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`MTF Ex. 1036. pg. 10
`MTF Ex. 1036, pg. 10
`Provisional Patent Application.
`Combination of‘a Biologic‘allyXCompatibl'e Scaffo‘ld?‘ and Human Amnion Tissue for
`' TiSsueRegcheratiéfl
`InttOductiom The term afterbirth may usedtodenote all’thes-tissues and cells leftover after
`.a woman gives birth. This may include butznot limited to, the placenta, umbilical cord and
`amniotic sac;
`'lhe,-amni0dc sac encloses the embryo during pregnancy. The amniotic sac
`'may be: procured from adorior during the: birthing process following-the methods outlined
`in Provisional Patent-Application 11/1314356‘, which is incorporated hereinby reference in
`its entirety- for. all purposes. The amniotic sac has: two parts, the amnion and chorion.
`During processing the amnion, may be bluntly dissected from the chorion.. Theremaining
`amniontissue may be typically between.i).2 - 0.4. mm thick, however other-thicknesses are
`possible. The amniontissue can .:bc::cleansed by various agents-including but not limited to
`saline, ,tsnrfactant solutions, ethanol,_iglutamldehyde, ultrasound and or other mild agitation
`techniques, The, amnion tissue is processed aseptically andflozen or terminally sterilized
`and stored in dehydrated suite” freeze dried or ina. liquid‘preservation agent including but
`not limited to ethanol or saline untiltime of surgery».
`..Amnion tissue has been usedns askin graft-temporary biologic dressing forrfull thickness
`wounds, reconstruct damagedorgans, a netve..tube,eguided tissue regeneration, preventing
`tissue adhesion, and in ocular procedures. More'recently it was shown tobe an effective
`graft: for .regenerating.gingival tissne'in alate—clinical rabbit .study'.
`MTF Ex. 1036. pg. 11
`MTF Ex. 1036, pg. 11
`Although the exact mechanism; of amnion tissue "in wound ..healing may not be fully
`understood, it docs possess several properties that make it an attractive option in the
`treatincn't of gingival teccssion and increasing thccovctagc of gingival tissue around the root
`of a tooth, to address ssthctic concerns,- hypersensitivity and/ or root -caries,.-among-other
`pOs'sib‘lc uses. These. "types of procedures are somotimes tcfcrrcd to as pedophstic. or
`mucogingiital wrgety. Some, but not all, Of theadvantages, of flicvuscvof'ainnion tissue from
`a Scientific perspective are listedvhelow.
`1. Contains laminihs 1 ands;- Laminin 5 has been shown to bind gingival cells.
`'2. Contains Vfibroncctin and'fibtillat collagen typesv'l, III, and 1V
`3. Contains several growth- factorsjincluding-jbut not'limited to epidermal growth factor,
`transforming growth factoto, kerationcyte growth factor, hcpotcyte growth factor,
`basic ‘fibroblast'growth factor, and transforming growth factors, '91, $2 and [53,.
`4.- The tissue is acclluar.
`Tho-laminins in amnion tissue are Suspected to incroasc cell attachment";1 which may up.
`tcgulate, the expressioniof'gtowth“factors toinduce. rapid gingival-cpithclia cell migration and
`cellular-proliferation and differentiation‘. These ..gtowth,factors-may aidin the formation of
`granulation tissue by stimulatingfibroblastgrowth andineovasculatizadOns. Amnion‘ tissue
`suppresscs the migration of polymorphonuclear cells, which mitigates a strong immune
`response“. These attributes plus amnion tissues inherent quality toself adhere to host tissue
`should limit- inflamma’ti'on post irnplantation7.
`,Despites all these-attributes amnion tissue;
`primary drawback is less than'optimalztlnckncssyof thctissuc;
`MTF Ex. 1036. pg. 12
`MTF Ex. 1036, pg. 12
`One-of the goals ’-of .mucogingiVal surgery maybe to increase attachment level and the
`thickness ofsoft tissue,- sometimes referred to a5»gingival-soft'ti3511c,-kc1ratinized tissue, and /
`or keratinizcd mucosa in a patient’s mouth. A, single layer of amnion tissue may not. provide
`the necessary depth of new kctatihizedmucosa relative to the depth of the surrounding host
`keratinized- mucosa. The-dental professional may'pr'efe'r to work withasof't tissue substitute
`that‘is easy to} use in. muc‘ogingival Surgery. This may invoke cutting the tissueto match the
`morphology of ' the wound, placement, and possibly, stabilizatibn with sutures.
`If. left
`unsupported the tissue may fall ever itself; and may bunch together. Amnion tissue may
`have handling limitations. By’itself,jthe material may bei'una'ble'to hold sutures. Sutures may
`tear the tisSue during placement, and maybe knocked free by thespatients tongue post
`sixtgcry. These r'fact's makeuimming, placement, andseeuring a singlcflayer of‘amnion tissue
`is less than ideal fo: the dental professional.
`In one embodiment amnion tissue may form the-bottom and top layers of the composite
`'lhe:graft may: be composed- of only amnion tissue as shown in figure one or amnion
`tissue Combined with another biologically compatible material (BOB/I) as shown in figure
`two, "111:; amnion-tissue may be Layetedin, such a way that the. basement membrane is facing
`outward on’bo'th sides of'the graft, thereby-'cxposingthc laminins to-host cells.
`Another embodiment,-shownin figure 3-, the amniOn tissue‘tnay form the bottom and top
`layers .of a» composite graft, In this-graft, only'oue side of the graft Will‘havc the basement
`the» basement-hyac'facing inward; The basement,*niembranc may be imptinted in such a way
`MTF Ex. 1036. pg. 13
`MTF Ex. 1036, pg. 13
`to- clearly tell. the dental professiOnal which side of the composite graft is thclcxposed
`basement membrane.
`Another embodiment, shownin figure 4, :may use amnion tissue; to form, one side of the
`.compos'itezgtaft side, with. the basementglayet facing outward exposing the lam‘inins to the
`host’scells. The other. side offthe compo'sitegraft may be the BCM. The BCM may provide
`an impetmeable battict to impede the ability omens- to attach and-orvmigtate onsutfacc of
`the biological scaffdld;
`Another embodiment, shown-in figure 5,-may use amnion tissue to fotm one side of the
`composite gut; side with the basement Jaye: facing- outward exposing the laminins to the
`host’s cells;'71'he=other side of the compositegr'aft may’jbe'formed by a B'CM. The BCM, may-
`be able toabsorb fluids, either bysoaking graft in thedesited ifluid‘ cit-addition ofthedcsircd
`fluid directly onto graft. _'1'he desired fluid may be retained by: the BCM until implantation.
`Uponimplcmentation, the amnion-Esme wiih the BCM' containing the desired fluid may be
`delivered'to. the patient.
`Cleansed amnion tissue may be: combined with another BCM. The amnion tissue, alone or
`in combination with a biological scaffold may be combined using suture materials, tissue
`welding, adhesives, detergents, or chemicals to :form multi—layetcd soft tissue graft. The
`combined materials-may be treated'as a singleproduct.
`Inran embodiinent itwill be supplied
`in a variety of. thicknesses based on number of layers, 1-10, ofzamnion tissue usedand the
`type andnumber offlziyets, 1410, of.BC‘M used.
`In'ranpmbodimcnnthcgraft may equalto
`or larger'than 0.2‘mmthink but not morethe 10 min-thick.
`In an embodiment the dental
`MTF Ex. 1036. pg. 14
`MTF Ex. 1036, pg. 14
`professional will be able to easily cut the graft. to meet the requirements of the particular
`surgery In an embodiment the product will not require the dental professional: to: fold
`amnion 'tissue- 01: combine it with Mother material at the time of surgery to obtain the
`desired Q‘gt'a'ft-tlii'ckness. In an embodiment the-graft may be able to hold sutures by’ itself and
`with surrounding host tissue. In 'an- preferred embodiment, the product would not fold ovet
`itself, and wc'mld be easy to ,place'inthe surgical site.
`The various formulations of a multi-layetcd soft tissue graft containing amnion tissue may be
`useful in inuc'ogingival surgery due to the Scientific attributes of amnion tissue described
`‘ above.- “The‘s'c benefits may also apply toother'tteaunents or procedures thatthuite a soft
`tissue substitute: -ot,_ each. of the BCMS- listed below. The less than Optimal handling.
`properties associated with a singlezl‘ajmrof amniOn tissue'would be present and inconvenient
`for any "medical professional. The embodimentsof an amnion tissue product \vouldrbe both
`useful and‘applieablc top-other procedures or-Ettcatrncnts. The following list a few, but not all,
`for the product-nnd‘pw'cess described herein:
`‘Gingival tecessi’on
`2. Root caries
`3.. Root covetage
`Inercasin'gzone of attached gingivgi
`.5- Eliminating frenum pull
`’6: Patella regeneration
`7. Mouth sores/ Oral lesions
`8. Guide tisSuevbone regeneration
`9. Shawn:-
`MTF Ex. 1036. pg. 15
`MTF Ex. 1036, pg. 15
`9. Sinalljntcsti‘nal submucosa,
`10; "Bladder accllul‘érmatrix,aand /’ or
`11. Cadaveric fasia, and / or combinationswhcrcof '
`Fluids Which mziy be utilized -t_xmy 'ihclu’de map. or more of the following, and / or
`I. Naturally occurring gtbwth factozs. "these could be souxcéd, fromhuman placental
`cord blood, amniotic.fluid,~.platclctsvand or bone mmgw.
`,2. Platelet-concentrate
`3. Wharmn’sjelly
`4. Bone marrow aspirate
`5.‘ Stem 9911s. Ihesc could,=c_ome from concentrated human placental cord blodd stem
`cells, concentrated-amniotic fluidstmn cells and or stem cells grown in a bioreactor.
`'6; Antibiofics
`'7. Drugs
`MTF Ex. 1036. pg. 16
`MTF Ex. 1036, pg. 16
`10; 'Dux‘altrepa'ix
`11. Herina'rcpztir
`12. Plastic suxgciry
`13. Cosmetic-surgexy
`14. Peripheralarterial-disease (alternative to saphcnousvcin'gmft)
`15. Bladder: reconstruction
`1'6. Esophagusgrcconstmction
`1 7. orbital .floomcpair
`18. Foot ulcers
`19. Corneal repair
`20-. Adhesion bum'er inispinal implant procedures
`21. Adhesion barrier injgcncml surgery
`22. Vascuhxficonduits
`23. Genitourinary reconstruction
`Biologitally CompatiblefMaterials (13(3Ms);may include, .bucf’is not-limited to, the following.
`1 . Amnion. tissue,
`-2. Chotion,
`.3.- Allegraft, pericardium,
`:i\.llograft:acclluar dermis,
`5. Amniotic membxane- (amnion and thori‘ofi)‘,
`6. Wharton’sgjclly,
`7. Purified 'xenograft Type-1 Icollaggn,
`8, Bioccllulosc biocompatiblc synthetic pdlymcr films c.g. PLGA,
`MTF Ex. 1036. pg. 17
`MTF Ex. 1036, pg. 17
`Datcof Invention: September 6"“, 2007
`Inventor: Robert Tot}:
`Eachofthe féllowmg publications-is hereby'incpxpoxated"byrcfcxcncc:
`‘.. Histolbgical evaluation of rabbit gingiVal wound healing transplanted with human amniotic
`membrane. M'Rinasmi, A l'vlatijadi, e‘t-aL Jutmafimza!Ja'm‘r'zalv qmel r8?Marz’llofiakzl'f103m. 2006;
`Pages 2474251.
`2. Function oflaminins and laminin-binding integrins in gingival ,cpithclial cell-adhcnsion.
`I Virtanmct ’al. journal (y’l’erz'odnntalqu, 2002. Pagcs'709-719.,
`3. Diffcxcnrial distribution of subchmns” of the ‘basmn'ent'mcmbmnc components Type-IV collagen
`and laminin among the amnidtic .membmne,»comea, and conjunctiva. K FukudalT Chikama.
`Comm; 1999,. pages 73-79.
`4'. I~Ii3t()logical.§waluatiol_1pfmbbit gingival Woundhealing transplanted with human amniotic
`membrane. M Rimsriti; A Harijadii et‘ a1. InternationaljbumahJOml‘(’9’ Maxi/Imam .S‘mgcgy. 2006.
`Pages 247-251.
`5. Gmwth-favcthmRNApand pmtcinin. preserved human amnioticmcmbmnc. N Koizumi, ’1‘
`Inatinni, ct a]. (,3th Ijiyg Reanl). 2002,_ pages 173—177.
`6. Identifigation-of-andan’giogcnic and anti—in flammatory protein's inhuman amniotic membrane~ .Y
`Han, D Kang. Comm. 2000,_pag¢s=348-352;
`7. Antibacterial properties of human amnioticmembranes. Y Talmi, L Siglcn Placenta. 1991; pages
`'1‘, Pakkala,
`MTF Ex. 1036. pg. 18
`MTF Ex. 1036, pg. 18
`Note: Drawing: are nor-atommle'. Tbé..auerqgc 2 @y 2 m '5'th time-graft zlr 19:: than 2 or 3 mm: tbz'af»;
`1171‘de 'or'dept/J fidmm’m 1mm and‘BCWIE'kkrlzg‘g/Jy eijbafldedyfbr illztxtmtz‘onpdkpom any;
`Figure One
`Amxfion tissue forms all-layers of dlc‘compositc gulf; The-letter“‘.B” indicates—the basement
`membrane-is facihgsoutward on b‘oihgsidcs of the, gmftcxposiug the laminins tohost cells.
`(2 mm)
`(2 mm)
`Composite SoftTissue Graft-4 inyAmnion Tissue (10mm)
`MTF Ex. 1036. pg. 19
`MTF Ex. 1036, pg. 19
`Figure Two
`Amnion fissuc'will. form the bottom and top layers of the Composite-graft.
`'l'helmid'dle Of
`thegmft is form'cd'ftom two'layers o‘thCMv
`\‘ i
`'(5 turn)
`(2 mm}
`.mmwm .... m
`' ‘
`1 3‘W ‘
`.2 c
`W w».
`CompositeAmnion Soft Tissue Substitute 1(15 mm thick)
`MTF Ex. 1036. P9- 20
`MTF Ex. 1036, pg. 20
`Figure Three
`Amnion tissucforms the bottom and top layétspf thetorn‘positcgraft. (Only one side of the
`graft has the bascmcnt membrane facing-Outward exposing the lamim'ns to the host’s cells.
`Thevothc: side has the basemenclaycrafacing- inward.
` 5\" .
`f. g 3'
`(5‘ mm)
`(5 mm)
`(2 mm)
`CompOsitc Soft Tissue Graft (1'4-mmuth'ick)
`MTF Ex. 1036. pg. 21
`MTF Ex. 1036, pg. 21
`Amnion tissue form's one Side

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