Step 1. Capture the image electronically
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`Step 1. Capture the image electronically
`This step involves the process of "capturing" your item to create an electronic file of an image. To complete this step, you
`• Create an electronic image yourself
`• Pay someone to develop an electronic image for you
`• Pay someone to process your film and deliver your image to the Web
`Create an electronic image yourself
`There are three primary methods to capturing electronic images.
`Digital Camera
`Video Capture
`Optimal for:
`3D images
`3D images
`Flat items, photos of items
`Save image as:
`Digital Camera (Cost: $200 - 600)
`Using a digital camera is an ideal way to capture an electronic image of a three-dimensional item. A digital camera is just
`like a regular camera, except the image is stored in the digital camera's memory instead of on film. You simply transfer the
`file directly from the camera to your computer using a cable. Or, some cameras allow you to save images onto removable
`media which can be read by your computer.
`Ideally, get a camera that stores images in the JPG format, since this format produces Web photos are sharp and easily read
`by most imaging software. Also, if you sell small items, make sure the camera you purchase has a lens that will handle
`extreme close ups (known as macro capability). Most cameras with a zoom feature will take excellent macro images but
`others will not. Be sure to find out all of the capabilities of the camera before you make a purchase.
`Video Capture (Cost: $100 - $200)
`If you have video images from your video camera or your VCR tapes, you can transfer this video into a digital image using a
`Video Capmre device and software. Assuming you have the video equipment, this option costs less than buying a digital
`camera or a scanner because all you need to buy is the device. One good example of this software is Snappv.
`Scanners (Cost: $100 - $300)
`A scanner is connected to a computer and is controlled by a software application running on the computer. Once you scan an
`image using a software application that controls the scanner, you can use that software to save the image onto your
`computer's hard drive or floppy disk. You probably will want to scan the image at 72 dpi (dots per inch) since it will be
`displayed at this resolution.
`Scanners are ideal for items which are flat, such as a poster or trading card. If you have a three-dimensional object that
`cannot be scanned easily, you can still use a scanner to get that image into your computer. Keep in mind that you have a
`photograph of that item and then scan the photograph.
`Where and what kind of equipment to get
`You can visit almost any computer, electronic, or photo store to purchase each of these items. If you don't want to buy these
`items, you can ask your friends or relatives if you can borrow the equipment.
`Some manufacturers with informative sites include: HP, Kodak. Visioneer Sony. Epson. Logitech. Canon. Agfa, and Nikon.
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`Step 1. Capture the image electronically
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`You can learn more about equipment choices at:
`• ZD Net - Scanners - Cameras
`• CNet - Scanners - Cameras
`Paying someone to develop an electronic image for you
`You can bring your items to a copy or desktop publishing store (such as Kinkos or Mail Boxes Etc.) and pay for them to be
`either scanned or photographed, and converted into a digital format. Again, eBay recommends that you make sure digital
`image is saved in a JPEG (.jpg).
`Paying someone to process your film and put your image on the Web
`The following three companies have services that will process your photos and give you the option to have your photos in a
`digital format suitable for the Web. If you choose to have someone else put your photos on the Web , you can avoid Steps 2
`and 3. Again, if you use this solution, make sure the digital image is saved in a JPG (jpg) format. Check out a few of these
`programs at:
`• PhotoNet
`• Seattle Filmworks
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`Step 2. Edit the image
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`Step 2. Edit the image
`Once you capture an image electronically, you can view and edit it with image editing software. Editing an image allows
`you to get rid of uimecessary details and modify the image's dimension and graphic size so the image is small enough to
`download quickly when someone views your item, yet large enough to display sufficient detail.
`More info:
`Software to help vou edit your image
`Tim for editing votir image
`Put your image into the right format
`Software to help you edit your image
`Check to see if your digital camera, scaimer, or video capture software has some basic features which allow you to crop and
`edit the image.
`If you need more software to enhance your image, there are several excellent software packages less than $100 which allow
`you to resize, convert, and adjust all aspects of an image file. Some of these include Picture It!, PhotoDeluxe, Paint Shop
`Pro, and LivePix.
`ff you are looking for free image editors, try searching from the TUCOWS site or the shareware
`site for popular image editors such as Graphics Workshop or older versions of Paint Shop Pro.
`You can also use Microsoft's Picture Editor, which is shipped with the Microsoft Office Suite.
`Tips for editing your image
`Recommended Maximum Image Size: 50 KB (compressed); less than 200KB (uncompressed)
`Recommended Maximum Dimensions: 300 x 300 pixels
`If your image file is very large, it will take a long time to download over the Web. To help users more easily view your item,
`reduce your image's size if it is larger than 50 KB. Large image files may discourage some users from downloading your
`photo and may use up a lot of limited space on your Web server (more on this in Step 3). Image file sizes of 10 to 25KB
`(compressed) are even better.
`The software that came with your digital camera, scanner, or video capture method will help you reduce your image files to
`a workable size while maintaining satisfactory image quality. You may have to experiment a bit until you're satisfied with
`the results.
`If you use a scanner to capture your electronic image, try scanning at a resolution of 150 dpi (dots per inch) or less at first. If
`you think your image looks good and is relatively small (again, less than 50KB), then your image are fine. If you think your
`image does not look clear enough, you can either scan only the most important part of the image, or increase the dpi setting
`and accept that your image will require a longer download time.
`Put your image into the right format
`Once you have the file containing the image on your computer, you need to make sure you save it so that it can be used on
`the Web. While you can usually choose to save your image in one of several different types of image files or formats, there
`are only two that are appropriate for the Web: JPG (.jpg) and GIF (.gif). eBay recommends using the JPG (jpg) format for
`listing items on eBay since photos and images of items appear best in this format.
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`Step 2. Edit the image
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`In addition to choosing a format, you must also give the image file a name. The end of the name will end in a dot (.)
`followed by the type of file you saved it as: jpg or gif. You should not put any spaces or special characters (such as &, $,
`or /) in the name of your file. An example of a file name is:
`Once you've saved your image, you might want to make sure it is small enough to download easily. This information is
`covered in the Step 3.
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`Step 3. Put your image on the Web
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`Step 3. Put your image on the Web
`Once you have an electronic file containing your item, you need to upload the image to the Web. There are several ways to
`put your electronic file onto the Web.
`If you have "dedicated" space (for your files or nnages) on the Web
`If vou are an AOL user
`If YOU do not have space on the Web lor don't think vou do)
`If you have "dedicated" space (for your files or images) on the Web
`Most Internet Service Providers (ISPs) provide some space on their computers where their customers can post their own
`Find out from your ISP how you can transfer your file to this space. Most likely, you will need to use an FTP (File Transfer
`Protocol) application to transfer your file from your computer to theirs.
`One of the easiest ways to use an FTP application is to use a free (shareware) program to help you. These programs allow
`you to upload and download information from your desktop to servers on the internet. Popular FTP utilities include:
`• CuteFTP
`• FTP Vovager
`• Fetch (FTP for Macs)
`WS FTP - Example of how an FTP program works
`Download and install WS FTP. When you start the application, you will be prompted to fill in what is called the Session
`Window. Click "New" and fill in the various fields. Your ISP will provide the necessary instructions and information for
`setting up your FTP application so that you can coimect to your space at their Web server. Once the session has been
`configured and saved, you can connect directly to your web server space on the remote server by clicking "connect".
`You will then see a screen with two windows. The window on the left displays a directory tree for your hard drive; the
`window on the right displays a directory tree for your allotted space on a Web server. Once you know where to put your
`files on the Web (your ISP will tell you which directory to use in the right hand window), using WS FTP is just a matter of
`selecting your image files from the window on the left and sending them to the window on the right using the arrow
`direction buttons.
`If you are an AOL user
`AOL users can go to the keyword MyPlace and access their own webspace where they can follow instructions to upload
`their own images. Click here for info.
`If you do not have space on the Web (or don't think you do)
`There are several places on the Web which will help you transfer your image from your desktop to the Web, without having
`to get server space or using FTP. These sites will get your photo through by email or their own proprietary systems which
`allow you to upload an image to their site. There is a charge for these uploading and "hosting" services, which can range
`from about 50 cents to 2 dollars (U.S.) (depending on the image size and time they will host the photo) for each picture.
`Some long-time community members who provide this service and helpful information include:
`• Pongo
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`Step 3. Put your image on the Web
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`• Twaze
`• PixHost
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`Step 4. Point to your image from your item description
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`Please read a letter from Meg and Pierre about our engineenng efforts.
`Step 4. Point to your image from your item description
`Once your image is on the Web, you need to add the exact URL of your image on the List a New Item form. There are two
`parts to this step:
`Determine your URL
`VerilV the image appears with your item description
`Determine your URL
`Once you have uploaded your image file to a place on the Web, you need to know the file's Web address, also know as a
`URL (Universal Resource Locator). A URL is the text on your browser which determines a file or page's location on the
`An URL is like a postal address. The first part of the URL is established for you by your ISP or photo hosting service. For
`example, it will look something like this:
`The name of the file that you uploaded appears in the second part of the URL. In this example, it would look like this:
`Together, all the elements of an URL point to your file on the Web. In this example, it would look like this:
`Verify the image appears with your item description
`When you list an item, you need to find the Picture URL box on the List a New Item form. (Note The entry box already has the
`"http //" part typed in for you.)

`Then you enter into your picture URL:
`It is very easy to make a typographical error on this step. If you do not enter your URL exactly correct, your image will be a
`broken link. One trick is to view your image in a browser window, and then copy and paste the URL into the List an Item
`page. Please make sure you:
`Include the proper extension of your image name (.jpg or .gif)
`• Correctly spell the URL address
`If you have followed the above steps carefully and correctly, the image will appear when you preview your item description.
`If you do not see your image, go back and check to make sure you typed in your URL correctly. (You can also verify that
`your image is on the Web by viewing your picture's URL directly in a Web browser.)
`Other reasons your image may not be appearing could be:
`• The Web server hosting the images is temporarily offline
`• The viewer's Web browser is not configured properly for viewing images
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`S ,ep 4. Point to your image from your item description
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