Optical switch port den sity for major Metropolitan areas
`OXC's- The Centerpiece
`of all Optical Network
`S&C Consulting Services
`FNC 1045
`Cisco Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1045
`Page 1

`Table of Contents
`. ........... _
`--•-MoMMooooo•uoo.oooo oo.oMoo-..o- ... •••·- - - 2
`_, ..................... -·········-·- 7
`.. ........ _. ......................... - - -· 9
`UPDATE INTRODUCTION·--------··-------·-------· 12
`INTRODUCTION · - - - - -... --............................................ - ............. - U
`WE HAD A RO'iiTLFJ'ffi.CK; NOW WE RAVE GRIDLOCK ... ·-············-··········· U
`\'\'HAT ARE 0 X CS? ........................................................................... ,........... 14
`UI'DA TE Sf A TEMENT .... - ..... - ................. _ ..... - ............................... _ ....................... 14
`WilEN IS A SWITCH REALLY A SWITCH'/ ...................... - .............................. _, 14
`~ ........................ _ ... _ ..... - ...... - ....................... - ...................................... 14
`Routers_ ..... - ..... - ..................... - ..................... - ..... _ .............................. - ..... _ .. 14
`............ --........ - .... ,_, ____ ..... IS
`TOM Swhches ....... _ ....... - ..... -
`.... -
`.. - · -.. --.. --. IS
`ATM _, ... _ .... - ............ - ... -·--·-·-·--... -
`... - .... -
`IP SWitches-.... _
`.. , ___ .. , ___ ,,_,_, ___ ,_ .... 16
`.. - - · - - -·-..
`ox Cs • Tl!• ,,,.,qp~m or rile MWptiCill il't.r.'ort .
`- 16
`O<lvefa to IOACS Deployment
`The Parallel of OXCs
`General Features or an OXC-... -.....
`..... 18
`.. ... -
`..... -
`UPOA'I'E ~·r,\ ·rt<MEN'J' ... ·-·-.. -· .. ·-·-.. ·-·---·-·-·-.. ·-.. -·-·-- 19
`UNDERLYING TECHNOLOGIES-.. --.. -·-·-.. - ................ - .......... - ... - ........ 19
`REVIEW OF BASIC TECHNOLOGIES_ ..... - ......................................... _ ...... - .. 19
`(IIi (} ......... - ..................... - .... - ..... - ........................... - ..... - ............................ _ ........... 19
`OEO Vonelors ..... - ............ - ................................................................................... 20
`MEMS _,,_ ..... - .... - .... - .... - .... - .... - ... - ........................................................... -. 20
`l'WtJApJJCbOC[l(b\'(() JJ'f/c.'jl'fS ,., ... •-••••••-•••••-•••••-••••••oo••••••••-••••••••...,_••••••oo•oo•••-·•••• 20
`Digital Approach .....• - ....... - .... -
`............ _
`............ -
`............. -
`... -
`..... 20
`Analog Approach .... -
`.... -
`.... - ... -
`... -
`.. -··--···--... -
`.... -
`.... -
`... 21
`· · - · · · - · 22
`MF.M.S ikxt /DI!!Btmd ,-',.Rdtws - ·····-
`.. ·-···--····-
`- · - · - · - -· 22
`ADC ... -
`Agere Syslems-
`- · Rbo< Notwori<s
`c Speed Corp.
`_____ ,_,,_ , _____ ,_ 23
`CellantNo1worlts · -.... · -- -
`Cisco Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1045
`Page 2

`Coming ······················································-······-····-··········-··················-····· 24
`Core Tel< (Norte!) ••.••.•••••..••.••••••..••••..•••••••...•••..••••.•••••.••.•••.•..•.••••.••..•••.•.••.•••.•• 24
`Cronos (JDS Uniphase) ··············-·······-·····-···············-······-·····-············· 2S
`lntelliSense Corp. (Corning) ·····-·······-······-······················-·····-···············-··· 2S
`Lucent ·-
`··- ···-·················-·····-···-·-···-··-···········-·····-... ··-· 26
`Nanovation ....................................................................................... _ ......................... 2·6
`Onix Microsystems, Inc.··························································-····· ................... ._. .. 27
`Optical Micro Machines (OMM) ·········-······-··········-··········-·······-·············· ... 28
`Texas Instruments ···········-····-······-······-····-···············-····-·····-········-· ... 28
`Xros (Norte!)·-······-·····-······-········-······-... ··-····-·····-·····-·····-...... 29
`LCD ·····································-·--··················································································· 29
`LCD Del'e/npen' tltul l'ttlldtir.~ .......................................................................................... 30
`Corning ................................................................................................................ 30
`Chorum ••...•••.....•..•......••....•..•..............••........•.••.....•..•..•.••••...••.••..•.••••••.•••••••••••••••• 30
`SpectraSwitch ••.••..•..•..•.••..•.....••..•.••..•.....•.•...•..•..•..•..•..•.....••.•..••.•..•••••.•••••.•••••••••• 31
`Bubbles (Inkjet) - Planer Lightwa,·e Cireuits ........................................................... 31
`PLC De••e/omn Ullll Vemlor.r --·--·---··---·--~---·-·-·~-·--·-.............. 32
`·-···· 32
`Agllent ·-·-·-·-·--·-·-·-----
`- - · - - -·-
`Lightwave Microsystems ................................................ ·-·--·---
`... 33
`Kymata, Ltd.(Aicatel) •.•..•.....•....••..•..•..•...•......•••.....••.••••..••.•..•..••.••.•••••.••..•••••••••••.• 33
`OMO •.••..•••••.•••••..•..•..•.....•..•..•.....•...•..•.••..•..•..•..•..•..•..•......•.••..••.•..•..••.•..••.••.•..••.•••••.••••• 34
`• 3S
`I D Techuoltd:r ---··-·-................................................................................
`BASIC NEEDS OF TECHNOLOGY FOR OXCS ····················- ·-- - -·-· 36
`C.'ruiiJH1liW11J of rransparent and f)pogue .''iK•itches ............................... ~ ........................ ~···· 36
`Examples o(Applicatitms of'l'raii*Ptmmt UJUI 0p(J(Jut OXCs ,_ ........... ~ .......... - ............... 37
`STRUCTURE OF OXCS -··---·-·-·-·····-······················································-·· 40
`llltMrltutCf oL(.'IQ!i 1\'e.m•ork;j .............................................................. ~ ............................. 40
`CLASSiiS OFOXCS .............................. -... ·-···-·-·-··--·-·-· ................................ 41
`FXC ······································-----·--····-·-····················································· 42
`lt'S,t(.' .......
`·--·-......................................................................... _,, .. _. 42
`IYIXC .......... ·-·····-····-·····-·····-·····-·····-····-· .. ·-····-... -· .. -·····-·· .......... -..... -...... 43
`SuttuiUl!J:.Pt'l-~eature.thv (,'Ia.~.\' ............................................................................................. 44
`ltlltHJrlance .tJfTunuhJe IA$t'f'S ............................................................................................. 45
`Developers and Vendors ot Tunable Lasers ..... ·-··············-··············-········· 46
`Tunable lasers Vendors Ust ••• ·-·······-········-········-·······-·········-········-· ... 4"7
`ADC ···-······-·····-···························································································· 47
`Altitun AS···-·····-·····-········-······-·····-·······················-·····-···························· 47
`Alcatel ............................................................................................................ 48
`0 lOOIIGICon,hnglrc.
`Cisco Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1045
`Page 3

`BlndWidlhV - - · - · · - · · - · - · - · - - - - · - · - · - - - - - - 48
`Now Focua,lnc.
`APPLICATION - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - 51
`lmplnlft'lfting ( 'ro« 0NtHI'C't'f -.irlt (.Hjf.Wifl (.'la.n Tmn~t ,\'wil(lit"'t
`- - - · - · - · - - ·
`WICX -------·--·--·----------------·---·-·-·- 54
`lmp/t.,tiiMit C't•M·C"""- O<ido Of!G11.•• (})l(.j - · ·
`lin•_pMl'/LI'Ii•sfJ t'C• 14 F.xpt~~td lllniit~ 11-':mn
`\titvti~tg kc F.J'JW"d'* RtnJt!t Pons
`Br~gee ··-····-···-··-·····-······-··-··-···-.. ··-···-··· .. -····-···-· 61
`Baseband····-···· ................ _,._,, ................ -·-···-···· .. ·····-···-····-·--·-· - 61
`Trefftc Engineered ........................................................ _ ...•• - .. ·-·····-·····-······ 61
`Electronic Cro....Connoct Systems···········································-············-··· 61
`Torablt Roulera 01 Ring CoMaclors ............................................... ..._ ....... _... ...... 61
`OXCs at Ring Connactora .................................................................................... 63
`i\II.A.RKE1~ DRI.YEJl.S .................................... ~ ................................. --·-····-·--· 6-4
`INTERI'IIET GROWTH .. · -···-··-····-···-····-···--···-··-··-··-·· 64
`lltl•ttho"rm·~ --····-·····-··
`···--···-···-· 66
`VoiP- Volcleo*IP
`· · - · · · -
`B2B - s.-...... o-euo~ness Trallk:
`O'ru£R ORJ\ ERS
`Cisco Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1045
`Page 4

`Table of Contents
`. ........... _
`--•-MoMMooooo•uoo.oooo oo.oMoo-..o- ... •••·- - - 2
`_, ..................... -·········-·- 7
`.. ........ _. ......................... - - -· 9
`UPDATE INTRODUCTION·--------··-------·-------· 12
`INTRODUCTION · - - - - -... --............................................ - ............. - U
`WE HAD A RO'iiTLFJ'ffi.CK; NOW WE RAVE GRIDLOCK ... ·-············-··········· U
`\'\'HAT ARE 0 X CS? ........................................................................... ,........... 14
`UI'DA TE Sf A TEMENT .... - ..... - ................. _ ..... - ............................... _ ....................... 14
`WilEN IS A SWITCH REALLY A SWITCH'/ ...................... - .............................. _, 14
`~ ........................ _ ... _ ..... - ...... - ....................... - ...................................... 14
`Routers_ ..... - ..... - ..................... - ..................... - ..... _ .............................. - ..... _ .. 14
`............ --........ - .... ,_, ____ ..... IS
`TOM Swhches ....... _ ....... - ..... -
`.... -
`.. - · -.. --.. --. IS
`ATM _, ... _ .... - ............ - ... -·--·-·-·--... -
`... - .... -
`IP SWitches-.... _
`.. , ___ .. , ___ ,,_,_, ___ ,_ .... 16
`.. - - · - - -·-..
`ox Cs • Tl!• ,,,.,qp~m or rile MWptiCill il't.r.'ort .
`- 16
`O<lvefa to IOACS Deployment
`The Parallel of OXCs
`General Features or an OXC-... -.....
`..... 18
`.. ... -
`..... -
`UPOA'I'E ~·r,\ ·rt<MEN'J' ... ·-·-.. -· .. ·-·-.. ·-·---·-·-·-.. ·-.. -·-·-- 19
`UNDERLYING TECHNOLOGIES-.. --.. -·-·-.. - ................ - .......... - ... - ........ 19
`REVIEW OF BASIC TECHNOLOGIES_ ..... - ......................................... _ ...... - .. 19
`(IIi (} ......... - ..................... - .... - ..... - ........................... - ..... - ............................ _ ........... 19
`OEO Vonelors ..... - ............ - ................................................................................... 20
`MEMS _,,_ ..... - .... - .... - .... - .... - .... - ... - ........................................................... -. 20
`l'WtJApJJCbOC[l(b\'(() JJ'f/c.'jl'fS ,., ... •-••••••-•••••-•••••-••••••oo••••••••-••••••••...,_••••••oo•oo•••-·•••• 20
`Digital Approach .....• - ....... - .... -
`............ _
`............ -
`............. -
`... -
`..... 20
`Analog Approach .... -
`.... -
`.... - ... -
`... -
`.. -··--···--... -
`.... -
`.... -
`... 21
`· · - · · · - · 22
`MF.M.S ikxt /DI!!Btmd ,-',.Rdtws - ·····-
`.. ·-···--····-
`- · - · - · - -· 22
`ADC ... -
`Agere Syslems-
`- · Rbo< Notwori<s
`c Speed Corp.
`_____ ,_,,_ , _____ ,_ 23
`CellantNo1worlts · -.... · -- -
`Cisco Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1045
`Page 5

`Coming ······················································-······-····-··········-··················-····· 24
`Core Tel< (Norte!) ••.••.•••••..••.••••••..••••..•••••••...•••..••••.•••••.••.•••.•..•.••••.••..•••.•.••.•••.•• 24
`Cronos (JDS Uniphase) ··············-·······-·····-···············-······-·····-············· 2S
`lntelliSense Corp. (Corning) ·····-·······-······-······················-·····-···············-··· 2S
`Lucent ·-
`··- ···-·················-·····-···-·-···-··-···········-·····-... ··-· 26
`Nanovation ....................................................................................... _ ......................... 2·6
`Onix Microsystems, Inc.··························································-····· ................... ._. .. 27
`Optical Micro Machines (OMM) ·········-······-··········-··········-·······-·············· ... 28
`Texas Instruments ···········-····-······-······-····-···············-····-·····-········-· ... 28
`Xros (Norte!)·-······-·····-······-········-······-... ··-····-·····-·····-·····-...... 29
`LCD ·····································-·--··················································································· 29
`LCD Del'e/npen' tltul l'ttlldtir.~ .......................................................................................... 30
`Corning ................................................................................................................ 30
`Chorum ••...•••.....•..•......••....•..•..............••........•.••.....•..•..•.••••...••.••..•.••••••.•••••••••••••••• 30
`SpectraSwitch ••.••..•..•..•.••..•.....••..•.••..•.....•.•...•..•..•..•..•..•.....••.•..••.•..•••••.•••••.•••••••••• 31
`Bubbles (Inkjet) - Planer Lightwa,·e Cireuits ........................................................... 31
`PLC De••e/omn Ullll Vemlor.r --·--·---··---·--~---·-·-·~-·--·-.............. 32
`·-···· 32
`Agllent ·-·-·-·-·--·-·-·-----
`- - · - - -·-
`Lightwave Microsystems ................................................ ·-·--·---
`... 33
`Kymata, Ltd.(Aicatel) •.•..•.....•....••..•..•..•...•......•••.....••.••••..••.•..•..••.••.•••••.••..•••••••••••.• 33
`OMO •.••..•••••.•••••..•..•..•.....•..•..•.....•...•..•.••..•..•..•..•..•..•..•......•.••..••.•..•..••.•..••.••.•..••.•••••.••••• 34
`• 3S
`I D Techuoltd:r ---··-·-................................................................................
`BASIC NEEDS OF TECHNOLOGY FOR OXCS ····················- ·-- - -·-· 36
`C.'ruiiJH1liW11J of rransparent and f)pogue .''iK•itches ............................... ~ ........................ ~···· 36
`Examples o(Applicatitms of'l'raii*Ptmmt UJUI 0p(J(Jut OXCs ,_ ........... ~ .......... - ............... 37
`STRUCTURE OF OXCS -··---·-·-·-·····-······················································-·· 40
`llltMrltutCf oL(.'IQ!i 1\'e.m•ork;j .............................................................. ~ ............................. 40
`CLASSiiS OFOXCS .............................. -... ·-···-·-·-··--·-·-· ................................ 41
`FXC ······································-----·--····-·-····················································· 42
`lt'S,t(.' .......
`·--·-......................................................................... _,, .. _. 42
`IYIXC .......... ·-·····-····-·····-·····-·····-·····-····-· .. ·-····-... -· .. -·····-·· .......... -..... -...... 43
`SuttuiUl!J:.Pt'l-~eature.thv (,'Ia.~.\' ............................................................................................. 44
`ltlltHJrlance .tJfTunuhJe IA$t'f'S ............................................................................................. 45
`Developers and Vendors ot Tunable Lasers ..... ·-··············-··············-········· 46
`Tunable lasers Vendors Ust ••• ·-·······-········-········-·······-·········-········-· ... 4"7
`ADC ···-······-·····-···························································································· 47
`Altitun AS···-·····-·····-········-······-·····-·······················-·····-···························· 47
`Alcatel ............................................................................................................ 48
`0 lOOIIGICon,hnglrc.
`Cisco Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1045
`Page 6

`BlndWidlhV - - · - · · - · · - · - · - · - - - - · - · - · - - - - - - 48
`Now Focua,lnc.
`APPLICATION - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - 51
`lmplnlft'lfting ( 'ro« 0NtHI'C't'f -.irlt (.Hjf.Wifl (.'la.n Tmn~t ,\'wil(lit"'t
`- - - · - · - · - - ·
`WICX -------·--·--·----------------·---·-·-·- 54
`lmp/t.,tiiMit C't•M·C"""- O<ido Of!G11.•• (})l(.j - · ·
`lin•_pMl'/LI'Ii•sfJ t'C• 14 F.xpt~~td lllniit~ 11-':mn
`\titvti~tg kc F.J'JW"d'* RtnJt!t Pons
`Br~gee ··-····-···-··-·····-······-··-··-···-.. ··-···-··· .. -····-···-· 61
`Baseband····-···· ................ _,._,, ................ -·-···-···· .. ·····-···-····-·--·-· - 61
`Trefftc Engineered ........................................................ _ ...•• - .. ·-·····-·····-······ 61
`Electronic Cro....Connoct Systems···········································-············-··· 61
`Torablt Roulera 01 Ring CoMaclors ............................................... ..._ ....... _... ...... 61
`OXCs at Ring Connactora .................................................................................... 63
`i\II.A.RKE1~ DRI.YEJl.S .................................... ~ ................................. --·-····-·--· 6-4
`INTERI'IIET GROWTH .. · -···-··-····-···-····-···--···-··-··-··-·· 64
`lltl•ttho"rm·~ --····-·····-··
`···--···-···-· 66
`VoiP- Volcleo*IP
`· · - · · · -
`B2B - s.-...... o-euo~ness Trallk:
`O'ru£R ORJ\ ERS
`Cisco Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1045
`Page 7

`UI'DA TESTA TEMF.NT ................. - ............................................................................... 72
`CURRENT ll\'I>USTRY I'RO.IECTIONS ·· ···········-·········-···-·········-···- ········ 72
`MOOEL BASEO I'RO.IECTIONS ·········-·-···-·········-· .. ·-····-··-····-····-·- 72
`FtKet:al·tillg /.peal 0 ,\'C Marl:fl V«iltJ: Mcti"fl MtNi(fl........................................................... 73
`Example ol Model use-······-·····-··-·-···-······-·····-·--···-···- 73
`Aesultslrom Use ot Local Model ..................................................... -
`................... 75
`Detennlnlng Local Mar1<at Forecast lrom Potential ··-······-····-·- ···-···--·- 76
`·-···· 77
`U...l M"'*"fcJK..-r"5!fnd!XC< --····-·······-·····
`· - · - 78
`FDUCIUtbrc!XCMMktf (« tM'A - · · · · -·- ··
`Detonnlnlng the Wavelengths per Junc:tion Point ..
`Determining Number ot Junction Points
`Devele>,plng IXC Mari<et Potential
`/XCM"'*rrPDtrra<J f"'lJXCJ
`TOIG/!1/arl.,., fi!!M!!IfocOXQ - . -.... - -·-·- -·
`Dl'lllihtl Fon ru • o(OXQ (f""' ll!d/9!ltlr · · - -·-···-- - -··
`- -
`TotaiNourrberofOXCs - · · - ·
`. 82
`Foracasl of oxes by Application-·····-·-·····-· - - · · · · - - -·-
`·- ··-·-·-·
`.. 83
`Strn 01w. &wnt,,rn lnri!MJ:! - · · · - - · · · - - - ··-
`····- - -·
`..... - . ............. ,_ ................. _. .... '""""'"''' ""'"' .. 'UIOU"'u~ 84
`Slto TWo. 9- / I ltlfiKICIS -
`..... -
`·······-·········-······-····· 86
`.$tep Pm. ll':!JJlJi»t:Nt w f crn(l)'fS ··---·····-
`·····- ·······-
`Comparison of Local vs.IXC Aj)plications ·············-··-···········-···········- fr7
`Comparison of Large vs. Small Switches ·····-·············-·-············-· ...... fr7
`Comparison of OEO vs. 00 Markel .................. - ............. ·-········ · · · -········ 89
`PRICING FORECASTS ........................................................................... 91.
`UPOA TEST ATEMENT ·········-····-····· .. ··-·····-····-····-··-····-··········-·-···-·· 91
`FORF.CAST FOR SMAI.I. (32 PORTS AND LESS) SWITCHES··-······-·········· 91
`FORECAST FOR I, ARCF. (i\00VF.32 1'0RTS)SWITCHF.S .......... ·-·····--·· 92
`VENDOR PROF-aES ................................................................... _ ............. 93
`STA TF.rvlEN!f OF UI'DA T" ............................................................ -............................. 93
`SUMMARY OF VENDORS ························- ·····- ·····-······-···································· 93
`ADC ·····--···-···•········-·····-························-······-····-····-
`·······················-···· 95
`Alcatel ····--·······-········-·······-········-········-········-·······-
`······-·······-·····- 95
`···-······· 96
`Altamar Networ1<s ···-···--···-··············-····--···-·············-·····-
`Agllent Technologies (HP) -·····-················- ····-·······-····-
`···-... ··-
`···· 96
`Br1ghtUnk Networks (Corvla) ·······--···-····-······-·······-···············-·-·····-···- 97
`c Speed Corp. ·····-···--····-······-····- ····-·····-·····--····-
`···- · -··· 98
`··--· 99
`Callent Networlcs -··-··---··-··-··-··-···-··-··-
`Chiaro1Networ1<s .... - -·- ·- - - - - · - - -· - 100
`Cisco Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1045
`Page 8

`'"'"'' '-
`Chorum Technologies----- -- - ··- ·-··-···-···-··--·-·-···-···-·--· 100
`Cnromatls Networt<s (Lucent)------------------···--· 101
`Clena (Ughtera and Omnia)---··-·-·-·-·-
`·- 101
`- - · -
`DICon Abe<optlcs
`- - · - -
`LJGHTech !Abe<opllCS-------·------··---- 107
`Lucent-··-·-·----·- ·--··----....... ._ .. -.. - .... -·-··-·-- 108
`Luxcore -·---··----·---- -·--··---··-··-···-·-··-··-·--·-·--- 1 10
`Montem~y Networks (Cisco)···-··-···- ··-
`··-···-··-··-····--··-··-··--··-··- ··-
`Nelworl< Photonics-····-··-···-····-···-····-···-·····-··-·····-···-···--···-········-····-· Il l
`NOrt81 ooooooo-ooooooo'""''""''''-
`•·--••••-•••-•••Hooo ... oooooooooooooooooooooo ,.,,,,,,,,,,.,.,, ... ,, J. l)
`Optical Switch Corporation .. - ........ - .. - ... - ... -.... - .................................. -....... 113
`Optlsphere (Siemens) .... - .. -·-
`·_ .. _ .. _ .. _ ....... - ........................................ -
`Otera (Nortol) ...... ,_ .. _ __ , .. _ .. ,_ •. _ .. ,_ ........ - ........................... - .......... _ .. _ , 114
`Slemens ....... ---.. ---·-·-.. - -- .. ·-·--.. - ...... ,_ .. _ ....... - ... - .. -·-·- 115
`Sycernore .. -·--·----·- -·- · -.. ·-.. - - - - -... - ... - - - - US
`Tt!llab$ ___ ,__
`· - -.. - - - - ·
`- - 117
`Telllum Inc.
`Terolltnt t letwort<slnc.
`Xros Inc. (Nonel)
`R1NGAJIIO MESH A RCffiTECTURES ·-·- .. - -.. ·---·-·-·--·-- 121
`••-••••oo•••""'""''''"-•••••-•••-···-·•- 12 J
`\\1UJI i~fl Rif!Jt 1i'1!_fti!!IJJ'.l_ •••-•••·-··--•••-
`Type Of Rings ................. - ...... - ........................................................................... - ..... 12'1
`uavglt'IIJ:IhAq•t•.u ,, Rilu:s ... -···- ·---····-· ................................................................... 122
`~1llllt i\'Ul~fjf'!o'/l '/jJJHifllQ;' ............................... ,, .. ,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,..,.,,, .. ,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,.,.,, .... ,, .. , .......... 123
`Ht~ttlt•r:IJa.ft¥18-JtSJ..O!J!J.iJ!JJ. ··-····-···-............................................................ ,_ ..................... 124
`(JXC.,' llct,\'4'tl•.8c,,·tJ}JJJ./fJJ.Jl ........ _ .. ,_ ....... ,_ ,,,.,,,,,_ ,., ................................................. - •• -. 124
`... - ................................... - .. ........ - •• ·- ·· US
`CwuhittttdTW,U ' R@tlruii'INI - ··-... -
`... - •• -
`ADVANTAGESOFl\'ffiSHV& RJNG ARCHITECfURES ..... -.--.. --.. - U6
`V RK.--···- 128
`APPENDIXm - MATRIXOFPROVIDERS ......... -....... - .• - -- 129
`APPEND LX IV - LISTING OF ACRONYMS·-··-·- ·-·-.. ---- 132
`Cisco Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1045
`Page 9

`Table of Figures
`. . ..
`Figure 1. :1fEAIS I...ayt>ut .......................•........•....•....... - .......•....•........•..... ~································10
`Fi'gure 1, Sketch Qj"f'w•f! Oime11sitmal !l-I£MS.-·-·-····-·-···-····- ·-·-····-···- ·······- ·-···················.21
`Figure 31 Skttlclt Q[ Multi·l>imem;i()llal M eMS ..................................... ,,.,_.,, .............................. 22
`Fix11re 4, Sketch tif Liquitl Crystal TtTdttwltiKJ .............. - .......................... - ......... _,_,,,, ..... - ........ 29
`Figure 5. Sf.uttc/1 Qj Bubble Te(:luto/()g:; ............................................................................................. J2
`FiKrlre ~ t~fOMO TecJuwlfJt:Y .......•...•.............•. _ ......•.. M
`. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
`Figure. 7, Charocterislic.'l· of Ea('h Te('/r,ology ...................................................................... _ ................. 35
`Fi~:ure fl~ Example of Applicalimt rifTramqmrenl Slf•itch - 13W nm lnlerfact!$ ......................... .17
`Figurt: 9. Example tifTr(UISplmtlll OXC i11 Full Optical Envirot~mtut ..... .................................. 37
`Figure JQ, Example of Opaque OXC in Typical EnvirQIIIIte.'lt/ ................................................... .38
`Figuro 1 l, Example of Power LiJss ;, Tt(mSparcutSwitdres ....................................................... J9
`Hgurt 12. CQmpnrison l)j' Loss _Budgqts • Acti•-cand RtSJora/ r•at/ls .......................................... J9
`Figure 13, 2048 .r 2048 (,'llJ~ 1\rttwork .................................................................................................... 41
`f'igur~ 14~ &ample qjTransparent QXC • PXC (1an· ................ - ............ _,_,.,_,_, ..................... 41
`Figurtt. IS, Example ofTransptlrtmf OXC-WSXC Qas·$. ............................................................. 43
`Figure 16, l'jxample qJTnmspareut (JX(:- WI XC Clttss ............................................................. 44
`Figurt' 17, Table ofSwit('h Onsses- S11mmary of Featurf1!1· .......................................................... 4S
`Figure 18. l:.'xnmJ'IeofUseof'/'unable lAser in Transpt1renf 0}((.' ............................................. 46
`Fixure 19, Typical Applicatimr tifOXQr as Cm.,·.\··Comreci.'> ......................................................... SJ
`Figure 10, &ample tJ/FXC Oass Pib~tr•IIJ·Fiber ApplicatiQII .................................................... S1
`PiJ:tlrt! 21, Example tif FXCApplieutimr lll/310 mlt .................................................................... 53
`Pigu~ 22, Example ofWSXC Appllcalion .................................................................................... S4
`Flj:ure 23, Exa11rple tifn'JC.-Y Appllcutiotr ................................................... w ................................... 54
`Figure 24, lmplemeutiug Cl'O.\'S•Comtcct.r: with Opaqr1t OXC$ ................................................... 55
`FiKure 2.5, OXCs J,ter coJJJtectiJtK Market$ ................................................. ........... .................. ~ ... 57
`Figure 26, list qf U'tlvtdengtlt Routers for 1lPS .............................................................................. S8
`Figure 17. (Jsi.~rg OX(,$ ill C:onjtmr.tiQn "'illl RQ~tfers ........................ - ........................................ S'J
`Figurt: 28. ,\fultiple Riugs ............................................................................................................... 60
`Figure 19, (..'QIIIIet:tiott (~/'llilrgs ..................................................................................................... 60
`Figure JO, Tera/11'1 Routt!F ltttt•rv.:tiiiJttclitJtt .................................................................................... 62
`Figure 31. OXC: Ring lm~rcQnttectiQII .......................................................................................... 6.1
`Figure 12, flfu.'Oiralimt tif 400% Gmwtlr Rate ................................................................................ 65
`f'igur~ JJ, fmpact (if a 4()()%()'rowtlr Hate Qlt T()day•s Nerwqrk ................................................. 6S
`Figure 14, Ouu•en•ttlil't' E.'ilitfla.le of lltlt!TIIel Growtlr ......................................................................... 66
`Figure JS, llusinm Vo./1' (~'rowtll ... ........................................ - ..................................................... 67
`Figure 3~ 828 Vallie Projcctioll.'> ................................................................... - ...................................... 67
`Figurt 37. Trunsat{(lntic Traffic .................................................................. ~ ................................. 68
`FiJ:ttrt! 38., Graph rif \Vm·tdettglh Gmll'flt o.tMnjtJr ) tmctimrs ...................................................... 70
`Figure 39. A~·t. vs. f..o"' Projection Q{GrtJK'th o{ Wa•·qhmgllts at Jet. /!Is . .......................... 71
`F;gun 41)1 Clllnpt,.,\·ite tif'Current Frmxast.'>tifOXC Markef- US ................. - ........................ -.. 72
`F(s:ttre 41, Jl-fqjor lttput l'aramettrs as IJ,\'cd i1r the E.xample ............... - ...................................... 74
`Figure 41, Model Ouqmt j()r Comtecting IXC .................................. - ........................................ 75
`Fig11rc 43, lArge ( > l,(}()()lJlJO) MetroArttlS M()l!el Pf)ttutial MarJ.•et RHI1IIs ........................... 75
`Fi'g11re .J4, S maller (40(),{)()0<x<f,0()(},()(){)) Metr(l Area P(1leuria/ Mnrkttl lli!.\'UI/.~ .................... 76
`Figurt 45, Tt)(a/ Local PoteJitial OXC:S ~1arktt ............................................................................. 76
`0 lOOIIGICon,hnglrc.
`Cisco Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1045
`Page 10

`FiJ!U111 J6. ".~" (.~,,~ A.doplio, Rllle ...................................................... ---····· ............................ 76
`f'1'g11rt1 41, ~furktt l''q,eca,ft -l.~o/ OX<:s ... - .... - ........................... - ....................... - ......... 77
`Figurr 4.\ (iruiJh t;f Local OXC Mdl'kel FlArecMI ... - ...................................... _ ... , .... , ... _ _ _ 77
`f'it;urr 49, 1-fC: Mo.t•lofOXC: Martn
`- - · -
`Figtt~ SO, U'artleHJ:IIu p« }flnction Charf ..... -
`....................................... --------·18
`~·w.,• Sl, Pro}.-.tttiiV...,Imgths Pu S..alllundlo• Pol•
`Fi,;utr 51. Mt~rllf!t PDimlialfar OXCs iR /XC N~Otf'ls
`f 'igurr SJ, IXC: Ma_f.,.Q.¥C.
`___ 79
`f'ig""' SJ, Groph of /XC .llarkl'f f'orCOlSt fur OXCs ....... _, .................. _ ........ - - - -- - 8fl
`f.';llU.flf .U. TotnJ OXC .Utrrket PtJrt.C4.U · IJ«sed o, ll1e IAMI nnd IXC Modt"1s-.- - - ----8fl
`Figm"ff 56. Grttp/1 ofOXC MarAt'l Foreca.,1- Tuta/ MtJrk.d .......................................................... SJ
`Fig1u-r S1, FfJrt"CDSI OXC Units. ........................................................................ - ........................... 8/
`FiKIIfft 58, Gnlph lif Forecast oxc,·- u ,iss ............................................................................. $1
`Figuro 5V. I"'~"~' l~(OXCt by 1)pe. ............ - ...................................................................... - ...... 81
`l"iJ:11flJ 60, l•'tu•et:ast ofOXC<r hy Applicatitui ....................................................................................... S:J
`l"tg11r~t 61, 1'o111J Mltrket • Dotwmaw hnJJflt l - From "l)ghtwill'tl /)OM' fl ... " ................................ 84
`Fi)..:tJff! 62, C:tJUrJMrism• tif New and Old AdtJpdmr Rate,\· .............................................................. 85
`Figllrt~6.1, Tillli l t\·lorkt!t • L'tJtlitte Foft~a.,•s ...................................................................................... 86
`Pij:lllw ~./, Updcttd Pt)l'ua:u • Compari~011 of Lt~cca/ ami JXC Morht ..................................... ..ft7
`f'igu.rr 6$. Updalt!d Ftwft:O~- Q1'tllttilits of Wt:(l/ V$. I XC oxcs ................. -............................. 87
`Figure 61, Gruplt of lArge l'S. Small Switch Mark.t'/. ...................

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