Page 1
` )
` Petitioner, )
` )
` VS. ) Case IPR2015-00650
` ) Patent 8,137,757 b2
` )
` )
` )
` )
` )
` February 5, 2016
` Volume 1
`witness at the instance of the PETITIONER, and duly
`sworn, was taken in the above-styled and numbered cause
`on February 5, 2016 from 9:33(cid:160)a.m. to 11:28(cid:160)a.m., before
`Toyloria Lanay Hunter, CSR in and for the State of
`Texas, reported by machine shorthand, at the law offices
`of ANDREWS KURTH LLP, 600 Travis, Suite 4200, Houston,
`Texas 77002, pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil
`Procedure and the provisions stated on the record or
`attached hereto.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Petitioner - Owens Corning
`Ex. 1022, Page 1 of 44

` A P P E A R A N C E S
`Page 2
`F O R T H E P E T I T I O N E R :
` N e d P e j i c
` J e n n i f e r B . W i c k
` C A L F E E , H A L T E R & G R I S W O L D L L P
` T h e C a l f e e b u i l d i n g
` 1 4 0 5 E a s t S i x t h S t r e e t
` C l e v e l a n d , O h i o 4 4 1 1 4 - 1 6 0 7
` T e l : 2 1 6 . 6 2 2 . 8 8 3 5
` E - m a i l : n p e j i c @ c a l f e e . c o m
` j w i c k @ c a l f e e . c o m
`F O R T H E R E S P O N D E N T :
` G r e g L . P o r t e r
` J a m e s W i l l s o n
` A N D R E W S K U R T H L L P
` 6 0 0 T r a v i s , S u i t e 4 2 0 0
` H o u s t o n , T e x a s 7 7 0 0 2
` T e l : 7 1 3 . 2 2 0 . 4 6 2 1
` F a x : 7 1 3 . 2 3 8 . 7 1 6 9
` E - m a i l : g r e g p o r t e r @ a k l l p . c o m
` j a m e s w i l s o n @ a n d r e w s k u r t h . c o m
`- - a n d - -
`F O R T H E R E S P O N D E N T :
` J a m e s D . P e t r u z z i
` T H E P E T R U Z Z I L A W F I R M
` 4 9 0 0 W o o d w a y D r i v e , S u i t e 7 4 5
` H o u s t o n , T e x a s 7 7 0 5 6
` T e l : 7 1 3 . 8 4 0 . 9 9 9 3
` E - m a i l : j i m @ p e t r u z z i . c o m
`A L S O P R E S E N T :
` S t e p h e n L . S c h a r f , O w e n s C o r n i n g
` D a v i d C o l l i n s , F a s t F e l t C o r p o r a t i o n
` B . J . W a l t e r , F a s t F e l t C o r p o r a t i o n
`2 3
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
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`Petitioner - Owens Corning
`Ex. 1022, Page 2 of 44

`Page 3
` I N D E X
`Appearances............................... 2
`Reporter's Certification.................. 31
` E X A M I N A T I O N
` By Mr. Pejic 4
` By Mr. Petruzzi 27
` E X H I B I T S
` Exhibit Description Page
` 8,137,757
`Ex. 1001 U.S. PATENT NO. 8,137,757 16
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Petitioner - Owens Corning
`Ex. 1022, Page 3 of 44

`Page 4
`having been first duly sworn, testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Mr. Todd. My name is Ned Pejic,
`as you probably know from yesterday, counsel for Owens
`Corning. How are you today?
` A. Fine.
` Q. Could you please just state your name and
`address for the record?
` A. Full name is William Edward Todd, T-O-D-D.
`5198 Sandlewood, S-A-N-D-L-E-W-O-O-D, one word, Court,
`Marietta, M-A-R-I-E-T-T-A, Georgia 30068.
` Q. Thank you.
` And are you here to testify in connection
`with matter IPR 2015-00650?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How much time did you spend preparing for this
` A. Time by myself or in consultation with legal?
` Q. Let's start total time.
` A. Probably 30ish hours.
` Q. And how much of that time was with counsel?
` A. More or less 50 percent.
` Q. During that preparation time, did you review
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`Petitioner - Owens Corning
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`Page 5
`any documents?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Which documents?
` A. They're listed on the appendix of my
` Q. All of those documents?
` A. Yes. Do you mean are they all listed, or did
`I study all of them?
` Q. Did you study all of them through the 30 hours
`total --
` A. I have reviewed them, scanned them.
` Q. Are there any documents that don't appear on
`that list that you looked at?
` A. The owner's statement, which was done after
`the declaration.
` Q. Did you submit an expert declaration in this
` A. I did.
` Q. I'd like to hand to you now Exhibit 2003.
` (Exhibit 2003 identified.)
` Q. Is that your expert declaration?
` A. (Reading.) It appears to be.
` Q. You sat in on Dr. Bohan's deposition
`yesterday, correct?
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`Petitioner - Owens Corning
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` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you take any notes during Dr. Bohan's
`Page 6
` A. No.
` Q. Did you discuss Dr. Bohan's deposition
`testimony with anybody?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Who?
` A. Our legal.
` Q. Do you believe your declaration, Exhibit 2003,
`to be accurate?
` A. I do.
` Q. Have you read any other expert declarations in
`connection with this matter?
` A. I read Dr. Harvey Levenson's.
` Q. Anyone else's?
` A. Dr. Bohan.
` Q. Anyone else's?
` A. No.
` Q. Other than your legal team, did you consult
`with -- who other than your legal team did you consult
`with in relation to this matter?
` A. Dr. Bohan.
` Q. Did you consult with Mr. David Collins?
` A. Yes. I considered him part of our legal
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`Petitioner - Owens Corning
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`Page 7
`group, but yes.
` Q. What did you discuss with Dr. -- Mr. Collins?
` A. The -- primarily, the Collins' patent, '757.
` Q. How did you come to know Mr. Collins?
` A. Several years ago -- and I don't know
`specifically when -- Mr. Collins presented his product
`to the company that I was working for.
` Q. What product was that?
` A. It was the Fast Felt material.
` Q. What was the Fast Felt -- Fast Felt material?
` A. It was a heavily saturated asphalt -- asphalt
`felt that had nail tabs adhered to it.
` Q. Why did Mr. Collins present that product to
`your company?
` MR. PETRUZZI: Objection; form.
` A. I wouldn't know his motivation.
` Q. How did you become aware that Mr. Collins
`presented that product to your company?
` A. He contacted me initially to make the contact
`with the company.
` Q. Did you consult with Dr. Mark Bohan in
`preparing your declaration?
` A. We had some discussions, yes.
` Q. How many discussions, approximately?
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`Petitioner - Owens Corning
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`Page 8
` A. Three prior to this -- prior to this day,
` Q. And what were those discussions about?
` A. Specifically, that's a pretty broad question.
`Do you have a specific area that you're interested?
` Q. Just start anywhere you want.
` MR. PETRUZZI: Objection; form.
` A. The primary discussion was surrounding the
`Collins '757 patent.
` Q. Anything else other than the '757 patent?
` A. We discussed the roof covering manufacturing,
`the basics.
` Q. Why did you discuss roof covering
`manufacturing basics?
` A. That's my area of expertise, and he was
`wanting to know more information about that subject.
` Q. Did Dr. Bohan provide you with any documents?
` A. No.
` Q. Turning to your declaration, Exhibit 2003, did
`your attorneys help you write any part of that
` A. They helped with the legalese and the -- the
`format and the general organization of it.
` Q. When you say "legalese," what do you mean by
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`Petitioner - Owens Corning
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`Page 9
` A. The terminology. I'm not a legal person.
` Q. Did they also help you with the law?
` A. They did explain that.
` Q. And when you say "they did explain that,"
`you're referring to the law, correct?
` A. Which specific?
` Q. Well, let me direct you to your declaration
`page 11. There's a section that starts Roman
`Numeral II, "Patentability" on page 11. And I guess it
`goes to page 22.
` Is that the section you're referring to
`when you say that they -- your legal team helped you
`with the law?
` A. (Reading.) Appears to me that there are way
`more subjects discussed in those pages than just the
` Q. Okay. But I guess where the law is discussed,
`that is where the legal team provided help; is that
` A. Specifically, yes.
` Q. Thank you. Did you send any drafts of your
`declaration to your lawyers?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How many drafts?
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`Page 10
` A. If I recall correctly, four.
` Q. Did you discuss the content of your
`declaration after you finalized it?
` MR. PETRUZZI: Objection; form.
` A. Would you clarify that, please?
` Q. Did you discuss the content of your
`declaration with anyone after you submitted it in final
` A. Our legal team.
` Q. Approximately how much time total did you
`spend writing your declaration?
` A. I couldn't give an accurate estimate on that.
`I did over the course of a few days, but not working
`solid, a few hours. Whatever a few is.
` Q. More than ten hours?
` A. No.
` Q. You wrote your entire declaration in less than
`ten hours?
` A. I would guess that.
` Q. And that would include the revisions?
` A. Revisions were typically minor.
` Q. Did you write your declaration from scratch?
`Do you know what that means?
` MR. PETRUZZI: Objection; form.
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` A. I had read Dr. Levenson's. And I used that as
`his sort of overall format. But the information that
`Page 11
`went in it was mine.
` Q. In what area do you consider yourself to be an
` A. I have a very full understanding of the way
`asphalt roofing materials are manufactured.
` Q. Why do you consider yourself an expert in that
` A. I have been involved from the management level
`and contribution level within the plants of the company
`I used to work for for 27-and-a-half years.
` Q. Can you tell me a little bit more about what
`you mean when you say "contribution level"?
` A. Offering new product ideas, assisting in
`problem solving and production.
` Q. Do you consider yourself an expert in the
`field of printing?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever been an expert in a previous
`legal matter?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever been an expert in a previous
`patent-related matter?
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`Page 12
` A. No.
` Q. Your declaration concludes that Claims 1, 2,
`4, 6 and 7 of the '757 patent, Exhibit 1001, are valid,
` A. Yes, they're obvious.
` Q. Previous to this matter, have you analyzed the
`patent claims for validity before?
` A. My name is on two patents. And those are the
`only ones I've ever studied for validity.
` Q. How familiar are you with the legal test for
`obviousness relative to patents?
` A. From a layperson's point of view, I have a
`general understanding.
` Q. In your declaration, one of the reasons why
`you conclude the claims of the '757 patent are valid is
`based on asphalt saturated substrates, correct?
` MR. PETRUZZI: Objection; form.
` A. Specifically, how does the substrate fit into
`that question? Rephrase it, please.
` Q. Is an asphalt saturated substrate one of the
`bases for your conclusion of validity in your
` A. The asphalt saturated substrate -- the asphalt
`saturated substrate originates with the Lassiter patent.
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`Page 13
` Q. So is an asphalt saturated substrate one of
`the bases upon which you conclude the claims are valid
`in your declaration?
` MR. PETRUZZI: Objection; form.
` A. I need to refer to my declaration. Wherein
`within that declaration are you referring?
` Q. So just for clarity, you can't answer that
`question without referring to your declaration?
` MR. PETRUZZI: Objection; form.
` A. I -- just for the sake of expediency.
` Q. And that's why you want to refer to your
` A. Please.
` Q. I refer you to Paragraph 55 of your
` A. (Reading.)
` Q. In Paragraph 55 you state, "In my opinion, the
`broadest reasonable interpretation consistent with the
`specification of the '757 patent Claims 1, 2, 4, 6, and
`7 said the roofing or building cover material is a
`heavily coated material, likely heavily coated with
`asphalt or asphalt-based substance," correct?
` MR. PETRUZZI: Object to form.
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`Page 14
` A. (Reading.) That's the way it reads.
` Q. Is that still your opinion today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So I'll ask you the question earlier.
` Is an asphalt saturated substrate one of
`the bases upon which you conclude that the '757 patent
`claims are valid?
` MR. PETRUZZI: Objection; form.
` A. I'm not sure what you mean by "bases."
` Q. Okay. Let me ask you, what -- can you explain
`to me the basis of your claim for validity in the '757
` MR. PETRUZZI: Objection; form.
` A. The primary invention in the '757 is the
`lamination of materials to a heavily saturated asphalt
`under laminate or web sheet.
` Q. And that's the basis upon which you concluded
`the validity of the claims?
` A. (Reading.) The lamination of nail tabs to the
`heavily saturated or coated asphalt substrate is the
`basis for my opinion that those claims are valid.
` Q. Did you consider a validity analysis where the
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`Petitioner - Owens Corning
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`Page 15
`substrate was not saturated with asphalt?
` A. What type of substrate?
` Q. Well, your answer said a heavily saturated or
`coated asphalt substrate. That's the one I'm referring
` A. I did no analysis on other substrates.
` Q. In your declaration, you assert that paper is
`not a building or roofing cover material, correct?
` A. What paragraph is that?
` Q. Let's turn to page 34. There's a section
`capital A that states, "Paper is not a roofing or
`building cover material."
` A. (Reading.)
` Q. So my question was, in your declaration, you
`assert that paper is not a building or roofing cover
`material, correct?
` A. I'm saying that untreated paper is not a
`building or roofing cover material.
` Q. Have you ever heard of the phrase, "building
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you ever heard of the phrase, "roofing
` A. Not that phrase. Not as applied to roofing.
` Q. Have you ever heard of the phrase, "felt
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`Page 16
` A. I have heard that phrase misused. It should
`be saturated felt paper, in the industry.
` Q. Have you heard of the phrase, "tar paper"?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I'd like to direct your attention now to
`Claim 7 of the '757 patent, Exhibit 1001.
` (Exhibit 1001 identified.)
` Q. Do you have that patent, Exhibit 1001?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Earlier you testified that a heavily saturated
`asphalt substrate was one of your bases for validity.
` Can you please look at the text of Claim 7
`and indicate where that text uses the phrase, "asphalt
` MR. PETRUZZI: Objection; form.
` A. (Reading.) Claim 7 is about depositing a nail
`tab material and the pressure adhering it.
` Q. Does that mean you don't see the phrase,
`"asphalt saturated" in Claim 7?
` A. That phrase does not appear there.
` Q. I'd like to direct your attention now to
`Claims 1, 2, 4 and 6.
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`Page 17
` If you can take a moment and let me know
`if you see the phrase, "asphalt saturated" in those
` A. (Reading.) Claim No. 1 addresses laminating
`nail tabs with a laminate roll. But it does not have
`that phrase. (Reading.) And, I'm sorry, the exact
`phrase again?
` Q. Asphalt saturated.
` A. It does not appear in Claim 2. It does not
`appear in Claim 4. Claim 6 addresses a lamination roll.
`It does not appear in that.
` Q. I'd like to refer you now to Paragraph 36 of
`your declaration. Paragraph 36 you refer to Owens
`Corning's eight other IPR petitions, correct?
` A. To read my statement, "I believe it's
`important to note that the petition Owens Corning has
`employed an expert in the other IPR petitions against a
`single roofing participant." I see that.
` Q. How are those eight other petitions relevant
`to this matter?
` A. I scanned through those to get a feel for the
`overall process of the patent system to see what the
`procedural -- what the procedures would consist of.
` Q. And you say, "I scanned through those." What
`are you specifically referring to?
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`Petitioner - Owens Corning
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`Page 18
` A. Those eight other IPR petitions listed in that
`Paragraph 36 of my declaration.
` Q. Does that mean the entire petitions?
` A. No. I did not go through the whole petition.
` Q. Did you go through the patents that were being
` A. I scanned those, but I did not make a study of
` Q. I'd like to refer you now to Paragraph 53 of
`your declaration.
` In Paragraph 53 of your declaration you
`state, "The '757 patent discloses making nail tabs in a
`variety of ways and claims laminating those tabs to
`roofing or building cover material," correct?
` A. Yes, that's what it says.
` Q. I'd like to now direct your attention to
`Claim 7 of the '757 patent.
` Does the word "laminating" appear in
`Claim 7?
` A. (Reading.) The wording pressure adhering said
`nail tab material into nail tabs on said roofing or
`building cover material where the pressure roll is
`present. But the word "laminating" is not.
` Q. I'd like to refer you now to page 37 of your
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`Page 19
` A. Page 37?
` Q. Correct. At the top of page 37, there's a
`section titled capital B, "Noncontact Deposition to
`Contact Lamination," correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What are you referring to when you state,
`"contact lamination"?
` A. Contact would be between two solid objects.
` Q. Was that your answer?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So the word "lamination" doesn't mean anything
`in that phrase?
` A. My understanding, you asked what contact
` Q. Oh, I'm sorry. The question was when you were
`referring to -- what are you referring to when you state
`"contact lamination."
` And your answer was, "Contact would be
`between two solids." And I was waiting for you to -- I
`thought you were going to answer what does the word
`"lamination" mean. And you said you were done with your
`answer. That's why I asked.
` A. Contact lamination would be the act of joining
`and pressing two objects together.
` Q. Thank you.
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`Page 20
` I'd like to direct your attention back to
`Claim 7 of the '757 patent.
` Does the phrase, "contact lamination"
`appear anywhere in Claim 7?
` A. (Reading.) The words subject -- subsequently
`pressure adhering said nail tab --
` THE REPORTER: I'm sorry. Would you read
`that again?
` A. The wording, "Subsequently pressure adhering
`said nail tab material into nail tabs on said roofing or
`building cover material with a pressure roll," do appear
`in Claim 7. But "contact lamination" words do not
` Q. I'd like to direct your attention to
`Paragraph 67 of your declaration.
` A. Okay.
` Q. In the second line of Paragraph 67, you use
`the phrase, "pressure lamination." Do you see that?
` A. (Reading.) Yes, I see the sentence. It says,
`"To move from a Lassiter 409 patent, noncontact --"
`there's a typo there.
` "Noncontact '757 contact and pressure
`lamination goes against the teaching of the Lassiter 409
`patent." That's the complete sentence.
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`Page 21
` Q. So what are you referring to when you use the
`phrase, "pressure lamination"?
` A. It's a conjunction with the word previously
`contact and pressure lamination. Means there's a
`lamination roll applying pressure to the combination of
`the nail tab around the substrate.
` Q. Is contact lamination different from contact
`and pressure lamination?
` A. In the context of Paragraph 67, it would be
`the same.
` Q. I'd like to turn your attention back to
`Claim 7 of the '757 patent.
` Does the phrase "pressure lamination"
`appear anywhere in Claim 7?
` A. (Reading.) The words, "Subsequently pressure
`adhering said nail tab material into nail tabs on said
`roofing or building cover material with a pressure
`roll," does occur.
` Emphasizing the word "pressure." Pressure
`laminating does not appear there.
` Q. I'd like to refer you now to Paragraph 87 of
`your declaration. And particularly to the portion
`appearing on page 48 where you use the phrases,
`"pressure bonding" and "pressure adhering."
` Do you see where those phrases are used?
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`Page 22
` A. I see that written.
` Q. And where that's written, you indicate the
`sentences, "Hefele Roll 9 is disclosed as providing a
`slight pressure in order to heat adhere and does not
`provide any pressure bonding or pressure adhering as in
`the '757 patent lamination claims."
` A. Is that a question?
` Q. The question is, to what are you referring to
`when you say "lamination claims"?
` A. That reference is to Claim 1 on '757 and
`Claim 7 on '757.
` Q. Turning to Claim 1 of the '757 patent, can you
`please indicate where the phrase, "pressure bonding"
` A. (Reading.) The terminology of Claim 1
`includes, "Said tab material bonding to the surface of
`said roofing or building cover material by pressure
`between said roll and said surface."
` But those exact words of "pressure
`bonding" aren't used together.
` Q. Still referring to Claim 1 of the '757 patent,
`can you please indicate where the phrase, "pressure
`adhering" appears?
` A. Claim 1 includes, "Said tab material bonding
`to the surface of said roofing or building cover
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`Page 23
`material by pressure between said roll and said
`surface," appears. That phrase does not.
` Q. I'd like to direct your attention now to
`Claim 7 of the '757 patent.
` Can you please indicate where the phrase
`"pressure bonding" appears?
` A. (Reading.) Part of Claim 7 includes, "Said
`nail tab material is substantially made of a polymeric
`material, subsequently pressure adhering said tab --"
` "-- said nail tab material." And the nail
`tabs on said roofing or building cover material with a
`pressure roll. "Pressure bonding" does not occur, those
`words together.
` Q. Is there a difference between pressure
`adhering and pressure bonding?
` A. Depends on the context it's used in.
` Q. Can you explain that to me?
` A. Give me an example of a situation.
` Q. Okay. Can you give me an example?
` MR. PETRUZZI: Objection; form.
` A. I can't work off of conjecture. I need
`something specific to address.
` Q. So given your expertise, you can't explain to
`me the difference between pressure adhering and pressure
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`Page 24
`bonding, correct?
` A. In what situation?
` Q. Given your expertise.
` MR. PETRUZZI: Objection; form.
` A. I need a specific question so I can answer it.
` Q. The question was, can you explain to me the
`difference between pressure adhering and pressure
` A. Not without knowing the specific circumstances
`we're addressing.
` MR. PEJIC: Let's take a ten-minute
`break, please.
` (A break was taken from 10:33(cid:160)a.m. to
` 10:57(cid:160)a.m.)
` Q. Mr. Todd, did you discuss your testimony today
`with anyone during the break?
` A. No.
` Q. Earlier you testified that you first met
`Mr. Collins when he approached your former employer with
`the Fast Felt product, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Can you identify for me who was your employer
`at the time?
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`Page 25
` A. That was Atlas Roofing Corporation.
` Q. Do you recall if Atlas Roofing Corporation
`purchased the Fast Felt product?
` A. They did not.
` Q. Are you being compensated as an expert in this
` A. Yes.
` Q. Who are you being compensated by?
` A. The check comes from the legal firm.
` Q. Which legal firms?
` A. Andrews Kurth.
` Q. Thank you.
` Who first asked you to become involved in
`this matter?
` A. Mr. Collins.
` Q. Turning back to the '757 patent and Claims 1,
`2, 4, 6 and 7, you've read those claims numerous times,
` A. I have read them.
` Q. I'd like to direct your attention to Claim 7
`of the '757 patent. Does the phrase, "tear resistance"
` A. (Reading.) You mean appears in Claim 7?
` Q. Claim 7.
` A. (Reading.) It does not.
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`Page 26
` Q. Does the phrase "tear resistance" appear in
`Claims 1, 2, 4 or 6?
` A. (Reading.) It does not occur in 1, 2, 4, or
` Q. I direct your attention back to Claim 7.
` Does the phrase "burst strength" appear
`anywhere in Claim 7?
` A. It does not.
` Q. Does the phrase "burst strength" appear
`anywhere in Claims 1, 2, 4, or 6?
` A. It does not.
` Q. I direct your attention back to Claim 7.
` Does the phrase "rupture strength" appear
`anywhere in Claim 7?
` A. (Reading.) It does not.
` Q. Does the phrase "rupture strength" appear
`anywhere in Claims 1, 2, 4 or 6?
` A. (Reading.) It does not.
` Q. Prior to your engagement in this matter, have
`you heard of the law of obviousness directed to teaching
` A. Not previous to this process.
` Q. When you said Mr. Collins approached Atlas
`Roofing, do you recall how long ago that was?
` A. More than five years. I couldn't guess closer
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Petitioner - Owens Corning
`Ex. 1022, Page 26 of 44

`Page 27
`than that.
` MR. PEJIC: One short break.
` (A break was taken from 11:05(cid:160)a.m. to
` 11:10(cid:160)a.m.)
` Q. Mr. Todd, did you discuss your testimony today
`with anyone during the break?
` A. No.
` MR. PEJIC: No further questions at this
`time. I'd like to go off the record and take another
`short break.

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