PENG LIM 1/26/2016
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` Petitioner, )
` ) No. IPR2015-00396
`v. ) IPR2015-00476
` ) IPR2015-00533
`3 4
` Patent Owner. )
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 1

`PENG LIM 1/26/2016
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` BE IT REMEMBERED, pursuant to the laws
`governing the taking and use of depositions, that on
`Tuesday, January 26, 2016, 9:09 a.m. - 4:32 p.m., and on
`Wednesday, January 27, 2016, 9:01 a.m. - 11:32 a.m., at
`Combs Reporting Inc., 595 Market Street, Suite 620,
`San Francisco, California, 94105, before me,
`Deborah Mayer, a Certified Shorthand Reporter for the
`State of California, there personally appeared:
`called as a witness by the Petitioner, who, being by me
`first duly sworn/affirmed, was thereupon examined and
`testified as hereinafter set forth.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`PENG LIM 1/26/2016
` A P P E A R A N C E S
`Page 3
` 560 Greenwood Plaza Boulevard, Suite 200
` Greenwood Village, CO 80111
` (720) 689-5440
`2 3
` 1517 North Point Street, Suite 454
` San Francisco, CA 94123
` (415) 992-3423
` CALLIE PENDERGRASS, Senior Technical Advisor,
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 3

`PENG LIM 1/26/2016
` I N D E X
`Page 4
`Witness: Page
`2 3
`8 9
` E X H I B I T S
`Petitioner's: Page
`Exhibit 1001 '892 Patent (previously marked 37
` and retained by counsel.)
`Exhibit 1005 Tu references (previously marked 196
` and retained by counsel).
`Exhibit 1007 Kerr reference (previously 224
` marked and retained by counsel.)
`Exhibit 2009 Sworn declaration 5
` (previously marked and retained
` by counsel).
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`(Tuesday, 1-26-2016, 9:09 a.m. - 4:32 p.m.)
`(Witness sworn.)
` Q. Please state your name for the record.
` A. My name is Peng Lim.
` Q. And Mr. Lim, is there any reason that would
`prevent you from testifying fully and truthfully today?
` A. No.
` Q. And you're here today in connection with two
`matters. One is IPR 2015-00729, and that concerns U.S.
`Patent number 7,280,097. And the second matter we'll be
`discussing today is IPR 2015-00730, and that concerns
`U.S. Patent number 7,932,892. Are you familiar with
`those proceedings?
` A. Yes, I am.
` Q. And will you understand me today if I refer to
`them as the '097 proceeding and the '892 proceeding?
` A. Yes.
` (Exhibit 2009 previously marked.)
` Q. I'm going to hand you, Mr. Lim, what's
`previously been marked as Exhibit 2009. This is in the
`'097 matter.
` A. Um hum.
` Q. While we're at it, I'll hand you the '892
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`matter as well.
` Do you recognize these two documents?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. What are they?
` A. '097. The other one is '892.
` Q. And these are your sworn declarations in those
`two proceedings, is that right?
` A. That's correct, that's my declaration. I'm
`sorry, I should state that.
` Q. Before we get started on those today, are there
`any corrections or changes that you'd like as to make in
`those documents?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Okay, what are those changes?
` A. Okay, let's start with my '097 declaration. If
`you may, please, turn to page 28. And on the
`paragraph -- paragraph 86, right on the last line, right
`above paragraph 87 --
` Q. Okay.
` A. -- it says, the last sentence, it says:
` "Exhibit 1001 at Claim 1, Claim 16," and
` I would like to add, "and Claim 27."
` Q. Okay.
` A. And the reason I've added Claim 27 is because
`Claim 27 is also an independent Claim that I just forgot
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`to add that.
` Q. Okay. Any other changes in the '097
` A. Yes, page 42 please. Paragraph 97 first line
`it says:
` "In addition, Nishiumi does not disclose
` the input processor." That's a typo.
` Actually, it should be "input controller."
`(Reporter clarification.)
` A. All right. One more.
` Q. Go ahead.
` A. Okay. Back to page 32. On the subheading 4 it
` "Dependent Claims 5, 9, and 30,
` configured to optimize a biomechanical
` effect of the human user's thumb and
` finger,"
` I would like to add the word in between
`"user's" and "thumb," "opposing." And it would read:
` "...human user's opposing thumb and
` finger."
` And the reason that was added, because that's
`the word that's used in Claim 5, I believe 19 and 30 as
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`well. So it means when I typed that subtitle.
` Q. That's paragraph 72, is that right?
` A. Also in paragraph 72, that's right.
`Subtitle 4 --
` Q. Okay.
` A. -- and line 2 on paragraph 74.
` Q. Okay.
` A. So they're two places.
` Q. Thank you. Any other changes to the '097
` A. That's it. That's all, '097.
` Q. Do you have any changes you'd like to make in
`the '892 declaration?
` A. Yes. Page 39 on '892, paragraph 88, same
`thing. On line 1 it says "input processor."
` I would like to change "processor" to
`"controller," same as '097.
` Q. Okay. Any other changes in the '892
` A. That's all I can see right now.
` Q. Okay. And before we went on the record this
`morning you mentioned that you have some notes that
`you're going to be referencing throughout the day today,
`is that right?
` A. Yes.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` Q. What are those notes?
` A. They are references in the binder, not all, but
`all the references that's relevant to this case.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Both are my declarations, '097 and '892, and
`some notes that are on the summary of my declaration, so
`that is easier for me to refer back to my declaration.
` Q. Who prepared these notes?
` A. References provided by the petitioner.
`Declaration written by me, and some editing between.
`And the notes by me.
` MR. KEAN: Okay. And Mr. Bartlett, the way we
`do this last time I just reviewed the notes at the
`break. Last time I didn't identify them as an exhibit.
`I would propose do the same thing here, if necessary
`label them but I suspect it won't won't be necessary?
` MR. BARTLETT: That's fine.
` Q. Mr. Lim, I'd like to turn your attention please
`to the '097 declaration starting at about paragraph 55.
` A. 55. Okay, I'm there.
` Q. And in paragraphs in the range of 52 through
`62, you're discussing the Zeemote company and various
`members of the Zeemote team, is that right?
` A. In 55 to, I believe you said 62, I gave a short
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`PENG LIM 1/26/2016
`bio background of the inventors of '097 and I believe
`Page 10
`'892 as well.
` Q. What do you know about the Zeemote company?
` A. I actually did not know them before -- I might
`have seen, you know, in the past documents or anything
`like that, but I do not recall that I, you know, know
`them at all until this proceeding.
`(Reporter clarification.)
` MR. KEAN: Z-E-E-M-O-T-E, I believe.
` Q. Do you know any of the named inventors on the
`'097 and '892 patents personally?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Who do you know?
` A. I know Lorraine, L-O-R-R-A-I-N-E, last name
` Q. How do you know Ms. Wheeler?
` A. She had a company back in late '90s did
`application software for Palm operating system. I
`believe that was in 1999 or 2000. I believe it was
`1999. Palm bought the company. And of course I was an
`executive at Palm, as you know. So I was involved in
`that conception. That's how I know Lorraine. She was
`the CEO of the company. And then after Palm bought the
`company, the company rolled into Palm, and she did work
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`at Palm for, again, this is from my memory, long time
`ago, maybe a couple of years. Actually I left a year --
`I left Palm a year after IPO. I believe she might have
`been still there. So that's how I know her as a
`colleague. She, I believe, reported into product
`marketing group. I was the head of worldwide product
`development. So she was my colleague in that sense.
` Q. When's the last time you've spoken with
`Ms. Wheeler?
` A. Spoken? Voice-spoken, I believe, back in 1999
`or 2000, so that was about 15 years ago. Since then, we
`have not spoke until, I believe, about a year or so ago,
`and she sent me e-mail. That's why I said spoke. I
`didn't talk to her but I did see an e-mail, about,
`approximately a year, nine months ago.
` Q. What was the subject matter of the e-mail?
` A. She basically said that because she knew my
`background at Palm and other background, as I say, we
`bought her company, and she said that -- again, this is
`from my recollection, very short, that she thought that
`she would like to introduce me to a law firm, which was
`Bob's company --
` MR. KEAN: Gilbertson?
` THE WITNESS: I call him Bob. He's a lawyer.
` A. -- Bob's company. So basically it was, you
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`PENG LIM 1/26/2016
`know, introduction e-mail, I would say. Then after
`Page 12
`that, we have not had e-mail since.
` Q. What did Ms. Wheeler tell you about this case?
` A. I believe she said that -- this is from my
`memory, again -- I believe she said that she started
`another company which I did not know, either started or
`she was involved with, another company that was sold,
`and she said that whether I would be, you know, either
`interested or open to being an expert witness or
`something, very short, I believe she also said that she
`wasn't involved in the case, but that is again from my
` So it wasn't anything that I was aware of this
`proceeding. The very first time I knew of this
`proceeding, or even Sony, the company, was way later
`after I was involved with Bob's company.
` Q. Surely you knew of Sony the company before this
`last year, right?
` A. No, after I was involved with -- after I saw
`the documents, I think, or after I know -- after I
`talked to Bob, the lawyer.
` Q. Okay. I'm just a little confused by that. Are
`you just saying that you first became aware of Sony's
`involvement in the case?
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`PENG LIM 1/26/2016
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` A. That's right, that's right, involved in the
`case. I knew Sony for a long long time. I was a
`partner of Sony back, you know, 20, 15, 20 years ago
`when I was at Palm, as you know, that Palm was a
`licensee of -- I mean Sony was an licensee of Palm.
` Q. Apart from the introduction e-mail, have you
`and Ms. Wheeler discussed any other aspects of this
` A. No, she did not tell me about the case except
`to say that she sold the company, and I do not believe
`she mentioned the company name either, the company
`involved. She said she sold the company, that's --
`that's the extent of it.
`(Reporter clarification.)
` Q. Do you know if Ms. Wheeler has an ownership
`interest in Aplix?
` A. She did not say that. I believe she said she
`was not involved in it. She did not say anything about
`financial one way or the other.
` Q. Do you know if Ms. Wheeler has any financial
`interest in the outcome of this case?
` A. She did not mention that.
` Q. Do you know any of the other inventors of the
`'097 or '892 Patents?
` A. No, I do not.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`PENG LIM 1/26/2016
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` Q. You don't know Elaine Chen, is that right?
` A. No, I do not.
` Q. And you do not know Rob Podoloff, is that
`right? P-O-D-O-L-O-F-F.
` A. I do not.
` Q. And you do not know Beth Marcus, is that right?
` A. Yes, I told you before I do not.
` Q. Do you know anything about any of these
`individuals' educational background?
` A. Besides Lorraine, I certainly knew that when we
`bought the company back in 1999. Other than that, I did
`not know. Now, the reason -- the reason it was in
`there, I thought you were interested in that. You asked
`me on every proceeding whether I knew the inventor, so I
`said okay, maybe I should know them.
` Q. Okay, so your statements in paragraphs 55
`through 62 are based on your review of these inventors
`LinkedIn profiles, is that accurate?
` A. Yes, that's in the reference. That's in the --
`I think we can include that in the references.
` Q. You mean you included it as an exhibit?
` A. As Exhibit, I'm sorry, I used the wrong term.
` Q. That's okay.
` A. Yeah, I did review those.
` Q. Are any of your statements about any of these
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`inventors and their educational background based on
`anything other than your review of the LinkedIn
` A. The background, I asked actually the background
`of this inventor. So the background was provided to me,
`the background. I did validate those and gone through
`the background, the exhibits, as well as the -- you
`know, as well as other factors in the summary here.
` Q. Do you know if the mitigation provided in these
`public profiles is accurate?
` A. I reviewed in LinkedIn, so if it's not
`accurate, then that's part of the exhibit, so that's
`where I got the information from or that's how I
`validate the information. I also validated a few points
`in these bios, again, through the Web site. So if the
`Web site was wrong the Web site I reviewed was wrong I
`couldn't speak for that.
` Q. What Web site are you referring to?
` A. I think that in the Exhibit, if you got -- I
`don't have the exhibits with me today, in the exhibit, I
`believe they're LinkedIn mostly built it might be some
`other site, I do not have them in front of me, so --
` Q. Did you speak with Ms. Chen, Mr. Podoloff or
`Ms. Marcus in connection with preparing your
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`PENG LIM 1/26/2016
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` A. No.
` Q. Apart from the initial introduction did you
`speak with Ms. Wheeler in connection with preparing your
` A. No. As I say, the last I spoke with her voice
`was back, in I believe, 1999 or 2000.
` Q. Did you communicate via e-mail with any of
`these inventors other than the one exchange you've
`already told me about with Ms. Wheeler?
` A. No, I did not.
` Q. What steps did you take to verify that the
`information provided in their LinkedIn profiles was
` A. First I asked for exhibits. The background
`information. I read through all the bios provided. I
`think if I needed more validation I did ask for -- say
`where you guys got this information, I need to take a
`look into it and I read them.
` Q. And when you're referring to exhibits and bios,
`you're referring to the LinkedIn profiles that were
`submitted as exhibits in this proceeding, is that right?
` A. That's correct. Actually, I can give you the
` Q. And I believe, if it's helpful Mr. Lim, I
`believe they're cited in paragraphs 56, 57, 58 and 59.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`PENG LIM 1/26/2016
` A. Oh, that's right. Thanks for bringing that up.
`Page 17
` Q. You're welcome.
` A. And Exhibit 2021 for Ms. Chen, I thought it was
`Chen, sorry, Ms. Chen, Exhibit 2021, C-H-E-N. And that
`is a typo in my declaration, says C-H-I-N. I think
`that's a typo.
` Exhibit 200 -- 2022, excuse me, is Beth Marcus.
` Exhibit 2023 is Rob, I'll spell the last name,
` Exhibit 2024 and 2025 is for Lorraine Wheeler,
` Q. Do you know if the company's e-mail still
` A. I think Lorraine told me it was sold, so
`that -- that's what I heard.
` Q. Do you know who it was sold to?
` A. Based on this, I believe, based on the case
`involved here, I believe, is Aplix, I believe.
` Q. And you're basing that off of your conversation
`with Ms. Wheeler, is that right?
` A. No. I do not recall that. I base on the
`document that was, you know, all these documents that
`were provided to me.
` Q. You're basing that on the fact that Aplix has a
`controlling interest in these Patents? Is that what
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`you're saying?
` A. That's my assumption. Again, it's just a pure
`assumption more than anything else. I have no interest
`of who own the Patents, so I'm just here to analyze.
` Q. You would agree you can sell patents without
`selling the company, right?
` A. You could.
` Q. Do you know whether or not this e-mail just
`sold the patents are whether they sold their entire
` A. No idea.
` Q. Do you know when the company Zeemote was
` A. I believe the reference, in exhibit, I mean,
`I'm pretty sure it's in LinkedIn but I want to check if
`I provided it in my report. I cannot recall right now.
`But certainly it's in the exhibit.
` Q. Do you know how many employees the company
`Zeemote supported?
` A. That was not my interest to find out, so to be
`honest, I don't know. I know it's not a big company,
`you know, startup. But I have no idea how many
` Q. Do you know who had an ownership interest in
`the company Zeemote?
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`PENG LIM 1/26/2016
` A. No, I didn't, zero.
` Q. Do you know who had a majority interest in the
`Page 19
`company Zeemote?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you know if anyone other than the inventors
`listed on the '097 and '892 Patents had an ownership
`stake in Zeemote?
` A. No. Actually, the only person I know is the
`person I told you.
` Q. Do you know if Zeemote employed anyone other
`than the inventors listed on the face of the '097 and
`'892 Patents?
`(Reporter clarification.)
` A. I have no idea.
` Q. Do you know if Zeemote developed any products?
` A. I did not know then, but I believe in the last
`few months, I did see one of the products that was -- I
`saw on the Internet, but that's the extent of it. I did
`not do any extensive research one way or the other.
` Q. When you say you "did not know then," what
`timeframe are you referring to?
` A. That means before I was involved in this case.
` Q. So on the date of your declaration, you did not
`know whether or not Zeemote sold any products? Is that
`what you're saying?
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`PENG LIM 1/26/2016
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` A. On the '097, I'm not sure the '245, I knew it
`before, but I'm speaking for '097 right now, '097 was
`written in, gee, maybe November, I guess. I probably
`saw the Internet before then. I believe I did just a
`picture, a picture through -- the picture on the Google
`search. I did not go do any detailed analytics of the
`product at all. It wasn't my interest then or even now.
` Q. That brings up a housekeeping subject. If you
`turn to the very last page of your '892 declaration, I
`believe it's page 54, the date is November 1, 2015; is
`that right?
` A. Sorry, I misspoke. This must be written in
`October, yes, November 1.
` Q. Is that your signature on the document?
` A. Yes, it's mine.
` Q. Turning to '097, the last page 66 --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- and this is Exhibit 2009?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the date there is October 31, 2015, is that
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And that's your signature on this document as
`well, is that right?
` A. That's correct. And again I apologize, it was
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`PENG LIM 1/26/2016
`written in November, I meant October. It was a few
`Page 21
`months ago.
` Q. Sure. Thank you for the clarification.
` So you were mentioning that you saw some
`product online that you believe was a product developed
`by Zeemote, is that right?
` A. I believe the tag line or something like that,
`I did see that. I did somehow make a mental link
`quickly, but I did not go in and do any, as I say, any
`deeper research than what I saw.
` Q. What was the product?
` A. It's even hard for me to recall right now
`because I did not put -- I scanned -- kind of made a
`mental link as I told you. I may describe it wrong, but
`this is from my recollection here. I think it's some
`kind of a handheld controller. That's to the extent
`that I believe I saw it. I think it's the shape of
`almost elongated shape, you know, lack of a better word,
`similar to a TV controller that we, you know, we're used
`to. I mean not the shape, but as far as -- as far as
`the look of it. Generically speaking. As I say, I did
`not do much research on it.
` Q. Do you know what this controller was for?
` A. I try to see whether I even go into that. I
`can't tell you right now. I can tell you what the
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Patent say. As a matter of fact I don't recall -- I
`want to make sure I don't confuse what I read in the
`patent and what I saw in the picture. The best I can
`tell, I do not believe I read the articles about the
`product besides the picture I saw and could be the
`tag line that I saw. I did not do the research, as I
`said. It wasn't part of the thing that I was asked to
`do. I mean part of my research, when I did for the
`declaration, I saw those.
` Q. Do you recall what Web site you were looking
` A. Usually I used Google search, usually. And I
`believe I saw that on the picture site, because when I
`did my own declaration, I did take those pictures from
`Google's and maybe link to the picture that Google
`searched. So that would be the most likely place that I
`saw it is Google search image.
` Q. What led you to believe that the product that
`you saw in the image was a product developed by Zeemote?
` A. As I said, I probably saw the tag line or
`something like that, that led me to, as I said, I made a
`mental link. I wasn't studying. I made a link that
`okay, that could be it, and that mental link could be
`because of some word that I saw associated with it.
`(Reporter clarification.)
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` Q. Mr. Lim, I believe you said -- were you saying
`Page 23
`"tag line" affiliated with the picture?
` A. Tag line, again, may be a wrong word.
`(Reporter clarification.)
` A. What I meant is some kind of text, T-E-X-T,
`that I read, whether it's a tag line or just a title, is
`it something, I -- I cannot recall right now. I think
`your question is whether I saw Zeemote's product, and I
`told you yes, probably I did. I did not do deep
`research. And that was just one occurrence during that
` Q. Do you know if Zeemote developed any products
`before October 2005?
` A. I have no idea.
` Q. Do you know if Zeemote built any prototypes
`before October 2005?
` A. I have no idea.
` Q. Do you know if Zeemote has ever sold any
` A. I cannot recall exactly what I saw on that
`article, is that for sales article or just a picture --
`for sales, a product that is selling. So I could not
`speak for sure. But the product, however, the picture
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`that I saw looked quite real. So it's not a drawing
`from a patent, put it that way. It looked like a real
`product, with a sketch.
` Q. And this is a picture that you saw in a Google
`search sometime in 2015, is that right?
` A. Picture or pictures in a Google search, in that
`sense I mean. On the page, it could be more than one,
`but yes.
` Q. Do you know if Zeemote ever had any revenue?
` A. No idea.
` Q. Do you know if Zeemote currently sells any
` A. No. No idea besides the picture that I saw, if
`that was selling then, it was selling, but I have no
` Q. If a company never sold any products and never
`created any revenue, would that company be a success in
`your opinion?
` A. It depends. I think that it depends in the
`sense that they are company, purely technology company.
`(Reporter clarification.)
` A. And research company, you know, companies like
`those tend to define their success as the patent
`generation built something that is useful but not
`selling it.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` On the other hand, you know, companies,
`commercial companies like Palm, like Sony, Apple, would
`value their product revenue as successful or not. So
`that's the reason I say it depends.
` Q. Do you know if Zeemote was a patent generation
` A. No idea.
` Q. Do you know if Zeemote did any research and
` A. I have no idea. But I would assume that with
`their background, the inventors' background, and the
`fact that I saw the picture of the product, one should
`assume there should be some kind of research and
`development for the product if nothing else.
` Q. Did you submit the picture of a product as an
`exhibit with your declaration?
` A. No, I did not. I do not believe, as I said, it
`wasn't my interest in this particular declaration of
`mine, and I did not do any research. If I were to put a
`picture, I would need to explain, you know, the
`relationship there. I did not go beyond what I just
`saw. And I saw a lot of pictures by the way throughout
`this proceeding, as I told you before. I did the
`research, I took up the things that are the exhibits I
`thought are the most relevant to my declaration, as well
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 25

`PENG LIM 1/26/2016
`Page 26
`as this case. And I have gone through, you know, more
`articles and more pictures than what I put in my
`exhibit, those that I believe were not most relevant.
` Q. Have you seen any other evidence that would
`corroborate your conclusion that Zeemote did develop a
`product at some time?
` A. I do not believe so. I don't think so at all.
`As I say, when I look at the Patent and I believe I told
`you in '245 or '313, before then, I was asked to look at
`the Patent, look at the specification, look at the
`claims, look at the references, and then provide the

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