`3055 Whisperwood Dr., Unit 381
`Dept. Of Mechanical Engineering
`Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105
`The University of Michigan
`(734) 663-6125
`2292 G.G. Brown Laboratory
`Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2125
`(734) 936-3336, (734) 647-3170 Fax
`EDUCATION: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
`Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, 1983
`S.M. Mechanical Engineering, 1976
`S.B. Mechanical Engineering, 1976
`University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
`Premedical Studies with a minor in Psychology, 1973
`University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
`Professor, Design Science Program
`Participating faculty member in the new Ph.D. program in
`Design Science.
`Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering (name changed
`Specializing in areas of algorithms for deducing or reducing
`proper dynamic system models to design and control resilient
`and sustainable systems. Model parameter and estimation as
`well as Optimal Design of Experiments. Applications across
`many domains some in which include; hybrid and electric
`vehicles, vehicle to grid integration, design for health
`conscious battery performance, internet-distributed hardware
`in-the-loop simulation and resilient and sustainable
`Thurst Area Leader of the Automotive Research Center (ARC)
` Leader of the ARC’s Dynamics and Controls of Vehicle and
`Mobile Robotics Thrust Area
` Research and teaching in system dynamics and control,
`advanced battery modeling and control, hybrid electric
`vehicle design, automated modeling, vehicle modeling and
`simulation for design, machine design and control, machine
`monitoring, and high speed precision spindles,
`University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
`Associate Professor, Dept. of Mech. Engr. and Applied Mech.
` Research and teaching in system dynamics, control, machine
`diagnostics, machine design and control, computer-assisted
`modeling and design and control of artificial limbs.
`University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
`Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mech. Engr. and Applied Mech.
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`Curriculum Vitae
`Prof. J.L. Stein
`Independent Consultant, Ann Arbor, MI
`& 1983-1987
` Design analysis of mechanical systems and manufacturing
`Failure Analysis Associates, San Francisco, CA
` Design analysis of mechanical systems and manufacturing
`Automated Modeling of Dynamic Systems; Proper modeling.
`Modeling, analysis, design and control of mechanical systems.
`Modeling and design of automatic control systems;
`electromechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic servosystems.
`Vehicle Electrification. Design and Control of Hybrid, Plug-In
`Hybrid and Electric Vehicle. Batter health conscious
`Internet-Distributed Hardware in-the-Loop Simulation.
`Vehicle (automobiles and trucks) handling, ride, mobility.
`Vehicle suspension and drivetrain design, modeling, control
`and simulation. Hybrid vehicles.
`Design and control of machine tool systems; machine tool drive
`systems and machine tool diagnostics; sensors, signal
`processing, model based diagnostics techniques; gear
`backlash dynamics, slide friction characteristics, high speed
`spindle bearing design, machine guarding.
`Biomechanics and modeling of human locomotion. Design and
`control of prosthetic devices.
`ASME DSCC 2013 Best Student Paper, Finalist (Ph.D. student
`Xin Zhou) "Battery Health Diagnostics Using Retrospective-
`Cost System Identification: Sensitivity to Noise and
`Initialization Errors"
`ASME DSCD Michael J. Rabins Leadership Award, 2012. “For
`distinguished and steadfast leadership within the Dynamics
`Systems and Control Division, for promoting efficiency and
`integrity in division governance, and for advancing the
`reputation of the division nationally and internationally.”
`ASME DSCC 2012 Semi-Plenary Talk based on paper “The
`evolution and future of Internet-distributed hardware-in-the-
`loop simulation from a dynamic systems and control
`perspective" selected as one of six from a total of 350
`conference papers.
`Invited Speaker, Congressional Briefing, “The Road to the New
`Energy Economy: Electric Cars”, March 23, 2011, Rayburn
`Office Bldg., Washington, DC.
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`Updated: January 24, 2014
`Curriculum Vitae
`Prof. J.L. Stein
`ASME Dedicated Service Award, 2010. For “unusual dedicated
`voluntary service to the ASME marked by outstanding
`performance, demonstrated effective leadership, prolonged
`and committed service, devotion, enthusiasm and
`Invited Plenary Speaker, 2010 International Conference on Bond
`Graph Modeling, Orlando, FL.
`Invited Panelist and Speaker for “Toward Green Mobility:
`Integrating Electric Drive Vehicles and Smart Grid
`Technology “ sponsored by the American Association for the
`Advancement of Science, 2010.
`The most downloaded article of the month, Journal of Dynamic
`Systems Measurement and Control, for the manuscript “A
`Review of Proper Modeling Techniques” (Oct 2008)
`Guest Editor of a Special Issue, ASME Transactions: Journal of
`Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control on Physical
`System Modeling, 2010
`ASME DSCC 2009 Best Student Paper, Finalist (Ph.D. student
`Scott Moura), “Control of Film Growth in Lithium Ion
`Battery Packs via Switches”
`Associate Editor Modeling Simulation Modeling Practice and
`Theory, International Journal of the Federation of European
`Simulation Societies, 2009-2011
`Area Editor of Simulation: Transactions of The Society for
`Modeling and Simulation International, (2007-9).
`ASME – Fellow, named by the Board of Governors of ASME,
`September, 2005
`Outstanding Teacher, Department of Mechanical Engineering
`Teacher Incentive Program, 1999-2000.
`Invited manuscript in the Special 50th Anniversary Issue of the
`Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, 1993
`Named one of the “125 Alumni to Watch” by the University of
`Massachusetts, Amherst, 1988.
`Presidential Young Investigator Award, National Science
`Foundation, 1987
`Research Incentive Award, Exxon Foundation Faculty
`Assistance Program, 1984
`Chair, Executive Committee, Dynamics Systems and Control
`Division of American Society of Mechanical Engineers
`(ASME), 2001- 2002
`Past Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems
`Measurement and Control (1991- 1996)
`Member of the National Society of Professional Engineers,
`ASME, Past Chairman of the Modeling and Identification;
`Biomechanical Systems; and Manufacturing Systems
`Technical Panels of the Dynamic Systems and Control
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`Curriculum Vitae
`Prof. J.L. Stein
`Division of ASME, Society of Manufacturing Engineers,
`Society of Automotive Engineers, American Society of
`Engineering Educators, The Society for Computer Simulation
`and honorary societies; Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Tau Sigma, Phi
`Kappa Phi and Sigma Xi.
`Registered Professional Engineer, #36154, State of Michigan
`1990 -
`1) Loucas, L.S., Rideout, D.G., Ersal T., Stein, J.L. (2011) “Energy-Based Bond Graph
`Model Reduction” Chapter 2 in Book Bond Graph Modelling of Engineering Systems,
`Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011, Ed. Wolfgang Borutzky.
`Available upon request
`Archival Journals1
`1) Stein, J. L. and Hedrick, J. K., 1980 "Influence of Fifth Wheel Location on Truck
`Ride Quality", Transportation Research Record 774, pp. 31-39, National Academy of
`2) Stein, J. L. and Flowers, W. C., 1987 "Stance Phase Control of Above-Knee
`Prostheses: Knee Control Versus SACH Foot Design," Journal of Biomechanics,
`Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 19-28. (Also appeared in the Proceedings of the 1987 ASME
`Biomechanics Symposium).
`3) Stein, J. L., Colvin, D ., Clever, G. and Wang, C.-H., 1986 "Evaluation of DC Servo
`Machine Tool Feed Drives As Force Sensors" Journal of Dynamic Systems
`Measurement and Control, Vol. 108, No. 4., pp. 279-288, Dec. (Also appeared in the
`1984 Proceeding of the Symposium on Sensors and Controls for Automated
`Manufacturing and Robotics, ASME Winter Annual Meeting).
`4) Stein, J. L., and Shin K.-C.,1986 "Current Monitoring on Field Controlled DC
`Spindle Drives", Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, Vol. 108,
`No. 4, pp. 289-295, Dec. (Also appeared in the Proceeding of the 1985 Symposium
`on Sensors and Controls for Manufacturing, ASME Winter Annual Meeting).
`1 It is common practice in the field of Mechanical Engineering to present and publish research results at
`professional meetings (conferences). Often these results are also published in archival journals as either
`similar or revised papers. The relationship between papers published in different venues is indicated in
`some but not all places in this publication list.
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`Curriculum Vitae
`Prof. J.L. Stein
`5) Stein, J.L. and Park, Y., 1988 "Measurement Signal Selection and a Simultaneous
`State and Input Observer", Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control.
`Vol. 110, No. 2, June. (Also appeared in the Proceedings of the 1987 American
`Control Conference).
`6) Stein, J. L., Flowers, W. C. and Yigit, A., 1987 "Modeling Prosthetic Gait", Journal
`of Biomechanics, (accepted for publication). (Also appeared in the Proceedings of the
`1987 ASME Biomechanics Symposium).
`7) Stein, J.L., and Park, Y., 1988 "Closed Loop Simultaneous Input and State Observer",
`International Journal of Control, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 1121-36. (Also appeared in the
`Symposium on Sensors For Manufacturing, 1987 ASME Winter Annual Meeting.)
`8) Stein, J.L. and Park, Y. "Modeling and Sensing Issues for Machine Diagnostics",
`IEEE Control Systems (accepted for publication but not published). (also appeared in
`the 1988 Proceedings of the American Control Conference).
`9) Stein, J.L. and Park, Y., 1989 "Steady-State, Optimal State and Input Observer for
`Discrete Stochastic Systems", Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control
`Vol. 111, pp. 121-127, June. (Also appeared as "Steady-State, Optimal State and
`Input Observer" in the Symposium on Expert Systems and Intelligent Control, 1987
`ASME Winter Annual Meeting).
`10) Stein, J. L., Wang, C.-H., 1990 "Analysis of Power Monitoring on AC Induction
`Drive Systems", Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 112,
`No. 2, pp. 239--248, June. (Also appeared in the 1986 Symposium on Sensors and
`Controls for Manufacturing, Proceedings of the 1986 ASME Winter Annual
`11) Stein, J.L. 1993 “Modeling And State Estimator Design Issues for Model-Based
`Monitoring Systems” Special 50th Anniversary Issue of the Journal of Dynamic
`Systems Measurement and Control, Vol. 115, No. 2(B) June. (This paper was
`solicited by the editorial board of the 50th Anniversary Issue and reviewed
`12) Stein, J.L. and Tu, J.F. 1994 "A State Space Model for Monitoring Thermally-
`Induced Preload in Anti-Friction Spindle Bearings of High Speed Machine Tools"
`Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, Vol. 11, No. 3, September,
`pp. 372-386. (Also appeared in the Symposium on Control of Manufacturing
`Processes, Proceedings of the 1991 ASME Winter Annual Meeting.)
`13) Huh, K. and Stein J.L. 1994 “A Quantitative Performance Index for Observer-Based
`Monitoring Systems” Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control,
`Vol. 11, No. 3, September, pp. 487-497. (Also appeared in the Proceedings of the
`1993 American Control Conference on Automatic Control.)
`14) Tu, J.F. and Stein, J.L. 1995 "On-line Preload Monitoring for Anti-Friction Spindle
`Bearings of High-Speed Machine Tools" Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement
`and Control) Vol. 117, No. 1, March, pp. 43-53. (Also appeared in the Proceedings of
`the 1992 American Control Conference. Awarded Best Paper of the Technical
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`Curriculum Vitae
`Prof. J.L. Stein
`15) Huh, K. and Stein J.L. 1995 “Well-Conditioned Observer Design for Observer-Based
`Monitoring Systems” Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control Vol.
`117, No. 4, December, pp. 592-599. (Also appeared in the Proceedings of the 1993
`American Control Conference on Automatic Control, Nominated for O. Hugo
`Schuck, Best Paper of Conference.)
`16) Stein J.L and Wilson, B.H. 1995 “An Algorithm for Obtaining Proper Models of
`Distributed and Discrete Systems” Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and
`Control Vol 117, No. 4, December, pp. 534-540. (An earlier version also appeared in
`1992 Symposium on Automated Modeling, Proceedings of the 1992 ASME Winter
`Annual Meeting.)
`17) Tu, J.F. and Stein, J.L. 1996 “Active Thermal Preload Regulation for Machine Tool
`Spindles with Rolling Element Bearings” ASME Transactions: Journal of
`Manufacturing Science and Engineering. Vol. 118, No. 4, pp. 499-505, November.
`(An earlier version appeared in the Symposium on Mechatronics in Manufacturing,
`Proceedings of the 1994 ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.)
`18) Stein, J.L. and Wang, C.W. 1996 "Automatic Detection of Clearance in Mechanical
`Systems: Experimental Validation", Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal
`Processing. Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 395-412, July. (Also appeared as Stein, J.L. and
`Wang, C.W., 1990 "Automatic Detection of Clearance in Mechanical Systems:
`Experimental Validation" Proceedings of the USA/Japan Symposium on Flexible
`Automation, July, Kyoto, Japan.)
`19) Tu, J.F. and Stein, J.L. 1996 “Model Error Compensation for Bearing Temperature
`and Preload Estimation” ASME Transactions: Journal of Dynamic Systems
`Measurement and Control , Vol. 118, No. 3, pp. 580-585, Sept.
`20) Ohl, G., Stein, J.L. and Smith E. 1996 “Fundamental Factors in the Design of a Fast
`Responding Methanol to Hydrogen Steam Reformer for Transportation Applications”
`Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 118, No.
`2, June.
`21) Stein, J.L. and L.S. Louca, 1996. “A Template-Based Modeling Approach for
`System Design: Theory and Implementation”. Transactions of the Society for
`Computer Simulation International, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp.87−101. Published by the
`Society for Computer Simulation, ISSN 0740-6797, San Diego, CA. (Also appeared
`as Stein, J.L. and Louca, L.S. 1995 “A Component-Based Modeling Approach for
`System Design: Theory and Implementation” Proceedings of the 1995 International
`Conference on Bond Graph Modeling, pp. 109-115, Las Vegas, NV.)
`22) Huh, K. and Stein J.L. 1997 “A Non-Normality Measure of The Condition Number
`For Monitoring And Control” Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and
`Control, Vol. 119, No. 2, pp 217-222, June,
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`Curriculum Vitae
`Prof. J.L. Stein
`23) Stein, J.L., and Wang C.W. 1998 "Estimation of Gear Backlash: Theory And
`Simulation", Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control., Vol. 120,
`No. 1, pp. 74-82. (Revised version of Stein, J.L., and Wang C.W., "Automatic
`Detection Of Clearance In Mechanical Systems: Theory And Simulation",
`Proceedings of the 1995 American Control Conference on Automatic Control ,
`Seattle, WA.)
`24) Tu, J.F. and Stein, J.L., 1998, “Model Error Compensation for Observer Design”
`International Journal of Control, Vol. 69, No. 2, pp. 329 - 345.
`25) Ferris, J., Stein, J.L. and Bernitsas, M. 1998 “Development Of Proper Models of
`Hybrid Systems” Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, Vol. 120,
`No. 3, pp. 328 – 333. (Also appeared as Ferris, J., Stein, J.L. and Bernitsas, M. 1994
`“Development Of Proper Models of Hybrid Systems” 1994 ASME WAM
`Symposium on Automated Modeling, Chicago, IL.)
`26) Park, Y.P. and Stein, J.L., 1999 "Recursive Optimal State and Input Observer for
`Discrete Time-Variant Systems” Transaction on Control, Automation and Systems
`Engineering Vol. 1, No. 2, December, published by the Institute of Control,
`Automation and Systems Engineering, Korea. (This is a revision of what appeared in
`the proceedings of the 1989 ASME Winter Annual Meeting).
`27) Ferris, J. B., M. M. Bernitsas and J. L. Stein, 2000, "Redesigning the Dynamics of
`Complex Structural Systems," AIAA Journal, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 147-154.
`28) Walker, D.G., Stein, J.L. and Ulsoy A.G. 2000 “An input-Output Criterion for Linear
`Model Deduction” Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, Vol. 122,
`No. 3, pp. 507-513. (Also appeared as Walker, D.G., Stein, J.L. and Ulsoy A.G. 1996
`“An input-Output Criterion for Linear Model Deduction” Proceedings of the
`Dynamic Systems and Control Division, 1996 ASME IMECE, Atlanta, GA.).
`29) Assanis, D.N., Z.S. Filipi, S. Gravante, D. Grohnke, X. Gui, L.S. Louca, G.D.
`Rideout, J.L. Stein, Y. Wang, 2000. “Validation and Use of SIMULINK Integrated,
`High Fidelity, Engine-In-Vehicle Simulation of the International Class VI Truck”.
`2000 SAE Transactions – Journal of Engines. Published by the Society of
`Automotive Engineers, ISBN 0-7680-0842-5, Warrendale, PA. Also presented at the
`SAE 2000 World Congress, Paper 2000−01−0288.
`30) Michelena, N.F., L.S. Louca, M. Kokkolaras, Chan-Chiao Lin, Dohoy Jung, Z.S.
`Filipi, D.N. Assanis, P.Y. Papalambros, H. Peng and J.L. Stein, 2001. “Design of an
`Advanced Heavy Tactical Truck: A Target Cascading Case Study”. 2001 SAE
`Transactions – Journal of Commercial Vehicles. Published by the Society of
`Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA.
` Also presented at the 2001 SAE
`International Truck and Bus Meeting and Exposition, Paper 2001-01-2793.
`31) Huh, K., Jung, J. and Stein J.L., 2001 “Discrete-time Well-conditioned State
`Observer Design and Evaluation” ASME Transactions: Journal of Dynamic Systems
`Measurement and Control Special Issue on the Identification of Mechanical Systems,
`Vol. 123, Dec., pp. 615-622.
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`Curriculum Vitae
`Prof. J.L. Stein
`32) Stein, J.L. and Huh, K. 2002 “Monitoring Cutting Forces In Turning: A Model-
`Based Approach” ASME Transactions: Journal of Manufacturing Science and
`Engineering, Vol. 124, Feb., pp. 26-31.(Revised version of Stein, J.L. and Huh, K.,
`1991 “A Design Procedure for Model-Based Monitoring Systems: Cutting Force
`Estimation as a Case Study” 1991 ASME WAM, Symposium on Control of
`Manufacturing processes, Dec., Atlanta, GA.)
`33) Louca, L.S. and J.L. Stein, 2002. “Ideal Physical Element Representation from
`Reduced Bond Graphs”. Journal of Systems and Control Engineering: Special Issue
`on Bond Graphs, Vol. 216, No. 1, pp. 73-83. Published by the Professional
`Engineering Publishing, ISSN 0959-6518, Suffolk, United Kingdom.
`34) Kim, H.M. Kokkolaras, M., Louca, L.S., Delagrammatikas, G.J. Michelena, N.F.,
`Filipi, Z.S., Papalambros, P.Y., Stein, J.L. and Assanis, D.N. 2002 “Target Cascading
`in Vehicle resdesign: a Class VI Truck Study” International Journal of Vehicle
`Design, Vol. 29, No. 3. Published by Interscience Enterprises Ltd., ISSN 0143−3369,
`St. Helier, United Kingdom
`35) Kim, H.M., Rideout, D.G., Papalambros, P.Y., Stein, J.L. (2003) "Analytical Target
`Cascading in Automotive Vehicle Design." Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 125 /
`1, September, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY. (Also
`presented as "Analytical Target Cascading in Automotive Vehicle Design."
`Proceeding of the DETC 2001, 27th Design Automation Conference, September 9-
`12, 2001, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.)
`36) Filipi, Z.S., L.S. Louca, B. Daran, Chan-Chiao Lin, U. Yildir, B. Wu, M. Kokkolaras,
`D.N. Assanis, H. Peng, P.Y. Papalambros, and J.L. Stein, 2003. “Combined
`Optimization of Design and Power Management of the Hydraulic Hybrid Propulsion
`System for the 6x6 Medium Truck”. Special Issue on Advanced Vehicle Design and
`Simulation of the International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, Vol. 11, No.3/4 pp.
`372 - 402. Published by Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., ISSN 1744232X, St. Helier,
`United Kingdom.
`37) Louca, L.S., D.G. Rideout, J.L. Stein, and G.M. Hulbert, 2003. “Generating Proper
`Dynamic Models for Truck Mobility and Handling”. Special Issue on Advanced
`Vehicle Design and Simulation of the International Journal of Heavy Vehicle
`Systems, Vol. 11, No.3/4 pp. 209 - 236. Published by Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.,
`ISSN 1744232X, St. Helier, United Kingdom.
`38) Lin, Chan-Chiao, Z. Filipi, L.S. Louca, H. Peng, D.N. Assanis and J.L. Stein, 2003.
`“Modeling and Control for a Medium-Duty Hybrid Electric Truck”. Special Issue on
`Advanced Vehicle Design and Simulation of the International Journal of Heavy
`Vehicle Systems, Vol. 11, No.3/4 pp. 349 - 371. Published by Inderscience
`Enterprises Ltd., ISSN 1744232X, St. Helier, United Kingdom.
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`Curriculum Vitae
`Prof. J.L. Stein
`39) Kokkolaras, M., L.S. Louca, G.J. Delagrammatikas, N.F. Michelena, Z.S. Filipi, P.Y.
`Papalambros, J.L. Stein, and D.N. Assanis, 2003. “Simulation-Based Optimal Design
`of Heavy Trucks by Model-Based Decomposition: An Extensive Analytical Target
`Cascading Case Study”. Special Issue on Advanced Vehicle Design and Simulation of
`the International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, Vol. 11, No.3/4 pp. 403 - 433.
`Published by Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., ISSN 1744232X, St. Helier, United
`40) Ohl, G., Stein, J.L. and Smith, E. (2004) “A Dynamic Model for the Design of
`Methanol to Hydrogen Steam Reformers for Transportation Applications” ASME
`Transaction: Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 126 No. 2, June.
`41) Huh, K., Hong, D., Stein, J.L. (2005) “Development of a Lane Departure Monitoring
`and Control System” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, KSME Int. J.,
`Vol. 19, No. 11, pp. 1998-2006.
`42) Rideout, D.G., Stein, J.L. and Louca, L.S. (2007) “Systematic Identification of
`Decoupling in Dynamic System Models”, ASME Transaction: Journal of Dynamic
`Systems, Measurement and Control Vol. 129, Issue 4, pp. 503-13, July, American
`Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY.
`43) Filipi, Z., Fathy, H., Hagena, J., Knafl, A., Ahlawat, R., Liu, J., Jung, D., Assanis,
`D.N., Peng, H., and J. Stein, (2007) “Engine-in-the-Loop Testing for Evaluating
`Hybrid Propulsion Concepts and Transient Emissions: A HMMWV Case Study”
`SAE Transactions, Journal of Commercial Vehicles. Paper No. 2006-01-0443, March.
`(Also published as SAE Paper 2006-01-0443, SP-2008, 2006 SAE Congress, Detroit,
`MI, April 3-6, 2006.)
`44) Rideout, D.G., Stein, J.L. and Louca, L. (2007) “Extension and Application of an
`Algorithm for Systematic Identification of Weak Coupling and Partitions in Dynamic
`System Models” International Journal of the Federation of European Simulation
`doi:10.1016/j.simpart.2007.10.004, Published by Elsevier (in press (available on-
`45) Rideout, D.G., Stein, J.L., and Louca, L.S. (2008) “Systematic Assessment of Rigid
`Internal Combustion Engine Dynamic Coupling” ASME Transactions: J. Eng. for
`Gas Turbines and Power, Volume 130, Issue 2 (March), 022804 (12 pages),
`ASME, New York, NY.
`46) Hoffman, R.C., Stein, J.L., Loucas L.S., and Kunsoo, H. (2008) “Using the Milliken
`Moment Method and Dynamic Simulation to Evaluate Vehicle Stability and
`Controllability” International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 48, Nos. 1/2, pp. 132-
`148, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
`47) Tulga Ersal, Hosam K. Fathy, Loucas S. Louca, D. Geoff Rideout, and Jeffrey L.
`Stein (2008) "A Review Of Proper Modeling Techniques ", ASME Transactions:
`and Control
`of Dynamic
`Systems Measurement
`doi:10.1115/1.2977484. Also: Proceedings of the 2007 ASME International
`Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, WA, USA, Nov. 10-16.
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`Curriculum Vitae
`Prof. J.L. Stein
`48) Ersal, T., Fathy, H. K., and Stein (2009), J. L., "Orienting Body Coordinate Frames
`Using Karhunen-Loève Expansion for More Effective Structural Simplification",
`and Theory 17(1), pp. 197-210, doi:
`Simulation Modelling Practice
`10.1016/j.simpat.2007.08.002. (See also T. Ersal, H. K. Fathy, and J. L. Stein,
`"Orienting Body Reference Frames Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for
`More Effective Structural Simplification," ASME Paper IMECE2006-14572, Proc.
`IMECE 2006, Dynamic Systems and Controls Division, Chicago, IL, 2006
`49) Ersal, T., Fathy, H. and Stein, J. L. (2009) “Structural simplification of modular
`bond-graph models based on junction inactivity” International Journal of the
`Federation of European Simulation Societies: Simulation Modelling Practice and
`10.1016/j.simpat.2008.02.010). (also appeared as Ersal, T., Fathy, H. K., Stein, J.
`L., 2006, "Structural simplification of modular bond-graph models based on
`junction inactivity", Proceedings of the 2006 ASME International Mechanical
`Engineering Congress and Exposition (ASME Paper IMECE2006-14567),
`Chicago, IL USA.
`50) Ersal, T., Fathy, H. K., and Stein, J. L., 2009, "Realization-Preserving Structure and
`Order Reduction of Nonlinear Energetic System Models Using Energy Trajectory
`Correlations", Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, 131(3), pp.
`031004 (8p), doi: 10.1115/1.3072128. (also Ersal, T., Fathy, H. K., and Stein, J. L.,
`2007, "Realization-preserving structure and order reduction of nonlinear energetic
`system models using energy trajectory correlations", Proceedings of the 2007 ASME
`International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, WA USA,
`51) Ersal, T., Kittirungsi, B., Fathy, H. K., and Stein, J. L. (2009) "Model Reduction in
`Vehicle Dynamics Using Importance Analysis", Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics,
`47(7), pp. 851–865, doi: 10.1080/00423110802444071, Taylor & Francis ISSN 0042-
`3114 print/ISSN 1744-5159. Also appeared as "Model Reduction in Vehicle
`Dynamics Using Importance Analysis", Proceedings of 2008 ASME Dynamic
`Systems and Control Conference.
`52) S. J. Moura, D. S. Callaway, H. K. Fathy, and J. L. Stein (2010) " Impact of Battery
`Sizing on Stochastic Optimal Power Management in Plug-in Hybrid Electric
`Vehicles," Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 195, No, 9, pp. 2979-2988. (DOI:
`10.1016/j.jpowsour.2009.11.026). (Previously published as Moura, S. J., Callaway,
`D. S., Fathy, H. K., Stein, J. L., 2008, "Impact of Battery Sizing on Stochastic
`Optimal Power Management in Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles," Proceedings of the
`2008 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES),
`pp. 96-102.)
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`Curriculum Vitae
`Prof. J.L. Stein
`53) Loucas, L., Stein J.L., Hulbert, G. (2010) “Energy-Based Model Reduction
`Methodology for Automated Modeling” ASME Transactions: Journal of Dynamic
`Systems Measurement and Control: Special Issue on Physical System Modeling, Vol.
`132, No. 6, November. An extended version of Loucas, L., Stein J.L., Hulbert, G. and
`Sprague, J. 1997 “Proper Model Generation: An Energy-Based Methodology”
`Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling and
`Simulation, Phoenix, Arizona, January 12 -15, 1997, published by the Society for
`Computer Simulation International, Simulation Series Vol. 29, No. 1, ISBN 1-56555-
`103-6, San Diego, CA.
`54) R. Ahlawat, H. Fathy, B. Lee, J. Stein & D. Jung (2010) “Modeling and Simulation of
`a Dual Clutch Transmission Vehicle to Analyze the Effect of Pump Selection on Fuel
`Economy”, International Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics Volume 48, Issue 7
`July 2010, pages 851 - 868. (Extended version of Rahul Ahlawat, Hosam K. Fathy,
`Chengyun Guo, Byungchan Lee, Dohoy Jung, Jeffrey L. Stein, 2009, “Effect of Pump
`Selection on Fuel Economy in a Dual Clutch Transmission Vehicle”, Proceedings of
`the 2009 American Control Conference, St. Louis, MO.)
`55) Ersal, T., Fuller, H., Tsimhoni, O., Stein, J. L., and Fathy, H. K., 2010, "Model-Based
`Analysis and Classification of Driver Distraction under Secondary Tasks", IEEE
`Transactions of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 692-701,
`2010. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2010.2049741.
`56) Moura, S. J., Fathy, H. K., Callaway, D. S., Stein, J. L., (2011) "A Stochastic Optimal
`Control Approach for Power Management in Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles," IEEE
`Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 545-555,
`(previously published as Proceedings of ASME 2008 Dynamic Systems and Control
`57) S. J. Moura, Joel C. Forman, Saeid Bashash, J. L. Stein, and H. K. Fathy (2011)
`"Optimal Control of Film Growth in Lithium-Ion Battery Packs via Relay Switches,"
`IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics., Vol. 58, No. 8, pp. 3555-3566.
`(Revised version of Scott Moura, Joel Forman, Jeffrey L. Stein, Hosam K. Fathy
`(2009), “Control of Film Growth in Lithium Ion Battery Packs via Switches”
`Proceedings of the 2009 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference.)
`58) Ersal, T., Brudnak, M., Salvi, A., Stein, J. L., Filipi, Z., & Fathy, H. K. (2011)
`“Development and model-based transparency analysis of an Internet-distributed
`hardware-in-the-loop simulation platform”, Mechatronics, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 22-29,
`Publ. Elsevier. (A revised version of Tulga Ersal, Mark Brudnak, Ashwin Salvi,
`Jeffrey L. Stein, Zoran Filipi, Hosam K. Fathy (2009) “Development of an internet-
`distributed hardware-in-the-loop simulation platform for an automotive application”
`Proceedings of the 2009 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference).
`59) B.L. Pence, H.K. Fathy, J.L. Stein, (2011)“Recursive Maximum Likelihood
`Parameter Estimation for State Space Systems using Polynomial Chaos Theory”,
`Automatica, Vol. 47, No. 11. (November 2011), pp. 2420-2424. (“Brief” 5 page
`paper) (Revised version of the paper previously published in the Proceedings of the
`2009 American Control Conference, Baltimore, MD).
`Updated: January 24, 2014
`Printed: 1/24/14
`Page 11 of 25
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`FORD 1867


`Curriculum Vitae
`Prof. J.L. Stein
`60) Rahul Ahlawat, Jonathan R. Hagena, Zoran S. Filipi, Jeffrey L. Stein and Hosam K.
`Fathy (2011) "Estimating Diesel Engine Transient Soot Emissions Using Volterra
`Series", Control Engineering Practice (in revision, 2/2012). (Revised version of
`Ahlawat, R., Hagena, J.R., Filipi, Z.S., Stein, J.L. and Fathy, H.K.," Volterra series
`estimation of transient soot emissions from a diesel engine", Proceedings of the 2010
`IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), September 2010, Lille,
`61) B.L. Pence, J. Hays, H.K. Fathy, C. Sandy, J.L. Stein (2011) “Vehicle Sprung Mass
`Estimation For Rough Terrain”, International Journal of Vehicle Design
`62) Forman, J., Bashash, S., Stein J.L., Fathy, H (2011) J Stein, H Fathy “Reduction of an
`Electrochemistry-Based Li-Ion Battery Model via Quasi-Linearization and Pade´
`Approximation” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 158, No. 2, pp. A93-
`63) J. Forman, S. Moura, J. Stein, and H. Fathy 2012 "Genetic Identification and Fisher
`Identifiability Analysis of the Doyle-Fuller-Newman Model from Experimental
`64) Ersal, T., Brudnak, M., Stein, J. L., & Fathy, H. K. (2012) “Statistical transparency
`in Internet-distributed hardware-in-the-loop simulation”. IEEE/ASME
`10.1109/TMECH.2010.2095024.. (Revised version of Tulga Ersal, Mark Brudnak,
`Jeffrey L. Stein, Hosam K. Fathy (2009) “Variation-based transparency analysis of an
`internet-distributed hardware-in-the-loop simulation platform for vehicle powertrain
`systems” Proceedings of the 2009 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference.)
`65) Moura, S., Fathy, H.K., Stein J.L. (201

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