`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2015-00806
`Patent No. 7,765,482

`Petitioner submits the following Response to Patent Owner’s Motion for
`Observations on the Cross-Examination of Dr. Gary Frazier (“the Observations”),
`Paper 52. As explained in detail below, the Observations consistently and
`repeatedly mischaracterize Dr. Frazier’s testimony in an attempt to remedy Patent
`Owner’s failure to provide any qualified expert testimony to support its alleged
`secondary considerations of non-obviousness. Dr. Frazier’s actual testimony
`demonstrates that the “objective” evidence of non-obviousness proffered by Patent
`Owner fails to identify any relevant market size, is generally unreliable, and fails to
`actually establish commercial success, industry praise, or a long-felt need by those
`of skill in the art. Patent Owner’s failure to provide any expert opinion regarding
`the dozens of exhibits it has submitted cannot be remedied by the Observations’
`attempt to recast the scope and content of Dr. Frazier’s cross-examination
`Dr. Frazier opined on the insufficiency of Patent Owner’s evidence to
`demonstrate either: (1) the existence of secondary considerations of non-
`obviousness, or (2) that any commercial success was the result of the merits of the
`invention. Ex. 1018 at ¶¶ 17-18. The Observations should be rejected to the extent
`that they attempt to remedy Patent Owner’s failure by mischaracterizing Dr.
`Frazier’s testimony.

`I. Patent Owner failed to provide any expert testimony regarding the
`relevant market, and Dr. Frazier’s opinions do not rely upon or require
`independent research.
`Patent Owner alleges that Dr. Frazier’s testimony in Exhibit 2075 at
`37:4-22, impeaches his testimony “regarding the uploading and hosting market
`from 1995 through 2004 as he stated that he relied on this research and document
`review.” Paper 52 at ¶ 1. This is flat wrong. During his deposition Dr. Frazier
`clearly testified “[t]hat research did not form the basis for anything that I opine
`on in my declaration -- my opinions.” Exhibit 2075 at 37:8-10 (emphasis added).
`As Dr. Frazier testified in his declaration, he “performed Internet research and
`document review to confirm [his] recollection of the image uploading and hosting
`market during the period of around 1995 through 2004.” Ex. 1018 at ¶ 7. Indeed,
`contrary to Patent Owner’s assertion, Dr. Frazier did not provide an opinion on the
`“uploading and hosting market.” Rather, Dr. Frazier provided his opinion that (1)
`“there is insufficient data and information in the exhibits and testimony provided
`by Summit 6 to support a conclusion that the Rimfire service resolved a long-felt
`customer need, achieved commercial success, or received industry praise” and (2)
`“even if one were to assume that the Rimfire service did resolve a long-felt
`customer need, achieve commercial success, or receive industry praise, the exhibits
`and testimony establish that these claimed accomplishments were just as likely the

`result of factors other than the merits of the Rimfire service.” Exhibit 1018 at ¶¶
`II. Patent Owner failed to provide sufficient evidence to establish long-felt
`need, and Dr. Frazier’s opinion analyzed this evidentiary failure.
`Dr. Frazier did not testify as to any facts regarding the means by
`which eBay selected its vendors, eBay’s size in the market, or the methodology
`employed by the researcher(s) who drafted Exhibit 2015. The only facts Dr.
`Frazier confirmed were (1) the failure of Patent Owner’s evidence to support any
`claimed long-felt need existed, and (2) the unreliability and lack of source data of
`Exhibit 2015. Ex. 2075 at 25:13-16 (“[A]gain, on page 2 they put a disclaimer in
`and – ‘Use at your own risk.’ Also, secondly, I didn't have the underlying data. So
`I really didn't put too much credence into this report.”); 105:19-23 (“But, again, I
`did not find this information in this Exhibit 2015 persuasive based on disclaimers;
`based on it being incomplete; based on not having the survey or the data. It could
`have been one person's interpretation.”); 25:19-23 (“I read the report. It didn't
`really change my opinion that Summit 6 just didn't provide enough data and
`information for me as a marketing expert to conclude that the Rimfire service
`satisfied a long-felt but unresolved need.”). Further, Patent owner alleges that Dr.
`Frazier testified in Exhibit 2075, at 27:25 – 28:14, that Exhibit 2015 included its
`“methodology … which included a comprehensive questionnaire and interviews

`with early adopters of image technology, such as eBay.” Paper 52 at ¶ 2. This is a
`mischaracterization of Dr. Frazier’s testimony. Dr. Frazier merely acknowledged
`what was stated on the face of the document. See, e.g., Exhibit 2075 at 27:25 –
`28:4 (“Q: But at least taken at face value, it indicates that it followed a
`comprehensive questionnaire; correct? A: Where does it say that? Q: At the top of
`page 6. A: Yes, that’s what it says.” (emphasis added)). Dr. Frazier did not opine
`that the questionnaire was comprehensive or reliable. Rather, he testified that as a
`marketing expert he could not rely on other people’s characterizations of data. See
`Exhibit 2075 at 26:6-13 (“there are more pages eluded to than actually what
`constitute this, and I didn't have the underlying data…. I've just found that it's
`difficult for me as a marketing expert to rely on other people's characterization of
`the data if I don't have the underlying data.”). Patent Owner alleges that Dr. Frazier
`testified in Exhibit 2075, at 28:18-25, that “‘[b]ased on size,’ eBay was the leading
`online marketplace for the sale of goods and services in 2001.” This is not what Dr.
`Frazier testified. Rather, Dr. Frazier testified: “[b]ased on size, I would likely
`agree, although I'd like to have more information on what other online services --
`auction services were available, but -- yeah, I would not dispute that.” Ex. 2075 at
`28:22 – 29:3 (emphasis added). Further, Patent Owner alleges that Dr. Frazier
`“confirmed that eBay carried out a 4-6 month evaluation to select Rimfire over
`other market players.” Paper 52 at ¶ 2. This is a further mischaracterization of Dr.

`Frazier’s testimony. Once again, Dr. Frazier did not offer any opinion, rather, he
`merely acknowledged what was stated on the face of a document. See, e.g., Ex.
`2075 at 30:8-16 (“Q. And it says, again at page 10, that ‘eBay knew imaging
`technology was needed, and it wasn't a core competency, so it went looking for the
`right service provider’; true? A. It says that, yes. Q. And it goes on to say that
`‘eBay went through a long four to six months and thorough evaluation in making
`that selection’; true? A. Yes.” (emphasis added)).
`Dr. Frazier never confirmed that the Rimfire service solved any long-
`felt need experienced by those of skill in the art. And there are no facts on the
`record to support Patent Owner’s claim that Rimfire reduced eBay’s customer
`service costs. In an effort to remedy this failure of proof, Patent Owner alleges that
`Dr. Frazier testified, in Exhibit 2075 at 32:23 – 33:17, that “Exhibit 2015 refreshed
`his recollection that the patented Rimfire technology reduced eBay’s customer
`service cost.” Paper 52 at ¶ 3. This is a mischaracterization of Dr. Frazier’s
`testimony. As with much of his testimony, Dr. Frazier merely acknowledged what
`was stated on the face of the document. See, e.g., Ex. 2075 at 33:14-17 (“Q: Does
`this refresh your recollection that the patented Rimfire technology reduced eBay's
`customer service cost? A: According to this document, yes.” (emphasis added)).
`Acknowledging what appears on the face of Exhibit 2015 does not confirm that the
`document is accurate or reliable. It is simply agreeing that words appear in the

`document. This says nothing about what customer support problems eBay actually
`experienced, nor does it remedy Patent Owner’s failure to provide such evidence.
`Patent Owner states that in Exhibit 2075, at 40:24–41:17, Dr. Frazier
`testified that “as of October 12, 1999, eBay instructed its customers to associate or
`upload their images using the steps described in Exhibit 2070.” Paper 52 at ¶ 4.
`This is wrong. Dr. Frazier instead testified: “Q. So at least from that point until
`October of 1999, eBay was instructing -- been instructing sellers to associate or
`upload their images using the steps described in Exhibit 2070; correct? A. I'm not
`sure they did this from '95. All I know is that this was a snapshot from October 11
`and 12, 1999. So I'm not sure when they started this.” Ex. 2075 at 41:5-11
`(emphasis added). This is not testimony as to what eBay may or may not have
`instructed its customers to do. Dr. Frazier could not provide such testimony;
`indeed, he has testified that he never sold any items on eBay. Ex. 2075 at 40:19-21
`(“Q. Did you ever use -- did you ever sell any items on eBay? A. No.”).
`Patent Owner alleges that Dr. Frazier testified, in Exhibit 2075 at
`28:18-25, that “with respect to the Exhibit 2072, Moore Data Management
`Services’ President stated in a published article, ‘This new technology can add real
`value to the service we offer our MLS subscribers’ and that the technology solved
`real estate agents’ previous need to submit photos through the mail.” Paper 52 at ¶
`5. This is wrong. Dr. Frazier’s testimony at 28:18-25 is unrelated to Exhibit 2072.

`Further, Dr. Frazier’s testimony later in the deposition only agrees that certain
`words appear in Exhibit 2072, an Exhibit that was first introduced at his
`deposition, and is therefore not referenced in any other paper in this proceeding.
`See, e.g., Ex. 2075 at 57:5-19. Further, Dr. Frazier made clear that he could not
`testify as to the functioning of Rimfire, because he is “not a technical expert.” Ex.
`2075 at 57:20-23.
` Dr. Frazier did not consider Patent Owner’s litigation licenses
`because those litigation-based agreements were entered into after Patent Owner no
`longer provided the Rimfire service, and therefore cannot be attributed to Rimfire’s
`alleged commercial success. Ex. 2075 at 17:18-22 (“My understanding was that the
`majority of the licensing agreements were based on legal proceedings, and in so,
`being a marketing expert and not a legal expert, I just didn't feel comfortable trying
`to get deep into the licensing aspects of the case.”). Dr. Frazier is an expert on
`marketing, not a lawyer. The fact that he did not consider Patent Owner’s litigation
`licenses makes his conclusions more credible. Patent Owner alleges that “Dr.
`Frazier ignores … Summit 6 licenses in opining that commercial success of the
`Summit 6 patents has not been shown.” Paper 52 at ¶ 6. This is a
`mischaracterization of Dr. Frazier’s testimony. Dr. Frazier provided an opinion
`only as to the purported commercial success of the Rimfire service (i.e. the
`“invention” claimed by the patents), and did not opine as to the licensing of the

`patents themselves. See, e.g., Ex. 1018 at ¶¶ 15-16; Ex. 2075 at 17:18-22; see also
`Ex. 2075 at 18:15-22.
`Patent Owner alleges that Dr. Frazier “ignores [a] jury finding
`[against Samsung] in opining that ‘Summit 6 has not provided sufficient data and
`information to support a conclusion that the Rimfire service achieved commercial
`success.’ (Ex. 1018 at ¶ 25).” This is a mischaracterization of Dr. Frazier’s
`testimony. Dr. Frazier provided an opinion only as to the purported commercial
`success of the Rimfire service (i.e. the “invention” claimed by the patents), and did
`not opine as to the success of the patents themselves. See, e.g., Ex. 1018 at ¶¶ 15-
`16; Ex. 2075 at 18:15-22 (“A: I didn't consider that when I came to the conclusion
`that I didn't have enough information to judge whether or not Rimfire service had
`achieved commercial success. I'm not saying it didn't. I'm just saying as a
`marketing expert I did not have enough data or information to conclude, like
`Summit, that commercial success was achieved by the Rimfire service.”).
`Patent Owner conflates its own total failure to provide any evidence
`of market share with Dr. Frazier’s observation that what little evidence Patent
`Owner actually provided was insufficient to demonstrate commercial success.
`Patent Owner alleges that Dr. Frazier testified, in Exhibit 2075 at 18:24-19:6, “that
`he did not have sufficient context to apply the $8 million fee that eBay paid for
`Rimfire technology.” Paper 52 at ¶ 8. This is a mischaracterization of Dr. Frazier’s

`testimony. Dr. Frazier testified that he considered the $8 million fee, but because it
`is not given with any context, e.g., the size of a market, that figure alone does not
`establish commercial success. See, e.g., Ex. 2075 at 19:3-6 (“A: The eBay
`relationship I considered. But, again, without context, 44 million, 8 million, to me
`it's difficult to use such figures to -- as evidence and to prove that commercial
`success was achieved.”); see also Ex. 2075 at 61:1:6 (“as a marketing expert I don't
`believe I have enough information from Summit to clearly -- I just don't think
`there's enough data to support the fact that it was a commercial success. I need
`market share data and competitor information, and I don't have that.)
`It is not Dr. Frazier’s responsibility to argue Patent Owner’s case or
`present Patent Owner’s evidence.
`The Observations present the testimony of Patent Owner’s counsel
`and suggest that this attorney argument is in fact Dr. Frazier’s testimony. Patent
`Owner alleges that Dr. Frazier testified, in Exhibit 2075 at 69:15-17, that he agreed
`“page 9 of Exhibit 2044 ‘shows consistent revenue growth quarter over quarter.’”
`Paper 52 at ¶ 9. This mischaracterizes Dr. Frazier’s testimony. Dr. Frazier merely
`acknowledged what was stated on the face of the document. See, e.g., Ex. 2075 at
`69:9-17 (“Q: And then growing to 4.5 million in Q2 of 2002? A: Yes, I see that. Q:
`And then all the way out to the next -- if you go to the next page, it -- showing Q4

`2003, 13.2 million in revenue? A: I see that, yes. Q: So at least shows consistent
`revenue growth quarter over quarter; true? A: Sure.”).
`10. Patent Owner alleges that Dr. Frazier testified, in Exhibit 2075, on
`80:17 – 81:21, that “according to pages 4 and 6 of Exhibit 2044, as the penetration
`rate of eBay listings with pictures increased from 8 percent in 2000 to 50 percent in
`2002, the average revenue per listing also increased.” Paper 52 at ¶ 10. This
`mischaracterizes Dr. Frazier’s testimony. Dr. Frazier instead testified that the
`growth was slight and marginal. See, e.g., Ex. 2075 at 81:5-16 (“Q: And so
`penetration rate was going up at the same time that revenue per listing was going
`up; true? According to Slide 6? A: Slightly, yeah. Going up from the second
`quarter of 2001 27 cents; and then third quarter of 2001, 36 cents; fourth quarter,
`37 cents; 2001, first quarter, 39; second quarter, 39.· Going up a little bit,
`apparently. Q: So more people are using it, and eBay is able to charge more money
`for each use; true? … THE WITNESS: Marginally, yes, it's increasing.”).
`11. Again, Patent Owner attributes the testimony of its counsel and
`statements within Exhibits to Dr. Frazier. Patent Owner alleges that Dr. Frazier, in
`Exhibit 2075, on 95:5 – 99:4, “confirmed that the $883 million figure consitutes
`[sic] the total spend for newspaper classifieds [sic] ads in 2004, but Admission
`only expects its addressable market of obtainable revenue to be $1.2 million.
`Admission’s market share thus equates to its percentage of the total $1.2 million.”

`Paper 52 at ¶ 11. Here Dr. Frazier is not testifying. Patent Owner’s counsel was
`testifying, without asking questions. Indeed, the witness asked a question, which
`Patent Owner’s attorney answered. See, e.g., Ex. 2075 at 96:8-21 (“Q: Okay. Let
`me just try to explain it to you again. So if you take the 883 -- let's just focus on
`newspaper classified. A: Right, uh-huh. Q: Okay. That's the total spend for
`newspaper classified ads in 2004. A: Right. Q: Okay? Of that, 30 percent pay for –
`are enhanced ads? A: And does that come from actual data, or is that a projection
`of some sort? Q: I think this is a projection.” (emphasis added)). The fact that Dr.
`Frazier listened to counsel’s lecture, and that counsel answered one of Dr. Frazier’s
`questions, does not mean that Dr. Frazier adopted any of this attorney argument as
`his own testimony.
`12. Patent Owner again mischaracterizes Dr. Frazier’s testimony in an
`attempt to salvage its unsupported theory that any success of eBay equates to
`commercial success of Rimfire. Patent Owner alleges that Dr. Frazier testified in
`Exhibit 2075, on 28:18-25, that “‘[b]ased on size,’ eBay was the leading online
`marketplace for the sale of goods and services in 2001.” Paper 52 at ¶ 12. This was
`not Dr. Frazier’s testimony. Rather, he testified: “Q: And you have no basis to
`dispute that characterization that eBay was the leading online marketplace for the
`sale of goods and services in 2001? A: Based on size, I would likely agree,
`although I'd like to have more information on what other online services -- auction

`services were available, but -- yeah, I would not dispute that.” Ex. 2075 at 28:22 –
`29:3. Further, Patent Owner alleges that Dr. Frazier testified that “outside of
`manual configurations from users, eBay would not adopt another image service
`into their website.” Paper 52 at ¶ 12. This is a mischaracterization of Dr. Frazier’s
`testimony. Dr. Frazier instead testified that the document says what it says. See,
`e.g., Ex. 2075 at 46:4-8 (“Q: Meaning they don't foreclose the option of a user
`manually configuring it, but eBay won't design someone else's service into there
`[sic] ‘Sell Your Item’ page? …. THE WITNESS: That’s what it reads to me,
`yes.”). Indeed, Dr. Frazier testified that eBay users were not required to use the
`Summit 6 technology. See Ex. 2075 at 44:22-25 (“If a user decided to use some
`other means, they could do that, because eBay wouldn't want to discourage its
`users or create their dissatisfaction by being too forceful.”).
`13. The burden rests on Patent Owner to proffer credible evidence. Dr.
`Frazier observed that the testimony of Patent Owner’s witness lacks clarity. Ex.
`1018 at ¶ 27; Ex. 2075 at 62:4-6. Patent Owner mischaracterizes this statement in
`an attempt to revise evidence already on the record. Patent Owner alleges that Dr.
`Frazier testifies, in Exhibit 2075 at 61:8 – 63:13 and 65:3 – 66:8, that “what Sarah
`Pate meant by pBay becoming the ‘largest image hosting and distributing site for
`eBay’… would have had to include ‘largest image hosting and distributing site
`based on image uploads for eBay.” Paper 52 at ¶ 13. This is completely false.

`Indeed, Dr. Frazier testified that this information was not provided. Ex. 2075 at
`62:12-17 (“[I]f she would have said by … November '99, pBay became the largest
`image hosting and distributing site based on image uploads for eBay, if she would
`have clarified that. But I didn't see that.” (emphasis added)); 62:3-4 (“But I can't
`necessarily judge image uploads was the measure.” (emphasis added)). In fact,
`Dr. Frazier testified that “[Ms. Pate] makes a statement, ‘largest.’ It's unclear to me
`what she means by ‘largest’; how she based the largest conclusion.” Ex. 2075 at
`62:4-6. And further that he could not infer what Ms. Pate meant by the “largest.”
`See, e.g., Exhibit 2075, 63:5-13 (“Q: Would you agree with me that, given the
`context, the most reasonable inference to draw is that Ms. Pate was referring to the
`number of image uploads? …. THE WITNESS: The most reasonable inference.
`Let's see. I find that over time it's better not to make inferences, at least relating to
`whether one sentence is the foundation for another sentence.”).
`14. Patent Owner’s counsel asked Dr. Frazier to read a document, and
`then mischaracterizes Dr. Frazier’s testimony to suggest that Dr. Frazier agreed to
`the underlying facts therein. Patent Owner alleges that Dr. Frazier testified that
`eBay achieved several benefits from its use of Rimfire.” Paper 52 at ¶ 14. This is
`false. Instead, it is clear that Dr. Frazier merely acknowledged what was stated on
`the face of the document. See, e.g., Ex. 2075 at 73:5-17 (“A: Based on this report
`and based upon those benefits, does that support complete satisfaction of eBay

`with the service? It's difficult to say. There's no doubt eBay, according to this
`researcher, had benefits from the relationship with iPIX. Q: Including providing a
`better user experience? A: Correct. Q: Improved eBay’s core economics? A:
`That’s what it says.… Reduced customer support costs? A. That's also what this
`report says, right.” (emphasis added)).
`IV. Dr. Frazier properly discounted the evidentiary weight of an exhibit
`that disclaimed the accuracy of its own contents, was incomplete, lacked
`underlying data to support the claims made therein, and warned
`readers to “USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.”
`15. The only thing Dr. Frazier “confirmed” about Exhibit 2015 was that it
`had a bold disclaimer on the first page to “Use At Your Own Risk,” that there is no
`underlying data given, and that he cannot rely on someone else’s interpretation of
`data. Ex. 2015 at 2; Ex. 2075 at 25:13-16 (“[A]gain, on page 2 they put a
`disclaimer in and – ‘Use at your own risk.’ Also, secondly, I didn't have the
`underlying data. So I really didn't put too much credence into this report.”); 26:6-
`13 (“there are more pages eluded to than actually what constitute this, and I didn't
`have the underlying data…. I've just found that it's difficult for me as a marketing
`expert to rely on other people's characterization of the data if I don't have the
`underlying data.”);105:19-23 (“But, again, I did not find this information in this
`Exhibit 2015 persuasive based on disclaimers; based on it being incomplete; based
`on not having the survey or the data. It could have been one person's

`interpretation.”). As such, Dr. Frazier properly discounted the weight of Exhibit
`2015. Patent Owner alleges that Dr. Frazier, in Exhibit 2075 at 102:5 – 107:21,
`“confirmed that Exhibit 2015 outlined the 4-6 month evaluation and purchase
`process for eBay’s image uploading service, including the fact that eBay conducted
`‘thorough diligence’ in making its selection, evaluated proposals from many
`vendors, and determined that ‘iPIX had the best technology for their needs,’ [and]
`felt the iPIX Rimfire technology was user-friendly.” Paper 52 at ¶ 15. This is
`wrong. Dr. Frazier did not confirm anything stated in Exhibit 2015 beyond what
`appeared on the face of the document. See, e.g., Ex. 2075 at 103:4-17 (“Q. Right.
`And it says that eBay conducted thorough diligence in making this selection; true?
`A. That's what it says, yes. Q. And it says that eBay determined that iPIX had the
`best technology for their needs; correct? A. That's what it says, yes…. Q. And it
`says that eBay -- one of the things that it found best suited was that the iPIX
`Rimfire technology was user-friendly; true? A. That's what it says, yes.”
`(emphasis added)).
`Respectfully submitted,
`John Alemanni
`Registration No. 47,384
`Lead Counsel for Petitioner Google Inc.

`Lead Counsel
`John Alemanni
`Registration No. 47,384
`Postal and Hand-Delivery Address:
`Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
`1001 West Fourth Street
`Winston-Salem, NC 27101-2400
`Telephone: (336) 607-7311
`Fax: (336) 607-7500
`Back-Up Counsel
`Michael Morlock
`Registration No. 62,245
`Postal and Hand-Delivery Address:
`Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
`1001 West Fourth Street
`Winston-Salem, NC 27101-2400
`Telephone: (336) 607-7391
`Fax: (336) 607-7500
`By: /s/ Brian Erickson
`Registration No. 48,895
`Lead Counsel for Petitioner Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
`Lead Counsel
`Brian Erickson
`Reg. No. 48,895
`Postal and Hand-Delivery Address:
`DLA Piper LLP (US)
`401 Congress Avenue, Suite 2500
`Austin, TX 78701
`(512) 457-7059 (phone)
`(512) 457-7001 (fax)
`Back-Up Counsel
`James M. Heintz
`Reg. No. 41,828
`Postal and Hand-Delivery Address:
`DLA Piper LLP (US)
`11911 Freedom Drive, Suite 300
`Reston, VA 20190
`(703) 773-4148 (phone)
`(703) 773-5200 (fax)

`The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of this PETITIONERS’
`CROSS-EXAMINATION has been served via electronic mail on April 13, 2016,
`upon the following:
`Peter J. Ayers
`John Shumaker
`Brian Mangum
`11501 Alterra Parkway, Suite 450
`Austin, TX 78758
`Date: April 13, 2016
`John C. Alemanni (Reg. No. 47,384)

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