GREGORY F. WELCH PH.D. 2/26/2016
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` Petitioner,
`v. Case No. IPR2015-00729
` Patent No. 7,280,097
` Patent Owner.
` Friday, February 26, 2016
` 11:00 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.
` Orlando Airport Hyatt
` 9300 Jeff Fuqua Boulevard
` Orlando, Florida 32827
` Notary Public, State of
` Florida at Large.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376

`GREGORY F. WELCH PH.D. 2/26/2016
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`A P P E A R A N C E S:
` 5600 Greenwood Plaza Boulevard
` Suite 200
` Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111
` 913-777-5600
` Appearing on behalf of the Petitioner,
` Sony Computer Entertainment America,
` LLC,
` JASON R. BARTLETT, ESQUIRE (via telephone)
` Mauriel Kapouytian Woods, LLP
` 15 West 26th Street -- Floor 7
` New York, New York 10010
` 212-529-5131
` Appearing on behalf of the Patent Owner,
` Aplix IP Holdings Corporation.
`ALSO PRESENT: Callie Pendergrass, Senior Technical
` Advisor - ERISE IP
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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` I N D E X
` Direct Examination by Mr. Bartlett 4
` Cross-Examination by Mr. Kean 77
` Redirect Examination by Mr. Bartlett 79
` E X H I B I T S
` (None marked.)
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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` THE REPORTER: Do you swear the testimony
` you're about to give will be the truth, the
` whole truth and nothing but the truth so help
`Page 4
` you God?
` Q Good morning, Dr. Welch.
` A Good morning, Jason.
` Q So I'm in California and you're there with
`the court reporter and your counsel in Florida, and
`I'm appearing by telephone pursuant to the agreement
`of the parties. As far as I'm aware, the sound
`quality sounds as if it's been checked and it's
`adequate. It could deteriorate. It happens these
`days. And if that happens, please don't struggle.
`Just let me know, and I'll be happy to hang up and
`call right back.
` A Okay. Sure. I understand.
` Q Now, because we're on the phone, it's very
`important for the four speaking parties here, that's
`you, it's me, your counsel and the court reporter,
`not to speak over each other. I'll do my best
`always to pause at the end of each of your answers
`in case the court reporter needs to ask for
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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`clarification, and I'll ask you always to pause
`before answering my questions in case your counsel
`wants to interpose an objection. Okay?
` A Understood.
` Q And of course, as always, if you can't
`understand my question, I'll be happy to repeat it.
`And I have complete confidence in my colleague,
`Mr. Kean, so that this doesn't really need to be
`said, but I'll just say it for the record. You
`understand that even though that I'm not there, the
`same restrictions apply regarding your
`communications with counsel during the deposition
`and coaching and that sort of thing. You're aware
`of that, yes?
` A Yes, I am. Absolutely.
` Q And is there any reason to think of that
`you're not at your best this morning in terms of
`your ability to testify?
` A No.
` MR. BARTLETT: Counsel, any comments
` before we begin?
` MR. KEAN: Two very minor ones. I want to
` note for the record that Dr. Welch is going to
` be referring to exhibits on his computer as you
` lead him through those exhibits with your
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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` questioning.
` Secondly, for the record, I just want to
` note that we received the deposition notices
` about 15 minutes before the start of the depo,
` so I just want to lodge an objection for the
` record for the timing of those deposition
` notices.
` MR. BARTLETT: Well, with respect to the
` second issue, as you know, this was a situation
` where the testimony was received, I think,
` within the deadline to notice depositions, and
` we immediately began to meet and confer about
` the timing of the deposition and were given
` just one date, which was today, which we
` accepted. So I think we were all on the
` same -- I think we were all cooperating about
` getting this deposition scheduled.
` Do you disagree, Counsel?
` MR. KEAN: No, I don't disagree with that.
` I just was making the objection for the record.
` MR. BARTLETT: Okay. And I'll say that
` part of the reason why the deposition notice
` was not able to be sent earlier is that it took
` us some time to find a location for the
` deposition which would be acceptable to all
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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` parties and which also had acceptable sound
` quality telephone available, and, in fact, we
` changed the location just yesterday in order to
` achieve that. So I'll note that for the
` record.
` Anything else?
` MR. KEAN: Nothing else for me. Thank
` you.
` Q So, Dr. Welch, referring to your
`supplemental declaration, Exhibit No. 1039, do you
`have that with you?
` A I have my two supplemental declarations
`for the '97 and '892 patent. I don't have the
`exhibit numbers on them, so I don't know which is
` Q Okay. No problem. I'm going to refer
`today, when I speak about your declaration, unless I
`say otherwise, I'll just be referring to your
`supplemental declaration for the '097 patent. Is
`that acceptable?
` A That's fine.
` Q And do you have that in front of you?
` A I do.
` Q Please refer to the list of exhibits that
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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`appears starting at page 1 of your supplemental
` A Jason, if I could, I want to make sure
`that -- I lowered the volume here, and I wanted to
`make sure that was okay with Laura. It was a little
`loud for me.
` You said page 1, the list of exhibits. I
`see it.
` Q Okay. So you've submitted several new
`exhibits with this supplemental declaration,
` A That is correct, yes.
` Q Now, Exhibit No. 1038 "Buxton's Directory
`of Sources for Input Technology," what is that
` A I'm going to go from memory here because I
`don't have it in front of me. I probably have it
`somewhere. But my recollection is that is a
`document that was listed on the face of the '097
`patent, along with there were maybe three pages of
`other -- all sorts of references that the inventors
`included with the patent.
` Q What was your purpose for citing 1038 in
`your declaration?
` A I guess I just thought it was relevant
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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`since the inventors seemed to think everything they
`included was relevant. I can't think of any other
`reason why they would have included that long list
`of things, and it is a nice, comprehensive list of
`input devices, sources and resources.
` And Bill Buxton is a very famous person in
`user interfaces and other things, but he's a really
`famous researcher, and so it's a nice article. He
`does a lot of things like keeping historical records
`of all sorts of technology and research-related
`things that are not necessarily documented in
`published papers, and so it's a nice service that he
`does for the community to assemble and make
`accessible all of this information.
` Q So you said it was relevant. Relevant to
`what, specifically, in terms of the issues in this
` A Just relevant to the patent.
` Q In what way?
` A In that it was included by the inventors.
` Q How is it relevant to your supplemental
`testimony and your declaration?
` A Do you remember or do you know, Jason,
`whether I cited that somewhere in my declaration?
`I'm not finding it here at the moment. One moment.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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` Q You cite it starting at paragraph 5.
` A I might have an erroneous copy or
`something. My paragraph 5 lists Exhibit 1039, I
`think, as Buxton. Does your copy say 1038? I'm
`just curious.
` Q My copy says 1039, and maybe that's a
`typo, but it refers to Buxton.
` A That's right, right. So that is a list
`of -- a directory of sources for input technology,
`as the title says. So I think that given that the
`patent is largely about handheld and other input
`devices for interfacing with different electronics,
`that list from Bill Buxton provides a comprehensive
`list of all sorts of input technologies, including
`those sorts of input devices.
` Q Anything else that comes to mind at the
` A Not really. Again, just that it was
`focused on input technologies -- and I'm going from
`memory here -- and that it was cited by or included
`by the inventors of the patent.
` Q Okay. If you could then turn to paragraph
`6 of your declaration, the next paragraph.
` A Okay.
` Q This portion of your declaration refers to
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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`work that you did in your senior year of
`undergraduate studies at Purdue, correct?
` A That's correct.
` Q There were four exhibits that you included
`in your declaration relating to the work discussed
`here in paragraph 6, right?
` A That appears to be the case, that's right.
` Q So Exhibits 1033, 1034, 1035 and 1036 all
`relate to the EZ Chair work that you did -- for the
`court reporter, that was E-Z Chair -- work that you
`did as an undergraduate?
` A That is correct.
` Q Exhibit 1037 is a 10-page Survey of Power
`Management Techniques that you wrote, correct?
` A That is correct.
` Q And you wrote that when?
` A I believe it -- well, it's dated here as
`1995 is the publication date. I don't remember
`exactly when I would have written it. It would have
`been prior to that. But from memory, it was when I
`was a freshman at -- I'm sorry -- a first-year
`graduate student at the University of North Carolina
`at Chapel Hill. Again, that's going from memory,
`but it would have been around that time.
` Q Okay. So Exhibit 1037, the Survey of
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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`Power Management Techniques, was one that you wrote
`when you were a first-year graduate student?
` A It was first or second year. I had
`originally written it for an operating systems
`class. I had decided to focus on that for a project
`paper we had to write, and my professor liked it so
`much he told me I should submit it to this Operating
`Systems Review Journal. So I cleaned it up, added a
`few more things and submitted it. And it got
`accepted and was published as indicated in the
` Q Now, Exhibit 1032 is a dissertation or a
`thesis written by Mark Meenay, correct?
` A Correct, except it's pronounced Meenay,
`like M-E-E-N-A-Y, but that's correct.
` Q So Exhibit 1032 is a dissertation by Mark
`Meenay, and this dates also to the time you were a
`graduate student, correct?
` A That's correct. Mark Mark Meenay and I
`are the closest of friends. In fact, he was the
`reason I came or went to UNC-Chapel Hill for
`graduate school, and he and I worked closely
`together on all sorts of things as graduate
` Q And do you have a copy of Exhibit 1032,
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
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`Mr. Meenay's thesis, available to you there?
` A Possibly. I would have to look for it.
` Q Let's see if we need it. I'll represent
`to you that you are thanked in the acknowledgments
`section of this thesis, and there's a reference to
`meetings of the IHBI at the TOTH. Is that familiar
`to you?
` A Yes, indeed. That's a humorous
` Q What does that refer to?
` A I think that refers to what we used to
`call the Institute for Half-Baked Ideas, lovingly,
`between myself and Mark and a couple of other
`students. And we would meet at a restaurant called
`the Top of the Hill on certain afternoons and have a
`beer and discuss various research ideas. So it was
`a very casual setting where we could explore
`different ideas together, flush out different
`research ideas at a very casual level.
` Q And why did you submit, in support of your
`supplemental declaration, Mr. Meenay's writing on
`this project instead of your own writing?
` MR. KEAN: Object to form.
` A I don't know. And I wouldn't say I did
`that instead of something else. I simply chose to
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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`provide that. It had nice pictures in it, and it
`represents work -- the work that he did and the
`input devices that he created or that he's shown
`using in the picture, I should say, or the two
`pictures that I included were developed by him. And
`I think I helped him with one in -- on the left in
`Figure 6.2 because I remember that's -- I think
`that's a toothbrush holder that we modified to add
`the different components to it.
` But, again, it's an example of something
`that I worked on as a part of a team, and it had
`nice pictures, so I thought I would include it.
` Q I want to refer you now to the claims of
`the '097 patent. So can you please call up your
`copy of that patent?
` A Okay. I have a copy of the '097 patent.
` Q All right. Would you please look at
`Claim 1?
` A Okay.
` Q In your opinion, would a conventional
`laptop with a conventional mouse attached to it
`anticipate this claim?
` MR. KEAN: Object to form.
` A I couldn't tell you. I don't think I've
`offered an opinion on that, and I couldn't form an
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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`opinion on that sitting here right now. If there's
`something in my declaration that's relevant or
`related to that, I'd be happy to look at that with
` Q Well, let me ask you this: Is there
`anything that you can think of sitting here today --
`any claim element of this claim that you can
`identify, sitting here today, that is not present in
`a conventional laptop with a conventional mouse
`attached to it?
` MR. KEAN: Object to form.
` A I can't answer that. I don't want to say
`that I can't think of anything because that implies
`that I considered it and am unable to think of
`something. I just don't think I can consider that,
`sitting here right now, on the fly, or it would not
`be wise of me to do so.
` Q Well, understanding that this is not
`something that you address directly in your
`declaration, I'm just asking you right now is there
`anything that you can think of and identify for me
`that would -- that is required by these claims that
`would be missing from a conventional laptop and
`mouse configuration?
` MR. KEAN: Object to form.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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` A I don't know about indirect or direct, but
`that doesn't seem related in any way to the
`substance of anything I've testified about in my
`declaration. And what you're asking has
`ramifications that would require me to spend
`considerable time thinking about this, and I don't
`think it's even time I could do just sitting here,
`you know, in an hour or so.
` So I have not offered an opinion anything
`like that that I can recall anywhere, and I don't
`feel comfortable trying to come up with an opinion
`on something like that, sitting here right now.
` Q Well, let me ask you this since your view
`is that it's irrelevant and unrelated to your
`testimony. For purposes of Claim 1, what's the
`difference between the Shima reference, on which you
`have testified, and a conventional laptop connected
`to a conventional mouse?
` MR. KEAN: Object to form.
` A To begin with, I don't think I said
`irrelevant. I think I said it was not directly
`related to anything that I had testified about. And
`you're right. I have testified at various places in
`ways that relate to Shima, but I have not, that I
`recall, analyzed anything related to the question
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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`you just asked.
` And so my answer would be the same. I
`would have to, on the fly, develop an opinion that I
`think is going to require much more consideration
`than just an off-the-cuff answer, so I don't feel
`comfortable answering -- trying to answer that right
` Q So you are not going to identify for me
`today any difference between Shima -- the
`disclosures of Shima and a conventional laptop with
`a conventional mouse that are relevant to the claims
`as you construe them?
` MR. KEAN: Object to form.
` A Well, I think it's unreasonable to be
`asked to conjure up a new opinion on the fly here
`and it would be very unwise of me to do that because
`I think this is something I would really have to
`study and think about carefully, and I'm just not
`prepared to do that right now. So I'm not saying
`one way or the other yes or no or it does or it
`doesn't. I simply can't answer that.
` Q And your answer would be the same if I
`asked you about Claim 2 and Claim 5?
` MR. KEAN: Same objection.
` A Given what I could imagine you would be
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
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`asking, I would say yes. I mean, you would have to
`ask the specific questions, but the same -- the
`spirit of my answer to the same spirit of question
`would be the same.
` Q Well, I can go and I can ask you the
`questions, if you feel that's necessary, regarding
`Claim 2 and Claim 5, but it seems to me that your
`position is somewhat categorical so I didn't think
`we needed to burn the time. Should I ask those
` MR. KEAN: Same objection.
` A It's up to you, but I don't recall having
`done any sort of full claim analysis anywhere,
`offhand, and certainly not in this declaration. And
`so I would not be prepared to make comparisons or
`assessments about full claims and elements of
`claims, broadly, as you asked in Claim 1, anywhere
`in the patent, unless it's something that I actually
`did offer an opinion about in my declaration, then
`I'd be happy to try to answer that.
` Q In your opinion, does the ordinary meaning
`of "handheld" include laptops?
` MR. KEAN: Object to form.
` A With respect to this case, I honestly
`don't think that what I would think matters. What
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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`matters is what the inventors said. There are many
`words, most words, in fact, that I can think of in
`technology that have no well-defined, absolute
`accepted meaning, and so you have to -- when reading
`a technical paper or a patent, you have to take the
`authors at their word, for what it is, for how they
`define certain terms.
` And my understanding of patent laws is
`this is different, that we have to look to what the
`inventors said explicitly, and that anybody, any
`person of ordinary skill, any expert, would go by
`that when trying to interpret the patent.
` Q Is the definition of -- is the usage of
`"handheld" in the -- cited at -- actually, let me
`back up.
` Can you refer to paragraph 17 of your
` A Okay. I'm there.
` Q You quote a portion of the specification
`of the '097 patent here that relates to a variety of
`handheld devices, correct?
` A That's correct.
` Q Is the word -- is the inclusion of
`"laptop" in that list consistent with the ordinary
`meaning of handheld devices, as that term would have
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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`been used by persons of skill in the art at the
`relevant time?
` MR. KEAN: Object to form.
` A Two things I'd say. One is I'd repeat
`what I said a moment ago, which is that, in my mind,
`it really doesn't matter what a person of ordinary
`skill might or might not think. What matters is
`what's written here in the patent and the inventors
`explicitly say that. And what they say is very
`open-ended. It says "a variety of handheld devices
`such as" and "other similar devices" it says at the
`end of the sentence.
` And I'd also note that in prior testimony
`in matters related to these two patents, they were
`other Aplix patents, I don't remember offhand what
`the numbers were, but I also provided testimony
`illustrating how ill-defined, how vague, and how
`widely used many of these terms are and that you
`won't find unanimity in definitions or in
`classifications of devices in any way. So the fact
`that the inventors provide a nice list here is,
`actually, quite liberating because it helps define
`some sort of bounds on what they're thinking of as
`handheld devices.
` Q Do you have an opinion about what the
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

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`ordinary meaning of the term "handheld" was at the
`relevant time to a person of ordinary skill in the
` A I don't think I have offered that opinion,
`and I would not feel comfortable trying to offer
`that opinion. As I said earlier, the
`classifications of devices in that way is all over
`the map, so I don't think one could come up with a
`plausible and reliable definition, if you will, of a
`term like that that would be universally applicable
`or useful in a wide variety of cases.
` Q Did you form an opinion about the ordinary
`meaning of the term "handheld" to a person of
`ordinary skill in the art at the relevant time when
`you were opining about the construction of the term
`"handheld host device" in Claim 1 of the '097
` MR. KEAN: Object to form.
` A I don't recall, but any opinion that would
`be in any way related to what you just said would be
`in my declaration, and if you want to point me to
`that, we could look at that and discuss that.
` Q I did not see in your declaration anywhere
`that you opined on the ordinary meaning of the term
`"handheld" in your declaration, but feel free to
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`Fax: 314.644.1334

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`look through it, if that would be helpful. I think
`that the testimony relating to this issue begins at
`paragraph 15 under the heading "Handheld Host
` A I don't see, nor do I recall ever offering
`a opinion about, the plain and ordinary meaning of
`that term. And as I mentioned a moment ago, I find
`it hard to believe that I would have even attempted
`to do that, for one, because it would be very
`difficult to do in a way that is meaningful or
`reliable, but also because the inventors already
`defined it. They actually gave a list of example
`devices or exemplary devices in that class that
`they're referring to as handheld devices.
` So I don't -- I don't think I would have
`had any reason to go running off and try and
`characterize that, unless somebody had asked me to,
`and I don't recall being asked, and I don't recall
`doing it.
` Q Are you aware that there are other
`portions of the specification of the '097 patent
`that contained lists of handheld devices that do not
`include laptops?
` A From memory, that seems plausible, but
`also from memory, I don't recall any such list being
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`Fax: 314.644.1334

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`exhaustive. Every list I recall was open-ended and
`provided, simply, examples.
` And also, I don't remember there being
`complete consistency among the devices listed.
`There were lots of varieties, which, to me, I think
`a person of ordinary skill would consider everything
`collectively that was mentioned anywhere in the
`patent as a candidate for that class of devices they
`were referring to. So it wouldn't surprise me and
`it wouldn't matter to me if that was not listed
`comprehensively everywhere in the patent. Listed in
`one place would be good enough for me.
` Q Please refer to paragraph 20 of your
` MR. KEAN: You're talking the '097
` declaration, right, Jason?
` MR. BARTLETT: Correct, yeah. For
` purposes of today, unless I specify otherwise,
` I will always refer to his supplement to --
` Dr. Welch's supplemental declaration relating
` to the '097 patent as "his declaration."
` MR. KEAN: Okay. Very good. Thanks.
` THE WITNESS: Good. I understand, and I
` am also at paragraph 20.
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` Q Paragraph 20 you offer an opinion
`regarding Claim 38 of the '097 patent, correct?
` A Correct.
` Q And Claim 38 states in the portion that
`you have quoted here in your declaration, "Wherein
`the plurality of host devices comprises at least one
`of a cellular phone, a personal digital assistant, a
`smartphone, a laptop, a garage door opener, an
`automobile keyless entry unit, a smartcard, a
`programmable RFID key fob -- that's R-F-I-D key
`fob -- a universal remote control unit, a digital
`wristwatch, a compact disc player or a MP3 player."
` Have I read that correctly?
` A I believe so. And for the court reporter,
`it's radio frequency identification. It's RF, as in
`France, just to make sure she got that.
` Yes, I think you read that correctly,
` Q I want to focus for a moment on the
`automobile keyless entry unit for a moment. Do you
`have that in mind?
` A I have the words in mind, sure.
` Q As you construe this claim, can you
`describe for me what that would look like if the
`plurality of host devices comprised an automobile
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`keyless entry unit?
` MR. KEAN: Object to form.
` A Well, I have not offered an opinion on
`that anywhere. I haven't thought about that before
`now, just sitting here right now, so I don't know
`exactly what it would look like.
` What -- can you tell me a little more
`about what you're looking for?
` Q Well, suppose that the input accelerator
`of the claims were configured in accordance with
`Claim 38 to also connect to an automobile keyless
`entry unit. Do you have that in mind?
` A I have something in mind. I'm not sure if
`it's enough to answer your question, but let's keep
` Q So what's an automobile keyless entry
`unit, as you understand this claim?
` MR. KEAN: Object to form.
` A Well, I don't know if it's defined
`somewhere in the patent, and if it was, I would go
`by that definition. But offhand, sitting here
`without having given it any more thought than the
`few seconds of having read this, I can imagine it
`could be a unit, say, inside my car which allows me
`to enter the car by touching the doorhandle or
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334

`GREGORY F. WELCH PH.D. 2/26/2016
`Page 26
`touching the back of the latch on the tailgate of
`the car, something like that, possibly. Again, I
`don't know if it's explained somewhere in the
`patent. And if it is, it would be great if you
`would point me to that. But just sitting here just
`looking at th

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