`United States Patent
`Creamer et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,930,709 B1
`Aug. 16, 2005
`Inventors: Rob Creamer, Boulder, (TO (US);
`Walter Knapp, Boulder, (TO (US);
`Mark Koch, Broomfield, CO (US);
`Yoshlyuki Araki. Sztitama-ken (JP);
`Richard Helton, Boulder, CO (US)
`Assigneez PENTAX of America, Inc., Montvale,
`NJ (us)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term oftltis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`Appl. No.: 091204-,289
`Dec. 3, 1998
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Provisional application No. n‘30t'£|85_.585_. filed on May 15,
`1998, and provisional application No. 6Dt'D67_.31{1. filed on
`Dec. 4, I991
`U.S. CI.
`Int. CL?
`H04N 5,n’232; lI04N SL225;
`34812113; 3481207.];
`34-8f2U'?.l, 211.3,
`Field of Search
`34¢‘?-t'211.1, 211.8, 211.12, 552, 231.2, 231.6,
`14.01-l4.16, 36, 211.6, 154, 155,158;
`3S8;’4()3; 7041203
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`3.-‘I99? Yuyanta el al.
`5.31997 Parul-ski cl al.
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`Primer‘): Examiner—Wendy R. Garber
`Asnistant Exariiiner—John M. Villecco
`(74) Attorrtqv, Agent, or Firm—Greenblum & Bernstein,
`An integrated Internet camera includes, as embedded com-
`ponents contained within the camera body and controlled by
`a mieroeontroller, at
`least a network interface device for
`connecting to the Internet, a transport control device for
`packetizing according to Internet protocols, a file transfer
`device for communicating with a destination user directory
`on the Internet, and a
`transmission initiating device for
`initiating the connection and transfer operations of the file
`transfer device and transport control device. The network
`interface device may be a modem, network adapter, or
`adapter for connection to the Internet. Upon capturing the
`the camera initiates a connection to the
`Internet, connects to the destination user directory, and
`uploads the digital images. Thereafter, the digital images are
`available to authorized (or any) user having access to the
`91 Claims, 22 Drawing Sheets
`Ex. 1003
`Ex. 1003
`IPR2 of U.S. Pat. No. 8,612,515
`IPR2 of U.S. Pat. No. 8,612,515
`US 6,930,709 B1
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`ilal Photo ra-
`P.M. Corcoran cl 21]., “Internet Enabled Di
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`Instruction Manual
`“NI-5C Picona digital camera,
`PC—DC2(l0 and P(.‘—DC20UK", daled Feb. 1997.
`\7er1fied Enghsh lang11agc lransla110n of NEE P1c0na
`dlgltal camcia,
`Inslruf:l10n Manual
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 16, 2005
`Sheet 1 of 22
`US 6,930,709 B1
`U.S. PatentU.S. Patent
`Aug. 16,2005Aug. 16,2005
`Sheet 2 of 22Sheet 2 of 22
`US 6,930,709 B1US 6,930,709 B1
` m:m_«o0_.2n_m__a»o&<mam420305200d._.EzE0m_o_>m_a_J,m_o...u_w_mE_u6v_mo_.s._.wz
`U.S. Patent
` Mm3013mmjompzoommjompzouxm._._cEzooH4.022
`U.S. PatentU.S. Patent
`Aug. 16,2005Aug. 16,2005
`Sheet 4 of 22Sheet 4 of 22
`Us 6,930,709 B1Us 6,930,709 B1
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 16,2005
`Sheet 6 of 22
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`FIG. 6
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`FIG. 7
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`FIG. 8
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`Aug. 15, 2005
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`FIG. 9
`CONT. ?
` N
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 16,2005
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`FIG. 10
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`Aug. 16, 2005
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`Aug. 15, 2005
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`FIG. 12
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`Aug. 16,2005
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`US 6,930,709 B1
`FIG. 13
` S74
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`Aug. 16, 2005
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`FIG. 14
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`Aug. 15, 2005
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`FIG. 15
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`Aug. 15, 2005
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`Aug. 15, 2005
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`US 6,930,709 B1
`FIG. 16B
`US. Patent
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`Aug. 15, 2005
`Sheet 19 of 22
`US 6,930,709 B1
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 16, 2005
`Sheet 21 of 22
`Us 6,930,709 B1
`vmflmw mmjofizoo
`U.S. Patent
` .925.__._,n._n_o_2m_._m«oW~zom_._m.En:
`>._,E_..m2M_.N mm_joE.zoo9.
`US 6,930,709 B1
`The present application claims the benefit of U.S. Pro-
`visional Application No. 6tJX[l67,3 10, tiled Dec. 4, 1997, and
`U.S. Provisional Application No. 60;‘085,585, filed May 15,
`1998, which are expressly incorporated herein by reference
`in their entireties.
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to an integrated camera for
`connecting to the Internet and transmitting images over the
`In particular, multiple
`functions and excess capabilities.
`microprocessorstcontrollers, power supplies, and communi-
`cation lines are necessary to operate the separate parts of the
`system. Moreover, such systems include many opportunities
`for error because of the many interfaces and communication
`links between discrete devices. Such error may occur as
`ditficulties in setup and configuration and incompatibility
`between devices in operation.
`3. Acronyms
`The following acronyms and abbreviations are used
`throughout the specification. For brevity, the definitions are
`summarized as follows:
`2. Description of Background Information
`As the Internet (i.e.,
`the worldwide inter-network. cur-
`rently operated under TCPKIP: Transmission Control
`Protocoltlnternel Protocol} gains more participants and
`becomes more consumer-oriented, the demand for simpli-
`fied ways of providing access to various media increases. A
`large portion of the new participants seek access to the
`“World Wide Web” (i.e., a hypertext-driven global multi-
`media system, hereinafter the "Web“). Archives of digital
`images (photographs and motion video) are now ubiquitous.
`The demand for real-time or live video, whether motion
`video or still video, has dilfcrcnt requirements, but has also
`become strong. Needs in entertainment, advertising,
`education, security, tralfic monitoring, weather monitoring,
`child care monitoring, and surveillance, as well as general
`consumer usage, have driven the creation of an initial wave
`of systems able to place a real-time image. or series of
`images, on the Internet and on the Web.
`However, the prior systems are complex and expensive,
`requiring the use of a general purpose personal computer _
`and a host of peripheral devices to place an image on the
`Internet or Web, as well as attendance by a qualified opera-
`tor. The systems are typically large and lack portability.
`An example of such a prior system is shown in FIG. 1. A
`video camera 110 connects to a "frame grabber” peripheral
`card 112, hosted by the parallel bus 114 of a personal
`computer 122. The frame grabber card 112 decodes a frame
`of an analog video signal from the video camera 110 into a
`image, and makes the digital
`image available to
`purpose-designed software running on the computer 12.
`Typically, the purpose-designed software eventually com-
`presses the digital image into main memory using the main
`microprocessor of the personal computer 122. In order to
`upload the image to the Internet, the computer 122 requires
`a serial port 118 and attached modern 120, which are hooked
`to the public telephone system 124. The personal computer
`122 uses further software programs running in main
`memory, which include at
`least a modem driver, network
`transmission protocol (e.g., TCPKIP) driver, a telephone
`transmission protocol (e.g., PPP: Point-to-Point Protocol)
`driver, and an file transfer protocol (c.g., FTP: File Transfer
`Protocol) application, to connect to the modern 120, through
`the telephone system 124, and to an ISP (Internet Service
`Provider) 128. 'l'hereal'ter, the personal computer 122 may
`upload the compressed image to a shell account available at
`the ISP I28.
`Costs for such a system may run to several thousand
`dollars. The computer 122 must be on-site, i.e., relatively
`close to the camera 110, and is large and relatively immo-
`bile. Since the system is an assembly of general—purpose
`components, and the computer 122 is usually dedicated to
`serving the camera 110, the system has numerous redundant
`xDSL—(generic) Digital Subscriber Line
`ATM—Asynchronous Transfer Mode
`C(_‘D—Charge Coupled Device
`CCTV—Closed Circuit Television
`DNS—Domain Naming System, Domain Name Server
`ExCA—Exchangcable Card Architectu re
`FI'P—File Transfer Protocol
`I-ITML—Hypcrtext Markup Language
`IrDA—Infrared Data Association
`lSA—Industry Standard Architecture
`lSDN—Integrated Services Digital Network
`lSP—Intemet Service Provider
`JPEG——.loint Photographic Experts Group
`MIME——Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
`NTSC—National Television System Committee
`PAL—Phase Alternating Line
`PCMCIA—Personal Computer Memory Card Intema-
`tional Association
`POTS—Plain Old Telephone Service
`PPP~—Point—to—Point Protocol
`SLIP—Serial Link Interface Protocol
`SMTP—Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
`TCP;'IP—Transmission Control Protocoltlnternet Proto-
`UDPfIP—User Datagram Protocotflnternet Protocol
`URL—Uniform Resource Locator
`USB—Universal Serial Bus
`Accordingly, it is an object of the invention to provide an
`inexpensive and etficient camera having all nccemary func-
`tionality for transmission of real—time and stored digital
`images to the Internet
`in a single, portable standalone
`apparatus (i.e., an embedded system), without requiring the
`use of an external controlling apparatus such as a personal
`It is a further object ofthe invention to provide a portable.
`standalone camera that may initiate and independently con-
`trol scheduled tra nsmission of digital images to the Internet,
`where the images become available to any authorized user
`on the Internet.
`The above objects are attained by providing an integrated
`Internet camera for transmitting digital images to an Internet
`address, including an image pickup. an optical system for
`forming an image on the image pickup, and an image
`capturing circuit for capturing digital images from the image
`pickup. A network interface device connects to the Internet
`for transmission of the digital image files to the Internet, and
`a file transfer device communicates via the network interface
`US 6,930,709 B1
`device. with a destination shell account at a predetermined
`Internet address and transfers the digital image files to the
`destination shell account according to a predetennined file
`transfer protocol. The digital image files in the destination
`shell account are then available to users accessing the
`Internet. A transport control device packetizes the digital
`image files according to a predetermined Internet transport
`control protocol, and controls addressing of the packelized
`digital image files to the predetermined Internet address,
`while a transmission initiating device initiates a connection
`with the Internet via the transport control device and the
`network interface device. A Iirst scheduling device, includ-
`ing timers. schedules transfer of the digital image files to the
`destination shell account by the transport control device and
`the file transfer device. A rnicrocontroller controls opera-
`tions and communication between each of the recited
`devices, and a camera body houses therein all of the recited
`devices and the microcontroller.
`In another aspect of the invention, an Internet camera
`system for
`transmitting digital
`images via the Internet
`includes a destination shell account having a user directory
`at a predetermined Internet address and an accessing device
`for accessing the user directory of the destination shell
`account via the Internet. As part ofthe system, an integrated
`Internet camera is housed in a camera body. The camera
`body contains an image capturing system, a network inter-
`face device, a file transfer device, a transport control device,
`and a transmission initiating device. The image capturing
`system captures digital images, and the network interface
`device is connectible to the Internet for transmission of the
`digital image files to the Internet. The file transfer device
`communicates, via the network interface device, with the
`destination shell account and transfers the digital image files
`to the user directory of the destination shell account accord-
`ing to a predetermined file transfer protocol. The digital
`image tiles in the user directory of the destination shell
`account are then available to the accessing device accessing
`the Internet. A transport control device packetizes the digital
`image files according to a predetermined Internet transport
`control protocol, and controls addressing of the packetized
`digital image files to the predetermined Internet address. The
`transmission initiating device initiates a connection with the
`Internet via the transport control device and the network
`interface device.
`In this manner, the portable, standalone integrated Inter-
`net camera may initiate and independently control scheduled
`connections to the Internet and transmission of real-time
`digital images to the Internet,without requiring the use ofan
`external controlling apparatus such as a personal computer
`or server, and the images become available to any authorized
`user on the Internet. As part of a system,
`the portable,
`standalone integrated Internet camera may initiate and inde-
`pendently control scheduled connections to a destination
`shell account having a user directory at a predetermined
`Internet address and transmission of real-time digital images
`to the user directory, without requiring the use of an external
`controlling apparatus such as a personal computer or server,
`and the images become available to any authorized user on
`the Internet via the accessing device.
`The network interface device may include a modem for
`connecting to a telephone system connected to the Internet.
`In this case,
`the transmission initiating device includes a
`telephone conversion device that initiates a telephone con-
`nection with the Internet via the modem according to a
`predetermined telephone transmission protocol, and that
`converts between the predetermined telephone transmission
`protocol and the predetermined Internet transport control
`protocol. Accordingly. the integrated Internet camera may
`perform the recited functions over a public or private
`telephone network, or any network or connection using
`telephone transmission protocols or analog data transmis-
`The integrated Internet camera may include a second
`scheduling device, including timers, for scheduling image
`captures by the image capturing circuit. Accordingly, image
`captures and image transmission may be scheduled at dif-
`ferent times. In this case, the digital image files may include
`information representing a status of one or more timers.
`The integrated Internet camera may further include a
`character generator for generating textual information in the
`captured digital
`images, wherein the character generator
`generates textual information in the captured digital images.
`In this case, the generated textual information may represent
`a status of one or more timers.
`The integrated Internet camera may include a serial
`interface adapted to connect to a setup device, the serial
`interface receiving commands for controlling the integrated
`Internet camera from the connected setup device. In this
`manner, the integrated Internet camera may by controlled or
`configured by another device.
`Optionally. one or more of the transport control device
`and tile transfer device further includes a network authen-
`tication device for providing network login authentication
`for connecting to the predetermined Internet address via the
`network interface device.
`In this manner,
`the integrated
`Internet camera may access and transmit files to networks
`having security and authorization provisions.
`The integrated Internet camera may further include a
`configuration device, which includes a configuration infor-
`mation retrieving device and a configuration setting device.
`The configuration information retrieving device retrieves
`configuration information from the destination shell
`account, while the configuration setting device sets opera-
`tional parameters of one or more of the image capturing
`circuit, the network interface device, the file transfer device,
`transport control device, the transmission initiating device.
`and the first scheduling device, according to the configura-
`tion information.
`Further, the file transfer device may further include a
`directory selecting device for setting and transmitting a
`destination directory and filename for transferring digital
`image files to the destination shell account, allowing the
`transmission of digital image files to one or more specific
`directories of a destination shell account.
`The image pickup may include a color component system
`for forming a color image,
`in which case the integrated
`Internet camera may further include a color adjusting circuit
`for adjusting color properties of the captured digital images.
`The integrated Internet camera may include an image
`compression circuit that generates compressed digital image
`files from the captured digital images, so that the file transfer
`device transfers the compressed digital image files to the
`destination shell account and the transport control device
`packetizes the compressed digital image files according to
`the predetermined Internet transport control protocol.
`In one modification of the system,
`the predetermined
`Internet transport control protocol does not detect errors or
`retransmit erroneous data, thereby increasing a rate of image
`transfer by the file transfer device.
`In another modification the integrated Internet camera
`further includes an E-mail transmission device and E-mail
`message assembler. The E-mail message assembler
`US 6,930,709 B1
`assembles E-mail messages representing a status of the
`camera and the E-mail transmission device transmits the
`E-mail messages to a predetermined E-mail address via the
`transport control device and the transmission initiating
`FIG. 13 is a flow chart of a write file routine of the
`integrated Internet camera shown in FIG. 2;
`FIG. 14 is a flow chart of a batch upload routine of the
`integrated Internet camera shown in FIG. 2;
`FIG. 15 is a flow chart of a reporting routine of the
`integrated Internet camera shown in FIG. 2;
`FIG. 16A is a
`flow chart of a setup routine of the
`integrated Internet camera shown in FIG. 2;
`FIG. 16B is a flow chart of a command routine of the
`integrated Internet camera shown in FIG. 2;
`FIG. 17 is a block diagram ofa second embodiment of an
`integrated Internet camera according to the invention;
`FIG. 18 is a block diagram of an addendum to the menu
`and parameter storage structure of FIG. 2 for the second
`embodiment of FIG. 1'7;
`FIG. 19 as a flowchart addendum to image capture routine
`of FIG. 8 for the second embodiment shown in FIG. 17;
`FIG. 20 is a block diagram of a third embodiment of an
`integrated Internet camera according to the invention
`FIG. 21 is a block diagram of a fourth embodiment of an
`integrated Internet camera according to the invention; and
`FIG. 22 is a block diagram of a fifth embodiment of an
`integrated Internet camera according to the invention.
`In this case, the E-mail message assembler may assemble
`E-mail messages including the digital
`image files.
`Accordingly, the E-mail transmission device may transmits
`the E-mail message including the digital image files to a
`predetermined E-mail address via the transport control
`device and the transmission initiating device.
`The integrated Internet camera may further include a
`trigger device linked to the camera andfor the rnicrocorttrol-
`ler. In response to triggering of the trigger device, the camera
`initiates an image capture and transfer of the digital image
`files to the destination shell account via the file transfer
`device, the transport control device, and the transmission
`initiating device.
`Optionally, the integrated Internet camera further includes
`a video input for receiving a standard video signal, and the
`image capturing circuit captures the digital images from the
`video input
`instead of from the image pickup.
`In this
`manner, a camcorder or other video source (tuner, CCTV
`network) may he used to supply the digital images to be
`transmitted over the Internet or otherwise.
`In another modification, the integrated Internet camera
`further includes a video output for sending a standard video
`signal, wherein the digital image files are transmitted as
`video images to the video output. In this manner, any images
`transmitted over the Internet or otherwise may also be
`supplied to, e.g., a local monitor, recording device. or CCTV
`The present invention is further explained in the descrip-
`tion which follows with reference to the drawings,
`illustrating, by way of non-limiting examples, various
`embodiments of the invention, with like reference numerals
`representing similar parts throughout the several views, and
`FIG. I is a block diagram of a prior art system capable of
`transmitting digital images to the Internet;
`FIG. 2 is a perspective view of an integrated Internet
`camera according to a first embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram of the integrated Internet
`camera shown in FIG. 2;
`FIGS. 4A and 4B are schematic diagrams ofthe integrated
`Internet camera of FIG. 2 connected to the Internet;
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram showing a menu and parameter
`storage structure of FIG. 2;
`FIG. 6 is a flow chart of an initialization routine of the
`integrated Internet camera shown in FIG. 2;
`FIG. 7 is a flow chart of a main routine of the integrated
`Internet camera shown in FIG. 2;
`FIG. 8 is a flow chart of an image capture routine of the
`integrated Internet camera shown in FIG. 2;
`FIG. 9 is a flow chart of an image transmit routine of the
`integrated Internet camera shown in FIG. 2;
`FIG. 10 is a flow chart of a disconnect routine of the
`integrated Internet camera shown in FIG. 2;
`FIG. 11 is a How chart of an file transfer connect routine
`of the integrated Internet camera shown in FIG. 2;
`FIG. 12 is a [low chart of a telephone connect routine of
`the integrated lntemet camera shown in FIG. 2;
`FIG. 2 shows a first embodiment of the present invention.
`All of the electronic, mechanical and optical components of
`the integrated Internet camera 1 are housed within a camera
`body 201. Accordingly. in the context of this specification,
`“integrated” is equivalent to "seil'-contained”, such that all
`the noted components are supported on or situated within the
`body or casing. As shown in FIG. 2, the camera 1 may be
`connected to the Internet via a network interface device 236
`(comprising, eg, a modem or network card) and a connec-
`tion cable 237 (which may be a telephone wire connected to
`the public network or a network cable connected to a local
`or wide area network). Preferably. the camera body includes
`a threaded camera mount, and is sized and shaped to fit
`industry standard environmental housings for outdoor use.
`A viewfinder 244 allows the operator to view a scen