_‘ _McGr@w-_§j€i§i
`New Yorkiflalicago TSa.n Fraficisco
`Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City
`Milan New Delhi
`San Juan
`PAICE 2217
`Ford v. Paice & Abell
` 1
`PAICE 2217
`Ford v. Paice & Abell

`Gr: tire cover: Representation or ex iuiierena molecule with o nobie ggcss atom imaged
`inside. At time Permian-Triassic sedimentary Eczundary the nobie gases helium and argon
`have been found trapped inside Fuilerertes. ‘Shay exhibit iseroae ratios quite similar to
`those '§OEJE'Bt.‘i in mererorifas, suggesting that a '§irE§&Ei meteor-to or asteroid exploded
`when it hit‘ the E€.fi§'i‘§'E, causing moiot‘ changes in tire environment. {image copy:-igitr ©
`flat. icsann Becker. Reproduced wiria permission.)
`I been drawn ro1_n':_th_e ’following'referenccs: G. M. Ganity
`:77": "N
`Over the six editions of the Dictionary,
`icleaiié pringer—Verlaig, Iaitua1‘y 2.002; D. W. Linzey, Vertelarare
`er al., Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryot
`Biology, McGraw—Hill, 2001; J. A. Pechenik, Biology of the lnvertelarares, 48) ed., McGraw—l-fill, 2000; U..S'.
`Air Force Glossary of Stana‘am'r'zed Terms, AF Manual 1l~1, vol. 1, 1972; E. Casey, ed., Compilation afTe2-ms‘
`in Irtformotiarz Sciences Teclmology, Fcderal Council for Science and Technology, 1970; Com.=1rm1z'cations—
`Electronics Terminology, AF Manual 11-}, vol. 3, 1970; P. W. Thrush, comp. and ed., A Dicfionary ofMin.irzg,
`Mineral, and Related Terms, Bureau of Mines, 1968; A DOD Glossary of Mapping, Char'rin.g and Geodetic
`Terms, Department of Defense, 1967; J. M. Gilljland, Solar—Tem23m‘al Plrysics: A Glossary of Terms and
`Alabrevfations, Royal Aircraft Establishment Technical Report 67158, 1967: W. H. Allen, ed, Dictiotmry of
`Teclmical Tmns for Aerospace Use, National Aeronautics and SPElCt3;1_A;ClITllfl.i5l:l.'Zl.[l0i1, 1965; Glossary 0fSrt'nfo
`Tennizzology. Officc of Aerospace Research, US.
`Drcriozzary of Electronic, Technical,
`and lrrzperotive Temis, Bureau of Naval Personne
`E ilusch
`Glossary of Meteorology. American
`Meteorological Society, I959; ADP Gl0.s’scn'_y, Department of the Navy, NAVSO P3097; Glossary ofAir Trajjfic
`Control Terms, Federal Aviation Agency; A Glossary ofRa'rtge.Temiinology, lei/lzfte Sands Missile Range, New
`Mexico, National Bureau of Standards, AD 436_TL_4»24i;'iNL1cle:
`Glossary, 2d cd., Atomic Energy
`Sixth Edition
`Copyright © 2003, 1994, 1989, 1984, 1978, 1976, 1974 by The McG1'aw—i.-Iill Companies, lnc. All rights
`reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as pct-mittetl under the United States Copyright Act
`of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or storcd
`in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
`ISBN 0+07—0423l3~X
`Library 9% Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Dom
`Mcfiraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms~~6ll1 ed.
`ISBN {l—(J7»C-42313-X (alk. paper)
`1. Sciencc——Dict1'onaries.
`2. Technology--Dictionaries.
`and technical terms.
`I. Title: Dictionary of scientific

`hypotltalarnoneorohypopttyseal tract
`hysiei‘esie-- damping
` '
`:50 _um
`Euploles, an example of
`H N
`< inN
`Structural formula of
`hormones and neurosccretory structures involved in the enclo—
`crine activity of the adenohypophysis, neurohypophysis. and
`tom} _
`iI~TE,uROSC.'I} Abun—
`die of nerve fibers connecting the suprauptic and paraventricnlar
`neurons of. the hypothalamus with the iniiindihular stem and
`{ {hI'po-tlisilarn-olnur-ohflpisif-9'56--91
`‘unlit }
`[NEUROSCl] The floor of the third brain were
`-tricle; site of production of several substances that act on the
`- { lhi'po'tl1al-3-mos }
`[INV Zoo]
`1-. The lower valve -of a-diatom frus-
`2. Covering on the hypocoue in dinoflagellates.
`rl Illi-
`- — .
`[ANATJ Of or pertaining to the prominent por-
`tion .-of
`the palm above the abuse of
`the little linger.
`[bI'patl:-a.niir }
`[GEOLE Refening to. -the‘, bighicnlperalllrfl
`(3[l0—5tl(}°C) environment of hypol.herrnal— deposits.
`[ML‘\lERAi_] Mineral-depositformed at
`great depths and high (300_~50(l°C)'
`- temperatures.
`-[ {hi-
`_. _-.;‘
`letrrsrol Condition ofreduced body tempera-
`ture in homeotherms.
`{ ,bI-po’th9r-me-3}
`hypothesis .
`1. Aproposition-"which is assumed
`to be one in proving another proposition.
`2, A proposition
`which is thought to be true because its consequences are found
`to be tnre.
`[STAT} A staternent which specifies a population
`or distribution, and whose truth can be tested by sample evi-
`hypoihesis testing
`[srrnfir The branch of statistics which
`considers’ the problemrof choosing between two actions on
`the basis of the observed value of a random variable whose
`distribution depends on it parameter, the value of which would
`it:dicate.tbe correct action. -
`{ lti'piith--9-sos ,lCSl.‘l33 } .
`hypothetical parallax See‘, dynamic parallax.
`{ §bi-pa‘,thed'a-
`kol ‘par-o,lalrs E.
`hypothyroidism {Men} Condition caused by
`secretion of the thyroid hormone.
`{ {ii-po't‘tii,rt':>iidi.z.-srn }::
`ltypotonia '[MED]- Decrease of normal tonicity or tension,
`especially diminution of intraocular pressure or of muscle tone.
`{,hi-p';r"to:ne~o } 2 —..
`1. Pertaining to snbnotrnal muscle
`strength or tension.
`2. Referring to a solution with a- lower
`osmotic pressure than physiological saline.
`{ ilii-po’l;éi.n-ik ]
`[BW 200]
`A11 order of highly specialized pro—
`tozoans in the subclass Spirotrichia characterized by cirri on
`the ventral surface and H tacit. of ciliature on the dorsal surface.
`{ ,hT-po'tril(-o-do ]
`[MATH] A curve traced by a point rigidly
`attached to a circle at a point other than the Center when the
`circle rolls without slipping on the inside of a fixed circle.
`{ {hr-pe'tre,keid j
`[stsrl A specimen of a species, which, though
`not 3. member of the original type series, is known from a
`published desciiption or listing.
`[ ‘hi-pa,trp ]
`[MED] Condition due to deficiency of an
`essential vitamin.
`{ ,hi-p3,vid-oAms'no-sos }
`[MED] Low blood volume.
`me-9 }
`[MED] Shock caused by reduced blood
`hypovolemic shock
`volume which may be due to loss of blood or plasma as in
`burns, the crush syndrome, perforating gastrointestinal wounds,
`or other
`trauma. Also known as wound shock.
`{ {hi-
`po,Vii{lE-rujk 'sh2'ilc }
`An interniediate
`product derived from adenine in the hydrolysis of nucleic acid.
`( }hivpo'zan,then ]
`{ ,hT,pak'se»n1e-9 }
`hypoxemia See hypoxia.
`[ECoL] A condition characterized by a low level of
`dissolved oxygen in an aquatic environment.
`[MED] Oxygen
`deficiency; any state wherein a physiologically inadequate
`amount ofoxygen is available to or is utilized by tissue, without
`to cause or degree. Also known as hypoxemia.
`[hi'p£il:-so-9 }
`hypoxic encephalopathy [MED] Brain damage syndrome
`caused by hypoxia.
`I hi'piik-silt en_sef-4;-‘lap-o,the ]
`In cotnatulids, the proximal-member
`lnzv 200}
`of adjacent bracliials in an articulation.
`. { ,hl'pif)‘Zlg-G} }
`l-lavitig a high forehead with a
`length-height index of 62.6 or rnorc.
`l {hip-so-safifal-ilr }.
`hypsiconch [A_-‘v".l'I%'E!O] Having high orbits with an orbital
`index of 89 or more.
`{ ‘hip-ssfitaiglt ]
`{ANTI-1R0] Having a high skull‘ with a- length
`height index of 75 or more.
`{ {liip-s9‘,kra-ne'al }
`[.-wrnnoj Having ahead thatis high
`and narrow, high and long, or high, long, and narrow.
`{ §hip-
`sa,dal-o-lto-sa‘fal-ilt ]
`[ANTI-IRO] Having aivcry high and Ital‘-
`row head.
`{ fihip-s9_sten-o-s9‘fal-ik.} ,
`E-Eypsitherrnal Se_e_Aitifhetmal.
`,liip-s:4‘tho_ru_1-:91 1 _.
`0f[E(5Lll,l'1‘:l\'ing crowns that areliigb
`or deep and roots that are short._ [ ‘hip-s9,dant }
`hypsographlc map
`[MAP] A chart showing topographic
`relief in reference to a given datum, usually sea level.,_,_{_.. litig-
`hypsography [GEOGR] The
`of measuring
`describiiig elevations of the ea1‘th’s surface with reference to a
`giyen datum. usually sea level.
`[ h.ip'siig-‘to-i'E_}
`hy'poom'ete:'4 -[ENG]
`An instrument for measttring atmo-
`spheric pressure to ascertain elevations by deterroitiing the
`boiling point of li'quids.
`2. Any of several iristrtinients "for
`determining tree heights by triangulation.
`{ hip'siin‘g_o_d-or,}_.
`hypsomeirif ' [ENG] Pertaining,
`I '
`' A fonnula, basedion the
`hydrostatic equation, for either determining the geopotentiai
`difference" or thickness between any two pressure levels, or for
`reducitigthe pressure observed at a given level to that at some
`other level.
`{ ,hip'so'm'e-tri.'K 'for'uiy3'-la")
`.7 _ I
`hypsotnetric map '[MAi>]
`Intopographic’sttiyeyidgfa -‘map
`giving elevations by contours, or sometimes by means of sha '-_
`ing, tinting, or batching." [ ,hip-ss‘me-trik ‘map }'
`hypsomeiric tinting [M'.=tl>} A technique of sbowingrelief
`on maps and charts by coloring. in different shades, those parts
`which"lie between tliiferent levels. Al'so"ltno‘wri as altituiie
`tints." E ,hip-s9'nie-trilr ‘tint-in ]'
`hypsometric tints See gradient tints.
`{ ,hip-sa'me-ttik 'tins']
`hyosometry [ENG]
`'I'i1e-nieasuririg of elevation with refcri
`ence to"'sea level.— { hip'siim‘o~tre lr --
`[PSYCI-{]=5 An abnormal fear of being are great
`[ ,1-tit:-sore-be-9 }"
`=7 2
`[VERT 200] Of or pertaining to the bony structure
`formed by fusion of the henial spines of the last few‘ vertebrae
`in most teleost fishes.
`[ hi'py1'1r-cl ]
`[PAL]-EON] The running rhinoceroses, an
`extinct family of pcrissodacqil tnammals in the superfamily
`{ ,hi-ra-i(o'dant-a,de ]
`[VERT Z00] Anorder ofungu late mammals rep-
`resented only bythe conic-s of Africa, Arabia, and Syria.
`rs-'l(oid-E-9 }
`{MED} A combining form that denotes a relation to
`or a connection with the uterus.
`[PSYCH] A combining form
`indicating it relation to hysteria.
`I ‘his-tor )
`hysterectomy [MED] Surgical removal of all or part of the
`{ ,his-to'relc-to-me}
`[ENG] A device for measuring hysteresis.
`[ l'll.‘i,l‘.E1"9'Slm".‘:‘Ll'31'
`[etucrn] Au oscillator effect wherein a given
`value of an operating parameter may result in multiple values
`of Dutpul power or frequency. —[sLnCrRoMao]
`Sec magnetic
`[NUCLEU] A temporary change in the counting;
`rate—voltage characteristic of a radiation counter tube, caused
`by its previous operation.
`lrtivs] The dependence of the
`state of a system on its previous history, generally in the form
`of 21
`lagging of a physical effect behind its cause.
`to're'sos }
`hysteresis clutch [Meet-t ENG} A clutch in which torque is
`produced by attraction between induced poles in a magnetized
`iron ring and the control field.
`{ ,his-ta're-sos ,k.i9ch }
`hysteresis coefficient
`[PHYS] A constant. characteristic of
`.1 particular material, in a formula for hysteresis loss.
`to'1'e-sos ,lco-i'fish-out ]
`hysteresis damping [MECHE Damping of a vibration due
`to energy lost through mechanical hysteresis.
`{ ,his-to‘re-sos
`‘darn-pin 1

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