`Portion 1 Definition of portion by Merriam-Webster
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`JULY 0°‘. 2015
`“portion 4:)
`por tion
`: a part of a larger amount, area, etc.
`: a part of something that is shared with other people
`‘ Cite! O 3+1 firm:
`a wardrobe. bedroom, or toilet
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`: the amount of food that is served to a person at one time
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`Full Definition of PORTION
`T n
`Prime risIr.=nt -.-iileo
`5Tr|'idl'll I1r_i.rv
`with Prune
`: an individual's part or share of something: as
`a : a share received by gift or inheritance
`b : DOWRY
`1:: enough food especially of one kind to serve one person at one meal
`: an individual's lot. fate. or fortune: one's share of good and evil
`: an often limited part ofa whole
`See portion defined for English-language learners >3-
`See ponion defined for kids »
`Words at Play
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`Examples of PORTION
`A portion of the donations will be given to the orphanage.
`Portions of land were used for farming.
`A considerable portion of the city was flooded.
`amaz '; n
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`The restaurant QEVES targe PDFHOHS.
`She divided the pie into six equal portions.
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`Portion 1 Definition of portion by Merriam-Webster"
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`Origin Of PORTION
`Middle English porcioun, from Anglo—French, from Latin portion-. portio: akin to Latin part-. pars
`First Known Use: 14th century
`Related to PORTION
`circumstance. destiny, doom, fortune. kismet, lot. fate
`[+] more
`Synonym Discussion of PORTION
`the whole. PART is a general term appropriate when indefiniteness is required <they ran only part
`of the way>. PORTION implies an assigned or allotted part <cut the pie into six porrions>. PIECE
`applies to a separate or detached part of a whole <3 puzzle with 500 ,oI'eces>. MEMBER suggests
`one of the functional units composing a body <a structural member: DIVISION applies to a large or
`diversified part cthe manufacturing division of the companyb. SECTlON applies to a relatively small
`or uniform part <the entertainment section of the newspaper:-. sEGMENT applies to a part
`separated or marked out by or as if by natural lines of cieavage <the retired segment of the
`population:-. FRAIGMENT applies to a part produced by or as if by breaking off <only a fragment of
`the play still exisls>.
`FATE, DESTINY, LOT, PORTION, DOOM mean a predetermined state or end. FATE implies an inevitable
`and usually an adverse outoome sthe fate of the submarine is unknown:-. DESTINY implies
`something foreordained and often suggests a great or noble course or end <the country's destiny
`to be a model of liberty to the world>. LOT and PORTION imply a distribution by fate or destiny. LOT
`suggesting blind chance <it was her lot to die chiIdiess>, PORTION implying the apportioning of
`good and evil <remorse was his daily ,oortion>. DOOM distinctly implies a grim or calamitous fate
`<'If the rebellion fails. his doom is oertain>.
`Rhymes with PORTION
`: to divide (something) into parts and give those parts to people
`Full Definition of PORTION
`iraI'IsirI've verb
`amaz 7 I1
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`to divide into portions : DISTRIBUTE <portioned out the food equaIIy>
`to allota dowry to: DOWER
`Portion I Detinition of portion by Merriam-Webster
`See portion defined for English-language learners >>
`Examples of PORTION
`The work was portioned to each member of the staff.
`<portioned out the medical supplies equa||y>
`First Known Use of PORTION
`14th century
`Related to PORTION
`allocate, apportion, deal (out), dispense, distribute, dole out, hand out, mete (out), parcel
`(out), administer, prorate
`[+] more
`‘portion -an
`Definition of PORTION for Kids
`: a part or share ofa whole
`: SERVING <a large portion of pasta>
`2portion -1»)
`Definition of PORTION for Kids
`to divide into parts : DISTRIBUTE <Kimki portioned work for each one in the tribe — Scott
`O'De||, Island of the Blue DoIphins>
`Learn More About PORTION
`en Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for "portion"
`0 Spanish Central: Spanish translation of "portion"
`0 SCRABBLE®: Playable words you can make from "portion"
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`Portion | Definition of portion by Merriam-Webster
`portion natural
`marriage portion
`Next Word in the Dictionary: portional
`Previous Word in the Dictionary: portiforium
`All Words Near: portion
`Seen & Heard
`What made you want to look up portion? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the
`quote, if possible).
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`Belinda Kendall - Carol's Daughter Sr. Territory Manager at
`Midwest Territory Manager for National Beauty Company
`The song His eyes is on the sparrow. Because it says Jesus is our
`Like Reply ('51 Aug21 20’l4706pm
`I Donna Cornell Wozniak
`Music is my portion. Or as in the song, "His Eye is On The Sparrow",
`Yes Jesus is my portion, a faithful friend is he. His eye is on the
`sparrow, and I know he watches me.
`Like - Reply - Ii‘; 2 - Jul 9, 2012 2.26pm
`Phil Donaldson - Princeton, New Jersey
`I heard the line, "portioned by faith, we're destined to win" in the
`song "Everything That Has Breath" by Parachute Band.
`Like - Reply- Mar22. 2012 7 06am
`Ciandall Frar- Lenior Community College
`portions are like small meals I only eat small portions like breakfast
`lunch and supper.
`Like - Rep|y- Mar4, 2012 7.20pm
`Wilson Webb - Staff Attorney at Legal Services Alabama
`Used by a car dealer to misrepresent that it is keeping less than the
`whole fee surreptitiously added to the sale price.
`Like - Rep|y- Nov16,2011 5 05am
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