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`2 : TELE-
`ational ~) _n_gech
`1§|53): an Ellthug
`evices and esp, cg
`3rE~=\,- n (1965) pica,
`huno-pl1o.]3ic \_
`PI (1980) i pop
`teeny»-Weeny 0 teleplay
`munication at a distance by electric transmission over wire
`E\ l1(ca. 1919)
`t5-‘I15-'WE-1,1é\ adj [teeny + weeny] (ca. 1379): TINY _
`sooietylg t
`: to drive from a_tee
`: BEGIN. HART 3 : to hit
`a : to send or communicate by or as if by
`itelegra h vt (1805)
`gry denunciation W often used with on
`2 (19323 Y1
`IF Exercising ma ‘-
`h : to send a telegram to c : to send by means of a tele-
`‘ RT
`31<\ ad} (1931);
`graphic order (~ flowers to a sick Eriend) 2 : to make known by signs
`esp. unknowingly and in advance (~ a punch) -— teoleg-ra-pher \tc-
`V,‘ {ME titeren to totter, reel; akin to OI-IG zittarfirz to
`'1e-gi-:-far\ ri — to-leg-rm lilst \-fist\ Pl
`ii-kal\ also re; W"
`U, chamctm
`} 1
`xi: to move unsteadily: worms 1:: ivnvsinvnciu
`tale-graph-ose \,te-1c-g_ra- e'z. -'fés\ n (1885) : language characterized
`b the terseness and ellipses that are common in telegrams
`Ellprovgmentszien me
`;‘_;n theslérggif of bankruptcy) 2: SE!-‘SAW
`te e-graph-ic \.te-lo-'gra-fik\ ad] (1794)
`: of or relating to the tele-
`Ines and as
`graph 2: DONClSE,'1"ERSE— tele-graph
`ly \-fi-k(o-)le\ adv
`2 : a board
`‘china (N mmates zm
`fird, -.bord\ n (1355)
`1 :
`513.!-‘._‘iAw 2b
`‘sad support so that a person standing on one end of the
`te-leg-ra-phy \t-a-'1e-gr:—iE\ n (1795) :_the_ use or operation of a tele-
`Wu into the air if another jumps on the opposite end
`graph apparatus or system for communication
`-1. _- 5-‘tor-,t'a'.-tar\ n (on. 1905) : seesaw 2b
`tele-kiune-sis \.te-li-ka-'nE-sos, -ki-\ n LNL] (1890) : the production of
`motion in objects (as by a spiritualistic medium without contact or
`\-yffitegthed; 1:teefih-ing [back-formation fr. teething] (15c)
`I'0.W 96 .
`other physical means — tele-ki-net-ic \-'ne-til:\- adj -- tele-ki-net-L
`cal-Iy \-l:1-k(9-)lé\ adv
`'rt\‘r: (81946) : rm object (as a teething ring) designed for
`uring teething
`Te-lem-a-chus \to-‘lo-ms-kas\ n’ [L, fr. Gk Télemac-hos] : the son of
`Odysseus and Penelope who contrives with his father to slay his moth-
`er's suitors
`Ih \ :1 [teeth] (1732)
`1 : the first growth of teeth 2
`accompanying growth of teeth through the gums
`tel-c-mark \'te-lo-,miirk\_n, often cop Norw, fr. Telemark, region in
`‘tn L372) : a usu. rubber or plastic ring for a teething
`Norway] (1904) : a turn in skiing in w ‘oh the outside ski is advanced
`considerably ahead of the other ski‘ and then turned inward at a
`mJ;h.,rij_\ n (1928) : the inner surface of the gums of the
`' h
`steadily widening angle until the turn is com leted
`tele-_n1ar-ket-mg \.te-lo-'m'ar-ks-ti13\ n (1980 : the marketing of goods
`.6-t'l. -.tfi-\ adj [totai.+ total (abstineucc)] (1834)
`or services by telephone — tele-mar-ket-er \-tar\ n
`3 Tfflclldng teetotalisui 2: '1"0'I'AI.,OOMPI.l-TE—-tee-
`ltele-me-ter \'tc-la-me-t:r\ n [ISQ(186D)
`1 : an instrument for mea-
`suring the distance of an object
`am an observer
`2 : an electrical
`-#_i¢iJe«i:.1_:-tel-ler \-'to—t’l-ar\ n (1834) : one who practices
`apparatus for measuring a quantity (as pressure, speed, or tempera-
`itrak-ch:_>r\ .n- (196.
`i-zam\ it (1834) : the principle or practice of com-
`ture), transmitting the result esp. by radio to a distant station, and
`F8 (as scientists. on
`there indicatin or recording the quantity measured
`m alcoholic drinks —- tee-to-tal-ist \-t‘l-ist\ n
`[ the economy hothv
`itelemeter vi 1925) : to transmit (as the measurement of a quantity)
`o-tarn\ :4 [lies + _L tatum all. fr. neut. of torus whole;
`b telemeter 1'“ vi: to telemeter the measurement of a" quantity
`inscribed on one side as an abbr. of totum (take) all]
`tc- em-e-try \to-‘lo-me-trE\ n (1885)
`1 : the science or procss of
`telemetering data 2 : data transmitted by telemetry 3 : siorstsms.
`{lltop usu. inscribed with letters and‘ used in pul;.~and=
`LLL iacmm.
`lore at TECJ-lNlCA_L
`TRY — tele-met-ric \.te-la-‘me-triln\ adj — tele-met-ri-cal-ly \-tri-
`Aniharic tel] (1790) : an economically important African
`k(:»-)lc'-.\ adv
`v \-ni-k(=-Hex adv] (*3
`er‘ synl E. abyssinica) that is grown for its grain
`no or pl in cant ,(i
`tel"-en-ceph-a-Ion \.te-len‘-‘s_e-fa-.lfin, —l:n\ n [NL] (1897) : the anterior
`gwhite flour and as a forage and hay crop
`2 a : a branch-
`‘ 'n also -1
`I but sometimes sing in corirtr [Ll-[eb
`subdivision of the embryonic forebrain or the corresponding part of the
`adult forebrain that includes the cerebral hemispheres and associated
`'-oi 3 Ditlnet (as ea },
`£1613) :
`the phylacteries worn by Jews
`tel-en-cc-phal-ic \-.1en(t -so-‘la-lik\ adj
`ifaults mit
`11 :' mgr
`an\‘-H"-mlemark — used for synthetic fluorine-containing
`1[l5V](1948) :'D1As_r'
`tel-e-o-log-i al \.te-IE-a-'1
`-kol. .t6-\ also tel-e«o-log-ic -_\-'1li~jik\ adj
` 11DO
`_p or molding articles and for coatings to prevent stick-
`1 \-t'a\ [NL. fr. L, rgof
`(1793) ' exhibiting or relating to design or purpose esp. in nature «-
`a more at 'rHA'rcH ("
`‘ai'1\ n. pl teg-nu-na \-mo-no\ [NL iegmln-, iegmen. ii_-.
`tel-coo-log-1-cal-ly -in-k(a-)1e\ adv
`13 _as a roof; esp ;
`tel-e-01-n-gy \.te-16- a- 9-56, ,tE-\ n [NL teleologta, fr. Glc tele-, telos end.
`re to cover -- more at T1-rarest] (1807) : a superh-
`.'of a plant or animal part
`purpose + -lagia -logy —- more at WHEEL (1740)
`1 a : the study of
`evidences of design in nature b : a doctrine (as in vitalisn-i) that ends
`-t'l\ adj (ca. 1890) : of. relating to, or associated
`cut or a tegrnentum
`spread dung,-OH
`are immanent in nature c : a doctrine explaining phenomena by final
`lg £(ass1.uned) ME ‘Led
`n- the swath and-
`causa 2 : the fact or character attributed to nature ornatural pro-
`teg-‘men-t:rr_1\ n, pl -men-ta \-‘men-ta\ [NL. _h-. L regu-
` that teds; we 1';
`cesses of being directed toward an end or shaped by a. p
`ose 3 : the
`é‘fine_ um,‘covering, fr. tegere] (1832) : an anatomical cover-
`use of design or purpose as an explanation of natural p enomena —
`:"the part of the ventral midhrain above the sub-
`cl curing '
`ed of longitudinal white fibers with arched transverse
`‘tel-e-01-o-gist \-_iist\ n
`tel-e-on-o-my \.te-1E-‘ii-no-me, ,t§-\ n [teleo- (as in teleology) + -norny]
`(1953) : the quality of apparent purposelulness in living organisms
`that derives from‘. their evolutionary‘ adaptation ~ tel-e-ounom-ic
`\.te-is-9-'n'a'-mik. .tE-\ adj
`1.. Teildue; fr. Talus, genus of lizards. fr. Pg teiu, a
`tel-e-ost \'te-16-,iist, 'tE-\ n Eultim. fr. Gk teleios corn 1ete,_ perfect (fr.
`(E956) :‘any of a family (Teiidae) of mostly tropi-
`lizards (as the race runner) with a flat elongate scaly
`talus end) + osieqn bone - more at ossuous] (1862 : now: FISH -
`\ n, pl Te Deumg
`teleost ad‘— tel-e-as-te-an \.te-lé-'§s-te-on, .tE\ adj
`ye; fr.
`IS , fr. Gk téktos molten. fr.
`iékelr: to melt -‘—
`tciiil agj
`tele-path \ e-la-.path\ n (1904) : one who is able to cominunicate by
`L_II hymn of prals
`(l9£19 : a glassy body of probably meteoritic origin and
`1 [M5, fr. LL laedi
`definite shape -— tel-I:-tit-1:: \tek-‘ti-tik\ ad)‘
`te-lep-a-thy \to-‘la-pa-_thE\ n (1882) : communication from one mind
`mgth or dullness :‘-56
`to another by extrasensory means — tele-path-ic \.te-la-'pa-thil<\ adj
`bfarm |_'ISV, fr. Gk telm — more at TELOS] : end (rel-
`—. to-dious-ness
`— teleopath-i-cal-ly \-thi-lc(9-)le\ adv
`lium disgust, irks
`ltele-phone \‘tc-lo-,foi_:\ ri, often attri'b_(184»9) : an instrument for repro-
`‘:in\ n. pl tel-a-mo-nes \.t¢.~la-‘mo-(.)nez\ [L. fr. Cal:
`IE quality or state o
`ducing sounds at a distance; xpecif 2 ‘one in which sound is converted
`: a tedious period-
`er. suppnrtsei‘, skin to Gk tlénai to hear — more at TOLER-
`into electrical imyiulses for transmission by wire
`te-.1an-jé-.ek-‘ti-zh(E«):i, .te-. to-\ or tel-an-gi-co
`ltelephone vb -
`oned‘, -phon-ing ‘Ill (1877)
`1 : to speak to or at-
`tempt to reach by telephone 2 : to send by telephone *4 vi : to com-
`aeletter t. 2 .
`, pl -ta-sins or _-ta-ses \-to-.sez\ NL, fr.
`tei'- +
`it In various ga
`muriicatc b telephone — tale-phun-er in
`' sis (as in atelectasir)] (1831) : an a nonnal dilata-
`s and arterioles that often forms an angioma —
`telephone ook r: (1915) : a book listing the names, addresses, and
`u :
`telephone numbers of telephone customers
`‘ta-tik\ adj
`)l_‘E being struck a
`telephone booth :1 (ca. 1895) : an enclosure within which one may
`1936) Brit: TELEVISION
`img a football in po
`stand or sit while making a telephone call
`‘arm [N.L. fr. Gk isle-,
`te'i—. fr. tile far off ~more at
`1.11 is struck at the:
`telephone box it (1904) Brit: 9. public telephone booth
`ant’: at a distance : over a distance (telegram)
`telephone directory n (1907) : rsjnruonssoox
`ar e mg
`lI'{l)’P1I;yvr§ter> b : television (telecast)
`c : telecommu-
`to place (ii ball
`telephone numberln (1885) : a number assigned to a telephone line
`>-2c,. =-a:
`kast\ vb -cast also -cast-ed; -cast-ing [tele- + broad-
`for a specific location that is used to "call that location
`.-.. soLll
` Z’,i_i
`telephone tag :1 (1980) :
`telephoning back and forth by parties trying
`to reach each other without success
`to broadcast by television ~ vi : to broadcast a televi-
`-r_ OE “fin” ‘ ‘gm
`_ lecast n— tele-cast-er ii
`(bef us) a;,ch -
`_ ca on \.te-li-kc-.m ii-no-‘kit-shan\ n [ISV] (1932) 1
`tclc-phon-ic \.te-lo-‘fa-nik\ gili (1877) : of, relating to, or conveyed by
`a telephone «- tele-phon-i-
`-ly \-ni-k(a-)1e adv
`a.dist_nnce (as
`y telephone) 2 : a science that
`ng : AROUND h ,
`te-le-pha-Hist \to-'le~Eo-nist. 'f.c-la—.f6—nist\ n 1880) Brit : a telephone
`Ocugnmunioauon — usu. used in pl.
`iin-lé\ adv -— teem-
`switchboard operator
`_t.e-‘I1-ks-_.ruyiit\ vi (1974) : to work at home by the use
`icemo; akin-itch OE
`Inkup with a central office —_tele-com-mui:-er n
`te-le-pho-ny \to-'le-lo-né also ‘to-la-,lfi-\ n (1835) : the use or operation
`, into a mold)
`-"eni: ng \'te-l_i-.kiin-i(:a-)r:;n(t)-sit],'-fom(t)-\”n (1974) : they
`oiinhipparsitus for transmission of sounds between widely removed
`team: injury-"Shel
` '.A.l"FLIC1"EON
`oints with or without connecting wires
`Inference among poo le remote from one another by
`, mmunication devices as telephones or computer tenni-
`1 elanphe-to \.te-lo-‘lo-(.)t5\ adj (ca. 1895): being a camera lens system
`ten adj
`designed to give a large image of a distant object; also : relating to or
`er-gnce \-((1;-)ron(t)s,'-fori:l(t)s\ n
`:ed \-.nz”:jd\ ad
`-.ka-pfi-or\ trademark —~ used for transmitting and
`being photogra hy in which a telephoto lens is used
`—teen-ag-cri\ na
`‘telephoto rt. 11 -tos (1904)
`1 : a telephoto lens 2 : a photograph
`enage person:
`_lor producing facsimile. copies of documents
`taken with a camera having a telephoto lens
`OPS.‘ ~’.kfirs\ n (1950) :7 a course of study conducted
`thirteerzl] (1594)
`Telephoto trademark -— used for an apparatus for transmitting photo-
`uch a course taken at home for academic credit
`o 19in a Iiletuneo
`graphs electrically or for a photograph so transmitted
`We -fak-' ma-(.)1E\‘ n (1952) : FACSIMILE2.
`si-el‘: -est [11
`tele-pho-tog-ra.-phy \-fa-_'tEi-gr;-t‘E\ n [EV] (1892) : the photo raphy
`a motion picture made to be telecast
`,of distant objects (as by a camera provided with a telephoto lens?
`» ,
`_1k. -Je_-\ adj (I939) : well-suited to the medium
`tele-play \'te-li-.pl:"i\ ii (1952) : play written for television
`, -P
`avlng an appearance and manner that are markedly
`Y alien} (13
`'=i'3‘.'|5l0n viewers
`\a\ abut
`\°\ kitten, F table \or\ further \a\ ssh \i\ see \§\ mop. rnur
`me _f0nMtm,, .-1'
`F3111. Southern also -'grorn\
`ri (ca. 1852) : a tele-
`-Eralnnied; -gram-mi.ng (1864) : TELEGRAPH
`\ai'i\ out ' \ch\ chin
`\e\ bet
`\E\ easy \g\ go
`\i\ hit
`\n ice
`any teenager. +
`‘n [F télégrapke. fr.
`te1c- (fr. Gk t§le—) +
`a young team:
`\r_1\ sing \fi\ go \6\ law \I'Ji\ boy \th\ thin \th\ Ihe \i.i\ loot
`\11\ loot
`rrent fads --
`1 ~--z
`l : an apparatus for communication at a dis-
`\y\ yet \zh\ vision \1i. 1;. ", in. E. 1.1:, E. "\see Guide to Pronunciation
`1'1B1S:‘esp : an apparatus. system, or process for com-