`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2015-00739
`Patent RE42,678
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-00739
`Joint Motion to Seal and for Entry of Protective Order
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.14 and 42.54, and for the reasons set forth
`below, Petitioner JDS Uniphase Corporation (“Petitioner”)1 and Patent Owner
`Capella Photonics, Inc. (“Patent Owner”) (collectively, “Parties”) respectfully and
`jointly request that the Board seal the unredacted version of Patent Owner’s
`Exhibit 2032, the Deposition Transcript of Sheldon McLaughlin. Petitioner and
`Patent Owner further jointly request entry of the Proposed Stipulated Protective
`Order (Ex. A).2
`The Parties submit concurrently herewith: (i) Confidential Unredacted
`Exhibit 2032; (ii) Redacted Exhibit 2032; (iii) Proposed Protective Order (Ex. A);
`and (iv) Redline reflecting changes from the Default Protective Order (Ex. B.)
`1 As a result of a reorganization involving original Petitioner JDS Uniphase
`Corporation, the real parties-in-interest in this proceeding are now Lumentum
`Holdings Inc., Lumentum Inc., and Lumentum Operations LLC. See IPR2015-
`00731, Updated Mandatory Notice, Paper 11 (Sept. 15, 2015); IPR2015-00739,
`Updated Mandatory Notice, Paper 10 (Sept. 15, 2015).
`2 Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.54, the parties have conferred in good faith and jointly
`request the relief identified herein.

`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-00739
`Joint Motion to Seal and for Entry of Protective Order
`Documents filed in an IPR are generally available to the public. 37 C.F.R. §
`42.14. However, the Board may, for good cause, protect confidential information
`from public disclosure. 37 C.F.R. § 42.54; see also Garmin Int’l v. Cuozzo Speed
`Tech., LLC, IPR2012-00001, Paper 36 (Apr. 5, 2013) (“Garmin”), at 3-4.
`The standard for granting a motion to seal is “for good cause.” 37 C.F.R. §
`42.54. When determining good cause, the Board balances the public’s interest in a
`complete and understandable file history with the parties’ interest in protecting
`sensitive information. See Garmin at 3-4 (citing Office Trial Practice Guide, 77
`Fed. Reg. at 48760). However, the public’s interest in having access to a party’s
`confidential business information that is only indirectly related to patent validity is
`low. Id. at 8-9. Here, the Petitioner’s interests in protecting confidential business
`information outweighs the public’s interest in viewing that information.
`The Parties seek to seal portions of Exhibit 2032, the Deposition Transcript
`of Sheldon McLaughlin, a Senior Principal Optical Development Engineer
`employed by Petitioner. Petitioner has represented to Patent Owner that the
`information requested to be sealed contains confidential business information of
`Petitioner, including technical designs and specifications of Petitioner’s products,
`activities relating to the development of Petitioner’s products and employment-
`related matters. Petitioner represents that this information goes to the heart of

`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-00739
`Joint Motion to Seal and for Entry of Protective Order
`Petitioner’s business activities and its product lines. Petitioner further represents
`that disclosure of this sensitive information to persons not directly involved with
`this IPR proceeding could have a serious negative impact on Petitioner and its
`business. For the purposes of this motion and proceeding, Patent Owner accepts
`Petitioner’s representations.
`To address the balance between Petitioner’s interest in protecting sensitive
`information with the public’s interest in a complete and understandable file history,
`the Parties are submitting with this motion a redacted version of Exhibit 2032,
`rather than seeking to seal the entire document. See Office Trial Practice Guide,
`77 Fed. Reg. 48756, 48761 (2012). Petitioner further certifies that the information
`sought to be sealed by this motion has not been published or otherwise made
`In sum, the public’s interest in having access to the limited redacted portions
`of Exhibit 2032, reflecting Petitioner’s confidential business information, is
`relatively low, and is outweighed by Petitioner’s interest in maintaining the
`confidentiality of this information. For these reasons, the Parties respectfully
`request that this joint motion to seal be granted.
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.54, the Parties move for entry of the proposed
`protective order submitted as Exhibit A with this motion. A red-line of the

`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-00739
`Joint Motion to Seal and for Entry of Protective Order
`differences between the proposed order and the Default Protective Order is
`submitted as Exhibit B with this motion.
`Good cause exists for entering the proposed Protective Order with the
`proposed changes, as described more fully below:
`No. Proposed Change from
`Default Protective Order
`1. Addition of caption and
`Reason for Proposed Change
`This change identifies that the Protective Order
`deletion of first sentence
`applies to this proceeding, and that it is different
`from the Standing Protective Order.
`2. Addition of Section 1.1.
`Because there have been requests for joinder
`(“Party” definition)
`filed, there may be some ambiguity as to
`whether “party” would include joined
`parties. This definition clarifies that it does
`not. Thus, for example, information designated
`as confidential by the Petitioner/RPI or Patent
`Owner could not be shared with outside counsel
`or experts of a joined party. This is important
`for the reasons discussed in points 4 and 5,
`3. Footnote 1
`This identifies the Petitioner’s real parties in
`interest to the proceeding, as a result of a

`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-00739
`Joint Motion to Seal and for Entry of Protective Order
`corporate reorganization after the filing of the
`Petition and as reflected in the updated
`mandatory notices.
`4. Section 2: Addition of
`The confidential information relevant to this
`“Outside Counsel” and
`proceeding is highly sensitive in nature, going to
`deletion of “Parties,”
`the heart of Petitioner’s business activities and
`“Party Representatives,”
`its product lines. Disclosure of this sensitive
`and “Other Employees of
`information to persons not directly involved
`a Party”
`with this IPR proceeding could have a serious
`and negative impact on Petitioner and its
`business. Accordingly, this change is necessary
`to ensure that confidential information is
`provided only to outside counsel handling the
`IPR, and not the parties themselves.
`5. Section 2(C)
`Disclosure of this sensitive information to
`(Modifications to
`persons not directly involved with this IPR
`definition of “in-house
`proceeding could have a serious and negative
`impact on Petitioner and its
`business. Accordingly, this change is necessary
`to ensure that confidential information is

`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-00739
`Joint Motion to Seal and for Entry of Protective Order
`provided only to up to two in-house counsel for
`each party, and that the producing party knows
`the identity of these counsel so that it knows
`who is receiving its confidential
`information. Without this provision, there
`would be uncertainty as to the extent to which
`confidential information is being disclosed to
`the receiving party’s in-house counsel.
`6. Addition of caption on the
`This change identifies the Acknowledgment as
`applying to the present proceeding.

`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-00739
`Joint Motion to Seal and for Entry of Protective Order
`For the reasons described above, the Parties respectfully request that this
`Motion to Seal and Motion for Entry of the Proposed Protective Order submitted as
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Jason D. Eisenberg/
`Jason D. Eisenberg
`Registration No. 43,447
`Attorney for Patent Owner
`/Walter C. Linder/
`Walter C. Linder
`Registration No. 31,707
`Attorney for Petitioner
`Exhibit A be granted.
`Date: December 1, 2015
`(202) 371-2600
`Date: December 1, 2015
`MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402-3901
`(612) 766-7000

`Exhibit A
`Exhibit A

`Patent Owner
`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-00731
`Patent No. RE42,368
`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-00739
`Patent No. RE42,678
`This standing protective order governs the treatment and filing of
`confidential information, including documents and testimony.
`1. Confidential information shall be clearly marked “PROTECTIVE
`1.1 “Party” or “party” as used in this Protective Order is limited to
`Petitioner1 and Patent Owner of record, and does not include any joined
`1 As a result of a reorganization involving original Petitioner JDS Uniphase
`Corporation, the real parties-in-interest in this proceeding are now Lumentum
`Holdings Inc., Lumentum Inc., and Lumentum Operations LLC (collectively,
`“Lumentum”). See IPR2015-00731, Updated Mandatory Notice, Paper 11 (Sept.
`15, 2015); IPR2015-00739, Updated Mandatory Notice, Paper 10 (Sept. 15, 2015).

`2. Access to confidential information is limited to the following
`individuals who have executed the acknowledgment appended to this order:
`(A) Outside Counsel. Outside Counsel of each party.
`(B) Experts. Retained experts of a party in the proceeding who
`further certify in the Acknowledgement that they are not a competitor
`to any party, or a consultant for, or employed by, such a competitor
`with respect to the subject matter of the proceeding.
`(C) In-house counsel. Up to two in-house counsel of each party;
`provided that such in-house counsel are identified to the other party
`before access is given.
`(D) The Office. Employees and representatives of the Office who
`have a need for access to the confidential information shall have such
`access without the requirement to sign an Acknowledgement. Such
`employees and representatives shall include the Director, members of
`the Board and their clerical staff, other support personnel, court
`reporters, and other persons acting on behalf of the Office.
`(E) Support Personnel. Administrative assistants, clerical staff, court
`reporters and other support personnel of the foregoing persons who
`Accordingly, “Party” or “party” as used with respect to Petitioner means real
`parties-in-interest Lumentum, collectively.

`are reasonably necessary to assist those persons in the proceeding
`shall not be required to sign an Acknowledgement, but shall be
`informed of the terms and requirements of the Protective Order by the
`person they are supporting who receives confidential information.
`3. Persons receiving confidential information shall use reasonable efforts
`to maintain the confidentiality of the information, including:
`(A) Maintaining such information in a secure location to which
`persons not authorized to receive the information shall not have
`(B) Otherwise using reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality
`of the information, which efforts shall be no less rigorous than those
`the recipient uses to maintain the confidentiality of information not
`received from the disclosing party;
`(C) Ensuring that support personnel of the recipient who have access
`to the confidential information understand and abide by the obligation
`to maintain the confidentiality of information received that is
`designated as confidential; and
`(D) Limiting the copying of confidential information to a reasonable
`number of copies needed for conduct of the proceeding and
`maintaining a record of the locations of such copies.

`4. Persons receiving confidential information shall use the following
`procedures to maintain the confidentiality of the information:
`(A) Documents and Information Filed With the Board.
`(i) A party may file documents or information with the Board under
`seal, together with a non-confidential description of the nature of the
`confidential information that is under seal and the reasons why the
`information is confidential and should not be made available to the
`public. The submission shall be treated as confidential and remain
`under seal, unless, upon motion of a party and after a hearing on the
`issue, or sua sponte, the Board determines that the documents or
`information do not to qualify for confidential treatment.
`(ii) Where confidentiality is alleged as to some but not all of the
`information submitted to the Board, the submitting party shall file
`confidential and non-confidential versions of its submission, together
`with a Motion to Seal the confidential version setting forth the reasons
`why the information redacted from the non-confidential version is
`confidential and should not be made available to the public. The non-
`confidential version of the submission shall clearly indicate the
`locations of information that has been redacted. The confidential
`version of the submission shall be filed under seal. The redacted

`information shall remain under seal unless, upon motion of a party
`and after a hearing on the issue, or sua sponte, the Board determines
`that some or all of the redacted information does not qualify for
`confidential treatment.
`(B) Documents and Information Exchanged Among the Parties.
`Information designated as confidential that is disclosed to another
`party during discovery or other proceedings before the Board shall be
`clearly marked as “PROTECTIVE ORDER MATERIAL” and shall
`be produced in a manner that maintains its confidentiality.
`(j) Standard Acknowledgement of Protective Order. The following
`form may be used to acknowledge a protective order and gain access
`to information covered by the protective order:

`Patent Owner
`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-00731
`Patent No. RE42,368
`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-00739
`Patent No. RE42,678
`Standard Acknowledgment for Access to Protective Order Material
` __________________________________________, affirm that I have read the
` I
`Protective Order; that I will abide by its terms; that I will use the confidential
`information only in connection with this proceeding and for no other purpose; that
`I will only allow access to support staff who are reasonably necessary to assist me
`in this proceeding; that prior to any disclosure to such support staff I informed or
`will inform them of the requirements of the Protective Order; that I am personally
`responsible for the requirements of the terms of the Protective Order and I agree to
`submit to the jurisdiction of the Office and the United States District Court for the
`Eastern District of Virginia for purposes of enforcing the terms of the Protective
`Order and providing remedies for its breach.

`Exhibit B
`Exhibit B

`Patent Owner
`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-00731
`Patent No. RE42,368
`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-00739
`Patent No. RE42,678
`The following Standing Protective Order will be automatically entered into the
`proceeding upon the filing of a petition for review or institution of a derivation:
`Standing Protective Order
`This standing protective order governs the treatment and filing of
`confidential information, including documents and testimony.
`1. Confidential information shall be clearly marked “PROTECTIVE

`1.1 “Party” or “party” as used in this Protective Order is limited to
`Petitioner1 and Patent Owner of record, and does not include any joined
`2. Access to confidential information is limited to the following
`individuals who have executed the acknowledgment appended to this order:
`(A) Outside Counsel. Outside Counsel of each party.
`(A) Parties. Persons who are owners of a patent involved in the proceeding and
`other persons who are named parties to the proceeding.
`(B) Party Representatives. Representatives of record for a party in the proceeding.
`(C) Experts. Retained experts of a party in the proceeding who
`further certify in the Acknowledgement that they are not a competitor
`to any party, or a consultant for, or employed by, such a competitor
`with respect to the subject matter of the proceeding.
`(CD) In-house counsel. Up to two inIn-house counsel of eacha party;
`provided that such .
`1 As a result of a reorganization involving original Petitioner JDS Uniphase
`Corporation, the real parties-in-interest in this proceeding are now Lumentum
`Holdings Inc., Lumentum Inc., and Lumentum Operations LLC (collectively,
`“Lumentum”). See IPR2015-00731, Updated Mandatory Notice, Paper 11 (Sept.
`15, 2015); IPR2015-00739, Updated Mandatory Notice, Paper 10 (Sept. 15, 2015).
`Accordingly, “Party” or “party” as used with respect to Petitioner means real
`parties-in-interest Lumentum, collectively.

`(E) Other Employees of a Party. Employees, consultants or other persons
`performing work for a party, other than in-house counsel are identified to
`in-house counsel’s
`staff, who
`the other party
`beforeAcknowledgement shall be extended access is givento confidential
`information only upon agreement of the parties or by order of the Board upon a
`motion brought by the party seeking to disclose confidential information to that
`person. The party opposing disclosure to that person shall have the burden of
`proving that such person should be restricted from access to confidential
`(DF) The Office. Employees and representatives of the Office who
`have a need for access to the confidential information shall have such
`access without the requirement to sign an Acknowledgement. Such
`employees and representatives shall include the Director, members of
`the Board and their clerical staff, other support personnel, court
`reporters, and other persons acting on behalf of the Office.
`(EG) Support Personnel. Administrative assistants, clerical staff,
`court reporters and other support personnel of the foregoing persons
`who are reasonably necessary to assist those persons in the proceeding
`shall not be required to sign an Acknowledgement, but shall be
`informed of the terms and requirements of the Protective Order by the
`person they are supporting who receives confidential information.

`3. Persons receiving confidential information shall use reasonable efforts
`to maintain the confidentiality of the information, including:
`(A) Maintaining such information in a secure location to which
`persons not authorized to receive the information shall not have
`(B) Otherwise using reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality
`of the information, which efforts shall be no less rigorous than those
`the recipient uses to maintain the confidentiality of information not
`received from the disclosing party;
`(C) Ensuring that support personnel of the recipient who have access
`to the confidential information understand and abide by the obligation
`to maintain the confidentiality of information received that is
`designated as confidential; and
`(D) Limiting the copying of confidential information to a reasonable
`number of copies needed for conduct of the proceeding and
`maintaining a record of the locations of such copies.
`4. Persons receiving confidential information shall use the following
`procedures to maintain the confidentiality of the information:
`(A) Documents and Information Filed With the Board.

`(i) A party may file documents or information with the Board under
`seal, together with a non-confidential description of the nature of the
`confidential information that is under seal and the reasons why the
`information is confidential and should not be made available to the
`public. The submission shall be treated as confidential and remain
`under seal, unless, upon motion of a party and after a hearing on the
`issue, or sua sponte, the Board determines that the documents or
`information do not to qualify for confidential treatment.
`(ii) Where confidentiality is alleged as to some but not all of the
`information submitted to the Board, the submitting party shall file
`confidential and non-confidential versions of its submission, together
`with a Motion to Seal the confidential version setting forth the reasons
`why the information redacted from the non-confidential version is
`confidential and should not be made available to the public. The non-
`confidential version of the submission shall clearly indicate the
`locations of information that has been redacted. The confidential
`version of the submission shall be filed under seal. The redacted
`information shall remain under seal unless, upon motion of a party
`and after a hearing on the issue, or sua sponte, the Board determines

`that some or all of the redacted information does not qualify for
`confidential treatment.
`(B) Documents and Information Exchanged Among the Parties.
`Information designated as confidential that is disclosed to another
`party during discovery or other proceedings before the Board shall be
`clearly marked as “PROTECTIVE ORDER MATERIAL” and shall
`be produced in a manner that maintains its confidentiality.
`(j) Standard Acknowledgement of Protective Order. The following
`form may be used to acknowledge a protective order and gain access
`to information covered by the protective order:

`Patent Owner
`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-00731
`Patent No. RE42,368
`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-00739
`Patent No. RE42,678
`Standard Acknowledgment for Access to Protective Order Material
` I
` __________________________________________, affirm that I have read the
`Protective Order; that I will abide by its terms; that I will use the confidential
`information only in connection with this proceeding and for no other purpose; that
`I will only allow access to support staff who are reasonably necessary to assist me
`in this proceeding; that prior to any disclosure to such support staff I informed or
`will inform them of the requirements of the Protective Order; that I am personally
`responsible for the requirements of the terms of the Protective Order and I agree to
`submit to the jurisdiction of the Office and the United States District Court for the
`Eastern District of Virginia for purposes of enforcing the terms of the Protective
`Order and providing remedies for its breach.


`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-00739
`Joint Motion to Seal and for Entry of Protective Order
`The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing JOINT MOTION TO
`electronically via e-mail on December 1, 2015 in its entirety on the following:
`Walter C. Linder (Lead Counsel)
`Ken Liebman (Back-up Counsel)
`Paul Sherburne (Back-up Counsel)
`90 South Seventh Street
`2200 Wells Fargo Center
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`/Jason D. Eisenberg/
`Jason D. Eisenberg
`Registration No. 43,447
`Attorney for the Patent Owner
`Date: December 1, 2015
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, D.C.20005
`(202) 371-2600

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