`J Squared, Inc. – Ex. 1015, p. 1
`PHILIPPINES COPYRIGHT I950, Igsl, I953, I956, I958, I959, I960, I961, I963, I965, I967
`BY <3. KL c. MERRIAM co.
`COPYRIGHT © 196x, I966
`BY G. & c. MERRIAM co.
`All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyrights hereon may be
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`_.canmu-=:-«-anqgngggygv-senmumwywvmwnwmnirinxuxms--v--:—~»»«--zmmuunmamnnuum-m:rmmuxrmmmn=annumuw-n---m~;:nxuz==w-»ue4II suw
`Ex. 1015, p. 2
`corvxucmr © 19:6. I925. I931, I936, I941, I949, I951, I953. I956, I958, I959, I960. I961. I963. I965. 1967
` COPYRIGITI‘ © 1969
`Ex. 1015, p. 2
`be1.l0WS \'bel-(,)6z, —:;z\ n pl but sing or pl in canstr [ME bely, be-
`low, belwes —- more at BELLY] 1 : an instrument
`01- machine ,that by expansion and contraction
`draws in air through a valve or orifice and expels it
`through a tube; also : any of various other blowers
`2 ; LUNGS
`3 :
`the expansible part in a camera
`be11.pttll \'bel-,piil\ n : a handle or knob attached to
`a cord or wire by which one rings a bell; also : the
`cord itself
`beu.wetli.er \'bel-‘weg-er, -,we_tl_i-\ rz EME,
`sheep of a flock, lender, fr. belle bell + wet/rer; fr.
`the practice of belling the leader of a flock] : one
`that takes the lead or initiative : LEADER
`bel1.wort \_'bel-,w:)rt, -,wo(a)rt\ It 1 : BELLFLOWER
`2 : any of a small genus (Uvularzal of herbs of the hand bellows
`lily family with yellow drooping bell-shaped flowers
`1be].ly \'bel-E\ n [ME bely bellows, belly, fr. OE belg bag, skin;
`akin to OHG balg bag, skin, OE blflwan to blow] 1 a : ABDOMEN l
`1) : the undersurface of an animal’s body; also : hide from this part
`c : worm, UTERUS
`cl : the stomach and its adjuncts; also : appetite
`for food 2 : the internal cavity : INTERIOR 3 : a surface or object
`curved or rounded like a human belly 4 a : the part of a sail that
`swells out when filled with wind 1) z the enlarged fleshy body of a
`zbelly vb : to swell or bulge out
`1bel.ly.ache \'bel—€-,5.k\
`n : pain in the abdomen and esp‘ in the
`bowels : COLIC
`zbellyache vi, slang : to complain and find fault whiningly or peevishly
`bel.ly.bantl \‘bel-‘c‘-,band\ n : a band around or across the belly:
`as a : GIRTH b : BAND 4b
`belly button it
`: NAVEL 1
`to land an airplane without use of
`bel.ly-land \'bel-E-,lancl\ vi :
`landing gear -— belly landing /1
`be-long \‘bi-‘lc'7g\ vi [ME belongm, fr. be- + longen to be suitable
`—- more at LONG] 1 a : to be suitable, appropriate, or advantageous
`b : to be in a proper situittion
`2 a : to be the property of a person
`i or thing ~ used with {O
`b : to become attached or bound by birth,
`allegiance, or dependency .3 : to be an attribute, part, adjunct, or
`function of a person or thing 41 : to be properly classified (whales
`~ among the mammals)
`be.1ong-mg n 1 : POSSESSION — usu. used in pl.
`2 : close or inti-
`nmle rclalio_nship
`1 : a native or inhabitant of
`Belorussia, U.S.S.R.
`2 : the Slavic language of the Belorussiuns
`—— Belorussian adj
`be.loved \bi-'lav(-a)d\ adj (ME, fr. pp. of beloven to love, fr. be— +
`lnvm to love] : dearly loved ~ beloved I1
`1be.loW \bi-'l5\ adv [bt’~ + low, adji] 1 : in or to a lower place
`2 a : on eru-th
`b : in or to Hades or hell 3 : on or to 21 lower floor
`or deck 4 : in or to a lower rank or number 5 : lower on the same
`page or on a following page
`ibelow prep 1 : in or to a lower place than : UNDER 2 : inferior to
`(as in rank)
`3 : not suitable to the rank of : BENEATH
`abelow n : something that is below
`4beloW arlj : written or discussed lower on the same page or on a
`following page
`Eel.shaz-zar \bcl~'.shaZ—ar\ ll [Heb BFl.i/zassar] : a son of Nebu-
`cliadnczzar and king of
`lbelt \‘bclt\ /1 [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG brilz belt; both fr. 9. pre-
`historic WGme«NGmc word borrowed fr. L bultcus belt] 1 a : a
`strip of flexible material worn around the waist
`: a similar
`article worn as L1 corset or for protection or safety
`2 : a contin—
`uous band of tough flexible material for trzmsmitting motion and
`power or conveying materials
`3 : a natural area characterized by
`some distinctive feature (as of habitation, geology, or life forms);
`esp : one suited to a parti‘cular crop (the corn ~) — belt-ed \'bel~
`tad\ adj ——v below the belt : UNFAIRLY
`zbelt vt 1 a : to encircle or fasten with it belt
`: to gird on 2 a : to
`beat with or as if with 21 belt : THRASH b : STRIKE. HIT 3 : to mark
`with :1 band 4 :
`to sing in a forceful maniier or style ~ vi : to
`move or act in fl vigorous or violent manner
`abelt /1 : a jarring blow : W’llA('K
`the first
`f)(’£lifI(lfI’!l1] 1 :
`Bel-tane \'bcl—t:—m\
`fr. SeGael
`§iay_0f] May in the old Scottish calendar 2 : the Celtic May Day
`belt highway /1 : a highway skirting an urban area.
`belt-ing n 1 : BELTS
`2 : material for belts
`Belts.ville Small White \'belts-,vil—\ I‘!
`[H(’ll.l'Vill[’, Md.] : a small
`white domestic turkey of a variety developed by the US. Depart-
`ment of Agriculture
`he-lu-ga \bo~'lii~g:7\ I1 [Rus$, fl'.f7i‘fyl'\Vl1ll.(‘3; akin to Gk phnirwirz to
`show M more at FANCY] 1 : a white sturgeon (_At‘ip:°rl.i'er 111151)) of
`the Black sea, Caspian sea, and their tributaries
`2 [Russ belukfiu,
`fr. bclyi] :
`ll cetucenn (Dclp/Ii’/mprmws luiI('zIs) of the dolphin family
`becoming about 10 feet long and white when adult
`bel-ve-tlere \‘bcl-va—,di(a)r\ 21 Ht, lit,, beautiful view] : a structure
`(as a summerhouse) designed to command a View
`be-ma \‘bE-m:>\
`[LL & LCrk; LL, fr. LGk bima, fr. Gk, step,
`tribunal, fr. lmincin to go — more at l‘OME] : the part of rm Eastern
`church containing the altar : sAN("i‘UARY
`be-mire \bi»'mi(a)r\ vzsink in mire
`to cover or soil with, drag through, or
`be-moan \bi—‘rni3n\ vi 1 : to express grief over : LAMENT 2 : to
`look upon with regret, displeasure, or disapproval syn see DEPLORE
`be-mock \bi~'miik, -‘mol<\ Vt
`l)e~muse \bi—'my'uz\ vi 1 : to make confused : BEWILDER 2 : tocause to muse
`lben \'bcn\ mlv [ME, fr. OE birimm, fr. br:— -3-
`iumm Within, from
`within, tr,
`[/7] Scot : wmnw
`ibeii \(')ben\ [J/‘Pp, Sm! : Wl‘I'HIN
`3ben \‘ben\ I1, Scar : the inner room or parlor of it 2—room cottage
`‘bench \‘bcnch\ 71
`[ME, fr, OE lmzrg akin to OHG burr/< bunch]
`I 3 : a long seat for two or more persons
`it thwart in it bout
`G : u sent on which the members of an athletic team uwztil it turn or
`opportunity to play
`2 a I
`the scat where a judge sits in court
`b : the office or dignity of a judge
`c : the place where iustire “
`atlministered ' COURT
`: the persons who sit as judges
`3 a :
`er further;
`:1 ba
`a bake;
`ii cot, cart;
`9 abut? 3 kitten;
`6 flow;
`0 flaw;
`oi coin;
`in this;
`13 sing;
`: the office or dignity of such an official
`seat for an official
`c : the officials occupying such a bench 4 a 2 a long worktnblc
`b : a table forming part of a machine
`5 ZTERRACE, Sl5llZLl-‘; asp :
`former shore of a sea or lake or flooclpluin of a river 6 3 2
`ti plut—
`form on which a dog is placed at a dog show 1) : a dog show
`Ibench vr 1 :
`to furnish with benches
`2 a :
`to seat on 11 bench
`b : to remove from or keep out of a game
`3 : to exhibit (dogs) on
`a bench ~ vi
`: to form a bench by naturul processes
`bench-er \'ben—chor\ rt : one that sits on or presides at :1 bench
`bench mark n : a mark on a permanent object indicating elevation
`and serving as a reference in topogrttphical surveys and tidal
`bench show n : an exhibition of small animals in competition for
`prizes on the basis of points of physical conformation and condition
`bench warrant n : a warrant issued by it presiding judge or by a
`court against Ll. person guilty of some contempt or indicted for some
`lbend \'bend\ /1 [ME, fr. MF bendv, of Gme origin; akin to OHG
`binza, bzmt band — more at BAND] 1 /wmlr//'_v : a diagonal band
`2 : the half of a butt or :1 hide trimmed of the thinner parts 3 [MP3,
`band, fr. OE bend fetter ~ more at BAND] : a knot by which one
`rope is fastened to another or to some object
`Zbend vb bent \'berit\ benddng [ME bemlzm, fr. OE belidmz; akin
`to OE bend fetter] rt 1 : to constrain or strain to tension (~21 bow)
`2 a : to turn or force from straight or even to curved or Lmgular
`b : to force back to an original straight or even condition 6 : to force
`from a proper shape 3 : PAS
`(N a sail to its yard) 4 : to niukc
`submissive : SUBDUE 5 : DE"l‘ERMlNE, R OLVE (bent on sclf-(lcstruc-
`6 a :
`to cause to turn from a straight course : Dl-.1-Li3(“l‘
`b : GUIDE, DIRECT c : INCLINE, DISPOSE '7 : to direct strenuously
`or with interest : APPLY ~ vi 1 : to curve but of a straight line or
`position; specij : to incline the body in token of submission 2 ar~
`c/mic : to direct oneself 3 : INCLINE, TEND 4; : to work vigorously
`syn sec (‘URVI-;
`Sbenrl n 1 : the act or process of bending : the state of being bent
`2 : something that is bent: as a :
`ti curved part of a stream
`1) : WALES ~ usu. used in pl. 3 pl but xiltg or pl in corlstr : CAISSON
`DISEASF (a case of the N5)
`hen-day \'bcn-‘d€t\
`azlj, often cap
`[1?cI1j:imin Day “[1916 Am
`printer] :
`involving zi process for ztdding shaded or tinted areas
`made up of dots for reproduction by line engraving ~- benday rt
`bend-er \'bt:n-(l3l‘\ n 1 : one that bends 2 : SPREE
`bencisinister 71, heraldry 2 a bend drawn from sinister chief to
`dexter base
`Ibe-heath \bi«‘n<':th\ ndv [ME benellze, fr. OE belieot/inn, fr. 170- +
`l’li70If7(Il’l below; akin to OE nitlicra nether] 1 : in or to :1
`position : iiiztow 2 : directly under : uuoitnnrmrii
`Zbeneath prep 1 a : in or to a lower position than : BELOW b : di~
`reetly under
`0 : at the foot of
`2 : not suitable to the rank of
`2 lowering to
`3 1 under the control, pro
`re, or influence of
`be-he-tli-oi-te \,bei1—::v'dis-ot—<‘:\ il1It’}’j [M , fr. LL, bless, pl, impel‘.
`of brrlwr/icvrc] obi‘ ~ used to express at wish
`Ben.e-dick \'ben-o-,dik\ n : El young lord and Confirmed bachelor
`who marries Beatrice in Slll'll<CSp€Zll”€’S
`/l/[itch Ado about N0!/ting
`ben-e-dict \'ben—o—,dikt\ n [iIll.Cl‘. of B€m°r1ick]
`:1 newly married
`man who lius long been it bachelor
`Ben-e-dic.tine \,bcn-eA‘dik~t:»n, —,ten\ n :a monk or a mm of one
`of the congregzitions following the rule of St, Benedict and devoted
`esp, to seliolurship and llvltll
`:11 Worship ~ Benedictine adj
`bene.t1ic.iion \,ben—a-'dik—shan\
`[ME be/1z'n'irt"ium1,
`fr LL
`Zzmwz/z'l'ti011-, l)z=mviicfz'/,l, fr. f7t’Fl(’df(‘[II.S‘. pp. of beitpziircrc to bl
`L, to spcuk well of, Ir, bone well + tfi(‘(’l’€
`to say] 1 : the invo
`of a blessing; asp : the short blessing with which public worship is
`2 often mp : a Roman Catholic or Anglo-Catholic
`devotion including the exposition of the eucharistic Host
`in the
`monstrnnce and the blessing of the people with it
`bene-dic-to-ry \~'dil<- a-,lrE\ iuij : of or expressing benediction
`Bene-tlic-his \-‘ciik t7s\ n [l_L. blessed, fr. pp. of f)l‘l‘l€lfi(‘fi7‘i’,‘
`fr. its
`first word] 1 :
`£1 ctinticle from Mt 21,9 begiiinintj, “Blessed is he
`that cometh in the name of the Loni"
`2 : a ctlnticle from Lk 1:68
`beginning "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel”
`bene-tar:-tioii \,ben»:w~‘fnk-sh:>n,
`'ben-o-,\ /7 [LL /)em>/'ar:tir,:i1—,
`jitrtio, fr. L I)(=u0 fact
`5', pp, of /,7l‘l‘l(’ fai'z=rr to do good to, it‘. I) elw +
`fur,-mm to do ~ more at Do] 1 : the act of benefiting 2 :a benefit
`conferred; esp :
`:1 charitable donation
`: one that confers a benefit;
`specif . one that makes a gift or bequest
`belie-lac-tress \-tr9s\ n : a female benefactor
`be-net-ic \ba-'nef~ik\ adj
`[L b1'I1eficus,
`fr. bane + fucere} : BEv
`hen-e-lice \'hcn-:i—fos\
`[ME, fr, MF, fr. ML benefiL‘i'Lu71, fr. 1.,
`fuvor, promotion, fr.
`/mrm/ic11.i‘] 1 : an ecclesiastical office (as at
`towhich the revenue from :in endowment is uttueheti
`Z :
`ti feudal estate in luntls :
`—- beneiice vr
`be-lief-i-(281109 \b:;«'nef—o—son(t)s\ 17
`[L /)U71l’ icnntia, fr. bczicficlzsj
`1 : the ouzility or state of being beneficent
`2 : iiENEFAt“rioN
`be-net-i-cent \~ ant\ mlj [bncl ~formation fr. /7vrwfice11t‘i’] 1 : do»
`ing or producing good;
`: performing acts of kindness and
`charity 2 : productive of benefit — be-net-i-cent-ly adv
`\,benvo-'fish-ol\ adj
`Iielzzlficimn favor, benefit]
`1 : conferring benefits : AnvANrA(‘.Fous
`2 :
`r ‘civing or entitling
`one to receive for one’s own benefit — ban-e-ti-cial-ly \—'fish—o~
`lE\ adv —— ben-e-ti-cial-ness n
`syn Al>VANTAGFOllS, PR0l7l'l'AI3LlZI ni:Nrl=Ic‘iAL implies esp. promot~
`irig hculih or wcll~bein Am/AN"rAt3mUs stresses a choice or prefer»
`ence that brings superio ty or greater succes
`in attaining an end;
`i>i<i)FiTAhLl=, implies the yielding of useful or lucrative returns
`beii-e-ii-ciary \—’fisli~‘c'~,er-E,
`-‘fish o,—)rE\
`: one who receives
`something: as
`a :
`the pe‘
`-11 designated to receive the income
`of El trust estate
`b : the pc
`n narncd (as in an insurance policy)
`to receive proceeds or benefits accruing V» beneficiary uzlj
`Iben-e-fit \'bcn~o-,fit\ 71 [ME, fr. AF1iwtft°r, fr. L f1£’I’:'t’_/(1L"IIll71, ir.
`neut. of lime /nrrux] 1 art‘/izzic‘ : an act of kindness :
`2 a : something that promotes well~beint,
`b : useful
`aid : HELP
`3 a : financial help in time of sickness, old age, or un.
`ll pztymcrlt or service provided for under an
`annuity, pension plan, or insurance policy 4, : :in entertainment or
`all out;
`ch chin;
`e less;
`g gi
`zh vision
`ii loot;
`u foot;
`y yet;
`yu furious;
`é easy;
`yii few;
`Ex. 1015, p. 3
`Ex. 1015, p. 3
`rock ’n’ roll
`Rochelle powders \ro-,shel-\ n pl [La Rochelle, France] : srimirz
`esp. when the base color is red 3 3 ti sheepskin tanned with sumac
`and colored and finished to imitate morocco
`Rochelle salt ll : a ci'ystalliue salt KNaCl H4O5.4l-I20 that is a mild
`purgzti IVC
`iroar \‘r6(9')r, ‘ro(o)r\ vb [M oren, fr. OE rz7rz'an; akin to OHG
`/'ErE/z to bl
`Skt l-z7,i/ati he bl
`<9] vi 1 a : to utter or emit a full
`roche mou-ion-née \‘ros1i-,n-itit-°n-';“
`'i~6sh—\, n, pl rashes moir-
`loud prolo
`:1 sound 1)
`2 to sing or shout with full force 2 a : to
`ton-nées \mme or ~‘Etz\ EF, lit., fleecy rock] : an elongate rounded
`make or emit a loud confused sound 1)
`: to laugh loudly 3 : to be
`ice-sculptured hillock of bedrock
`boisterous or disorderly 4.
`: to make a loud noise in breathing (as
`roch.ei \‘i‘Lich—9t\
`ll IME, fr. MF.
`ft‘. OF,
`(asstinicd) OF roe
`hors s afflicted with roaring) ~ vt 1 : to utter or proclaim with a
`2 : to cause to 1 ar
`coat, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG I'0C coat] :
`at white linen vest~
`merit resembling a surplice with closeiitting sleeves worn by bishops
`21‘0a1' n 1 : the deep cry of a wild beast
`: aloud deep cry (as of
`and pr
`ileged prelu s in some ceremonies
`pain or anger)
`3 : a loud continuous confused sound 4 : a
`boisteroiis outcry
`lrock \'r'a'k\ vb [ME rokken, fr. 013 7'OL‘L‘i£ll’l,‘ akin to OHG mckcn
`to cause to move] vi 1 a : to move back and forth in or as if in at
`: to \"\lkt:§li (placer gravel) in a cradle
`2 a :
`to cause to
`roar-‘er \'r6r-or, 'ror»\ I1 1 : one that roars, 2 : a horse subject to
`sway back and forth in (l) : DAzr., STUN (2) : i;»is'ri,iiu2, UPSET ~ vi
`troar-ing \’rI,ii‘~ip,
`'roi'-\ n : noisy respiration in a horse caused by
`1 : to become moved backward and forward under impact
`2 : to
`nerve paralysis and iniiscular atrophy and constituting an unsound«
`move oneself or itself rhythmically buck and forth syn see SHAKE
`ncss in the horse
`2rock /1 1 : a rocking movement 2 : ROCK ‘N’ ROLL
`zroaring ntij : TI~ii<IvIN<i, BOOMING
`brook zz [ME roe, fr. MD rec/ce; akin to OHG roclco distaff, roc coat]
`Iroast \'rf>st\ vb [ME rnsfelz, fr. OF rostir, of Gmc origin; akin to
`OHS z-Furs/z to roast] vi 1 a : to cook by exposing to dry heat (as in
`4rock I7, often attrib [ME rok/cs’, fr. ONF rogue. fr. (assumed) VL
`an oven or before a fire) or by surrounding with hot embers, sand, or
`roam] 1 : a large mass of stone formini_z a cliff, proniontory, or
`stories {N a potato in ashesj>
`b : to dry and parch by exposure to
`2 2 a concreted mass of stony material; also : broken pieces
`hezit (« coffee) (~ chestnuts)
`2 :
`to heat (inorganic material)
`of such ma es
`3 : consolidated or uncorisolidated solid mineral
`with access of air and without fusing to effect change (as expulsion
`matter; also . a particular mass of it 4 21 : something like £1 rock in
`of volatile matter, oxidation, or removal of sulfur from sulfide ores)
`(1) : FOUNDATION, SUl’l‘OR'l‘
`: something
`3 :
`to heat to excess 4 : to criticize severely ~ vi 1 2 to cook
`that threatens or causes disaster -— often used in pl.
`5 : a stick
`food by heat
`2 : to undergo being roasted
`caiidy with color running through 6 slang : DIAMOND A— on the
`zroast ll 1 : a piece of meat suitable for roasting Z : a gathering at
`rocks 1 : in or into at state of destruction or wreckage
`2 : on ice
`cubes (bourbon on the i-mics)
`which food is roasted before an open fire or in hot ashes or sand
`rock and roll var of l{L)C‘K ‘N’ ROLL
`3 : an act or process of roasting; spvcif : severe banter or criticism
`Breast adj :
`l((_)AS'l’ED <3» beef}
`rock and rye ll 2
`i e whiskey flavored with orange, lemon, and occas.
`pineapple and cherry
`roast-er \'i'G~st:>r\ u 1 3 one that roasts 2 : a device for roasting
`3 : something adapted to roasting: as
`ti suckling pig 1)
`: a
`rook-a-way \‘r'1'k-:9-,wz't\ n [Roclcaway, New Jersey] : a light low
`young domestic fowl
`four-wheeled carriage with a fixed top and open sides
`rock bass rt 1 2 a sunfish (Ambloplites rupesrri.s‘) found esp. in the
`rob \‘r'a'b\ vb robbed; rob-hing [ME robben, fr, OF robzr, of Gmc
`origin; akin to OHG mubfm to rob — more at REAVE] vt 1 a (1)
`upper Mississippi valley and Great Lakes region
`2 a : a striped
`(Ro(‘ruS .mxurilz'.i‘i
`b : any of several sea basses
`: to take something away from by force : steal from (2) : to take
`I’m‘l7ln}7r[Ix) of the Czilifornia and adjoining Mexican coast
`pCl"SOll‘di property from by violence or threat
`b (1)
`to remove
`rock bottom ll
`2 the absolute bottom or foundation
`valuables without right from (a place)
`(2) : to take the contents of
`rock-bound \'l‘Z'ik-'b[l(lIld\ adj : fringed, surrounded, or covered
`(a receptacle)
`c : to take away as loot : STEAL 2 a : to deprive of
`with rocks : Rortkv
`something clue, expected, or desired 10
`: to withhold unjustly or
`' injuriously ~ vi ' ta commit robbery — 1'ol)~her Ii
`rock brake ii
`: any of several ferns that grow chiefly on or among
`Io-ha-lo \'r<"i.b:>.,lo, rEi-‘b'al~(,)o\
`/2, pl rohalos or robalo [Sp] : a
`suook (Cent:-oponms‘ iimleciimzlisl
`rock candy ii
`1 boiled sugar crystallized in large masses on string
`ro-band \‘rEi-,bimd\ ll [proh. fr, MD rabant] : Cl piece of spun yarn
`Rock Cornish zz
`: a crossbred domestic fowl produced by inter
`or mzirline used to fasten the head of a sail to it spar
`breeding Cornish and white Plymouth Rock fowls and used esp. for
`small roaslers
`robber fly n : any of numerous predaceous flies (family Asilidae)
`that sometim
`~losel_v resemble the bumblebees
`rock crystal l‘l
`: transparent quartz
` I
`rob-bery \‘i'1ib-(
`the act or practice of robbing; specif
`r0Ck»er \‘rtil<—or\ n 1 a : either of two curving pieces of wood or
`metal on which an object (as a cradle) rocks
`: any of various
`t treat
`:l larceny from the person or presence of another by violence or
`objects that rock upon rockers (as an infant’s toy having a seat
`Irobe \‘rob\ ll [Ml3, fr. OF, robe, booty, of Gmc origin; akin to
`placed between side pieces)
`(1 : any of various objects in the form
`OHS I'()l1l7t7lI to rob] 1 a : along flowing outer garment; esp : one
`of a rocker or with parts resembling a rocker 2 : any of various
`devices that work with a rocking motion
`used for ceremonial occasions or as a symbol of office or profession
`rocker arm n : u center~pivoted lever to push an automotive engine
`l) :
`:1 loose garment for l1'lf()l"lTJ7,li wear esp. at home (as a bathrobe)
`valve down
`2 :
`3 : a covcring of pelts or fabric for the
`lower body used while driving or at outdoor events
`‘rock-et \‘r'zik-at, r‘zi~’ket\ 11 [MF roqiwttrz, fr. Olt mclietza, dim. of
`rum garden rocket, fr, L crilcu] 1 2 a yellowish flowered European
`: to put on a robe
`215-Obe vt
`: to clothe or givest with or cover as if with a robe ~ vi
`herb (Erura saliva) of the mustard family sometimes grown for
` *“br“\
`:1, pl robes tie chambre
`robe tie chain-bre \,r5b-d
`salad 2 : oAME's VIOLET; also : any of several plants resembling
`dame‘s violet
`\,rob(z‘i—\ [F] : DRESSING (JOW4
`Irock-et \' "ik~ot\ it, often nttrilz [it rorc/ietlzz, lit“ small distaff, fr.
`rob-in \'r'zib-on\ it [short for robin I't?(ff7I‘C’(1ST] 1 a : a small European
`dim. of l‘0(‘t.£1 distaff. of Gmc origin; akin to OHG me/co disttiff]
`thrush (Erz‘r/zncus mbecnla)
`resembling a warbler and having a
`1 : a firework consisting of a case partly filled with a combustible
`brownish olive back and yellowish red throat and breast b : any of
`composition f
`tencd to a guiding stick and projected through the
`various Old World songbirds that are related to or resemble the
`air by the 1.‘
`tion resulting from the rearward discharge of the
`Etiropeziri robin
`2 :
`1 large No. Ame can tl‘li‘iisli (Turdus migra-
`liberated by combustion; also : such a device used as an in-
`mi-rm‘) with qliyriceous gray upper pa _. blnckisli hea(l.ancl tail,
`iary weapon or as a propelling unit (as for a lifesaving line or a
`an Lll‘l(QI‘[J1\l‘lZS
`bltidck tinii whitish streaked throat, and chiefly dull reddish breast
`whaling harpoon)
`2 : a jet engine that operates on the same
`principle as the firework rocket, consists essentially of a combustion
`Rob-in Good-I81-IOW \,rii -on~'i;utl-,fel-(,)G, —:>(~w)\
`: a mischie-
`and an exhaust nozzle, carries either liquid or solid propel-
`vous sprite in English folklore,
`lants which provide the fuel and oxygen needed for combustion and
`Robin Hood \~'hL’id\
`: a legendary English outlaw noted for his
`thus make the engine independent of the oxygen of the air, and is
`C l‘! ,
`O ('11
`"10 D001‘
`used esp. for the propulsion of a missile‘(as a bomb or shell) or a
`r€koiii‘a(g;1:,tcotir(§ef‘y, and skill in archery and for his habit of robbing
`vehicle (as an airplane)
`3 : a rocket—propclled bomb, missile, or
`robin red-breast \—.'red~,brest\
`11 [ME, fr. Rabin, nickname for
`Rolmrt] : ROBIN
`Grock-et \' 'ik~at\ vz‘ : to convey by means of a rocket ~ vi’ 1 : to
`: a shipwrecked
`Rolyingsoii Cru-soe \,riib-o(n)—s:>n~‘krii—(,)so\
`rise up swiftly, spectacularly, and with force 2 : to travel rapidly
`in or as if in it rocket
`117) Ct
`15 HT]
`S4110; iri_tl)cl~f_o'1”s é?0fIlI'l.i‘0ll Crusoe who lives for many years on an
`rocket bomb ll 1 : an aerial bomb designed for rclease at low
`ro-ble \‘r5-(,)blfi\ n. [AmerSp, fr. Sp, oak, fr. L robur] : any of
`altitude and equipped with a rocket apparatus for giving it added
`several oaks of California and Mexico
`momentum 2 : a rocket—propel1cd bomb launched from the ground
`I0-bot \‘rt"i-_bii.t. -b:)t\ n [C'z,ech,
`fr. robota work; akin to OHG,
`rock»e-leer \,rtikv-o-‘ti (a)r\ ti 1 : one who fires, pilots, or rides in a
`amber’: trouble, L orlmi orphaned] 1 a : a machine that looks like
`it scientist who specializes in rockctry
`a human being and performs various complex acts (as walking or
`rocket plane 11
`: an airplane propelled by rockets or armed with
`rocket launchers
`talking) of a human being; also :
`it similar but fictional machine
`whose lack of capacity for human emotions is often emphasized
`rocket proimlsion rz
`: propulsion by means of a rocket engine
`h : an efficient. insensitive, often brut.’ilize<l person 2 : an auto-
`rocket-rv \'i"zik—a—trE\ n : the study of, experimentation with, or
`use of rockets
`z .“'
`.‘ 01‘
`_Ci’C1 GS W1
`1 W fl
`8 El -
`111$§%§3I?‘:))t11l;?1t.l;:S‘nO‘§Cifitglélllc (that perfoigns tlliiiictioiis Ol££_i1l't))dl‘li1y
`rocket Ship :1 : a rockct—propelleil craft capable of navigation beyond
`the etirth’s atmosphere
`most hiiiinan intelligence
`_3 :2 mechanism guidegpby automatic
`Controls » ru-hot-ism \~,lZ'Z)l'll\ ll
`rock-fish \‘rak-,fish\ I1 : any of various valuable market fishes that
`robot bomb :1 1 : GUIDED MISSILE Z : a powered missile not subject
`live among rocks or on rocky bottoms
`a : any of several fishes
`to control after launching
`(family Scorpaenidae)
`b :
`striped bass
`c : any of several groupers
`the process of
`1 :
`'"—shan, -bot-\ n
`I0-D0‘!-lza-11011 \,i'F>-,b‘:it~o—‘
`tUl‘l"lll'lt; a human being into it robot 2 : AUTOMATION
`rock garden 7:
`: a garden laid out among rocks or decorated with
`re-bot-ize \'rTS-.b‘:lt-,
`-bat.\ vt : to make automatic
`rocks and adapted for the growth of particular kinds of plants (as
`'io— ,‘,ib.=»st\ adj [L F0/,?lt.l‘fl1.S' oaken, strong,
`rock hind ll : any of various spotted groupers commonly found about
`rqlmr-. robur oak, strength] 1 3.
`: having or exhibitiull , lrength or
`rocky coasts or reefs
`vigorous health : vioiiiious
`b :
`firm in purpose or outlook
`rocking chair :2 : a chair mounted on rockers
`2 : R()l,l(":ll, RUDE 3 : rcquiriui; strcrigih or vigor
`: FULL-l§(JDlED
`rocking horse 7?
`: a toy horse mounted on rockers — called also
`syn sec] iii:/lri HY ~~— 1'0-bit.-st-ly adv ~ In-bust-ness
`_i»n:;s, —(_,,ibas\t;«\ /1
`Io-bus-tious \,i-d—'bas»cha_s\ adj 1 : ROBUST
`2 : rudely vigorous
`roclnliiig \'r'ak-lir3\ l‘l : any of several small rather elongate marine
`: iioi
`IZROUS ~ ro.bus-tious~ly adv — rovhiis-tious-ness ll
`cods (family Gadidae)
`rock lobster n 1 : SPINY LOBSTER 2 : the flesh of the Cape, crawfish
`roe ‘V ik\ l'l Ar rrlkli/tit] 2 Erlegeiidary bird of great size and strength
`believed to inhabit the Indian ocean area
`esp. when canned or frozen for use as food
`roc-am.bole \'r':ik-om~,bol\ 71 [l’’, fr. G mclcelilmlle, fr, i'ocl<en, rog~
`rock maple 77
`: a sugar
`aple (Acer mccliarum)
`rock ’n‘ roll \,r'zik-on— 6l\ )2 1 : music characterized by a strong
`gen rye + bnllrf bulb] : a European leek (Allium scorodoprasum)
`used for flavoring
`Ex. 1015, p. 4
`Ex. 1015, p. 4
`unit of monetary value of Latvia from 1922 to l940 2 : a coin
`: any
`flaryngeal n 1 : a laryngeal part 2 a : a laryngeal sound ll
`representing one lat
`of a set of severztl (as three) phonemes reconstructed for Proto:
`lat-a-kia \,lat~o~'l<6-o\
`ri [Latulciru seaport in Syria] : a Superior
`.-uropean chiefly on indirect evidence
`aromatic Turkish smoking tobacco
`lar-yn.g1 '0 \,l2il‘«:>n-'jit—ll<\ adj : of, relating to, or characteristic
`llatch \‘lach\ vi [ME luchen, fr. 0}’. laecczm; akin to Gk lmiibamain
`f ected with laryngitis ~— laryngitic n
`to take, seize] 1 :
`to catch or get hold — used with on or onto
`is \,lar—oi
`ns\ 11 [NL] : inflammation of the larynx
`2 : to attach oneself («veil onto it rich widow)
`lar»yn-go!-0-gy \.lar-on- _,li1~a—je\ n [ISV] : a branch of medicine
`ilatch l’l : a device that holds something in place by entering a notch
`dealing with diseases of the larynx and nasopharynx
`or cavity; sprwif : the catch which holds a door or gate when closed
`even if not bolted
`la-ryrngo-scope \lo-'i'ii3«go-,sl<<"ip\ n [ISV]
`: an instrument for
`31atCl1 vb ‘ CATCH, FASTEN
`examining the interior of
`the larynx ~—— la-ryn-go-scop-ic \lo-
`,rir)—g3—'skilp-il<\ or la-rvn-go-scop-1-cal \—i«l<91\ adj — 1a-ryn-
`latch-et \ It h-at\ rz [ME lacher, fr. MF, shoestring, fr, Iaz snare,
`fr. L Iaqimur ~ more at DlTL1(,lHT]
`: a narrow leather strap, thong,
`go.-scop-i-cal-ly \~k(a-)lé\ adv — lar-yn-gas-co-py \.lar-on-
`‘gas-kz)-pe\ rt
`or lace that fastens ti shoe or sandal on the foot
`lar-ynx \'1zir-ig(l<)s\ ll, pl la-ryn-ges \1a~'rin-(,)iez\ or lar-ynx-es
`latch-key \'l
`h l<_E\
`ll 1 : a key used to lift or pull back 1!. latch
`of a door
`2 :
`I front door key
`[NL Iuryng-,
`fr, Gk]
`the modified upper part of
`trachea of alr—bi'entliing vc1‘tcb1'ates having in man, most other
`latch-string \—.(s)trii3\
`It string on a latch that may be left
`mammals, and it few lower forms a set of elastic vocal cords
`hanging oiitside the door to permit the raising of the latch from
`lass-car \'las-l<or\ ll [Hindi lu,ihkm- army] : an East Indian sailor,
`the outside or drawn inside to prevent intrusion
`army servant, or native artillcryman
`llate \'lfIt\ adj [Ml2, late, slow, fr. OE lair: akin to OHG la: slow,
`las-civ.i-ous \la-'siv»E—os\ adj [L lascivia wrintonness, fr. lascivus
`OE lr?f(z11 to let] 1 :1 (l) 1 coining or remaining after the due, usual,
`wanton ~— more at i.iisr] : LEWD, LUSTFUL —— las~civ-i-ous-1y adv
`or proper time (~ spring)
`(2) : of, relating to, or imposed because
`—~~ las-civ-i-ous-ness ri
`of tardiness
`b : of or relating to an advanced stage in point of tline
`la-ser \'l5—7.f)l'\
`l‘I [light amplification by stimulated emission of
`or development (~ Middle Ages); S[7lI’Cif
`: far advanced toward
`radiation] : a device that utilizes the natural oscillations of atoms
`the close of the day or night (N hours) 2 a : living comparatively
`recently it
`: being something or holding some position or relation-
`for amplifying or generating electromagnetic waves in the visible
`region of the spectrum
`ship recently but not now (~ belligeimits)
`c : made, appearing,
`tlash \'lash\ vb [ME laslwri] vi 1 2 to move violently or suddenly
`or happening just previous to the present time (~ quarrel) Syn see
`DEAD -— late-ly uriv »-« late-ness ll
`: DASH 2 : to strike with or as if with a whip 3 :t0 make a verbal
`attack or retort ~ VI
`zlaie adv 1 £1
`: after the usual or proper time
`b : at or to an
`2 a : to assail with stinging words b : DRIVE, GOAD c : to cause
`advanced point in time
`2 : not long ago : RECENTLY -— of late
`to lash —- lash-er 11
`lat-ed \'1i’ii-mi\ adj : rir,LAri2o
`218511 n 1 21 (1)
`: a stroke with a whip or with anything slender,
`Ila-teen \l:i—'1En\ adj [F (voila) [mine lateen sail] : being or relating
`pliant, and tough
`the flexible part of a whip; also : WHIP
`b : a sudden swinging blow 2 : a verbal blow; also : SPUR 3 : EYE-
`to a rig used esp. on the north coast of Africa and characterized by
`a triangular sail extended by at long spar slung to a low mast
`zlateen ii 1 also 1a.teen.er \-'tE—ner\ : a lateens
`Slash vt [ME lanvclmn to lace, fr. MF lucier — more at LACE] : to
`bind with a rope, cord, or chain — lash-er n
`rigged ship
`2 : a laleen sail
`Late Greek ll
`: the Greek language as used in the
`lash-ing n : something used for binding, wrapping, or fastening
`3d to oth centuries
`lash-ings \'lash-iijz, -:>nz\ n pl [fr. gerund of Hash] Brit : a great
`Late Latin l'l
`: the Latin language used by writers
`plenty : ABUNDANCE
`in the 3d to 6th centuries
`lash-up \'lllSl'l-,Q[J\ n Plush]
`1 : Something improvised : corr-
`lat-en \'lz“1t-*‘n\ vb lat-en-ing \'lfit-nin, -°n~l[]\
`: to grow late ~ vt
`: to cause to grow late
`lass \'l:is\ n [ME Ias] 1 : young woman : GIRL 2 : SWEETHEART
`lassde \‘l2ts-E\ n : LASS, GIRL
`la-ten.cy \‘l;"itv’i1~ E\ I1 1 : the quality or state of
`,1 can 2
`being latent : DORMANCY 2 : something latent
`las-si-tude \'las-o-,t(y)iid\
`n [MF,
`fr. L lassirudo,
`La Téne \lil~'ten, -‘ 'tn\ adj [Lalr‘nr', shallows of
`weary ~ more at LET] 1 : wEAIuNEss, FATIGUE 2 : LISTLESSNESS,
`the Lake of Neuchatel, Swit7,erland] : of or relating to the later
`Ilas-so \‘1as—(,)o,
`rt, pl lassos or lassoes [Sp lam, fr. L
`perioii of the Iron Age in Europe assumed to date from 500 Ii.C. to
`luqums snare A more at DELIGHT] : a rope or long thong of leather
`la-ten-si-ti-ca-tion \l5~,ten(t)-so—fa-'kfi—sh9n,