PTo/sB/o8a (07-09)
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`us- 6493633
`us- 6937210
`06-09-1 987
`07-1 1 -1 989
`1 0-24-1 989
`09-07-1 999
`Bergen et al.
`Roy et al.
`lwamura et al.
`Miller et al,
`Kalra et al.
`Baron et al.
`Baron et al.
`Gadh et al.
`rages, uolumns, Lnes, vvnere
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`05-21-1987 Bergen et al.
`09-30-1 993 Jader et al.
`03-16-1994 Hashimoto et al.
`11-2S1995 Takahiro et al.
`vlaver et al.
`considered. lnclude copy ol this form with next communication to applicant. I Appllcanf s unlque citation deslgnation number (opUonal), 2 See Kinds Codes of
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`U,S. Patenl and Trademark Offic6; U.S, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Substitute for form 144g/PTO
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`lnclude name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when appropriate), title of
`the item (book, magazine, joumal, serial, symposium, catalog, etc.), date, page(s), volume-issue
`number(s). oublisher. citv and/or countrv where nublished-
`K.R. Sloan, Jr., et al., "Progressive Refinement of Raster lmages", IEEE
`Transactions on Computers, November 11, 1979, Vol. C-28, No. 11 ,pp.871-874
`J.D. Foley et al., "Computer Graphics Principles and Practice", Addison-Wesley
`Publishing Company copyright 1990, pp. 548-557, 8M-U6,880-882
`R.D. Bess (XP 000857702), "lmage Generation lmplications for Networked Tactical
`Training Systems", published Sep. 18, 1993, pp. 308-317, Bellevue Washington
`Y.G. Leclerc, et al., "SRl lnternational-Terra Vision: A Terrain Visualization
`System", April22, 1994,20 pages
`D. Koller et al. (XP 000585396), "Virtual GIS: A Real-Time 3D Geographic lnformation
`System", pub. Oct. 29, 1995, pp. 94-100, Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Visualization Conf.
`Sauter, Joachim, "The Terravision Project: A Global Mirror", 1995,4 pages,
`www.doorsofperception. com.../doors3/transcripts/sauter
`Grueneis, et al. (XP-000986312), "T-Vision", in Visual Proceedings. The Art
`and lnterdisciplinary Programs of Siggraph 95, Aug. 1995, p. 134
`CD-ROM Materials from SIGGRAPH 95, August 6-1 1, 1995, in Los
`Angeles, CA, USA: "The T_Vision Project"
`24 Declaration of Pavel Mayer flled under 37 C.F.R. 1.132
`25 Barbara B. Fuller et al., An Overview of the MAGIC Project, December 1993
`considered, lnclude copy of this lorm with nex communication to applicant.
`1 Applicant's unique citalion designalion number (optional), 2 Applicant is to place a check mark here if English language Translalion is attached.
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`PTO/SB/08b (07-0e)
`Approved for use through 0731/2012. OMB 0651-003't
`U.S. Patent and Tredemark Olftce; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`a ollection
`Complete lf Known
`Subslitute for form 1 449/PTO
`(lJse as manysheels as necessary)
`qneet 13
`I of 13
`Appllcatlon Number
`Filing Date
`Firct Named lnventor
`Pavel Mayer
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`Attorney Docket Number 081553.0102
`lnclude name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when appropriate), title of
`the item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog, etc.), date, page(s), volume-issue
`number(s). oublisher. citv and/or countrv where oublished-
`Y.G. Leclerc, SRI lnternational, "Tile Set Deflnitions," Technical Note No.
`541, April 28, 1994,18 pages,
`Brian L. Tierney et al., "The lmage Server System: A High-Speed Parallel Distributed
`Data Server," Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report 36002, 1994, 12 pages
`Brian Tierney et al., "Distributed Parallel Data Storage Systems:A Scalable
`Approach to High Speed lmage Servers," Proc. ACM Multimedia, 1994,11 pages
`Brian L. Tierney et al., "Using High Speed Networks to Enable Distributed
`Parallel lmage Server Systems," Proc. Supercomputing, 1994, 10 pages
`Brian L. Tierney et al, "System lssues in lmplementing High Speed Distributed Parallel
`Storage Systems," USENIX Symposium on High Speed Networking, 1994, 15 pages.
`Y.G. Leclerc et al, SRI lnternational, 1994 MAGIC TechnicalSymposium
`Presentation, 1 994, 22 pages.
`Yvan G. Leclerc, MAGIC Final Report, SRI lnternational, May 1996, 14 pages.
`Barbara Fuller and lra Richer, "The MAGIC Project From Vision to
`Reality," May/June 1996, 11 pages.
`34 CD-ROM Materials from SIGGRAPH 95, August 6-1 1, 1995, in Los Angeles,
`35 Excerpts from Deposition of Stephen Lau, Jr., filed in Skyline Software Systems,
`lnc. v. Keyhole, lnc., and Google, lnc., 17 pages.
`lnitial if referencc considered, whether or not cjtation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through dtation if not in conformance and not
`considered. lndude copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
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`to process) an apflication. Con identiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.14. This colledion is estimated to take 2 hours to complete, including
`gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed applicalion form to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the
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`Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 2231$1450.
`lf you need assistance in completing the form, call 1-800-PTO-9199 (1-80G7869199) and select option 2,
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` First Namecl Inventor: PAT EL i\L{yER
`$$ Appiication No,: To tre assigned
`In re Reissue of:
`U.S. Pl'run'r No. RIl4l,428
`Jur,y I"3,2010
`$ $$
`$iS {
`i $ $ s
` etty. DocketNo: 0E1553.0102
`Titie: '5M[THoD AND DE\.,rcE FoR
`PtcroR t a I- Rr rnr'.spnrA'rr oN or'
`S pacn-Rr.lATED I)ATA"
`I. Pavel lvfayer, hereLry dcclare and state that:
`I ani over the age of 2l years, otlsound mind, and competent in all rcspccts to
`make this Deelaration.
`I rmderstar:d that i anr submitting this declaration in connection with the
`above-ref'erenced reissue application pending in the United States Patenl and Traclernalk
`Office, entitled lrlethod and Device Jor Pic:torial Representation of Space-Relu.ted Dala. I ant
`an ihventol ou the original patent (U.S, Patent No. 6,100,897), the reissued patent
`(RI141,428), and the seconC r:eissue patent application.
`3. On August 6-1i, 1995. SIGGRAPFI 95 was held in l,os Angeles, California,
`SIGGRAPH is a computer graphics and interactive techniques conference that is held
`annually. I attended the SIGGMPH 95 conference,
`I have reviera,ed the CD-ROM nrate.riatrs tiom SIGGIIAI'>H 95 entitied "'Ihp T-
`Vision Proiect," r,vhich have been submitted to the Patent Officte in an Infirrmation Disclosure
`Statement fileci u.'ith this reissue application.
`5. At SIGC}IIAPH 95, an carly prototype of the ll'_Vision Syslem was
`demonstratecl by ART+COM in the [nteractive Communitie,s area of the ccinf'erence.
`GOOGLE EXHIBIT 1004, Page 4 of 6


`The early T_Vision protot.vpe did not use the method disclosed in U.S. Palent
`No, 6,100,897. RE41.428, or the present reissue application because at the time ot'
`SIGGRAPH 95, the msthod had been iinplemented trr invented.
`The notr,vork intlastr,ucture required for the method disclosed in U.S. Patent
`'No. 6,i00,897, R1141,428, and the present reissne application did not exist on a gkrbal scaie
`at the time of'SICCRAPI'I 95.
`The early'prototype denronstrated at SI(i(IRAPII 95 used a simple singie
`database residing on a loeal system to access the earth data u.ithin the database. A disiribured
`database rvas not used at SIGGRAPH 95, and a s,vstem prnviderl '*,jth a plurality of spatiall;,
`distributed clata sources was not clemonstrated at SIGGRAPH 95. The systern denronstr:aled
`at SIGGRAPH 95 was also not networked. Because the systern was a stanclalone prototype
`demonstrated in a non-networked c:onfi,guration, it r.vould have heen unable to pertbrm at least
`steps a, c, f, and g as recited in clairn 1 of RE41428. Thus, the early protntype demonstrated
`at SIGGRAPITI 95 did not possess all of the claimed featnres.
`At that time, it was atso urlolear rvhether a distrilruted database could even be
`used in snch a system due to limitations in computing speed, graphics capabilil.v. and netu,ork
`10. [J.S. Patcnt No. 6,100.891,1{841,428, and the present reissue application all
`relate to the next generation s).stem, using a distriliuted database and a plurality of spatially
`distlibuted data sources.
`I 1. Befbre SIGC}RAI'|J 95, an early prototype of thc f _Vision System was also
`clemonstlated at the Interactive Media Festival in Los Angeles in 1995.
`12. The early prototype demonstrated at the Inteiactive Media Festival also used a
`simple single database resir-ling orr a local systenr to access the ealth data within tlre database.
`A distriburteci database was not used al the Interactive }r4edia Festival, zrud a systern ,r.ith a
`plur:ality of spatially distributed data sources was not demonstrated at the Interactive Meclia
`Fostivat. Tire system demonstrated at the Interactivc Mediir Festival r,vas also not networkcd,
`Because the sysiem \^,as a standalone prototype demonsttated in a non-netrvorked
`coniiguration, it would have been unable to perfonn at leasl steps a. s, f, and g as recited in
`claim I ol RE41zl28. fhus. the early irrototype demonstrate.d at the Interactive lvledia
`Feslival clid not possess ati of the claimed features. Again, at that time, it rvas unclear y-$,ril
`GOOGLE EXHIBIT 1004, Page 5 of 6


`a distributEd clarabase cr:uld even be u.sed in such a s),stom due to limitations in ctimputing
`speed, graphics capability, and network infiastructure.
`13. On Novernber 18, 1996, rvhen Deutsche l'elekom rvent public, the I'_Vision
`system rvas used in a norr-interactive way in liont of the Nerv York Stock Exch4nge. l'he
`system r.vas use<lto display a fly,over between Frankfurt and New Yolk.
`14. I hereby declare that all statements rnade herein of rny own kn.ou'ledge are, tme
`and that all statements made on information and bclieIare believcd to be tnre. Furlher,l
`declare that these statemeRts are made rvith the knowledge that wiliful false statements, and
`the lilce so made. are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under Seution 1001. title
`18 of the United States Code, and that such rvillful false statements may jeopardize the
`validity of the rcissue Applioation or any patent issuing thereon.
`Deolaration pursuant to 37 C.F.R. $ 1.132 in regarcl to reissue application of RE41.428.
`Signed ttris ,"i-,ii day of February 2013
`GOOGLE EXHIBIT 1004, Page 6 of 6

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