`Patented Mar. 2, 1909;
`fi7enrz'Pz'e/oer; [I21/erzzlor
`, Qqg Afljs.
`FORD 1369
`1 of 10
`FORD 1369

`91 3,343_
`Patented Mar. 2, 1909."
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`FORD 1369
`2 of 10
`FORD 1369

`‘Patented Mar. 2, 1909.
`5 SHEETS—SHE}.‘.T 3.
`9 E |
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`Hen rz'Pz22,z>e2;]2z I/efzivr
`/~ A
`3 of 10
`FORD 1369
`3 of 10
`FORD 1369

`Patented Mar. 2, 1909.
`Henri Pz'eper;I7z1/elzfor
`, £41‘ fCo—o/fi-/
`FORD 1369
`4 of 10
`FORD 1369

`Pa/Le11ted Mar. 2, 1909.
`I 22.0
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`I'ViZ7133~§93 -'
`Henri Pz'e;9e7; fnyén for
`5 of 10
`FORD 1369
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`FORD 1369

`No. 913,848.
`Specification of Letters Patent.
`Patented March 2, 1909.
`Application filed November 23, 1905. Serial No. 233,311.
`‘ motor. Figs. 5 and 6 are similar views illus-
`To all whom it may concern:
`Be it known that I, HENRI PIEPER, a sub— trating‘ the relations of an automatic con-
`iect of the King of Belgium, residing at 18
`troller to the other elements of the system.
`Rue des Bayards,,:in Liege, Belgium, have in- Fig. 7 is a view in elevation of the devices for 60
`5 yented certain new and useful Improvements controlling the amount and character of the
`in Mixed Drives for Autovehicles; and I do explosive charges. Fig. 7 a is anend view of
`hereby declare the following to be" a full,
`the car shown in Fig. 2, with the side mem-
`clear, and exact description of the same, such bers of the chassis in section.
`as will enable others skilled in the art to
`Referring to the drawings and employing 65
`10 which it appertains to make and use the
`similar numerals to indicate corresponding
`parts in the several figures thereof, 1 re re-
`The invention, subject of my present ap-
`sents any suitable form of internal com us-
`plication‘, is an improvement in power plants
`tion or thermal engine, mounted in the usual
`or systems, more particularly applicable to, manner on the frame of a car and driving a 70
`and for that reason herein illustrated in con-4
`shaft 41 direct-connected -with a generator 2,
`nection with a vehicle or car, but like other which for the purposes of this combination is
`systems of a kindred nature heretofore em- or may be a shunt wound dynamo of the usual
`ployed inthe art adapted for other and simi-
`type having the capability of operating either
`ar purposes."
`as a generator or as a motor, and hence known 7 5
`The invention finds efn“b“o‘din1ent in" what is
`as a dynamo-motor.
`known as a mixed set or system, which, as is
`The engine and dynamo motor 'work in
`well known, comprises an -internal combus- parallel in driving the propelling shaft of the
`tion or similar engine, a dynamo‘ motor di-
`car through the medium of a magnetic fric-
`rect connected therewith, and a storage bat— tion clutch 3, and in circuit with said dynamo 80
`25 tery or accumulator
`in circuit with the
`is a secondary battery or accumulator 5.
`dynamo motor, these elements being coop— conveniently placed under the seat of the
`eratively related so that the dynamo motor .vel1icle.
`may be runas a motor by the electrical en—
`The engine,
`the dynamo motor and the
`ergy stored in the accumulatorito start the
`accumulator require no further detailed de— 85
`30 engine or to furnish a portion of the power scription, as they are, or may be, of any well
`delivered by the set, or may be run as a gen- known construction or character suitable for
`erator by the engine, when the power of the’ constituting what is well known in the art as
`latter is in excess of“ that demanded of the
`a mixed power set.
`set, and caused to store energy in the accu-
`The dynamo motor is primarily controlled, 90
`and a regulation of the‘ mixed set in part ef-
`The improvement consists in the combina— fected by the hand lever 20 which is in a posi-
`tion with a power system of this kind and ar-
`tion readily accessible to the driver. This le-
`ranged substantially as heretofore, to con- Ver is connected with and operates an elec-
`stitute what is known as a mixed set, of new trical switch cylinder 6, see Fig. 4, and a dam- 95
`40 and i_mproved means for effecting the regu— A per27 which varies the proportion of air in the
`lation and control of the set as a whole, and
`explosive charges drawn from the carbureter
`in such details of construction as will be
`42, and also the sparking cam 24 which con-
`more fully hereinafter described and pointed trols the spark advance. -- The lever 20 may
`out in the claims.
`be connected directly to the switch cylinder, .100
`In the drawings-hereto annexed, Figure 1
`as in Fig. 1, or by a toothed segment 20“
`is a general view partly in section and partly carried by the lever and in mesh with a pin-
`in side elevation of an auto-car equipped V ion 6“ on the cylinder, as illustrated in Fig. 7.
`with my improved system. Fig. 2 1S a top In the latter construction, a forward move— ,
`T planview of the frame of such a car with the ment of the lever will of course rotate the 105
`power system mounted thereon. Fig. 3 is a
`switch cylinder
`in the counterclockwise
`diagrammatic view of the several elements, direction.’ There is also employed in con-
`illustrative of their relations and the neces-
`junction with the manually operated con-
`sary electrical connections. Fig. 4 is a
`trolling device a supplementary means for
`partly diagrammatic view of a combined controlling the power of the engine which is 110
`55 electrical and mechanical controller illustrat-
`automatically dependent for operation upon

`ing its relations to the engine and dynamo-
`the state of charge of the accumulator and
`FORD 1369
`6 of 10
`FORD 1369

`2 t
`he speed of the propelling or-transmission
`shaft, and this consists of a solenoid'29 with
`two windings, one in the main circuit of the
`accumulator and dynamo motor, and the
`other in.a shunt circuit to the latter, and an
`armature or core connected with a throttle
`that varies the volume of
`the explosive
`charges admitted to the engine.
`The nature and purpose of the part above
`referred to will be understood from the fol-
`lowing more detailed description of their con-
`struction and mode of operation.
`The magnetic friction clutck.-This device
`is composed essentially of three parts, one of
`which is a frame 7, another a similan part
`secured to the frame of the vehicle, and the
`third an intermediate armature 8. The
`part 7 is a steel fly wheel" keyed to the shaft
`of the engine and dynamo-motor, and pro-
`vided near its periphery with an annular
`recess or groove in its face, in which is located
`‘a coil of insulated wire 12. The armature 8
`is composed of a plate fixed to the trans-
`mission shaft which imparts movement to
`the car. On the opposite side of the arma-
`ture 8 an annular frame or rim 16 is secured
`by bolts and nuts to the frame of the car,.or
`to some part rigidly united thereto.
`In said
`rim is’ a recess or groove in which is wound a
`coil 17 to constitute a‘ clutch member identi-
`cal with the coil 12, and its recessed frame.
`It is readily understood that by passing a
`current through the. coil 12. the armature 8
`is caused to attach itself magnetically to the
`frame 7, thus bringing thecar into‘gear»with'
`the engine and dynamo, while, on the other
`hand, if current‘ be -diverted to coil 17, the
`magnetic attraction betweenthe rim 16 and
`the armature 8 will act as a brake to stop the
`car or reduce its speed.-- The flow of current
`through the respective coils of the magnetic
`friction brake is regulated by a special and
`independent controller 18, placed -in con-‘
`venient position where‘ it can be worked
`This device
`either by hand or by a pedal.
`is of any ordinary construction, and it is
`illustrated diagrammatically ' and conven-
`tionally in Fig.) 3. By its operation current
`12 or coil 17and
`is directed /through coil
`graduated by the interposition or withdrawal
`of resistances 19 in the usual manner.
`The manual cont7'oller.’——The manual con-
`troller,-shown in perspective in Fi
`. 4 and in
`diagram in Fig. 3‘consists of a cy 'nder 6 of
`insulating material, to which are secured the
`necessary conducting plates. A series of
`contact terminals connected with the several
`circuits to be controlled bear upon the cylin-
`, der and the plates upon the latter are so
`'60 shaped and connected that the following
`operations result from the movements ofthe;
`lever 20 by which the cylinder‘ is turned;
`When said ever is turned in a forward direc-
`tion, all of the brushes or terminals 46 con”-
`nected through resistances 23 with oneiend
`of the field circuit of the dynamo, and: also a ’
`brush 47 connected with the frame of the
`machine are brought into contact with plate
`48, see Fig. 3. As the opposite terminal of
`the field circuit is connected through the
`battery 5 with the frame of the machine at
`49, the field of the dynamo is thus connected
`in circuit with the accumulatorgwith all of
`the resistances 23 cut out.
`The armature or commutator brushes are
`connected with brushes or terminals 50 and
`51 respectively and the ungrounded terminal
`of the accumulator 5 or that which is not
`connected with the frame of the _machine is
`also connected with brushes 52 between
`which resistances 22 are interposed‘. The
`brushes 52 are brought into engagement with
`a plate 53 on the cylinder 6 by the forward
`movement of the lever 20 to bring the arma-
`ture 21 into circuit with the resistances 22
`and the accumulator.5. To accomplish this
`the brush 50 contacts with _plate'48, and
`brushes 51 and 52 with plate 53 which latter
`is cut away as shown so that the brushes 52
`may contact therewith successively whereby
`the resistances 22 are gradually cut out of the
`It will be —understood that as the
`device above ‘described is typicalgof any
`ordinary switch for starting and reversing a
`shunt wound motor the closing of the field
`circuit should occur an instant in advance of
`the closing of the armature circuit and in
`practice the brushes or the contact plates
`will be so arranged as to effect these opera-
`tions in the order stated.'VVhen the resist-
`ances 22 have been cut out of circuit the
`‘condition is established that corresponds to
`‘what may be regarded as the first position
`of the lever 20 for forward movement. The
`dynamo 2 being thus started as‘ a motor
`drives the engine 1. By the same movement
`of the lever -20 which accomplishes this a
`brush 54 connected with the ungrounded
`terminal of the accumulator 5 and a brush
`55 connected. with the frame through the
`‘sparking device are brou ht in contact with .
`a plate 56 on the cylin er 6 ‘whereby the
`sparking current is thrown on, so that the
`engine starts in operation with a power
`portional to the extent of the opening 0 the
`throttle 28 and the consequent volume of the -
`explosive charges.
`“By the further forward
`movement of the lever 20 the brushes 46
`pass successively off from plate 48 which, as
`shown i.u Fig. 3,
`is suitabl
`notched or
`stepped for this purpose, so t at the resist-
`ances 23 are
`radually interposed in the
`field circuit of t e dynamo motor and corre-
`spondingly ‘higher s eeds‘ of the latter are
`secured by the wea eningof its field and
`-lowerin‘ of its counter-electro motive force
`",hi‘ch't,is,produces.l V
`VA" backward movementof the car is pro-
`"duceid ibyltiheldynamo alone actin as a mo-
`,3to'r,aand‘ this; operation is effected y revers-
`_ 7
`115 I
`FORD 1369
`7 of 10
`FORD 1369

`ing the lever 20, tobring brushes 46 and 47
`into contact with a plate 58 to close the field
`circuit of the dynamo and by a further
`movement to bring brush 50 into contact
`with a plate 61 connected with a plate 59,
`brush 51 into contact with_a »plate 60 con-
`nected with plate 58 and brushes 52 suc-
`cessively into contact with plate 59. This
`reverses the direction of the dynamo and
`causes it to drive the engine and car back-
`ward. The above operations are well un-
`derstood by those skilled iii the art and are
`in accordance with ordinary and well
`known practice.
`the power ab-
`sorbed by the car depends upon the speed as
`well as upon the nature of the surface over
`which it travels it is liable to Wide variations,
`but as long as the amount of ower required
`falls short of that developed y the engine,
`the excess is utilized in chargingthe second-
`ary battery. As soon, however, as an in-
`crease in propulsion power is required, as will
`. happen, for example, whenever the car en-
`counters an up-grade, the slackening of the
`speed causes the dynamo to work as a motor,
`thus supplyin
`the engine with the addi-
`tional power W ich it requires to kee up an
`approximately uniform speed.
`It t us fol-
`lows that the speed of the engine is at all
`times dependent. upon the predetermined
`electrical running -conditions of the dynamo.
`In the case of internal combustion engines
`of the class herein contemplated it has-hereto—‘
`fore been. customary, as’ one means of render-
`ing available their. maximum power, to vary
`the time of-spark relatively to the speed of
`rotation, and tovuse for this purpose what is
`known as a sparking cam, the position of.
`which is altered ‘to give what is termed “ the
`advance.” Other means may be employed
`for this purpose, but in the present case I
`have shown meansfor securin a constant
`ratio between the “sparking a Vance” and
`the speed of the engine‘ which consists in ad
`connection betweenlever 20 and the sp
`cam 24, effected by
`means of a rod 25 shown’
`in detail in Fig. 4. By the operation of the
`lever 20 for working the controller 6 a corre-
`sponding change in the position of the cam
`24 will be brought, about for each position
`of the lever, so that the best possible time
`for sparking according ‘to the speed will thus
`be assured. Moreover, as the feed of hydro
`carbon liquid into the mixing chamber of a
`is pro ortional, among other
`things, to the speed of« the engine, it is nec-
`essary, in order to maintain in_the ex losive
`mixture a constant ratio of hydrocar on to
`air, to vary the proportion of air in propor-
`tion to the increase of s eed.
`. To accom-
`plish this, and to sup ly the requisite quan-
`tity of air correspon ing
`to each degree of‘
`speed of the engine, the valve or damper 27
`controlling apertures 27“ in the conveying
`pipe 43,. conveying the explosive mixture‘
`' to the engine 1S also connected to the rod 25'
`by an arm 26 so that the ‘o ening between
`pipe 43 and the outer air w’ be variedand
`adjustedjto correspond to each workmg po-
`sition of the lever 20 and admit a properly
`varied proportion _of air. into said pipe to
`form the explosive mixture. -In this way
`the movement of the said lever 20 serves to
`control simultaneously the speed, sparking
`advance and air supplied to -the explosive
`charges in such manner as to secure at all
`times the most efficient working conditions.
`The running gear of the car is thrown into
`and out ofgear with the engine and dynamo
`the magnetic friction clutch, which, as
`aliove stated,
`is under the control of the
`driver, and when the clutch is demagnetized
`.the set compr_isin_g'the engine and dynamo-
`motor continue in operation, charging the
`secondary battery.
`Automatic c0m57*0Zle'r.——It being indispei1—
`sable to the proper running and control of
`the system, that a means be provided for
`preventing the battery from being over-
`cliar ed, or
`iinpro erly charged, and for
`regu ating the voliinie, of
`the explosive
`charges in ro ortion to the work which the
`engine is ca le upon tohpeiforin at any given
`moment and for also reducing as far as
`practicable the consumption of fuel, I have
`devised an automatic regulator for effecting
`these 6 erations, wi‘-;ich~
`ill-ustrated in de-
`tail in igs. 5 and 6.
`. In the pipe. or passage
`43 which condu‘cts the explosive charges
`‘from; the carburetor 42 to
`the ‘internal coin-
`‘bustion engine, is arranged a throttle valve,
`or obturatcr, 28 ‘of
`the butterfly form
`worked by a solenoid 29, provided with a
`double Winding. One of these windings is a
`rfine wire 44 in shunt or derivation to the
`battery terminals, while the other is of coarse
`wire 45 included in -the main circuit of the
`dynamo and battery 5., The parts above
`described aredesigned and adjusted for the
`following operations. The fine wire shunt
`Winding permanently energizes the solenoid
`tending to draw into it the soft iron core 30
`the action of a couiitei"—balan‘cing
`spring 31, but as long as the battery is not
`entirely charged the effective‘ pull of the
`solenoid, due to the magnetizing effect of the
`shunt windiiig,.is not sufficient to more than
`partially close the valve 28. The shunt
`winding 44 is, however, assisted by the mag-
`netizing effect of the series coil 45, the di-
`rection’ of winding of which is such as to add
`its effect
`to that of -the shunt while the
`battery is being charged. The combined
`action of the two windings, as shown in Fig.-
`8, thus efl"ects a more or less complete closure
`of the valve 28, and a corresponding reduc-
`-tion of the power of the engine, wl.1c;i there-
`fore slackeiis its speed until
`the charging
`current has been brought back to the proper 1 3-,)
`FORD 1369
`8 of 10
`FORD 1369

`state of charge of the accumulator and the
`speed of the shaft to which the power of the
`"set is applied, as set forth.
`2. The combination with a mixed power
`set comprising _an engine of the kind de-
`scribed, a dynamo motor connected there-
`withrand an accumulator in circuit with the
`dynamo motor, of a manually operated cir-
`cuitcontroller for the dynamo motor, an air
`supply regulator for the engine operatively
`connected with the said‘ circuit controller,
`and independent means" for controlling the
`power of the engine,—auto1natica,ll-y depend-
`ent for operation uponthe state of charge of
`the accum_ulator'and the ‘speed of the shaft to
`which the power of the set is applied, as set
`3. The combination with a mixed power
`set comprising an’ engine of the kind de-
`scribed, a dynamo motor connected there-
`with and an accumulator in circuit with the
`dynamo motor, of a manuallyroperated cir-
`cuit_ controller for the dynamo motor, an air
`supply regulator for the engine operatively
`connected with the said circuit controller, a-
`throttle valve for the engine and independ-
`ent means for controlling said valve, auto-
`matically dependent for operation upon the
`‘state of charge of the accumulator and the
`speed of the vehicle or other driven device,
`as set forth.
`4. The combination with a mixed power
`set comprising an engine of the kind,‘ de-
`scribed, ._a dynamo motor connected there-
`with and an accumulator in circuit with the
`‘dynamo motor, and a manually operated
`circuit controller for the dynamo motor, an
`ignition device and an. air sup ly regulator
`for the engine both 0 erative y connected
`with said circuit contro er, and independent
`means for controlling the volume of-the ex-
`plosive charges admitted to the engine, auto-
`matically dependent for operation upon the
`state of charge in the accumulator and the
`s eed of the vehicle or other device driven by
`t e set, as set forth.
`. 5. The combination with a mixed power
`lant for vehicles comprising anengine of the ’
`ind described, a dynamo motor connected
`therewith and an acculmiilator in circuit with
`the dynamo motor, of a manuall operated
`controller therefor, a valve mec anism for
`varying the volumeof the explosive charges
`admitted to the engine, and ‘an electro—m‘ag-
`netic regulator operated by the conjoint ac-
`tion of the battery and dynamo for control-
`ling the said valve mechanism, ‘whereby the
`power of the engine will be automatically va-
`ried in accordancewith the state of charge of
`the battery, the speed of the vehicle and the
`nature of the gradient over which it travels,
`as set forth.
`6. The combination with a mixed power
`lant or system comprising an engine of the
`hind described, adynamo motor connected
`FORD 1369
`4 s
`trength compatible with the condition of the
`battery lates. On theother hand,
`if by
`reason 0 an increase in the load, such as
`would ‘be due to the car encounterin'* an
`up-grade, the speed of the internal combus-
`tion engine is reduced, the counter electro-
`motive force of the battery will overcome
`the electromotive force of the dynamo, and
`the battery will therefore discharge through
`the latter. The flow of current inthe main
`winding being then in opposition tothat in
`the shunt,
`the' magnetizing effects of
`two partially cancel out, and the force of the
`spring 31 preponderating, will raise theicore
`30 and open the valve 28, as shown in Fig. 6,
`this giving the engine greater power.
`By the use of the system or combination
`F hereinbefore described, the following, among
`other advantages are secured. First, ' the
`gas supply to the engine is controlled and so
`. maintained as
`to assure to the battery,
`without unnecessary consumption of fuel,
`the desired uniform condition of charging.
`the charging current is prevented
`from exceeding the predetermined and
`properstrengtli. 1 Third; Wheneverthepower
`demanded of
`the internal combustion en-
`on the electrical
`gine necessitates drawing
`, [the volume of_
`energy stored in the battery
`the explosive charges admitted to the en ine
`is increased to a degree that enables the at-
`ter to supply its maximum power. Fourth;
`the most eflicient working conditions are
`automatically maintained, so that economy
`in operation’ is dependent
`to a much less
`degree‘ on the skill and proficiency of the
`In the car herein illustrated, the engine and
`dynamo-motor occupy considerable‘ space
`lengthwise of the frame, so that I have de-
`vised a suspension arrangement bywhich the
`bending of the frame of the car will not effect
`the operation of the combined motor and en-
`gine. For this purpose, the motor set is sus-
`pended from three different points on the
`frame, to two of which the dynamo is con-
`nected, and to the. third the engine. This
`sus ension is secured by means of lugs in piv-
`ota bearings and fastening nuts, as shown in
`Figs. 1 and 2, the three points of suspension
`being indicated at 32, 33 and 34.
`Although the magnetic brake is shownand
`described in detail herein in order to exhibit
`a complete and operative system, it is not
`claimed in the present application.
`Having now;i:lescril>ed my invention what
`I claim is:
`1, The combination with a mixed. power
`set-“comprising an.,engine of the kind de-
`scribed, a dynamo motor connected there-_
`with and an accumulator in circuit with the
`dynamo motor, of a manually operated con-
`troller for the set, and independent means
`for controlling the power of the engine, auto-
`matically_ dependent for operation upon the
`9 of 10
`FORD 1369

`therewith and an accumulator in circuit with
`the dynamo motor, of a manually-operated’
`controller therefor, jneans for regulating thee
`admission of explosive charges to the en
`an electro magnet ‘or solenoid contro ' Q
`said means, and energized by two windings,
`zone in shunt to the batte
`andthe other in
`series with the dynamo an battery, whereby
`the ower of the engine wiH be controlled, as
`set orth.
`7. A propulsion plant’ comprising in com-
`bination an internal combustion engine, a
`dynamo motor‘ driven thereby,.a secondary
`battery in circuit with the dynamo motor, an
`electrical controller, an‘ engine ignition de-
`vice, a connection between the same and the
`lever of the controller, an engine throttle
`valve and a solenoid for controlling the same
`havin two energizing windings, one in shunt
`to an the other in seriesvwith the secondary
`‘battery, as and for the purpose set forth.
`8. In a motor vehicle the combination of
`the following elements to wit:—-an internal
`combustion engine, a dynamo motor driven
`thereby, an accumulator in circuit with the
`dynamo motor, an electrical controller for
`said dynamo motor,‘an engine ignition de-
`vice and an air supplyvregulator, both opera-
`tively connected with said circuit-controller,
`a throttle for controlling the volume of ex-
`plosive charges to the engine, and a solenoid
`for operating said throttle, provided with
`two energizing windings,_ one ‘an shunt to and
`the other in series with the secondary bat-
`tery, as and for the purposes set forth.
`9. A motor vehicle comprising in combina-
`tion a frame, hearings in said frame, a driving
`axle in 'said_ bearings, a driven axle in said
`bearings,,wheels on said axle, an‘ internal
`combustion engine, a dynamo motor, a shaft
`connecting said engine and dynamo motor,
`an electro—magnet on said shaft, a power
`transmission shaft, a magnetic element on
`said-transmission shaft disposed near said
`electro-magnet, an electro-magnet on" the
`frame‘ disposed near said electro—magnetic
`element, means connecting said transmission
`shaft with the driven axle, an electrical ac-
`cumulator, an engine control, electrical means’
`operating-said control, an ignition device, an
`air supply, means for controlling the same,
`an electrical controller for the dynamo motor
`and a connection between said controller and
`the means for controlling the ignition device
`and the engine air supply as set forth.
`In testimony whereof I have‘ signed my
`name to this specification in the presence of
`two subscribing witnesses.
`Vrcron HAMAL,
`FERNAND Bnoussoosszi.
`10 of10’
`FORD 1369
`10 of 10
`FORD 1369

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