` _________________
` ____________________
`Page 1
` Petitioner,
` -vs-
` Patent Owner.
` _____________________
` U.S. Patent No. 7,237,634
` IPR Case Nos: IPR2015-00785
` IPR2015-00801 IPR2015-00792,
` ____________________
` Deposition of JEFFREY STEIN, PhD
` Tuesday, May 17, 2016
` Southfield, Michigan
` 3:45 p.m.
`Reported by:
`Laura J. Steenbergh, CSR-3707, RPR, CRR, RMR
`Job no: 16344
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
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`PAICE 2218
`Ford v. Paice & Abell

`Page 2
` Brooks Kushman, P.C.
` 1000 Town Center, 22nd Floor
` Southfield, Michigan 48075
` (248) 358-4400
` Appearing on behalf of the Petitioner.
` Fish & Richardson, P.C.
` 1425 K Street NW, 11th Floor
` Washington, DC 20005
` (202) 783-5050
` Appearing on behalf of the Patent Owner.
` * * * *
`2 3
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`Page 3
`Witness Page
` (Exhibits attached to transcript)
`Exhibit Page
` STEIN EXHIBIT 1 Declaration of Jeffrey Stein 4
` STEIN EXHIBIT 2 U.S. Patent Number 5,623,104 11
`2 3
`6 7 8
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`Page 4
` Southfield, Michigan
` Tuesday, May 17, 2016
` About 3:45 p.m. 03:45:23PM
` MR. LIVEDALEN: All right. Good afternoon, 03:45:23PM
` Dr. Stein. 03:45:31PM
` JEFFREY STEIN, PhD, 03:45:31PM
` having first been duly sworn, was examined and testified 03:45:31PM
` on his oath as follows: 03:45:31PM
`Q. Do you mind repeating your full name for the record? 03:45:31PM
`A. My name is Jeffrey L. Stein. 03:45:36PM
` MR. LIVEDALEN: All right. And this 03:45:40PM
` transcript is going to be for IPR matters 2015-00785 03:45:43PM
` 2015-00801 2015-00792. 03:45:51PM
` If the court reporter could hand Dr. Stein -- 03:45:58PM
` I guess we'll mark as Exhibit 1 Ford 1889. 03:46:05PM
` STEIN EXHIBIT 1 03:46:05PM
` Declaration of Jeffrey Stein 03:46:05PM
`Q. Dr. Stein, when you're ready can you please identify 03:46:44PM
` Exhibit 1? 03:46:47PM
`A. Deposition Exhibit 1 is the declaration of Dr. Stein in 03:46:47PM
` support of petitioner's reply to patent owner's response 03:46:55PM
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` for IPR2014-00801. 03:47:00PM
`Q. Thanks. 03:47:05PM
` MR. LIVEDALEN: And for the record I think it 03:47:09PM
` should be IPR 2015 instead of 2014. That's fine. 03:47:10PM
` MR. TURNER: Yes, you're correct. 03:47:20PM
`Q. All right. Dr. Stein, are you familiar with the term 03:47:24PM
` road load as used in the '634 patent? 03:47:31PM
`A. It's discussed in my declaration and I believe I discuss 03:47:37PM
` it also in my reply declaration, which is in front of 03:47:48PM
` me. 03:47:54PM
`Q. Yeah. So are you aware the Board construed the term 03:47:54PM
` road load as the amount of instantaneous torque required 03:48:01PM
` to propel the vehicle, be it positive or negative? 03:48:05PM
`A. Well, without looking at it, to know if those words are 03:48:09PM
` exactly correct, it sounds relatively correct. 03:48:18PM
`Q. Well, if you want to confirm, can you turn to page 32 of 03:48:20PM
` your declaration, paragraph 47. 03:48:24PM
`A. Road load is the amount of instantaneous torque required 03:48:34PM
` to propel the vehicle, be it positive or negative. 03:48:38PM
` Yes, that's the Board's construction of that 03:48:41PM
` term. 03:48:49PM
`Q. And would you agree with me that the instantaneous 03:48:54PM
` torque required to propel the vehicle included the 03:48:56PM
` torque to overcome both vehicle drag and rolling 03:48:59PM
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` resistance and to provide any vehicle acceleration? 03:49:01PM
`A. Are you talking about what the physics of the problem 03:49:09PM
` is? 03:49:13PM
`Q. I'm talking about the words instantaneous torque 03:49:19PM
` required to propel the vehicle as consistent with the 03:49:25PM
` Board's construction, whether those words require the 03:49:27PM
` torque to overcome both vehicle drag and rolling 03:49:33PM
` resistance to provide any vehicle acceleration? 03:49:42PM
`A. I'm sorry, you broke up there, I didn't catch the last 03:49:44PM
` part of your statement. 03:49:47PM
`Q. Sure. 03:49:49PM
` Does the instantaneous torque required to 03:49:53PM
` propel the vehicle as set forth in the Board's 03:49:55PM
` construction include the torque to overcome both vehicle 03:49:59PM
` drag and rolling resistance to provide any vehicle 03:50:03PM
` acceleration? 03:50:07PM
` MR. TURNER: Objection, vague. 03:50:11PM
` THE WITNESS: If I was talking to my students 03:50:12PM
` and teaching them about the torque that is required to 03:50:22PM
` propel a vehicle, what are some of the factors that 03:50:32PM
` contribute to the torque required to propel the 03:50:38PM
` vehicles, then some of those factors would include the 03:50:46PM
` inertia of the vehicle and, therefore, the acceleration 03:50:49PM
` of the vehicle. Also the acceleration of any rotating 03:50:52PM
` parts, friction of rotating parts, aerodynamic drag 03:50:58PM
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` considerations, so moving the vehicle through the air, 03:51:06PM
` the wind, grade. There's lots of things that contribute 03:51:10PM
` to the overall torque required to propel the vehicle, 03:51:14PM
` and in a discussion with my students I would talk about 03:51:19PM
` lots of these different issues. 03:51:24PM
`Q. Okay. Would you turn with me to page 28 to your reply 03:51:27PM
` to declaration. 03:51:50PM
`A. Okay. I'm on page 28. 03:51:57PM
`Q. And do you see at Roman Numeral V you talk about the 03:52:02PM
` combination of Severinsky '970 and Suga discloses the 03:52:09PM
` additional FUDS limitations of Claims 291 and 266? 03:52:15PM
` Do you see that? 03:52:18PM
`A. Yes. 03:52:20PM
`Q. So if you want to look on page five of your declaration, 03:52:21PM
` which is the index of exhibits. 03:52:30PM
`A. Yes. 03:52:39PM
`Q. Would you agree with me that Suga is shorthand for U.S. 03:52:39PM
` Patent Number 5,623,104? 03:52:46PM
`A. It should be said in my -- in my declaration here, but 03:52:50PM
` -- 03:53:18PM
`Q. It's Exhibit Number 1857. 03:53:18PM
`A. Right. I see the listing there, and I'm just looking 03:53:24PM
` for the cite within the text, which I don't see, but I 03:53:30PM
` may have done it elsewhere and not repeated it here. 03:53:34PM
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` But Suga does refer to that exhibit to that patent. 03:53:39PM
`Q. Okay. So we can agree that Suga refers to U.S. Patent 03:53:46PM
` Number 5,623,104, is that right? 03:53:52PM
`A. Yes. 03:53:56PM
`Q. Okay. Why don't you take a minute and read your opinion 03:53:56PM
` here about combination of Severinsky '970 and Suga and 03:54:12PM
` let me know when you're ready. 03:54:21PM
`A. Okay. 03:54:22PM
` Okay. 03:59:28PM
`Q. Dr. Stein, do you contend anywhere in your reply 03:59:29PM
` declaration that Suga relates to sizing the motor in a 03:59:41PM
` hybrid electric vehicle? 03:59:47PM
`A. Could you repeat that, please? The communication line 03:59:52PM
` is still not working very well. I want to make sure I 03:59:58PM
` heard your question. 04:00:02PM
`Q. Sure. 04:00:03PM
` So you don't contend, do you, that Suga 04:00:04PM
` relates to sizing an electric motor in a hybrid electric 04:00:10PM
` vehicle, right? 04:00:15PM
` MR. TURNER: Objection, vague. 04:00:24PM
` THE WITNESS: I think that, I'm not looking at 04:00:25PM
` the patent at the moment, but generally from my 04:00:39PM
` understanding of that reference, which I cite here, is 04:00:41PM
` that it provides a test procedure for electric motors in 04:00:48PM
` the context of driving cycles, and in particular calls 04:00:54PM
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`Page 9
` out the FUDS driving schedule, and it provides a way to 04:01:00PM
` look at the performance of a motor that you wish to 04:01:08PM
` test, select for use to see whether or not -- or to see 04:01:13PM
` what its characteristics are, how well it performs in 04:01:20PM
` the context of the -- a driving cycle, and the FUDS 04:01:25PM
` driving cycle being an example that it mentions 04:01:30PM
` specifically. 04:01:33PM
`Q. But Suga never says that the disclosed electric motor is 04:01:40PM
` for use in a hybrid vehicle, right? 04:01:48PM
`A. Say that again, please? 04:01:51PM
`Q. Sitting here today are you aware of any disclosure in 04:01:55PM
` Suga that Suga's disclosed test procedure is related to 04:02:01PM
` an electric motor intended to be used in a hybrid 04:02:09PM
` electric vehicle? 04:02:11PM
`A. It says it is in generally speaking here. I'm, again, 04:02:12PM
` not looking at the reference. And we can go through the 04:02:24PM
` reference line-by-line if you'd like to look at perhaps 04:02:27PM
` more detailed language. But in general it, as I've 04:02:33PM
` mentioned, is for testing for purposes of design and 04:02:38PM
` optimization of vehicle electrically driven powertrain, 04:02:52PM
` of which a hybrid electric vehicle is a characteristic 04:02:57PM
` member of that class of problems. And in particular, as 04:03:07PM
` my declaration points out, hybrid electric vehicles have 04:03:12PM
` electric only modes, and in fact some hybrid electric 04:03:17PM
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` vehicles have ways of designing the system so that it is 04:03:22PM
` forced to stay in the electric only mode for operation 04:03:29PM
` in zero emission vehicle environments. 04:03:33PM
`Q. So sitting here today though, are you aware of any 04:03:41PM
` disclosure in the Suga reference about applying a test 04:03:43PM
` procedure to an electric motor in a hybrid electric 04:03:48PM
` vehicle? 04:03:51PM
`A. I think I just answered that. I think that it does 04:03:51PM
` provide for that. 04:03:57PM
`Q. So it's your testimony that Suga explicitly says that 04:03:58PM
` the disclosed test procedure applies to a motor to be 04:04:04PM
` used in a hybrid electric vehicle? 04:04:08PM
` MR. TURNER: Objection, misstates the 04:04:11PM
` witness's testimony. 04:04:16PM
` THE WITNESS: Yes, I didn't say that it uses 04:04:16PM
` the word hybrid electric vehicle. I'm not sure if it 04:04:18PM
` does or not. I can check the reference, but it makes it 04:04:20PM
` clear that it is a procedure for testing an electric 04:04:25PM
` motor in the context of a vehicle designed to be powered 04:04:29PM
` by that motor. So in the context of a hybrid electric 04:04:36PM
` vehicle that one wanted to design the motor to operate 04:04:43PM
` completely on the electric motor for meeting the demands 04:04:55PM
` of a particular driving cycle, be it FUDS or other city 04:05:05PM
` driving, then it seems to me that that is what one of 04:05:09PM
` the uses of the -- what is being taught in the Suga 04:05:18PM
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` patent. 04:05:24PM
` MR. LIVEDALEN: All right. If we could mark 04:05:29PM
` U.S. Patent Number 5,623,104, Laura, as Exhibit 2. 04:05:32PM
` STEIN EXHIBIT 2 04:05:32PM
` U.S. Patent Number 5,623,104 04:05:32PM
`Q. And Dr. Stein, when you're ready, can you please 04:06:37PM
` identify Exhibit Number 2? 04:06:39PM
`A. Exhibit Number 2 is patent number 5,623,104, with 04:06:40PM
` inventor Hiroshi Suga -- H-I-R-O-S-H-I. 04:06:46PM
`Q. And that's the Suga reference we've been talking about? 04:06:55PM
`A. Yes. 04:06:58PM
`Q. Okay. Could you turn to Column Number 1 for me? 04:07:00PM
`A. Yes, I'm there. 04:07:09PM
`Q. Could you read out loud lines 6 through 10 of Column 1? 04:07:22PM
`A. This invention relates to an apparatus for testing 04:07:27PM
` electric motor performance, and more particularly, to an 04:07:32PM
` apparatus for testing the power performance of an 04:07:39PM
` electric motor for an electric vehicle. 04:07:42PM
`Q. So would you agree with me, right, that Suga discloses a 04:07:48PM
` specific apparatus for testing the power performance of 04:07:55PM
` an electric motor or an electric vehicle, right? 04:07:59PM
` MR. TURNER: Objection, vague. 04:08:02PM
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`Page 12
` THE WITNESS: I would -- I can tell you that 04:08:07PM
` the -- I read the first sentence of the patent. I'm not 04:08:09PM
` sure if you have a question about that. 04:08:17PM
`Q. So you would or you would you not agree with me that 04:08:38PM
` Suga relates to a particular apparatus for testing the 04:08:42PM
` performance of an electric motor for an electric 04:08:45PM
` vehicle? 04:08:49PM
`A. That is what this invention relates to, an apparatus for 04:08:50PM
` testing the electric motor performance, and that's what 04:09:05PM
` we're talking about here today, sizing the electric 04:09:08PM
` motor, and the power performance of an electric motor, 04:09:11PM
` and that's what the claim is talking about for an 04:09:15PM
` electric vehicle. And what we're talking about here is 04:09:20PM
` a vehicle that's being powered by an electric motor 04:09:24PM
` only, and I would call that an electric vehicle. 04:09:28PM
`Q. Sorry, there's one part of your answer which I don't 04:10:10PM
` quite understand. You say that in the power performance 04:10:30PM
` of an electric motor that's what the claim is talking 04:10:33PM
` about for an electric vehicle. What do you mean that's 04:10:36PM
` what the claim is talking about? 04:10:41PM
`A. So I -- in this part of my declaration talking about 04:10:42PM
` using the combination of Severinsky '970 and the Suga 04:10:52PM
` patent, the '104, I'm using those to show Claims 291 and 04:10:58PM
` 266 of the '634 patent are unpatentable. And the part 04:11:14PM
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` that I'm using the Suga reference for is in relation to 04:11:30PM
` the claim limitation that talks about wherein at least 04:11:36PM
` one electric motor is sufficiently powerful to provide 04:11:46PM
` acceleration of said vehicle sufficient to conform to 04:11:49PM
` the Federal Urban Driving Cycle Mileage Test without the 04:11:53PM
` use of torque from an engine to propel the vehicle. 04:11:57PM
` So one of ordinary skill would understand that 04:12:01PM
` this is the vehicle being operated in what is often 04:12:05PM
` called EV mode, electric vehicle mode. And the claim 04:12:10PM
` here is to -- that the electric motor that is being used 04:12:17PM
` in the vehicle is capable of propelling the vehicle to 04:12:27PM
` conform with the Federal Urban Driving Cycle. And 04:12:36PM
` exactly what the Suga reference is suggesting that its 04:12:44PM
` invention is for is the evaluation of an electric motor 04:12:50PM
` that's going to be used in an electric vehicle or a 04:12:56PM
` hybrid electric vehicle that's in electric vehicle mode 04:13:03PM
` to evaluate it relative to, amongst other things, 04:13:08PM
` driving cycles, such as the FUDS driving cycle. 04:13:14PM
`Q. You don't have any evidence in your reply declaration, 04:13:28PM
` right, that when a reference disclosing an EV mode or a 04:13:33PM
` ZEV mode is a reference to the requirement that the 04:13:40PM
` motor be sufficiently large to provide sufficient 04:13:46PM
` acceleration to perform the Federal Urban Driving Cycle 04:13:50PM
` Test, is that right? 04:13:54PM
` MR. TURNER: Objection, vague, compound. 04:13:55PM
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`Page 14
` THE WITNESS: I didn't understand your 04:13:58PM
` question. Could you rephrase it, please? 04:13:59PM
`Q. You don't have any evidence in your reply declaration, 04:14:07PM
` right, that the reference to an EV mode in a hybrid 04:14:09PM
` vehicle is a reference that the motor in that hybrid 04:14:16PM
` vehicle being large enough to provide sufficient 04:14:20PM
` acceleration to conform to the Federal Urban Driving 04:14:24PM
` Cycle Test, right? 04:14:27PM
` MR. TURNER: Objection, vague. 04:14:31PM
` THE WITNESS: Yeah, I don't -- I still don't 04:14:32PM
` understand your question. Could you break it down into 04:14:34PM
` smaller parts perhaps? 04:14:37PM
`Q. Nope. I think my point or my question is, do you or 04:14:41PM
` don't you have evidence in your reply declaration that 04:14:49PM
` the reference to an EV mode in a hybrid vehicle is a 04:14:52PM
` reference that the motor in that hybrid vehicle is large 04:15:01PM
` enough to provide sufficient acceleration to conform to 04:15:04PM
` the Federal Urban Driving Test? 04:15:08PM
`A. I'm afraid I don't understand your question. 04:15:16PM
`Q. All right. Do you want to go to paragraph 43, your 04:15:22PM
` reply declaration? 04:16:11PM
`A. Okay. I'm there. 04:16:12PM
`Q. Are you familiar with what Severinsky '970 calls a 04:16:13PM
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` low-speed mode? 04:16:19PM
`A. Generally speaking, yes. 04:16:23PM
`Q. And do you cite any -- okay. Strike that. 04:16:25PM
` What's happening in low-speed mode in 04:16:33PM
` Severinsky '970? 04:16:36PM
` MR. TURNER: Objection, vague. 04:16:39PM
` THE WITNESS: You know, your question is very 04:16:40PM
` broad, but I will answer in part by saying that in 04:16:45PM
` low-speed mode that this is a mode, as it's written 04:16:56PM
` here, Low-speed acceleration -- up to about 25 miles an 04:17:03PM
` hour -- the hybrid vehicle, excuse me -- is powered by 04:17:18PM
` the motor 20 alone. And that's a quote actually from 04:17:21PM
` Severinsky, Column 14, lines 34 through 35, suggesting 04:17:28PM
` that the motor is sufficiently powerful to provide 04:17:35PM
` sufficient acceleration to conform to the FUDS test. 04:17:38PM
` And then I go on to say, since Severinsky '970 04:17:44PM
` HEV operates much like an electric vehicle in low speed 04:17:49PM
` mode it would have been obvious to a person of ordinary 04:17:54PM
` skill in the art to test Severinsky's electric motor 04:17:58PM
` using the electric vehicle test apparatus disclosed in 04:18:01PM
` Suga to confirm that it meets the FUDS test. And I said 04:18:06PM
` that in my original declaration for -- as well. 04:18:12PM
`Q. So the FUDS test has specific acceleration requirements, 04:18:22PM
` right? 04:18:26PM
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` MR. TURNER: Objection, vague. 04:18:33PM
` THE WITNESS: The FUDS -- 04:18:39PM
`Q. Dr. Stein, are you familiar with the FUDS test? 04:18:43PM
`A. So the FUDS test, like many driving cycle tests, are 04:18:45PM
` patterns of velocity typically that a car is intended to 04:18:50PM
` be driven through, whether by a driver or a machine, 04:19:02PM
` that it's supposed to exercise the vehicle or vehicle 04:19:09PM
` systems in a way that represents some kind of typical 04:19:14PM
` experience or average experience that the car might -- 04:19:19PM
` might have in normal use. And so the FUDS is a driving 04:19:27PM
` cycle for the city, and as I remember, I think it's for 04:19:39PM
` a cycle that was all through the streets of Los Angeles, 04:19:47PM
` driving in that area. I'd have to check my references 04:19:51PM
` to be sure. There are lots of different driving cycles. 04:19:56PM
` And to follow the velocity profile you have to be able 04:19:59PM
` to accelerate and decelerate according to the -- to the 04:20:04PM
` driving cycle specification. It's meant to represent, 04:20:19PM
` in this case, a typical, potentially typical driving 04:20:29PM
` experience, I believe, in Los Angeles. 04:20:34PM
`Q. Okay. But nowhere in Severinsky '970 does he state that 04:20:39PM
` the motor is sized to comply with the FUDS cycle, is 04:20:48PM
` that right? 04:20:57PM
`A. I don't believe that Severinsky '970 specifically 04:20:59PM
` mentions the FUDS cycle, test cycle. 04:21:18PM
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`Q. And -- 04:21:23PM
`A. But one of ordinary skill would understand that in the 04:21:27PM
` designing any vehicle, hybrid electric, electric, 04:21:30PM
` conventional vehicle, that one uses driving schedules as 04:21:35PM
` a way of designing and evaluating their vehicle that 04:21:42PM
` they are designing or the components that they are 04:21:58PM
` selecting for their vehicle. This is a completely 04:22:00PM
` standard thing, that's why the driving cycles exist, one 04:22:03PM
` of the reasons the driving cycles exist. 04:22:09PM
`Q. So in your reply declaration you have not cited any 04:22:19PM
` prior art reference that discloses sizing of a motor in 04:22:31PM
` the hybrid electric vehicle to conform to the FUDS test, 04:22:40PM
` correct? 04:22:44PM
` MR. TURNER: Objection, misstates testimony. 04:22:46PM
` THE WITNESS: Specifically Suga calls out the 04:22:54PM
` FUDS driving cycle and it has an apparatus for 04:22:58PM
` evaluating and testing the motor that one would like to 04:23:02PM
` evaluate and to -- in optimizing the design of their 04:23:13PM
` vehicle. 04:23:24PM
`Q. So sitting here today you can't identify anywhere in 04:23:31PM
` Suga the disclosure of a motor to be used in a hybrid 04:23:36PM
` vehicle, right? 04:23:57PM
`A. The claim talks about a motor sufficiently powerful to 04:23:58PM
` provide the acceleration of a vehicle sufficient to 04:24:23PM
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` conform to the Federal Urban Driving Cycle without use 04:24:29PM
` of the torque from the engine to propel the vehicle. So 04:24:38PM
` that is describing a vehicle that is operating as an 04:24:43PM
` electric vehicle. And Suga talks about testing a motor 04:24:54PM
` for a vehicle that's powered by an electric motor and 04:25:02PM
` subjecting that motor to the -- to a driving cycle such 04:25:13PM
` as the FUDS driving cycle as a way of testing, 04:25:27PM
` selecting, designing the optimum system. 04:25:33PM
`Q. So it's your opinion that Suga is relevant because the

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