`FNC 1015
`Library of Cszsngress {iataluging-in-Puhiicatinn Data
`’“»’§7’ebLaf;exr’s New Wm“?-cl stfiiiage ziictienarry I Vieteria Nea~1:f‘e§s:i$, eéiéiorirz
`xihieaf, David Guraimk, «=:+sc§ii:{a:~* in chief emeritus, W Sui ed.
`ISBN’ 0~{}2~Sfi1‘6‘73~T§; {:h2;.m¥3—in:§2xedL}.
`M mam Ct-i)2~861.87=:§~X :;:ea:h.1er1u~a&> L
`1. English iangaage -»- Bictioazaries.
`ii“ Guralnik, Daxrici 33-e1'na3'd, Z3920-«
`5:3 .1}amk:f B. €§££:*azin:1£t
`.?.e.ximg:*apizim§ 3?“::.£?;c2‘«:>r azarzd ;‘%"i:2mi
`'%‘%’é?;»sta:r% Newf?S?'m~7i<i“""iI3§:2E1ege\LI}ii:tLinnary.;’I‘ihim:f1 Editian M
`3.994,L«L199—1, 1988 by Sim;:;nL& E:‘>z3h=.z;=1ter§ .1;;:;s‘:. f;
`’§;‘h§:.-’s aditian is a mamr ra;»3visig2;r1Lc;:f ‘i’§’e»E93?fer’s ,2‘~§'ew ‘WaL{rL§<£ £?it7:15iz3,rz;zzr3L¢®;
`Se:::«:mdLfL}‘9’i1ege Eddtima, agpyrighii
`1982551989, §‘3’f9,,
`7 72.978, {ii-W5, '?;f;??‘4,
`Simian &?S€huLst«.ar_,
`A33 2,*ighis?:*ese1'vedL 7 L
`iztufiazeiing the”rightL§i’re1}raéu+::tinr;
`LL in wheie air in mm‘; ‘mg Vans? féarm
`3viLa£?I1}i}:§&1I1L {§t31}&(%IT&i"R€i’fé'1"é,ilCe
`V Affiinsmu 932‘: Sahzzsiher ZvI::1cmi}3anLi3<:rr:1‘pan3,7
`iA€$33'B7m sziwVay L g
`New Ytlfk, NY 3,{K31“3~{$78.3
`1e"5Js3r1ci**’ Bs::~V:.»k
`L A Webster's
`MAQM1i.LANi$VLa vzegisatiared. waqieézrxark Maemiilazz, Iizic.
`WEBSTE L ‘S NEW WGELD 1§§{§’T§’§()!~$A}s:TY is a
`vegijstered iradezgmaxk af Six-mm 3: Schuster. fine.
`Ifiicféonary §:‘?£:§it::s:°i::zEV {72‘fics=.s.*1
`.-Vsrwk Warici £9‘a£r::€zL+:ér:2:gti‘:je3:~:
`850 Ewslid Avenzze
`CZ€L»*€§~a?Ld;, Qitio 4‘-*1‘Z1L4
`’{8BZ‘-T 0»f}§:§~8€1€$?5§~§§
`1, ?§¥Ia%uE1e1a§t,‘\«’ic£Gz*is1.
`Eiatabase Lse>.1*2rice and principai typesetting by 3s:>n1p§_ Im::., H:.2c2;“;::1»:3. {}h.ic:.
`Manufacturaari in ighe 4United States (if é.,mer:i::'a
` ,
`emzng wdjr
`Hdsers 4» 3 1
` fl
`the act: at‘ me who genes 2 a“: helping, ur
`were-Eng {aurwixgfs /2,
`table int giving fmr§ M u
`- gie przmuzz, of fond
`used fun as
` am N pa.-News 211.. the table [a (s«7.=*;.x£.-Lg :3
`am-vs-tor ‘ HT’ .4 hr} n.
`5143 .r:er;';'cz»ur « OF:
`LL 5H"‘L!i.'.0.7'
`A. pp.
`other; ssesmaixt, atie.
`L seruéw,
`a peramx who star»
`amt, or: .m“meriy, 31.3 iier
`<2 L sérrn-in’
`-f.w«.m*’3 IL
`aerwfzzde {safxra (fr:
`i the mndxtior. of 2,
`wrzrw. siave’ “user 371?’ r E
`aiave Serf, our the
`b‘2UK'Ijx{-.";ti1)fl to a znxaszer, shwery or 'mm§zage 2
`w-ark imprmed as mm»
`tn the pmpeny at." as
`is.» meant. fer crime 3 Law the burden pia
`gmx "m by a speck‘ d, r ,ht asmmer has in '
`rrviccs far anniher. 2;
`E? M as-rvélucm refs? 3 X»
`‘azimr impu as as V»
`slavery impliew,
`n :‘« Mather p-<:
`m win) owns. and 4:4 mpieeei; mnw 2: gm
` m- of 9‘
`1' 5
`H‘! :0 ms; u‘)n'V
`Pl’; Ewund tr: ‘ass a
`éwsadage fxrigin :3);
`~ L hut
`my mnc£m‘uv 3!‘ ,=ub1uga\‘:im~. <::'
`madam. Ebevty
`smxsevg 2 .'~TEHV€)w_‘-
`wrévo €3I:£1"’vr§2) (L pz V-was 5.-‘zsyrt f
`:¥>.u1 ward]. of. permining 2, in Jpflmtmg, rar mlmmiied by 5; serm-
`+ me:
`sz%<r,<:¢3*mec!s(a-nism ‘
`vi: mek‘e 21 a’am,‘2 IL
`: «.=47.’\4§
`an auunnafic: mmrul
`em in winch the am. ut £5 x:<mst‘M:t,§5-' or
`Qmpatvd with elhe input ah
`Jgb evdback so am.’ aha
`vence between the twa quanmzesz mm M nsrzci so bring
`ai :azmuuzzi
`ram 7 mnieur -.
`L ,»?er'aJL:5,
`tar) n.
`3 ; n 6, acme‘ mr,-tor.
`42:29 seuzr)
`9. Fr mm an _w:mz.m 3 a d
`..:u}ie pzston.
`that is wmra.-ile<£ h“ an umpiified signai from a
`: mmand device at‘ low pa.3wer\ as if! 2: =1.e:rmm
`« earlier 5
`. L
`msmme €se5‘»9 me’) :1.
`"‘ altered (infl by 3:)
`-*.»rz:'m,xrz, afisamé. uh.
`wgzzmum wsanm «.; Gr
`rflkkzasiian ha JCIPI
`(pf piants
`1 :1 piam, {Se3am.urr:
`frxduquzyz) v.
`59 fiafi
`is yiefici an u&1i;le<>u m
`9 are used flu‘ fiavorizag’ bread, mils, 99:3. 2
`mi Rim? z;~f aircraft
`3ervE::e viitttiiéag aim aitimde ax. wmch :1 apes
`vzmnm, he
`9 of rvzdared aim
`'3’!€!.’i£? prev-*-s,zm=. wmé; ms;
`apewificti r
`fi:%:':~€§42§ mifirLa.L§;_et
`17.. a Icmg wzarri ---ms‘nui«aa~<3a’—
`rcsetvécee rréub 1
`<1-z‘ vsesirxuea wiuhsa,‘ as §‘?Qte.:
`rga rsisarfi 20 3:0»
`4.? mmm::n'm_<.v weitme 2 an armm
`as. my of .\;z~.’G.'e:“(', H’
`msrrase 2J.k;:»vcrm.»,.
`fiévafiéf an e§e‘/mixxr u'se(} L;
` 2 ‘V 22 g 9 dime} n.
`.1! $3 5 92 main
`cie; at
`maxi Eur «arming gquda. its
`wmwice smframte an
`«V .<-am. as she fin vet magi leaves 9; a t
`:2} thr-
`sea-2-:im2 5':‘es}‘1'
`etc. mihw {Egan by “:9
`samzzxg -1 j
`sz group, 3:: My, as of a Cmsri,
`zxeméce we ‘I ééandbrtfi
`the ;>.:~._ne
`my :-;e*‘:~l»:«s of such
`:2 E 4»
`ewlahza Ms: ,1
`the serve: m 35$ amzzci
`pamikl an the
`mi wéneh :1 xzerred baii must not 5:
`v zzzzsexizuga 2 a)
`ike aha court
`‘ya rfiay when
`pen for :.‘A:u;ses 3 :he g
`ww§ic:e—ma2‘. aism-“*2/19 man’. »1::,m,‘:
`:9“, pi, —m—ezn‘ {-2mm’
`-man} “‘ z
`mfier 5:!‘
`.3 armed fa
`1;: us’ me znimséar as
`2 :3 permzz WY 39 W-am)‘; is servscizzg '3»:
` kihtif [:2
`-4 szsarvéca man
`an with the dmmstj
`rvgmxrfing ., znezhzrzg [a male sen;.5ccrr;arzf:
`bied —-«$es’s;5on;al an)‘.
`m3<s=mé<:e mark a 2 miwl. design‘ wan}, Eat
` Mr
`sganv en.
`by _22
`, min
`to m‘
`suppihzr vi‘ :3 «zen. 2:, as £,rau5pc>r*.ati<>r.. Emu
`mgzué '
`aw wen
`. fr;-m that
`{agar §'H§.m$Sn??.cn) 289v$»l985; E35. C€’5’1"&p1>mi{
`tertnm nxxrvzmzwj, fox ’r;'.'=a:'s temus. awn
`t‘ 3. cemgzeaimr: usuaily aegis red :,'«.nd pm‘
`named by law’ cf. W
`;;md a half’. Em -muse ergu
`Sue 59 JWE5 élflii a half asse2§ an .3342
`mr'vése :n<:v:3ss§a a
`mi’ zswgrmin g_m;s~e+¢:rai't hat w;a£ams=.
`iater :4-f brsw or cespper. eqxxai
`Hommz <.-3:212, urig, Q!
`-Hirious supimrt avmemc mid its cxwn rocket engmn
`is separzmzd
`€'mm the she‘ before rzziam.
`smskter-titum xfise-s taxfahé am, Miami 11.. pl‘ vtfia 5'-5-h7E a,
`- entice alaticn 7 ti {am >3 pry»/<dimg zvfzmnmnrzrxca .~Té‘£“-'”;v.'é5,
`3 a msnemry mm zsf
`zfirrzillaé saésterifunz, gen. pi. at
`.e gym:
`ancient Raina U *'m
` ._ pyiiesa. etc, fol: zr
`:3-quzpzu at 2‘
`D11-Ice pm»
`~ Let’,
`‘~:es"zst’) 2?.
`wcimg men serv:
`zrvf 3‘€a‘$e’.v, sixth -1’. L
`..nrj Si
`ingz gasoline. u 1, en“, fur zzmmr veimies:
`gzm zsiaimn
`3 C1? the {maxi six Eines
`1” I ma:
`wsewice Sttip-3 ex smprz rs: a1.ny<>f!.i“xe frag‘-aiiek ziiagmxa! aexripea, worn
`:7. man: we
`us té'ne} A, p
`nu {he left. aieeve of :3 mif-
`31; eiamx-atc veers
`‘I, "~,-arfwzz «r
`mmmcezaree {M ‘
`‘fine smnm nd a Lmtesir
`serve ~ GE Syria
`«' LE Ease ‘so
`L 'i‘}F‘v‘}I£.‘§
`repeated :3: ‘.rary2'ng mm§:uma~
`1 F1 Ԥ:.x:rn;1ean mann-
`mans in an
`“bus fi:73R?5!!£G} }’H1\’§Yl_ en:-3}}. géfiible fiuht 2 a “‘ump2an
`$a:~s~m«s 2‘.-<e.«. am»)
`*9, -m aha Hellespom. upg,~um'te
`gmseznmixz am. (hr: Mid service zrae.» {£i'0.r!.2u-5 :»3rmi:1a:¥i.{e, azrrzihsr as
`{:mr’m:'* r>t’} N. E??? 7::
`:‘u2Fr «.
` 1*‘) Ft $32‘ 3e§’3.'ing " "E svilnzz (xzkin *0 Ger
`fie napkin
`:1 ma. an “to <.
`.e.::£'zm »; Gm;
`’‘J Lu piace m a séttixngpu mo.
`n .<:$t,; seat 2 a} to
`5&8?-VH6 {emr”»'e9i, will .30}. {V58 < L wry
`‘E mi" a slave «in: Na
`2 2
`‘ M! 0 sit on eggs in om’e.r in heat h sham 3%} tr; pm wggse)
`neat} 33.
`at <;I'zs.~1ra(.'L:»'s;mi(- n.
`umier a f:2\a.'l Jr in rm inmbawr ta hr-.m‘n 6' m 3 to {am £21 3
`sure: crizzgm
`zZ>_‘§ect‘I$ {Arvh iv} heié
`siazvezf; §3<
`, ftx,-a
`piece .2! pugsizimx; e-aruse {:3 he, fie, szmmfi. wax in a f.Vi)2CE fsez‘ {E12 hm};
`§&r’véie3iy adv, ~mr»va‘H!,ty gsar *;z§'£2 ti-j», Men. :3. —-~ser‘v§fe~ns“::3s
`L the Vabéel 4 in put in time pwper var designated pkgc
`in sea :3
`wheel on an axial 5 to put at move (3 3351:: U5 Hm bwfvi \’\
`sr Gr 4'71’: 3
`specifazd piac-e [m .w foot rm Land} 5 Ln
`xeihfing) into
`mn€a<:t wéth something «£52 an burn a p’
`.*z::_;; a mam‘: m
`it] 7 rs) iAxchaic§ Li} put in writin Wcnr
`.1: put or affix {«me“s
`mififlifitllrfl, semi. at
`"5 a fiuarzzment 8 us uausae ta’: be in zmzraes candi-
`em m relatiam.
`0 to be 0: heccume [so 5:34‘ B; houaa an
`ix:-:2,’ b) to gm: in :2 Mi!
`i posit‘ :1 _i'r,:; ma: 2: back an end} 9
`5; or
`w cause w he m «mark
`gper corzdit rm; pm in :, Aer; arrange;
`fix; aafijust; specifi
`ax} to fix ;.a H? , map; eta} 3;: a '
`H, m no match
`minxsxira M :0
`$3) in 2 mm: A) to mid: {hes ma!
`«:1 Lu put 6::
`part of 3 df:\ңۤ3)
`an pcssizkm {,0 w k /to aet 3 efmxzci-: an 9 lathe} (1) to
`adjust so as ts; he"; in a dasxted pusi
`I: far we: mgulats
`.1) xvii a radio
`1, 21 clock, a t,berms::st.at., e€«;.,.7
`») w piace fianeself‘;
`readiness far
`inn 1')
`put. an edge on {:5 knife, sazcvr, etc} 3') 3.1} adjuat {.1 Maw?
`by sixgi 1;. vie,-i"2eL*ting a!¥‘e1'x;aL5a teenh in rjppo its :iire(t£i0x':s
`.":} hi?
`sizrk {the head <25;-1 naii, screw, .:~m.,‘ helaw a surface 1} La £—U’{‘.~1E\;{€-
`min-1:3) with knives, Forks, gztiatss. etc. rm :2 meal
`,5} to put {a ciisfar
`..:« *
`(E ‘min: as: frsurmred bane} into ntsrmai pesimrn H)‘: hmsiimg,
`mendi .3
`(4,. m it: cause to be in 2: srzmed ..2: firm posxtmn; s.prmf.,
`-.1; to gym, or pr‘: 3 mm a fihzeéfi or rigid pnséuon /14) yet 0123?; jaw‘!
`5.0 cause mm: mud. ;3urp<)se,, etc) m be fixe , zanyieiding. dm':er~
`mined, em :3) m cause to iwemme 11.
`x or Sm:-ri in cexzxsizztwcy {pew
`ti)‘: sets je§i§;,?
`:2!) to rnake ta color} fem:
`in zi§;exz;;' 3‘; to mmma.
`embed. or fix {gems} in rings. bracelets. 6
`1‘; up aver, zemtmst. nr
`‘ec<~:" fie min’? watt-Ema, etc.) with Genus 3; Sn fix firmly in 5: frame
`fithe glass; in in-. winds>wj
`f:,| ta ax ange {hair} in aha d
`ed sfgrie
`In {Mir
`izzmpizm, vac. and 3-3:
`fit dry 5; :9 mi plant ia 8i‘.(n_7f,!
`cm) H $27
`.x take 3 ya
`' mar dimctionz F-pee:
`,z;s) to cause tn
`move as .99
`d; pmpe-i
`e agar‘.-en: ma thern wastwardj
`5} in
`point, direert. qr {as as
`“zed {to set his face tuwzard h-rmnei
`me; direct {r.=ne's d
`Empeg, Ewart. e
`wizh saw us mcenthxs {In
`or an =<<>mem1e 0: .~
`hing} 1? Err» appoint, a2sag§;£:sh, ardai
`. etc;
`:2’) in past or amt."
`2 for cert
`siaxties [tn W! serntnes at a
`E») *0 place
`mm M authmxtjr
`1 in Ex ilimws at
`2a; 33 :0 ii; at znmusim £21 xiim
`2' 320:. etizmg £1: 1isg:—_m‘:n
`>74! Fmiav as {he deaeflinef
`42) L3 fix‘ a time for (an evexli} i} to
`him» is retzulaztion. Law, rs-mrzi arr:-J of prey:
`.2E‘u= (:3 form. amér.
`cit.) 5') to give or furnish ism examgrie paziem, sun) for zrt-has M
`tn i.rzm.~d1:»ce= (a f:~1.~.hion.
`yie. eta? E} to ailmt or awsign {is {ask
`tn fix «fa quota. as of wurk) im‘ 41
`to 2:
`(BAR, em. $3 :12
`ix‘: fax a’_
`nuuut at’ 51
`“me. cm.) at;
`£6 amuunt
`5:29, em} 22} at; fix {a pm
`irnsxip Ur value {to set 3!; naught ad! that :,me mas wean}
`13} in fix
`1 ezstmxzite [to we:
`tle slurs by snmmne] M 2'3a%ei.r;g Lu
`qr pm.
`rgne-«.1 4is>‘!gl1) 3.4, rim. 15 Bridge in prevent fame" Imp!)-
`ing in point. toward the {M51-
`I1 wfa dog $7 MLu:.¢: V4) write at 93? (words $0 rnusit:
`'.\r musx‘ 2;; wurcts} “$5 Ihfrxfiny it) in z31'r:mge Hype) for printing 6'9)
`1:: 'ro.=p:mfa»:e §'pr§n't£:d m.~nt4.~r) bv mmputer or phormrmw
`;2«.).mm_m (5: Lu put {a gfem «If writing} inm prim W Tifeaaei’ :2) m
`yxiacs {:1
`J} ‘x
`nwzlj’ 2 Ifriem vmta
`er} w" h three sf ma-31%:
`éxe2£s§qui>car~b0n»a!e é—
`xx‘? I a wrhr;nat,e é
`which mam are ..
`emit: zwtza meta? amms
`-:r$&5fqui~cen-:san~ni§ai {sen ien’é 91. ~ia>n
`or enrfing a
`:1 merrmy tjon
`§z<3!"§€>d of
`smaaqué-ox-ide is
`’kwé i£<’a§d’} n.
`which three amxnis ear sequwealents n? mg g
`as £9 me U$§’)t"eF eh,-11
`t (3! mciirak
`L 5:35-
`11} fidf.
`wsiqué-pe-da~R;afi (
`"aux" pr»? dé’Ié an, ~p;: cm:
`in {min
`‘paidezfis, of a fzmi
`:1 mi
`qnm » _:2»m'aiis
`:5. as in ring (r. 4:)
`(gem. ;)m'is). n mm f
`1 me .x;r:ng a foot
`half 2 very Lung‘
`fmrzx which
`W‘ =_iz»,r\v5d fmm;
`67 use nf’,
`ixmg words
`mid gr” W:.*I"d5 3 t1:xm;,;,, or e-ham(:ter'ize(§ by it
`fiee inside mm and max cavers
`{tam szziafi bx mes xieveinpéxzg in {antic
`.,nr any
`aha .
`en" Ls.~r!m”n smaii <:.:us.i}exg;Smus :3-udufiea in me n0s+: Mn. sursh a ‘m e :2: