`(12) United States Patent
`Wood et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,612,515 32
`*Dec. 17, 2013
`References Cited
`Inventors; Lisa '1‘. Wood. Danville. CA (US); Scott
`M. Lewis. Danviile. CA (US); Robin 1‘.
`Fried. Berkeley. CA (US)
`4.802.008 A
`4.862.200 A
`111989 Wailing
`Assignee: Summit 6 I.I.(.‘. Dallas. TX (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.(I. 154(1)) by 0 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`Appl. No; ”1098,0911
`Apr. 29. 2011
`0838774 A3
`0930774 A2
`7: 1999
`McDonald. Glenn. "Pietra Puts Your Photo Album on the Web for
`Free.” PCWorid. Jun. 13. 1997.
`Prior Publication Data
`US 201110208811.“
`Aug. 25. 2011
`Primary Exorriiner — Alina N Beulah
`(74) Attornei’. Agent. or Finn — Duane S. Kobayashi
`Related US. Application Data
`Continuation of application No. 121831.503. filed on
`Jul. 7. 2010. which is a continuation ofapplication No.
`filed on Oct. 8. 2004. now Pat. No.
`7.765 .482. which is a continuation ofapplication No.
`filed on Jul. 21. 1999. now Pat. No.
`invention. generally speaking. provides an
`The present
`improved web-based media submission too]. As with some
`existing tools. operation ofthe tool is drag and drop or the user
`can “click” to browse a directory to select media objects.
`Unlike existing tools. the tool provides the user an opportu-
`nity to contin'n the submission. for example by generating a
`thumbnail image of an image file that has been dragged and
`dropped. Batch submission is provided for in which a user
`drags and drops a plurality of images or other media objects.
`Submission from a Web page to a web page is also provided
`for. The submission tool is configurable to perform a variable
`amount of intelligent preprocessing on media objects prior to
`upload. In the case of digital images. the tool can perform
`G06!” 15/16
`sizing and formatting. for example. Information capture is
`GOGF 3/00
`performed with information being uploaded together with the
`U.S. Cl.
`media objects. In an exemplary embodiment. infonnation
`........... 7091203: 7091201: 7091219: 7151744:
`capture is both user~transparent (e.g._. user ID andlor pass—
`7151748: 7151769; 7071999102
`word) and user—visible (eg. the user can provide captions for
`Field of Classification Search
`media objects). The submission of infomialion about the user
`7091203. 201. 21917071999101:
`and the media objects facilitates automatic integration of the
`7151744. 748. 769
`media objects within existing databases.
`See application file for complete search history.
`53 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
`Int. (:1.
`Realtor Services
`Getting Started
`Send Photos Homes
`Financing Otter 3: Closing Help
`Ibo-Yen! Fm
`6.752 Adding Photos to your listings
`15-?” Filed
`3‘55 Get betler exposure for pur “slings by inclusion some plclurcs at the
`proparty. Its map .1131 locate the folds on your cannula: contaiiing
`1—funr M'Estohlo
`your photos. and then drag them Into the beans helm. Sdect a
`IMutit‘tmil average rates
`descriptive caption for ouch photo and than did; the ‘Send Photes'
`17mm 11} aided
`i‘lt‘etcems lo Hotnest
`$12659 send us your
`Ex. 1009
`Ex. 1009
`IPR1 of U.S. Pat. No. 8,612,515
`IPRl of US. Pat. No. 8,612,515


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