Optical switch pert densily for mnier Meirepeii’run areas
`OXC’ - The Centerpiece
`of all Opfical Network
`{WWW “W555." '5";
`sac Consulting Serwcns
`:l f "13:1“: [33'
`”1’; '3‘
`.L* _
`ijsi'i=:i‘:":tr:@E?-_'EE_ J
`Wflflmflhfiz-hu my r”.
`Capella 2010
`Capella 2010
`JDS Uniphase v. Capella
`JDS Uniphase V. Capella


`Table of Contents
`TABLE flFCflNTENTS ......................................................................... 2
`TABLE OF FIGURES ..............................................................................
`MINER? OF CONCEPTS ........_...-........-...“......fl...“.-.................. 9
`UPDATE [NTRDDUCI‘IUN "..-"-........................m......................... 12
`WTRDDUCTIDN ........................--.-....................................................... 12
`WE mm A BHTTLENECK; NOW WE HAVE GRIDLGCK ....................... 12
`WHATARE GEES? ................................................................................ 14
`UPDATE STATEMENT .....................................................................
`WHEN 15 :1. SWI'I'L'H RE-tLLY A SWITCH? ...................................... 14
`[Swift-h" TIM -mmmmmnmmmmmm....... l4
`Routers ................................m..............................................................m...................
`TD?“ Switchas .......................................................................... 15
`ATI'II'I _..........................................................................................................
`IF Switches ....................... ..........................H......................................
`BAGS .......... ............................................................................... ........
`fixa— I‘Irr Crmrmi'ercairhmlH-flflfic'nlflutwurk .mwmmm 15
`Drivers tn DECS Dapluym .................................................................. 16
`The Parallel Universe of 0x65 ..............................................................
`Gmml FERN-HES D1 an Oxc H-I+H-Hi.....Ivh-H-rl-ll-nuIIH—H+Hu-IIIH-H-Hllu--IIH-H+duluuuuuuI-H-H-H-luuuuuuu
`TECHE’JDIHGIES...-.......................................................-....................... l9
`lIPIJATESI'ATEMENT ............
`................................................ 19
`REVIEWDF BASIC TECHNDI.DGIES.._....................................... 19
`mm ............................................................ 19
`DIED deurs ................................................................................... lfl
`hlEMS......“.......................H...............+......”......... ”...... ......H..............................................
`Twp-1.glam—rh-EHHM-‘L‘Mflmu.....H... ......"----- mu.....+..- .....m. -m...--...m--...m..---.m...-- 2"]
`Digital Approach ....................................................................... 10
`Analog Appmach ........................................................................ 11
`.H'Efli'fi: Ensign-Hand Vendnn' ...—mm...” ....................... 22
`AUG mmmmmwmwwuwmmummmm 22
`figure Systms........................................................................ 12
`Asians Fibar hum-mks- ................................................................. 23
`C Speed Burp. ................................................................................. 23
`Banant Hamming ............................................................................. 13
`fl EDUI IG'Cunmllnn In:
`Tel EIUU-EEU-I I‘M -F:I=I.'!-| .'-.'}1~5-!I|5_'-


`Burning ................................................................. 14
`(:me {Martel} _.................................................................. 21:
`Emma [JOE Uniphaae} ..-..................................................m.................................... 25
`IntelliSense Carp. [Gaming]-.......................................................................m. 25
`Luuent .m.m.m" 2E
`Nanuvaflnn ......................................................................... Ifi
`Emir. Hinraayatem, Inc. --.......................__.. 2.?
`Optical Micro Machines {OHM}Wfimflmnwwu 28
`Texas Inmmm mewmmmflmmfiflfim 2:3
`Jim: {Hm‘tel} mumwmummmwmwmfl 29
`LCD ................................................................................................................ 19
`........................ 3|]
` ......m... 3-1
`Bubbles {111ij} - Planer Lighiwave Circuits ......................................................... 31
`PM: Dmfgfl' and 'Ir’emi'm
`Agllent mm...”
`Hum 32
`Lighmve Mlcrmms HHHHH
`Kymata. Ltd.{.hlcatel] ..............
`............................................................ 33
`mm ....................................................................................... 34
`Slll'l'flrfl'flrlfitR"?r CIF CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH TECHNOLOGY ......Hm 3-5
`BASIC NEEIE DF 'T'ECHNDIHGY FDR DECS .......................+
`impiiflgj Tmugpdmi' and Qflqgfiwimhfi .......................................................u 315
`Eramflx gigggfimh'am u] Mnflrmmnfl flaw: 01th .mfimmmflmmflmmmfl 3'7
`......m........................................................... 4|]
`J'mprmuce affirm: Nmnrku .............................................................................................m....... 4|]
`CLASSES {IF DECS ............................_._._._.__.___._._...................... 41
`FIG ........................u.u.u.mW“mam“...
`“3.7“: 4+.
`mmnflunnumm 42
`mxc .............................................................. 43
`Sum wry nffibflflumfi Jul [Ian .......................................................... =14
`frugmnre n! Tunable {all9:: ....................................................................._ 45
`Developa's and Vendors n1 Tunable LasersWWW 46
`Tunable Lmrs verdant- let .Wmvmmm.....m.................. "m..." 41"
`MIDI: ........................................................................................... 47
`fl znul I3 Cunmllnn IN:
`Tel: EDD-32:40!!! -Fau:':-l."-\.‘1-h!-:u|52


`3“dede ................................................................ 48
`Burning ................................................................................ 48
`HewIEfl-Fackard mmmmmmmmmmmmm 49
`JDS Uniphaae ............................................. 49
`”am.“ II-o-o-o-HIIro-I-IIIIu-o-o-Illm-I-HIH-H-I-HnrI-o-o-nln-I-HIIII-o-mlu—o—o—I—IIH—o—I—o—I-In-m—I—Iurmlmfilmlm—o—ulmin 49
`Haw Focus, Inc. ............................................................................. SD
`Nodal...................................................................... ..
`"MUN. 1-Hnu—I—Hinn-mnnI-m-m-minn-Hun"mum-muminlmlnm-Hi-minmnlnfiu 5“
`APPLICATIDNS ........................................................................................ 51
`UPGRADE STATEMENT .......................“........................................................................ 51
`Impiemeuriug Iii-nu flmnecm with J'Jrfmut Clam: Tranquil-em Swflflhfl .........+.................. 52
`FIG...............H.......+......+.......+..._....._......_....._..H.....m_....+..............+............................. SE
`W513 ................................................................................. 53
`HIGH. ...................................................................................................... 54
`fmgflcmunflng (.‘mxx-(fnuflrctswifl:rimwmft. .m...m..-m...w..--.m.mmum 54
`GRIKMIING-........................................................................... 55
`CIRCUIT ROUTING mmmmmmmmmmmmm 55
`nlUrjX'c-‘flns flflfllifusl-Wflfm‘d ill!IIIIII-I-H-H-H-I-H-HIIIIII-I-H-H-I-H-H-lilllll-l-IIl-I-I-I-I-H-I-l'lll-IIIIIII-I-I-I-I-H-I-I-I-HilllIl-l-I-H H
`Ermnpfi! affixing HIE: m firpaudflusfluxr Hal-Ems ........................................... ............. 5E
`CIRCUIT REETDRAI. wmmww-w-w_w_wwwmm 51"
`.‘iuhufirurin5* [Hr Ergrm've Route-r Pam .......................................................... 53
`Howfirflfthl-flgx rfl-Iflmlm? IIIH-H'I'I'IqlllIlH-I'I'HIIIIIIIH'I-H'I'HlllIIIII'HI-I'HlllllIIWIIIIIIIH-I'H-Hllll 59
`Basabmd ................................................................... fi‘l
`Tram: Enginaamd ........................................................................ 151
`Elem”: cmnnm Swen“ IIIH-H-I-IIIIl-H-Hifll-H-HilIII-H-HIIIIll-H-I-IIIIII-H-H-IIIH-H-HIHH-I-HllI fil
`Term“ Huntersasfilng Curl-lemma ....................m... ......m..............,............m......... . fil
`DECS as Fllng Cannecim's ......................................................................... as
`RMRKET DRIVERS ................................................................................ 64
`INTERNET GROWTH .................................................................... 6-1
`I’Jul'her I'm'Emear Tmflrc Haumew _................................................................. fifi
`VHF-vnlm am IF llllllmillllllELI-0+.“lllllll“HlllllllEDI-H4“ lllllllHI-I-I-HIllllllIDHIllllllIbl-I-I-I-Hllll w
`BEE — Businm-to-Bminm Tmfflc ........................................................... m
`lesl'mm IF (3me ...................................................................... 63
`Sum-mtg: u! firficrl'flm‘nfl Tmffiy Srmn'e'x ...................................... EB
`U'I'I‘IEH. DRIVERS .................................................................... '63
`GRflm IN ‘Jl—INCTIDN MINTS! illl-IrH+H-ul-I||IvH-HfiIII-H-lflfiH+Hli-II-H-H-H-IIH-H-llflIH-Hifl-H-H-Hll I?“
`MA RKET PROJ FJC-l‘l OHS Ihhtlhtliliflhhill-hilt":ItItHflI—HHHMtltlhtflfllflflfltlkt ?2
`9 2M” IE Cunmllnn In:
`TEL fiUU-flZU-Ii‘flfl -fil:'!ll."-Hl-fl-hlii


`UPDATE STATEMENT ......................................................... 72
`lL‘URREP'llT [I'SIIJIUSTR‘Ir PRUJ EL‘TIDNS .............................................. T2
`MODEL BASED PROJECTIONS ...........+..........................................m......................... T2
`Fwetflflfnglflml flXCMantsf le'rrngfm Maid ........................................................... 3’3
`Example e1 Model Use mwmumwwmumwu T3
`Results lrsm Llse sf Lesel Ills-eel .................................................................. TF5
`Determining Luca] Hark-at Foreman from Potential ......................................u TE
`.‘J-ean'mi‘et Forecast mm ................................................................. 1"?
`Fryer:3.foy IXC Alf-3river for (IXC1: .............................................................. 78
`Detennining the Wavelengths per .lunulen Paint ................................... TS
`Delennlning Number sf Junslisn Paints ......................m .......WW...... .. 1'9
`Developing IKE l'I-I'hl'ket Patel-rust ......................................... .. 79
`IX-E'Madwl' Fara-eat! for I‘JXL'I ....................................................................... T9
`Tatni'Mnrke-t Fumes! [WHILEmmmmm......... 30
`DetailedFarm-mix all] {11'C: {mm flu- Mude-Ia' ............................................. 31
`Telel Number sl' Elmsmwmmnwmwmwu Ell
`Formats by Types: utflxfls .......................................................... SE
`Fumeast of films by Applicatlun-........................................................._ 33
`UPDATED FDRECASTS H.........._......._....._..._.......m......_................................... 33
`.‘ieg' Una. flan-"rum {mg-r ......................................... 33
`51;! Mg. 9-.” fmflefl.‘ mm..m..m.mum“."mm.”" 34
`Mg}; Nines, Rewiring New me'n; ............................................................ Hfi
`Gunmen or Local vs. I)“: Applicafisns ............................................. 8T
`Camper‘lsen at Large us.5mell5wltel1esmwwmu 3?
`CDt‘t‘lpEl‘lBDr'l s1 OED vs. 00 Mamet “HWWW 39
`PRICING FORECASTS -.....-................"m..-.........m.--.....-.......--.. 9|
`[WATE- S'TL'iTEhIIENT 1HPH+IIII+HIIIO-t-HilfH-H-HH-H-IIIIO-t-t-IIIII-t-t-HHH-H-IIIrH-IIIIt-l-t-I-IIt-t-t-t-t-IIIH-t-t-tlllt-t-t-IIIO-t-t-t-H 9]
`FORECAST FOR LARGE [ABOVE 32 PORTS] SWITCHES ..........................H..... 91
`VENDOR PROFILES .............................................................................. 93
`STATEMENT [IF UPDATE ......................................................... 5'3
`SUMMARY [1F VENDORS .......................................
`........ 93
`ABC ..................................................................................... 5'5
`Alemel .....+........wmwm_m_m_m_mumfl 95
`Allarrar Nets-mks ................................................... 96
`Agilant Teehnulugiee [HP] _.............................................................. lElfi-
`Bfignilnk Networks (Cumin: .................................................... 9'?
`E: Speed Burp. ................................._....... .............. 93
`Ceflenl Nemerkswmmmmmmmmmmww '99
`Bhilm Watts-...................................................... 1“"
`ti EDUI l3 Cunmllnn Inc
`Tel: EDD-3234M! -Faa.:fil!'-.‘1-'—+5-fi£


`Chururn Tachnnlugias-................................................ I'I'II'I
`Dhmrmtis Nah-mm: {Lumnl} .................................................. 1111
`cm {Lighten and Cumin] ....H...................H.......................................H............H.... 101
`1:155: l-I-hIII-HInl-h-I-Il-I-hnl-HIIIl-l‘nlrI-I-Inl-Hlnl-h-IIIII-I-I-Il-I-hnImnflnlnhnfl-hnflnn-Infl-hnfl-nnmlnhnfl-h "1:
`SMITH HHH-H-nH-HItl-mmm—IHII—mmmu—Hnl—I—nmmmanmlH—Hlmflurmnrmmwnflrm lflfi
`Curvls .......................................................................... I'M
`DiCan Flbempfins .................................................... I'llfi
`LLIDEI‘I'I H-HiIH-HII-H-HIH-HlflH-HI-H-HhH-HIIIH-hI-H-HflH-HflH-HIH-HfllH-HrlflfluflflflbH-HII-thfl-HflH-fllrfl-fluiH-fl "13
`Mantermy Nahum-113 [Clam] ......................................................._ I'll
`Newark Phntarflnsnm...................................... 111
`HDrIEl mm.flu.mmmmflmnmm.fln.mmnw.mmnmm.mnmm. 111
`Dpdnal Ewilnh Cm‘porafion nm.mnm.m.fl.mmmmm.Hnmmnmm. 113
`wufiphflffi [EIGHTH] 1-m-m-II-vm-I-HH-mqu-H-H-om-mmqumq-om-m—n-mqun—nwm-m—n-mqvmq '13
`1:11am {Nartel} .............................................................. 114
`Siemens.H.......................................flflmwhflflflm.fl_flmm-flflmmm 11::
`Talllumlrlc. _____________________________________ .....
`Tanflex-...................................................... 113
`Terahurst Hal-Harms Inc. 119
`Eros In: {Mural} 119
`“hawking Tnprflrml? ...................................................... Ill
`Type of Filngs ,..................................................................................... 121
`1m1fllmflfllr1flt’flffl‘flflffls IIbH-HIIH-H-lIII-H-HHIH-H-OIIH-H-HIIH-HIII-H-HIIIH-H-IIIIH-HIII-H-IIIII-I-Hllmllth-I-II 122
`HTmIEmMeM 11MM:JW.W,......WW..W.............W...W........ 113
`RMHr—Bmedfleflmrflrm ........................................................... 124
`I‘M?f.‘ Ema-d-Re'umfim ............................................................. '24
`Cum firm-1' rimxcammm ...................................................... 125
`APPENDIX 1]] —I‘1'IA.TRIX IDF PRDVEERS mmn....................... 129
`APPENDIX [‘1’ —LISTD~IG DFACRDNYNIS H................................ 132
`t' 21101 “3 Cunxllnn In:
`1:1. WEI-3211401” -Fal:'!-|."-.‘!Il-1!-hfii


`OXCs — The Centerpiece of the AflrOpfiCfll Network
`Update Introduction
`This original rcpocn was issued in November lfltII. Much of the technical and arcltitecutrttl material is still
`accurate and current. hut various areas oi the report need updating The purpose of this update to the original
`repott is to brittg those areas up—to-date. and to add new information dtat has developed. The approach to
`presenting this material has instilled in a completely stand alone dttturntntt.'l'hcot'igin.'tl liarrnot tuid mg'utiration
`is preserved. however. die introduction ofteaclt chapter will describe the chattges anode in the update. in ntost
`cases this will allow the readerto readilgtI see the changes made from theotiginal report. It is tltttrtlfltt that this
`capability- will be most useful in the fore:ast area. This paragraph is the onlf.r change in the lnlroduction.
`DWDM has brought usthe ansuterto the need for tnassive amounts oi'handwidth. across tlte city. across tlte
`country and now across the wtn'ltl. The need For this bandwidth has been. and continues tohe.driven tor the
`emergence ot'the Internet as the single most significant development in dte history ofcotnmunications This
`ever-increasing demand has changed the whole approach to Facility and men route provisioning Bandwidth
`increments [e.g.. Git-43} that would have beett fl'iE entire crosssection on a given route only two or three
`gems ago. are now not encn provisioning interval increments.
`We Had a Bottleneck; Now We Have Gridlock
`While UWDM has given us the tool to deal with this bandwidth explosion. it has not given us a was to be
`able to cthnsl this massive antctttnt oihandwidth. We were looking fora way- to keep up with the unending
`dct'nand l'or bandwidth as presented by the Internet and we found it in DWDM. Some ofthc carriersmTihT.
`for example} are esu'ntating that Iheirbackbones ate increasing ata rate cred-DR a gear! Trying to keep up
`with that growm. both the existing growth and the forward looking 1rie'w of a really scary "hockey stick"
`growth curve. was die first problem Now. we can take existing fiber [at least to a great Ealeltt —some of die
`older fiber may not support all ot'tlte capabilities oi'DWDM at all distances}. add DWDh-t and we ltave an
`instant inciense in bandwidth of up to lilfl times So. that solves the bottleneck problettt. at least for now.
`1t'r'ltat is left. however. may be an even greater prt'thlet'tt. The question is how todeal with all or this added
`bandwidth artd how to deal with the rapid changes and managements implied by a tttarket glowing this
`fast in addition to the growth. and the implied amount nichttrn {in a market growing like this. the end
`customers are also itt tunttoil. trying to devise the best wag.I to deal with growth from their viewpoints. thus
`causing many change orders tn bandwidth providers). the network is largely stuck wilh an architecture d'tat
`was singularly unl'ttted to rapid eltanges and additions - i.e.. SUNET. To establish a new wavelength on
`SDNFiT-tler't'red fitcililies tSDNETm DWDM or SDNETdirectly on Fab-er}. it is often necessary In make
`physical equipment additions and changes at mangl- nodes — particularly where rings intersect. The additions
`and changes require significant engineering. equipment procuring. site 1risils and carefully coordinated
`testing attd turn up activities r'isa result of all of this wotlt. provisioning intervals stretch into than}: months
`and service costs continue to be very high in spite of decreasing costs oF underlying infrastructure. These
`to auto IGICunnltnn In:
`Tel: seue zit-1n stt -Fst.s1t-7:H use:


`literals have all combined to lead us. From. a Lirutdwidth bottleneck in a gridlock glut — we have a great deal of
`potential bandwidth. but it is very hard to:ei'licclltreisr use It.
`The great natitnctl and international can'ier's have built I'lhcflDWDM networks thal promise and deli vcr
`bandwidth that was only dreamed of mo orthree years ago. Now the issue is learning that Q05 intolies
`more 1ha11 electrical anti uplical slandetrcis. [I aim involves senior liexihiiily, rapid provisioning and
`rearrtatgemenm. and the ability as support new. 'on-dernand' services. Tltese are the-qualities that Iwill sumzon
`the new strategies of sen-ice providers in the era of IF. the Internet. HE is. no. The}.r are also the parame1ers
`Ihat Itrill ian all of diet bandwidth into useful and marketable services.
`The answer that is developing to this gridlock gluL is lite Optical Switch tUXCJ This new tnevv in these
`sizes and with the capabilities now becoming at‘ailablel device Ivrill [1] allow exnernely rapid service
`plot-isioning and reartangetneills. [2} facilitate mesh topologies met more directly support data tral'iic and
`that can save on equipment. facilities. and opuations costs. t3: provide an extremely Fast optical let'elcircuit
`tfiberhx-avelengtiu'routei reclamation capability. and t4} suppwtnew smrices on a wavelength level based no
`rapid and rcrno1cly connollcd switching.
`This report will explore this new device in depth. lt wi ll: develop abasic understanding of flXCs. explore all
`aspecls oi'the technology. rm-iew applications. evaluate market drivers. project market demand and prices.
`and describe available equipment and vendors.
`Except where specifically noted dii‘r'erently. mis tepolt deals with existing. available [or nearly so] tedtnology
`fur 0350;. The cttntnl versitinsni' li'n: flKCs are [n'irniu‘ilyr "dumb" switches. Sun-I: vendors [particularly
`some of die DEC! switch trendolsl are adding significant sofas-ate to 1he peripheral oonlrol systems allowing
`some veryr useful tand in some cases spectacular} sen-ices. Hoover. the switches remain laid}.r dumb. The
`Applications. Market Forecasts. and Pricing Forecasts are all based on Ihese comparatively dumb systems.
`Future development will be focused on two major areas:
`1. Producing all-optical switches lolly capable of WSKC and WlXL”. classes oFopcnnion. [See the
`Technology Section for a full discussion of these eLasses.l
`2. Incorposafing n'ue opneal mtllL‘l capabilities. whereby the (KC wIII actually be able to parse the
`incoming onliqu signal and perform a switching. function based on this inlnrnuuinn in n:t1| Inr very
`near real] time.
`The first of tile-so 1aill be oommcteially available in the next few years. and the second 1aili likely take longer.
`beam IS. Conullnn Inc.
`Tel: loaezsaasn -F-al:fili‘-T:I-Hl1!-E


`in addition to providing a more appropriate architecture for data. mesh promises to be a more economical
`approach to Failure protcctlon. tluc to its ability to sham protection mtltcs. ratl'Icr than having KNIFE protection
`bandwidth. as is the case with traditional approaches. Studies have suggested that optical switches and mesh
`architectures can achieve as great as 50%-fifl% savings in capital ctaits tin-tr the traditional SDNET ring
`'Given all of these considerations. it is projected d‘tul DXCs will be beds the enabler pi. and a major reason for
`a migration to. an “all-optical“ nctworlt. {it will he soon. httwcvcr, that "all-optical" menr not always mean
`only optical as we go forwasd itt dtis teporti
`Ilat'ing looked at a working definition of an BIKE. we Wfluld now like to present a general list of basic
`roquircnicnts for DKCS. it will is: clear as var: go through the 'l'cchnologics Section. that applications and
`technical approaches will cause differences in emphasis on minus ol‘ dtese requirements. however the list
`will still he instntct'tvc to usc as a futurc yardstick.
`fin (HE is a devicc that allows a given numhcrot' optical inputs to acccss a sclcction of optical outputs.
`These inputs- and outputs may he wavelengdtsor fibers twid-t multiple waselengdtsp General mquirements:
`Raounl'tgurubility — Maybe this: goes wilJ'ttiut saying. but it shtiuld ht: stated. It just means that the
`switch can switch inputs to outputs. tinder estenial oonn'ol.
`Nonhlaclting—These network devices musthe able to terminate attd switch all of dieir inputs to an
`available: output untlcr all cimrmtittmccs Thcrc is no room lore “busy signal' in this kind of wishing.
`Scaleahle- In backbone nctwork applications particularly. this is ot'groat imponancc. No canicr
`wants to fans die prospect of having to make a ‘fork lit't‘ replacententof a devioe like an DIXIE with
`so much trai'tic going through it. lkvlccs that start at only 32 :It .11 must bcahlc to scale at Icast to
`IDEHZI it “300 (in backbone applications].given Lhecurrent and projected growth rates olthe netwotit.
`].Il'l'ln' lriserlinn I.Itaet- This refers in the optical insertion loss [i.t:.. 1.l‘|l: attenualistn of the light] wt
`will scc in domil latcr thc reason for this rcquircmcnt. hut in gcncral. it is obvious that it is dosirahlc
`for any light path element to have a low loss characteristic.
`Low leflnt— Again. this refers to an optical signal impact. ll' crosstalk is too high between any
`two internal paths. the signals will be degraded. attd perhaps unusable.
`Fast Eit'titching Time — In many of the applications or DXCs the switching time is of most importance.
`Antsun'tplt: is in mshiralint't applicmitms. Tilt.- ttilal tin-n: on restoring a railed link must but: nti grealcr
`than Sill ms [hasedon SUNET standards}. Thus. the time for the DEC to intentallyI switch musthe as
`small as possihlc so as to hc ahlc to mom this standard.
`Low East and Reliable — These devices will he central to very high capacity.I network points. To
`order to achieve theirgreatest usefulness. they must he relad vely cheap. Also. because of men
`pcntrpl location. it is imp-crud“: [lam they Ix virtually Fault in: [internally].
`a- sum IGICnnmllnn In:
`Tul:ttcaa zs-ttlsu -l"at:fl1l-T:H use:


`3(er [Holden
`Ti"! Pisslm'iu dive.
`Sunnyvale. CA {Millie
`Tel. dflR-‘l.i3-T.iiil
`Fill WH-Tfl-THT
`The LED [Liquid L‘wsml Devices; technology is based on a "sandwich" s1ructurc of two layers ol'glass with
`liquid crystal material between lhent. The application ofslhall 1..'1:rlleges to the sandwich can muse incident
`light To change its pileriratiun anti Thus its pmpfl'tics can he eon1mlled.Thisleehmlogy has been used For
`yeasts for various liglu. displays such as Iwatches. Laptop computer. calculatorsetc. [n1he telecommunications
`arena. these devices can he used for a variety of purposes. including swilching. allcmuuion. and taller
`awlicmimis. As a switch it uses an array nlpnns- [Filiercmlnecansj to direct light enough a liquid crystal Illid
`Ihcn 1o :3 'polarizcd' lcns. At lhc polarirer lcns 1hr: light beam is either transmitted through to omoutptn or
`reflected offtc another depending on whether the liquid crystal had a voltage applied or not. Figure 4
`illustrates this technology.
`Fights-e 4. Shim quqmifCJ-ysmi' Teeknal'egv
`Input Fiber
`Pnlaliser Lens
`“311’ liltp‘ul Array
`Len -o *
`Lee 'DFF’
`output Flber
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