`ServiceNow, Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
` hiizosriial éissriouéiea 3;‘. in «anti
`.~, the §}i‘{3i7zli‘>ii§iiCi
`':~zi,:"i;2."o§:: ciiosett
`cess. A §§ei":':<;=t.:Ei% §‘f>l’t3CC§;\l has three
`p:;>ssii'aie t'}iEiL"駧!“s$.\Z—-§;ti;‘<£C.\§ or
`:2: el‘; other trig:
`and the
`for each trial is constant. A oino«
`ovtiiiezhiiity of
`mini distribution can he used to caictiiate the prohahiiity
`oi" gettiiig a specified ntinther of successes in at Bernoulli
`process. For example. the binomial distribution can he
`used to calculate the probability of getting a 7 three times
`in 20 rolls of 21 pair of dice. Also called: Bernoulli distri~
` ‘
` i§§§‘§§%§§’&i eoiiiiéi
`i§eri«:eic>;:1::éc , *t§\E;n*ne §)o:n;iii:
`’j%§"igiiE:,:ii}" aw .
`he 83%}
`‘IX dcyeiopeci at the Berkeley campus of the
`stuns oi‘ UNEX. As U domain name scrx-er‘. BEND tinrisliites
`hetweeii hurrian-readable domain names and Internet-
`iriendly. numeric ii’ addi“ sses. It is widely used on inter»
`net servers. See also DNS, DNS server. IP address.
`Binder ii. A Microsoft Otlice program that you can use to
`organize related documents. You can check spelling. num-
`oer pages consecutively acrt
`all documents in the
`hinder. and print the documents.
`hinding 22. The process by which protocols are associated
`with one another and the network adapter to provide a
`complete set of protocols needed for handling data from
`the application layer to the physical layer. .399 also lS(L)/
`{>81 reference model.
`binding time :2. The point in a pi‘ogi‘am"s use at which
`iiinding of information occurs, usually in reference to pro»
`grant} elements being bound to their storage locations and
`vasiues. The most common hinding times are during com-
`géiiaitioii (_compile~time binding), during linking (link—time
`in hiomeb
`BioAPi n. An open system specification for
`ric security and authentication technologies. BioAPI sup-
`ports :1 wide range ol’ biometric technology, from handheld
`devices to large—scale networks, and applications include
`lingerprint identification. tacizil recognition, speaker veri~
`lication, dynamic signatures. and hand geometry. BioAPi
`was developed for the BioAPi Consortium, at group of
`organizations with ties to biometrics. Bi0APl incorporates
`compatibility with existing biometric standards such as
`HA—APl. which allows applications to operate BioAP!—
`compliant technologies without modification.
`biometrics :2. Traditionally. the science of measuring and
`analyzing human biological characteristics. In computer
`technology. biometrics relates to authentication and secu-
`ServiceNow, |nc.'s Exhibit 1010
`ServiceNow, Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Seating 2;. In
`snare: “ications a
`hy electricai ii
`tdetinizion 3;.
`rniiéeti si
`rial. See
`stasis nits:-cation 3%. Apgitirtiiizsment or rneniergs that
`the proigrarn
`The t“tEi3m~
`i daring the pr:
`:‘arr{s esecntiaie
`aiioc .
`deaiiocatcd untii the
`ailotsate. den
`C{,;*é3r£§?{i%‘a? dyna iii ailncation.
`static hinding :2. Sinai
`manifesting ssenhiiiic
`in the prngrain ..
`occtirs during prngrarn cernpilation or iinkage. A5552
`tzsffezf,‘ eariy
`Ci’,?:‘?t;?c‘§?‘£ tiynamic l7indi..a
`static either :2.
`entire snund;
`entire sound can he
`sound iiuféei‘ that contains
`heifers are
`once to the hniifer. 5125
`static eteeirieity 52. An eiectrica; —. arge accnrnniated
`an ohiect. Although generaliy harmless to hnrnans, the
`oi static electricity through an electronic
`severe damage to the circnit.
`static RAM :5. A form of semicondnctor memory {Rfialt
`on the logic circuit i<nown as a flip-flop, which
`retains iniorniation
`long as there is enough power to r
`the device. Static RAMS are usually reserved for nse in
`caches. ACmn},>m: SRAM. See cziso cache, RAM, synch,
`nous burst static RAM. Compare dynamic RAM.
`static routing :2. Routing based on a fixed forwarding
`path. Unlike dynamic routing, static routing does not
`adjust to changing network conditions. Compare dynan
`static Web page 22. Web page that displays the same
`content to all viewers. Usually written in hypertext
`markup language (HTML), 3 static Web page displays
`content that changes only ifthe HTML code is altered. 5
`also dynamic Web page.
`station :1. 1. in the IEEE 802.1 l wireless LAN speciti:
`tion. a single. often mobile. node. 2. See workstation.
`stationeryl adj. Describing a type of document that.
`when opened by the user, is duplicated by the system; t
`copy is opened for the user’s modification while the or
`nail document remains intact. Stationery documents can
`used as document templates or boilerplates. See also in
`erplate, template (definition 5).
`stationeryz n. A stationery document. See also
`etartfsten transmission
`aearegetee ‘teensenieeiee
`3‘té3?‘1.°§;§ 53. See
`etnrinp anei
`$T駓§§E§?v‘i§;:. A _
`§i§§ii.3§ digit :5 See systetri
`staring fifiiifi r:. The ho’
`‘ rap instrn
`cornpntei‘ to
`startep. The Si£i§‘§ii§> Rffkitsi
`the keyboard :
`its; ”
`ran a short ere»
`itself tor ogieraiirani
`t}§£f2tii?:g— ten’: ioader program. See
`nfse hoot‘, priweren ti
`ceded int;
`graphics display
`starénn screen :2. A text
`en the screen when a program is started {run}. §§a.rtup
`nsuaily contain inforrnation abnut the
`yersion and often contain a product or corporate iogo,
`star-wired ring :2. A network topology in which hnhs and
`nodes connect to a centrai huh in typical star fashion. tint
`the connections within the central hub form a ring. Star»
`wired ring is a combination of star and ring topologies.
`state 13. See status.
`statefui adj. Oi’ or pertaining to a system or process that
`monitors all details of the state of an activity in which it
`participates. For example, stateful handling of messages
`takes account of their content. Compare stateless.
`stateless adj. Of or pertaining to a system or process that
`participates in an activity without monitoring all details of
`its state. For example, stateless handling of messages
`might take account of only their sources and destinations
`but not their content. Compare stateful.
`statement :1. The smallest executable entity within a pro
`gramming language.
`state—of-the-art adj. Up to date; at the forefront of cur-
`rent hardware or software technology.
`static‘ adj. ln information processing, fixed or predeter~
`mined. For example. a static memory buffer remains
`invariant in size throughout program execution. The oppo«
`site condition is dyzzamic. or ever-changing.
`ServiceNow, |nc.'s Exhibit 1010
`ServiceNow, Inc.'s Exhibit 1010