` (http://app.na.readspeaker.com/cgibin/rsent?customerid=6538&lang=en_us&readid=main_content_text&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.credoreference.com%2Fcontent%2Fentry%2Fchambdict%2Fmonitor%2F0)
`STIC Logo (http://ptoweb/patents/stic/)
`any instrument designed to check, record or control something on a regular basis.
`a highquality screen used in closedcircuit television systems, in TV studios, etc to view the picture being transmitted, etc.
`the visual display unit of a computer, used to present information to the user.
`in a school: a pupil who helps with specific tasks, or a senior pupil who helps to enforce discipline over other pupils.
`someone whose job is to monitor eg a situation, process, etc.
`(also monitor lizard) any of various large carnivorous lizards of Africa, Asia and Australia, so called because they are thought to give a warning of the presence of crocodiles.
`telecommunications an apparatus for testing transmission without interfering with the regular transmission.
`verb (monitored, monitoring) to check, record, track or control something on a regular basis; to observe or act as a monitor of something.
`monitorial adjective.
`monitorship noun.
`monitory adjective, formal serving as a warning or tellingoff.
`[16c: from Latin monere to warn or advise.]
` Chambers 21st Century Dictionary, © Chambers Harrap Publishers Limited 2001
`"Monitor". 2001. In Chambers 21st Century Dictionary, edited by Mairi Robinson and George Davidson. London: Chambers Harrap.
`Every effort has been made to have our citations be as accurate as possible, but please check our work! Chicago Style (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/)
`More entries about monitor
`(http://search.credoreference.com/content/entry/bhelec/monitor/0) in Newnes Dictionary of Electronics, Newnes (http://search.credoreference.com/content/title/bhelec)
`(http://search.credoreference.com/content/entry/bhfidt/monitor/0) in Focal Dictionary of Telecommunications, Focal Press (http://search.credoreference.com/content/title/bhfidt)
`(http://search.credoreference.com/content/entry/rawdeod/monitor/0) in Rawson's Dictionary of Euphemisms and Other Doubletalk
`To eavesdrop, to spy; a practitioner of such activities. Monitoring may be accomplished by overhearing (with a wiretap or hidden microphone)...
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`noun 1. in a school: a senior pupil with minor disciplinary powers. See also monitor ( noun 4). 2. in some countries: the...
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`Monitor | Chambers 21st Century Dictionary Credo Reference