Page 1
` )
` Petitioner, )
` )
` VS. ) Case IPR2015-00650
` ) Patent 8,137,757 b2
` )
` )
` )
` )
` )
` February 4, 2016
` Volume 1
`witness at the instance of the PETITIONER, and duly
`sworn, was taken in the above-styled and numbered cause
`on February 4, 2016 from 9:43(cid:160)a.m. to 5:50(cid:160)p.m., before
`Toyloria Lanay Hunter, CSR in and for the State of
`Texas, reported by machine shorthand, at the law offices
`of ANDREWS KURTH LLP, 600 Travis, Suite 4200, Houston,
`Texas 77002, pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil
`Procedure and the provisions stated on the record or
`attached hereto.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Petitioner - Owens Corning
`Ex. 1021, Page 1 of 160

` A P P E A R A N C E S
`Page 2
`F O R T H E P E T I T I O N E R :
` N e d P e j i c
` J e n n i f e r B . W i c k
` C A L F E E , H A L T E R & G R I S W O L D L L P
` T h e C a l f e e b u i l d i n g
` 1 4 0 5 E a s t S i x t h S t r e e t
` C l e v e l a n d , O h i o 4 4 1 1 4 - 1 6 0 7
` T e l : 2 1 6 . 6 2 2 . 8 8 3 5
` E - m a i l : n p e j i c @ c a l f e e . c o m
` j w i c k @ c a l f e e . c o m
`F O R T H E R E S P O N D E N T :
` G r e g L . P o r t e r
` J a m e s W i l l s o n
` A N D R E W S K U R T H L L P
` 6 0 0 T r a v i s , S u i t e 4 2 0 0
` H o u s t o n , T e x a s 7 7 0 0 2
` T e l : 7 1 3 . 2 2 0 . 4 6 2 1
` F a x : 7 1 3 . 2 3 8 . 7 1 6 9
` E - m a i l : g r e g p o r t e r @ a k l l p . c o m
` j a m e s w i l s o n @ a n d r e w s k u r t h . c o m
`- - a n d - -
`F O R T H E R E S P O N D E N T :
` J a m e s D . P e t r u z z i
` T H E P E T R U Z Z I L A W F I R M
` 4 9 0 0 W o o d w a y D r i v e , S u i t e 7 4 5
` H o u s t o n , T e x a s 7 7 0 5 6
` T e l : 7 1 3 . 8 4 0 . 9 9 9 3
` E - m a i l : j i m @ p e t r u z z i . c o m
`A L S O P R E S E N T :
` S t e p h e n L . S c h a r f , O w e n s C o r n i n g
` D a v i d C o l l i n s , F a s t F e l t C o r p o r a t i o n
` B . J . W a l t e r , F a s t F e l t C o r p o r a t i o n
` E d w a r d T o d d
`2 3
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Petitioner - Owens Corning
`Ex. 1021, Page 2 of 160

`Page 3
` I N D E X
`Appearances............................... 2
`Stipulations.............................. 1
`Signature and Changes..................... 129
`Reporter's Certification.................. 131
` E X A M I N A T I O N
` By Mr. Pejic 4
` E X H I B I T S
` Exhibit Description Page
`Ex. 1003 U.S. PATENT NO. 6,451,409 13
`Ex. 1001 U.S. PATENT NO. 8,137,757 65
`Ex. 1004 U.S. PATENT NO. 5,101,759 91
`Ex. 1005 U.S. PATENT NO. 6,875,710 116
`Ex. 1007 U.S. PATENT NO. 5,597,618 121
`8 9
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Petitioner - Owens Corning
`Ex. 1021, Page 3 of 160

`Page 4
`having been first duly sworn, testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Bowman. My name is Ned
`Pejic. I am counsel for Owens Corning. How are you
` A. Very well, thank you.
` Q. Could you please state your name and address
`for the record?
` A. My name is Dr. Mark Frederick John Bohan. And
`my home address is 112 Amesbury Drive, Pittsburgh, PA
`15241. And my work address is now 1000 Gutenberg Drive,
`Kennesaw 30144, I believe. I would have to check that,
`though. I've only just moved to that new work address.
` Q. And that's in Pennsylvania, the work address
`as well?
` A. No.
` Q. No? Just so I'm clear, your home address is
`still Pittsburgh?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Okay. Are you a Steeler's fan?
` A. (Laughing.)
` Q. Okay. You're here to testify in connection
`with a matter, IPR 201500650; is that correct?
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` A. That would be the correct number, yes, sir.
` Q. Did you spend time preparing for this
`Page 5
` A. Pardon?
` Q. Did you spend time preparing for this
` A. I did spend time preparing.
` Q. Can tell me how much time?
` A. When you mean preparing for this deposition,
`what are you referring to?
` Q. What did you do to prepare for this
` A. I wrote my declaration and then continued
`discussions afterwards.
` Q. How much time did you spend writing your
` A. I don't know the breakdown of -- I spent about
`120, 130 hours in total. I can't tell you the breakdown
`without going back to it.
` Q. That's fine. And how much time did you spend
`preparing for the deposition today?
` A. That's everything together.
` Q. Oh, that's total?
` Okay. Did you review any documents in
`preparing your declaration?
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`Page 6
` A. I believe all the documents are reviewed in
`the third section of my declaration, which I don't have.
`If you need me to go through them, I have my first
`section of my declaration.
` Q. Okay. Well, just so we're clear, I'm going to
`hand you what's been designated as Exhibit 2004 in the
`case. And it looks like it's your complete declaration.
` (Exhibit 2004 identified.)
` Q. So if you want to flip through it. But I'll
`just keep referring to this document as your
` A. Thank you.
` Q. So if you could take a look at it, and let me
`know if that's. . .
` A. (Reading.) On a quick review through, that
`appears to be the correct one, yes.
` Q. And is the section that you were referring to
`earlier which describes the documents that you reviewed
`in preparing that declaration, attached?
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. And can you identify that section for me just
`so we have it clear on the record?
` A. That would be page 91, page 92, page 93, and
`page 94.
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`Page 7
` Q. Is that what's called Appendix B or something
`like that on there?
` A. That would be Appendix B.
` Q. Okay. So that is a complete list of the
`documents you reviewed in preparing your declaration?
` A. I believe I reviewed all the documents there.
` Q. Okay. Did you do anything else in addition to
`reviewing those documents in preparing your declaration?
` A. I'm not quite sure I understand. This is the
`first time I have done a declaration. So I'm just
`unsure what you mean by that question.
` Q. Okay. So one of the things you did is you
`reviewed those documents?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you do anything else?
` A. I reviewed those documents, and I used my
`knowledge and the information. I thought those were the
`documents I directly reviewed.
` Q. You didn't have any discussion with anyone
`else; is that what you're saying?
` A. Well, I had discussions with Mr. Todd and the
`lawyers here.
` Q. Okay. What did you discuss with Mr. Todd?
` A. We discussed roofing.
` Q. What about roofing?
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` A. To gain an understanding and background to the
`Page 8
`roofing industry.
` Q. And what --
` A. And I believe I referenced that in my
` Q. And why did you need to gain an understanding
`and background about the roofing industry?
` A. Well, as you will see from my background, it's
`in printing. I did not have an understanding of the
`roofing industry to which this relates, and I needed to
`understand that.
` Q. Did you read anybody else's declaration in
`preparing for this deposition?
` A. I believe that I read Harvey Levenson's
`declaration. And that's his reference, I believe, in
`the Appendix B.
` Q. Anyone else's declaration?
` A. I read Mr. Todd's declaration.
` Q. Anyone else's?
` A. (Reading.) Clearly I read my own declaration.
` Q. Did you discuss the matter with Mr. David
` A. What matter?
` Q. This matter that you're testifying for today.
` A. Mr. Collins was in the room with the lawyers
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`Page 9
`when we were having discussions.
` Q. So did you have any discussions with
`Mr. Collins?
` A. He was involved in the discussion.
` Q. Okay. And you spoke directly to Mr. Collins
`during those discussions, correct?
` A. During discussions, I spoke with everybody in
`the room.
` Q. Okay. How did you come to know Mr. Todd?
` A. I came to know Mr. Todd through this process.
` Q. And earlier you said your discussions with
`Mr. Todd centered around gaining knowledge and
`understanding regarding the roofing industry, correct?
` A. That was -- we discussed the roofing industry,
` Q. Do you know what Mr. Todd's credentials are
`regarding the roofing industry?
` A. I've reviewed his declaration, and I've seen
`his curriculum vitae.
` Q. Did you rely on your discussions with Mr. Todd
`in forming the opinions contained in your declaration?
` A. When I was writing my declaration, I used all
`the references in my declaration that are listed in the
` Q. Okay. My question was, did you rely on your
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`Page 10
`discussions with Mr. Todd in forming your opinions that
`are contained in this declaration?
` A. The discussions with Mr. Todd provided
`information, part of the information that I used to
`write the declaration.
` Q. And Mr. Todd's declaration also formed part of
`the basis of your opinions in your declaration, correct?
` A. My declaration was not based on Mr. Todd's
`declaration; is that what you're trying to say?
` Q. I was saying -- just let me ask the question
` Did you rely on Mr. Todd's declaration in
`forming the opinions in your declaration?
` A. So I'm -- I mean, I used the discussions, as
`I've indicated, in my declaration. I used the
`discussions, and I reviewed the declaration. And that
`formed part of -- part of the basis of my declaration as
` Q. When you say --
` A. Providing background information.
` Q. Just so I'm clear, when you just said
`"declaration," you were referring to Mr. Todd's
` A. I looked at Mr. Todd's declaration. And if I
`read it, then it's going to -- as when I read any of the
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`Page 11
`other documents, they all formed part of the combined
` Q. So your declaration that I handed to you, that
`Exhibit 2004, do you believe your declaration to be
` A. I do believe, to the best of my knowledge,
`that this declaration is accurate.
` Q. Are there any changes, modifications, or
`supplements you'd like to make to it?
` A. What do you mean by -- I don't understand.
` Q. Is there anything you'd like to change in your
` A. I don't believe -- when I'm looking through
`it, I -- there are -- I have changed jobs. So at the
`time of the declaration, I was doing one job. I'm doing
`a different job now. So -- but at the time of this
`declaration, I believe in the information.
` Q. What portions of your declaration did you
` A. I wrote the substantive part of the
` Q. And what do you mean by "substantive part"?
` A. I took guidance from the lawyers on items such
`as the legal aspects.
` Q. Anything else?
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`Page 12
` A. I did not write this first page. I'm not sure
`-- I used the -- the help with putting the legal aspects
`in this and ensuring it was correct to the formatting
`which is required for this.
` Q. So the legal section, you got help with the
`attorneys. Is that your position on where you got
` A. That was -- yeah, the main area I got the
`assistance on.
` Q. Did you exchange any drafts with the attorneys
`of your declaration?
` A. The drafts were exchanged.
` Q. How many drafts?
` A. I could not remember that number.
` Q. Can you approximate the number?
` A. Yes. Probably five. It could have been more.
`It could have been less. I. . .
` Q. So earlier when you said you had discussions
`with Mr. Todd to gain an understanding of the roofing
`industry, were there any topics that you specifically
`focused on in those discussions?
` A. We discussed several items. There was some
`topics around heavily saturated asphalt manufacturer was
`one of the areas.
` Q. Any other areas that you recall?
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`Page 13
` A. I mean, there were other areas. We discussed
`the Lassiter pattern.
` Q. What aspects did you discuss the Lassiter
` A. You know, helping with understanding a roofing
` Q. What do you mean by "roofing line"?
` A. May I? These are clean. Am I allowed to look
`at these, or do you want me to ask for the documents
`from you?
` Q. Well, let's start by identifying what you're
`looking at.
` A. I would like to look at the Lassiter patent;
`am I allowed to do that?
` Q. Absolutely. Did you have a copy or we can
`provide you a copy.
` A. I have a copy of the Lassiter I believe. Or
`would you prefer to. . .
` MS. WICK: I can get you one.
` Q. So I'm going to hand you Exhibit 1003.
` (Exhibit 1003 identified.)
` Q. Is this the Lassiter patent that you're
`referring to?
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`Page 14
` A. (Reading.) I feel I need to check the number
`'cause I do not remember numbers in my head. (Reading.)
`That does appear to be the correct one.
` Q. Okay. So I believe my question to you was,
`what do you mean by a roofing line?
` And you said you'd like to refer to the
`Lassiter patent; is that correct?
` A. So I was referring to Figure -- an example in
`this case, Figure 1.
` Q. So you discussed Figure 1 with Mr. Todd; is
`that correct?
` A. That is one of -- I discussed Figure 1 amongst
`other things with Mr. Todd.
` Q. What other areas of discussion did you focus
`on with Mr. Todd regarding gaining an understanding of a
`-- of the roofing industry?
` A. We covered many different areas. And not
`exclusively, we discussed, for instance, roofing
` Q. Any other areas?
` A. We discussed asphalt saturated felt. Heavily
`asphalt saturated felt.
` Q. And what did you discuss about heavily
`saturated asphalt felt?
` A. We discussed several items. I can't remember
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`every item. One of the items would be the manufacture
`of it, the installation of it, the oils that come from
`Page 15
` Q. Anything else?
` A. Many -- we discussed items -- I cannot
`remember every second of every conversation that I've
`had with Mr. Todd. And if I have a piece of paper, I
`can start to write a very long list of items.
` If we want to understand the manufacturing
`amongst other items.
` Q. So is it fair to say that the purpose of the
`discussions with Mr. Todd was for you to gain an
`understanding regarding the roofing industry?
` A. That was one of the -- one of the areas that I
`discussed with Mr. Todd was the roofing industry and the
`components therein.
` Q. Is it fair to say that's because you did not
`have that understanding prior to your discussions with
`Mr. Todd?
` A. Prior to my discussions with Mr. Todd, I had a
`very rudimentary understanding of the roofing industry.
` Q. After you submitted your declaration in final
`form, did you discuss it with anybody?
` A. I discussed it with the people in this room
`down on this side of the table (pointing.)
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`Page 16
` Q. I wasn't one of them; that's why I was
`wondering. Can you please indicate which individuals?
` A. Mr. Porter, Mr. Petruzzi, Mr. Collins,
`Mr. Wilson, and Tom.
` Q. And what was the purpose of discussing your
`declaration after it was finalized with those
` A. I have never done a deposition previously. So
`I needed to discuss the deposition and what a deposition
` Q. And were you compensated for generating your
` A. I was compensated for my declaration.
` Q. And who compensated you?
` A. The compensation is coming from Andrews Kurth.
`That payment is made to Printing Industries of America.
`Personally, I see no -- so it goes to Printing
`Industries of America.
` And then as I have moved roles, a certain
`portion of that now goes to Heidelberg to cover my time.
`Would be spelled H-E-I-D-E-L-B-E-R-G.
` Sorry about that. I realized there was a
` Q. Can you tell me who is Heidelberg?
` A. Heidelberg USA are my new employers.
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`Page 17
` Q. Are you an employee of Heidelberg?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What is your role?
` A. I am a business consultant.
` Q. Can you explain what that means?
` A. Yes. In my role, I consult with companies
`looking at performance and looking at productivity.
`Improving profitability. I also write for them. In
`addition, I represent Heidelberg USA for standards to do
`with printing.
` Q. What is Heidelberg's main business?
` A. They are -- as I knew I would also like to
`look at their official definition, so I can make a
`comment. It's equipment and solutions for the printing
` Q. When did you start working for Heidelberg?
` A. November 30th, 2015.
` Q. Can you tell me what type of solutions for the
`printing industry are you referring to in the context of
` A. So Heidelberg was a leading manufacturer of
`offset printing presses. They sell digital printing
`presses. They sell -- they've recently purchased a
`company called Gallus and sell flexographic printing
`processes -- presses.
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`Page 18
` They sell finishing equipment, which would
`be cutters. They would also sell folders. There is
`some binding, I believe; though it's in a transition at
`the moment.
` They sell white formatting jet. They also
`provide prepress workflow systems. They would provide
`digital asset management solutions. Management
`information systems; which are used for managing
`printing facilities. They sell lithographical offset.
` THE WITNESS: Do you need me to spell
` A. Printing plates. And they sell consumables,
`which would be, ink, fountain solutions, spray powder,
`plates, pretty well anything you need on a press.
` And there is business consulting arm, of
`which I sit within the business consulting.
` They sell 3D -- or 4D, as they like to
`call it -- printers, 'cause time is involved. I'm sure
`about that. I probably missed some of the areas.
` Without having a list and going through
`it, it's difficult to remember everything on that one.
` Q. In what area do you consider yourself to be an
` A. I would consider myself to be an expert in the
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`Page 19
`printing industry. Can I refer to my -- I mean, I
`believe I referred to it in here. (Reading.)
` Q. Are you referring to your declaration,
`Exhibit 2004?
` A. Yes. Sorry. I have to check my number there.
`(Reading.) Yes. So I would say that that's a fair
`assessment. I'm an expert in printing.
` Q. Why do you believe you're qualified to be an
`expert in printing?
` A. I believe I'm qualified to be an expert in
`printing due to the body of work that I have done, my
`education, the research, the activities that I have
`participated in.
` If you would refer to Exhibit 204 [sic],
`is it? Appendix A. That would be my curriculum vitae.
`As you can see, at the time of writing this, I've
`published over 102 publications. Many of those are peer
` Over 200 invited lectures. Not always as
`an expert in the printing field. And I've been asked to
`keynote at various events. I write press articles.
` In addition, in 2010 I was in the -- you
`can tell my accent is English. I attained my green card
`as an alien of extraordinary ability, based on my
`printing background. So also that as being endorsed in
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`Page 20
`some manner by the US government when they provided that
`green card under those criteria.
` Q. Are you an expert in the manufacturing of
`roofing materials?
` A. I am not an expert on manufacture of roofing
` Q. Are you an expert in the manufacture of
`building materials?
` A. What would you mean by "building materials"?
` Q. Have you ever heard of that term before?
` A. Building materials? Yes.
` Q. What does that term mean to you?
` A. Any material whatsoever. Any material
`involved with a building.
` Q. Are you an expert, under that definition, of
`that subject matter?
` A. I think that that is a very broad area. A
`building material could be a wallpaper. For that, I
`have expert knowledge of. For a manufacture of a brick,
`I do not have that. They are both part of building
`materials. So I don't see how I can answer that. Some
`areas yes; some areas no.
` Q. Are you an expert in building cover materials?
` A. What -- how would you define "building cover
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`Page 21
` Q. What does the term mean to you?
` A. Building cover materials? Within -- from what
`I have learned on this and from my general knowledge,
`would be considering roofing materials. However, there
`may be other definitions.
` A building cover could also be a wallpaper
`in -- covering the inside of the building. So, again,
`if you can try to be more specific.
` Q. So if we just pause for a moment and look at
`your last answer. You would consider yourself an expert
`on a building cover material that is a wallpaper?
` A. I would consider myself an expert on putting
`an image onto a wallpaper. Not on putting a wallpaper
`onto a building.
` Q. What does the term "gravure" mean to you?
` THE REPORTER: I didn't get that, I'm
` MR. PEJIC: Gravure, G-R-A-V-U-R-E. So
`let me repeat the question.
` Q. What does the term "gravure" mean to you?
` A. Gravure, I would consider a printing process.
` Q. What kind of printing process?
` A. Do you wish me to describe the components
`within a gravure? I mean, a printing process. Is that
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`Page 22
`what you wish me to do? Would be the product.
`Typically printing or the process?
` Q. Well, if gravure means several things to you,
`I'd like to understand all the things it does mean to
` A. Gravure is a -- is primarily looking at a
`printing process for putting high-quality images onto a
`substrate. An example might be the National Geographic
` Q. How does gravure work?
` A. Gravure has -- how would you like me to -- how
` Q. You can begin wherever you'd like.
` A. Gravure is imaged typically in a -- onto a
`image carrier, would be gravure. From that, you would
`have a gravure press. The substrate is typically a web.
` It would then be fed through the press.
`The image to be printed from the cell would rotate,
`collect ink. That ink would be metered. It would be
`transferred to the substrate under pressure with an
`impression roll then be dried. And go onto a subsequent
`printing unit.
` Q. You referred to an image carrier. What is
` A. Image carrier would be a gravure cylinder.
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`Page 23
` Q. What is a gravure cylinder?
` A. Gravure cylinder is the image carrier. And it
`creates the image that you want in the gravure process.
`And, typically, it's etched or later engraved. Etched.
`Well, typically now it's diamond engraved or laser
` Q. So what is etched or laser engraved, as you
`say, on that cylinder?
` A. The image to be transferred.
` Q. How do things result in an image being
` A. As I said, it's typically engraved, not
`etched. So it would be engraved. That would create a
`recess in the surface of the cylinder. That would be
`then filled with ink. From there, that would be metered
`using a Dr. Blade.
` And then brought into contact with the
`substrate with a impression cylinder behind it, the ink
`is transferred at that point.
` Q. So earlier you mentioned another component of
`a gravure is a gravure press. What is a gravure press?
` A. A gravure press would be the complete system
`to be able to take the material and handle it.
` Q. Could you recite for me then what are the
`components of the complete system known as a gravure
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` A. A gravure press will vary on configuration. A
`Page 24
`-- may I have some paper and...?
` MR. PORTER: (Complies.)
` THE WITNESS: Thank you.
` A. Sorry. It's under oath. So I want to try to
`make this as accurate as possible. Again, this is a
`first experience of doing this. A gravure press will
`first of all have an unwind station. (Drawing.)
` That unwind station may have a splicing
`unit on it. From that unwind station, there will be
`tension control to ensure that the web moves through the
`press appropriately.
` From that section, there will be often a
`pretreatment to handle -- to look at, improve the
`characteristics of the web for printing. So that would
`be either a thing such as web cleaners or else
`electrostatic to help the transfer from the cell, then
`typically go into a single printing unit.
` And it will be the image carrier gravure
`cylinder that will be rotating in a bath of ink.
`Different configurations, different presses, this is a
`typical gravure press.
` It will have an impression cylinder at the
`rear of the web. So the web will pass through a net
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Petitioner - Owens Corning
`Ex. 1021, Page 24 of 160

`Page 25
`contact at that point. It's a rolling contact where the
`surface speed of the gravure cylinder is going the same
`-- similar speed to the surface speed of the web.
` You don't want differentials because
`you'll get image defects. We have the -- generally a
`rubber-coated impression cylinder. It will pass through
`that. It will then go through a drying unit to dry the
` More web movement and temperature --
`tension control throughout the web will run through
`subsequent units. So in a printing press, you will
`typically have multiple units because you're trying to
`build an image up from multiple colors.
` It will go through each of those units.
`The units -- the units, the printing and drying is
`repeated down. From that then it would go into an
`unwind -- into a rewind, sorry.
` Q. Why is the drying necessary?
` A. The drying is necessary to prevent

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