`David Harting] Linkedln
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`David Harting
`Engineering Partner
`Greater Boston Area Design
`11 Point Five
`Eleven. LLC. Continuum, Fitch
`Northeastem University
`https ://wwwlinkedin .com/in/david-har‘trng~3538b5 1 0
`E; Summary
`David Harting is a co—founder at eleven point five with extensive experience in engineering design and
`design thinking, as well as resource, program and operations management.Besides being known as an
`engineer who can sketch, he is renowned for balancing solutions that push the envelope with the
`unrelenting laws of physics. He holds 25 patents and takes great pride in getting things done on time
`and within budget.
`Q Experience
`Owner, Engineering
`11 Point Five
`August 1996 — Present (19 years 6 months) i Boston, MA
`Eleven Point Five is a licensing based product development firm with hundreds of products contributing
`to its revenue stream across a broad range of markets. Partners include OX0. Aspen Pet, Sauder
`Manufacturing to name a few.
`Owner, Engineering
`Eleven, LLC
`August 1996 ~ October 2015 (19 years mon s
`os on,
`Director of Engineering, responsible for client and project management, proposal writing, sales
`presentation support
`COO, oversee financial management of firm. Resource and cash flow management. Budget and
`expenditure approval.
`Director of Engineering
`June 1994 — June 1996 (2 years 1 month) 1 West Newton, MA
`Expand to see ho
`People Also Viewed
`Glen Walter
`CEO. Managing Member atELEVEN
`E. ignite
`Ryan Donovan
`Engineer at Eleven, LLC
`Doug Marsden
`CTO, Founding Partner at (Eleven)
`Jeanette Mellinger
`Director of Strategy at ELEVEN
`Ben Beck
`Partner at ELEVEN LLC.
`Mike McDuffee
`Senior Industrial Designer at Eleven,
`Marc Sanger
`Creative Director at Eleven, t LC
`Tom Gatlin
`industrial Designer
`Colby Higgins
`industrial Designerat Eleven, LLC
`Steve Bourque
`Senior Design Engineer at Helix
`Design, Inc
`As director of engineering l was responsible for leading and over seeing the engineenng operation.
`writing reviews, budgeting capital equipment expenditures, continued support to sales and ultimately was
`elected by the share holders of Eleven to represent engineenng on the executive committee.
`How You’re Connected
`Deponent Pi’
`A /,
`bate '7
`L’ Rpt*.f_._
`Engineering Manager
`July 1992 — June 1994 (2 years) | West Newton, MA
`Responsible for client and project management, project planning, resourcing, support to sales and
`proposal generation. Member of the move team that took Continuum from Kenmore Square to West
`“ Michael Kiklis
`8 more connections can
`htips1//www.linkedin_comfirVdavid—harLi Pg-3538b51O’.7al_rLhType=NAME#SEARCH&authToken=PXO7&|0cale=en_US&srchid=6111111614528OO62O951&srchIn...
`J Squared Exhibit 1020, pg. 1
`J Squared vs. Sauder
`David Harting| Linkedln
`Concept Development
`Concept Generation
`Design Management
`User—centered Design
`({ Education
`Northeastern University
`BSME. Mechanical Engineering
`1977 — 1982
`0 Patents
`Communications Headset with universally adaptable receiver and voice
`United States US5761298
`3 5 inventors, including:
`David Ha,-fing
`Engineering Partner
`Scott Burr
`Michael G Davis
`Rob Davies
`Retractable leash assembly
`United States us6405683
`4 inventors:
`David Harting
`Engineering Partner
`Ben Beck
`Partner at ELEVEN LLC.
`Doug Marsden
`CTO, Founding Partner at(Eleven‘)
`Glen Walter
`CEO. Managing Member at ELEVEN &l
`Multiposition Telephone Unit
`United States US6130944
`4 inventors:
`David Harting
`Engineering Partner
`Ben Beck
`Partner atELEVEN LLC.
`Doug Marsden
`CTO, Founding Partner at (Eleven)
`Glen Walter
`CEO‘ Managing Member at ELEVEN 3. l...
`Device for storing and displaying caps
`United States US622391O
`> 8 inventors, including:
`David Harting
`Engineering Partner
`Ban Beck
`Partner at ELEVEN LLC
`Retractable leash assembly
`W999 levl"
`Doug Marsden
`CTO_ Founding Partner at (Eleven)
`https://‘www.|inkediricornfin/david—hart.ing—3538b51O?authType-INAM E_SEARC H&authToken=PX07&i0cale=eniUS&srchid=61111116‘145280062095l&srChin_,,
`J Squared Exhibit 1020, pg. 2
`J Squared vs. Sauder
`United States US7600487
`3 inventors:
`David Harting
`Engineering Partner
`john stone
`Liquid Bird Feeder
`United States US7685969
`3 inventors:
`David Harting
`Engineering Partner
`john stone
`Liquid Bird Feeder
`United States US 7891319
`3 inventors:
`David Harting
`Engineering Partner
`john stone
`Animal Trap Having Timed Release Door
`United States US7958668
`2 inventors:
`David Harting
`Engineering Partner
`Liquid Bird Feeder
`United States US8028658
`3 inventors:
`David Harting
`Engineering Partner
`john stone
`Liquid Bird Feeder
`United States US8100085
`3 inventors:
`David Harting
`Engineering Partner
`john sicne
`David Harting j Linkedln
`Oliver McLachlan
`Designer at Nike inc.
`Oliver McLachlan
`Designer at Nike Inc,
`Oliver McLachlan
`Designer at Nike Inc.
`Glen Walter
`CEO, Managing Member at ELEVEN :5 I
`Oliver McLachlan
`Designer at Nike inc.
`Oliver McLachlan
`Designer at Nike Inc.
`Animal Trap Having Timed Release Door
`United States US8100085
`https1//wwwlinkedincomfin/david~hartjrg—3538b510?au1hType=NAM E_SEARCH&authToken= PXO7&iocaie=en_US&srchid=611111t61452800620951&srchrn .
`J Squared Exhibit 1020, pg. 3
`J Squared vs. Sauder
`./ ‘:4/2016
`Industrial Design
`169,433 members
`industrial Design lln...
`34,032 members
`David Harting] Ljnkedln
`ELEVEN. A Culture 0...
`Northeastern Univer...
`Greater Boston Area
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`J Squared Exhibit 1020, pg. 4
`J Squared vs. Sauder