`(12) United States Patent
`Wood ct a1.
`{10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,895,557 B1
`May 17, 2005
`Lisa T. Wood, [)anville, CA (US);
`Scott M. Lewis, Danville, (TA (US);
`Robin T. Fried, Berkeley, CA (US)
`II’IX Corporation, San
`Ramone, CA
`Subject to an)r disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(1)) by 0 days.
`Appl. No:
`Jul. 21, 1999
`Int. Cl.7
`U.S. CI.
`“G09G 5700
`7157744 7157748; 7157769;
`7077102; 7097236
`Field of Search
`7'0771, 10, 3, 4,
`7(1772,ul00”102”, 513, 523, 101; 345''418,
`473, 769, 770, 744; 7097219, 246, 232;
`References Cited
`5,001 ,0 28
`5,555 ,388
`5 1578,0471
`5,7597; 17
`5,75 1 ,4714
`5 799.0133
`{7.3111 .607
`9,381 1129
`Johnson elal.
`771994 McDonald
`.. 3587527
`971996 Shaughnessy
`.. 3957427
`1071997 Cahill el al.
`671998 Sheridan
`.. 3587442
`671998 Murakami et al .....
`. 3957182
`771998 Vanderpool e1 £11.. 3957611
`A *
`871998 Krane
`971998 Johnson et :11.
`A * 1071998 De Vries el al.
`A " 1271998 Arora el al
`A “
`3719.99 Sidana
`.. 7077501
`A *
`172000 Boezeman et al
`1720017 Garlinkle et al
`. 3967639
`A 7‘
`272000 Wang eta].
`. 3437350
`A *
`3720111.} Narayen et a1.
`. 711972111
`B1 "‘
`372001 Khosla et al
`B2 * 10721101 Barraclough et al.
`“35871 [4
`4721102 Tipirrierti
`"' 1272002 Scott ct a1.
`5,505,150 B1 ==
`272003 Boys
`5.515340 112
`0930 774 A2
`Thilo I-Iorstmann and Richard Bentley, “Distributed Author-
`ing on the Web with the BSCW Shared Workspace System,”
`StandardView vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 9—16, Mar. 1997’“
`Doug Dean, 15 Seconds: Down and Dirty Browser Upload—
`ing with a VB ASP Component, pp. 1—10, Mar. 11, 1999*
`Peter Persits, 15 Seconds: Browser—based uploading Under
`the Microscope, pp. 1—7, Nov. 21, 1998.‘
`Netscape Communications Corp, Help File of Netscape
`Composer 4.75, Copyright 1994—1998, p, 93"
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Exmtriner
`John Cabeca
`Assistant Examiner—Tadesse Hailu
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Frost Brown Todd LLC
`invention, generally speaking, provides an
`The present
`improved web-based media submission too]. As with some
`existing tools, operation of the tool is drag and drop or the
`user can "click" to browse a directory to select media
`objects. Unlike existing tools. the tool provides the user an
`opportunity to confirm the submission,
`for example by
`generating a thumbnail image of an image file that has been
`dragged and dropped. Batch submission is provided for in
`which a user drags and drops a plurality 01‘ images or other
`media objects. Submission from a web page to a web page
`is also provided for. The submission tool is configurable to
`perform a variable amount of intellegent preprocessing on
`media objects prior to upload. 1n the case of digital images,
`the tool can perform sizing and formatting. for example.
`Information capture is performed with information being
`uploaded together with the media objects. In an exemplary
`embodiment, information capture is both user—transparent
`(e.g., user ID and7or password) and user-visible (e.g., the
`user can provide captions for media objects). The submis-
`sion of information about
`the user and the media objects
`facilitates automatic integration of the media objects within
`existing databases.
`74 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
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`IPR1 of U.S. Pat. No. 8,612,515
`IPRl 0f U.S. Pat. No. 8,612,515
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`US. Patent
`May 17, 2005
`Sheet 1 0f 5
`US 6,895,557 B1
`US. Patent
`May 17, 2005
`Sheet 2 0f 5
`US 6,895,557 B1
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`US. Patent
`May 17, 2005
`Sheet 3 0f 5
`US 6,895,557 B1
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`US. Patent
`May 17, 2005
`Sheet 4 0f 5
`US 6,895,557 B1
`US. Patent
`May 17, 2005
`Sheet 5 0f 5
`US 6,895,557 B1
`US 6,895,557 B1
`The present application is related by subject matter to
`U.S. application Ser. No. ()9t440,461, now US. Pat. No.
`1. liield of the Invention
`The present invention relates to the handling, manipula-
`tion and processing of digital content and more particularly
`to the transportation and Internet publishing of digital
`content, particularly image media objects and rich media.
`2. State of the Art
`Much of the phenomenal success of the web is attribut-
`able to its graphical nature. Literally, a picture is worth a
`thousand words. The capture of digital images has become
`routine, using digital cameras and scanners. Nevertheless,
`although the handling of images by website creators has
`achieved a high degree of automation,
`for the average
`technology user (the “imaging civilian“), manipulating and
`sharing digital images over the Internet remains a cumber-
`some and daunting process. Piecemeal solutions that have
`been devised for handling digital images require a level of
`sophistication that is beyond that of the ordinary user. For
`transferring a digital
`image may require first
`downloading a FTPprogram, then installing it, then running
`it and connectting to an FTP server by typing the server
`name in the connection dialog, then navigating to the proper
`subdirectory, selecting the files to be uploaded, making sure
`that the program is in binary transfer mode, then sending the
`files. For the imaging civilian, such an involved process can
`be daunting to say the least.
`Additionally, as technologies advance and casual users
`begin to experiment with other media objects, such as
`streaming video, 3D objects, slide shows, graphics, movies,
`and even sound files that accompany imaging data,
`processes required to share these rich media types on the
`Internet becomes exponentially more complicated and pro—
`hibitive. As the realization of the Internet as an interactive,
`content rich medium becomes more and more a reality, the
`need for enabling the use and distribution of rich content and
`media on the Internet will become the gating factor to its
`long term success.
`A broad-based solution to the foregoing problem requires
`a web—based media submission tool that allows for submis—
`sion of media objects in a convenient, intuitive manner. A
`company named Caught in the Web, has attempted to create
`a broad-based media submission tool known as “ActiveU-
`pload“. ActiveUpload allows an arbitrary file to be dragged
`and dropped onto a web page control for upload to the web
`server. An ActiveUpload control allows users to, without
`leaving a web page, transfer files to a server (Internet or
`intranet) by selecting the files on the user’s desktop that the
`user wants to transfer, then dragging them onto the web
`page. For example, a user, having visited a web page, can
`contribute pictures, documents, zip files, etc., without hav-
`ing to leave the web page and use an FTP program. Standard
`web authoring tools can be used to integrate ActiveUpload
`into web pages and change the behavior of the control.
`Although Caught in the Web’s ActiveUpload tool simpli—
`fies the user experience,
`it does little toward furthering
`“backend” automation in the handling and distribution of
`media objects and has no built in “ intelligence" to streamline
`the process of handling and transporting rich media objects
`from the front end.
`The present invention, generally speaking, provides an
`improved web-based media submission tool. As with some
`existing tools, operation of the too] is drag and drop or the
`user can “click” to browse a directory to select media
`objects. Unlike existing tools,
`the tool provides several
`unique and valuable functions. For example, the tool pro-
`vides the user an opportunity to conlirrn the submission with
`a visual representation, for example by generating a thumb-
`nail image of the rich media file that has been selected.
`Additionally, hatch submission is provided to allow a user to
`drag and drop or select a plurality of images or other media
`objects. Submission from a web page to a web page is also
`provided for. Even more importantly, the submission tool is
`configurable to perform a variable amount of intelligent
`preprocessing on media objects prior to upload. In the case
`of digital images, the tool can perform sizing and formatting,
`for example. Information capture is performed with inform
`mation being uploaded together with the media objects. In
`an exemplary embodiment,
`information capture is both
`user-transparent (e.g., user ID andfor password) and user-
`visible (e.g.,
`the user can provide captions for media
`objects). The submission of information about the user and
`the media objects facilitates automatic integration of the
`media objects within existing databases.
`The present invention may be further understood from the
`following description in conjunction with the appended
`drawing. In the drawing:
`FIG. 1 is a diagram of an exemplary web page providing
`media object acquisition functions;
`FIG. 2 is a diagram of another exemplary web page
`providing image acquisition functions;
`FIG. 3 is a table pertaining to a first portion of the Prepare
`and Post component design; and
`FIG. 4 is a table pertaining to a second portion of the
`Prepare and Post component design.
`The following describes the Prepare and PostTM tools,
`which prepares and submits media objects from inside a
`standard browser, referred to as the first location, to a second
`location or server. The media objects may be pictures
`(images), movies, videos, graphics, sound clips, etc.
`Although in the following description the submission of
`images is described in greatest detail, the same principles
`apply equally to media obejcts of all descriptions.
`The Prepare and Post tools refers to browserwside com—
`ponents which together provide the ability to submit and
`transport media objects over the web to be stored and served.
`Using the Prepare and Post tools, end users can submit
`images in an immediate,
`intuitive manner. No technical
`sophistication is required. In particular, understanding tech-
`nical terms such as JPEG, resolution, pixel, kilobyte, trans-
`fer protocol, IP address, FTP etc., is not required, since the
`Prepare and Post tools handles all of these tasks for the user.
`The benefits of the Prepare and Post tool are:
`a) to the image submitter,
`the ability to submit media
`objects to web pages immediately without needing to
`overcome technical obstacles;
`h} to the image submitter,
`the ability to submit media
`objects to web pages “as is” without making modifi-
`cations to the media objects prior to sending.
`c} to PietureWorks web site partner, access to a uniform,
`standardized, reliable and secure channel for media
`US 6,895,557 B1
`immediately according to the configuration of the Prepare
`and Post tools.
`d) to PictureWorks web site partner, access to contributed
`media “made to order", it meets their imaging speci-
`fications every time without human intervention;
`e} to PictureWorks web site partner, the ability to provide
`web site visitors with an easy, error free way to
`contribute media;
`f) to PictureWorks web site partner, access to contributed
`media in “real time" with no time delays.
`The two primary components used in the Prepare and Post
`tools which carry out these functions are 1) the media object
`identifier and 2) the media sender.
`In general, the media object identifier functions to provide
`a graphical interface for placing and associating a media
`object from a user’s desktop onto a web page. The media
`sender carriers out the function of transmitting media objects
`to a second location.
`There are two ways media objects on the first location
`become associated with a media object identifier. The first is
`through a "drag and drop" behavior where the user clicks on
`a media object to select the one they want to submit. The
`media object is then dragged to the media object identifier.
`Releasing the mouse button associates the media object with
`the media object identifier. This behavior is allowed in web
`browsers that support drag and drop functionality. The
`Prepare and Post
`tools enable these browsers to accept
`media objects via drag and drop by providing the media
`object identifier as an ActiveX component.
`The second way to associate a media object on the first
`location with the media object identifier is to click on the
`media object identifier to browse for media objects,
`select the media object of choice. This method is made
`availabie for web browsers where the media object identifier
`needs to be a pure Java component. (Suoh “signed applet
`browers” like Netscape Navigator) [n this instance, the user
`may be asked to choose a media object in a similar manner
`as when choosing a file to be opened, either by graphical
`navigation or by specifying a path name. For example, a
`prompt associated with the media object identifier may be
`displayed prompting the user to click within the media
`object identifier. Clicking within the media object identifier
`brings up a browse dialog. Using the browse dialog, the user
`selects the desired media object, which is then placed in the
`media object
`identifier. The Prepare and Post
`tools will
`generate a visual representation or thumbnail of the media
`object, a feature currently not available in signed applet
`Real estate is an example of a prime application of the
`Prepare and Post tools. "Curb appeal" is of great importance
`in the realty industry and can only be judged by “drive-bys,”
`which are time-consuming and laborious, or by the avail-
`ability of images. The Prepare and Post tools make real
`estate images readily available with a minimal amount of
`Referring to FIG. 1, an example is shown of a realty web
`page featuring the described Prepare and Post tools func-
`tionality. The user associates images with a media object
`identifier via the methods described above and selects appro-
`priate captions for the images, e.g., living room, family
`room, etc. The captions may be typed in or seiected from
`menus. The user also supplies identifying information, in
`this instance the MLS listing number. When the user clicks
`the Send button,
`the images are uploaded and processed
`The Prepare and Post tools also support a batch interface,
`allowing a plurality of images to be submitted simulta-
`neously as in the case of a professional photographer, for
`example. The opportunity for user confirmation is again
`provided, e.g., by displaying a visual representation of the
`images in the batch.
`If a mistake is made such that the wrong image is placed
`in a media object identifier. the correct image may be placed
`in the media object identifier. The correct image will replace
`the mistaken image. Alternatively, the user may remove an
`image from a media object identifier by right-clicking on the
`media object
`identifier and selecting Remove within a
`resulting pop-up menu.
`Note that any number of media object identifiers may be
`provided on a web page and that the media object identifiers
`may be separate or grouped. This is evident in FIG. 2. The
`number of media object identifiers provided on a page can
`be pre~configured and fixed, allowing no user intervention,
`or the media object identifiers can be generated dynamically,
`allowing the user to determine how many media object
`identifiers they need for media submission. FIG. 2 shows a
`web page with various sizes of media object identifiers. If a
`media object identifier is separate, its image will be trans-
`mitted separately to the semnd location. If' an media object
`identifier is part of a group, its image will be transmitted to
`the second location as part of a group of images that are
`stored together and cataloged together. Media object iden-
`tifiers that are associated together as a group are noted as
`such in the web page interface and transparently in the media
`object identifier object code. Moreover, a Web page may
`have multiple groups of media object identifiers, or “groups
`of groups."
`The usefulness of images is greatly enhanced by capturing
`and identifying information about the images and submitting
`the identifying information with the images. information
`may be image—specific, uservspeeific or both. The submis—
`sion of information about
`the user and the media objects
`facilitates automatic integration of the media objects within
`existing databases.
`lnfonnation capture may be overt or
`covert or both. This unique automatic database integration
`enables the images to be served with the proper web page
`data. Overt information capture relies upon the user to make
`menu selections of appropriate captions as illustrated in FIG.
`1, or to make text entries within text fields, or both. The
`Prepare and Post tools are easily customized to accept menu
`selections and text fields for different applications. Covert
`information capture occurs by having the web browser
`automatically pass to the Prepare and Post
`tools known
`information such as a user ID or, password used to access the
`web page.
`A key differentiator of the Prepare and Post tools is the
`browser, or client-side intelligence built into the tools. This
`intelligence directly provides features including those
`already outlined such as associating data with media objects,
`generating a visual representation of the media objects and
`generating media object
`identifiers dynamically or
`in a
`pre-set manner. Other features are also provided via this
`intelligence, specifically, the ability to control the width and
`height of the media object
`identifier and the ability to
`preprocess the media objects in any number of ways prior to
`transporting to a second location. In the case of an image
`media object for example, the Prepare and Post tools may
`resize the image, (i .e., increase or decrease its size as defined
`by either physical dimensions, pixel count, or kilobytes).
`Compression, for example, is a type of sizing. The Prepare
`and Post tools may also change the image’s file format (a
`way of a media object being identified as to a “type" or
`“kind" of media), change the quality setting of the image,
`crop the image or change the aspect ratio, add text or
`annotations, encode or combine (including stitching) the
`media object, or enhance the media object by changing
`image values, for example, relating to contrast or saturation.
`This intelligence may be executed in a manner that
`transparent to the end user. This tra nsparcney allows the end
`user to submit media to the Prepare and Post tools "as is,”
`since the tools will automatically prepare it to meet
`requirements of the second location. Note that, although
`image submission may involve client—side processing, image
`processing is not required.
`The Prepare and POst tools are available for customers to
`integrate into their own web pages. The Prepare and Post
`tools are easily integrated into web sites (customers) to
`allows those sites to accept media objects from web site
`visitors (users). Appendix A is a generic HTML IIost'l‘em-
`plate illustrating how Prepare and Post components are
`integrated into a web page. The HTML template file (which
`is a complete working example) contains instructions and a
`few small code snippets that
`the customer pastes into the
`web page.
`integrating the Prepare and Post components
`requires an Initialization Section, a Configuration Section,
`an lmageWell {media object identifier) Section, 21 Submis-
`sion Section and an ImageUpLoad Control Section. To .
`include the Prepare and Post tools media object identifiers
`on a web page, the customer cuts and pastes code snippets
`for these sections from the template into the web page.
`The Initialization Section consists of a
`few lines of
`JavaScript code that will download all of the needed Prepare
`and Post submission components.
`The Configuration Section overrides various configurable
`default settings that the customer can control. In the Con—
`figuration Section, the media objeet identifier component is
`sized and configured to perform any preprocessing of the
`image that may be desired prior to upload. Configurable
`parameters include both fixed values for all submissions (per
`submission values) and fixed values for all images within a
`submission (per image values), as will be explained pres~
`Fixed values for all submissions include Defaultlmage-
`Width and [)efaultlmageI-leight, as well as include Default-
`ControIWidth and DefaultControll-Ieight. The former
`specify the default width and height of the images after they
`have been compressed for transmission. The latter specify
`the default width and height of all media object identifiers.
`To create media object identifiers having different sizes, the
`customer specifies the desired size when creating the media
`object identifier. Another fixed value for all submissions is
`Quality. This determines the quality level ofthe images after
`they have been compressed for transmission (0 is the lowest
`qualitymighest compression and 100 is the highest quality;(
`lowest compression).
`Fixed values for all media objects within a submission
`include Keyi and Key2. KeyI is the primary value that
`determines the filename of the resulting image file and,
`consequently, its URL. It is important that each submitted
`US 6,895,557 B1
`image have a unique name to prevent one image from
`overwriting another. Key2 is an optional secondary key that
`is appended to Keyl before the image’s filename and URL
`are created. While default values for Key] and KeyZ can be
`specified in the configuration section. more likely this value
`will be supplied from a field in the web form. If the web page
`form contains a control named “Key i,” then its value will be
`used for this key. For example, the field Keyl might be
`labeled as “MLS Number" on the web page. Similarly, the
`field KeyZ-m ight be labeled "Zip Code" on the web page. A
`sequence number is appended to the KeylfKeyZ combina-
`tion. When there are multiple media object identifiers on a
`page, this will ensure that each image has a unique key.
`All media object
`identifiers on a web page mLLst be
`contained within an I-l’l‘Ml. form. A single line of .lavaSeript
`code is inserted into the web page (within the HTML form)
`in each place where a media object identifier is desired. The
`Media object identifier Section can specify the width and
`height for each media object identifier. If the width and
`height are omitted, then the default width and heigth from
`the Configuration Section are used.
`The Submission Code Section contains HTML code that
`creates the button that submits both the images to the second
`locations and the form to the customer’s server. Within the
`Submission Code Section, an HTML "hrel" parameter is
`required for the Send Button that causes the images to be
`sent. After the images have been sent, the web page form
`will be submitted in the standard manner. The form must
`define two hidden fields named “urt” and imageeount.” The
`imageeount field will contain the number of images actually
`In an exemplary embodiment,
`the URL for
`images 2 through “11” are generated by replacing the initial
`sequence number at the end of the returned URL with the
`desired image number.
`The ImageUpload Control Section holds a small piece of
`.lavaScript code that is placed at the very end of the body
`section of the web page. This code creates the non-visible
`Image Upload control, or media sender, that performs the
`transfer of images from the user's machine to the second
`The Prepare and Post components support multiple
`browsers and dynamically adjust their behavior according to
`the type of browser that is currently running. For example,
`under supported versions of Microsoft’s browsers, media
`identifiers are implemented as Activex controls,
`while under supported Netscape browsers, media object
`identifiers are implemented as Java Applets. This multiple
`browser support is completely automatic.
`FIGS. 3 and 4 present further details of the media object
`identifier and media sender components, respectively.
`1“mm the foregoing description, it will be appreciated that
`the present media submission tool, besides offering conve-
`nience to the end user, ofi'ers convenience and flexibility to
`technology partners. In particular, web page integration is
`designed to facilitate automatic server—side integration of
`media content.
`It will be apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art that
`the present
`invention can be embodied in other specific
`forms without departing from the spirit or essential character
`thereof. The presently disclosed embodiments are therefore
`considered in all respects to be illustrative and not restric-
`tive. The scope of the invention is indicated by the appended
`claims rather than the foregoing description, and all changes
`which come within the meaning and range of equivalents
`thereof are intended to be embraced therein.
`US 6,895,557 B1
`HostTemplate gene ric.htm
`(!_“tttxxtttxt:xxtxta:gtx‘tgaxtttaaxt-tttatttttlt Begin InitialiZation SCCllOfl _-)
`c!--""" This section of code must appear at
`(iv—4"“ the beginng of the <HEAD; section of
`<!——""""’ your web page. Copy this code and
`c!——""“ paste it directly into your web page.
`<SCR1PT type-=“textijavaseript” sre="http:Hl5122.134.49fcompany!pwtcon1ponents.js"> «SCRIPT:
`«:SCRIPT twe-"textijavascripl" sIc-"l:upfllfi7.22.134.49icompanyfcompanyjs": dSCRIPT>
`d__"uxxnnunuxx.:u-=...-xu.uu"mun“: End lnilifliizzlion Section __,
`(!__axnxttn1:angxxtat:nits:gtttxxxnatx-nttsxxtagtt Begin Configuration Scflion __)
`c!--"""" This section of code must appear
`e!——""‘"" anywhere after the initialization
`<!--""’ section {above}, and before the
`e!--"""" the <FORM> that contains the image
`<!——"""""" wells.
`<!--""" This section defines data values
`<!--’"‘"" needed by the image wells. You can
`<lv—w““" modify these values to suit ——:~
`<!--""" your needs.
`<SCR1P'1‘ Language=".lavaseripl">
`PW'IZKeyl - “name-your—image here":
`PWIKeyZ - “ ":
`PW'IZQualily = 93;
`PW'EDcfaultlmageMdlh - 64D;
`PWTDct'aullImagel—Ieighl u 480;
`PW‘IZDefaultControlWidth a: 326:
`PW‘liDefauItGonlroll-Ieighl = 246:
`¢!--""""""‘""‘"""“"“'""““'""""""" End Configuration Section -->
`This sample displays a working image well.
`db}:-uuuun“unuuuuunuuu"um-"u" Begin imageWCIl Section _._>
`(1—w'"" This code creates an image well on
`<1-«-‘"" the web page. While this template
`e!--""" only contains a single image well,
`<!——““‘ you can use as many as you like.
`c!--"""" Copy this code into your web page
`<l——"""' anywhere within your <FORM) where
`<!——"""“ you want an image well to appear.
`¢SCRIPT language-“Javascfipt”:
`PWaddimageeontroK ):
`If [f the <FORM: contains fields named 'Keyl'
`S“. ‘Key2' lheir values will be used.
`3'! Includes a 3 pixei border
`H Include a 3 pixet border
`if or “PWI‘.addi.n1ageeontro|(640,480):" to override
`H the default widlh and height.
`<!__txXXttrtxxnt-latttuuttXXIXutx-xxtr-xttttiztzi End m‘ageweu Section __>
`This text is after the image well.
`d__uuuu-ua.un~—una“mum[um-Immuuuuuuwnuxuauu Begin Submission Code Section __)
`<!--"""" You can use any lype of button you
`<!—-"""' wish, but rather than it being a
`<l-u""" standard SUBMIT button, it must
`e!~~"""" inslead malain [he parametc’r:
`c!-—“'" (as shown in the example below}.
`<!——‘""° After the images have been sent,
`<!-—""“ your web page FORM will be submilted
`<!--‘"" in the standard manner.
`(iv-v""‘ Your FORM must define two hidden
`ciww““" fields named "url" & “imagemunl”
`c!--""" (see examples below). The "url"
`(!——"““ field will be populated with the
`c!--""" resulting URL ofthe first (or only}
`e!--"""" image submitted, and the “imagecount”
`<!——“'""" field will contain the number of
`e!--""“" images aclually lransmitled. The URL
`c!~—-""" for images 2 thru n can be generated
`<!--""" by replacing the initial sequence
`(ye—“n“ numbcr(whiel1 will ahvays be ‘1")
`c!--""" at the end of the returned URL with
`onclick=“PW'l".Submit( )“
`US 6,895,557 B1
`9 A
`PPENDIX A-continued
`Host‘l‘emplate gene ric.htrn
`c!——""‘ the desired image number.
`elNli'Ul~ type=“hiddcn" namc="uri")
`clNPL‘T type:“hidden" name=“h11ngecount">
`([NPLi‘l' typc="buttort“ \alucn‘Suhi-nit Images“ onclick="P\VIZSubniit( )“>
`(int-u" -------- t ---------------- t """ " """" End Submission Code Section -->
`_ oau-ttaotououoaotaIIIaouu‘tnbuUI-ouuuttovuanca Begin ImageUpload Control Section __)
`"" This section of code must appear at
`"" the end of the <BODY> section of
`<!——-"'" your web page. Copy this code and
`<!——““'*“ pasts: it directly into your web page.
`(SCRII’I' language=“.lavascript“>
`PWIadduploadcontroK ]: