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`EFFECTS ON GASTRIC ACID AND MUCUS SECRETION TABLE 1. EFFECTS OF MISOPROSTOL ON BASAL AND PENTAGASTRIN- STIMULATED GASTRIC MUCUS SECRETION* Secretion (~g) Misoprostol (~g) Time (min) Placebo 200 400 800 -15 to 0 (Basal) 1464 (cid:127) 300 2004(cid:127) 546 2670 (cid:127) 2860 (cid:127) 795 1-30 2686 ~ 542 3382 (cid:127) 444 3522 (cid:127) 782 3709 (cid:127) 405 31-60 2487 (cid:127) 438 2020 (cid:127) 313 2530 (cid:127) 522 2187 (cid:127) 319 61-90 2317 (cid:127) 268 2506 (cid:127) 523 2913 (cid:127) 754 2471 (cid:127) 429 91-120 2584 (cid:127) 369 2223 (cid:127) 263 2425 (cid:127) 439 2608 (cid:127) 482 *Results are mean - 1 SEM (N = 8). Measured as total N-acetylneuraminic acid (NANA). and 800 Ixg) at weekly intervals, in a randomized, double- blind crossover study. Following an overnight fast, the subjects swallowed either placebo or drug, supplied as four identical white tablets, with 150 ml of water. For- ty-five minutes later, a nasogastric tube (18F) was placed in the dependent portion of the stomach, and stomach contents were evacuated. A basal specimen of gastric juice was then collected for 15 min, after which gastric secretion was stimulated by the intravenous infusion of pentagastrin in normal saline at a dose of 0.6 ~g/kg/hr. For the next 2 hr (divided into eight 15-min collection periods), gastric contents were collected by continuous aspiration and stored on ice. Throughout the procedure, subjects were questioned and observed closely for possi- ble side effects. Immediately before and after the exper- imental time periods, subjects underwent complete phys- ical examinations and a series of laboratory tests, includ- ing urinalysis, CBC, and a standard blood chemistry panel (glucose, BUN, Na +, CI-, K +, CO2, Ca ++, creat- inine, uric acid, SGOT, SGPT, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, LDH, GGT, cholesterol, and triglycerides). A history was also taken. Following the test period, each 15-min specimen was analyzed as follows. The volume of the sample was measured, and a 1-ml aliquot was titrated to pH 7.0 with 0.1 N NaOH in an automatic titrator (TTT 81 Digital Titrator, Radiometer, Copenhagen), in order to determine gastric acid content. The remainder of the gastric juice was homogenized by hand and an aliquot assayed for mucus content by determining the amount of glycoprotein-bound N-acetylneumminl'c acid (NANA), using the thiobarbituric acid method of Warren (17) as modified by Roboz et al (18). NANA is the major sialic acid identified in human mucus glycoprotein. These determinations may not precisely re- fleet changes in the gtycoprotein molecule (19). Statistical Analysis. The data from the 15-min, penta- gastrin-stimulated collections were pooled into half-hour collection periods for statistical analysis of NANA, gas- tric acid, and volumes. A paired t test was employed with P < 0.05 denoting statistical significance. RESULTS During the basal period, misoprostol in doses of 200, 400, and 800 ~g increased mucus (NANA) secretion by 37%, 82%, and 95%, respectively (Ta- ble 1). A stimulatory effect on mucus output could also be seen with pentagastrin-stimulated secretion. During the first 30 min of pentagastrin stimulation following misoprostol doses of 200,400, and 800 ~g, mucus secretion was increased by 26%, 31%, and 38%, respectively (Table 1). Mucus concentration was significantly increased by misoprostol during TABLE 2. EFFECTS OF MISOPROSTOL ON BASAL AND PENTAGASTRIN- STIMULATED GASTRIC MUCUS CONCENTRATION (NANA)* Time (min) Placebo 200 Concentration (~g/ml) Misoprostol (Ixg) 400 800 Basal 37.5 - 3.8 55.7 - 6.7? 72.6 --- 10.8t 87.6 --- 21.1 1-30 26.8 (cid:127) 5.6 62.6 (cid:127) 26.2 48.4 - 4.9 49.6 --- 2.6~ 31--60 20.5 --- 3.2 25.8 (cid:127) 4.2 30.7 --- 4.3 29.7 (cid:127) 3.7 61-90 21.6 + 2.5 23.3 --- 3.0 27.3 (cid:127) 3.3 32.4 --- 3.8:~ 91-120 24.0 - 2.9 24.9 (cid:127) 1.7 24.6 - 2.9 30.1 - 3.3:~ *Results are mean __ 1 SEM. "~P < 0.05. :~P < 0.01. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Vol. 31, No. 2 (February 1986 Supplement) 127S
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`WILSON ET AL 14 12 1C Acid Output (mEq) 8 0 P M M M P M M M P M M M P M M M 200 Mg 400/~g 800 Fg 200 k4g 400 Fg 800/~g 2O0/4g 400 Mg 800/ag 200 Mg 400 big 800 ~g "p< .05 I"p< .01 1-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 Sp< .001 Time (rain) Fig 1. Effect of misoprostol in doses of 200, 400, and 800 p~g on pentagastrin-stimutated gastric acid output during four consecutive 30-rain intervals. Mean -+ 1 SEN. the basal period. The misoprostol 800-~g dose also significantly increased mucus concentration during pentagastrin stimulation (Table 2). Basal acid secretion decreased from 1.67 - 0.90 meq to 0.15 -+ 0.08, 0.11 --- 0.11, and 0.12 +-- 0.10 meq following misoprostol doses of 200, 400, and 800 Ixg, respectively. The 800-1xg dose of misopros- tol significantly inhibited pentagastrin-stimulated acid secretion during the entire 2-hr period, while the 400-~g dose significantly reduced acid secretion for 1 hr (Figure 1). Maximal inhibition occurred during the first 30-rain period and was 45%, 60%, and 65% for misoprostol doses of 200, 400, and 800 Ixg, respectively. Mean 2-hr gastric secretion was significantly reduced by misoproStol at all three doses (Table 3). Subjects experienced no significant side effects during the study, and there were no significant changes in hematological or chemical blood studies or urinalyses. DISCUSSION The antisecretory effects of misoprostol on basal and stimulated gastric acid secretion in man were confirmed in the present study. In addition, miso- prostol increased both the total output and concen- tration of mucus in gastric juice. In general, a dose--response was observed, with misoprostol 800 ~g causing a doubling of mucus output during the basal period. However, these changes were not statistically significant (P < 0.10). Similarly, the increases in total mucus output observed during pentagastrin stimulation were not significant. How- ever, significant increases in NANA concentrations were observed during the basal and stimulation periods. Prostaglandin-induced mucosal protection, termed cytoprotection, is multifactorial. While the gastric mucosal barrier does not appear to be of major importance in explaining cytoprotection, vascular TABLE 3. EFFECTS OF MISOPROSTOL ON PENTAGASTRIN-STIMULATED GASTRIC SECRETION* Misoprostol (p,g) Placebo 200 400 800 Acid (meq) 41.56 --+- 6.58 30.47 --- 3.72 28.10 -+ 5.75t 20.36 --- 3.22t Volume (ml) 453 -+ 32 357 --- 255 355 -+ 40~ 313 --- 33t *Results are mean -+ 1 SEM. tP < 0.01. SP < 0.05. 128S Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Vol. 31, No. 2 (February 1986 Supplement)
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`EFFECTS ON GASTRIC ACID AND MUCUS SECRETION permeability and change in mucosal blood flow together with maintenance of the mucus gel layer appear to be viable mechanisms. Prostaglandin stimulation of glycoprotein and bicarbonate secre- tion into the mucus gel layer has been well docu- mented (20, 21). It is likely that no currently pro- posed single prostaglandin-induced event can fully define cytoprotection, but that multiple simulta- neous events with differing degrees of importance (depending upon the insulting agent) combine to effect the prostaglandin action. Mucogenesis has previously been suggested as the major mechanism by which carbenoxolone exerts its antiulcer effect. Recent studies indicate that carbenoxolone may increase mucosal prostaglandin levels by reducing the metabolism of prostaglandins (22). The mucogenic effects of misoprostol may be important to the efficacy of this compound in treat- ing and preventing mucosal injury. REFERENCES 1. 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