`Electric and %=
`Hybrid Vehicles
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`Register for
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`FORD 1873
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`Electric and Hyb []
`All SAE papers, standards, and selected
`books are abstracted and indexed in the
`Global Mobility Database
`Published by:
`Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc,
`400 Commonwealth Drive
`Warrendale, PA 15096-0001
`Phone: (724) 776-4841
`Fax: (724) 776-5760
`February 1998
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`FORD 1873
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`tem or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
`ISBN 0-7680-0151 -X
`SAE/S P-98/1331
`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 97-81283
`Copyright © 1998 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
`Positions and opinions advanced in this
`paper are those of the author(s) and not
`necessarily those of SAE. The author is
`solely responsible for the content of the
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`Printed in USA
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`FORD 1873
`This Special Publication, Technology for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (SP-1331), is a
`collection of papers from the "Electric Vehicle Technology" and "Engines and Fuel
`Technology for Hybrid Vehicles" sessions of the 1998 SAE International Congress
`and Exposition.
`Hybrid vehicles are now a reality in Japan, and they could soon be coming to the
`United States. The heart of the Toyota Prius hybrid vehicle is its fuel-efficient engine
`and unique transmission, coupled with a limited-range battery. The hybrid vehicle’s
`advantage is its ability to run the engine at its "sweet spot" to minimize emissions of
`criteria pollutants or minimize energy consumption and CO2 production, depending
`on the control strategy. The key technical measure of success for a hybrid vehicle is
`a well designed engine--electrical-battery system that is matched to the load demand.
`The papers from the "Engines and Fuel Technology for Hybrid Vehicles" session
`focus on leading-edge engine design, engine management, and fuel strategies for low
`emission, high mileage hybrid cars and commercial vehicles.
`The papers from the "Electric Vehicle Technology" session focus on hybrid vehicle
`control technology, energy storage, and management for hybrid vehicles and
`simulation development.
`Bradford Bates
`Ford Research Laboratory
`Frank Stodolsksy
`Argonne National Laboratory
`Session Organizers
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`An Algorithm of Optimum Torque Control for Hybrid Vehicle ................ 1
`Yoshishige Ohyama
`Hitachi Car Engineering Co., Ltd.
`Energy Regeneration of Heavy Duty Diesel Powered
`Vehicles ............................................................................................... 11
`Matsuo Odaka and Noriyuki Koike
`Ministry of Transport, Japan
`Yoshito Hijikata and Toshihide Miyajima
`Hino Motors, Ltd.
`Development of the Hybrid/Battery ECU for the Toyota
`Hybrid System ...................................................................................... 19
`Akira Nagasaka, Mitsuhiro Nada, Hidetsugu Hamada, Shu Hiramatsu,
`and Yoshiaki Kikuchi
`Toyota Motor Corporation
`Hidetoshi Kato
`Denso Corporation
`Hybrid Power Unit Development for FIAT MULTIPLA Vehicle ................ 29
`Caraceni and G. Cipolla
`ELASIS ScPA - Motori
`R. Barbiero
`The Development of a Simulation Software Tool for Evaluating
`Advanced Powertrain Solutions and New Technology Vehicles ............ 37
`Jaimie Swann and Andy Green
`Motor Industry Research Association (MIRA)
`Styling for a Small Electric City Car ...................................................... 43
`T. G. Chondros, S. D. Panteliou, S. Pipano, and D. Vergos,
`P. A. Dimarogonas and D. V. Spanos
`University of Patras, Greece
`A.D. Dimarogonas
`Washington University in St. Louis, Mo.
`Patents and Alternatively Powered Vehicles ......................................... 53
`Rob Adams
`Derwent Information
`An Electric Vehicle with Racing Speeds ............................................... 59
`Edward Hell, Colin Jordan, Karim J. Nasr and Keith M. Plagens,
`Massoud Tavakoli, Mark Thompson and Jeffrey T. Wolak
`GMI Engineering & Management Institute
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`Battery State Control Techniques for Charge Sustaining
`Applications ........................................................................................ 65
`Herman L.N. Wiegman
`University of Wisconsin - Madison
`A. J. A. Vandenput
`Technical University of Eindhoven
`Load Leveling Device Selection for Hybrid Electric Vehicles .............. 77
`Paul B. Koeneman and Daniel A. McAdams
`The University of Texas at Austin
`Simulation of Hybrid Electric Vehicles with Emphasis
`on Fuel Economy Estimation ............................................................. 85
`Erbis L. Biscarri and M. A. Tamor
`Ford Motor Company
`Syed Murtuza
`University of Michigan
`Validation of ADVISOR as a Simulation Tool for a Series Hybrid
`Electric Vehicle .................................................................................... 95
`Randall D. Senger, Matthew A. Merkle and and Douglas J. Nelson
`Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
`The Electric Automobile .................................................................... 1 17
`E. Larrod~, L. Castej6n, and A. Miravete and J. Cuartero
`University of Zaragoza
`The Capstone MicroTurbineTM as a Hybrid Vehicle
`Energy Source ................................................................................... 127
`Howard Longee
`Capstone Turbine Corporation
`The Mercedes-Benz C-Class Series Hybrid ........................................ 133
`Joerg O. Abthoff, Peter Antony, and Michael KrAmer and Jakob Seller
`Daimler-Benz AG
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