`FORD 13
`FORD 1314
`Spark plugs
`|-g_ (grad ) L. Steinki:
`.R. Miller
`Optical signaling systems
`,.._¢‘ (grad) E. Schemitzek
`Acoustic signaling !¥5‘9'“’
`Diplglflg. H. Rugensburger
`Heating and air-conditioning oi
`H_ lsso‘hOlSi. Sudd Kiihlenatirik Julius Fr.
`Born. Stuttgart
`Car radio receivers
`D pl -izig H. Prb ss Eilaupiiiit-Werke Grrbtl
`Intorterence suPD"""°"
`lrg. (grad) H.Hnioe
`Raclnn categories. classes and
`F Jiittner
`H. Chv. Grril Sehcrr-Thoss. Munchm
`I976 Robert Bosch Grnb-i
`Postiacii 50, D-70110 Siuligitlti
`Antnmotire equipment dl'iII§iDi'1
`Depiariniunt ioi technical publications
`(KHJVD i',‘
`Repruciucl on. duplication and translation
`oi this publication, even in abridged form,
`only tc ensue with our previous wr-3191 cori-
`sent and with particulars at source.
`illustrations, descriptions. diagrams and
`other particulrs on.y serve ioi eIuc:dation and
`presentation of the tort. They are not binding
`as regards details of construction. installation
`or delivery at particular vehicles or equipment.
`We undertake no |iab:lity to.’ coniorrn ty
`of the text with national er iocai regulations.
`Printed in the Federal Reaqbiic ni Germany.
`lmprime en Réoubiique Fédiirale d'Aiierrag.-ire,
`Ina. icrad.) U Adler, Din .-inn. W. Barlen
`Translation I97l
`Ingerfeurtviiro tur
`tachnischa und wissen-
`schaitlxcho Uocrsctzimgun Dr. W. D. Hooril.
`Euroiiiigua Protessionul Language Service
`Limited. Loruoii
`Peter Giriing. Robert Bosch Grr.bH, Stuttgart
`Graphics, layout
`R. Behrk-rcher. H. J. Summer. 0. Westermann
`Dis ibutiori Rights
`Exclusive diciributior. riuhls tor the European
`VD! Verlag
`D-4030 Dfiswldnrt 2
`ISBN 3—iB—4i8D04—2
`Excusxve dstributian rights tor the United
`States oi America. Canada. United Klriguom oi
`G'oa: Britain and Northern Ireland,/\ustra|ia
`and ihe rest at the world, excepted European
`SAC Society oi Automotive Er-gineers_ Inc.
`400 Coiriuionwoaitii Drive. Wancndaic. VA.
`15996. USA
`ISBN 0-6§6B3—51C—0
`Special Consultants*)
`-Iiig. W. Bar ctr‘.
`Engineering statistics
`lZ.‘ipi.»l'Il.arh. R. Lang
`Vibration and oscillation
`inf}. {gran ) R Leniariczrk
`er. nat Vt. Grothcor
`0 pl -In;; E Urigrirnr
`Strangtli calculation. hardnes-
`Dipi.-inn. J. I-.i.-iinnn
`Spring calculation
`Dipl.-ingi. O. Kréckau
`Gears calculation
`lng. (r_:iad.) Vii‘. S iiui'Ioii\
`D-pl.-Phys. K. Kerrer
`Magnetic fields
`Dr. ii.-i. 1-4:: H »U. Gruber
`High-frequency electromagnetic
`D’ »ing. W. Busso. Biaupunkt-Weri<e Giribit,
`Dip|..Phys W Oficmtiiiutier
`Atom physics
`Dr. rm. nai, H. Leibflle. lng. (grad) F. Mach.
`Industrial ma
`Dr. 'i3i. net. F. Esper, lng. (grad) R. Fiiize.
`Dr.-trig. W GutiI_ purer. nat. H.-U Grubar.
`Dipi.-lng. R. rlovicii. Iitg. (grad) K L rise.
`W. R{1ll'it.'f F. Stuiien
`t-teat traatmurit
`Dipl.-lng. D. Liodtke
`Dipl.-Chem. G. Ochotia
`Lubricants, fuels
`Chen‘,-|i‘g. Iringard Thiei
`Auterriativo mnchanlcs
`nnr AG. Stutt-
`Dipi -Ing. H. Dciblef. Driimlrir
`gart; Dip
`lng. W. v. Kam Daimler-Benz AG.
`Stuttgart: Dr.»lng. G. Prigge, Dairnlizr-Benz
`AC. Stuttgart; Dipl.-irig. E. Siege-rt, Daimler-
`Bc-vir AG. Stuttgart
`'1 Unless otnerwise stated. the special con~
`sultants are emp oyees at Robert BoschGmbi-!
`lntnrnaiwombuxtian orltlinfl
`Di. rer
`i~g {g'arJiE.
`Jggpv ii~g_ 'uia.).) E.-U Jouchrn, I
`H. Lauier.
`chic‘, Daimler-B
`Di\"‘tfll'-BOHI AG. St
`Exhaust gasirs
`Dr re’
`'. B. Blaich
`-..‘.‘/atzdn-i. Dectscre \'e-ftifisk" G"‘”"‘
`Gasoline injection
`DID|.~ir‘i'J. G Feigci
`Diesel tuci-injection pumps
`...., (grad) K. Konratii. ir*'.I« tgrad.) H.Tra‘-f"
`. Pair, rritC"\\'CV|‘. Mann ii.
`‘r-iummiz‘ Gmbh.
`Engine cooling
`H_|§§e:hCf$l. Si.dd. Kuhlerinhtik ..i.i|i..s Fr.
`sum, Stuttgull
`Clutchaa, transmissions. clearing
`Prat. Dr. H.-J. Féister. De-mlor-Befll AG.
`Oil hydraulic:
`iiig. (grad ) W. V‘-'eii_;er!
`Wheel suspension
`ing.<qi.=id.)0 Efisler
`Dhlng, G Piigge. Daimler-Benz AG, Slutt-
`Tires and wheels
`ti Medic Co-itincnlal Gummi-Wrirke AG.
`H‘;-tr we Miioibeitcr dew DJNOP AG- ""‘““‘“
`Braking equipment
`Ing_ (grad) H. Béhriiler
`Graphical symbols. circuit diagrams.
`terminal designation:
`‘N. SCi".r‘.£‘.dPY
`cahla calculation
`|ug_ (grad) E. Heller
`Generator-I, alternator:
`Dipi.-ing E. Kuhn. R. Lcanig
`Sturago batteries
`-_,,g_ (grad) A. Hefiiner
`Starting motor:
`mg. (glBd>) E. Biiirkln
`Battery ignition
`Dipi—Phys. W. Oi
`.i~hiiuBer, Dr. rer.
`Magneto ignition
`Dipi.-lng. J West!!!‘-93'?’
`FORD 1314
`303 clutches
`exist between
`Ti-o lollowing relationships
`torque Tr‘ or DOM,-r P:-. angular velocity H‘I’ at
`iiwr- pump, diameter I) of the Foettingar coun-
`ijng Md rignsity 5. :6 Mt: operating (‘.-.ivd:
`Tr L” 0 i mp’ D’
`Pr: = (2). cur’ Dr.
`The coefficient 01 perlorrrianco Z (dillIE'1$IO’1'
`less) is DJ’llClJllV|‘{ dcpnrdcn! or tho sound
`ratio between the turbine and pump 7:1/rri-_ as
`well as on the design (see _r]':1p").
`Aulomalic clutches
`Optsrating trn clutch and gaarshiftmg are trie
`mosi tring
`art 0‘ motoring I’ orts hare thus
`t-rm». made:
`simply‘, oper
`on by means at
`a.t<..n:.i'.i: cliiicries
`IG-.=ars.-ilting is sill
`quurid out ch. ch O{.\|'3'3iIOi‘ ant: a clulch pooai
`a*o iisperseci mt.-i).
`Anicmatic c -Ache: havoacpurntc or com-
`bined xiariii-g uni-5 shiiii-wg clinches. The to--
`Iowinn are emp c'_
`as ne sianing clutch:
`.,ga| clutch. Focitin-ge' coupling (today
`the Focltmgcr io'quc converter)
`aciiiaicd 3-_-v-.o~clui:;ii. Fualurczi
`to all start.. g clutches:
`an engine
`idiirg were .5 'II) u’ only riugligible loruuc
`tin i5.'Tl55IC|'1. c'u'cti torque increases with I‘:-
`ii; e--iii-ic saecd. $l",i5'.ing clutcfics are
`onC'a‘.i:d :11:-irma:ica‘|',' hyd'au|ica||y or elec-
`mu cor-xrol
`lIL"ing mostly electrical
`(.Za -.a|~.'cs) i’Ul"l'I t.‘
`, gear shill ever
`Elfll'Ip c ol an anioniatic c|ui:h (sec diu-
`g'arr)' i:'arks.hafI W is co.-sncicioc with Foet-
`lcrqua Converter F. Stall-torque vith
`iurniire staiionary (vehicle stationary)!
`. way firsi gear can usua y be dispc sec
`w.:h). The torque converter ci
`rui! ix ted by
`a soecia‘. engini.-:‘iiveri o.1p no Z (pass in ,i
`va hear exchanger). Gearsh
`g pc'loi'iicd
`maruaily. Touching the gearshift lever closes
`Contact 2. which owns valve C'aii1 soicra d a.
`Vaci;.iin ‘rcrr l'\l8l(e ma-iitnic d o
`s clii-en K
`we ie".'o-motor ‘. After roleasirg no
`the so noid is de-energized ano ‘ e
`c ulch is engaged quickly or gently (via va!
`in am:
`i-). depend -ig an the pressurc in
`carburetor throat.
`Coc‘fc.cin: at performance 2. of Foattingor
`D with batflo plate
`Gearsh '
`0” tar.“
`Automatic c i.tch
`’ni=. do \-9'5 8
`al ccroustio" e
`ire speed
`.'3'I«'.:e. and her.-.e increas we r.
`as the ra-
`taric-ie. speed JICVEBSES. A drecilr driuer
`xenicie .v:u a pr
`9 onl; lit 9 HCC€‘l9VHilO".
`an: e
`iiaii lJI‘SIU§iiClO’y c.’ r'*
`3 abr‘Etv,- (see
`rec! (ll
`). Fc' ‘his roasnr .1
`missinn v..t*
`ariahe raria is prov on rin-
`r.».‘. ‘l‘ hr) min
`4: awd vL‘lI r;‘c. Yhe tzii-ction oi
`av~:.-issien is ro
`'m- lVr5Illl'TllHV'
`enr_:i.-s.- ricwer which i-; 3 . at at aniy OHD on-
`girwz pond, at any driving spore.
`9 force nyperoola (line oi
`consta-it pc' nrir1'*o :in'lcr'ranc¢* map, 599
`diiigrarflt can be attained c.1l,i approximately in
`practice. I’ tho case of iiifiniioly variah is trans-
`missions because at he Io-r.i:»r cffic oncy. and
`1-: Pin \::i:o cf steaebystep gearboxes
`spnc oi‘ holtur uiiicim-:5) because of 6*»; slaps.
`How good sue“ Bl’Bp!aY’Or|
`is IN ire case oi
`the iartcr irarsmisaions ce:e1ds on the er.»
`. to’:uo characicris ics and tho nunhcr ot
`gears. The tcicue ul
`CC(.’0d5CS '| “'12 upper spend range iiavorasle.
`"Lvuflu u '
`'),ncincu zudapia
`to ‘bc iraciivc {ti .e 'yperl:cv|i-1
`fewer 'ru'is".‘i 5i3" s‘.cf‘§. I1 tr: ccsu old 53:!
`ong,nes the 1C'lG'..B .5 .isuai', vri.ia.i'y cor».-
`steii-t, er 0 ilrv r‘.iaz:iri.iri aower I-. av.il.ab r: at
`one erig;
`.e speed or
`H mg a iiigrv "run".
`ol craiismi
`on grep.
`sin. dues nct
`‘htsci d.scc-itini. [$65. The
`number ct
`s a comnrcrrwsu ti.-i/.cL~n
`optima": .2111
`-on andsimcliic
`r‘ clopi'.-r-
`Tiansrr ssicns are mo-all-,' ct-sig
`var-,ir~; %t!=p§I
`i‘. csrzy spaced unity}:
`1*. I.
`gears. wide v SLHEEJ c-.-ier
`cal:-ration _r; are:
`The Var o o .he first gear
`1: dtrcrmined ‘.ill’t'!f
`by this adhc we lo
`.9‘ *9 drivi g
`"e-255 0!
`live 'hP.x‘r"-.Jm -rat:
`. (mi:’
`9r0alL-'L1a1 3S_
`Step-by-step gearbox
`as are
`In S'JC'|lfflfiS7T1I. one a "umber o.
`termed bet
`n he ‘na..»t
`l.dmi*‘, am ou‘.::i.i
`snails my Jeans of1_i=a's. with gas or:
`coroora'ed .-i the p
`or ira ~
`her r“anuall,-
`or by serve as; stance.
`l. / ideal tracliva
`force hyperbole
`_)‘j‘_/ 40% median!
`H/spo'k~igr ion ergirie with
`\ speed transmission
`Diesel engine .v
`sceed iransrviissior
`racticnD"ec: d”"°
`Performance map
`Manual shifted transmissions
`These are mostly‘ l51':'i"|3"
`uo/.-er (V
`passes Pun‘
`ec‘ tcn driven p ta
`via the dr ‘I: sraii and constant-'nesr: CYl\rlI'1[)
`the 2"
`ed :_:eaip'
`[.|'\FFu'F’$F! gl‘.flfl-'I0l‘D’-
`ma! c;rcctio" cf I0lr3IIO'I is reversed ~.- a a third
`irternaciate shat. Traiismissio
`lzzr casser-
`g;e' car: rare 3. .5 Mars (mairiy G) and for
`CDFi‘."l\.‘F‘.‘!!.il ucnici
`.12 gm’;
`6}. Tiflr‘.Sfl‘iSS‘O‘lS v.ii'\ n‘
`re than 6 gears
`are ‘nos! , oi
`the r.ar~_
`ct-tinge (auxiliary-
`range) 7 :e where the gear pars arr: used
`.mc_. Advantagr lea/er gears, dis-
`ad.-ariaae: sore‘. mes two gear pairs have to
`tie engaged 5l1'|'|l.|iH'N?5L'$'i)'
`ring he Dower
`via a gear pair, is pi:-rfo.-rrec rvanuaiiy bi’
`_ nears or a ccg clutcri.
`Sliding gears
`:J.ra ht-tocthi-d. no axial
`:-icisy anti d
`cult to operate. In the
`case at aassnnger cars ‘..§Ed only tor reverse
`scnziily ‘rs: gear; onl-,
`found ‘i-.
`~4\rv.= oi ‘rucks (iiso oocrcasivig).
`FORD 1314
`FORD 1314