`-— Condensed Chemical
`Revised by ‘
`Coeditor, Encyclopedia of Chemistry
`Coauthor, Glossary of Chemical Terms
`027,2 15% 313; who rag fies“
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`FORD 1870


`Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Regional Offices:
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`Copyright © 1977 by Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.
`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 76-19024
`ISBN: 0—442-23240—3
`All rights reserved. Certain portions of this work copyright © 1930, 1920, 1919 by
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`Published simultaneously in Canada by Van Nostrand Reinhold Ltd.
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`The Condensed chemical dictionary.
`2 of 5
`FORD 1870


`Chief constituent: Ricinolein (glyceride of ricinoleic
`Grades: U.S.T). No. 1; No. 3; refined; F.C.C.
`Containers: Bottles; drums; tanks.
`Hazard: Develops heat spontaneously.
`Uses: Plasticizer in lacquers and nitrocellulose; pro—
`duction of dibasic acids;
`lipsticks; polyurethane
`coatings, elastomers
`and adhesives;
`fatty acids;
`surface—active agents; hydraulic fluids; pharmaceuti—
`industrial lubricant; electrical insulating com-
`pounds; mfg. of Turkey Red oil (q.v.); source of
`sebacic acid and of ricinoleates; medicine (laxative).
`See also castor oil, dehydrated; blown oil.
`castor oil, acetylated. See glyceryl triacetylricinoleate.
`castor oil acid. ,See ricinoleic acid.
`castor oil, blown. See blown oil.
`castor oil,‘ dehydrated (DCO). A castor oil from which
`about 5% of the chemically combined water has been
`removed, and which as a result, has drying properties
`similar to those of tung oil. Dehydration is carried
`out commercially by heating the oil in the presence
`of catalysts, such as sulfuric and phosphoric acids,
`clays, and metallic oxides. The commercial product
`is offered in a wide range of viscosities and analytical
`constants. Used in protective coatings and alkyd
` sidual oil in the cake is obtained by solvent extrac-
`castor oil, hydrogenated. Principally glyceryl
`hydroxystearate (q.v.). A hard, waxy product used in
`making hydroxystearic acid.
`castor oil, polymerized. A rubber~like polymer results
`from combination of castor oil with sulfur or diiso—
`this can be blended with polystyrene to
`give a tough, impact-resistant product.
`castor oil, sulfonated. See Turkey red oil.
`castor seed oil meal (castor cake; castor meal). The
`residue from extraction of oil from the car tor seed
`(ricinus). The normal product contains 295% crude
`protein; 35.8% crude fiber; 13.2% nitrogen—free ex—
`tract and 1.0% crude fat. The total digestible nutri-
`ents approximate 25%. The ash content of 7.5% is
`high in potash and phosphate.
`Containers: Bag or bulk; carlots.
`Hazard: Contains highly toxic ricin which must be
`removed before internal use.
`Use: Animal feeds (after removal of toxic ingredi-
`ents); fertilizer.
`“Castorwax.”202 Trademark for hydrogenated castor
`oil, the triglyceride of 127hydrox'ystearic acid.
`Properties: White, hard, synthetic wax; m.p. 85°C;
`sp. gr. 0.9990 (25°C); acid value 2; iodine value 3;
`saponification value 180;
`insoluble in most organic
`solvents at room temperature and compatible with
`ethylcellulose, cellulose acetate butyrate, polyethylene
`(up to 25%), polymethacrylate, rosin, shellac, natural
`and synthetic rubbers, insect and vegetable waxes.
`Uses: Potting compounds, greases, sealants and im-
`pregnating compositions; wax blends where increase
`in grease and solvent resistance, hardness and melt:
`ing point is desired; blending agent and viscosity re-
`ducer in hot melts; direct application to paper for
`resistance to moisture and fat.
`catalase. An oxidizing enzyme occurring in both plant
`and animal cells. It decomposes hydrogen peroxide.
`It can be isolated and is used in food preservation
`(removing oxygen in packaged foods) and in decom-
`posing residual hydrogen peroxide in bleaching and
`oxidizing processes.
`“Catalin.”353 Trademark for a phenolformaldehyde
`resin. Nonflammable.
`Uses: Miscellaneous molded articles.
`catalysis... One of i the most important phenomena in
`nature, catalysis is the “loosening” of the chemical
`bonds of two (or more) reactants by another sub-
`stance, in such a way that a fractionally small per-
`centage of the latter can greatly accelerate the rate of
`the reaction, while remaining unconsumed. (See cat—
`alyst). Thus one part by volume of catalyst can acti—
`vate thousands of parts of reactants. Though the
`mechanism of their action is not completely known,
`the electronic configuration of the surface molecules
`of the catalyst is often the critical factor. The sur-
`face irregularities give rise to so—called “active points,”
`at which intermediate compounds can form. Most
`industrial catalysis is performed by finely divided
`transition metals or their oxides.
`Solid catalysts may combine chemically (bond) at
`the surface with one or more of the reactants. This
`is known as chemisorption, and occurs on only a
`small portion of the catalyst surface (i.e., at the ac-
`tive points); it results in changing the chemical na-
`ture of the chemisorbed molecules. Catalysis of chem—
`ical reactions by surfaces must proceed by chemi—
`sorption of at least one of the reactants.
`also catalyst;
`chemisorption; hydrogenation;
`catalysis, heterogeneous. A catalytic reaction in which
`the reactants and the catalyst comprise two separate
`phases, e.g., gases over solids, or liquids containing
`finely divided sohds as a disperse phase.
`catalysis, homogeneous. A catalytic reaction in which
`the reactants and the catalyst comprise only one
`phase, e.g., an acid solution catalyzing other liquid
`catalyst. Any substance of which a. fractional per—
`centage notably affects the rate of a chemical reac-
`tion without itself being consumed or undergoing a
`chemical change. Most catalysts accelerate reactions,
`but a few retard them‘ (negative catalysts or inhib-
`itors). Catalysts may be inorganic,“ organic, or a
`complex of organic groups and metal halides (see
`catalyst, stereospecific). They may be either gases,
`liquids, or solids. In some cases their action is de~
`structive and undesirable, as in the oxidation of iron
`to its oxide, which is catalyzed by water vapor, and
`similar types of corrosion. The «life of an industrial
`catalyst varies from 1000 to 10,000 hours, after
`which it must be replaced or regenerated.
`Note: Though it
`is not a “substance,” light in the
`visible wavelengths can act as a catalyst, as in photo-
`synthesis and other photochemical reactions.
`Following is a partial list of catalysts; the asterisk
`indicates a destructive effect.
`aluminum chloride
`Reaction type
`condensation (Friedel~
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`FORD 1870


`aluminum oxide
`chromic oxide
`copper salts
`hydrogen fluoride
`iron oxide
`manganese dioxide
`molybdenum oxide
`phosphoric acid
`platinum metals
`sulfuric acid
`vanadium pentoxide
`water (esp. + NaCl)
`Reaction type
`hydration; dehydration
`condensation (polymers)
`methanol synthesis; aro—
`matization; polymeriza—
`hydrocarbon synthesis;
`Oxo process
`oxidation (of rubber)*
`alkylation; condensation;
`dehydration; isomeriza—
`ammonia synthesis; hydro—
`carbon synthesis
`dehydrogenation (oxida~
`dehydrogenation; poly-
`merization; aromatiza—
`tion; partial oxidation
`hydrogenation (oils to fats)
`polymerization; isomeriza—
`hydrogenation; aromati~
`cracking hydrocarbons
`hydration; oxidation
`isomerization; corrosion*
`oxidation (sulfuric acid)
`oxidation (corrosion)*
`Catalysts are highly specific in their application;
`they are widely used in the petroleum—refining, syn—
`thetic organic chemical and pharmaceutical indus-
`tries. For details of application, see the preceding
`list. Since the activity of a solid catalyst is often
`centered in a small fraction of its surface, the num—
`ber of active points can be increased by adding pro-
`moters (q.v.), which increase the surface area in one
`way or another, e.g., by increasing porosity. Cata—
`lytic activity is decreased by substances that act as
`poisons (q.v.), which clog and weaken the catalyst
`surface, e.g.,
`lead in the catalytic converters used
`to control exhaust emissions.
`Besides inorganic substances, there are many or~
`ganic catalysts that are vital in the life processes of
`plants and animals. These are called enzymes (q.v.)
`and are essential in metabolic mechanisms, e.g., pep—
`sin in digestin. Vitamins and hormones also have
`catalytic properties. See also catalysis; catalyst,
`stereospecific; enzyme.
`catalyst, negative. See inhibitor.
`catalyst, organic. See enzyme.
`stereospecific. An organometallic catalyst
`which permits control of the molecular geometry of
`polymeric molecules. Examples are Ziegler and Natta
`catalysts derived from a transition metal halide and a
`metal alkyl, or similar substances. There are many
`patented catalysts of this general type, most of them
`developed in connection with the production of poly
`propylene, polyethylene, or other polyolefins. See also
`stereospecific; Natta
`catalyst; Ziegler
`catalyst, thermonuclear. See carbon cycle (2).
`catechol. See pyrocatechol.
`(diallyldimethylammonium chloride).
`Trademark for a quaternary ammonium polymer.
`Derivation: Monomer in water solution is mixed with
`catalytic amount of butylhydroperoxide and kept at
`50-75°C for 48 hours; the solid formed is taken up
`in water, precipitated, and washed with acetone.
`Uses: Flocculating agent;
`textile spinning aid; anti—
`static agent; wet-strength improvers in paper; rubber
`accelerators; curing epoxy resins; surfactants; bac-
`teriostatic and fungistatic agents.
`cathode. The negative electrode of an electrolytic cell,
`to which positively charged ions migrate when a cur—
`rent is passed, as in electroplating baths. The cathode
`is the source of free electrons (cathode rays) in a
`vacuum tube. In a primary cell (battery), the cathode
`is the positive electrode. See also anode; electrode.
`cathode sputtering. See sputtered coating.
`cation. An ion having a positive charge. Cations in a
`liquid subjected to electric potential collect at
`negative pole or cathode.
`cation exchange. See ion exchange.
`cationic reagent. One of several surface-active sub’
`stances in which the active constituent is the positive
`ion. Used to flocculate and collect minerals that are
`not flocculated. by oleic acid or soaps (in which the
`surface-active ingredient
`is the negative ion). Re—
`agents used are chiefly quaternary ammonium com—
`pounds e.g., cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide.
`catlinite (pipestone). A fine-grained silicate mineral
`related to pyrophyllite which is easily compressible,
`has high surface friction, and is used for gaskets in
`very high—pressure equipment.
`“Cato.”53 Trademark for a cationic derivative of
`starch, available in ungelatinized or gelatinized (cold
`water soluble) form. Used in manufacture of paper,
`warp sizing, etc.
`“Cat—Ox.”8 Proprietary catalytic oxidaton process
`for removing sulfur dioxide and fly ash from stack
`gases and converting the former to sulfuric acid. It
`involves passing the flue gases at 900°F (1) through
`an electrostatic precipitator, (2) through a converter
`where sulfur dioxide is oxidized to the trioxide with
`vanadium pentoxide, (3) through heat exchangers to
`cool the gases so that the 803 combines with water
`vapor, and (4) through an absorbing tower which
`condenses the sulfuric acid. Commercial acid (70%)
`is made in this way. See also sulfuric acid.
`caulking compoupd. See sealant.
`caustic. (l) Unqualified,
`this term usually refers to
`caustic soda (sodium hydroxide). (2) As an adjective,
`refers to any compound chemically similar to
`sodium hydroxide, e.g., caustic alcohol (C2H50Na).
`(3) Any strongly alkaline material Which has a corro—
`sive or irritating effect on living tissue.
`caustic baryta'. See barium hydroxide.
`causticized ash. Combinations of soda ash and caustic
`soda in definite proportions marketed for purposes
`where an alkali is needed ranging in causticity be-
`tween the two materials. Causticized ash is usually
`designated by its caustic soda content and the range
`of standard marketed products embraces 7%, 10%,
`15%, 25%, 36%, 45%, and 67% of caustic soda.
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`FORD 1870


`two methyl groups and an aliphatic side-chain at-
`tached to the "nucleus. The length of the side-chain
`varies and generally contains 8, 9 or 10 carbon atoms
`in the sterols, 5 carbon atoms in the bile acids, 2 in
`the adrenal cortical steroids, and none in the estrogens
`and androgens. Steroids are classed as lipids because
`of their solubility in organic solvents and insolubility
`in water.
`Most of the naturally occurring steroids have been
`synthesized and many new steroids unknown in na—
`ture have been synthesized for use in medicine, such
`as the fluorosteroids (.dexamethasone).
`sterol. A steroid alcohol. Such alcohols contain the
`common steroid nucleus, plus an 8 to lO—carbon—atom
`side—chain and a hydroxyl group. Sterols are widely
`distributed in plants and animals, both in the free
`form and esterified to fatty acids. Cholester01(q.v:)
`is the most
`important animal sterol; ergosterol IS
`an important plant sterol (phytosterol).
`“Sterosanfflw Trademark for a brand of chlorquinal-
`dol (q.v.).
`“Sterox.”58 Trademark for a series of nonionic sur-
`face—active agents including polyoxyethylene ethers,
`and polyoxyethylene thioethers.
`STH. See somatotropic hormone.
`stibic anhydride. See antimony pentoxide.
`stibine. See antimony hydride.
`stibium. The Latin name for the element antimony;
`hence the symbol Sb.
`stibnite (gray antimony; antimony glance; antimonite)
`to blackish
`Properties: Lead gray mineral; subject
`tarnish; metallic luster. Soluble in concentrated boil—
`ing hydrochloric acid with evolution of H28. Sp. gr.
`4'52—4'62; M0115 hardness 2‘
`Occurrence: Japan; China; Mexico; Bolivia, Peru,
`South Africa.
`Use: The most important ore of antimony.
`stibophen C12H4Na5015S45b - 7H20. Sodium antimony
`II bis(catechol—2,4—disulfonate) heptahydrate.
`Properties: White, crystalline, odorless powder. Af—
`fected by light. Freely soluble in water; nearly insol—
`uble in alcohol, ether, and chloroform.
`Derivation: Reaction of sodium pyrocatechol—3,5—di-
`sulfonate with antimony trioxide and precipitating
`with alcohol.
`Grade: U.S.P.
`Use: Medicine.
`stigmastcrol C29ILgO ' H20. A plant sterol.
`Properties: Anhydrous form has m.p. of 170°C.
`soluble in water; soluble in usual organic solvents.
`Derivation: From soy or calabar beans.
`Uses: Preparation of progesterone and other impor—
`tant steroids.
`stilbene (toluylene; trans form of alpha, beta-diphenyh
`ethylene) C6H5CH:CHC6H5.
`Properties: Colorless or slightly yellow crystals; sp.
`gr. 0.9707; m.p. 124—1250C; b.p. 306—307° C. Soluble
`in benzene and ether; slightly soluble in alcohol; in-
`soluble in .water. Combustible.
`Derivation: By passing toduene over hot lead oxide.
`Grades: Technical; pure.
`Uses: Manufacture of dyes and optical bleaches‘
`crystals are used as phosphors and scintillators.
`Note: The cis form of alpha, beta—diphenylethylene
`is a yellow oil; b.p. 145°C (13 mm):
`m.p. 1°C.
`stilbene dye. A dye whose molecules contain both the
`_—N-——_N— and the >C=tC< chromOphore groups
`in their structure and whose CI numbers range from
`40000 to 40999. These are direct cotton dyes.
`stilbestrol. See diethylstilbestrol.
`stillage. The grain residue from alcohol production,
`used in feeds and feed supplements.
`Stock system. See chemical nomenclature.
`Stoddard solvent. A widely used dry—cleaning solvent.
`U.S. Bureau of Standards and ASTM D~—484—52
`define it as a petroleum distillate clear and free
`from suspended matter and undissolved water, and
`free from rancid and objectionable odor. The mini—
`mum flash point is 100°F. Distillation range: not
`less than 50% over at 350°F (177°C), 90% over at
`375°F (190°C), and the end point not higher than
`4£0°F (210°C). Autoignition temp. 450°F. Combus~
`Containers: 55—gal steel drums; tank cars; tank trucks.
`Hazard: Moderate fire risk. Moderately toxic by in—
`gestion. Tolerance, 200 ppm in air.
`“Stud-Sol.”200 Trademark for a petroleum solvent
`prepared by straight-run distillation.
`Properties: Water~white;
`initial boiling point 308~
`316°F, 95% distills between 363—373°F; sp. gr. 0.780
`(60°F); flash point (TCC) 103°F; mild, nonresidual
`odor. Combustible.
`Hazard: Moderate fire risk.
`Use: Dry cleaning.
`stoichiometry. .The branch of chemistry and chemical
`engineering that deals with the quantities of sub-
`stances that enter into and are produced by chemi~
`reactions. For example, when methane unites
`with oxygen in complete combustion, 16 grams of
`methane require 64 grams of oxygen. At the same
`time 44 grams of carbon dioxide and 36 grams of
`water are formed as reaction products. Every chem-
`reaction has .its characteristic proportions.
`The methods of obtaining these from chemical formu~
`las, equations, atomic weights and molecular weights,
`and determination of what and how much is used
`and produced in chemical processes is the major
`concern of stoichiometry.
`Stokes’ law.
`(1) The rate at which a spherical particle
`will rise or fall when suSpended in a liquid medium
`varies as the square of its radius; the density of the
`particle and the density and viscosity of the liquid
`are essential factors. Stokes’ law is used indetermin-
`ing sedimentation of solids, creaming rate of fat
`particles in milk, etc. The equation is:
`8D2(Ps MP!)
`where v is the terminal velocity, 11 the height of fall,
`I the time, g the gravitational constant, D, the parti—
`cle diameter, p;, p are the densities of the solid and
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`FORD 1870

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