`ATopTech, Inc.
`Synopsys, Inc.
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2014-00xxx
`Patent 6,237,127
`OF U.S. PATENT NO. 6,237,127
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 01 of 11

`INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................1
`EXPERT QUALIFICATIONS AND CREDENTIALS.............................1
`SUMMARY OF MY OPINIONS.................................................................2
`LEGAL PRINCIPLES..................................................................................2
`VI. THE PRIOR ART..........................................................................................2
`VII. BELKHALE RENDERS CLAIMS 5 AND 6 OBVIOUS ..........................3
`The Prior Institution Decision Regarding Claim 5..........................3
`Belkhale Renders Claim 5 Obvious...................................................4
`The Prior Institution Decision Regarding Claim 6..........................7
`Belkhale Renders Claim 6 Obvious...................................................7
`The Prior Institution Decision Regarding Claims 5 and 6..............8
`Belkhale in View of Tom Renders Claims 5 and 6 Obvious ...........8
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 02 of 11

`I, Soheil Ghiasi, declare:
`I previously submitted a declaration in the inter partes review
`proceeding brought by ATopTech, Inc. (“Petitioner”) regarding U.S. Patent No.
`6,237,127 (“the `127 Patent”) that was assigned Case No. IPR2014-001145 (Ex.
`1007). My opinions stated in that declaration remain unchanged.
`The present declaration provides additional opinions regarding the
`applicability of the prior art references to claims 5 and 6 of the `127 Patent for
`which the Patent Trial and Appeal Board declined to institute a trial because they
`adopted a grammatically different claim construction for claim 5. My additional
`opinions concern the application of the prior art references to the Board’s claim
`construction in the Instituted Decision for IPR2014-001145. Accordingly, I submit
`this declaration in support of Petitioner’s petition for inter partes review of claims
`5 and 6 of the `127 Patent.
`I am being compensated for my work in this matter. My
`compensation in no way depends upon the outcome of this proceeding.
`My qualifications and credentials are provided in paragraphs 4-12 of
`my prior declaration. Ex. 1007.
`The opinions set forth in my declaration are based on my personal
`knowledge gained from my education, professional experience, and from the
`review of the documents and information described in this declaration.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 03 of 11

`In preparation of this declaration, I have studied
`a. U.S. Patent No. 6,237,127 (Ex. 1001);
`b. The file history of U.S. Patent No. 6,237,127 (Ex. 1002);
`The reference entitled “Timing Analysis with known False Sub
`Graphs,” Krishna P. Belkhale and Alexander J. Suess, 1995
`IEEE/ACM International Conference of Computer-Aided Design –
`Digest of Technical Papers, November 5-9, 1995, San Jose,
`California, pgs. 736-740. (“Belkhale”) (Ex. 1005);
`d. U.S. Patent No. 5,210,700 (“Tom”) (Ex. 1006); and
`Institution Decision for IPR2014-001145.
`It is my opinion that claims 5 and 6 of the `127 Patent are rendered
`obvious under 35 U.S.C. § 103 by Belkhale under the Board’s construction in the
`Institution Decision for IPR2014-001145.
`It is also my further opinion that claims 5 and 6 are rendered obvious
`under 35 U.S.C. § 103 by Belkhale in view of Tom under the Board’s construction
`in the Institution Decision for IPR2014-001145.
`My understanding of the legal principles is provided in paragraphs 17-
`27 of my prior declaration. Ex. 1007.
`I discuss the scope and content of Belkhale in paragraphs 76-92 and
`the scope and content of Tom in paragraphs 201-205 of my prior declaration. Ex.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 04 of 11

`1007. I further explain the motivation to combine Belkhale with Tom in
`paragraphs 206-216 of my prior declaration. Ex. 1007.
`The Prior Institution Decision Regarding Claim 5
`I have studied the Board’s Institution Decision (“`127 Inst. Dec.”)
`regarding claim 5. In that decision, the Board found Petitioner had met its burden
`of showing that claims 1 and 4 were likely obvious in view of Belkhale. `127 Inst.
`Dec. p. 12. The Board also found that Petitioner had not met its burden regarding
`claim 5 because the Board adopted a different claim construction than petitioner
`and “[p]etitioner has not provided arguments indicating how Belkhale discloses the
`recited limitations under this construction.” `127 Inst. Dec. p. 17.
`12. Claim 5 depends from claim 4 and further requires the step of
`“satisfying an exception, prior to comparing the first timing value, with the first
`label.” In my prior declaration I stated that:
`I believe this claim contains a typographical error and that the phrase
`“with the first label” should actually be “with the first constraint
`value.” In the context of claim 5, it does not make sense to compare a
`timing value with a label like those in the `127 Patent because a label
`is never a timing constraint. Ex. 1007, ¶157.
`In the institution decision the Board explained:
`We are not persuaded that claim 5 requires a timing value to be
`compared to a first label. As written, a comma separates the phrase
`“prior to comparing first timing value” from the phrase “with the first
`label.” Thus, rather than comparing the timing value with the first label,
`we read claim 5 to recite “satisfying an exception . . . with the first
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 05 of 11

`label.” `127 Inst. Dec. p. 8.
`I understand the Board’s construction of claim 5 to associate the first
`clause and the third clause of claim 5 together and require satisfying an exception
`with the first label.
`I further understand the Board’s construction of claim 5 to explain
`that the second clause “prior to comparing the first timing value” does not refer to
`the third clause “with the first label” but rather relates back to dependent claim 4,
`which requires “comparing a first timing value…to a first constraint value.”
`The difference between construction of claim 5 I originally relied on
`and the Board’s construction of claim 5 is a grammatical one and does not relate to
`the construction of any terms in the claim. The construction I originally relied on
`for claim 5 associated the second and third clauses together instead of the first and
`third clauses as adopted by the Board.
`To this end, my construction of all claim terms in this declaration is
`completely consistent with my opinion in my original declaration. In adopting the
`Board’s proposed claim construction, I am simply demonstrating that even if the
`first and third clauses of claim 5 are associated together instead of the second and
`third clauses, the resulting claim is still obvious in view of Belkhale and obvious in
`view of Belkhale and Tom.
`Belkhale Renders Claim 5 Obvious
`In order to figure out which false sub graphs to remove, Belkhale uses
`the set attribute to indicate when the path is entirely through a false sub graph. In
`this context, and consistent with my prior declaration, the set attribute is equivalent
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 06 of 11

`to a tag with a label and the false sub graph is equivalent to an exception. See Ex.
`1007, ¶76-78 and ¶131. Thus, by adding tags and labels to the timing tables in the
`form of a set attribute and comparing those set attributes to exceptions using
`Algorithm 1, Belkhale teaches “satisfying an exception…with the first label.
`Examining Belkhale’s Algorithm 1,
`reproduced to the right, demonstrates exactly
`how Belkhale teaches satisfying an exception
`with the first label. As the timing analysis passed
`through the timing graph calculating the arrival
`times (AT) at each node (v), Algorithm 1
`calculates a new element set (s’) for each node (v). This is demonstrated in
`Algorithm 1 at the line with the red box around it annotated 1. As may be seen in
`the line annotated 1, the new element set (s’) is calculated by taking the old
`element set (s) and adding a set attribute (label) for any new false sub graphs that
`have been entered by s ᴗ BG(u). Next, labels are removed for any false sub graph
`that the path has departed from by ᴖ IN(e). Accordingly, the line annotated 1 of
`Algorithm 1 calculates the new element set (s’) for the node (v). Belkhale, refers
`to this new element set (s’) as the sink element set. The set attributes of the nodes
`are equivalent to what the `127 Patent refers to as labels.
`The specific portion of Algorithm 1 where Belkhale determines
`whether an exception is satisfied with a label is the line annotated 2 in Algorithm 1
`above. In the line annotated 2, the intersection of the sink element set (s’) is taken
`with the set EG(v). Because the set EG(v) is the set of all false sub graphs for
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 07 of 11

`which the vertex v is in the end set, this line of Algorithm 1 determines whether the
`current path through the timing graph is completely through a false sub graph and
`if it is, no arrival time is calculated. The conditional statement that takes the
`intersection of “s’” with the set EG(v) and compares it to Ø is the determination of
`whether an exception is satisfied by the label as required by claim 5 under the
`Board’s construction.
`21. Belkhale also teaches that “satisfying an exception…with the first
`label” happens “prior to comparing the first timing value,” as required by the
`Board’s construction of claim 5.
`22. Belkhale teaches a SLK calculation, which compares a timing value
`(AT) to a constraint value (RAT). Ex. 1005, p. 736. Belkhale teaches that prior to
`any comparison between the AT and RAT to compute the SLK, all the ATs and
`RATs are computed. Id. Because Algorithm 1, which checks to see if an exception
`has been satisfied by a label, is used during the AT calculations prior to the SLK
`calculations, Belkhale teaches the “prior to comparing the first timing value,”
`requirement of claim 5.
`23. A full illustration of the limitation in claim 5 being performed in
`Belkhale is seen in Fig. 3 by the propagation of the delay values from v4 to v7.
`The timing table for v4 is (2, {1}) indicating a delay value of 2 and that the
`propagation is subject to false sub graph 1. When propagating from v4 to v7, the
`delay value would be increased to 3 if the exception was not satisfied. However,
`there is no entry in the timing table of v7 for (3, {1}). This is because node v7 is
`the ending node for false sub graph F1 and therefore, {1} is in the set EG(v7).
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 08 of 11

`Thus, the result of the intersection between s’ and EG(v7) is not null (Ø) and
`therefore, the exception of false sub graph F1 is satisfied by label {1} prior to any
`SLK calculation being performed.
`To this end, it is my opinion that claim 5 is rendered obvious by
`Belkhale under the Board’s proposed construction in its Institution Decision of
`The Prior Institution Decision Regarding Claim 6
`I have studied the Board’s Institution Decision regarding claim 6. The
`Board found that because claim 6 depends from claim 5, claim 6 requires the same
`satisfying step as claim 5. `127 Patent Inst. Dec., p. 17. Consequently, the Board
`found that Petitioner had not demonstrated a reasonable likelihood that it would
`prevail with respect to claim 6 on this ground. Id.
`Belkhale Renders Claim 6 Obvious
`26. As I have stated above, it is my opinion that claim 5 is obvious in
`view of Belkhale under the Board’s claim construction. Accordingly, it is also my
`further opinion that claim 6 is obvious in view of Belkhale.
`27. Belkhale teaches the limitations of claim 6 when it modifies a RAT
`from a constraint value in the form of a number to the value “No RAT.” Ex. 1005,
`Fig. 3 Caption. In Belkhale, the modified constraint value is the modified RAT and
`an exception is satisfied when Algorithm 1 determines the path under consideration
`is through a false sub graph. As I stated in my previous declaration, this is
`logically equivalent to the `127 Patent changing the MAPD to infinity for the set
`false path command because the RAT is modified as a result of a satisfied
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 09 of 11

`exception. See Ex. 1007, ¶167. To this end, it is still my opinion that Belkhale
`teaches modifying a constraint value according to a satisfied exception.
`28. Belkhale also teaches making the modification “prior to comparing it
`[the constraint value] to the first timing value,” as required by claim 6. In
`Belkhale, the arrival time (AT) teaches the “first timing value” of claim 6. The
`required arrival time (RAT) teaches the constraint value of claim 6. As explained
`in Belkhale, the arrival times AT and the required arrival times RAT are first
`calculated at each vertex before any comparison between the two is done. Ex.
`1005, p. 736. Accordingly, the RAT is modified from a numerical value to “N”
`prior to comparing the RAT with the AT and claim 6 is taught by Belkhale.
`The Prior Institution Decision Regarding Claims 5 and 6
`I have studied the Board’s Institution Decision regarding the
`applicability of Belkhale in view of Tom to claims 5 and 6. In that decision, the
`Board found Petitioner had met its burden of showing a reasonable likelihood that
`claims 1 and 4 were obvious in view Belkhale and Tom. `127 Inst. Dec. p. 24. For
`the same claim construction reasons the Board rejected claims 5 and 6 in view of
`Belkhale, the Board also found that Petitioner had not met its burden for claims 5
`and 6 using Belkhale in view of Tom. Id.
`Belkhale in View of Tom Renders Claims 5 and 6 Obvious
`It is my opinion that all the limitations of claims 1, 4, 5 and 6 would
`be obvious to one skilled in the art at the time given the disclosure of Belkhale in
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 10 of 11

`view of Tom. Petitioner’s claim construction for “exception” and “timing table”
`were accepted by the Board in their Institution Decision in IPR2014-001145.
`However, to the extent the Patent Owner raises any claim constructions issues
`regarding “timing table” or “tag” in this preceding, they are rendered obvious by
`Belkhale in view of Tom as detailed in paragraphs 201-224 of my prior
`Thus, it is my opinion that one skilled in the art at the time would
`have found the limitations of claims 5 and 6 rendered obvious by Belkhale in view
`of Tom even under the Board’s claim construction in their Institution Decision in
`This declaration is based on my present assessment of material and
`information currently available to me.
`I hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own
`knowledge are true and that all statements made herein on information and belief
`are believed to be true. Rather, these statements were made with the knowledge
`that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine,
`imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
`Soheil Ghiasi
`February 13, 2015
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 11 of 11

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