Input Device Sources & Resources
`2/15/16, 8:50 PM
`Bill Buxton
`- Last Updated Oct. 1, 2003 -
`This page is a work in progress. The main part of it contains a list which I have compiled over a number of years of
`companies that make input devices and technologies. I have done this as part of the research for a book which I am
`What follows is the current state of my conversion to hypertext of the original linear text version. It includes some
`somewhat dated information. But even that may have some historical interest.
`My purpose of placing the document on the web is, first, to make it accessible to a larger community, and second, to take
`advantage of the ability to add links to the increasing number of relevant sources that now have a presence on the web. One
`of the most interesting aspects of this process has been the recognition of the extent to which this document is better suited
`to the hypertext format than linear text.
`I welcome suggestions for additions, corrections, or any other feedback.
`The directory is broken down alphabetically into sections corresponding to specific classes of device. These include:
`Assistive Technologies for Special Needs
`Bar Code Readers
`Boards, Desks, Pads and Pens
`Character Recognition
`Chord Keyboards
`Digitizing Tablets
`Eye and Head Movement Trackers
`Foot Controllers
`Force & Tactile Feedback ("Haptic") Devices
`Game Controllers
`Keyboards and Keypads
`MIDI Controllers and Accessories
`Miscellaneous & High DOF Devices
`Motion Capture
`Speech Recognition
`Stylus devices: see Digitizing Tablets , Lightpens, Boards, Desks and Pads , Touch Screens, Miscellaneous and Force
`Feedback ("Haptic") Devices.
`Touch Screens
`Touch Tablets
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`Input Device Sources & Resources
`2/15/16, 8:50 PM
`For devices having 4 or more dimensions of freedom, see especially the Joysticks and Miscellaneous sections.
`For some device manufacturers, brief product annotations are provided. For others, just the company name. Companies who
`produce products falling into more than one class are listed more than once. In some cases (Bar-Code Readers and Speech
`Input / Output products, for example), secondary sources are cited. Full addressesof the manufacturers mentioned are found
`in the final section. Note that where an "800" toll-free number is given, in nearly all cases the number does not work from
`within the state that the company is located. I have also taken a North American centric approach to addresses and phone
`numbers. This is mainly a question of space and time. It is simply easier for me to verify the North American office
`coordinates. Check the web pages for company addresses in other regions.
`As in any such list, there are omissions, and errors. Nevertheless, it is hoped that it will help those interested in investigating
`input technologies. Please address any comments, corrections, or additions to the author (
`The contribution of James Lipscomb and the support of the Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
`and Rank Xerox EuroPARC are gratefully acknowledged. The help of my research assistants Adam Wood, Katy Wood and
`Blair Buxton is also gratefully acknowledged.
`Digital Image Design
`Make an armature, the original configuration of which, The Monkey was in the form of of a biped. In computer animation,
`one would use this device to set the pose of a character by having each joint in the Monkey correspond to a joint in the
`character. The newest versio of the technologyy is a construction kit,called Monkey Bones, that enables one to configure an
`armature in any way one desires.
`Faro Technologies Inc.
`Make a family of armatures intended for digitizing 3D objects. In their current form, they do not provide a continuous
`stream of coordinates defininng the tip position and orientation; rather, there is one set per clck (of a pedal, typically).
`Immersion Corporation
`Make the MicroScribe-3D, an articulated arm with sensors used for digitizing 3D objects. Like a robot arm. Since
`mechanical, has no problem with digitaizing metals or solid objects. Howver, restricted in size of object it can digitize.
`While mechanically similar to the Faro armature, it outputs a continuous stream of coordinates, and can therefore be used as
`a 3D interactive manipulator with 6 DOF.
`Puppet Works.
`Make a reconfigurable armature for 3D animation motion control
`There are a number of resources on the web catering to collecting and diseminating information relevant to those with
`special needs. These are not generally vendors or manufacturers of technologies, and most do not sell technology directly.
`Rather, they maintain lists and directories to of resources, much like this page. They are typically either research centres,
`rehab centres, or organizations that service those with special needs. Examples are :
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`Input Device Sources & Resources
`2/15/16, 8:50 PM
`Abiliity Hub: A good source for information on assistive technologies.
`ABLEDATA: a database of assistive technology, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation
`Research, U.S. Department of Education
`Adaptive and Assistive Technology @ offer free product search and referrals, and the opportunity to
`subscribe to our free quarterly newsletters. Also provide an extensive assistive technology resource library from our
`home page with useful links to the largest product catalogs, databases and vendor directories in North America.
`Alliance for Technology Access (ATA). Maintain a list of alternative devices for providing access to computers and
`the web.
`Assistive Devices Industry Office of Industry Canada is an excellent clearing house for information on assistive
`Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTD) Network is a resource directed at the repetitive strain injury (RSI) community.
`Disability Services at the University of Minnesota, (Minneapolis / St. Paul., 16 Johnston Hall, tel: 612 624-4037 )
`Kornreich Center: showcases state-of-the-art assistive technology, including webcasts.
`Pulsar Project , a very cool and useful site from the Center for Really Neat Research (CRNR), 500 University Place
`Syracuse, NY 13210, and the Institute for Interventional Informatics. Includes lots of information on clever
`inexpensive solutions to access. See also
`The Sierra Group: A consultancy focused on adaptive technologies and their deployment.
`Trace R&D Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
`There are also a number of companies that produce and/or distribute devices for users with special needs. The following
`represents a representative sample. However, this is a specialized field, and we make no claim or attempt to be
`comprehensive. The sites mentioned above have more detailed lists. On the other hand, this document, as a whole, includes
`sourcs for a number of technologies intended for so-called "able bodied" users which may not appear on such lists, and may
`nevertheless be of value to those with spcial needs.One example category would be Eye and Head Movement Trackers,
`which are listed separately in this document.
`Not a keyboard company. Rather, make software, QPointer Keyboar, which lets you use the keyboard as a substitute for the
`mouse when interacting with graphical user interfaces. This is relevant in terms of accessibility to those who can use a
`keyboard, but not a mouse.
`Compusult Ltd.
`Make assistive technologies such as, FasseTrack, a speech technology for visually impaired people, and a mouth/chin
`operated joystick, the Jouse 2. This is a USB device which enable button clicks, among other ways, via built in sip and puff
`Infusion Systems Ltd.
`While not specifically a supplier of technology for people with disabilities, the technologies offered by Infusion, constitute
`perhaps the most powerful and useful toolkit for creating custom interfaces to enable access for those with special needs.
`They supply the broadest range of sensors (motion, proximity, heat, light, tilt, pressure, ...), and means to connect them to a
`computer, than any company that I am aware of. The computer interface is via a product called the I-Cube. The company's
`products are very much worth looking at.
`In Touch Systems
`Make a miniature keyboard with built-in mouse equivalent capabilities that allows access to any computer using only the
`slightest head or hand movement. The Magic Wand Keyboard works with the touch of either a mouthstick or a hand-held
`wand, and requires zero force contact to activate. Pointing is accomplished by entering a special mode by touching a
`"MOUSE ON" key. The numeric keyboard then provides the 8 direction keys: up, down, left, right, and 4 diagonals. The
`mouse pointer continues to move as long as a direction key is touched. It slowly picks up speed the further distance it
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`Input Device Sources & Resources
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`The keyboard has dedicated mouse keys for clicking, dragging, double clicking, and for speed control. It also offers Shift-
`click, Control-click, chord click, and triple click features.
`Keybowl Inc.
`Make a unique "keyboard,"the orbiTouch, which has no keys. Rather, each hand sits on a puck-like device, each of which
`can move in any of the 8 primary and secondary points of the compass. Each combination of directions maps to a specific
`character. The device thereby enables "typing" by people with no hands or fingers, as well as those with severe CTS, for
`Madentec Inc.
`Make a head tracker device, the Tracker 2000, which sits on top of the computer, does this by tracking a tiny ‘dot’ worn on
`the user’s forehead. It is mainly intended as a mouse replacement for users with special needs. Also make on-screen
`keyboards and software which uses dwell time as an alternative to mouse clicks.
`Prentke Romich Co.
`Make a range of input technologies for people with special needs. Including the Headmaster Plus, a head motion detector
`with mouth switch. Looks like a pair of Walkman-style headphones that provides an alternative to the mouse. Also make on-
`screen keyboards.
`R.J. Cooper & Associates
`Offer a range of services and technologies for people with special needs, including over-sized keyboards, the TrackIR, an
`inexpensive head tracker, and button and switch devices specifically tailored to children.
`TASH Inc.
`TASH is a government supported distributor for a wide range of interactive aids for people with physical disabilities. A
`comprehensive catalogue is available.
`Telesensory Corp.
`Make two product lines: Low Vision Products - (Personal Reading Systems and Computer Magnification Systems for
`Enlarging Text) and OCR Products.
`The Possibilities Company
`Make a device for speech synthesis, the FastTalk, for those with limited speech, and a hand-held sensing device, the Rover
`seeing aid, for those with severe visual impairments.
`Tipro Keyboards
`Make a range of keyboards, including keyboards in various configurations (not just QWERTY) for industrial and
`commercial applications, for example. They also have keyboards especially designed to meet the special needs of those with
`physical disabilities.
`Make a tongue-controlled pointing devie that mounts on the roof of the mouth. IS a wireless technology. Very interesting.
`Zygo Industries, Inc.
`Manufacture and distribute a range of augmentative communication systems, computer access and other assistive
`There are a number of manufacturers of bar code reading equipment. This is not an area that I cover very well, so I only
`have a few suppliers.
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`Input Device Sources & Resources
`2/15/16, 8:50 PM
`Intelligent Instrumentation, Inc.
`Make a range of barcode readers and data acquisition terminals.
`Interactive Computer Products
`Make a combination lightpen and barcode reader.
`PSC Inc.
`One of the main suppliers of barcode technology.
`Scan Technology
`Make barcode readers, magnetic stripe readers and lightpens.
`Symbol Technologies Inc.
`One of the main suppliers of barcode technology.
`This section deals with technologies that let you write and mark as you would with a whiteboard, a drafting table or a pad of
`paper on a clipboard. For the most part this is undertaken using a stylus or a pen. In some cases, the pen itself is the
`complete device.
`With the growing number of manufacturers making large (42-50 inch) wall mountable flat plasma panels, there is an
`increasing number of options that can serve as electronic whiteboards. The best current one is from Pioneer. For more
`information on these devices, see, for example, Advanced Display Technologies, which is one retailer specializing in this
`class of technology and carries inventory from a range of suppliers. Included in the list in this section are some touch
`screens designed to be used with these large format displays, but more are emerging so check the vendors listed in the Touch
`Screens section as well as Microfield in this section.
`Readers should also note that you can create a very cost effective electronic whiteboard using a Lightpen combined with a
`CRT-type rear projection system. As well, mounting a large digitizing tablet on the wall, for example, and projecting onto it,
`is another alternative approach to prototyping a digital whiteboard.
`Another option is to control a projected computer screen using your PDA. There is some free software from Carnegie
`Mellon University, Pebbles that lets you remotely control your PC using the buttons and touch-screen of your PDA. Hence,
`combined with a data projector, you have a very powerful interactive presentation tool, especially when the PDA has a
`wireless connection to the PC.
`In general, the reader is directed to the sections of Digitizing Tablets, Lightpens, Touch Screensand Character Recognition
`for information on related pen/stylus/marking based interaction technologies.
`Have developed a pen technollgy that writes in normal ink on a piece of special patterned paper so that what is written can
`be wirelessly transferred, via Bluetooth, to a mobile phone, PC or PDA. The pen incorporates a digital camera and an image
`processing unit. When writing on the paper the camera takes digital snapshots of a grid on the surface of the special paper.
`This allows it to calculate the pen's position in relation to the paper and store a virtual image of the writing in the pen's
`memory. See also the C Pen which is from another division of the same company, and uses related technology
`Aqcess Technologies, Inc.
`Make two models of stylus driven slate computers, the Qbe Original and the Qbe Vivo. They have capacity for wireless
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`network connectivity, and also can be driven by the finger using a touch screen, rather than just a stylus.
`Barco Projection Systems
`Make the Baron, a rear-projection having the form factor of a drafting table. Intended for stereo projection with stero glasses
`and 6 DOF input device.
`Carroll Touch
`Is a major Touch Screens vendor. Within their product line, they make a touch screen that can be mounted on 42" plasma
`panels and therefore support electronic meeting board type applications.
`Cross Pen Computing Group
`No longer in business. Made a range of styli and tablets called the iPen. Also made a portable digitizer, the Cross Pad, that
`fit under a pad of paper and captured what is written on the paper. Also made replacement styli for the PalmPilot.
`C Technologies
`Make a wireless stylus-type device, the C Pen, that has a camera as its tip. It can capture printed text off of paper. This text
`can then be transfered to a PC or processed inside the C Pen, itself, such as into an internal address book or translated into
`another language. It can also be used for simple drawing or text entry by drawing on patterned paper. See also the Anoto
`pen which is from another division of the same company, and uses related technology.
`Digital Ink
`Have announced a stylus technology, the n-scribe Pen, The n-scribe pen will function like a normal pen, in that it lets you
`write, draw, etc. on paper, and at the same time, captures everything that you do in the pen itself. Essentially the stylus is a
`ballpoint pen with an IR transmitter. The cap, which one attaches to the writing surface, incorporates two IR sensors which,
`through triangulation, can track the positing and motion of the pen. The captured data is stored in the cap and can then be
`downloaded into a PC, PDA, etc.
`Egan Visual
`See TeamBoard Inc.
`Electronics for Imaging Inc.
`Make a technology, the eBeam, which is an electronic marker system can be retrofitted and used with almost any writing
`surface such as a whiteboards or flipchart. See also the product from Virtual Ink.
`Fakespace, Inc.
`Make a 6' x 4.5" rear projection surface, mounted on the horizontal plane, like a table. Used to project high resolution stereo
`images, which are viewed wearing stereoscopic shutter glasses (typically with head tracking). Input is via a 6 DOF input
`Fakespace Systems
`Make a range of VR room, wall and desk technologies.
`Finepoint Innovations
`A follow-on company, growing out of Mutoh and Kurta brands. Make a 12 inch LCD panel with pen input, the MagicPoint
`VT-12S Video Tablet and a 14 inch unit, the MagicPoint VT-14 Digitizer Tablet. Also offer a range of related OEM
`solutions, especially for Tablet-PCs.
`Make two lines of portable pen-based tablet computers, the Stylistic and the PenCentra and a Tablet PC.
`Make a Tablet PC.
`Hitachi Software Engineering America Ltd.
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`Input Device Sources & Resources
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`Make an line of electronic whiteboards, named StarBoard. Includes an opaque whiteboard that one can use with
`conventional markers, or project upon. Also includes a rear-projection unit. Their softwware is a key part of the their value
`Input Technologies Inc.
`Made a drafting table-like rear projection desk, the Visionmaker PS. The display surface was 26" x 31". Utilized a wireless
`pressure sensitive stylus for input. Like a drafting table, the work surface angle could be adjusted from nearly horiontal (for
`work standing up) to a steep slope for working while sitting. The company is no longer in business, but the technology has
`been acquired by Fakespace Systems, and has been revised and renamed, the ImmersaDesk®M1.
`Interlink Electronics
`Produce a wireless, portable adaptor for conventional whiteboards, the FreeBeam, that enable you to capture what you
`write/draw on your (untethered) PC. Use technologies licenced from Electronics for Imaging. They also make a signiture
`capture technology, the ePad.
`Microfield Graphics, Inc.
`Make the SoftBoard, a unit that looks like a regular whiteboard. One writes onto it using markers, as with a conventional
`whiteboard. However, the tip of the markers has a reflector which enables a laser scanner around the bezel of the whiteboard
`to sense the position and colour of the tip. Hence, what is written on the whiteboard can be captured by a computer. This
`enbles meeting capture, as well as the potential for remote sites to see what is written on the whiteboard on a remote
`computer display.
`MicroTouch Corp.
`Are mainly a touchscreen manufacturer. Make a large format touch surface, the Ibid, that can be used as an electronic
`whiteboard. Also make a touchscreen that can be operated with either a finger or a tethered stylus. When using the stylus,
`the technology is able to reject data from the hand, such as would result if the screen were mounted horizontally, and the
`hand was resting on it while operating the stylus.
`Numonics Corp.
`Make a range of meeting support technologies, including an Interactive WhiteBoard that captures what is written on it in
`colour on a PC, an Interactive FlipChart which does the same thing with a flip chart, and the Interactive DisplayMate which
`is a rear projection display with a touch screen mounted on it for interaction.
`Plus Corporation
`Make a range of electronic whiteboards, the Copyboard series that have built in printers as well as the ability to connect to a
`PC and meeting software., the Plus BF-030PC Electronic Copyboard.
`Pyramid Systems, Inc.
`Made a large format (4' x 5') rear projection screen, angled at 45 degrees, the Immersadesk. Used a 6 DOF input device, and
`is typically intend to be used with a high resolution workstation displaying stereo images, viewed wearing stereoscopic
`shutter glasses. Their technology is now available through Fakespace Systems.
`Seiko Instruments
`Distribute the SmartPad, a device that you can attach to a paper notepad and then connect to your PDA, laptop or PC. The
`arrangement permits one to sketch with pen and ink on paper, and have the results recorded digitally on the associated
`device. The computational device (PDA, ...) and the pad communicate via an infra-red link, or USB cable. The stylus has a
`tip at each end: one outputs ink for writing on paper, and the other, for writing on a PDA screen. While Seiko distributes
`the device, it was developed and manufactured by Ecrio.
`SMART Technologies Inc.
`Make a range of electronic whiteboard products, including ones that work with front and rear projection and plasma
`displays. They also make products which capture data entered on a conventional whiteboard which has been augmented by
`their technology. All use various form of touch sensing technology. Their traditional products have used overlays for
`sensing touch. More recently, they have introduced Digital Vision Touch (DViT) which uses sensors mounted in the corner
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`Input Device Sources & Resources
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`of the board, rather than overlays, for sensing. The advantage of the latter is that there is some loss of visual quality when
`overlays are involved. Both technologies, however, can sense touch from fingers or from objects. Hence, one can use real,
`or virtual whiteboard markers, where each colour marker has a specific slot for when not in use. The slots have a
`microswitch which enables the unit to know which one is currently in use, thereby displaying the appropriate colour of
`digital ink, for example.
`Make a desktop computer, the Viao PCV-LX900 Slimtop Pen Tablet, with a flat panel display that can work either like a
`conventional monitor, or slide down to work as an pen-based LCD digitizeing tablet.
`TeamBoard Inc
`Make a family of high quality electronic whiteboards with the generic name, TeamBoard, with a touch-sensitive surface.
`Consequently, what one writes on the surface can be captured by a computer. One writes using conventional whiteboard
`markers, and uses a whiteboard eraser. Units can be wall mounted or in cabinets. Size can be up to 60" x 48".
`TDS Ltd.
`An early manufacturer of tablets with pressure-sensitive styli. Most recent line was called the Quora. Also made a high
`DOF stylus, called MAX. Now make a line of electronic whiteboards, the ACTIVboard.
`Virtual Ink Corporation
`Make a device, mimo, that can be retrofitted onto a conventional whiteboard or flip chart and can capture what is written
`using conventional markers. The markers slip into special sleeves, and their coordintes are captured by an mechanism that
`attest to the surface. The technology is extremely inexpensive. See also the product from Electronics for Imaging.
`Wacom Technology Corp.
`Make an LCD panel with integrated tablet which enables pen-based interaction.
`WizCom Technologies
`Make a range of wireless pen scanners, including: the QuickLink Pen, that can scan and OCR text that can then be uploaded
`into a PC, the Reading Pen that adds text to speach capabilities, the Quicktionary Pen that is a multilingual dictionary that
`can translate or give the definition for the scanned word, and the SuperPen that combines the capabilities of the QuickLink
`and Quicktionary pens.
`Advanced Recognition Technology (ART)
`Offer a range of technologies for the recognition of natural cursive script. Also have a product, simpliWrite, that enables
`printing characters one ontop of the other, thereby supporting heads-up writing on small displays such as cell phones.
`Communication Intelligence Corp
`Make a handwriting system, Handwriter, as well as one called Manta, which includes a small digitizing tablet as well as
`software for character recognition.
`Fonix Corp.
`Make a character recognition package called Allegro. Uses single stroke versions of characters, where what is drawn looks
`just like the character entered. One must, however, draw the character in a particular manner.
`Micropad Limited
`Make a range of recognition packages for word processing, numerical calculators, etc.
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`Input Device Sources & Resources
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`NCS (Previously Nestor, Inc.)
`Make a range of recognition technologies based on neural network technologies.
`Their Natural Handwriting Recognition claims to recognize cursive or printed text or numbers, or any combination thereof.
`The claim is to do so without restrictions on spacing of charcters, or constrained by form fields. The technology is designed
`for scanned handwritten text, not interactive applications.
`Personal Writer Inc.
`Make the Personal Writer, a tablet for the Macintosh including the capability of recognizing hand-printed characters.
`There are a few web pages that maintain additional inforation on keyboard devices and related topics. In addition to what I
`have, the reader is referred to the following links:
`Also note that I have Keyboards and Numeric Keypads under a separate heading.
`AccuCorp, Inc.
`Make a novel two-handed eight key keyboard called the AccuKey. It is unique in that each of its soft rubberkeys can be
`moved away or towards the central "off" position, that is, it uses 3-state keys. This action is combined with chording for text
`entry. .
`Microwriter Ltd.
`Used to make the Microwriter, a one-handed chord-keyboard word processor. Now make a product called the Agenda that
`incorporates a microwriter-like chording keyboard.
`Ergoplic Keyboard Ltd.
`Kesher Technology Ltd.
`Make Octima, an 8-button one-handed chord keyboard
`Handykey Corp.
`Produce a hand-held 1-handed chord keyboard called the Twiddler, for IBM PC machines. The unit is held in the palm of the
`hand and movement also provides cursor control.
`Infogrip, Inc.
`Make the Bat, which consists of two chord keyboards, one for the left hand, and one for the right. Both keyboards are
`identical (save for being mirror images of one another). The same encoding is used on each. The idea is that increased speed
`is obtained by typing alternate characters on alternate hands. One can also type with one hand usinga single keyboard. Thus,
`one can type with one hand, and point/select with a mouse, for example, with the other.
`Matias Corporation
`Make a software module that enables a standard QWERTY keyboard to support one-handed typing such that a touch typist
`can adapt in a matter of hours. Consequently, one can type with either hand, leaving the other free to operate the mouse, or
`use the keyboard in the conventional manner and type with both hands. No special hardware is required.
`NewO Company
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`Input Device Sources & Resources
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`Make the Writehander, a 12-button one-handed chording keyboard
`Make a special keyboard for transcription. Similar to the American-developed American Stenograph, the Palantype machine
`allows the writer to commit a phonetic version of the spoken word on a printed roll, internal floppy disc, or computer as an
`alternative to traditional shorthand. Used in court reporting and in doing captioning for the hearing impaired.
`Stenograph Corp.
`Court reporting keyboards
`Make a one-handed chording keyboard with pointing stick for both the IBM PC and the Macintosh computers.
`Acecad Inc.
`Make a range of relatively inexpensive tablets, including the AceCat III, a small 5" x 5" digitizing tablet. , as well as a 12" x
`12" and an 18" x 12" digitizer.
`Altek Corp.
`Bought the line of desktop digitizers, pens, pucks and drivers that were previously sold under the Kurta brand name. Still
`supply some drivers and surplus technology. The Kurtah/Mutoh tablet products have migrated to Finepoint Innovations.
`CalComp Corp.
` Tablet manufacturer. Consolidated with GTCO, and now sold under name of GTCO CalComp.
`Communication Intelligence Corp
`Made a handwriting system, Handwriter, as well as one called Manta, which includes a small digitizing tablet as well as
`software for character recognition. Now just make software for character/word recognition.
`Cross Pen Computing Group
`No longer in business. Made a range of styli and tablets called the iPen. Also made a portable digitizer, the Cross Pad, that
`fit under a pad of paper and captured what is written on the paper. Also made replacement styli for the PalmPilot.
`Finepoint Innovations
`A follow-on company, growing out of Mutoh and Kurta brands. Make a 12 inch LCD panel with pen input, the MagicPoint
`VT-12S Video Tablet and a 14 inch unit, the MagicPoint VT-14 Digitizer Tablet. Also offer a range of related OEM
`solutions, especially for Tablet-PCs.
`GTCO CalComp Inc.
`Company formed out of the consolidation of GTCO, CalComp, and earlier, Science Accessories, a company which made a
`range of acoustic tablets. Calcomp had earlier consolidated with Summagraphics, another tablet manufacturer. Make a
`range of digitizing tablets. including tablets made from very thin flexible "roll-up" material to facilitate transportation, etc.
`(See also Numonics.) GTCO recently acquired
`Used to make digitizing tablets. Now make a Tablet PC.
`Hitachi Digital Grqaphics.
`Made a line of graphics tablets, which is now discontinued. However, support and drivers are available from their web site.
`Key Tronic
`Made a low cost tablet, the NotePad, with a tethered stylus. No longer offered.
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`Input Device Sources & Resources
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`KidBoard Inc.
`Make graphics tablets, as well as a keyboard and ligtpen designed especially for young children. Also have a range of
`appropriate software for these devices.
`Kurta Corp.
`Company founded in 1979. Consolidated into Mutoh in 1995. Some legacy technology sold by Altek Corp. Technology
`has evolved into Finepoint Innovations.
`Kye International Corp.
`Make a range of small digitizing tablets under the Genius brand.
`Mutoh Corp.
`Were a supplier of OEM products for pen-based computing, including styi, and an LCD panel with a wireless stylus.
`Products migrated to Finepoint Innovations.
`Numonics Corp.
`Make a tablet with a pressure-sensitive stylus. Some models have chordless pens and pucks. Also make a tablet which is in
`the form of a flexible mat which is, consequently, extremely thin, and can be rolled up (such as for transportation). See also
`GTCO CalComp.
`Pentel of America, Inc.
`No longer in business.
`Personal Writer Inc.
`Made the Personal Writer, a tablet for the Macintosh including the capability of recognizing hand-printed characters. Out of
`Preh Electronic Industries, Inc.
`No longer in business.
`Procision Instrument BV
`Make a digitizer, the DigiVisor, which is intended for digitizing CAD drawings

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