`Patent Owner.
`U.S. Patent No. 7,237,634 to Severinsky et al.
`IPR Case No.: IPR2015-00791
`37 C.F.R. § 42.100 ET SEQ. (CLAIMS 33, 37, 39, 40, 41, 50, 80, 93, 94, 96, 99,
`106, 107, 108, 113, 114, 127, 128, 132, 139, 140, 141, 146, 215, 229, AND 231
`OF U.S. PATENT NO. 7,237,634)

`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`EXHIBIT LIST ...................................................................................................................... 5
`RELEVANT LEGAL STANDARDS .................................................................. 14
`STATE OF THE ART ............................................................................................ 16
`“Series” Hybrid Vehicle ................................................................................ 22
`“Parallel” Hybrid Vehicle ............................................................................. 26
`One-Motor “Parallel” Hybrid Vehicle ............................................ 28
`Two-Motor “Series-Parallel” Hybrid Vehicle ................................ 33
`“Switching” Two-Motor “Series-Parallel” Hybrid
`Vehicles .................................................................................... 37
`“Power-Split” Two-Motor “Series-Parallel” Hybrid
`Vehicles .................................................................................... 40
`Hybrid Vehicle “Control Strategies” ........................................................... 40
`PROPOSED CLAIM CONSTRUCTIONS ........................................................ 54
`VI. OVERVIEW OF THE PRIOR ART .................................................................... 55
`U.S. Patent No. 5,789,882 to Ibaraki et al (Ibaraki ’882) .......................... 55
`U.S. Patent No. 6,003,626 to Ibaraki et al (Ibaraki ’626) .......................... 55
`U.S. Patent No. 5,623,104 (Suga) ................................................................ 55
`D. U.S. Patent No. 6,116,363 (Frank) .............................................................. 55
`U.S. Patent No. 5,823,280 (Lateur) ............................................................. 56
`Automotive Electronics Handbook (Jurgen) ............................................. 56
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`Case No: IPR2015-00791
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`VII. UNPATENTABILITY GROUNDS .................................................................... 56
`A. GROUND 1: Claims 33, 37, 50, 215, and 229 ......................................... 56
`Independent Claim 33 ....................................................................... 57
`Dependent Claim 37 ........................................................................ 115
`Independent Claim 215 ................................................................... 133
`Dependent Claim 229 ...................................................................... 140
`Ground 2: Claims 39, 40 80, 93, 94, 96, 99, 106, 107, 108, 114,
`127, 128, 132, 139, 140, and 141................................................................ 141
`1. Motivation to Combine ................................................................... 143
`Dependent Claim 39 ........................................................................ 149
`Dependent Claim 40 ........................................................................ 162
`Independent Claim 80 ..................................................................... 168
`Dependent Claim 93 ........................................................................ 170
`Dependent Claim 94 ........................................................................ 177
`Dependent Claim 96 ........................................................................ 178
`Dependent Claim 99 ........................................................................ 179
`Dependent Claim 106 ...................................................................... 189
`10. Dependent Claim 107 ...................................................................... 196
`11. Dependent Claim 108 ...................................................................... 201
`Independent Claim 114 ................................................................... 203
`13. Dependent Claim 127 ...................................................................... 204
`14. Dependent Claim 128 ...................................................................... 205
`15. Dependent Claim 132 ...................................................................... 206
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`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`16. Dependent Claim 139 ...................................................................... 207
`17. Dependent Claim 140 ...................................................................... 208
`18. Dependent Claim 141 ...................................................................... 208
`C. Ground 3: Dependent Claim 113 and Dependent Claim 146 .............. 208
`1. Motivation to Combine ................................................................... 209
`Dependent Claim 113 ...................................................................... 217
`Dependent Claim 146 ...................................................................... 223
`D. Ground 4: Claims 41 and 231 .................................................................... 223
`Reason to Combine ......................................................................... 223
`Dependent Claim 231 ...................................................................... 233
`Torque-Based Control Was Well-Known ................................................ 234
`The Durham Project/Bumby papers ............................................ 234
`Severinsky ’970 ................................................................................. 236
`VIII. CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................... 240
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`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`U.S. Patent No. 7,237,634
`Ford Letter to Paice
`US Patent 5,789,882
`US Patent 6,003,626
`US Patent 5,623,104
`Declaration of Gregory Davis
`Toyota Litigations
`Hyundai Litigation
`PTAB Decisions & Preliminary
`Response in 2014-00571
`7,237,634 File History (certified)
`Excerpt of USPN 7,104,347 File
`US Patent 7,104,347
`Fundamentals of Vehicle
`Dynamics (Gillespie)
`SAE 760121 (Unnewehr-1976)
`Microprocessor Design for HEV
`SAE SP-1331 (1998)
`Innovations in Design: 1993 Ford
`Hybrid Electric Vehicle Challenge
`1996 & 1997 Future Car
`Introduction to Automotive
`Powertrain (Davis)
`US Application 60-100095
`History of Hybrid Electric
`Vehicle (Wakefield-1998)
`SAE 920447 (Burke-1992)
`Vehicle Tester for HEV (Duoba-
`July 3, 2007
`Sept. 2014
`Aug. 4, 1998
`Dec. 21, 1999
`Apr. 22, 1997
`’634 Patent
`Ibaraki ’882
`Ibaraki ’626
`Davis Dec.
`Toyota Litigation
`Hyundai Litigation
`Ford IPRs
`’634 Patent File
`‘347 File History
`Sept. 12, 2006
`‘347 Patent
`Feb. 1, 1976
`Sept. 1, 1988
`Feb. 1998
`Feb. 1994
`Feb. 1997 &
`Feb. 1998
`Filed Sept. 11,
`SAE SP-1331
`1993 Hybrid
`Davis Textbook
`‘095 Provisional
`Feb. 1, 1992
`Aug. 1, 1997
`Burke 1992
`Duoba 1997
`Page 5 of 240
`FORD 1455

`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`DOE Report to Congress (1994) April 1995
`SAE SP-1156 (1996)
`DOE HEV Assessment (1979)
`Feb. 1996
`Sept. 30, 1979
`EPA HEV Final Study (1971)
`June 1, 1971
`WO 9323263A1 (Field)
`Toyota Prius (Yamaguchi-1998)
`Nov. 25, 1998
`Jan. 1998
`US Patent 6,209,672
`Propulsion System for Design for
`EV (Ehsani-1996)
`Propulsion System Design for
`HEV (Ehsani-1997)
`Bosch Automotive Handbook
`SAE SP-1089 (Anderson-1995)
`Critical Issues in Quantifying
`HEV Emissions (An 1998)
`1973 Development of the Federal
`Urban Driving Schedule (SAE
`Gregory Davis Resume
`Gregory Davis Data
`US Patent 4,407,132
`US Patent 6,116,363
`US Patent 5,823,280
`Automotive Electronics
`Handbook (Jurgen)
`Bumby, J.R. et al. “Optimisation
`and control of a hybrid electric
`car” - IEE Proc. A 1987, 134(6)
`US Patent 5,343,970
`Paice Complaint
`1994 Report to
`SAE SP-1156
`HEV Assessment
`EPA HEV Final
`Toyota Prius
`Yamaguchi 1998
`‘672 Patent
`IEEE Ehsani 1996
`April 3, 2001
`Feb. 1997
`IEEE Ehsani 1997
`Oct. 1996
`Bosch Handbook
`Feb. 1995
`Aug. 11, 1998
`SAE SP-1089
`An 1998
`May 14-18, 1973 SAE 1973
`Oct. 4, 1983
`Sept. 12, 2000
`Oct. 20, 1998
`Nov. 1987
`Bumby II
`Sept. 6, 1994
`Feb. 25, 2014
`Severinsky ‘970
`Page 6 of 240
`FORD 1455

`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`I, Gregory Davis, hereby declare as follows:
`I am making this declaration at the request of Ford Motor Company in
`the matter of inter partes review of U.S. Patent No. 7,237,634 (“the ’634 Patent”) to
`Severinsky et al.
`I am being compensated for my work in this matter at a rate of
`$315/hour. My compensation in no way depends on the outcome of this proceeding.
`In preparation of this declaration, I have studied the exhibits as listed in
`the Exhibit List shown above in my report. Each of the exhibits listed are true and
`accurate copies. The Exhibit list also includes true and accurate citations for each
`exhibit I have reviewed including a weblink, library of congress number or other
`markings denoting authenticity where applicable.
`In forming the opinions expressed below, I have considered:
`The documents listed above as well as additional patents and
`documents referenced herein;
`The relevant
`legal standards,
`the standard for
`obviousness provided to me, and any additional documents cited in the body of
`this declaration; and
`(3) My knowledge and experience based upon my work and study in
`this area as described below.
`I have provided my full background in the curriculum vitae that is
`Page 7 of 240
`FORD 1455

`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`attached as Exhibit 1486.
`I received my Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering
`from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1982 and my Master of Science
`Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Oakland University in 1986.
`Further, I am a licensed “Professional Engineer” in the state of
`As shown in my curriculum vitae, most of my career has been in the
`field of automotive engineering, including numerous positions in both the academia
`and industry settings.
`After receiving my Master’s degree, I began work at General Motors
`where I had several assignments involving automotive design, advanced engineering
`and manufacturing. Over the course of my years at General Motors, I was involved in
`all aspects of the vehicle design process, from advanced research and development to
`Specifically, my work at General Motors included aspects of engine and
`fuel system design relating to the production of fuel sending units, and modeling the
`effects of fuels and EGR on vehicle performance and emissions.
`11. After leaving General Motors, I continued my education at the
`University of Michigan where I was awarded a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in
`1991. My thesis was directed to automotive engineering including the design and
`development of systems and models for understanding combustion in automotive
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`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`12. Upon completion of my Ph.D., I joined the faculty of the U.S. Naval
`Academy where I led the automotive program in mechanical engineering. As part of
`my responsibilities while at the Academy, I managed the laboratories for Internal
`Combustion Engines and Power Systems.
`I further taught automotive and mechanical engineering courses while at
`the U.S. Naval Academy. Some of the courses I taught were directed specifically to
`design and operation of internal combustion engines in both conventional and hybrid
`vehicles. I also taught courses pertaining to the design and operation of hybrid
`In addition to my work at the U.S. Naval Academy, I also served as
`faculty advisor for the USNA Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). During this
`time, I served as project director for the research and development of hybrid electric
`15. My work with regards to hybrid electric vehicles included extensive
`design and modifications of the powertrain, chassis, and body systems. This
`development work included the design, modifications and implementation of alternate
`fuel delivery and injection systems.
`Some of the hybrid electric vehicle work that I worked on at the U.S.
`Naval Academy was published in a bound 1994 SAE special publication. I have
`attached as Exhibit 1466 a true and accurate copy of the 1994 paper that was
`Page 9 of 240
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`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`submitted on behalf of my team for this competition. (Ex. 1466 [1993 Hybrid
`17. While at the Naval Academy, I also taught classes in mechanical
`engineering at Johns Hopkins University.
`In 1995, I joined the faculty of Lawrence Technological University
`where I served as Director of the Master of Automotive Engineering Program and
`Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department.
`19. The master’s program in automotive engineering is a professionally
`oriented program aimed at attracting and educating practicing engineers in the
`automotive industry.
`In addition to teaching and designing the curriculum for undergraduate
`and graduate students, I also worked in the automotive industry closely with Ford
`Motor Company on the development of a hybrid electric vehicle.
`Specifically, I served as project director on a cooperative research project
`to develop and design all aspects of a hybrid electric vehicle. While in many instances
`we used standard Ford components, we custom designed many automotive
`subsystems. As part of this project, we completely redesigned and replaced the
`existing powertrain including the fuel storage, delivery and injection systems. We also
`did analytical and actual testing of the systems.
`22. While at Lawrence Technological University, I also served as the faculty
`advisor on several student based hybrid vehicle competitions that were sponsored
`Page 10 of 240
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`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`primarily by Ford Motor Company, General Motors Company, and Chrysler
`23. These competitions required the complete design of a hybrid vehicle,
`including the design of the powertrain. These competitions also required the complete
`design of the software and hardware required to control the hybrid vehicle.
`24. Attached as Exhibit 1467 is a true and accurate copy of the competition
`papers that were submitted for the 1996 and 1997 competitions for which I served as
`the faculty advisor. (Ex. 1467 [1996 & 1997 Future Car Challenge].)
`25. During my time at Lawrence Technological University, I further served
`as advisor for 145 automotive graduate and undergraduate project students. Many of
`the graduate students whom I advised were employed as full time engineers in the
`automotive industry. This service required constant interaction with the students and
`their automotive companies which included the major automotive manufacturers (e.g.,
`Ford, Chrysler, General Motors, Toyota, etc.) along with many automotive suppliers,
`including those that supply fuel delivery systems (e.g., Denso, Delphi and Bosch).
`26. Currently, I am employed as a Professor of Mechanical Engineering &
`Director of the Advanced Engine Research Laboratory (AERL) at Kettering
`University—formerly known as “General Motors Institute.”
`27. At Kettering University, I develop curriculum and teach courses in
`mechanical and automotive engineering to both undergraduate and graduate students.
`For one of my classes on automotive powertrains, I and a fellow professor (Craig
`Page 11 of 240
`FORD 1455

`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`Hoff) co-authored a textbook titled “Introduction to Automotive Powertrains.” A
`true and accurate copy of excerpts from this textbook is attached as Exhibit 1468.
`The full version of this textbook is around 400 pages long and is used in my course to
`give engineering students an introductory understanding of the fundamentals of
`automotive engines, automotive transmissions, and how to select those components
`to provide the optimum compromise between acceleration performance, gradeability
`performance and fuel economy performance. (Ex. 1468 [Davis Textbook] at 2.)
`Further, this textbook is based on mine and Professor Hoff’s personal collection of
`class notes that we had been using to teach such fundamental automotive principles as
`far back as the mid-1990’s.
`Since coming to Kettering, I have advised over 90 undergraduate and
`graduate theses in automotive engineering. Further, I actively pursue research and
`development activities within automotive engineering.
`29. My work requires constant involvement with my students and their
`sponsoring automotive companies which have included not only those mentioned
`above, but also Walbro, Nissan, Borg Warner, FEV, Inc., U.S. Army Automotive
`Command, Denso, Honda, Dana, TRW, Tenneco, Navistar, and ArvinMeritor.
`30. As is further shown by resume, I have published over 50 peer reviewed
`technical articles and presentations involving topics in automotive engineering.
`31. Automotive and mechanical engineering topics covered in these articles
`include development of hybrid vehicles, mechanical design and analysis of
`Page 12 of 240
`FORD 1455

`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`components and systems, vehicle exterior design
`including aerodynamics,
`development of alternative fueled vehicles and fuel systems, thermal and fluid system
`design and analysis, selection and design of components and sub-systems for
`optimum system integration, and system calibration and control.
`I have also chaired or co-chaired sessions in automotive engineering at
`many technical conferences including sessions involving powertrain development and
`control in automotive engineering.
`33. Additionally, while acting as director of the AERL, I am responsible for
`numerous laboratories and undergraduate and graduate research projects, which
`include On-road and Off-road engine and chassis testing laboratories. Projects have
`included the design and development of fuel injection systems for off-road vehicles,
`fuel compatibility studies of vehicle storage and delivery systems, modification of fuel
`delivery systems to accommodate alternative fuels, the development of electric
`vehicles, and other extensive modifications and development of vehicular
`I also serve as faculty advisor to the Society of Automotive Engineers
`International (SAE) of the local Student Branch and for the “SAE Clean Snowmobile
`Challenge,” and “SAE Aero Design” collegiate design competitions. At the national
`level, I have served as a director on the SAE Board of Directors, the Engineering
`Education Board, and the Publications Board.
`Further, I have chaired the Engineering Education Board and several of
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`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`the SAE Committees.
`I also actively develop and teach Continuing Professional Development
`(CPD) courses both for SAE and directly for corporate automotive clients. These
`CPD courses are directed to automotive powertrain, exterior body systems, hybrid
`electric vehicle design, and include extensive engine performance, emissions, and
`economy considerations. These courses are taught primarily to engineers who are
`employed in the automotive industry or governmental entities.
`Finally, I am a member of the Advisory Board of the National Institute
`for Advanced Transportation Technology at the University of Idaho. In addition to
`advising, I also review funding proposals and project reports of the researchers
`funded by the center.
`I have been asked to provide opinions on the claims of the ’634 Patent
`in light of the prior art.
`It is my understanding that a claimed invention is unpatentable under 35
`USC § 102 if a prior art reference teaches every element of the claim. Further, it is my
`understanding that a claimed invention is unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 103 if the
`differences between the invention and the prior art are such that the subject matter as
`a whole would have been obvious at the time the alleged invention was made to a
`person having ordinary skill in the art to which the subject matter pertains. I also
`understand that an obviousness analysis takes into account factual inquiries including
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`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`the level of ordinary skill in the art, the scope and content of the prior art, and the
`differences between the prior art and the claimed subject matter.
`It is my understanding that the Supreme Court has recognized several
`rationales for combining references or modifying a reference to show obviousness of
`the claimed subject matter. Some of these rationales include the following: combining
`prior art elements according to known methods to yield predictable results; simple
`substitution of one known element for another to obtain predictable results; a
`predictable use of prior art elements according to their established functions; applying
`a known technique to a known device to yield predictable results; choosing from a
`finite number of identified, predictable solutions, with a reasonable expectation of
`success; and some teaching, suggestion, or motivation in the prior art that would have
`led one of ordinary skill to modify the prior art reference or to combine prior art
`reference teachings to arrive at the claimed invention.
`I have reviewed the ’634 Patent, those patents cited in the ’634 Patent as
`well as the prior art documents. Based on this review and my knowledge of hybrid
`electric vehicles, including my work on multiple hybrid vehicles during the course of
`the 1990’s, it is my opinion that a person of ordinary skill in the art would have either:
`(1) a graduate degree in mechanical, electrical or automotive engineering with at least
`some experience in the design and control of combustion engines, electric or hybrid
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`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`electric vehicle propulsion systems, or design and control of automotive
`transmissions, or (2) a bachelor's degree in mechanical, electrical or automotive
`engineering and at least five years of experience in the design of combustion engines,
`electric vehicle propulsion systems, or automotive transmissions.
`I understand that this determination is made at the time of the invention,
`which I understand that the patentee purports as being the September 14, 1998 filing
`of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/100,095 (“the ’095 Provisional,” Ex. 1469).
`As I also discussed in my “Qualifications and Professional Experience” (¶¶5-37)
`above, I am familiar with the level of knowledge and the abilities of a person having
`ordinary skill in the art at the time of the claimed invention based on my experience in
`the industry (both as an employee and as a professor).
`It is my opinion that hybrid-electric vehicles (hybrid vehicle) were
`conceived over 100 years ago in an attempt to combine the power capabilities of
`electric motors and internal combustion engines1 (ICE) to satisfy all the driver
`demand required to propel a vehicle. My opinion is supported by a true and accurate
`copy of excerpts from the 1998 textbook titled the “History of the Electric
`1 An engine could also be referred to as a “heat engine” and is commonly known to
`be a part of the overall “Auxiliary Power Unit” of a hybrid vehicle (i.e., “APU”).
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`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`Automobile” authored by Ernest Wakefield. (Ex. 1470 [Wakefield] at 11.)2
`For instance, Wakefield describes a functioning hybrid vehicle that was
`designed and built by Justus Entz in May 1897. (Ex. 1470 [Wakefield] at 11-13.)
`45. My opinion is also supported by hybrid vehicle patents that I am aware
`extend as far back as 1909 for U.S. Patent No. 913,846 to Pieper that was granted for
`a “Mixed Drive Auto Vehicle.”
`46. As is explained by Wakefield, the hybrid vehicle disclosed by the Pieper
`patent was likewise assembled as a functioning hybrid vehicle that was publically used.
`(Ex. 1470 [Wakefield] at 13-14.)
`47. As is explained by Wakefield, well-known hybrid vehicles were built and
`publically used by Baker and Woods in 1917. (Ex. 1470 [Wakefield] at 21-23.)
` Based on my experience and knowledge a known goal of using hybrid
`vehicles is the possibility of operating the engine at its “optimum efficiency.” For
`instance, a 1976 SAE paper states:
`From almost
`the beginning of
`the Automotive Age, various
`combinations of drive systems have been tried in order to achieve
`vehicle performance characteristics superior to those that can be
`obtained using a single type of drive. These efforts have been made in
`the name of many worthwhile goals such as increased vehicle
`2 Ex. 1470 [Wakefield] is stated as being copyrighted in 1998 and available from the
`Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). (Ex. 1470 [Wakefield] at 2.)
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`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`acceleration capability, audible noise reduction, operation of an
`engine or turbine at optimum efficiency, reduction of noxious
`emissions, and improved fuel economy.
`(Ex. 1463 [Unnewehr] at 1, emphasis added.)3
`It is my understanding that based on events in the 1970’s, a renewed
`interest in hybrid vehicles emerged as a means to combat the U.S. dependency on oil
`and to meet increased air pollution reduction goals. (See e.g., Ex. 1471 [Burke 1992] at
`34; Ex. 1472 [Duoba 1997] at 3.)5
`It is also my understanding that in 1976 the U.S. government enacted
`Public Law 94-413 pertaining to the “Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Research,
`Development, and Demonstration Act” that was to “encourage and support
`3 Ex. 1463 [Unnewehr] is a true and accurate copy of an SAE paper titled “Hybrid
`Vehicle for Fuel Economy” that was published by L.E. Unnewehr et al. that I
`understand was published on February 1, 1976.
`4 Ex. 1471 [Burke 1992] is a true and accurate copy of a SAE paper titled
`“Hybrid/Electric Vehicle Design Options and Evaluations” authored by Andrew
`Burke that I understand was published on February 1, 1992.
`5 Ex. 1472 [Duoba 1997] is a true and accurate copy of a paper titled “Challenges for
`the Vehicle Tester in Characterizing Hybrid Electric Vehicles” authored by Michael
`Duoba that I understand was published by the U.S. DOE on August 1, 1997.
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`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`accelerated research
`into, and development of electric and hybrid vehicle
`technologies.” (Ex. 1473 [1994 Report to Congress] at 4.)6
`51. As a result of this law, it is my understanding that hybrid and electric
`vehicles were being developed by automotive corporations. (Ex. 1473 [1994 Report to
`Congress] at 4.)
`It is my understanding that during the 1980’s and 1990’s, Ford Motor
`Company and Toyota Motor Company were involved in the design and development
`of both hybrid and electric vehicles. (See e.g., Ex. 1463 [Unnewehr] at 1; Ex. 1465
`[SAE SP-1331]7 at 4-5.)
`It is further my understanding that collegiate competitions intensified
`hybrid vehicle research during the 1990’s starting with the 1993 Ford Hybrid Electric
`Vehicle Challenge. As indicated by Ex. 1466 [1993 Hybrid Challenge] I personally
`participated in the 1993 Ford Hybrid Electric Vehicle Challenge. (Ex. 1466 [1993
`Hybrid Challenge] at 6.) By 1994 these competitions had grown to include teams from
`6 Ex. 1473 [1994 Report to Congress] is a true and accurate copy of the “Electric and
`Hybrid Vehicles Program – 18th Annual Report to Congress for Fiscal Year 1994”
`that I understand was published by the U.S. Department of Energy in April 1995.
`7 Ex. 1465 [SAE SP-1331] is a true and accurate copy of excerpts from a SAE special
`publication that I understand was published in February 1998. (Ex. 1465 [SAE SP-
`1331] at 2.)
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`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No. FPGP0104IPR11
`over 30 universities representing more than 800 students. (Ex. 1473 [1994 Report to
`Congress] at 10.)
`54. As I mentioned in my “Qualifications and Professional” section above, I
`was personally involved with the U.S. Naval Academy’s hybrid vehicle design that was
`entered in the 1993 “Ford Hybrid Vehicle” and the 1994-1995 competitions. (Ex.
`1466 [1993 Hybrid Challenge] at 6.)
`I was also personally involved with Lawrence Technological University’s
`hybrid vehicle design that was entered in the 1996 and 1997 “Future Car” hybrid
`electric vehicle competitions. (Ex. 1467 [1996 & 1997 Futurecar] at 6, 23.)
`56. Based upon the level of research and development prior to 1998, it is my
`opinion that various hybrid vehicle “architectures” were well-known. (See e.g., Ex.
`1474 [SAE SP-1156] at 4, 7-8.)8 As I explain in more detail below, hybrid vehicle
`“architectures” included: (1) “series” hybrid vehicles (¶¶61-69 below); and (2)
`“parallel” hybrid vehicles (¶¶70-72 below). As I further explain in detail below,
`“parallel” hybrid vehicle architectures were known to include: (1) one motor “parallel”
`hybrid vehicle architectures (¶¶73-86 below); and (3) two motor “parallel” hybrid
`vehicle architectures (¶¶87-107 below).
`8 Ex. 1474 [SAE SP-1156] is a true and accurate copy of an SAE special publication
`titled “Strategies in Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Designs” that I understand was
`published in February 1996.
`Page 20 of 240
`FORD 1455

`Case No: IPR2015-00791
`Attorney Docket No.

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