testified that:· Based on size, eBay was the leading
`·3· ·marketplace for the sale of goods and services.
`·4· · · · · · · Dr. Frazier's actual testimony on that
`·5· ·point, I can read it for you directly, which is:
`·6· ·Based on size, I would likely agree, although, I'd
`·7· ·like to have more information on what other online
`·8· ·auction services were available; but, yeah, I would
`·9· ·not dispute that.
`10· · · · · · · I mean, again, that is a
`11· ·mischaracterization because he didn't testify that
`12· ·eBay was the leading online marketplace.· He testified
`13· ·that he would likely agree and he would like to have
`14· ·more information but that he would not dispute it.
`15· · · · · · · We believe that mischaracterizes his
`16· ·testimony.· We also believe that's a very short few
`17· ·lines of testimony that could have easily been pasted
`18· ·directly into the observation.
`19· · · · · · · Similarly, the argument for the statement
`20· ·of relevance there is highly argumentative.· The last
`21· ·sentence of the paragraph states:· Despite claiming
`22· ·that Summit 6 provided no data or information to
`23· ·support a long-felt need, neither the petitioner nor
`24· ·Dr. Frazier referenced the market research report or
`25· ·the evidence in need and efforts to solve that need
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
`Page 8 of 26

`·1· ·from the largest online auction in eBay at all.
`·2· · · · · · · I mean, that's argumentative on its face,
`·3· ·Your Honor, and we don't believe that's proper.
`·4· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· Okay.· Can you clarify,
`·5· ·you've mentioned during the call and in your email to
`·6· ·the Board that it's your position that the motion
`·7· ·violate our rules.· Can you clarify which rule you're
`·8· ·referring to.
`·9· · · · · · · MR. MORLOCK:· Your Honor, what we're
`10· ·referring to is the decision in IPR 2013-00323, Paper
`11· ·43.
`12· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· Is that -- that's not a
`13· ·rule, but is that an informative or representative
`14· ·decision?
`15· · · · · · · MR. MORLOCK:· Yes, Your Honor.· That's a
`16· ·decision early in the proceedings explaining what the
`17· ·requirements for a motion for observation are.
`18· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· But has it been designated
`19· · · · informative or representative?
`20· · · · · · · MR. MORLOCK:· I'm sorry, Your Honor. I
`21· ·missed that.
`22· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· Has it been designated
`23· ·informative or representative or is it just another
`24· ·case of how -- of the Board?
`25· · · · · · · MR. MORLOCK:· That's another decision from
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
`Page 9 of 26

`·1· ·the panel of the Board.· I mean, also, in reviewing
`·2· ·the trial practice guide, if you look at the trial
`·3· ·practice guide, it's Section L, on observations for
`·4· ·cross-examination, it says:· An observation should be
`·5· ·a concise statement of the relevance of identified
`·6· ·testimony to an identified argument.
`·7· · · · · · · So our position is that that decision
`·8· ·essentially summarizes what the Board wants from a
`·9· ·motion for observation.
`10· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· Okay.· Can you also explain
`11· ·why the deficiencies you're alleging rise to the level
`12· ·that they require the motions to be expunged?
`13· · · · · · · In other words, why can't the issues be
`14· ·addressed -- be handled by having you address them in
`15· ·your response?
`16· · · · · · · MR. MORLOCK:· Well, Your Honor, as we
`17· ·understand, a response to a motion for observation,
`18· ·they're also supposed to be nonargumentative.· They're
`19· ·supposed to be a simple statement of the witness
`20· ·testified this and it is relevant because.
`21· · · · · · · We can't do that if we're responding to an
`22· ·argument.· We need to respond to an argument with an
`23· ·argument.· Which our understanding of what the Board
`24· ·wants from a motion for observation and a response in
`25· ·a motion for observation is that they not be
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
`Page 10 of 26

`·1· ·argumentative, but they, instead, simply identify
`·2· ·testimony that will be helpful to the Board.
`·3· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· And assuming that we were to
`·4· ·agree with you and to expunge the motions, do you have
`·5· ·a position as to whether Patent Owner should be
`·6· ·allowed to refile the motions?
`·7· · · · · · · MR. MORLOCK:· Your Honor, we communicated
`·8· ·to Patent Owner that if they had a proposal for a
`·9· ·slight modification to the schedule that would allow
`10· ·them to file updated or replacement nonargumentative
`11· ·motions, we'd be happy to consider that -- we provided
`12· ·it -- and to give us a reasonable amount of time to
`13· ·file our response.
`14· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· We'll hear from Patent Owner
`15· ·now.· Patent Owner, can you respond to Petitioner's
`16· ·request that the motions for observation be expunged.
`17· · · · · · · MR. AYERS:· Yes, Your Honor.· Peter Ayers
`18· ·for Patent Owner.· Let me just first say that, you
`19· ·know, we read several decisions about motions for
`20· ·observation and relief attempting to reserve guidance
`21· ·that the Board has provided not just in the case
`22· ·provided by the petitioner, but also from several
`23· ·others; CBS Interactive, IPR 2013-0033; Actelion
`24· ·versus ICOS, IPR 2015-00561, and kept in mind that,
`25· ·really, the purpose of the summaries is to provide
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
`Page 11 of 26

`·1· ·some guidance to the Board to --
`·2· · · · · · · COURT REPORTER:· I'm sorry, sir.· This is
`·3· ·the court reporter and I can barely hear you.
`·4· · · · · · · MR. AYERS:· Sure.· I apologize for that.
`·5· ·There's someone hammering in the background.· Could
`·6· ·that possibly be part of it?
`·7· · · · · · · COURT REPORTER:· I have no idea who's
`·8· ·hammering, but you're a little choppy and so your
`·9· ·words are breaking up.· Maybe it has to do with the
`10· ·hammering.· I don't know.· I apologize.· Really,
`11· ·profusely, I apologize.
`12· · · · · · · MR.· AYERS:· No, well, that's fine.· I'll
`13· ·try to speak up.
`14· · · · · · · My point was just that, you know, we tried
`15· ·to provide guidance to the Board based on the things
`16· ·that we've read and directed the Board to the most
`17· ·relevant excerpts of the reply testimony.
`18· · · · · · · In this case, you know, it should be kept
`19· ·in mind that this is really our only opportunity to
`20· ·bring this cross-examination testimony to the Board's
`21· ·attention.· And those decisions quite clearly permit
`22· ·parties to summarize lengthy passages, which is -- in
`23· ·this case, there weren't any, you know, Q and As,
`24· ·trying to get to a particular point.· And so those
`25· ·passages were summarized, as permitted by these
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
`Page 12 of 26

`·1· ·various decisions.
`·2· · · · · · · And I think it's also worth pointing out
`·3· ·that the motion itself is not evidence.· It's just
`·4· ·kind of a roadmap for the Board to use.· So I don't
`·5· ·know, really, why we're here talking about expunging
`·6· ·this motion.· The evidence in question is the
`·7· ·testimony itself, which the Board can read for itself.
`·8· · · · · · · So Google really raises two issue.· One is,
`·9· ·you know, the use of summary versus quotations from
`10· ·the actual text.· And I think it's quite clear from
`11· ·various decisions that the summaries are permissible
`12· ·including the two that I just cited.
`13· · · · · · · They also claim that, you know, our
`14· ·summaries are too argumentative.· You know, in the
`15· ·course of an eight-page summary, sure, there are words
`16· ·that are, you know, more argumentive than others, you
`17· ·know, admittedly.
`18· · · · · · · But we really tried to characterize the
`19· ·relevance of those passages.· And it's really
`20· ·difficult to do particularly in this context without
`21· ·sounding argumentative, but we really tried to, you
`22· ·know, stay true to the Board's guidance.
`23· · · · · · · And I think it's worth noting in this case,
`24· ·this case is a little unusual because the expert that
`25· ·Petitioner proffered in this case, Dr. Frazier, is a
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
`Page 13 of 26

`·1· ·marketing expert.· And he proffered an opinion in his
`·2· ·declaration -- really, he offered four opinions.
`·3· ·Three of which were that he had no opinion because
`·4· ·Patent Owner didn't provide sufficient data, and so we
`·5· ·tried to provide some.
`·6· · · · · · · And we didn't -- we hadn't submitted a
`·7· ·marketing expert or a business expert, only two
`·8· ·witnesses from the patent owner who had firsthand
`·9· ·knowledge of commercial activities that relate to the
`10· ·patents in question.
`11· · · · · · · And so this was really our, you know, only
`12· ·opportunity to sort of put Dr. Frazier's testimony in
`13· ·some context.· And so we provided headings and we
`14· ·tried to provide the Board with a roadmap of his
`15· ·testimony of why we felt like the cross-examination of
`16· ·him undermine that testimony.
`17· · · · · · · Now, were those headings potentially
`18· ·argumentative?· Possibly so.· And we offered to remove
`19· ·those headings if they were objectionable to alleviate
`20· ·the concerns of Petitioner, but that wasn't
`21· ·acceptable.
`22· · · · · · · They wanted to go through and basically
`23· ·rewrite our motion for observation.· Which, you know,
`24· ·we didn't feel like, under the Board's decisions, we
`25· ·needed to do.· Because most of their objections really
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
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`·1· ·go to whether we accurately summarized it, which is
`·2· ·why they have the opportunity to respond to those
`·3· ·observations.
`·4· · · · · · · If they believe that we mischaracterized
`·5· ·it, then they can point that out in their observation.
`·6· ·That goes to, if you will, the weight of it, not to
`·7· ·it's inadmissibility.· And I think this is really
`·8· ·just, you know, part of Google's take no prisoners,
`·9· ·you know, MO in patent litigation.· They just fight on
`10· ·every point just for the sake of fighting.
`11· · · · · · · So we don't believe that our motion for
`12· ·observation is not in compliance.· You know, we're
`13· ·happy to remove the headings if those are
`14· ·objectionable, as a way to, you know, compromise on
`15· ·this.· But we really don't feel like we even need to
`16· ·do that.
`17· · · · · · · And with that, I'll yield and answer any
`18· ·questions the Board may have.
`19· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· I'd like to actually hear
`20· ·from Petitioner regarding whether -- Patent Owners
`21· ·just said it's your position that removing the
`22· ·headings alone would not be sufficient.· Can you
`23· ·address that.
`24· · · · · · · MR. MORLOCK:· Yes, Your Honor.· And as we
`25· ·communicated to Patent Owner when they offered to
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
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`·1· ·remove the headings, there are additional arguments
`·2· ·within these motions for observation including the two
`·3· ·paragraphs identified in their conclusions.
`·4· · · · · · · I mean, those are arguments.· And our
`·5· ·understanding of this is that it's not an opportunity
`·6· ·for further briefing.· It's an opportunity to point
`·7· ·out a short concise piece of relevant testimony for
`·8· ·the Board to consider without including any additional
`·9· ·argument.
`10· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· The Panel will confer
`11· ·briefly now.· Please stay on the line.
`12· · · · · · · (Off the record from 11:22 a.m. to 11:26
`13· · · · a.m.)
`14· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· The Panel has conferred
`15· ·based on the arguments presented during the call and
`16· ·our review of the motion.
`17· · · · · · · We agree with Patent Owner that his motions
`18· ·are consistent with the guidance in our trial practice
`19· ·guide and the scheduling order and are not unduly
`20· ·argumentative that would require the motions be
`21· ·expunged.
`22· · · · · · · Petitioner has the opportunity to file a
`23· ·response to the motions like we've discussed on the
`24· ·call and it can take that opportunity to address the
`25· ·merits of the motions and succinctly respond to any of
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
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`·1· ·the alleged deficiencies that were raised on today's
`·2· ·call.
`·3· · · · · · · And, as an example, Petitioner has raised
`·4· ·issues regarding long cites to testimony.· But in the
`·5· ·Board's review, the patent owner can respond to any
`·6· ·potential mischaracterizations of testimony in the
`·7· ·response and the Board will review it and is capable
`·8· ·of determining whether the characterizations are
`·9· ·accurate.
`10· · · · · · · So with that, we deny Petitioner's request
`11· ·to have Patent Owner's motions for observation
`12· ·expunged.
`13· · · · · · · Is there anything else that either party
`14· ·would like to address before the call is adjourned?
`15· · · · · · · MR. MORLOCK:· None for Petitioner, Your
`16· ·Honor.
`17· · · · · · · MR. AYERS:· Peter Ayers for Patent Owner,
`18· ·nothing further, Your Honor.
`19· · · · · · · JUDGE BEGLEY:· All right.· Thank you all
`20· ·for your time.· This call is adjourned.· Thank you.
`21· · · · · · · (Proceedings concluded at 11:27 a.m.)
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·C E R T I F I C A T E
`·6· · · · · · · I hereby certify that the foregoing
`·7· · · · proceedings were taken down, as stated in the
`·8· · · · caption, and reduced to typewriting under my
`·9· · · · direction, and that the foregoing pages 1
`10· · · · through 17 represent a true, complete, and
`11· · · · correct transcript of said proceedings.
`12· · · · · · · This, the 13th day of April 2016.
`15· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · YOLANDA R. NARCISSE,
`· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · CCR-B-2445
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
`Page 18 of 26

`Telephone Conference- on 04/13/2016
`-Index: 1.2..Begley
`11 5:12,21
`agree 8:6,13
`11:4 16:17
`13 17:21
`alleged 17:1
`allowed 11:6
`4:17 9:10
`6:3,22 7:8
`Ayers 3:14,
`17 11:17
`6 3:13 8:22
`8:19 10:6,
`22,23 16:9
`7:17 16:1,
`4:21 5:1,
`2,19 8:20
`9:2 11:1
`based 8:2,6
`Begley 3:2,
`19,24 4:3
`5:10 7:19
`22 10:10
`Huseby, Inc.- Regional Centers
`Charlotte ~ Atlanta ~ Washington, DC ~ New York ~ Houston ~ San Francisco _
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
`Page 19 of 26

`Telephone Conference- on 04/13/2016
`-Index: bit..difficult
`call 3:3
`4:4,6 9:5
`11:7 15:25
`4:15 15:12
`Board 5:9,24
`4:22 10:4
`15:18 16:8
`5:20 12:20
`6:7 13:18
`16,25 10:7
`14:24 17:5
`6:17 7:23
`cited 13:12
`bring 12:20
`clarify 9:4,
`6:16 10:11
`copy 3:25
`court 3:20,
`21,23 6:10
`Huseby, Inc.- Regional Centers
`Charlotte ~ Atlanta ~ Washington, DC ~ New York ~ Houston ~ San Francisco
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
`Page 20 of 26

`Telephone Conference- on 04/13/2016
`-Index: directed..Honor
`5:7,8 7:20
`file 11:10,
`13 16:22
`filed 3:25
`form 5:15
`dispute 8:9,
`4:8 9:16
`Frazier 5:14
`early 7:23
`easily 7:11
`happy 5:7
`19 15:13,
`22 16:1
`8:4 14:12
`12:3 15:19
`ebay 8:2,12
`5:19 9:2
`Good 3:2,12
`Google 3:8,
`23 4:12
`helpful 5:9,
`10 11:2
`Honor 3:6,
`7:21 9:3,
`8:25 13:3,
`guide 10:2,3
`Huseby, Inc.- Regional Centers
`Charlotte ~ Atlanta ~ Washington, DC ~ New York ~ Houston ~ San Francisco
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
`Page 21 of 26

`Telephone Conference- on 04/13/2016
`-Index: ICOS..motion
`IPR 4:17
`mind 11:24
`10:13 17:4
`ation 7:23
`leading 8:2,
`Lee 3:18
`ed 15:4
`lines 7:10,
`14 8:17
`5:14 8:15
`long 7:10,
`16 17:4
`Mo 15:9
`4:25 13:12
`Judge 3:2,4,
`Morlock 3:6,
`19,24 4:3
`5:10 7:19
`22 10:10
`5:11 6:18
`7:21 9:9,
`10:16 11:7
`morning 3:2,
`7:4 8:24
`motion 7:25
`kind 13:4
`million 7:5
`Huseby, Inc.- Regional Centers
`Charlotte ~ Atlanta ~ Washington, DC ~ New York ~ Houston ~ San Francisco
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
`Page 22 of 26

`Telephone Conference- on 04/13/2016
`-Index: motions..petitioner
`motions 4:5,
`5:12 6:9
`8:18 9:17
`16:2 17:11
`10:3 15:3
`multiple 5:2
`needed 14:25
`online 8:7,
`12 9:1
`pasted 7:11
`patent 3:13
`4:4 5:7
`pages 5:2,
`7:22 8:21
`noting 13:23
`4:19 12:19
`14:12 15:2
`8:23 11:22
`24 5:12
`Peter 3:14
`5:4 6:8
`owner 3:13
`5:7 11:5,
`party 3:20
`Huseby, Inc.- Regional Centers
`Charlotte ~ Atlanta ~ Washington, DC ~ New York ~ Houston ~ San Francisco
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
`Page 23 of 26

`4:4 11:15
`Telephone Conference- on 04/13/2016
`-Index: Petitioner's..require
`9:16 17:21
`5:14 10:20
`12:17 16:7
`13:25 14:1
`15:13 16:1
`raised 17:1,
`read 8:5
`12:16 13:7
`6:6 9:6
`10:7 11:5
`12:6 14:18
`5:6 6:9
`7:6,7 8:22
`22 14:13
`record 16:12
`Reid 3:18
`6:25 7:2
`13:6 14:10
`4:20 5:1,
`13 6:5
`8:20 210:5
`Huseby, Inc.- Regional Centers
`Charlotte ~ Atlanta ~ Washington, DC ~ New York ~ Houston ~ San Francisco
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1021
`Page 24 of 26

`Telephone Conference- on 04/13/2016Index: requirements..testimony
`Samsung 3:10
`11:15 15:2
`16:25 17:5

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