`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`1 A P P E A R A N C E S
`3 Mr. Thomas N. Young
`4 3001 West Big Beaver Road, Suite 624
` Troy, MI 48084-3107
`5 (248)249-3333
` young@youngbasile.com
`6 7
`8 9
` Mr. Thomas R. DeVoe
`10 One Indiana Square, Suite 3500
` Indianapolis, IN
`11 317.713.3500
` tdevoe@taftlaw.com
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`Do you have any plans to change your address in
`2 the next six months?
`Where are you currently employed?
`I'm self-employed in my own shop, A&T Auto
`6 Service and Tires.
`Where is that located?
`8101 East Washington Street, Indianapolis,
`9 Indiana, 46219.
`Okay. Was there a time when you became employed
`11 by the company known as University Loft Company?
`12 And I say that because I know there's a more
`13 formal name to the company as J Squared, but it
`14 does business as University Loft.
`Are you
`15 familiar with both of those names?
`Yes, I am.
`And was there --
`Yes, I was employed there December 4th, '99,
`19 1999.
`Okay. When did you terminate your employment
`21 there?
`June 2nd, 2013.
`Would you mind repeating the first date?
`24 It was 1999?
`December 4th, 1999, if I remember correctly.
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`June 2nd, 2013.
`Continuously employed -- employed during
`4 that time?
`Okay. What -- what were your -- what did your
`7 job entail?
`And you can use titles if -- if you
`8 had any.
`You want progression of just what I did?
`Sure, yeah.
`Assistant plant manager is what I was hired as.
`12 I was over all the production in the Indiana
`13 facility, set up distribution, oversaw the whole
`14 facility operation. And then I went to plant
`15 manager, did pretty much the same thing; then
`16 started entailing communication with overseas
`17 production and product development.
`18 And then I want to technical director,
`19 which pretty much oversees operations, product
`20 development, sourcing.
`Okay. Well, that's an impressive resume. Why
`22 did you leave?
`Disagreements with the owner.
`What kind of disagreements?
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`3 from the U.S.?
`I believe it's made in the U.S.
`Everything under that you think comes
`All right. But the piece to the right,
`6 the actual rocker chair for the Vector chair --
`The frame, the seat --
`That's all made in China?
`-- and the back --
`Wait, wait.
`You guys
`11 are talking over each other.
`12 MR. DEVOE:
`And again, I want it for the
`13 record that I'm objecting to this whole line of
`14 questioning but --
`On relevance.
`15 MR. YOUNG:
`Let's talk about China for a minute.
`17 Mr. Davis, do you recognize the name
`18 Justin Davis?
`Did he -- was -- did he work for you?
`Or work with you?
`He worked with me or for me in my department
`24 for, I want to say, four to five years; but I
`25 can't remember the exact time frame.
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`1 with this case. They're not part of your
`2 infringement claim.
`Are you're going to take your attorney's
`4 advice on that? By the way, is Mr. DeVoe acting
`5 as your attorney today?
`Yes, he is.
`Are you going to take his advice and not answer
`8 my question?
`I'll follow his instructions.
`Okay. How did the -- if you know, how did the
`11 program to -- that ultimately resulted in the
`12 Wave chair -- how did it get started?
`If I recall correctly, James saw something like
`14 he always does and says, "Hey, can we do this?
`15 Can we make something like this?
`We need
`16 something to be able to complete with this one
`17 in the marketplace."
`And when you say "James," you're talking about
`19 who?
`James Jannetides.
`The president of the company?
`Yes, sir.
`Okay. Mr. Davis said -- and if we need the
`24 exact words, I can get them for you -- but to
`25 the effect that no development program goes
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`1 anywhere but what James drives it. Is that --
`That's pretty true.
`And that's the case for the Wave chair?
`Absolutely. This is one of his pet projects
`5 that he wanted -- wanted something to build
`6 market.
`Do you know why?
`To my understanding, a couple reasons: The
`9 military was being a huge number of them; the
`10 college market, it was a good thing to offer for
`11 the students.
`First, they'll be able to
`12 actually set on the floor, because the tablet
`13 age is upon us.
`The tablet age? Yeah.
`Less laptops, less -- it's anything but tablets
`16 anymore.
`And this happened to be --
`The gaming age too.
`This chair is pretty convenient, as we can see
`20 in the picture on Exhibit 39 for putting a book
`21 for a tablet right on that base as it's acting
`22 as a little --
`Yes. You see less book anymore and more tablets
`24 even in the college side.
`So the short little disk with the
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`1 floor rocker on the floor next to it is a
`2 convenient way to use a tablet --
`-- for college students?
`Are you familiar with the fact that the program,
`7 throughout a significant number of years, was
`8 referred to as the "Trey" -- capital T-r-e-y --
`9 "chair" program?
`I think that was only in the beginning when we
`11 were trying to figure out our own naming
`12 process, not really so much as it was that
`13 project, because we had looked at the Sauder
`14 chair and saw it, give us a picture of it. Oh,
`15 okay, that's a starting point. Now, how do we
`16 do better?
`The -- the Sauder chair was called the "Trey" --
`-- chair; isn't that correct?
`To my knowledge, yes.
`Okay. So -- so you adopted that name for your
`22 program to make a -- what?
`Comparable chair or
`23 competitive chair?
`Comparable, competitive, hopefully with
`25 improvements and make it a better chair, more
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`3 chair -- or as it was originally known, the
`1 yeah.
`4 "Trey chair" -- not developed here in the
`So if that was the case, why -- why was the Wave
`5 United States?
`It was. We did all the -- all the -- I would
`7 say all the artwork, all the drafting, even
`8 making -- taking models and trying to get the
`9 shape correctly before we sent information
`10 overseas.
`11 Doing the injection molding and all that is
`12 dramatically more expensive here than it is
`13 there. And for the college market, there's a
`14 price point you must hit.
`So the -- the injection molding activity and the
`16 design work associated with it, that was what
`17 was done in China?
`That's correct.
`And everything else was done here?
`We were doing everything else here.
`In your team?
`Yes. There should be photos showing where we
`23 cut and changed, made rockers, our own rockers
`24 working on the shape of the seat and back here.
`25 The first chair that came in was actually
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`1 made of wood. The frame was wooden so we could
`And that was done here in the U.S.?
`2 make adjustments to it.
`And who all was in that team besides yourself
`6 and Justin?
`Robert Davis one of the other employees and then
`8 some guys in the mill room; so we would go down
`9 and tell them how we wanted stuff adjusted, and
`10 they would go to work on it.
`Okay. So I've got you, Robert Davis,
`12 Justin Davis, and the guys in the mill room?
`Is that the whole team?
`And James, whenever he was in.
`He'd come back, take a look at it. If he didn't
`18 like something or he liked something, "How about
`19 changing this?" "We can do this differently."
`20 So ...
`So he was -- he was the final decision maker
`22 with respect to going forward with any
`23 particular design?
`Did there come a time when the development
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`2 There might have been, but I don't recall at
`Honestly I don't recall one being shipped over.
`3 this point. It's been a while. I don't
`4 remember us sending one over.
`Do you remember them asking for one?
`Oh, yeah. They always wanted something to start
`7 with. That's why this chair took so long is
`8 back and forth, back and forth with drawings and
`9 renderings trying to get them to understand how
`10 it worked.
`Okay. Were there some designs along the way
`12 that resulted from the back-and-forthing that
`13 were rejected?
`Absolutely. That's -- that's a normal process
`15 with any product development.
`So the --
`We send them what we want, and then they'll send
`18 something they'd rather do that's easier for
`19 them or they've seen or copied or something
`20 else. And then we got to go back and go, "No,
`21 you got to do this again." And then it's back
`22 and forth again to or three times before you
`23 finally get it pushed in their head this is how
`24 it needs to be.
`All right.
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`3 just, so Justin was my filter sometimes.
`2 never got to read so -- I get 200 plus a day
`No, sir. But there's a fair number of emails I
`Well, when I say "written," I don't mean emails.
`5 I mean a piece of paper, a letter, a written
`6 opinion with his signature on it, actual
`7 signature.
`I don't recall one, but there might have been
`9 something.
`I'll show you some documents in a while where
`11 Mr. Davis said to China or to somebody in
`12 China -- and I thought it was Sandra -- because
`13 of a Sauder-owned design patent, we don't want
`14 our chair to look like the Trey chair but we
`15 want to -- we want to simulate the function.
`16 you recall taking that position or being guided
`17 by that general principle?
`That would -- I would say it was, again, trying
`19 to make sure we make a better chair or make
`20 improvements on it; but their -- their whole
`21 philosophy in China is trying to copy anything
`22 that exists exactly the way it is and making it
`23 cheaper.
`24 And when they see or know there's something
`25 out there, they want to go do that exactly. So
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`2 in 2010, I'd say it's about halfway through.
`4 look at the product brochure that you still have
`I don't honestly remember, sir; but it went out
`But that's for sure, not -- if you take a
`5 in front of you, that's for sure not what you
`6 ended up having made?
`What was wrong with it?
`Well, it looks great; but it becomes problematic
`10 for getting the strength in the back pieces,
`11 having them strong enough, especially if you're
`12 doing injection molding where they're not just
`13 going to snap off the first time somebody leans
`14 back or the fifth time.
`15 In the college market, you've got to expect
`16 it's going to take an enormous amount of abuse,
`17 the same with military guys, but they're not
`18 80-pound people. They range anywhere up to
`19 300 pounds, and they've got to be able to take
`20 some abuse. So you got to have it strong enough
`21 it's going to handle the market it's going into.
`And that one wouldn't have made the cut?
`I don't think so. I don't think the back, they
`24 could have got it strong enough without using
`25 some type of aluminum or something else, which
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`3 copies that I brought with me for convenience.
`4 Okay. Back with the question and answers.
`These are not original exhibits. These are just
`5 I'm going to show you a document that was part
`6 of what was marked as Exhibit 13, Plaintiff's
`7 Exhibit 13. It's also ULC0004376. Let's see.
`8 It's from Sandra at Wanan to James, Gordon Tan,
`9 Marcus Gibbs, and Justin Davis.
`10 MR. YOUNG: Okay. Now, here's one that
`11 didn't -- apparently doesn't have Adam's name on
`12 it. Do I show it to him?
`13 MR. DEVOE: Yeah, that's fine. I'll show
`14 it to him.
`Would you take a look at that?
`(Witness complies.)
`That's the only copy I have. So it refers to in
`18 the middle to -- do you mind if I come over and
`19 look at it with you for a second?
`No, you're fine.
`Right here (indicating) it refers to a rotation
`22 locking system equipped with a spring release
`23 button with double locking pins similar to a
`24 fishing reel thing. Does that ring any bells
`25 with you? Do you remember anything about that?
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`Not -- I've kind of got an idea what they're
`2 talking about, but it's just -- it's not what he
`3 actually mentioned, but I don't recall this one,
`4 this version or this --
`Yeah. What is your idea of what they're talking
`6 about?
`Two pins drop in hook and catch, catch it.
`8 That's what a fishing reel does.
`This is for the purpose of latching the --
`Latching the base would, be my assumption.
`And let me finish that. It's for the purpose of
`12 latching the floor rocker to the base plate?
`To put it in the desk chair configuration?
`And those same latches would be operable
`17 one way or the other to pull the pins out and
`18 then you can decouple the floor rocker from the
`19 base?
`Okay. That apparently never flew?
`Well, I would say a couple reasons. One is,
`25 right off the top of my head is, it would be
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`4 That way you're apt to just rip them out if
`3 two pins in the side of a piece of plastic.
`1 harder to lock and unlock the chair and it being
`2 strong enough to hold with just two pins, drop
`5 somebody's leaning back. That's a pretty good
`6 safety hazard.
`Do you know where that idea came from?
`8 Did that come from China or did that come from
`9 you guys?
`I have no idea. I would say from them just by
`11 the email.
`Okay. Yeah. Well, based on what you've been
`13 telling me so far today, I get the impression
`14 that there was cross feed going on. You were
`15 telling them stuff. They were telling you
`16 stuff. And --
`That's normal back and forth.
`You say, "Here's
`18 how I want it."
`19 They say, "How about you do it this way?"
`20 "No, I want it this way."
`21 "How about you do it this way?" And they
`22 may come up with five different methods before
`23 you finally either get them pushed to what you
`24 want and start making the sample that way or you
`25 go to a different vendor to try to get that
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`3 putting the chair back together, would know
`2 it's marked as "front" so people, when they are
`So it can only go on one way. So that's why
`4 which way to put it back together easier.
`Easier or better?
`Well --
`Is it possible --
`No, it's not possible where it latches or would
`9 go together the other way. So that's why it's
`10 marked "front," to make sure as you're putting
`11 the chair back on to the base, it secures.
`They could sit it on there, but it still would
`14 not be secures. It would not hook.
`If they sat on it, there's a danger issue?
`Yes, sir.
`It's going to come apart and kaboom?
`Fall over.
`Gotcha. Now, was there a time when it
`20 was somebody's idea to put the latches in the --
`21 in the middle of the side edge rather than
`22 offset toward the rear as is it shown in one of
`23 the photographers?
`Not that I recall, but it's always been the rear
`25 from what we were looking at everything to make
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`4 the base attaches to the seat itself.
`2 you put them the middle, you're reducing your
`1 sure you get the leverage you need, because if
`3 strength of the attachment of the chair and how
`You put them farther forward, it gets easier to
`7 pull them out or break them off when they're
`8 leaning forward or doing something else with the
`9 chair.
`10 So the wider you get the latch in the front
`11 and the latches in the back, the stronger it's
`12 going to be, the latching points are.
`Okay. So on the Wave chair, you've got the hook
`14 from the chair onto the base in the front --
`-- and the two latches toward the rear?
`And that's the best arrangement for strength,
`19 stability, safety?
`You agree?
`Okay. Whose idea was that?
`Honestly, I don't know.
`We've been through --
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`We've been through the business with the fishing
`It could have been a collaboration or it could
`2 have been --
`4 reel, the pins, and so forth and that didn't
`5 fly.
`There was probably half a dozen through there,
`7 that came through over time that isn't mentioned
`8 in stuff.
`So finally we get down to what we know
`10 the product is. And that's the hook in the
`11 front and the -- and the spring biased latches
`12 towards the rear.
`The rear, yes.
`And that one seems to be -- well, it's what you
`15 adopted. But the question is: How did that --
`16 whose idea was that?
`I honestly don't know. Just probably sitting
`18 around figuring out ways of latching and for how
`19 the chair would latch to the base. And there
`20 was more than one session that I know of.
`21 I remember us sitting there fussing around
`22 how to make it and make it also user friendly
`23 and it has to be effective in holding the two
`24 pieces together and handle all the abuse it's
`25 going to get; so ...
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`·3· · · ·see your name on this one, but it's to Jeff
`·1· ·Q· ·I'm going to show you another email we'll mark
`·2· · · ·as Exhibit 48.· It's also ULC0002461.· I don't
`·4· · · ·Carlson from Jeff Carlson.· Well, it's to
`·5· · · ·Jeff Carlson and James Jannetides from
`·6· · · ·Jeff Carlson.· The date April 19th, 2010.· He
`·7· · · ·says, "The chair from Sauder that detaches for a
`·8· · · ·video rocker was seen by
` and they
`·9· · · ·love it."· Do you know who he is referring to by
`10· · · ·"
`11· ·A· ·I would assume, assumption, we only had two
`12· · · ·
` we dealt with, one in California and one
`13· · · ·in North Carolina so probably the North
`14· · · ·Carolina.
`15· ·Q· ·
`16· ·A· ·Yes.
`17· ·Q·
`18· ·A· ·Sounds correct.· Mrs.
`, I think, was there.
`19· · · ·She is the.· Her name is mentioned in here.
`20· ·Q· ·Yeah.· Who was she?
`21· ·A· ·She was purchasing person there.
` person or --
`22· ·Q· ·A
`23· ·A· ·Yeah.· Yeah, she was a
`24· ·Q· ·Okay.· Does this sound like an incentive to get
`25· · · ·going again?
`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2043
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.
`3 and the base is and --
`If you look at how the back goes to the sides
`-- it looks to be pretty much the same one.