`(12) United States Patent
`Ma et al.
`(in) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,567,574 B1
`May 20, 2003
`Inventors: Jinn Mn, San Diego, CA (US); Ezekiel
`Jnhn Joseph Kruglick, San Dicgo, CA
`(US); Danie! J. Reilcy, San Diego. (TA
`(US); Philippe Jean Marchand,
`Poway, (IA (US); Steffen (llocckncr.
`San Diego, CA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Omm, Inc.. San Diego, CA (US)
`{ * } Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`t.=’.S.C. 154{b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. ..\ru.: o9;6sn,54s
`Oct. 6, 2000
`Int. Cl.7
`()'l'l-l ER PL‘ I-3l.I(fPt'l”l UNS
`lluja, Marlin, "MEMS Struclure—MicromirrorArray,“ Pro-
`ceedings of SI’lE.’vol. 4019. 1). 556-566.
`Hoissicr, Alain, "Space division optical switching system of
`medium capacities," l’rococdings: Fiber Optic Broadband
`Networks, p. 55-70.
`llerzei, "New Optical Switch Development,“ 7th
`European Conference on Optical Communication. Sep.
`8-11, 1981 Bclla Ccntcr.
`Bright. Victor M.. "Selected Papers on Optical ME.MS."
`SPIE Milestone Scrics, vol. MS 153.
`(List continued on next page.)
`Prr'mnr_v Exarrriner—Ellcr1 E. Kim
`(74) /li'n't')?'.NE}§ Agent, or Fir-m—A.rien Ferrell; Fitch, Even.
`Tztbin tit Flanrtcry
`G023 626
`(52) US. Cl.
`............................ .. 385!l6; 385ll.8; 385;’l‘)
`Field nfSearI.:l1 .................................... .. 3SS.»’l|5—2{J
`References Cited
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`A modular thrce-dimensional (SD) optical switch that
`scalable and that provides monitor and control of MEMS
`mirror arrays. A first switch module includes an array of
`input channels. Light bcarns rcccivcd from the input chan-
`nels are directed toward a first wavelength selective mirror.
`The light beams are rcllcctcd oil" of the first wavelength
`selective mirror and onto a first array of moveable micro-
`mirrors. The rnoveahle micrornitrors are adjusted so that the
`light beams reflect
`therefrom and enter it second switch
`module where they impinge upon at second array of move-
`ahle micromirrors The light beams rctlect off of the second
`array of moveable micromirrors and impinge upon a second
`wavelength sclective mirror. The light beams reflccl oil? of
`the S-‘.cC()t'I{l wavelength selective mirror and into an array of
`outpttt channels. The alignment or misalignment of a data
`path through the switch is detected by directing two monitor
`beams through the data path. one in the forward direction
`and one in the reverse direction. The position of each of the
`monitor beams is detected after its reflection from the
`second movcahic nticromirror that it hits. The position data
`is used to determine the angles of the moveable rnicromir—
`tors in thc tlata path.
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`71 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets
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`U.S. Patent
`May 20, 2003
`Sheet 1 of 14
`US 6,567,574 B1
`US. Patent
`May 20, 2003
`Sheet 2 of 14
`US 6,567,574 Bl
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`I I_
`US. Patent
`May 20, 2003
`Sl1ect3 0f14
`US 6,567,574 B1
`US. Patent
`May 20, 2003
`Sheet 4 of 14
`US 6,567,574 B1
`US. Patent
`May 20, 2003
`Sheet 5 of 14
`US 6,567,574 Bl
`‘ ‘
`us.\n'o-.-a...a.-Mu-....-vruv-:mo..I;>5:I-r.-.-1III=u-u-ulninunp:1" L,‘..
`US. Patent
`May 20, 2003
`Sheet 6 of 14
`US 6,567,574 B1
`U.S. Patent
`May 20, 2003
`Sheet 7 of 14
`US 6,567,574 B1
`U.S. Patent
`May 20, 2003
`Sheet 8 of 14
`US 6,567,574 B1
`US. Patent
`May 20, 2003
`US 6,567,574 B1
` _W_9:__9.gdmzmr\\_fl//Tmzmz#1._7/_3....nm_0,2\\Q__cH_0.8/«Q_:_
`US. Patent
`May 20, 2003
`Sheet 10 of 14
`US 6,567,574 B1
`US. Patent
`May 20, 2003
`Sheet 11 of 14
`US 6,567,574 B1
`U.S. Patent
`May 20, 2003
`Sheet 12 of 14
`US 6,567,574 B1
`US. Patent
`May 20, 2003
`Sl1ect13 of 14
`US 6,567,574 B1
`US. Patent
`May 20, 2003
`Sheet 14 of 14
`US 6,567,574 B1
`US 6,567,574 B1
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates generally to the field of
`optical switching. More specifically, the present invention
`relates to micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) tech-
`nology scanning mirrors for optical cross-connects and
`2. Discussion of the Related Art
`Optical switching plays an important role in telecommu-
`nication networks, optical instntmentation, and optical sig-
`nal processing systems. Optical switches can be used to turn
`the light output of an optical fiber on or ofi, or, alternatively,
`to redirect
`the light
`to various different fibers, all under
`electronic control.
`Optical switches that provide switchable cross connects
`between an array of input fibers and an array of output fibers
`are often referred to as “optical cross-connects". Optical
`cross-connects are a fundamental building block in the
`development of an all-optical communications network.
`Specifically, in a fiber-optic communications network that
`uses electronic cross-connects, data travels through many
`fiber-optic segments which are linked together using the
`electronic cross-connects. Information is convened from
`light into an electronic signal, routed to the next circuit
`pathway, then converted back into light as it travels to the
`next network destination. In an all-optical communications
`network, on the other hand, the electronic cross-connects are
`replaced with optical cross-connects, which eliminates the
`need to convert the signals between light and electronic
`form. Instead. inforrnation travels: through the entire network
`in the form of light, which significantly increases the net-
`\vcrk’s ability to handle higher transmission speeds, reduces
`power dissipation,
`increases reliability, and reduces cost
`because the cost of the electrical devices are eliminated.
`There are many different types of optical switches. In
`terms of the switching mechanism, optical switches have
`been previously categorized as belonging to one of two
`general classes. The first general class of optical switches
`employs a change of refractive index to perform optical
`switching and can be referred to as “integrated optical
`switches” or “electro-optic switches.” The refractive index
`change can be induced by electro-optic,
`aceusto-optic, or free-carrier elfects. The second general
`class of optical switches may be referred to as “bulk opto-
`mechanical switches" or simply “optomechanical switches."
`Such switches employ physical motion of one, or more,
`optical elements to perform optical switching. Specifically,
`an input fiber, typically engaged to a lens,
`is physically
`translatable from a first position to at least a second position.
`In each position, the input fiber optically connects with a
`dilferent output fiber. In this way, a spatial displacement of
`a rcfiectcd beam is afifected
`Optomechanical switches olfer many advantages over
`electro-optic switches. Optomechanical switches have both
`lower insertion loss and lower crosstalk compared to electro~
`optic switches. Further, optomechanical switches have a
`high isolation between their ON and OFF states.
`Furthermore, optomechanical switches are bidirectional, and
`are independent of optical wavelength, polarization, and
`data modulation formal. An optornechanical switch can be
`implemented either in a free-space approach or
`in a
`waveguide (e.g., optical fiber) approach. The free-space
`approach is more scalable, and offers lower coupling loss
`compared to the waveguide approach.
`A number of different nzticromacbining technologies have
`been developing. Recently, a micrcmachining technology
`known has micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS)
`technology has been shown to olfer many advantages for
`building optomechanical switches. MEMS technology is
`technology characteristic of sizes from a few millimeters to
`hundreds of micrometers. MEMS technology is similar to
`semiconductor electronics fabrication except that the result-
`ing devices possess mechanical functionality, as well as
`electronic andlor optical functionality. MEMS technology is
`currently used to fabricate movable microstntctures and
`nticroactuatcrs. MEMS can significantly reduce the size,
`weight and cost of optomechanical switches. The switching
`time can also he reduced because of the lower mass of the
`smaller optomechanical switches.
`Many MEMS optomecbanical switches and cross-
`connects employ movable micromirrors. MEMS movable
`rnicromirror assemblies may be used for optical scanning.
`That is, MEMS mirror assemblies may be used to rapidly
`traverse a range of positions in a coordinate axis. Thus,
`MEMS mirror assemblies may be used as a basic building
`block for optical scanners. Optical scanners are ideal for use
`in optical cross-connects. Optical scanners function by
`changing the angle of the optical beam with respect to the
`information medium. Various diiferent types of scanners are
`capable of operating in one dimension (l_D), two dintensions
`(21)). or even three dimensions (3D).
`A 2D optical cross~connect (or switch) can be constructed
`by using MEMS micromirrors that move in only ll). For
`example, by using vertical micromirrors, where the mirror
`surface is perpendicular to the substrate, a simple cross-
`connect (or matrix switch) with a regular planar array of
`switching cells can be realized. The input and output fibers
`are arranged in the same plane as the matrix substrate. When
`a switching or cross-connect operation is performed, the
`optical beam is redirected by one or more of the vertical
`micromirrcrs, but
`the optical beam does not
`leave the
`common plane of the input and output fibers. Thus, the
`vertical micrcmirrors move in 1D and are used to perform
`optical cross-connections in 2D.
`A disadvantage of 2!) optical cross-connects (or switches)
`is that they are limited in the number of input and output
`fibers that they can support since those fibers are arranged in
`the same plane as the matrix substrate. In today's rapidly
`expanding communications systems there is a strong
`demand for higher capacity optical switches. Thus, there is
`a need for optical cross-connects and switches that can
`support a greater number of input and output fibers and that
`have the ability to cross-connect any of the input fibers with
`any of the output fibers
`The present invention advantageously addresses the needs
`above as well as other needs by providing a method of
`detecting alignment of an optical path through an optical
`switch. The method includes the steps of: directing a first
`monitor beam in a forward direction along at least a portion
`of the optimal path, the at least a portion of the optical path
`including reflection ofi of a first moveable optical redirect-
`ing device and a second moveable optical redirecting device;
`detecting a position of the first monitor beam that is reflected
`otfof the second moveable optical redirecting device; direct-
`ing a second monitor beam in a reverse direction along the
`at least a portion of the optical path; and detecting a position
`US 6,567,574 B1
`of the second monitor beam that is reflected olf of the first
`moveable optical redirecting device.
`The present invention also provides a method of switch-
`ing an optical input channel to an optical output channel. The
`method includes the steps of: directing a light beam that
`originates from the optical
`input channel
`toward a first
`moveable optical redirecting device; reflecting the light
`beam (ill of the first tnoveable optical redirecting device and
`onto a second rnoveable optical redirecting device; reflecting
`the light beam offof the second moveable optical redirecting
`device; directing the light beam reflected oil of the second
`moveablc optical redirecting device into the optical output
`channel; and directing a tirst monitor beam along at least a
`portion of a same path traveled by the Light beam.
`The present invention also provides a method of switch-
`ing an optical input channel to an optical output channel that
`includes the steps of: directing a light beam received front
`the optical input channel toward it first wavelength selective
`optical redirecting device; reflecting, the light beam oil of the
`first wavelength selective optical redirecting device and onto
`a tirst moveablc optical redirecting device; adjusting the tirst
`moveable optical redirecting device so that the light beam
`reflects therefrom and impinges upon a second movcablc
`optical redirecting device; adjusting the second moveable
`optical redirecting device so that
`the light beam rellects
`therefrom and impinges upon a second wavelength selective
`optical redirecting device; and reflecting the light beam off‘
`of the second wavelength selective optical redirecting device
`and into the optical output channel.
`The present invention also provides an apparatus for use
`in optical switching. The apparatus includes a first switch
`module and a second switch module. The first switch
`module includes an optical input channel, a first moveablc
`optical redirecting device. and a lirst wavelength selective
`optical redirecting device positioned to reflect a light beam .
`received from the optical input channel onto the first move-
`ablc optical redirecting device. The second switch module
`includes an optical output channel, a second movcable
`optical redirecting device, and a second wavelength selec-
`tive optical redirecting device positioned to reflect the light
`beam received from the second movcablc optical redirecting
`device into the optical output channel. The first switch
`module and the second switch module are positioned so that
`the light beam can be reflected from the first moveable
`optical redirecting device and impinge upon the second
`moveable optical redirecting device.
`The present invention also provides an apparatus for use
`in optical switching that includes a first switch module. The
`tirst switch module includes an optical input channel, a first
`moveable optical redirecting device, and a first wavelength
`selective optical redirecting device positioned to reflect ti
`light beam received from the optical input channel onto the
`first movcablc optical
`redirecting device. A detector is
`eoutigurtsd to detect a position of a first monitor beam that
`is rellected oil" of the first ntovcablc optical redirecting
`device and that at least a portion of which is transmitted
`through the first wavelength selective optical redirecting
`A better understanding of the features and advantages of
`the present invention will be obtained by reference to the
`following detailed description of the invention and accom-
`panying drawings which set forth an illustrative e mbodiment
`in which the principles of the invention are utilized.
`The above and other aspects, features and advantages of
`the present invention will be more apparent from the fol-
`lowing more particular description thereof presented in
`conjunction with the following drawings herein;
`FIG. 1 is a perspective view illustrating a modular optical
`switch made in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 2 is a schematic, side view illustrating the modular
`optical switch shown in FIG. 1;
`FIGS. 3A and 313 are schematic. side views illustrating
`optical switches that use multiple modules of the type shown
`in HO. 1 in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 4 is a top view illustrating one of the scanner chips
`shown in FIG. 1;
`FIG. 5 is It perspective view illustrating one of the
`micromirror assemblies shown in FIG. 4;
`FIGS. 6A and 6B are perspective views illustrating the
`operation of the micromirror assembly shown in FIG. 5;
`FIG. 7 is a top view illustrating one of the monitoring
`(detector) chips shown in FIG. 1;
`FIG. 8 is a schematic. side view further illustrating the
`operation of the modular optical switch shown in FIG. 1;
`FIGS. 9 and 10 are schematic. side views illustrating an
`alternative modular optical switch made in accordance with
`the present invention;
`FIG. II is a schematic, side view illustrating another
`alternative modular optical switch made in accordance with
`the present invention;
`FIG. 12 is a schematic. side view illustrating another
`alternative modular optical switch made in accordance with
`the present invention; and
`FIG. 13 is a schematic, side view illuslratiitg another
`alternative modular optical switch made in accordance with
`the present invention.
`Dl:"l'AlLED Dl:‘.S(.‘RlP'l‘|()N OF A PREFERl{El)
`The following description is not to be taken in a limiting
`sense, but is made for the purpose of describing one or more
`embodiments of the invention. The scope of the invention
`should be determined with reference to the claims.
`Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, there is illustrated an optical
`switch 100 made in accordance with an embodiment of the
`invention. The optical switch I00 is a
`riirncnsional (3D) optical switch that is capable ofproviding
`switchable cross connects between an array of input fibers
`and an array of output fibers.
`in other words. each of a
`plurality of single-wavelength optical input channels from
`the input fibers can be directed to a desired optical through
`channel of the output fibers.
`Because the optical switch 100 (or optical cross-connect
`100) is a 30 switch. there are multiple rows of input and
`output fibers that occupy multiple planes. In other words. the
`input and output fibers are not all arranged in the same plane
`as a common substrate. This allows an optical beam from an
`input fiber in one plane to be cross-connected or switched to
`an output fiber in a different plane. Thus, the 3D optical
`switch 100 provides an array of frcc-space optical connec-
`tions between input and output fibers located in different
`planes. The use of input and output fibers in dillerent planes
`allows for a potentially greater number of input and output
`fibers than a 2|.) optical switch, which results in greater
`As will he discussed below. the optical switch 100 pref-
`erably uses ED MEMS optical scanners. It has been found
`herein that 2D scanners are ideal for implementing 3D
`optical cross-connects, i.e., optical cross-connects where the
`US 6,567,574 B1
`input and output fibers are not arranged in the same plane as
`a common substrate. Furthermore, the input and output of
`the optical switch 100 are preferably symmetric, which
`makes the switch 100 convenient for bidirectional operation.
`In accordance with the present invention.
`the optical
`switch 100 uses a modular scheme. Specifically, the optical
`switch 100 includes a fiist module 102 and a second module
`104. Either one of the modules 102 or 194 may be referred
`to as a 3D optical switch module that, preferably, uses
`MEMS mirror scanners. In the illustrated embodiment the
`first and second modules 102, 104 are substantially identical,
`but it should be understood that there may be minor varia-
`tions betwecn the first and second modules 102. 104 in some
`embodiments of the invention.
`In the illustrated embodiment, the first module 102 con-
`nects to an array of input fibers 110 and includes wavelength
`division multiplexers (WDM) 111, an input collimator array
`1.12, a first mirror 114, a first scanner chip 116, and a first
`monitoring chip 113. Similarly, the second module 104 is
`connected to an array of output fibers 120 and includes
`wavelength division multiplexers 121, an output collimator
`array 122, a second mirror 124, a second scanner chip 126,
`and a second monitoring chip 128. As an optional feature, an
`array of monitoring beams 130 may be tapped into the array
`of input fibers 110 by tap couplers, and an array of moni-
`toring beams I31 (discussed below) may be tapped into the
`array of output fibers 120 by tap couplers. It should be
`understood that
`the monitoring beams (also referred to
`herein as the “monitoring wavelength”) may either be
`tapped into the input and output fibers 110, 120 as shown, or
`alternatively, beam splitters may be employed in the mod-
`ules 1ll2, 104 to receive the monitoring beams indepen-
`dently of the input and output fibers 110, 120. The use of
`such beam splitters will be discussed below.
`The first mirror 114 is preferably positioned to receive
`light beams from the array of input fibers 110 via the input
`collimator array 112 [i.e., the input channels) and to reflect
`the light beams in a direction substantially normal to the
`array of input channels. By way of example, the first mirror
`114 may be positioned at a 45° angle with respect to the
`input channels and have its reflective surface facing the
`input channels. Similarly, the second mirror 124 is prefer-
`ably positioned to reflect light beams into the array of output
`fibers 120 via the output collimator array 122 (i.e.. the output
`channels). In the illustrated embodiment the second mirror
`124 receives the light beams from a direction substantially
`normal to the array of output channels. By way of example,
`the second mirror 124 may be positioned at a 45° angle with
`respect to the output channels and have its retlective surface
`facing the output channels. While 45° is an exemplary
`orientation for the first and second mirrors 114. 124,
`should be well understood that a 45° orientation is not
`required and that the first and second mirrors 114, 124, as
`well as the first and second scanner chips 116, 126, may be
`oriented at many other angles in accordance with the present
`The firs! and second mirrors 114, 124 preferably comprise
`wavelength selective minors or dichroic mirrors. A wave-
`length selective mirror can be used to reliect signal wave-
`lengths and transmit all or a portion of a monitoring wave»
`length. In other words,
`at wavelength selective minor is
`partially transmissive for all or a portion of a certain
`wavelength of light. The certain wavelength of light can
`conveniently be used as a monitoring wavelength. It should
`be well understood that the percentage of lransmissiveness
`and refiectiveness of the mirrors 114, 124 may vary greatly
`in accordance with the present invention. Preferably, the
`wavelength selective mirrors 114, 124 comprise layered
`dielectric mirrors that are partially transparent for the moni-
`toring wavelength, but use of layered dielectric mirrors are
`not required. Because one function of a mirror is to redirect
`optical beams, the wavelength selective niinrors 114, 124
`may also be referred to as wavelength selective optical
`redirecting devices.
`The first scanner chip 116 provides the function of a
`director, i.e.,
`it selects the output channel. The second
`scanner chip 126 provides the function of a redirector, i.e..
`it ensures coupling into the output fibers 120. Thus, the
`director and re-director are preferably scanner based. The
`distance between the first scanner chip llfi (director) and the
`second scanner chip 126 (redirector) and the loss budget
`determine the required scan angles. The scan angles will he
`discussed in more detail below.
`Although the illustrated optical switch 100 comprises a
`4x4 structure having sixteen inputs and sixteen outputs, it
`should be well understood that the specific number of inputs
`and outputs can vary greatly in accordance with the present
`invention. For example, 8x8, 64x64, and larger structures
`can all be made in accordance with the teachings of the
`present invention.
`One advantage of the optical switch 100's modular
`scheme is that stand-alone optical switches can be made that
`are highly scalable. In other words, multiple modules can be
`used to accommodate large numbers of inputs and outputs.
`For example, FIGS. 3A and 3B illustrate exemplary versions
`of optical switches that are constructed using multiple
`numbers of the first and second modules 102, 104. Either
`more or fewer of the input modules 102, and either more or
`fewer of the output modules 104, may be used to accom-
`modate the desired number of inputs and outputs, respec-
`tively. It should be understood that the total number of inputs
`does not have to be equal to the total number of outputs.
`Another advantage of the modularity of the optical
`switches of the present
`invention is that
`the individual
`modules are hot swapable.
`In other words, any of the
`modules can be removed and changed while the switch is
`running. This feature makes configuring and maintaining the
`switch particularly easy.
`Referring to FIG. 4, there is illustrated the upper surface
`of an exemplary version of the first scanner chip 116. An
`identical or substantially similar chip is preferably employed
`as the second scanner chip 126. The first scanner chip 116
`includes an array 140 of moveahle mictcmirrcrs formed on
`a substrate 142. Because one function of a mirror is to
`redirect optical beams, the movable rnicromirrors may also
`be referred to as movable optical redirecting devices. Each
`of the movable micromirrors is part of an optomcchanical
`switching cell. The mirror array 140 is preferably fabricated
`in accordance with Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
`(MEMS) technology. Furthermore, the mirror array 140 is
`preferably configured to operate as a two-dimensional (ZED)
`optical scanner. 21) optical scanners with large rotation
`angles, narrow beam divergence, and high resonant fre-
`quency can be implemented with MEMS technology.
`MEMS technology is attractive for
`reducing the size,
`weight, and complexity of the optical scanners.
`The mirror array 141]
`includes several MEMS mirror
`assemblies 144. In the illustrated embodiment, the mirror
`array 140 includes a 4x4 matrix of MEMS mirror assemblies
`144. It should be well understood, however, that dilferent
`size matrices of MEMS mirror assemblies 144 may be used
`in accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 5 illustrates an exemplary version of one of the
`MEMS mirror assemblies 144. By way of example, this
`US 6,567,574 B1
`structure may he surface-microtnachined and may be fabri-
`cated by the standard surface-micromachining process
`olfered by the MEMS Technology Applications Center at
`Microelectronics Center at North Carolina (MCNC),
`Research Triangle Park, N.C., or using bulk silicon technol-
`ogy. Each of the MEMS mirror assemblies 144 includes a
`movable micronlirror 150 that is substantially parallel to the
`plane of the substrate 142 when in a neutral position. Two
`support means 152 are connected between the micromirrot
`150 and a first mirror frame support 154. 'l'wo support means
`156 are connected between the first mirror frame support
`154 and a second mirror frame support 158. By way of
`example, the suppon means 152, 156 may comprise torsion
`bars, be part of a gimbal structure, or the like. Four side
`support plates 164, 165, 166, 167 support the second mirror
`frame support 158.
`The movable micromirror 150 is preferably movable in
`two dimensions. Specifically, the position of the micromirror
`151] can be adjusted in a direction indicated by arrow 16!! by
`rotation around an axis through the support means 152. The
`position of the micrornirror 150 can also be adjusted in a
`direction indicated by arrow 16