A Multicollaborative Push-Caching HTTP Protocol for the WWW
`A Multicollaborative Push-Caching HTTP
`Protocol for the WWW
`Alejandro López-Ortiz
` - Daniel M. Germán
`We propose a caching protocol designed to automatically mirror heavily accessed WWW pages in a
`distributed and temporal fashion. The proposed caching mechanism differs from proxy type mechanisms
`in that it caches according to load pattern at the server side, instead of access patterns at the client-side
`LAN, in a Demand-based Document Dissemination (DDD) system fashion. This type of server initiated
`caching scheme has been termed push-caching. As well, the proposed caching scheme incorporates
`topological caching functions. The proposed protocol is orthogonal to other extensions to the HTTP
`protocol and other caching schemes already in use.
`Table of Contents
`1. Introduction and Motivation
`2. Traffic Overload
`3. A multi-collaborative cache for the World Wide Web
`1. Overview
`2. High Level Specification
`3. A serving cache
`4. Algorithm
`4. Benefits of Multicollaborative Push-Caching
`1. Demand Based Modeling
`2. Geographic/Topological Caching
`5. Conclusions
`6. References
`Introduction and Motivation
`The World Wide Web has seen a dramatic increase in popularity during the past sixteen months. As a
`result of this success, there have been interruptions of service from the part of heavily accessed Web
`sites, such as Cool Site of the Day, WWW indexing services and other popular servers. It is clear that
`most organizations do not have the bandwidth or computational resources required to support the heavy
`loads associated with a popular site.
`The Net has been identified as a great resource for the dissemination of information: a printing press on
`everybody’s hands. Ironically, the more popular a personal site is, the likelier it is to be discontinued, due
`to server load. Only large commercial operators can meet the computing requirements of a frequently
`accessed site. Distributed methods of information broadcast, such as a posting to an Usenet newsgroup
`or a radio broadcast have a fix set of demands on the broadcaster which is independent of the number of
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`Google Inc.
`GOOG 1021
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,014,698


`A Multicollaborative Push-Caching HTTP Protocol for the WWW
`people who actually read or listen to the information distributed. On the other hand, other protocols such
`as WWW and cable TV require additional investment for every new user. In the latter case, costs are
`simply passed on to the consumer. But as the WWW is based on the free distribution of information,
`similar cost recovery schemes are not equally feasible.
`As well, transmition of information is highly redundant say, as opposed to Usenet. While a posting to a
`newsgroup essentially travels any given part of the network but once, a WWW page accessed by two
`users from the same organization at the same time generates two independent transmissions [Gwe94,
`Gwe95]. This duplication of broadcast is not unlike that generated by FTP. Indeed, the Alex caching
`scheme [Cat92] was designed to alleviate these problems while at the same time providing a more
`familiar user interface to FTP transmissions. As FTP traffic has not increased rapidly enough to be a
`threat to network bandwidth, Alex has remained subutilized in spite of its clear benefits. On the other
`hand, traffic on the WWW is fast reaching the critical point of saturation.
`To this regard, the National Science Foundation deemed as a critical research topic for the National
`Information Infrastructure to ‘‘develop new technologies for organizing cache memories and other
`buffering schemes to alleviate memory and network latency and increase bandwidth’’ (in [NSF94] as
`quoted in [Bes95]).
`Because of these considerations several research groups are studying the impact on traffic by proxy/cache
`additions to the HTTP protocol. It has been shown that the addition of organization edge proxies for
`incoming traffic, as well as remote cache servers, would result in a noticeable reduction in expected
`traffic [Bes95].
`Currently, some popular browsers, such as Netscape, and some large organizations, such as DEC
`[Jon94], provide some degree of local caching for their users. As traditionally configured, Netscape
`retains the last few images and text files accessed in a cache directory which is accessible only to the
`requestor. This results in a reduction of network traffic and latency. Load in the server, however, is only
`marginally reduced as the cache is accessible to one user alone. Similarly, the internal DEC network is
`equipped with a caching relay for the organization (not unlike that of Netscape) to which all internal user
`requests are first directed. If a hit occurs, the information is served to the user, else the relay host
`forwards the request to the actual server indicated by the URL. Again, the impact on server load is
`At this time, there are proposed modifications to the HTTP protocol, currently implemented in several
`HTTP servers, thaty make caching possible for pages which are frequently modified. This new command
`in the protocol, called ‘‘if-modified-since’’ allows a caching client, the so-called proxies, to verify if a
`cached document has been recently modified. If so, it requests a fresh version of it, otherwise it serves it
`locally to the user, without generating additional external traffic.
`In early August 1994, we started tracing access patterns at a local Web server, and by late October 1994,
`our measurements confirmed the observations stated in [CBP94]. Thus it became clear that a form of
`server initiated caching would eventually be necessary. The last fourteen months have, if anything,
`exceeded our expectations, and more than justify the requirement of server-side caching. However, at
`this time, there seems to be little work on this area, and none whatsoever at the level of HTTP
`In this work we present a push-caching scheme which, as opposed to [Gwe95], is additional to current
`client-side proxying schemes.
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`A Multicollaborative Push-Caching HTTP Protocol for the WWW
`We propose a collection of collaborative proxies that cooperate in caching of WWW documents. The
`protocol is designed to implement a Demand-based Document Dissemination system or DDD (as
`proposed by [Bes95]), meaning that the request for caching is issued by the server depending on local
`load and size statistics. Among the advantages of a DDD system are that automatic mirroring is provided
`as well as the efficient use of resources, since documents are cached according to demand and geographic
`A significant difference with other caching schemes is that in this multicollaborative system, caching is
`initiated by the server. As the server is aware of the modification frequency of a document (say by
`verifying the last modified date), it avoids many of the problems posed by ‘‘mutable’’ documents in
`[Bes95] by means of not caching highly mutable documents. (Mutable documents are those which are
`frequently ‘‘updated’’.) As well, this scheme partially implements the ideas of geographic and topological
`In section 2, we define the different types of traffic generated by Web accesses. Section 3 describes the
`caching scheme and discusses specific issues of its implementation. In section 4 we describe the results of
`computer modelling of the caching scheme.
`Traffic Overload
`Traffic generated by WWW transactions can be classified in four different classes.
`1. LAN External Traffic
`2. LAN Internal Traffic
`3. WAN Single Source Traffic
`4. WAN Multi Source Traffic
`This distinction is very relevant, as different types of solutions are required to reduce different types of
`traffic. First, let us specify what we mean by each category.
`LAN External Traffic is generated by external users accessing locally maintained documents in different
`internal hosts. Thus, if in the local network configuration the server host A is connected to a host B
`which in turn is connected to the external Internet gateway server C, each access to a document in A
`causes network traffic to be increased locally between A, B and C; which in most cases entail a
`degradation in transmission speed for local users connected to the subnetworks A-B and B-C.
`LAN Internal Traffic are local users repeatedly accessing, across an organization’s internal network, an
`internal or external WWW document. Once again, traffic will be increased on the local subnetworks that
`contain gateways connecting the client host to the server host.
`WAN Single Source Traffic is generated by users from the same first or second level domain, such as a
`country or organization, accessing the same WWW page. In this case we have an international or
`backbone wire carrying several copies of the same page within relatively short spans of time (see figure
`WAN Multi Source Traffic occurs when a popular WWW page is widely accessed across the globe in
`such a way that no individual organization generates a significant percentage of the traffic, while at the
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`A Multicollaborative Push-Caching HTTP Protocol for the WWW
`same time, traffic is high enough to bring the server to a halt. In this case, the main objective is to reduce
`server load rather than network load.
`Figure 1. LAN Internal/External Traffic
`In the case of figure 1, we see that a client requesting a document generates LAN Internal Traffic that
`could be avoided by proxying in an internal gateway such as with CERN proxy, or by browser caching,
`such as the one used by Netscape. These two schemes, depending on the specific page being accessed,
`may also reduce WAN Single and Multi Source Traffic.
`The same computer, serving a document generates LAN External Traffic which can be avoided by means
`of server side caching at the gateway between the LAN and the backbone or better, even further down, if
`a cache is known to exist closer to the client.
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`A Multicollaborative Push-Caching HTTP Protocol for the WWW
`Figure 2. WAN Single Source Traffic
`A multi-collaborative cache for the World Wide
`Our proposal is designed to obviate LAN External Traffic and WAN Single and MultiSource Traffic, and
`it is compatible with Netscape and CERN type proxying. As well, it takes advantage of the CERN
`supported If-Modified-Since modifications.
`The server only forwards clients to caching servers which are known to hold fresh copies. At the caching
`side, copies are held as long as indicated in a header of each file served or until the space is needed,
`whichever occurs first. As the server knows the vital statistics of each file (such as size, last modification
`date, and access frequency, and in some instances the expiry date of a document), it can automatically
`place a expiry date derived from these figures using a formula of the form
`Expiry Date = (Today)+(Frequency of Accesses)+(Time since last change) +(Size);
`where each of the terms might be weighted in an appropriate form.
`The proposed protocol is somewhat akin to proxies, most of which have been investigated in terms of
`physical proximity be it in LANs or slightly wider geographical areas [Bes95, Gwe94, Gwe95]. To our
`knowledge, none of this proposals have gone beyond a detailed description of the problem. However,
`those studies provide valuable data for the design of a caching protocol.
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`A Multicollaborative Push-Caching HTTP Protocol for the WWW
`High Level Specification
`The caching scheme works as follows:
`1. The client requests a document to a server via HTTP. If the client can push-cache the file, it
`informs the server via the modifier commands on the request line. Say,
` telnet 80
`GET /~alopez-/test.html HTTP/N.N
`The server then serves the document to the caching proxy which in turn serves it to the client.
`2. If the server does not have a cache copy suitable for the client, according to local size, access
`statistics, and geographic/topological considerations, it serves the document along with an expiry
`date (or a no-cache pragma).
`Otherwise, the server redirects the client to a push-caching-proxy that has a current copy of the
`information, according to the server’s own local tables. It then replies to the original request with
`the URL of such caching-proxy. The procedure of choosing the caching-proxy can involve
`parameters such as heuristic physical proximity of the proxy selected to the client. A possible
`format for the caching redirection is to reply with an URL, say,
`HTTP/N.N 305 Push Cached
`Content-type: command
`3. The client then goes to the proxy and requests the same information.
`4. The proxy finds out whether it still has the information. If it does, it serves the information back to
`the client.
`5. Otherwise, it replies with an error code.
`306 Cached file has been removed
`6. In the latter case, the client reissues the request to the server, with an ‘‘issue’’ modifier command.
`The server then replies back with the information, so no further redirection exists. If the client is
`able to cash, it is incorporated to the server tables as a temporary holder of the information, and
`the PCP server is removed from the server’s table.
`Details. Since hyperdocuments are normally composed of text and images, the whole collection of files
`that compose the hyperdocument can be cached at the same time; hence, only one request to the original
`server will be necessary, on the behalf that the proxy will contain a valid copy of all the files. The client
`then will query the proxy for all required files before going to the main server.
`·Files will travel shorter distances if the server can decide on the physical location of the client and
`proxies. Domain names provide a ready approximation of this information at a national level. Since
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`A Multicollaborative Push-Caching HTTP Protocol for the WWW
`transoceanic links are severe bottlenecks, this step alone improves throughput.
`since they create a significant percentage of traffic.
`·Big files such as images, sound files and movie files are the main targets for this kind of caching,
`·At this time, a large amount of resources are required by the owners of a popular site, even if they
`are providing a free service. The proposed scheme distributes the load in an egalitarian form to
`recent users of the information.
`Drawbacks. As the server can use local time and size statistics, the server can ensure that small or lightly
`accessed documents are not cached, thus resulting in no increase of traffic. To our knowledge the only
`drawback is that all clients should ideally become potential cache servers, which increases the complexity
`of software on the client side.
`A serving cache
`Most of the current caching research has concentrated on the client side. However, in big organizations,
`with many WWW servers
` significant traffic is generated in the local network while serving external
`requests. This traffic, termed LAN External Traffic, may become a significant percentage of the traffic
`broadcasted over the local network.
`The cache proposed in the previous section provides a natural solution to this problem. Within an
`organization, a server on the boundary of the local network may cache often accessed documents as
`requested by the server. When an external hit occurs, the server forwards the request to the boundary
`server thus obviating the need for internal traffic. The set of documents maintained in the external host
`changes dynamically as well. In principle, all of LAN External Traffic can be avoided by means of a
`boundary caching server. As studies show that a 70-80% of traffic is generated by accesses to a few
`documents [Bes95, Gwe95] it is possible to reduce LAN External Traffic loads by that amount with
`relatively little additional investment. As the popularity of the Web continues to grow, it is expected that
`the percentage of savings as part of the total traffic (external or otherwise) will also increase.
`1. The client requests a page to the ‘‘authorative’’ server. The server then redirects it to the
`caching-proxy, similarly to the algorithm for collaborative caching proxies.
`2. The caching-proxy receives all the requests, and serves them. Whenever necessary it goes to the
`‘‘authorative’’ server for a fresh copy of the data.
`queried from within, by means of caching at gateway servers between local subnetworks (see
`figure 1).
`the organization, providing a both-ways cache.
`·This scheme avoids unnecessary traffic in the local network, normally generated by external
`·This scheme can also be used within an organization that has a large number of servers that are
`·This model can be combined with a normal caching-proxy that caches external pages going inside
`·In organizations in which the existence of WWW servers is not a critical part of their mission, the
`outgoing-proxy can provide a way to adapt the traffic to the resources available, so the network
`does not become overloaded with unwanted network activity.
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`A Multicollaborative Push-Caching HTTP Protocol for the WWW
`·In principle, a server may inform a PCP that a document has been updated and serve a fresh copy.
`·It might require additional storage in the gateway machine, and in some extreme high traffic loads
`a dedicated machine will be necessary. However, substantial savings on network traffic and latency
`for Web and non Web-users more than justify this cost.
`Benefits of Multicollaborative Push-Caching
`We ran simulations under different criteria for forwarding requests to a caching site. We used access logs
`to which is a DEC Alpha 3000/800S running NCSA HTTPd 1.3 server and connected
`to a 1.5Mbs local ethernet to a shared T1 line to the Internet backbone. It serves an average of 5,000 files
`a day for a total of 50MB. Even though the site is located outside the US, the vast majority of the
`accesses originate there, as it is common for sites which are mostly in English.
`Because daisy’s connection to the backbone is relatively fast, the number of requests is not altered by
`traffic load. This might skew some of the statistics when we assume that the same log was created under
`a slower connection. For one, often a second request occurs close to the first one, which would not be
`possible if the first file is being slowly transmitted. Secondly, users tend to browse more pages on fast
`sites than on slow ones.
`On the other hand, if the caching protocol proposed is implemented, users would experience reduced
`latency and thus demand pages in a pattern similar to the one registered on daisy’s logs which
`compensates some of the high traffic patterns registered.
`Demand Based Modeling
`The first simulation uses demand based accesses patterns. That is, a maximum desirable load was set, and
`whenever this value was exceeded all requests were forwarded to a caching site whenever one existed. It
`turns out that even for a relatively slow 64kbs connection, the threshold is rarely surpassed. The savings
`reported were of the order of 3.3%. At this time then, latency is correlated to throughput rather than
`bandwidth, even for relatively slow connections.
`However, the amount of traffic on the Web has been estimated to double every 11 to 16 weeks. At this
`rate of growth the benefits of Demand Based Caching will become non-negligible in March 96, significant
`by mid June, and almost a necessity by the end of next year (see figure 3).
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`A Multicollaborative Push-Caching HTTP Protocol for the WWW
`Figure 3. Amount of Traffic Obviated by DDD
`Within a year, even sites supporting 500kbs with a maximum 30% network load devoted to Web traffic
`would benefit from nonnegligible reductions under this demand based caching scheme.
`Notice also that this scheme allows for servers inside a LAN to refer all requests to a proxy in the same
`network acting as gateway between the LAN and the external Internet connection. This has the effect of
`eliminating LAN External Traffic almost on its entirety (initial requests are still served locally).
`Geographic/Topological Caching
`As we mentioned before, an important consideration is to reduce the amount of traffic on the backbone.
`For this, clients need to be refereed to proxies which are, if possible, located in close geographical
`proximity. The problem of determining geographic proximity has been studied in the past, particularly for
`the purposes of automated multicast distribution. At this time, it seems that there is no single efficient
`scheme for determining geographic proximity in all cases [GS95]. Among the cheapest and most efficient
`is the use of topological information given by IP addresses. While indeed is true that two computers
`within the same subnetwork domain need not be geographically close, it is typically the case that at least
`there is high connectivity among them.
`In these simulations, when a document is requested, the server uses the IP address to determine if the
`document has been recently requested by a computer on the same network as the current requestor.
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`A Multicollaborative Push-Caching HTTP Protocol for the WWW
`Figure 4. Amount of Traffic Obviated by Geographic/Topological Caching
`If so, the server forwards the request to that machine which serves the request. If not, the document is
`served, and the cache tables are updated to reflect the caching of the document on the local caching
`proxy indicated by the client. Cached documents are assumed to decay with time. We assumed three
`different half-lifespans for cached documents of 26, 48 and 60 hours. The reduction in traffic in the first
`case was 12.62%, in the second 14.06% and on the third 14.85%.
`Most important is the fact that the savings were reflected not only in the local server load, but also across
`the network as requests were forwarded to a nearer server to the client.
`Thus geographic caching reduces WAN Internal and External Traffic, as well as LAN External Traffic.
`We introduced a scheme that can be reasonably implemented over the current infrastructure provided by
`HTTP. This scheme uses server based proxying which complements client side proxying in a natural way.
`It also incorporates demand-based document dissemination and geographic-based caching fairly naturally
`as well as ‘‘reverse’’ proxying, in the sense that client side proxies reside typically on the boundary of the
`client network and the Internet, and the proposed server based proxy defaults to a host on the boundary
`of the server network and the Internet.
`Bal95 T. Ballardie. Core Based Tree (CBT) Multicast, Architectural Overview and Specification.
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`A Multicollaborative Push-Caching HTTP Protocol for the WWW
`Internet Draft, April, 1995.
`A. Bestavros, Demand-based Document Dissemination for the World-Wide Web. Technical
`Report 95-003, Computer Science Department, Boston University. February, 1995.
`A. Bestavros, R. L. Carter, M. E. Crovella, C. R. Cunha, A. Heddaya, S. A. Mirdad,
`Application-Level Document Caching in the Internet. Technical Report BU-CS-95-002, Computer
`Science Deparment, Boston University, Revised March, 1995.
`V. Cate, Alex - A Global Filesystem, Proceedings of the Usenix File Systems Workshop, May
`1992, pp1-11.
`K. C. Claffy, H-W, Braun, George C. Polyzos, Tracking Long-Term Growth of the NSFNET.
`Communications of the ACM, August 1994, pp34-45.
`M. D. Dahlin, R. Y. Wang, T. E. Anderson, D.A. Patterson, Cooperative Caching: Using Remote
`Client Memory to Improve File System Performance. Proceedings of the First Symposium on
`Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), pp.267-280, 1994.
`S. Deering, D. Estrin, D. Farinacci, Van Jacobson, C. Liu, L. Wei, Protocol Independent Multicast
`(PIM): Motivation and Architecture. Internet Draft, January, 1995.
`S. Deering, D. Estrin, D. Farinacci, Van Jacobson, C. Liu, L. Wei, Protocol Independent Multicast
`(PIM): Protocol Specification. Internet Draft, January, 1995.
`M. Foster, R. Jump. NSF Solicitation 94-75. STIS database, May 1994.
`S. Glassman, A Caching Relay for the World Wide Web, Proceedings of the First International
`Conference on the World-Wide Web (WWW94), Elsevier, May, 1994.
`R. Golding, D. D. E. Long, Accessing Replicated Data in a Large-Scale Distributed System.
`Technical Report 91-01, Concurrent Systems Laboratory, University of California, Santa Cruz,
`January, 1991.
`GS95 J. D. Guyton, M. F. Schwartz. Locating nearby copies of replicated Internet servers. Technical
`Report CU-CS-762-95, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1995.
`J. Gwertzman, M. Seltzer. The Case for Geographical Push-Caching, in VINO: The 1994 Fall
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`A Multicollaborative Push-Caching HTTP Protocol for the WWW
`Harvest, Technical Report TR-34-94, Center for Research in Computing Technology, Harvard
`University, December, 1994.
`J. Gwertzman. Autonomous Replication in Wide-Area Internetworks.Technical Report TR-19-95,
`Center for Research in Computing Technology, Harvard University, April, 1995.
`R. Jones, Digital’s World-Wide Web Server. A Case Study. Proceedings of the First International
`Conference on the World-Wide Web (WWW94), Elsevier, May, 1994.
`D. M. Kristol, A Proposed Extension Mechanism for HTTP, Internet Draft, January, 1995.
`LA94 A. Luotonen, K. Altis, World-Wide Web Proxies,
`, May, 1994.
`PR94 J. E. Pitkow, M. M. Recker, A Simple Yet Robust Caching Algorithm Based on Dynamic Access
`Patterns. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the World-Wide Web (WWW94),
`Elsevier, May, 1994.
`J. Sedayao, Mosaic Will Kill My Network! Studying Network Traffic, Proceedings of the First
`International Conference on the World-Wide Web (WWW94), Elsevier, May, 1994.
`L. Wei, D. Estrin, The Trade-offs of Multicast Trees and Algorithms. Internet Draft, March, 1995.
`Alejandro López-Ortiz
`Research Scientist, Open Text Corp. 180 Columbia St. W. Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3L3. Canada.
`E-mail: Part of this research was done while at the Department of
`Computer Science, University of Waterloo.
`Daniel M. Germán
`Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1. Canada.
`The University of Waterloo has a total of 148 servers spread around the campus.
`Alex Lopez-Ortiz
`Thu Dec 28 23:36:17 EST 1995
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