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`said of a person, etc: moving, working and doing things; full of energy.
`said of a machine, etc: operating; working.
`having an effect the active ingredients.
`said of a volcano: liable to erupt; not extinct.
`physics radioactive.
`grammar (abbreviation act.)
`denoting or relating to a verbal construction in which the subject performs the action or has the state described by the verb, as in the man fell, smoking kills you and God exists.
`Compare passive (/content/entry/1219412).
`denoting or relating to the verb in such a construction.
`noun grammar
`(also active voice) the form or forms that an active verb takes.
`an active verb or construction.
`actively adverb.
`[14c: from Latin activus.]
` Chambers 21st Century Dictionary, © Chambers Harrap Publishers Limited 2001
`Active. (2001). In M. Robinson and G. Davidson (Eds.), Chambers 21st Century Dictionary. London, United Kingdom: Chambers Harrap. Retrieved from
`Every effort has been made to have our citations be as accurate as possible, but please check our work! APA Style (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/)
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`(http://search.credoreference.com/content/entry/pcpdspalaw/active/0) in Spanish Law Dictionary, Peter Collin Publishing
`(http://search.credoreference.com/content/entry/wileycommtech/active/0) in Dictionary of Communications Technology: Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations, Wiley
`1. Able to communicate. 2. An adapter is active if it is able to communicate. 3. In IBM's VTAM, pertaining to a major or minor node for which...
`(http://search.credoreference.com/content/entry/apdst/active/0) in Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology (http://search.credoreference.com/content/title/apdst)
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`noun : grammar a word formed from a verb, which has adjectival qualities as well as verbal ones. There are two participles in English, the ...
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`noun 1. a sound produced by the vocal organs and uttered through the mouth, especially by humans in speech or song. 2. the...
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`verb ( been , being ; present tense am , are , is ; past tense was , were ) intransitive 1. to exist or live I think,...
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`adjective 1. lacking positive or assertive qualities; submissive. 2. lethargic; inert. 3. grammar (abbreviation ...
`(http://search.credoreference.com/content/entry/chambdict/activate/0) in Chambers 21st Century Dictionary (http://search.credoreference.com/content/title/chambdict)
`verb ( activated , activating ) 1. to make something start working or go into operation. 2. to increase the energy of...
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`Active | Chambers 21st Century Dictionary Credo Reference