`Patent Owner.
`I, Paulina Lubacz, hereby declare as follows:
`I am presently employed as the Chief Operating Officer at Durham
`University. Durham University is a collegiate research university located in the Durham,
`I have personal knowledge of the matters stated below. I am over 18 years of
`age, and I am competent to testify regarding the following.
`It is the normal course of business for the library services to index and
`catalogue doctoral thesis papers that are submitted by students at Durham University.
`Attached as Exhibit A to my declaration is a true and accurate copy of a
`doctoral thesis titled “Some drive train control problems in hybrid i.c. engine/‘battery
`electric vehicles” that was authored by Philip Wilson Masding.
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`The first page of Exhibit A includes an imprint of Durham University
`Main Library’s property stamp together with a stamped date of “2 November 1989.” This
`property stamp and date would have been placed on the thesis at the time it was being
`processed by the library services at Durham University.
`As is the normal practice at Durham University, the property stamp is also
`repeated on page 101 of the doctoral thesis attached as Exhibit A.
`I have been informed by library services that between the processing date
`of November 2, 1989 and November 2011, if no embargo on access was requested by the
`author, there would have existed no time between the processing date of November 2,
`1989 and November 2011 when the doctoral
`thesis attached as Exhibit A was not
`publically available at the library of Durham University. The library has no record of any
`embargo having been requested for the doctoral thesis attached as Exhibit A.
`The doctoral thesis attached as Exhibit A would therefore have been
`indexed and searchable by the general public since around November 2, 1989.
`The doctoral thesis attached as Exhibit A would have been indexed and
`searchable by the general public well before September 1997.
`Durham University is currently in the process of digitizing hard-bound
`doctoral thesis papers.
`The hard-bound version of the doctoral thesis attached as Exhibit A was
`removed from the library’s shelves in November 2011 for digitizing.
`The doctoral thesis attached as Exhibit A was digitized on December 10,
`2012 and deposited with the Durham University e-Thesis repository on February 8, 2013.
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`The doctoral thesis attached as Exhibit A is now available for download
`by the public through Durham University’s e-Thesis repository at the following weblink:
`I declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and
`accurate to the best of my knowledge.
`6. Ikélolg
`Paulina Lubacz
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`Durham E-Theses
`Some drive train control problems in hybrid i.c
`engine/battery electric vehicles
`Masding, Philip Wilson
`How to cite:
`Masding, Philip Wilson (1988) Some drive train control problems in hybrid i.c engine/battery electric
`vehicles, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online:
`Use policy
`The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or
`charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that:
`• a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source
`• a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses
`• the full-text is not changed in any way
`The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders.
`Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details.
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`Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP
`e-mail: Tel: +44 0191 334 6107
`Page 5 of 257
`FORD 1910

`Some Drive Train Control Problems In
`Hybrid i.c Engine/Battery Electric Vehicles
`The copyright of this thesis rests with the author.
`No quotation from it should be published without
`his prior written consent and information derived
`from it should be acknowledged.
`by Philip Wilson Masding B.Sc.
`A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
`School of Engineering and Applied Science
`University of Durham
`NOV 1989
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`None of the work contained in this thesis has been previously submitted
`for a degree in this or any other university.
`It is not part of a joint research
`The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. No quotation
`from it should be published without his prior written consent and information
`derived from it should be acknowledged.
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`I would like to acknowledge the tremendous support and encouragement I
`have had from my supervisor, Dr.
`J.R. Bumby, throughout this research.
`am also grateful to Mr N. Herron and Mr K. McGee for their assistance in
`maintaining and building the rig and to Mr N. Herron in particular who designed
`the mechanical system for the gearbox. Finally I would like to thank Mr C. Dart
`for his help with electrical work on the rig.
`I am also grateful to the Ford Motor Company, Lucas Chloride E.V. Systems
`Ltd., and Shell Research Ltd. for the provision of equipment.
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`This thesis describes the development of a microprocessor based control
`system for a parallel hybrid petrol/electric vehicle.
`the fundamental»
`systems needed to produce an operational vehicle have been developed and
`tested using a full sized experimental rig in the laboratory.
`The work begins with a review of the history of hybrid vehicles,
`placing emphasis on the ability of the petrol electric design to considerably
`reduce the consumption of oil based fuels, by transferring some of the load
`to the broad base of fuels used to generate electricity.
`Efficient operation of a hybrid depends on the correct scheduling of
`load between engine and motor, and correctgchoice of gear ratio. To make
`this possible torque control systems using indirect measurements provided
`by cheap sensors, have been developed. Design of the control systems is
`based on a theoretical analysis of both the engine and the motor. Prior to
`final controller design, using the pole placement method, the transfer functions
`arising from the theory are identified using a digital model reference technique.
`The resulting closed loop systems exhibit well tuned behaviour which agrees
`well with simulation.
`To complete the component control structure, a pneumatic actuation
`system was added to a ‘manual gearbox’ bringing it under complete computer
`control. All aspects of component control have been brought
`together so
`that an operator can drive the system through simulated cycles. Transitions
`between modes of operation during a cycle are presently based on speed, but
`the software is structured so that efficiency based strategies may be readily
`incorporated in future.
`Consistent control over cycles has been ensured by the development
`of a computer speed controller, which takes the -place of an operator. This
`system demonstrates satisfactory transition between all operating modes.
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`List of Symbols
`List. or Fig-.m=s
`1.1 Possible Improvements or Alternatives to I.C. Engine Vehicles
`1.1.1 Novel Engines
`1.1.2 The Electric Vehicle
`1.2 The History of Hybrid I.C. Engine/Electric Passenger Cars
`1.3 The Context of the Present Work
`2.1 Load Emulation
`2.2 The Hybrid Drive System
`2.3 Computer Control and Signal Monitoring
`2.3.1 Motorola M68000 System
`2.3.2 Duet 16 Personal Computer
`2.4 Instrumentation
`2.5 Software System
`2.5.1 System Initialisation
`2.5.2 Active Rig Control
`2.5.3 Data Logging
`2.5.4 Data Transfer
`2.5.5 Data Analysis
`2.6 Discussion
`2.7 Sol't.wa1'c DOCLl111€11l~E1.llOI]
`3.1 Analysis of the Electric Traction System
`3.1.1 D.C. Machine Analysis
`3.1.2 Motor Torque Equation
`3.1.3 The Effects of the Power Electronic Controller
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`3.2 Physical Analysis of the I.C. Engine
`3.2.1 Inlet Manifold Pressure Variations
`3.2.2 Transfer Function for Engine Torque
`3.2.3 Throttle Servo-System
`3.2.4 Engine Speed on No-Load
`3.3.5 Transfer Function for Engine No-Load Speed
`4.1 Calibration of Indirect Torque Measurements
`4.1.1 Engine Torque Model Calibration
`4.1.2 Engine Torque Model Testing
`4.1.3 Motor Torque Model Calibration and Testing
`4.2 Gain Functions for the Three Operating Modes of the Motor 83
`4.2.1 Field Boost Mode
`4.2.2 Full Field Mode
`4.2.3 Field Weakening Mode
`4.3 Transfer Function Identification
`4.4 Transfer Function Identification for the Motor
`4.4.1 The Closed Loop Transfer Functions for Current
`_.4.4.2 Direct Identification of the Motor Torque
`Transfer Function
`4.5 Manifold filling Delay and Engine Torque Variations
`4.6 Engine No—Load Speed Transfer Function
`4.7 Discussion
`5.1 Controller Design Method
`5.2 Control Algorithm
`5.3 Design of Individual Controllers
`. 5.3.1 Engine Torque
`5.3.2 Electric Motor Torque Control
`5.3.3 Motor Torque Control Test Results
`5.3.4 Mode Determination
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`5.3.5 Engine Speed Synchronisation
`5.3.6 Engine Starting and Load Transfer
`5.4 Quantisation Errors and Noise
`5.5 Model Reference Controller Design
`5.5.1 Application of the Model Reference Technique
`to the Motor
`5.6 Discussion
`6.1 The Case for a Variable Transmission in Road Vehicles
`6.2 Variable Transmission Systems
`6.3 Transmission System Hardware on the Hybrid Vehicle Rig
`6.4 Interface Circuitry
`6.5 Software Control
`6.5.1 Stage 1: Shift
`into Neutral
`6.5.2 Stage 2: Speed Matching
`6.5.3 Stage 3: Engaging the New Gear
`6.5.4 Error Handling
`6.5.5 Location on Power Up
`6.6 Results
`6.7 Discussion
`7.1 Component Sequencing Control
`7.2 A Speed Based Mode Controller
`7.3 Drive Cycle Testing
`7.3.1 Speed Conversions
`7.4 Complete Computer Control
`7.4.1 The Speed Control Loop
`7.5 Automated Cycle Control Using the
`Speed Based Mode Controller
`7.5.1 Preliminary All Electric Performance
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`7.5.2 Calibration of the Expert System
`7.5.3 All Electric Performance with Expert Control
`7.5.4 Effect of Mode Transitions and Gear Changes
`7.6 Discussion
`8.1 General Conclusions
`8.2 Proposals for Future Work
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`List of Symbols
`Zero of gC('w’).
`Coeflicient of drag
`Coefficient of rolling resistance
`Back e.m.f. voltage, V
`Counter value from flywheel speed probe
`Number of teeth on the flywheel speed probe gear
`Gain of gc(w’).
`Armature closed loop transfer function
`P+I Controller in w’-plane form.
`Bilinear discretisation of gc(w’
`Final drive ratio
`Field closed loop transfer function
`Armature current, A
`Field current, A
`Mean field current during a transient, A
`Flywheel inertia, kgmz
`Equivalent inertia of vehicle mass M, kgm2
`Constant relating dynamometer speed to load
`Scaling factor, flywheel count
`to roadspeed
`Back e.m.f. constant (= —2"TI(§1)
`Manifold filling delay gain
`Gain of armature controller
`Power stroke delay gain
`Motor torque constant
`Gain of engine torque/ speed transfer function
`Manifold pressure/throttle gain
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`Armature inductance, H
`Field inductance, H
`Mass air flow into inlet manifold, kg/s
`Mass charge flowing out of inlet manifold, kg/s
`Vehicle mass, kg
`Mass of gaseous mixture in the inlet manifold, kg
`Engine or motor speed, r.p.m.
`Speed at which linearisation takes place, r.p.m.
`Adaptive gain matrix
`Engine power, kW
`Inlet manifold depression, mbar
`Manifold depression at no load and N r.p.m., mbar
`Armature resistance, 9
`Field resistance, 9
`Vehicle wheel radius, m
`Motor torque, Nm
`Torque in gearbox output shaft, Nm
`Engine torque, Nm
`Vehicle aerodynamic and rolling resistance loss torque, Nm
`Controller design criteria:
`rise time, sec
`Control system sampling period, sec
`Armature voltage, V
`Field voltage, V
`Adaptive error at jtl‘ sampling point
`Field current set-point function
`Plant model coeflicient vector
`Armature current set-point function
`Signifies small change in variable
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`Controller design criteria damping factor
`Engine throttle position, O.9° steps
`Demand throttle position, O.9° steps
`Electric motor accelerator/ brake demand
`Mean demand value during transient
`Inlet manifold filling time constant, sec
`Engine inertia time constant, sec
`Field flux, Wb
`Plant model input/output vector
`torque (lcma.ncl
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`FORD 1910

`List. of Figures
`1.1 Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle Drive Train
`1.2 Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle Drive Traiii
`1.3 Typical Engine Efiiciency ivlnp for a -‘3Uk\N LC. Engine
`1.4 Influence of V\"eighting Factor on the Perforinaiice. of
`the Hybrid
`1.5 Use of the Engine Over an Urban Driving Cycle for an O})l.l1]'1E1.lly
`Controlled Hybrid Vehicle
`1.6 Possible Hybrid Vehicle Control System
`2.1 Test Bed Layout
`Fig. 2.2 Power Loading Provided by the Dynamoineter
`Fig. 2.3 Test Bed Coniputing and Interface Equipment
`2.4] Software Structure
`Fig. 3.] Elenients of the Electric Traction Drive
`332 Block Diagram of Electric Motor Equations
`Fig. 3.3 Variation ofiField Current. With Operating Mode
`Fig. 3.4 Block Diagram for Motor Current Control
`Fig. 3.5 Engine Pliysical Processes
`Block Diagram for the Tlirottle Servo—System
`Fig. 4.1 I.(‘. Engine Power (‘lmracteristics
`l.C. Engine Power Cliaracteristics: Veu'ia.t.io11 of Regression Con-
`sta.nt.s with Speed
`-1.3 Coinparisoii of Torque Transducer Measureinents with l.C?. Engine
`Torque Prediction
`Fig. 4.4 The Effect of the Engine Cooling Fan on Torque.
`l\/I.ea.surenient.s 104
`Fig. 4.5 \}iriation of Motor Torque C'0nsta.nt. with Field Current
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`Fig. 4.6 Verification of tlie lndirect. Torque l\.’l(?EI.S11I‘C1l]CI1l.5 for
`the l\/[otor 105
`Fig. —‘1—.T(a.)
`\/'eiria.1.ion 01‘ Field Current. witli lnput Demand in the Field Boost.
`Fig. 47(1)) Veu'ia1.ion oli Ar1na.1.ure Current with Input. Demand in the Field
`1 06
`4.8 VEtI‘la.l-lC)1] of C'urrent. with Input. De11‘1a.nd in the Full Field Mode
`4.9(a.) V:-Lria.tion of Field Current‘. with Input Demand in the Field
`Weakening Mode
`Fig. 49(1)) Va.riat.ion of Armature Current. with Input Demand in the Field
`VVea.l<ening Mode
`Fig. 4.10 Adaptive 1dentific.a.1.ion Systeni
`Fig. 4.11 Model 1dent.irica.t.ion for the Closed Loop Armature Current. Control
`Response G'»,(:)
`Fig. 4.12 (foniperrison of Torque Transfer Functions with Experiinental Data.
`the Field Boost Mode
`4.13 Comparisons of Gains for
`the l\’laniiiold Filling Delay and Steady
`St.a.f.e Data Relaliing l\/lanifold Depression to Throttle Opening
`Fig. 4.14 Block Diagram of the Linearised Engine Model
`' Fig. 4.15 Engine Beherviour at 1000 r.p.m.
`Fig. 4.16 Engine Behaviour at 3000 r.p.m.
`Fig. 4.17 \'erificzLt.ion of Transfer Functions for Engine Speed on No—Load 114
`4.16 Predicted and Mea.sured Torque and Current Responses for a
`Transient in the Field Boost Mode
`4.19 Predict.ed and Measurecl Torque and Currenl. Responses for a
`Transient in the. Full Field Mode
`4.20 Predicted and Mea.sured Torque eind Current. Responses for a
`in the Field \/\"eerl<()ning l\lode
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`Fig. 4.21 Motor Torque Model: Test for the Direct. Identifiration in the Field
`Fig. 4.22 Motor Torque Model: Test
`for the Direct
`ldentification in the Full
`Field Mode
`4.22’; Motor Torque Model: Test
`for the Direct
`ldeiitifi<"a.t.ion in the Field
`VVea.kening Mode
`Fig. E-.l(a.) Uiicoinpensatecl L0<‘11s for Control of Engine Torque at 2000 r.p.n1.
`Fig. 5.l(l)) Compensated Locus for Control of Engine Torque at 2000 r.p.m.
`5.'2(a) Simulated and Experimental Performance of the Engine Torque
`Control System at 2(jl0(f)
`532(1)) Siniuleitecl and Experimental Performance of the Engine Torque
`Control S_\-'Sl-€11] at 3(l0(l r.p.m.
`5.3 Engine Torque Control System: Coinparison ofllnrlirect and Direct
`Torque Measurements During a. Large Step Disturbance
`-5.4 l\lotor Torque Control System
`:3..3(e1) Uiicompensatecl Locus for Motor Torque Control
`in the Field
`Boost Mode
`.5.5(l))‘Compensated Locus for Motor Torque Control in the Field Boost
`5.6(a) i\‘lotor Torque C‘-ontrol Test
`in the Field Boost Mode at Design
`Fig. 5.6(l)) Motor Torque Control Test
`in the Field Boost Mode Away From
`Design ('on(litions
`Fig. 5.7 l\lotor Torque Control Test
`in the Full Field Mode
`l\’lotor Torque Control Test
`in the Field \/Veakeiiiiig Mode at
`Design C'ondit.ions
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`FORD 1910

`Fig. 58(1)) 1\/Iotor Torque Control Test
`in the Field VVe.akening Mode Away
`From Design Conditions
`Fig. 5.9 Motor Torque Coiitrol De.m<»ns1.ra.ting Sa.tisl'a.ctory Transition Between
`Operating Modes
`5.10 Motor T0r(1u(‘ Control:
`the Field Boost Mode
`l‘:tlec1. of Using Field Wealieuing Gains in
`Fig. 5.11 Engine Speed Control Block Diagrznii
`5,12(a) Unc.ompensat.ecl Locus for Control of Engine Speed on No-Load
`5.12(l)) C-oinpensated Locus for Control of Engine Speed on No—Load
`5.13 Step Test for the Engine Speed Control System
`5.14 Analysis of the Engine Starting and Load Transfer Process
`5.15 Hill Climbing Control Design Process
`5.16 Locus. of Control Paranieters During a. Hill Cliinl) Design Procedure
`5.17 Comparison of Reference Model Performance and_._ Cont.rol System
`Designed hy the Hill Clnnh Method
`6.1 Road Load and Motor Operating Curves for All Electric Vehicles
`Trac‘r-i\-'e Effort and Road Load Curves for All Electric Vehicles
`Showing the Eliect of Gear Ratio
`Fig. 6.3 The Clearchange l\/leclianisin
`Fig. 6.4 The Pneu1natic'Circuit
`Fig. 6.5 Regions Covered by the Position Sensors
`Fig. 6.6 Gear Change Algorithm Flowcliart.
`Fig. 6.7(a) Torque and Speed Profiles During a Down Change from Third to
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`Fig. 6.7(l)') Torque and Speed Profiles During an Up Change from Second to
`6.8(a.) Stage Timings for a. Down Cliaiige from Tliirrl
`to Second
`Fig. 68(1)) Stage Timings for an Up Change. from Sevsond to Third
`(f'omple1.e Veh<'i<‘le Component. Control Systein
`Fig. 7.2 Fl0WCl1EtI‘l-
`for Component Sequencing Logic
`7.3 EC'E'15 Cycle with Manual A(‘('€l(’I‘£1.l»Ol’
`and Brake Control
`7.4- Block Diagrani
`/\ut.o1nal.iC Cycle Speed Control
`7.5 Identifica.f.ion Experiment
`the Flywheel and Dynanioinetei‘
`Fig. 7.6 Coiiipeiisertecl Locus for the Flywlieel and Dynamoniel.e1'
`7.7 Step Test. for
`the Cycle Speed Control System
`Fig. 7.8(a) ECE15 Cycle Using the Uninodifiecl Speed Controller
`Fig. 7.8(l)) Varia.’r.ion in l\/lotor Torque
`7.9 Flywheel Inertia ('alil)ration
`1 5
`Fig. 7.10(a) ECEl5 Cycle Using the Exper1 Control Systeni
`710(1)) Varia.t.ion in Motor Torque Showing lm1neclia.1.e Drop at. Breal
`7.1l(21) EC-E15 Cycle Using Speed Based Mocle a.n(l Gear Sliifting
`Fig. 7.11(l)) Variation in Motor Torque
`7.11(C) Varia.tion in Engine Torque
`7.i1‘.-3(a) ECEI5 Cycle Using Batltery Recharge Mocle
`7.1'2(l)) \’ariation in Engine and Motor Torque
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`FORD 1910
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`FORD 1910

`Conventional internal combustion (i.c.) engine vehicles, based on the
`Otto and Diesel cycles, have dominated road vehicle transport for the greater
`part of this century. Among their many advantages are unlimited range, ease
`of refuelling, good power characteristics and the low cost materials required for
`their construction [JPL, 1975 pp 3-2][Unnewehr and Nasar, 1982 pp 214-217]
`Despite these facts conventional vehicles bring with them problems of air
`pollution and inefficient use of dwindling fuel resources, which at the present
`rates may be depleted early in the twenty-first century [Foley, 1976]. Although
`diminishing energy resources, and in particular depletion of fossil fuels, poses
`a problem to many areas of technology it
`is particularly pronounced in the
`transport sector where the choice of fuels is most restricted. This dependence
`on one type of
`illustrated by examining figures
`total energy
`consumption in Britain over
`recent years.
`Energy consumption i11 Britain
`peaked in about 1973 [Bumby and Clarke, 1982] subsequently falling by 11%
`in the years up to 1981 as a result of price rises, conservation measures and
`Price rises were particularly great
`for oil based fuels and many
`non transport users switched to gas or coal over'this time period. As a
`result of this switch over amongst more flexible users, the transport sector has
`become responsible for using a progressively greater proportion of the total
`amount of oil used in the U.K. Over the period 1973-1981 this proportion
`rose dramatically from 29% to 47%. Further analysis of the transport sector
`itself shows that most fuel
`is used by passenger cars.
`In 1978 such vehicles
`accounted for 63% of all
`fuel used in vehicles, whilst
`the public transport
`sector for example, including taxis, coaches and buses used only 4.4% of the
`of Energy, 1978].
`Faced with this heavy dependence on oil,
`inspite of its likely exhaustion in the relatively near term,
`there has been
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`FORD 1910

`increasing interest
`in possible alternative vehicle propulsion systems over the
`twenty years. Amongst
`the many possible alternative power plants are
`the Stirling engine,
`the Brayton engine (gas turbine) the all electric vehicle
`and the hybrid vehicle [JPL, 1975]. Of these alternatives the hybrid power
`plant is the subject of the present study. A hybrid power plant maybe defined
`as one that is powered by two or more energy sources and as such there are
`a multitude of possible combinations. Examples of some which have been
`investigated are:
`Heat engine/battery electric
`Flywheel/ battery electric
`Heat engine/flywheel/battery electric .
`Pneumatic/battery electric
`The purpose of this study is to consider the control problems relating to the
`heat engine/battery electric power train in particular. As many authors have
`pointed out
`[Mitcham and Bumby, 1977][Unnewehr and Nassar, 1982] using
`two power plants adds considerably to the complexity and cost of the whole
`vehicle and hence the power
`train must offer other compensating factors
`such as lower
`running costs,
`reduced pollution and less noise in sensitive
`areas. Of the alternatives to conventional
`vehicles mentioned earlier,
`the electric vehicle would seem to offer all
`these advantages without
`added complexity of a duel power source. Unfortunately, due to current
`battery technology, e

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