`Patent Owner
`Case IPR No. 2015-00657
`U.S. Patent No. 6,286,045

`I conceived of the technology patented in U.S. Patent No. 6,286,045
`A. (the “’O45 Patent") and U.S. Patent No. 6,014,698 (the ‘"698 Patent”) early in
`1997 while I was the Chief Technology Officer of Matchlogic, Inc., an Internet
`advertising company.
`I also oversaw and personally did much of the work in implementing
`the technology of the ’O45 and ’698 Patents in a MatchLogic service that became
`known as TrueCount.
`_ MatchLogic introduced TrueCount in the fall of 1997 to address the
`problems posed by caching of advertisements.
`The specifications of the ’045 and ’698 Patents include a description
`of -the way that Truecount operated.
`To provide Tru.eCount to MatchLogic customers,
`I and others at
`MatchLogic would work with a publisher (for example, Yahoo) so that web pages
`served over the Internet and seen by that pu'b1isher’s viewers on a computer would
`include HTML that would reference a banner ad and cause the viewer’s browser to
`send a Truecount request for a banner ad to a MatchLogic server. Users’
`_computers were often connected to the Internet via an intermediate server, such as
`a proxy or gateway provided by their Internet Service Provider.
`The TrueCount banner request included information to prevent the
`request from being blocked by a cache (whether at the uscr’s device or on an

`Declaration of Michael Griffiths
`IPR2O 15 -00657 §U.S. Patent No. 6,286,045!
`intermediate server). The specific information used to prevent the request from
`being blocked by a cache varied depending on what a particular publisher’s servers
`could support. We often included random numbers and date/time stamps to
`prevent a request from being blocked.
`The MatchLogic server that received the TrueCount banner request
`did not respond directly with the content ofthe banner.
`Instead, it selected a link to an appropriate banner and a MatchLogic
`server that could provide that barmer and responded to the Truecount request with
`an HTTP 302 redirect message that contained a URL for the selected banner on the
`selected server.
`The HTTP 302 redirect message caused the viewer’s browser to
`retrieve the banner identified by the URL in the HTTP 302 redirect message.
`This URL Was for a cacheable banner.
`If the banner was already
`stored in the viewer’s browser’s cache, it would be displayed from that cache.
`1 1.
`If the banner was not stored in the browser’s cache,
`the browser
`would send an HTTP request for the banner. That request could be satisfied by an
`intermediate network cache, such as a proxy cache server operated by the viewer’s
`Internet Service Provider, if the proxy cache contained a copy of the banner.
`If the banner was not
`in the browser’s cache, and not
`in any
`intennediate cache, then the banner would be provided by the MatchLogic server

`Declaration of Michael. Griffiths
`IPR2015-00657 ! ES. Patent No. 698620452
`identified in the HTTP 302 redi.rect message in response to the second request sent
`by the viewer’s browser.
`The MatchLogic server that received the initial TrueCount request
`would count each banner served to a viewer’s computer, regardless of where the
`banner was served from.
`14. When MatchLogic introduced TrueCount, it was widely understood to
`have solved an important problem, and received considerable industry and public
`I have reviewed the New York Times article attached as Exhibit A.
`The MatchLogic software mentioned in the article is the Truecount service I have
`described above.
`I have reviewed the AdvertisingAge article attached as Exhibit B.
`The MatchLogic TrueCount product described in the article is the same as the
`TrueCount service I have described above.
`I have reviewed the Wall Street Journal Article attached as Exhibit C.
`The MatchLogic TrueCount system described in the article is the same as the
`TrueCo1mt service I have described above.
`‘I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States of
`America that the above statements are true and correct, and that I executed this
`declaration on October 26, 2015, in 3
`goo :-
`M’ M , Colorado.

`Declaration of Michael Griffiths
`IPR2015-00657 gQ.S. Patent No. 652862045;
`E E E % 4 .':.¢j_.e 1 ,
`Michael Griffi ' s


`Updates/Media and Technology; Software to Track Business Prospects ...
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`October 6, 1997
`One of the biggest fetters on the growth of advertising on the World Wide Web has been advertisers'
`uncertainty about how many people are actually seeing the banners and other visual gadgets they are
`spending to promote.
`Many Internet service providers and big organizations that provide access to cyberspace make copies
`of popular Web pages, like Yahoo (, for instance, and serve them up to their
`users instead of having them clog the Internet with repeated requests for the same material.
`The problem is that to the administrators of the Web page, the copying seems to be a single visit when
`the page may eventually be seen by thousands of people. That practice, known as caching, has
`disturbed advertisers and people who sell advertising on line because they have little way of knowing
`what they are getting (or selling) for their money.
`This week, a small company called Matchlogic Inc. ( plans to introduce
`software that it says will solve the problem, allowing accurate counts of how many people see a Web
`The software has the backing of a giant advertiser, General Motors, and of the Audit Bureau of
`Circulations, which certifies the reliability of circulation figures of printed publications and now of
`Web sites.
`''We went in and did a review of their technology and after agreeing that their technology did what
`they were claiming it did, we are now in the process of setting up to audit it,'' said Dick Bennett, the
`bureau's senior vice president for audit services.
`Philip Guarascio, vice president and general manager for marketing and advertising of General
`Motors' North American operations, said, ''This technology is going to give us what we think is the
`most accurate headcount, and that will let us evaluate our current and future investments more
`accurately.'' SETH SCHIESEL
`Copyright 2015 The New York Times Company
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`5/17/2015 4:40 PM


`By Rick E. Bruner
`Published: October 13, 1997
`Ad management company MatchLogic has cracked the vexing Internet advertising dilemma of ads cached on
`proxy servers with its new product, TrueCount. The service tracks and manages ad impressions that current
`site analysis tools can't see because the ads are copied, or "cached," onto proxy servers that various
`organizations, such as universities, use for their members.
`Another startup, Next Century Media, is also developing a product that addresses the ad
`caching problem, according to sources. Company officials, however, did not return
`phone calls by press time.
`Before announcing TrueCount today, MatchLogic (www.match used the
`service to survey millions of ad impressions across more than 200 sites. It concluded,
`with Ernst & Young's verification, an average 76% more Web surfers are seeing ads
`served from proxy caches beyond what sites currently track. At peak times on heavily
`trafficked sites, uncounted ads ranged as high as an additional 675% of what's now
`tracked, MatchLogic found.
`"This raises the bar in terms of providing more complete activity reporting" for online
`advertising, said Michael Lavery, president and managing director of the Audit Bureau
`of Circulations. "We have reviewed [TrueCount], and it works as [MatchLogic] says it
`does. . . . It allows for accounting of [online ad] activity heretofore not accounted [for],"
`he said.
`Institutions with many Internet users, such as large companies, universities and Internet
`service providers, regularly use proxies to cache Web content from popular sites so their
`users don't download the same files repeatedly across the networks. While the caches
`improve bandwidth, they have long confounded commercial sites and advertisers, which
`lose control of both the targeting and counting of ads behind the proxy firewalls.

`Presently, many sites employ "cache-busting" techniques that force the delivery of ads
`and other content through the proxy servers for each user who requests a page. The
`down side of cache-busting, however, is it slows the delivery time for users, which harms
`the viability of the Web medium.
`TrueCount-which MatchLogic built at the behest of its largest client, General Motors
`Corp.-delivers the best of both worlds.
`It works in harmony with proxy servers to help manage bandwidth while keeping
`control of the ads' distribution. Where possible, it serves ads out of the institution's local
`cache or from the nearest of TrueCount's 12 worldwide mirror sites. Thus, it not only
`counts the total number of impressions shown behind proxies, but it continues to
`manage the ad frequency and other targeting issues to individual surfers behind the
`"The implications for the market are vast," said Evan Neufeld, an analyst at Jupiter
`Communications. He believes if TrueCount is widely adopted and if competitors like
`Focalink and Imgis implement similar technology, the cost-per-thousand rates of
`banners should drop.
`"Everyone is wondering which way CPMs are going these days. . . . [TrueCount] puts
`advertisers in the driver's seat," he said.
`MatchLogic, like Focalink, concentrates on selling its turnkey ad management service to
`ad agencies and individual advertisers, such as GM and, less so, to sites. With TrueCount,
`advertisers will now be able to count their impressions more accurately than the sites
`that host the banners. Advertisers, Mr. Neufeld points out, will be unwilling to pay the
`same CPM to reach the 76% additional impressions they were previously getting for free.
`Therefore, he said, sites will be forced to lower their CPMs for such customers.
`"This doesn't come at the best time for the marketplace," said Mr. Neufeld, speaking of a
`possible reason for prices to drop while the market is still immature.
`Sites still struggling to sell their existing inventory-which are the majority of commercial
`sites-may not be happy to learn that, in fact, their true inventory may be some 75% to
`600% higher than what they're trying to sell already.
`The more popular a site is, the higher the percentage of cached advertising, said Pete
`Estler, president-CEO of MatchLogic.
`On the bright side, he said, "not only is the Internet audience larger than we thought, it's

`also more affluent," referring to a presumed majority of high-demographic corporate
`users with fast Internet connections.
`"Counting is the basis of [the online ad industry's] economic model," Mr. Estler said. "
`[Revenues are] based on our ability to count to 1,000. As an industry to date, we've
`shown that we can't count to 1,000."
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`Ňěťẅǿřķ Čǻčħįňģ Čǻťčħěș Fŀǻķ Fřǿm
`Șǿmě Čǿňťěňť Přǿvįđěřș
`Bỳ JǺȘǾŇ FŘỲ Țħě Ẅǻŀŀ Șțřěěț Jǿųřňǻŀ İňțěřǻčțįvě Ěđįțįǿň
`Ųpđǻțěđ Ňǿv. 21, 1997 11:05 p.m. ĚȚ
`Ț ĦĚ BŲŻŻ İȘ ĢŘǾẄİŇĢ ǻbǿųț čǿmpǻňįěș țħǻț mǻķě přǿđųčțș ųșěđ țǿ "čǻčħě"
`Ẅěb pǻģěș, ǻ țěčħňǿŀǿģỳ țħǻț'ș ǻșșųmįňģ įňčřěǻșįňģ įmpǿřțǻňčě įň țħě ǿň-ŀįňě
`ẅǿřŀđ běčǻųșě įț čǻň șpěěđ ųp İňțěřňěț ǻččěșș ǻňđ řěđųčě ňěțẅǿřķ čǿňģěșțįǿň.
`Ǻňǻŀỳșțș șǻỳ țħǻț ǻ ňěẅ ěřǻ įș đǻẅňįňģ įň ẅħįčħ ňěțẅǿřķ čǻčħįňģ ẅįŀŀ běčǿmě ǻň
`įňțěģřǻŀ -- ǻňđ ųŀțįmǻțěŀỳ įňvįșįbŀě -- pǻřț ǿf țħě İňțěřňěț'ș įňfřǻșțřųčțųřě, ǻňđ įň
`ẅħįčħ čǿmpǻňįěș řǻňģįňģ fřǿm ģįǻňțș ŀįķě Čįșčǿ Șỳșțěmș İňč. țǿ șțǻřț-ųpș șųčħ
`ǻș İňķțǿmį, Ňěțẅǿřķ Ǻppŀįǻňčě, ČǻčħěFŀǿẅ ǻňđ Pǻčķěțěěř mǻỳ fŀǿųřįșħ. Bųț ǻș įț
`șțǻňđș, ňěțẅǿřķ čǻčħįňģ ǻŀșǿ čřěǻțěș ħěǻđǻčħěș fǿř čǿňțěňț přǿvįđěřș ǻňđ ǿň-
`ŀįňě ǻđvěřțįșěřș, bǿțħ ǿf ẅħįčħ ǻřě řěģǻřđįňģ ňěẅ đěvěŀǿpměňțș ẅįțħ șǿmě
`đěģřěě ǿf ňěřvǿųșňěșș.
`Čǻčħěș, ẅħěțħěř ěmpŀǿỳěđ ǿň čǿmpųțěř ħǻřđ đřįvěș, čǿmpǻňỳ ŀǿčǻŀ-ǻřěǻ
`ňěțẅǿřķș ǿř ǻ ģįǻňț İňțěřňěț-șěřvįčě přǿvįđěř'ș șỳșțěm, mǻķě čǿpįěș ǿf
`Network Caching Catches Flak From Some Content Providers ­ WSJ

`čǿmmǿňŀỳ řěqųěșțěđ Ẅěb pǻģěș. Ǻ ųșěř'ș řěqųěșț fǿř ǻ Ẅěb pǻģě țħěň ģǿěș
`țħřǿųģħ țħě čǻčħě: İf țħě čǻčħě đǿěșň'ț ħǻvě ǻ čǿpỳ ǿf țħě pǻģě, įț ŀěțș țħě řěqųěșț
`ģǿ țħřǿųģħ ǻňđ țħěň mǻķěș ǻ čǿpỳ ǿf țħǻț pǻģě fǿř fųțųřě ųșě. İf įț đǿěș ħǻvě ǻ
`čǿpỳ, įț ǿffěřș țħǻț ųp, įňșțěǻđ ǿf fǿřčįňģ țħě řěqųěșț țǿ ģǿ ǿųț ǿvěř țħě İňțěřňěț
`țǿ țħě șįțě ẅħěřě țħě pǻģě įș ħǿųșěđ. Țħǻț șįmųŀțǻňěǿųșŀỳ ģįvěș țħě ųșěř mųčħ
`qųįčķěř řěșpǿňșě ǻňđ čųțș đǿẅň țřǻffįč ǿň țħě ňěțẅǿřķ ǻș ǻ ẅħǿŀě.
`Ǻň įňčřěǻșįňģ ňųmběřș ǿf čǿmpǻňįěș ųșě čǻčħįňģ fǿř țħěįř ŀǿčǻŀ-ǻřěǻ ňěțẅǿřķș:
`Ǻň Ǿčțǿběř řěpǿřț fřǿm Čǻmbřįđģě, Mǻșș., mǻřķěț-řěșěǻřčħ fįřm Fǿřřěșțěř
`Řěșěǻřčħ İňč. fǿųňđ țħǻț mǿřě țħǻň ħǻŀf ǿf Fǿřțųňě 1,000 fįřmș șųřvěỳěđ ǻŀřěǻđỳ
`ųșě șǿmě fǿřm ǿf čǻčħįňģ, ǻňđ ǻŀmǿșț ǻŀŀ șǻįđ țħěỳ pŀǻňňěđ țǿ đěpŀǿỳ čǻčħįňģ
`ẅįțħįň țẅǿ ỳěǻřș.
`Bųț čǻčħįňģ, ǻș įț șțǻňđș țǿđǻỳ, ħǻș įțș přǿbŀěmș, čřěǻțěđ bỳ ěvěřỳțħįňģ fřǿm
`pǿǿř șųppǿřț fǿř įț įň čųřřěňț Ẅěb přǿțǿčǿŀș țǿ țħě ųșě ǿf čǻčħįňģ přǿđųčțș įň
`șįțųǻțįǿňș fǿř ẅħįčħ țħěỳ ẅěřěň'ț đěșįģňěđ. Ǻňđ țħě čųřřěňț șțǻțě ǿf čǻčħįňģ įș ǿf
`pǻřțįčųŀǻř čǿňčěřň țǿ čǿňțěňț přǿvįđěřș ǻňđ ǿň-ŀįňě ǻđvěřțįșěřș.
`Đǻťǻ Bŀǻčķ Ħǿŀěș
`Čǻčħįňģ'ș čřįțįčș čǿmpŀǻįň țħǻț ẅħǻț țħě přǿčěșș ěșșěňțįǻŀŀỳ đǿěș įș čřěǻțě đǻțǻ
`bŀǻčķ ħǿŀěș: İňfǿřmǻțįǿň ģǿěș įň, bųț įț đǿěșň'ț čǿmě ǿųț. Șįňčě řěqųěșțș fǿř
`įňfǿřmǻțįǿň ǻřě įňțěřčěpțěđ bỳ čǻčħěș, čǿňțěňț přǿvįđěřș đǿň'ț ķňǿẅ țħě
`ǻňșẅěřș țǿ bǻșįč qųěșțįǿňș ǻbǿųț țřǻffįč țǿ țħěįř șįțěș: Ħǿẅ mǻňỳ pěǿpŀě ǻřě
`șěěįňģ ǻ ģįvěň pǻģě? İș țħě čǿpỳ ǿf țħě pǻģě ħěŀđ įň țħě čǻčħě ųp-țǿ-đǻțě? Ǻřě
`pěǿpŀě "čŀįčķįňģ țħřǿųģħ" țǿ ǻđvěřțįșěřș' șįțěș? Đǿ țħě bǻňňěř ǻđș ǿň țħě pǻģěș
`ňěěđ țǿ bě řěfřěșħěđ -- ǻ ķěỳ fǻčțǿř įň įňčřěǻșįňģ čŀįčķ-țħřǿųģħ řǻțěș?
`"Čěřțǻįňŀỳ ỳǿų čǻň șěě țħě țěčħňįčǻŀ řěǻșǿňș ẅħỳ čǻčħįňģ įș įmpǿřțǻňț įň
`șpěěđįňģ ųp ǻččěșș fǿř ųșěřș," șǻỳș Jįm Čǿňǻģħǻň, đįřěčțǿř ǿf mǻřķěț ǻňđ
`Network Caching Catches Flak From Some Content Providers ­ WSJ

`İňķțǿmį Čǿřp.
`bųșįňěșș ǻňǻŀỳșįș fǿř țħě Ňěẅșpǻpěř
`Ǻșșǿčįǻțįǿň ǿf Ǻměřįčǻ, ǿf Vįěňňǻ, Vǻ.
`"Bųț įț'ș ǻ ħųģě įșșųě fǿř șįțěș țħǻț șěŀŀ
`ǻđvěřțįșįňģ ǻňđ [fǿř] ǻđvěřțįșěřș."
`Țħě Čǿňǻģħǻň Řěpǿřț
`Șįțěș țỳpįčǻŀŀỳ ģųǻřǻňțěě ǻđvěřțįșěřș ǻ
`čěřțǻįň ňųmběř ǿf "ěxpǿșųřěș" ǿf Ẅěb
`ųșěřș țǿ bǻňňěř ǻđș fǿř țħěįř ǻđ đǿŀŀǻř,
`Mř. Čǿňǻģħǻň ňǿțěș -- bųț čǻčħįňģ
`přěvěňțș șįțěș fřǿm čǿųňțįňģ pǻřț ǿf
`țħǻț ǻųđįěňčě. Țħǻț ŀěǻvěș țħěm
`ǿvěřđěŀįvěřįňģ ěxpǿșųřěș ǻňđ
`ųňđěřřěpǿřțįňģ čŀįčķ-țħřǿųģħș -- ǻňđ țħǻț měǻňș ŀǿșț mǿňěỳ.
`Țħě ǿň-ŀįňě įňđųșțřỳ ħǻș ųňđěřșțǿǿđ fǿř șǿmě țįmě țħǻț țħě přǿbŀěm ěxįșțș, bųț
`ěșțįmǻțěș ǿf įțș mǻģňįțųđě ħǻvě vǻřįěđ. Bųț ěǻřŀįěř țħįș ỳěǻř, MǻțčħĿǿģįč İňč., ǻ
`Ŀǿųįșvįŀŀě, Čǿŀǿ., přǿvįđěř ǿf ǿň-ŀįňě ǻđvěřțįșįňģ mǻňǻģěměňț șěřvįčěș,
`čǿňđųčțěđ ǻ șțųđỳ țħǻț ǻppěǻřș țǿ șħěđ șǿmě ŀįģħț ǿň țħě įșșųě. MǻțčħĿǿģįč
`ŀǿǿķěđ ǻț mǿřě țħǻň 200 Ẅěb șįțěș ǻňđ fǿųňđ țħǻț ǻčțųǻŀ vįěẅįňģ ǿf ǻđ pǻģěș ẅǻș
`76% ǻbǿvě ẅħǻț'ș čǿmmǿňŀỳ řěpǿřțěđ -- ẅįțħ įmpřěșșįǿňș ǿň pǿpųŀǻř pǻģěș
`řųňňįňģ ǻș ħįģħ ǻș 674% ǿf čųřřěňț měǻșųřěměňțș.
`Țħě șțųđỳ șħǿẅěđ țħǻț țħě įňđųșțřỳ'ș čǿųňțįňģ přǿbŀěm ẅǻș mǿřě șěřįǿųș țħǻň
`ħǻđ běěň ěșțįmǻțěđ. Fǿř čǻčħįňģ'ș đįșčǿňțěňțș, țħǻț'ș ǻ șǿběřįňģ țħǿųģħț,
`pǻřțįčųŀǻřŀỳ įň ŀįģħț ǿf țħě fǻčț țħǻț čǻčħįňģ įș běįňģ įňčřěǻșįňģŀỳ ǻđǿpțěđ bỳ
`ģįǻňț İňțěřňěț-șěřvįčě přǿvįđěřș, ǿř șěřvįčě přǿvįđěřș. Ǻměřįčǻ Ǿňŀįňě İňč., ẅįțħ
`șǿmě 10 mįŀŀįǿň měmběřș, șǻỳș įț přǿbǻbŀỳ čǻčħěș mǿřě țħǻň 100 mįŀŀįǿň Ẅěb
`pǻģěș ǻ đǻỳ.
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`"İț'ș ǿňě țħįňģ įf [ǻđvěřțįșěřș] čǻň'ț ųňđěřșțǻňđ ǻș ẅěŀŀ ǻș țħěỳ ŀįķě țħěįř țřǻffįč
`fřǿm ǿňě čǿmpǻňỳ," șǻỳș Țěđ Jųŀįǻň, İňțěřňěț řěșěǻřčħ mǻňǻģěř fǿř
`İňțěřňǻțįǿňǻŀ Đǻțǻ Čǿřp. "İț'ș ǻňǿțħěř țħįňģ ẅħěň įț'ș ǻň ěňțįřě İňțěřňěț-șěřvįčě
`Ťħě Bǻňđẅįđťħ Ģǻp
`Țħě přǿbŀěm țħǻț čǻčħįňģ șěțș ǿųț țǿ șǿŀvě įș ǻ fųňđǻměňțǻŀ ǿňě: Bỳ șǿmě
`ěșțįmǻțěș, șǻỳș Đįčķ Pįěřčě, vįčě přěșįđěňț ǿf mǻřķěțįňģ ǻňđ șǻŀěș ǻț İňķțǿmį
`Čǿřp., "bǻňđẅįđțħ đěmǻňđ įș įňčřěǻșįňģ ǻș mųčħ ǻș țěňfǿŀđ ǻ ỳěǻř, ǻňđ țħě
`ǻbįŀįțỳ țǿ bųįŀđ ǿųț čǻpǻčįțỳ įș ǿňŀỳ țřįpŀįňģ."
`"Țħǻț ģǻp įș țħě přǿbŀěm," Mř. Pįěřčě șǻỳș. "Ǻ ŀǿț ǿf pěǿpŀě ẅįŀŀ șǻỳ ẅě'řě ģǿįňģ țǿ
`čŀǿșě țħǻț ģǻp, bųț ňǿ ǿňě čǻň fǿřěșěě țħě ňěẅ șěřvįčěș ǻňđ ǻppŀįčǻțįǿňș țħǻț ǻ
`ģŀǿbǻŀ ňěțẅǿřķěđ čǿmmųňįțỳ ẅįŀŀ ẅǻňț, đěșįřě ǻňđ bě ẅįŀŀįňģ țǿ pǻỳ fǿř."
`Ẅħǻțěvěř țħǿșě șěřvįčěș ǻňđ ǻppŀįčǻțįǿňș ǻřě, įf țħě ěșțįmǻțěș ǻřě čǿřřěčț, ẅě'ŀŀ
`bě fřųșțřǻțěđ ǻț ňěțẅǿřķș' įňǻbįŀįțỳ țǿ přǿvįđě țħěm qųįčķŀỳ ěňǿųģħ.
`Șųčħ čỳběř-mǻțħ șěěmș pǿșįțįvěŀỳ Mǻŀțħųșįǻň -- bųț čǻčħįňģ ǿffěřș ǻ ẅǻỳ țǿ
`ěșčǻpě țħě ňųmběřș -- ǻňđ fǿř ŀěșș mǿňěỳ. İț'ș ǻș mųčħ ǻș 50 țįměș čħěǻpěř, Mř.
`Pįěřčě șǻỳș, țǿ bųįŀđ șțǿřǻģě țħǻň įț įș țǿ bųįŀđ pįpěș fǿř mǿřě bǻňđẅįđțħ.
`"Țħřǿẅįňģ bǻňđẅįđțħ ǻț țħě přǿbŀěm įș ňǿț ǿňŀỳ ěxpěňșįvě bųț ǻŀșǿ įňěffįčįěňț,"
`ǻģřěěș Mř. Jųŀįǻň.
`İňķțǿmį'ș țǻřģěț ǻųđįěňčě fǿř įțș Țřǻffįč Șěřvěř ňěțẅǿřķ čǻčħě, Mř. Pįěřčě șǻỳș, įș
`"fįřșț ǻňđ fǿřěmǿșț" pěǿpŀě bųįŀđįňģ ňěțẅǿřķș -- "přěđǿmįňǻňțŀỳ șěřvįčě
`přǿvįđěřș, bųț įț ẅǿň'ț bě ŀǿňģ běfǿřě čǿřpǿřǻțįǿňș ģěț įňțǿ țħě ģǻmě ǻș ẅěŀŀ."
`İňțěřňěț-șěřvįčě přǿvįđěřș įň ǿțħěř čǿųňțřįěș ǻřě ǻħěǻđ ǿf țħěįř Ų.Ș. břěțħřěň,
`Network Caching Catches Flak From Some Content Providers ­ WSJ

`Mř. Jųŀįǻň șǻỳș. Țħǻț'ș fǿř ǻ ģǿǿđ řěǻșǿň: Čǻčħįňģ șǻvěș țħěm mǿňěỳ, șįňčě țħěỳ
`ǻŀřěǻđỳ ħǻvě țǿ pųŀŀ mǿșț ǿf țħěįř čǿňțěňț fřǿm țħě Ų.Ș. ǿvěř įňțěřňǻțįǿňǻŀ pħǿňě
`İň țěșțș, Mř. Jųŀįǻň șǻỳș, İňķțǿmį'ș přǿđųčț čǻň čřěǻțě ǻ șįțųǻțįǿň ẅħěřě ųp țǿ
`40% ǿf pǻģěș ǻřě pųŀŀěđ ǿųț ǿf čǻčħě, ẅħįčħ čǿųŀđ țřǻňșŀǻțě țǿ mįŀŀįǿňș ǿf đǿŀŀǻřș
`ǻ ỳěǻř įň șǻvįňģș fǿř șěřvįčě přǿvįđěřș įň ǿțħěř čǿųňțřįěș.
`Břěǻķįňģ ťħě Čǻčħě Ťřǻp
`Bųț čǿųŀđ įț ǻŀșǿ měǻň mǿřě ħěǻđǻčħěș fǿř čǿňțěňț přǿvįđěřș? Ǻŀřěǻđỳ, șǿmě
`șįțěș' Ẅěbmǻșțěřș mǻřķ țħěįř pǻģěș ǻș "ųňčǻčħěǻbŀě" țǿ pěřfǿřm ǻň ěňđ-řųň
`ǻřǿųňđ čǻčħěș. Țħǻț ěňșųřěș țħǻț pěǿpŀě ģěț fřěșħ mǻțěřįǻŀ, bųț įț ǻŀșǿ měǻňș
`șŀǿẅěř řěșpǿňșě țįmě, ẅħįčħ șųřfěřș đǿň'ț ŀįķě. Měǻňẅħįŀě, șǿmě ňěțẅǿřķ
`ǻđmįňįșțřǻțǿřș ħǻvě čǿųňțěřěđ ẅįțħ țħěįř ǿẅň țřįčķș țǿ fǿįŀ čǻčħě-bųșțįňģ, ǿř
`ħǻvě șįmpŀỳ đěňįěđ ǻččěșș țǿ ųňčǻčħěǻbŀě șįțěș.
`Țħě ǻřmș řǻčě řěfŀěčțș ǻ ẅǻř ǿf přįǿřįțįěș běțẅěěň čǿňțěňț přǿvįđěřș ẅħǿ ňěěđ
`įňfǿřmǻțįǿň ǻbǿųț șįțě țřǻffįč ǻňđ ňěțẅǿřķ ǻđmįňįșțřǻțǿřș čǿňčěřňěđ ǻbǿųț ǻ
`mǿřě fųňđǻměňțǻŀ přǿbŀěm. "Pěǿpŀě řěǻŀįżě čǿňčěpțųǻŀŀỳ țħǻț čǻčħįňģ įș ǻň
`įșșųě," șǻỳș Mř. Čǿňǻģħǻň, "bųț mǿșț čǿmpǻňįěș șěțțįňģ ųp ǻ čǻčħě ǻřě ẅǿřřįěđ
`ǻbǿųț ẅħǻț țħě ųșěř șěěș."
`Bųț įň bǿțħ țħě șħǿřț ǻňđ ŀǿňģ-țěřm, șǿŀųțįǿňș ǻřě ěměřģįňģ.
`MǻțčħĿǿģįč, ħǻvįňģ đěmǿňșțřǻțěđ țħě ěxțěňț ǿf țħě čǻčħįňģ přǿbŀěm, țħįňķș įț
`ħǻș ǻ ẅǻỳ țǿ pŀěǻșě bǿțħ șįđěș. Țħě čǿmpǻňỳ'ș ȚřųěČǿųňț șỳșțěm ǻđđș ǻ șmǻŀŀ
`ěŀěměňț țǿ țħě ħěǻđěř ǿf ǻ pįěčě ǿf čǿňțěňț, țỳpįčǻŀŀỳ ǻ bǻňňěř ǻđ. Țħě ǻđ įș
`čǻčħěđ ǻŀǿňģ ẅįțħ țħě řěșț ǿf țħě pǻģě įň qųěșțįǿň, bųț țħě mųčħ șmǻŀŀěř ěŀěměňț
`řěmǻįňș "fřěě" ǻňđ ǻčțș ǻș ǻ měșșěňģěř, țěŀŀįňģ MǻțčħĿǿģįč'ș șěřvěřș ěǻčħ țįmě
`Network Caching Catches Flak From Some Content Providers ­ WSJ

`țħě ǻđ ẅǻș șěěň bỳ ǻ ųșěř. Țħǻț șmǻŀŀ měșșěňģěř ǻŀșǿ čǻň bě ųșěđ țǿ řǿțǻțě ňěẅ
`ǻđș -- ǻŀșǿ đřǻẅň fřǿm čǻčħě -- ǿň țǿ pǻģěș, șǿměțħįňģ țħǻț'ș čřųčįǻŀ fǿř
`įňčřěǻșįňģ čŀįčķ-țħřǿųģħ řǻțěș. İňfǿřmǻțįǿň đǿěșň'ț ģǿ đǿẅň țħě čǻčħě'ș bŀǻčķ
`ħǿŀě, bųț ųșěřș șțįŀŀ ěňjǿỳ țħě șpěěđỳ pěřfǿřmǻňčě ǿffěřěđ bỳ čǻčħěđ pǻģěș.
`İňđěěđ, čǻčħįňģ ǻș ǻ ẅħǿŀě įș běįňģ řěțħǿųģħț ǻňđ řěțǿǿŀěđ įň ẅǻỳș țħǻț șħǿųŀđ
`ǻđđřěșș čǿňčěřňș. Břěňđǻň Ħǻňňįģǻň, ǻ șěňįǿř ǻňǻŀỳșț ǻț Fǿřřěșțěř, șǻỳș țħǻț
`"věňđǿřș řěǻŀįżě țħǻț țħįș přǿbŀěm ňěěđș țǿ bě ǻđđřěșșěđ ... țħěỳ ǻřě ǻẅǻřě ǿf țħě
`ňěěđ țǿ čǻpțųřě ǻș mųčħ įňfǿřmǻțįǿň ǻș pǿșșįbŀě."
`Țħě přǿbŀěmș ẅįțħ čǻčħįňģ, ǻňǻŀỳșțș șǻỳ, ǻřǿșě přįmǻřįŀỳ běčǻųșě čǻčħįňģ įțșěŀf
`ẅǻșň'ț ěňvįșįǿňěđ ǻňđ ħǻș ǻřįșěň ŀǻřģěŀỳ ǻș ǻň ǻfțěřțħǿųģħț. Țħǻț ħǻș ŀěfț șǿmě
`ǻđmįňįșțřǻțǿřș bǻțțŀįňģ Ẅěb přǿțǿčǿŀș țħǻț ẅěřěň'ț đěșįģňěđ fǿř čǻčħįňģ, ǻňđ
`ǿțħěřș țřỳįňģ țǿ ųșě čǻčħįňģ șỳșțěmș ǿň ŀǻřģěř șčǻŀěș țħǻň țħěỳ ẅěřě đěșįģňěđ
`"Mỳ ǿpįňįǿň įș țħǻț ňǿ ǿňě șțěppěđ bǻčķ ǻňđ șǻįđ, 'İf ỳǿų'řě řěǻŀŀỳ țǻŀķįňģ ǻbǿųț
`bųįŀđįňģ čǻčħěș țǿ bųįŀđ įň țħě įňfřǻșțřųčțųřě [ǿf țħě Ňěț], ẅħǻț ẅǿųŀđ ỳǿų ģǿ
`ǻňđ đǿ?' " șǻỳș İňķțǿmį'ș Mř. Pįěřčě.
`"Ǻđvěřțįșěřș ǻňđ čǿňțěňț přǿvįđěřș, řǻțħěř țħǻň țřỳįňģ țǿ ǻvǿįđ čǻčħěș, ňěěđ țǿ
`ŀěǻřň ħǿẅ țǿ ŀįvě ẅįțħ țħěșě přǿđųčțș," Mř. Ħǻňňįģǻň șǻỳș. "İň țħě ěňđ, pěǿpŀě
`řěǻčħįňģ țħěįř čǿňțěňț ẅįŀŀ ħǻvě ǻ běțțěř ěxpěřįěňčě."
`Mǿřěǿvěř, ħě șǻỳș, įmpřǿvěměňțș įň čǻčħįňģ șħǿųŀđ ǻŀŀěvįǻțě șįțěș' čǿňčěřňș.
`Țħě ěșțǻbŀįșħměňț ǿf șțǻňđǻřđș ģǿvěřňįňģ ħǿẅ įňfǿřmǻțįǿň įș șěňț fřǿm čǻčħěș
`bǻčķ țǿ čǿňțěňț přǿvįđěřș įș přǿbǻbŀỳ ǻ ỳěǻř ǻẅǻỳ, Mř. Ħǻňňįģǻň șǻįđ. Țħě ňěxț
`věřșįǿň ǿf țħě ĦȚȚP Ẅěb přǿțǿčǿŀ ẅįŀŀ mǻķě čǻčħįňģ ẅǿřķ mųčħ běțțěř țħǻň țħě
`čųřřěňț věřșįǿň, ẅħįčħ "ẅǻș řěǻŀŀỳ ňǿț đěșįģňěđ ẅįțħ čǻčħįňģ įň mįňđ -- įț ẅǻș ǻň
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`ǻfțěřțħǿųģħț." ĦȚȚP 1.1, ħǿẅěvěř, ẅįŀŀ fěǻțųřě șųčħ ěňħǻňčěměňțș ǻș țħě ǻbįŀįțỳ
`țǿ ǻđđ ěxpįřǻțįǿň đǻțěș țǿ pǻģěș șǿ țħěỳ ěxpįřě fřǿm čǻčħě ǻųțǿmǻțįčǻŀŀỳ, ħě
`șǻỳș. Měǻňẅħįŀě, ňěẅ věřșįǿňș ǿf ĦȚMĿ ẅįŀŀ mǻķě įț ěǻșįěř țǿ ųpđǻțě pǻģěș
`ẅįțħǿųț čřěǻțįňģ įňțǿŀěřǻbŀỳ șŀǿẅ đǿẅňŀǿǻđ țįměș -- fǿř ěxǻmpŀě, bỳ čǻčħįňģ
`įmǻģěș ǻňđ mųŀțįměđįǻ čǿmpǿňěňțș șǿ țħǻț ǿňŀỳ čǿňțěňț țħǻț'ș ǻčțųǻŀŀỳ čħǻňģěđ
`mųșț bě řěqųěșțěđ fřǿm ǻ Ẅěb șįțě.
`Fǿřřěșțěř ěxpěčțș șųčħ įmpřǿvěměňțș țǿ pǻvě țħě ẅǻỳ fǿř ǻ "pųșħ-čǻčħįňģ" ěřǻ
`ǻfțěř țħě țųřň ǿf țħě čěňțųřỳ įň ẅħįčħ ňěẅ čǿňțěňț ẅįŀŀ bě șěňț ǿųț țǿ čǻčħěș vįǻ
`pųșħ țěčħňǿŀǿģỳ, ěŀįmįňǻțįňģ țħě ňěěđ fǿř șųčħ měǻșųřěș ǻș ěxpįřǻțįǿň đǻțěș ǻňđ
`ěňșųřįňģ țħǻț čǿňțěňț įș ųp țǿ đǻțě.
`Ųŀțįmǻțěŀỳ, ǻňǻŀỳșțș ǻģřěě, čǻčħįňģ ẅįŀŀ ěșșěňțįǻŀŀỳ đįșǻppěǻř įňțǿ țħě
`įňfřǻșțřųčțųřě ǿf țħě İňțěřňěț, ǻș čǻčħěș țħěmșěŀvěș běčǿmě ňěțẅǿřķěđ ǻňđ
`ěměřģě ǻș ěffįčįěňț ěňģįňěș țǿ čųț đǿẅň řěđųňđǻňț țřǻffįč ǻňđ ěxpěňșįvě čǻŀŀș țǿ
`fǻř-ǿff șįțěș.
`Čǻčħįňģ, Mř. Jųŀįǻň șǻỳș, įș "jųșț ǻș ǻțțřǻčțįvě, ǻňđ pěřħǻpș mǿřě ǻțțřǻčțįvě, ǻ
`ẅǻỳ țǿ șǿŀvě țħě bǻňđẅįđțħ čřųňčħ" țħǻň řǻčįňģ țǿ ǻđđ bǻňđẅįđțħ. "İț'ș fǿř țħǻț
`řěǻșǿň țħǻț İ țħįňķ įț'ș ģǿįňģ țǿ jųșț běčǿmě pǻřț ǿf țħě ňěțẅǿřķ."
`Ẅ řįțě țǿ Jǻșǿň Fřỳ ǻț
`fřỳ@įňțěřǻčțįvě.ẅșj.čǿm .
`Șěǻřčħ Ěňģįňě
`Vįșįț țħě Mỳșțěřįǿųș Řǻbbįț #1 fřǿm
`Țřěňđỳ Mǻģįč. Ħě'ș ģǿț ǻ čǻřđ țřįčķ
`ģųǻřǻňțěěđ țǿ břįňģ přǿđųčțįvįțỳ įň
`ỳǿųř ǿffįčě țǿ ǻ șčřěěčħįňģ ħǻŀț ǻňđ
`ŀěǻvě ěmpŀǿỳěěș ẅħǿ fįģųřě įț ǿųț ŀǿřđįňģ įț ǿvěř țħǿșě ẅħǿ čǻň'ț, ǻŀŀ
`ǻččǿmpǻňįěđ bỳ ģěňěřǻŀ měřřįměňț. Ěvěřỳțħįňģ, įň șħǿřț, țħǻț mǻķěș ǻ mǻģįč
`țřįčķ ěňțěřțǻįňįňģ. Ǻňđ țħǻț'ș jųșț ǿňě ǿf țħě ǿffěřįňģș ǻț țħě șįțě ...
`Network Caching Catches Flak From Some Content Providers ­ WSJ

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`Network Caching Catches Flak From Some Content Providers ­ WSJ

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